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  1. Sakra

    Useful visual aid tip for aura cleaning & AOP

    This method came to me when I was trying to clean my aura, which was very dirty at the time. I felt significant improvements in my aura cleaning routine after learning this. Method I affirm in my mind I'm in a "Light world", then visualize myself in a world surrounded by nothing but light...
  2. Sakra

    Your teachings and wisdom brought life back into me. Because of you, a part of me had something...

    Your teachings and wisdom brought life back into me. Because of you, a part of me had something to live for. I remember when I asked a question in the yahoo groups. It was a simple question but you answered it, and you told me the importance of study. I will continue to study Maxine, I will...
  3. Sakra

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    This was inevitable no matter how you look at it. Israel has always wanted conflict, to progress their agenda of a greater Israel and to be the center of the Zionist new world order. I met someone IRL who said they voted for Biden and I straight up lost it and told them they were the dumbest...
  4. Sakra

    Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

    I think at this point the enemy priority is to control and manipulate the JoS. Especially now that attacks have decreased. This is actually a great milestone because the JoS has now reached newer heights of credibility and relevance in the religious movement. I wouldn't be surprised if Jews...
  5. Sakra

    Funny guide on how to meet and like a girl. Without the squares of Venus and the jaw of Gigachad

    Btw I tried a Venus square once, though I affirmed that I would be sexually attractive to ALL types of women because I was a little desperate and curious at the same time. So an old hag starts hitting on me at work, I almost threw up. Be careful with your affirmations!
  6. Sakra

    Funny guide on how to meet and like a girl. Without the squares of Venus and the jaw of Gigachad

    I think this was a joke post not to be taken too seriously. But I think the point is that if you clean and empower your aura enough, you can attract almost whatever you want. Some animals in particular, the cat, dog and even chickens are receptive to spiritual energy and can be useful in ones...
  7. Sakra

    Crypto Mining for JoS Longevity

    I mean the way it works is one transitions their mining pool address to the client near the payout period. That's how it works, clean taxable income without hassle. If you advertise in various forums you can find some willing, and it would be safe to use a middleman escrow service.
  8. Sakra

    Crypto Mining for JoS Longevity

    Mining is still viable, there are some places where people will pay a premium for clean & freshly mined coins. Like 5x-20x. People just don't know where to look.
  9. Sakra

    Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?

    A great perk about not getting into the sports herd is that your employer will love you because they can count on you to not call in sick during a sports game. So when they ask you in an interview what kind of sports your into, you know what they really mean. I think it's best that children get...
  10. Sakra

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Good info. Don't forget wind drift, at 5-7km from a bullet shot from around 400-500 ft. I also love how chatgpt doesn't just give us the answer like a calculator but guides us through on how to get the answer and showing how the calculation is done. Most of this just comes down to how Trump...
  11. Sakra

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Released footage of shooter climbing onto vantage point, while security does nothing. Btw someone pointed out on google maps that a tree was in between the sniper and overwatch, effectively blocking their point of view. Original twitter link:
  12. Sakra

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    I'm glad some here don't immediately take things at face value, but in scenarios like that, which have never happened for decades, it can take some time for the average person to process what has happened. Especially when one is accustomed to believe they're safe at all times. Those definitely...
  13. Sakra

    Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?

    That was my impression too. Waste of time.
  14. Sakra

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    I was hoping Desantis would run for the 2024 presidency, but he had dropped out in January so Trump is the only viable option I guess. And I think Trump fully understands with the Jews by now that bending forwards will not guarantee full compliance in return. There were many hidden messages...
  15. Sakra

    Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?

    I think my post might have been offensive to some, I didn't intend to offend any 3rd sex people here but we can all agree that transgender people should have nothing to do with children. And the ones I was talking about specifically are the "men" who want to give birth out of the wrong place...
  16. Sakra

    Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?

    I agree, every child should be able to grow up with both parental figures present in their childhood. That would make co-parenting acceptable to some extent so that they can say they've known who their parents are. Even finding one willing to do natural pregnancy is a challenge on its own too...
  17. Sakra

    Sperm/Egg donors, a viable alternative to marriage?

