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Someone claiming to be Serbon contacted me

Serbon said:
2. The guy I recommend this is older than me

Then that is easily excusable to me personally. You appear more mature and since that is the case you are to benefit from this, but might also mean a necessary seriousness about this (appearing mature).

You have to study more in-depth and understand differently all of these things such as hemp, marijuana and marketing plots in the world. There are doctors who advise using pure heroine as it "doesn't" create addiction in the exact same manner they promote Cbd.

Anything that is used for simple needs, just as sleeping better, elevating the mood, enhancing blabla is a reworded narrative of the recreational use. Medicinal uses imply real trouble in the body, such as not being functional and having extreme pain, on which some doctor might prescribe such oils. On oils and tea and all of this, there's a whole science and pseudo science again, as isolating compounds changes everything, the full mechanism is not in reality fully known, etc.

If you do not work the field 30 days out of 30, or are in physical pain and inflammation of the required level of this, ill, there is only recreational use. You have to be mature about your body, since being young you might not feel any drawbacks from this now, but it will become apparent after 25-30 years old.
Serbon said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Serbon said:
Because I've disagreed with you on a plant?
because you hang around the enemy and won’t out your (((fellow offmod))) on discord that’s actually against the JoS.
What enemy do I hang around with? What offmod on discord?
He most likely refers to Oi Argedco Luciftias. Outlaw Torn reads the bullshit posted in that forum of delusional clowns and believes their baseless claims for which they provide no evidence whatsoever, unless ""it was real in my mind"" is considered acceptable evidence to them.

As for the CBD oil and the general discussion, I don't agree or disagree on its toxicity or negative or positive effects on the body (is really a controversial matter) but what I noticed is that for example sleep quality depends a lot on your day to day lifestyle:
- dietary preferences: if you consumme a lot of added sugar (sweets, fizzy drinks etc.) and especially 2-3 hours before sleep then it is likely to have an unsatisfacatory sleep, even if is 8 hours long

- your physical activity: I noticed you will have a much better sleep if you practice a sport or exercise in the gym or at home, basically if you practice a type of organized effort to train your body

Other factors might include the air quality in your room, the weather, what time you go to sleep, the amount of light around you etc. This is why I consider that humans don't neccesarily need an external plant or treatment to "cure" certain problems they might suffer from as in many cases is enough to change their habits for healthier ones, this of course except of physical health problems that demand external treatment in order to heal.

It is most likely the same with many other "issues" which develop from unhealthy habits people have but ultimately it really depends from case to case.
The Alchemist7 said:
He most likely refers to Oi Argedco Luciftias. Outlaw Torn reads the bullshit posted in that forum of delusional clowns and believes their baseless claims for which they provide no evidence whatsoever, unless ""it was real in my mind"" is considered acceptable evidence to them.

What are you talking about with me?

I have never seen the discord website, I have only heard about it. And I have never seen the enemy forum either and I don't even know what it is called. I have never seen anybody actually say the name of it. People always just say enemy forum or enemy group.

So I can't imagine why you would say that any of those things are related to me.
Serbon said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Never use discord, and never trust what anybody says on discord. It is mostly all jews, people trying to scam you and steal money from you, or people trying to confuse and harm you.

Marijuana is one of the most dangerous poisons that is commonly consumed by people. Most people don't realize how much damage it actually does, but it does damage to every single part of the body. And it also does damage to the mind.
And about discord. I've taken pretty much all security and privacy measures for this. In my opinion, it is a great opportunity for spreading JoS
So you are on Discord?
Serbon said:
Aquarius said:
Serbon said:
Because I've disagreed with you on a plant? Or because I contacted a guy who first told me he doesn't even have account on the forums or anything, and then when he told me about problems he was having I was just trying to help him with my opinions and beliefs on a plant?
Cheeky of you to call it plant, it obviously sounds less dangerous when you call it "plant", so you try to save ass by minimizing what you did.

