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Joy of Satanas Logo Update

That's the way I understood it and what you say makes sense although it might function differently in different languages. If someone can confirm or correct this it would be great.

@Darkspirit please check this if it changes something. Also the -та suffix = the, so радоста would equal "the joy". If not than nevermind. Cheers
Yeah you are perfectly right "радоста" equal "the joy", thanks for the feedback @Umun, but sounds better for my opinion. @The Alchemist7 [JG] what do you think, what will be better "радоста"="the joy" or "радост"="Joy"?
I don't understand why a declension rule is applied on a (non common) name.

SATANA(S) is the sacred name, not an object ?

Helena's business
Helena goes to school
Helena is taller than Brian / Brian is bigger than Helena
... you really write Helena in different manner in these cases ?

Else, the idea of "Joy of Satan" is "the joy that Satan provide", this joy is not exactly him possession
It is not Satanas that is the "possession" in this case, it is the "Joy". The Joy is of Satanas, is a possessive case here indeed. In English it would be "Satanas' Joy" if we were to do a literal translation if I understand correctly. In French is very similar to English. Joy of Satan literally is identical to Joie de Satan. However as Hellenic SS mentioned in other languages this works differently.
Yeah you are perfectly right "радоста" equal "the joy", thanks for the feedback @Umun, but sounds better for my opinion. @The Alchemist7 [JG] what do you think, what will be better "радоста"="the joy" or "радост"="Joy"?
Hello. If the choice is between (if translated literally), "The Joy of Satanas", and "Joy of Satanas", then the second option with simply "Joy" will be the better fit if it resembles the English variant more accurately
Greek doesn't work like English.
That's the way I understood it and what you say makes sense although it might function differently in different languages
It is not Satanas that is the "possession" in this case, it is the "Joy". The Joy is of Satanas, is a possessive case here indeed. In English it would be "Satanas' Joy" if we were to do a literal translation if I understand correctly. In French is very similar to English. Joy of Satan literally is identical to Joie de Satan. However as Hellenic SS mentioned in other languages this works differently.
I verified on Deepl with my basic Helen's examples... Yes, people names are polymorphics in Greek.
Helen can be Ελέν, Ελένη, Ελένης... according to her role in the sentence.
Greetings everyone. I have opened this thread so we can get the new Logo translated into all languages. Please reply below with the translations in your languages for "JOY OF SATANAS" (the Greek S will be added afterwards) and "THE ASSEMBLY OF THE GODS".
Many thanks to each and every translator that has done work for the Gods.

@Power of Justice [JG]
@cat's eye
@Crystal Lake
@Deep Darkness
@Voimir 666
@Henu the Great
@Hellenic SS
@स त न म
@AgniSarp 666
@BlackOnyx8 [JG]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