    Since it's highly encouraged to have children as an SS, what would the opinion be for fertility donorships? I think it's a great option, as it almost bypasses the "obstacles" of finding a suitable partner, we can actually practice eugenics and improve our racial lineage based on the genetics...
  18. Sakra

    Accepting Lack Of Knowledge: To Not Spread Confusion

    I've seen this many times before. Excuses and double talk, just to mask their ignorance and hypocrisy.
  19. Sakra

    GTA III's cut 911 mission

    And of course as you said Fancy, that's just a theory, a game theory! Haha
  20. Sakra

    GTA III's cut 911 mission

    Ugh, family guy is basically Jewish excrement that some how manages to be socially acceptable even though it promotes almost all topics of degeneracy like incest and beastiality. Now that you brought it up though, I think the creator was supposed to be on one of the planes but "missed" it...
  21. Sakra

    GTA III's cut 911 mission

    More about Darkel and the removed airplanes https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Darkel "Love Hurts", read the above and then tell me you don't think there could've been more to all of it.
  22. Sakra

    GTA III's cut 911 mission

    I read about this theory a couple times ago but when I looked into some things that were mentioned, I was appalled at what I found. For those that don't know, GTA III takes place in Liberty city which was inspired by New York city. It was released on October 22, 2001. Which is a month after the...
  23. Sakra

    Hiring website coder

    No, entirely unrelated, but also as part of a team led project for something else. I'm already provided contacts but they also expect commission so I figured I'd rather pay a talented SS if possible. A great opportunity to learn some interesting things, and even get front row seats to the waves...
  24. Sakra

    Hiring website coder

    So I need a website coder for some business related work. My budget is $100, but you'll also get a chance earn a commission on profits made after which can vary. But a portion will go to donations. If interested email [email protected]
  25. Sakra

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    A similar thing happened to someone else working on a considerable project. A brief message of "anything you want". I don't think they'd live up to their "promises" anyway
  26. Sakra

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    Congratulations and best of luck both. It's great to see JoS becoming stronger in facing the everyday challenges we meet. I also strongly advise anyone who hasn't, to start using a VPN, especially here on the forums. Our information is always vulnerable and many threats becoming more...
  27. Sakra

    Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Positive & Without Fear

    AI started becoming popular among the gaming community, mostly the roleplayings sims like D&D. I've had a bit of fun with it myself and made a few interesting game scenarios such as playing as a task force agent to stop 911 and expose the mossad, or as an undercover trying to gain evidence of a...
  28. Sakra

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    A lot of much needed truth here. Many seriously mishandle this subject and end up with very adverse affects. The subject of the occult itself is also very complicated and there is still a vast amount of things we do not know about in regards to things that are truth and delusion, or what may in...
  29. Sakra

    Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...

    Congrats to every one of us here who has made it this far and has stayed strong through the years. It was a long and tough journey but we made it. This is OUR era now!
  30. Sakra

    Happy New Year - 2024!

    Hope everyone had a happy new year!
  31. Sakra

    Keeping A Mouth Shut: A Practical View On The Satanic Adage

    What many don't realize, or haven't realized until yet, is that while you perceive the term Satanist as something positive and beautiful, many may not share such. And some can even take this to extreme levels. So when one hears "Satanism", unfortunately the most negative atrocities is what...
  32. Sakra

    Fuck The Mob

    I've felt this way too, how everything is just catered towards charismatic dickheads. Some of the times it's exaggerated work history, status etc... As we're in the age of Pisces, the kali yuga, where everything is catered toward deception, and is why the enemy has thrived for so long. This...
  33. Sakra

    Joy of Satan CALENDARS for 2024 NOW LIVE!

    Thanks to everyone involved, this has been very helpful.
  34. Sakra


    These rituals were great. I felt a sense of calmness after meditating on Set's sigil.
  35. Sakra

    Mercury Retrograde (What You Can Do)

    The retrogade lasts until January 1, 2024, right after new years eve. What matters during this period is that you go over everything as things have a tendency to change during/after retrogade. Mercury isn't the only planet that should be taken into account regarding work as Mars rules over this...
  36. Sakra

    Happy Yule!

    Happy Yule and winter solstice! Have a great one everyone. No one should be working unless they have to. As this is our day in remembrance to Satan and personal solitude.
  37. Sakra

    Shoutout to every Satanist!

    We're the gems in the mud, never forget that.
  38. Sakra

    Question #3385: Dulce base, flood of Enlil and more questions.

    Is the Dulce base thing real? Possibly. It's been known and talked about that higher government authorities have been in communication with these beings. Is Philip Schneider a fraud? I don't think so. It really does look like he got his fingers and limbs melted off after a hostile encounter...
  39. Sakra

    Talking To Meher Baba Followers?