You suggested to use marijuana to a teenager, when it's a full blown fact that marijuana is something that is utterly devastating on the brain of a teenager, and by doing this you also indirectly proved that you are a drug user and invited other degenerate drug users on this post to speak in a good way about drugs. All of your credibility is literally gone, because you have acted as a hazard to people's wellbeing, especially a minor's wellbeing.
1. It is a plant
2. The guy I recommend this is older than me
3. I don't care if your trust is gone or not, I care about the Gods
I personally still trust and like Serbon. Not that anyone here cares.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What are you talking about with me?
Zola kikestar opened a forum where she managed to draw in all the dross and the lowest from here (infiltrators, deserters, lazy and deluded people etc.) and all they do in that forum is trashing JoS and the members day by day. They said about you that you are a drug addict and that you attacked JoS on discord, for which they never provided any evidence, probably only "it was real in their mind". The problem is not this, because losers and clowns that have nothing better to do with their lives other than trashing JoS and inventing lies and stories out of thin air are to be expected, the problem is The Outlaw Torn reads all this and he blindly believes it, and then post these baseless claims and stories here on JoS. I've noticed from the beginning that he has no good intentions here but at this point I am suspecting that he is one of the popular members of that place. I really hesitated to even post the first message above, they don't deserve the attention to be mentionned here. I only posted it because I've seen Outlaw Torn's message
The Alchemist7 said:
The Outlaw Torn reads all this
Apparently you do too!
So why read all of this if it’s untrue or irrelevant? I don’t even get it from there I see the evidence myself! But of course it can’t be posted here.
The Alchemist7 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
What are you talking about with me?
Zola kikestar opened a forum where she managed to draw in all the dross and the lowest from here (infiltrators, deserters, lazy and deluded people etc.) and all they do in that forum is trashing JoS and the members day by day. They said about you that you are a drug addict and that you attacked JoS on discord, for which they never provided any evidence, probably only "it was real in their mind". The problem is not this, because losers and clowns that have nothing better to do with their lives other than trashing JoS and inventing lies and stories out of thin air are to be expected, the problem is The Outlaw Torn reads all this and he blindly believes it, and then post these baseless claims and stories here on JoS. I've noticed from the beginning that he has no good intentions here but at this point I am suspecting that he is one of the popular members of that place. I really hesitated to even post the first message above, they don't deserve the attention to be mentionned here. I only posted it because I've seen Outlaw Torn's message

They also claimed Olly was in a private group on telegram that was headed by magestein, scheming with others ect.

I hardly believe this about Olly, however as far as the secret telegram group, back before I deleted telegram after I deleted all the dating sites that I had in May of this year, I received a "hi" from an unknown person on telegram by the name of "johnson smitha." Their number was hidden, so if it was someone from one of the dating sites I hardly think they would have a reason to have a hidden number.

The only other way someone could have had my number and found me on telegram and contacted me at that point, was if they knew me and had my number before, or if it was given to them by someone who knew me...because my number and username were hidden to anyone who was not in my contacts.

I tried to pry to see who this was and I got no answer. I blocked them. Later on, I got an anonymous email that very same day (refusing to say who they were) claiming to have a message to me about something quite sensitive to me, that only certain people knew about, and a few of those I am no longer on speaking terms with for obvious reasons.

I later believed to have put pieces together and received signs that the info that was relayed was possibly legit but was still trying to feel things out as this is something I have been trying to understand for some time, and it takes a while for me to make decisions about processing certain experiences and this shows in my chart.

Anyway back to the supposed existence of a private telegram group headed by magestein, I was curious due to what I saw speculation of after the anon telegram text and anon email on the same day, so I made another telegram account recently under a fake name to see if I could discover such a thing. I did see a group labeled "joy of satan" that suddenly disappeared from the list within seconds of pulling up search results, with the notification of "this group is private."

I know there is a possibility if this group exists that it might consist of one or two ex "ss" who have known me before and might have relayed something to magestein, (possibly out of spite) resulting in the anonymous email that I did suspect back then was meant to troll me. I am still not 100 percent certain, due to certain signs and coincidences that occurred after the email also, although I want to say no...I am still quite stubborn in trying to take my time to put pieces together and understand things.

But I feel to have seen what looks like possible evidence this telegram group might exist. I did not go off of the speculation I found alone, but I did take notice of this speculation due to what occurred with me back in May, when I read it. When my curiosity led me to find a group claiming association with JOS that disappeared saying "this group is private," it gave an impression to me that this could be quite a possibility. I do not believe however that Olly is a part of this.
Pumpkin671 said:
Serbon said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Never use discord, and never trust what anybody says on discord. It is mostly all jews, people trying to scam you and steal money from you, or people trying to confuse and harm you.

Marijuana is one of the most dangerous poisons that is commonly consumed by people. Most people don't realize how much damage it actually does, but it does damage to every single part of the body. And it also does damage to the mind.
And about discord. I've taken pretty much all security and privacy measures for this. In my opinion, it is a great opportunity for spreading JoS
So you are on Discord?
Yes. Using discord is just like using WhatsApp, Viber or Instagram, all are controlled by the enemy but come on, they can be used in our purpose
The Outlaw Torn said:
Apparently you do too! So why read all of this if it’s untrue or irrelevant? I don’t even get it from there I see the evidence myself! But of course it can’t be posted here.
I am reading there from time to time for amusement (literally most comments there are comedy and nothing else) and also to see what relevant information I can gather. I found there for example that Shadow The Raven who used to be into translations has deserted and went there due to being deluded on how the FInal RTR works because it didn't have the miraculous effects that he was expecting.

The problem is not that you go there and believe their crap, is your choice if you do, the problem is posting their baseless crap here with the sole intention to create conflicts. I don't know what "evidence" you have but there is no way to undeniably tell that someone claiming to be Oi Argedco Luciftias on discord is really him, it can be someone who hates him and wants to slander him. There is no way to know for sure. One thing is certain, it has always been a matter of time when infiltrators have been exposed here, and the damage they can do is minimal.

Look at Mageson for example, he was attacking the Final RTR on comments on Bitchute and he was identified by his terrible writing style, which was unique and only specific to him, that led to him being exposed and removed (of course the clowns from there defend and respect him). What damage he did in the years when he has been high priest? Some sermons that were reviewed anyway, nothing very major. Someone who isn't a high priest cannot do even this minimal amount of damage. JoS is so open about everything that is very difficult to infiltrate. If you think you have "evidence" that "exposes" Oi Argedco Luciftias, I don't think anyone would stop you from posting it, expect maybe that you don't want to compromise yourself more than you already did.

Shadowcat said:
They also claimed Olly was in a private group on telegram that was headed by magestein, scheming with others ect.
There have probably been dozens of groups and conversations outside JoS where most of the active and older members were trashed and slandered, and definitely impersonated. This is the unavoidable consequence of doing something noble for the world. Imagine how this is going to aggravate when JoS will become a lot more popular and widespread
The Outlaw Torn said:

Are you also aware that I made and created the Runic Rituals which you want to slander me about? You should be aware of this, they are my creation and I spearheaded them. You do not even know the basics of your shit arguments beyond trying to sow discord.

You are now banned for lying, attacks and attempting to sow discord on this place for literally since coming around?
Just stop glorifying drugs for fucks sake. Why would such a lowly shameful thing be witnessed in the one place that bridges us and the gods?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:

Are you also aware that I made and created the Runic Rituals which you want to slander me about? You should be aware of this, they are my creation and I spearheaded them. You do not even know the basics of your shit arguments beyond trying to sow discord.

You are now banned for lying, attacks and attempting to sow discord on this place for literally since coming around?

About time that shit stain is gone lol. He actually shit talked you to me in another thread which u gave an ellaborate reply to debunking everything but the topic no longer exists.

I had mixed feelings about him for some time but it's pretty clear he has no good intentions.
The Outlaw Torn said:

I know that the z**** jew forum exists. I have never said that I don't know about it existing. What I said is that I don't know what the name of it is and I have never seen anybody say the name.

What I said about Aldrick is common knowledge, and all that I said about it is from what he has personally admitted in his posts here on this website. I do not know any of his own specific groups because I was never part of any of them. But from what he admitted, a lot of it was with skype and emails.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
How am I changing my persona? I am the same person and the same personality that I always have been.

This is Kikeson basically or another loonie that saw you made an error and is now all over you to sow discord. Ignore them. They have been attacking members constantly and they are now kicked out.