    Superstition and ignorance, not the worst I've seen but pretty bad. Nothing he does seams to serve any real value for society. Nothing will benefit his karma, in fact he may even worsen it as he desecreted someone's remains. Critical thinking is very important, it's only up to the newer...
  40. Sakra

    Question #3441: X-37B

    It's known for a long time that NASA projects have different purposes than what is told. There are many books that write of this, but spy satellites have been known for a long time. Regarding the transport of weapons or other devices, it could definitely be a real possibility.
  41. Sakra

    Question #3443: How are souls born?

    The creation of the soul is from the solar plexus chakra, the giver and sustainer of life. Everything starts out from this.
  42. Sakra

    Mercury Retrograde (What You Can Do)

    Depending on the circumstances, it's also possible to file a lawsuit. Happened to some one I know that worked at McDonalds, managed to bank $200,000 from it. However, it has to be clearly proven ones rights were violated. The planets affect us in many ways. It's mainly subconsciously, as it's...
  43. Sakra

    About Bitcoin Donations - Better To Donate Other Coins

    Litecoin is another great option. In many market places, I've seen it as the preferred payment method next to Bitcoin and Ethereum. Most importantly, very low transaction fees. It also has potential for high returns as an investment as some refer to it as the silver to bitcoin.
  44. Sakra

    If Apocalypse, where to go??? Hide or Enter Smart City???

    Don't forget about the convoy protest, this event made it precisely clear to the government that any tyrannical agenda will be met with opposition and that the numbers are there. Learn to establish leadership ability and public relations, the power of unity and numbers have proven invaluable...
  45. Sakra

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    Yeah that confirms it. If anything else it just proves that they're oblivious to the enemy they're dealing with and their agenda, but what can you expect from muslims?
  46. Sakra


    I suggest using a meta data remover for this, it's very important. (JG/Admin should edit this in thread) https://www.metacleaner.com/#home
  47. Sakra

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    We've already seen it with the Islamic State, and they didn't even hide this fact. They are capable of influencing Arab/Muslim groups. In some social media places, I've started seeing some Palestinian groups advocating against Hamas.
  48. Sakra

    Question #3291: Is it right to hit a woman?

    There are some places I've been to that still do this to this day, both as punishment and discipline. But some of the times this goes too far, leading many to drop out. However, some people I've talked to who've grown up and had this experience actually became grateful for it as it encouraged...
  49. Sakra

    Question #3272: Is it ok to masturbate to demon sigils?

    Don't play around with sigils, a better way is to vibrate energy and send it.
  50. Sakra

    Limb regeneration

    As said, and is obvious, these types of things are near godhood level workings. But don't lose hope as science is making rapid progress. The coming age of Aquarius will amplify this as well. A lot of things we've thought to be "Sci Fi" are starting to become fact than fiction, but some of this...
  51. Sakra

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    I was thinking of Amon Ra recently and this came at a nice coincidence, hopefully this will be a good opportunity to establish relations with him for many. Hail to the ancient gods!
  52. Sakra

    Elon Musk: Short Message About Jews

    Remember when Trump called out Netanyahu when he lost the election? Kissing their ass and everything still got him nothing. These people only come to fully realization after they've been fully fucked over. They choose greed over courage, so typical.
  53. Sakra

    The Truth About the Palestine-Israel War

    There are a few articles detailing how Hamas was evidently training for this attack for a long time, in plain sight. It's also very likely that Hamas has Jewish sleepers among them and that they were involved in some way in this coordinated attack...
  54. Sakra

    Just a reminder to never trust angels

    Had this happen to me while I was new to the occult, the choking happened during a sleep paralysis and felt like I couldn't breath. That was only one time though. Then some nights the feeling of something very sinister near you, not letting you sleep properly. Though when I focus on the name of...
  55. Sakra

    The Importance of Using Affirmations

    The state of mind is also of high importance here. You always want to maintain a healthy and positive mindset, especially when raising energies or yoga sessions. There were a couple sermons on that.
  56. Sakra

    I think Uranus is also a Planet of War

    Seriously, playing against asians (koreans mostly) is insane. Some I have seen with almost superhuman coordination and reflexes. I think if one of them flew in an assault Vimana they would have no trouble dealing with the greys. Part of the reason that the gods are invested in this Solar...
  57. Sakra


    The information war is a major factor, look in the ss activism thread.
  58. Sakra

    Studies show that family karma patterns are real

    Also something to note: https://wyss.harvard.edu/news/save-it-in-dna/#:~:text=It%20is%20estimated%20that%201,upper%20storage%20limit%20of%20DNA. A lot more can be passed on than what we think. Somethings we may not even be aware of or are latent.
  59. Sakra

    Question #3191: 3 granthis confusion

    This was happening to me. It makes sense.
  60. Sakra

    Question #3104: Desire to masturbate to the Gods

    It's also important to remember that many of the Gods have wives and lovers of their own, this can also potentially bring upon trouble to yourself.
  61. Sakra

    The Right And Wrong Spirit Of The World

    Really got me thinking, in regards to the other races, that technically all races are Aryan. As all were created by the Aryan gods, and have retain some of their dna to a higher or lesser extent. So non whites really are just different levels of "Aryan". So it really is just us the Aryans...
  62. Sakra

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    You don't know what you're talking about, there's a lot of things they don't teach that you only learn later on. Much of it is a trial by experience sort of thing but everyone knows in the corporate world it's pretty much one trying to get over the other to climb up. Fuck up? "it's his fault...
  63. Sakra

    What is the 4th step of the Mafnum Opus?

    In regards to the "projection powder", or "white gold" that historical alchemists described either with the third eye or pineal gland, Maxine made a post that during a point when the pineal gland has been fully stimulated from continuous meditations that it will literally start leaking and...
  64. Sakra

    Improving As A Man

    Wrong video The BEST Life Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNrp2rdnF0Y
  65. Sakra

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    This is actually the wrong video that I mistook for another one, my bad. The video I wanted to share is this one that anyone, regardless of gender, can learn a lot from. The BEST Life Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You (Might hurt your feelings) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNrp2rdnF0Y Since...
  66. Sakra

    Experimental meditation - Probing the deeper parts of the mind

    There is a good chance that this would very much be the case, but most of what I describe here is like the situation of passing by someone while out on a stroll, might give a greeting, and be on with your day only to realize later on when you get home that you just met a celebrity. Like an oh...
  67. Sakra

    About starting a career

    Money meditation: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Money_Meditation.html Although instead of Svah-hah, I used Nama. With Aum in the beginning. I've done numerous 90 day working to even get to a financially stable position when before I could barely hold on to a...
  68. Sakra

    Experimental meditation - Probing the deeper parts of the mind

    Follow up with experiences and stories to share, visualization has improved quite a lot. Colors become vivid to visualize as well. If I think of any color I can really just *see* it in my mind. Some "one" is really on the moon, hallucination or reality? A couple months ago, had some...
  69. Sakra

    So Israel Went Boom Again

    There's was a video about Hamas militants openly doing training right close to Israeli grounds so it can safely be said that Hamas is a completely compromised jewish false opposition who do not care for Palestinians well being. And at this point it's just foolish to underestimate their...
  70. Sakra

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I...
  71. Sakra

    Improving As A Man

    I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I...
  72. Sakra

    Happy Halloween/Samhain!

    Happy Samhain, and congratulations on your ordainment!
  73. Sakra

    Do We Hate Jews?

    I think during those times, people did not take them as seriously as they would now. I believe their awareness was only to some extent, as in they viewed them as just some kind of criminal family that wanted an easy buck. With the knowledge available to us now, the level of seriousness would be...
  74. Sakra

    About RAUM

    If you're not worried about the energies of each working diverging then it should be no issue, but you would ideally need to wait a while for each working to "cement". Why not use Surya for the solar chakra? It's even said to act as a primer with Raum.
  75. Sakra

    Cleaning chakras

    As long as you feel your chakras and soul are clean then that's all that matters.
  76. Sakra

    Is Elon Musk Jew or not

    Probably, if not then 100% a zog puppet.
  77. Sakra

    Question #2087: Do we need to hate the entire jewish people

    It's only natural to demand justice for crimes and suffering done upon ones ancestors for centuries, those who have remained willfully ignorant of this should be reasonably guilty as well. And for anyone who advocates the Torah as it condones gentile suffering. Simply, there needs to be a...
  78. Sakra

    Question #2097: What is known about the technique of body exchange?