Their operation merely was to sow discord and attack members like Jack, you, and finally me or others too with nonsense garbage.

They are the ones doing most of what they accuse you, such as being with the enemy etc.
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol argeco is changing his persona just like Jack. Notice how here he said he doesn’t know anything about this group but then makes this comment on another thread last year.
He has answered you already but still there is a long way from that message comparison to saying that he is an infiltrator, I start to think that you don't even believe yourself, as it seems you are posting this hoping for others to agree with you, and not because you are fully confident in what you believe. Don't blame me if you get banned, you attracted this upon yourself with your general activity that you displayed literally since you joined, or who knows how many other accounts you had before this one.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Outlaw Torn said:

I know that the z**** jew forum exists. I have never said that I don't know about it existing. What I said is that I don't know what the name of it is and I have never seen anybody say the name.

What I said about Aldrick is common knowledge, and all that I said about it is from what he has personally admitted in his posts here on this website. I do not know any of his own specific groups because I was never part of any of them. But from what he admitted, a lot of it was with skype and emails.

This is likely an infiltrator that has ties to Kikestein and therefore he hates you and found you slip once, jumped in to try to create disunity and so on. Despite of your mistake that is his rotten behavior. I was sent more information recently which points out to this, so do not worry. Nobody believes you are in some Discord doing all this nonsense.

The Alchemist7 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol argeco is changing his persona just like Jack. Notice how here he said he doesn’t know anything about this group but then makes this comment on another thread last year.
He has answered you already but still there is a long way from that message comparison to saying that he is an infiltrator, I start to think that you don't even believe yourself, as it seems you are posting this hoping for others to agree with you, and not because you are fully confident in what you believe. Don't blame me if you get banned, you attracted this upon yourself with your general activity that you displayed literally since you joined, or who knows how many other accounts you had before this one.

Refer to the reply above. It's either this or somet sort of other nutcase. They are accusing and attacking a member every next comment, then they are jews or hostile. This is all there is to it. This behavior is not positive for anyone involved. Only an enemy would behave like this to others.

They are banned now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Outlaw Torn said:

Are you also aware that I made and created the Runic Rituals which you want to slander me about? You should be aware of this, they are my creation and I spearheaded them. You do not even know the basics of your shit arguments beyond trying to sow discord.

You are now banned for lying, attacks and attempting to sow discord on this place for literally since coming around?

Aw HELL YEA Outlaw got his ass Torn 😈🤣
I didnt believe for a SECOND that he saud he was gay. If he was he would have at least been nicer to other gays in here
Serbon said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Serbon said:
And about discord. I've taken pretty much all security and privacy measures for this. In my opinion, it is a great opportunity for spreading JoS
So you are on Discord?
Yes. Using discord is just like using WhatsApp, Viber or Instagram, all are controlled by the enemy but come on, they can be used in our purpose
Not at all opposed to it.
To clarify and end this waste of time, I never had any account on that place and I never posted any message nor I will ever do, not with their anonymous account neither. I don't care to "defend myself" in that place and there is nothing to defend. I already mentionned above the reasons why I visit this place, to laugh and amuse at their and your ridiculous "attempts" to impersonate and expose HP Cobra and the other members, which are simply comedy as mentionned above. If you really believe that I care at all to go in the dwelling of the liars and the deluded who can't even stand each other to "defend myself" against their and your made up stories then keep being delusional. Any message that you posted and you will post on this regard there is the seed of your own imagination, exactly the same as all their "accusations" against JoS and the JoS members.

I also recommend everybody to not waste their time anymore "defending" JoS or themselves there, is really not worth the effort because you are dealing with morally and spiritually inferiour people. Their accusations or opinions about you or JoS in general are as important as a jewish fingernail.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Hey guys,
So on discord I got contacted by someone claiming to be Serbon. (Serbon, was that really you?)

Also I saw so many posts suggesting that marijuana is yin poison here on the forums but he suggested that it was healthy in small dosages and that Jews tried to hide the benefits and attacked marijuana for so many decades because it was so helpful. So was it really him or some imposter?