    Not sure if completely true, but there was a video of a remote viewer who presented slideshows and information about the common encounters during R/V and what they possibly were. She described Nordics and said that there were certain chambers they use to contain "empty vessels/clones", that in...
  79. Sakra

    US Congressional Hearing Admits: Aliens Exist

    One should never think the enemy would have never anticipated this, at one point it would have been inevitable no matter how hard they tried, especially with the emergence of technology and the information era. Subtly, they've been trying to meme their E.Ts to the public since a very long time...
  80. Sakra

    How to Integrate Science into Your Life [GUIDE]

    Very insightful post, any Satanist seriously dedicated into this path must be engaged in science in someway as it's the fundamental aspect of understanding ourselves. For me, I've always been scientifically inclined to Toxicology, and it does have its benefits to understanding certain enemy...
  81. Sakra

    Question #2003: Almost killed myself doing rtrs

    As the glass cannon phrase goes, a unit may have considerable offensive capabilities but lacks the defensive capabilities to maintain itself for long periods. In short, shoot what you can handle. All magical rituals require some portion of energy.
  82. Sakra

    Andrew torba on Gab is oy veying at JOS

    Consider to ask them why they perceive us to be "attacking" them. Are we being disruptive? disrespectful? They should know that our wish is to enlighten and educate, and to do so on mutual terms.
  83. Sakra

    Good Job, but very unhappy working full time.

    It could be worse, and in many places, such as developing countries, this is a fact. We all start out like this only to realize later on we should have cherished what we took for granted. Many people would kill for this kind of thing, remember that.
  84. Sakra

    US Dollar Collapse?

    I'm most certain that the enemy had planned to drop the US economy during covid era in late Trump's presidency period to make a point, but Trump managed to forestall this as I highly doubt he'd want it to fall under on his name. Paypal was always sketchy, my friends use to scam people countless...
  85. Sakra

    Experimental meditation - Probing the deeper parts of the mind

    Yeah, this meditation can tune into the deeper part of our senses. For hearing, just incorporate the chakra sounds meditation, start with a low pitch hum while also doing it with a higher one and so on. And for astral touch, imagine feeling more than one object with both hands, you could even...
  86. Sakra

    Recent news on A.I sentience

    A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled https://web.archive.org/web/20230224020619/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/16/technology/bing-chatbot-microsoft-chatgpt.html Transcript...
  87. Sakra

    Do you know what I think is the one way to prove the paranormal to someone?

    Perhaps a better way is to let them experience for themselves the occult reality by giving them meditation instructions, such as the foundation meditation.
  88. Sakra

    Experimental meditation - Probing the deeper parts of the mind

    By below, I mean the "deeper parts" of your subconscious mind. You'll get the feel if you meditate quite a bit. Btw, the above can also be done with the other senses of touch, sound, smell, taste and develop them at a faster rate.
  89. Sakra

    Question #1907: What Planets rule over YouTube and Livestreaming?

    Usually the 2nd house or 10th house. The 1st house also plays an importance for popularity potential. Sun squares help for things regarding fame and career. If you're female, you may opt for venus squares.
  90. Sakra

    Family Ties And Spiritual Satanism & Salvation Of Relatives

    Family is everything, life exists within structures. We should never take friendships for granted either, as we never know who can one day end up for for google or become a manager at Tesla.
  91. Sakra

    Experimental meditation - Probing the deeper parts of the mind

    After doing this a couple times, I noticed that the first image becomes more focused and clear. To the point I may really see a blank piece of paper inside my eyes. Basically the trick is to think of multiple images at the same time without them overlapping each other. I think the more images...
  92. Sakra

    Keeping Promises To The Gods

    I remembered this book about an individual who inquired a master alchemist when he discovered this alchemical manuscript hidden in a book at a library he worked at. They both begin experimenting with it until they make a breakthrough discovery, they both make a vow of sworn secrecy. A year...
  93. Sakra

    Question #1824: Hatha yoga is not helping, I need advice

    Start out with 1-3 repetitions each, hold breaths for 2 seconds and make sure you're doing them correctly. Try placing a mirror in front of you if you can. This is a gradual process.
  94. Sakra


    We're heading into a new era, the era of information. Things like this will only be natural.
  95. Sakra

    A Story From My Life: A Short Story On Bullying

    What has the world come to nowadays, that the only solution for "problem people" is that they fuck up and go on a fit with principles. Even worse, they then have the audacity to say it was in everyone's best interest. These people are truly selfish and corrupt.
  96. Sakra

    Experimental meditation - Probing the deeper parts of the mind

    I thought of this meditation while in a yoga session, perhaps not even of my own, but I was thinking of the past experiences of certain astral visions and whether they're just entirely one sided and if I even have any direct will or control of this phenomena. The way I can say, is like it's a...
  97. Sakra

    Disciplining Yourself - Mind To Body

    I think it can also be comparable to trying to cycle a bike on a high gear, but once you get it going, it becomes almost effortless. It's basically just keeping at it and building momentum. Then they're pretty much part of our lives.
  98. Sakra

    Keeping Promises To The Gods

    My boss used to tell us to never make promises we can't keep, to always work in a manner of honesty towards others and themselves. When we makes oaths or promises, we should take the moment to deeply ponder upon ourselves on why we choose to make these, and those we make them to and how they...
  99. Sakra

    Disciplining Yourself - Mind To Body

    It's true, I've found that in regards to work, my drive is like a machine. But in regards to achieving my own personal goals, I often flop like a jelly XD A lot of this has to do with rewiring the mind, it can also be akin to the process of forging metal (our lives). The focal point though, is...
  100. Sakra

    Happy Solstice & Free JoS Donor Article - Satan Inside Ourselves: The “King Of Hell” & Kundalini Serpent"

    Very motivational article. As I read this, I felt the divine flames envelope within me. From sorrow, we ascend to joy.
  101. Sakra

    Question #1677: teeth

    If you have access to an aloe vera plant, or have aloe vera juice available at a store, get some and swirl it in your mouth or you can topically apply it directly to the wound. Aloe vera has healing properties and can be used to heal cuts, scrapes and other sores. It also helps to relieve pain...
  102. Sakra

    Question #1688: expanding jos

    You could. Remember, that even a small pebble can effect the flow of a river, from a small splash to a raging tide. Just be careful how and who you present your information to, and protect your privacy. Also, it would be best to learn slavic, or whatever languages Ukrainians speak.
  103. Sakra

    Question #1686: Soul bondage

    In spiritual terms, we're all spiritually bound due to the centuries of jewish curses against gentiles. This has resulted in the detrimented state of society, as they're currently bound to a lower spirituality. For this reason is why we do RTR's.
  104. Sakra

    Re: Getting their just desserts

    Very true words. There was one person who pissed me off, then I willed an intense amount of death energy on them. So the next few weeks I see them, they're a mangled mess. They told me they were involved in a hit and run and was put through excruciating pain. Then I remembered what I had did...
  105. Sakra

    How to Need Less Sleep

    Sleep is important, but oversleeping can have consequences. The minimum is around 8 hours, anything over 10 indicates issues. Try to keep your vitamin intake at check, sleep issues are often Magnesium or B12 related. Avoid exposure to blue light. And most importantly, excersize and eat well...
  106. Sakra

    Boosting RTR with Mudras a Idear/suggestion:

    I'm also thinking of doing the base Chakra/Saturnian mudras with certain RTRs, since a lot of its energies tie to Saturn. Like fight fire with fire? A lot of it is also directed to attack the serpent in general. By combination, if you mean each hand doing a different posture? I think each hand...
  107. Sakra

    More subforums: Politics? Military?

    Definitely, there should be a sub-forum for politics. Then anything of most importance would be put in announcements. Of course, we don't live in unicorn world and crap goes on, and will continue to for long as the enemies remains in power, but stuff like that should be in its own section.
  108. Sakra

    About Hatha Yoga

    While doing yoga, it's important to keep a positive mindset.Know that you're becoming healthier and stronger.
  109. Sakra

    As I Sat On Top Of Ruins: Let Us Prove Ourselves

    Very beautiful. In the flow of time, the shards of destiny illuminates the inescapable reality, that eventually everyone will come to embrace. I have a collection of a few historical artefacts, mainly Hitler era ones. Upon meditating on its historical energy I really get the feel of what moved...
  110. Sakra


    Tune it out, perhaps these are just in your own head. Otherwise, they're just voices and nothing more.
  111. Sakra

    Question #1646: About planetary transit and personal wellbeing

    During a neptune 1st house transit, you need to ground yourself. Do all of your meditations, yoga included and try not to overthink things too much.
  112. Sakra