I don’t know who that is, but it’s definitely an imposter. Marijuana itself is when consumed in itself, because it contains both the harmful and non-harmful compounds combined together when consumed on its own (CBD and THC are two completely different compounds).

While THC is psychoactive, CBD (Canabidoil) isn’t and while CBD is meant for Medical Benefits, THC is only there to give you a high. Effects of THC have been documented for ages especially known to cause death to toddlers too. What makes THC Psychoactive?

When Cannabis is consumed while smoking, it directly goes to the brain in the form of Delta-8-Tetrahydrocanabidol and since they have similar chemical structures to Neurotransmitters like Dopamine, they bind to the receptors of brain replacing the neurotransmitters and this makes body and brain impulses even faster than normal especially if the Marijuana is in excess, causing the psychoactive effects of Marijuana.

NB: These case studies below depend on individual and shouldn’t be taken as Medical Advise, as the effects of Marijuana are different for everyone. One may or may not experience these kinds of effects and this all depends on several factors including Age, Height, Body Weight, Genetics and such. Please only take this information as part of what has been researched in the Medical Field and not as direct Medical Advise. If you see any of these symptoms mentioned below, contact Poison Control for more information on help.

Now comes to the part where we talk about Edible Consumption, experiences may be similar to smoking too, but again, not for everyone as everyone’s different.

Edibles are known to contain Delta-8-Tetrahydrocanabidol when consumed but since it’s eaten, it doesn’t go directly to the brain but first must be broken down into a different chemical structure by the liver (This process is known as Metabolism). The liver is known for the detoxification of substances and the breaking down of substances such as edibles is just an example of what happens there, but instead of actually breaking the edibles down, it actually makes it stronger. When Delta-8-Tetrahydrocanabidol gets into the liver, it’s further broken down to 1-Hydroxy-Delta-8-Tetrahydrocanabidol, which is more psychoactive than the Delta-8-THC itself.

Considering that it’s hydroxy, this simply means that it has an affinity for (The ability to bind to) the chemical structures of water, making it diuretic (Which means it will appear in your pee during a drug test, because it can be peed out since it can be present in water that’s in the body) and considering that it also has an affinity for fats as well, it has the ability to bind to the most sensitive part of the body that is mostly made up of fats (The Brain).

Once 1-Hydroxy-Delta-8-Tetrahydrocanabidoil binds to the fats in the brain and especially if it’s excess, it could even take more than a week to eliminate it (Considering, let’s say, a whole packet filled with Edible Gummies is eaten, but again, elimination period also depends on the dose itself). As soon as it binds to the brain and psychoactive effects begin to kick in, it replaces chemical structures for the neurotransmitters such as Dopamine and binds to receptors such as GABA and others that have the ability to bind to neurotransmitters that have similar chemical structures to the THC itself, replacing the neurotransmitter chemicals for the THC and especially being excess in amount, forcing body impulses (Electrical Impulses are messages from the body to the brain or from the brain to the body telling the body what to do. These are transmitted in the form of Ions such as Calcium, Magnesium and others and are gotten from energy from the foods that you eat) to be transmitted even faster than the normal speed of what an impulse can actually transmit. These five similar effects to drugs like Heroin and others and that’s why when you stop and the brain chemistry begins to restore back to normal, withdrawal symptoms can kick in and be severe (This is when you’re addicted and begin to actually stop) making stopping the drug actually harder and having to crave more of it.

During the time when the psychoactive effects kick in, this could happen. Cannabis Hyperemisis Syndrome (This is because the Cannabis has affected the parts of the brain that control the function for vomiting and breathing. Medulla Oblongata, also known as, Brain Stem). Symptoms of this syndrome range from Vomiting, Nausea, Loss of Breath and Similar and is less likely to be experienced by those who smoke but more likely to be experienced by those who consume edibles. People who have this syndrome are said to have been cured by permanently stopping cannabis and symptoms taking weeks to wear off but can be calmed down by taking cold showers. Other symptoms can be psychotic which can only be cut off by permanently stopping to consume cannabis and taking anti-psychotic medications such as Olenzapine.

So again, be careful and take care of yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