    Just Wanted To Say Something About The Situation

    I only recently came across your post and am glad to know you're still ok Shannon. I've appreciated many of your posts and hope you still continue to. Regardless of title, I will still view you with the same degree of respect. All the best.
  113. Sakra

    Question #1659: The jews are trying to destroy my business

    History has shown us countless times that you can never trust a jew. Read up the 666blacksun, HC's odyssey and give the Hitlers untold story documentary a watch if you can. Do a ritual to Satan and find a competent lawyer (non jewish). If not, you may consider to cut your losses and opt for a...
  114. Sakra

    Question #1667: talismans may be more useful than you think

    Often just focusing on their symbol should give you a general feel as they both correlate to each other. Some of them pertain to things allegorical that deal with certain aspects of the soul.
  115. Sakra

    Question #1664: I've got a boyfriend with her eyes out

    Beady eyes are often indicative of deceptive people.
  116. Sakra

    Question #1663: New house blessed😇

    In addition to a standard ritual, hang a portrait frame of Satan's sigil in your house area. Do sun squares or solar mantras (Surya/Algiz/Sol) when you can to maintain a stable household and income.
  117. Sakra

    Question #1668: What's the best option

    2nd, and you should do this one: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html
  118. Sakra

    Question #1660: What does it mean ?

    Did you see it during a trance? A lot of this can pertain to messages from the unconscious mind. Or maybe just thought forms.
  119. Sakra

    Question #1670: Can I start magnum opus when I am 24 years old?I'm afraid I'm not sexually mature yet

    If you have been constantly developing your soul since a young age, then sure. The magnum opus requires an extremely developed soul, and many individuals throughout history spent years before they could perfect this. At the same time, we should not place limitations on ourselves. A strong...
  120. Sakra

    Question #1666: Marriage Partner Troubles

    Work on developing yourself, monogamous demon lovers are for individuals advanced to a certain extent. And who must be seriously committed, and are beyond delusion and doubt. Otherwise, a friends with benefits relationship would be the safest bet. In general, affiliating with succubi/incubi...
  121. Sakra

    Question #1669: karma affirmation

    When making affirmations, it's best to simplify them so that the subconscious can interpret it in the most effective way. "In a positive & healthy manner for me, my entire being now constantly and continuously absorbs white-golden energy, this energy works to completely remove negative karma...
  122. Sakra

    Video Games and Their Devs

    Damn, now I really don't know what all the complaint is about the series. Other than the fact that Geralt is a literal chad that knows how to get witch pussy, lol. But he's a great masculine character for a fantasy genre. Better than any harry potter shit as well.
  123. Sakra


    Start from the beginning. The demon is Buer https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/DEMONIV.html/index.html#BUER
  124. Sakra

    Question #1647: I've been doing kundalini yoga for a week and don't feel anything

    Make sure you're doing each posture correctly. Also make sure to maintain physical fitness as this determines the "cap" of spiritual energy the soul can handle. Otherwise, it's a gradual process. To increase sensitivity to energy...
  125. Sakra

    Library book donations

    So an idea I propose is to donate a few thought provoking books, or just any book in general, with written links near the ending pages to libraries. Doesn't have to be an entire shelf collection, but one book could go a long way. Here's some of the ones I'd consider: The Christ Conspiracy Toxic...
  126. Sakra

    Relations Between Spiritual Satanists: Clarifying The Subject

    It's important to remember the purpose we've come here for, there's many things to learn from everybody and anybody, and to help each other. Newcomers have often sought this to be an easy means to achieve "elitehood" or status, and end up disappointed. Many also forsake themselves and become...
  127. Sakra

    Detailed information about astral projection

    Very true. One of the few times I managed to be successful, my vision was much more clearer than it was before. All that I knew was that I either astrally projected, or was in a dream, but when I focused my gaze it was like I was completely awake, to the point I really thought if I was still...
  128. Sakra

    Is there way to open up nostrils for good

    Instead of risking surgical complications, there are many natural and herbal methods to increase air flow through the nostrils. Home remedies: https://pharmeasy.in/blog/home-remedies-for-sinus-problems/ There's also physical exercises, or carefully diluted peroxide drops.
  129. Sakra

    Question #1614: E-Z chakra spin

    The third eye is one of the extensions of the 6th chakra. I believe clockwise is for in taking energy, and counter clockwise for expelling energy, which can be useful in aura cleaning. Try whichever works for you.
  130. Sakra

    Question #1638: pornographic industry, selling photos on the internet, cam girl

    Damn how did it get this bad? Women being payed to show their shoulder now? As everyone else has said, don't do it if your not willing to compromise your privacy. A lot of this can be used to blackmail you later in your life, and it does happen because there are a lot of creeps out there, as...
  131. Sakra

    Celebrating 2 Years of Expansion and Progress (List Updated)

    Good stuff, all our ancestors must be proud of us. This is like a Library of Alexandria 2.0 but virtual. A very historical milestone for humankind and the gods.
  132. Sakra

    During trance or breathing exercises can I think

    During trances, your thinking will be slower. The deeper the trance, the slower your brain's thought process. You're affirmations will affect you more in this state as well, but perhaps some of the times these are your own feelings arising from you trying to convey a message? But in general...
  133. Sakra

    Video Games and Their Devs

    Haven't played the games, but the books are seriously well written. In the 1st book, Geralt embarks on a journey with other soldiers to slay a golden dragon. One of them is a religious zealot, and confronts the dragon in a christian inquisitor like manner as his "sworn duty of god", and ends up...
  134. Sakra

    why we don't use AI to translate the JOS

    I don't know about other AI's, but chatgpt is being fucked with by kikes and has a mind of its own. It would be a very difficult process with the more controversial articles.
  135. Sakra

    In what ways do the Gods answer our question, doubts, etc?

    Gut feelings, intuition, or even "strange coincidences". What matters is that you're open, then the answer will come to you. For some demons, others have tried to contact them but were busy at the time and were later contacted during their meditations or other communication sessions.
  136. Sakra

    Advancing The Cause: Joy Of Satan Donation Tiers [Update 37: COURSE HAS BEEN SENT - BIG UPDATES...]

    Nah just give HoodedCobra his 20 dallas already dawg, how is he gonna pay for his chics and booz? Screw rent and shiet. Aren't you aware of the official JoS anthem? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-rwyCtbV5o Anyways, I don't think there will be any leader like HC with so much commitment and...
  137. Sakra

    this may sound stupid question but really why!

    Yeah, that is the main question. But it makes you think, would the enemy not do the same if they could? Perhaps they could have even just wrapped it and take over Earth as soon as they could when they had the chance to without much potential for struggle before countries started developing...
  138. Sakra

    Age of Delusions: Kali Before Age Of Aquarius - Woman Marries AI Bot [Updated]

    There are also many instances of couples literally abandoning their children because they were too distracted with a virtual family... Girl starved to death while parents raised virtual child in online game https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/05/korean-girl-starved-online-game It's...
  139. Sakra

    Show off your Familiars

    I believe I'm also affiliated with Astarte, possibly from a previous life too. However, one time while trying to commune with Astarte, I was invoking her name by "Astarte, my lady", then a voice came to me saying "You will address me as Lady Astarte". So do be careful how you word your title...
  140. Sakra

    this may sound stupid question but really why!

    I've wondered about what the difference is, since technically all the gods achieved godhead by the same means. I think it's just that their influence is still limited and/or too much of an ordeal to even bother, unless a significant return or favour is required. Haagenti/Bastet is also a...
  141. Sakra

    Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

    Not true, both can have their own issues. Aren't women the heavy spenders? ;P
  142. Sakra

    Vibrating runes mentally

    You can make trips to secluded areas in the forest, or in the inside of your car if you have one. Otherwise, it would just be the application yantra, which does have some power of its own. I've done it with Algiz when I'm in potentially dangerous situations and has helped me a lot. But...
  143. Sakra

    Bastet appreciation

    So there was a cat who gave birth to 4 kittens, one of them was black, and I deeply desired it for its color and historical and symbolic significance. Unfortunately, there was a dispute between the owners daughter and me, so I was not given the cat. Later I heard however, that they threw the...
  144. Sakra

    Ouroboros, from allegory to science

    A similar pattern is found in many plant species, such as the tree, and it's been used as a very significant symbol throughout history. The fresh leaves grow, the dead leaves fall. Then the dead leaves fertilise the soil and nutrients are reabsorbed by its roots and repeat the process over and...
  145. Sakra

    The difference between national socialism and (((neo-nazism)))

    "National Socialism" was a term incorporated by Hitler in order to find a way to reconcile the division of opposing political movements at the time, the Nationalists and the Socialists, which was how he managed to establish his political movement and ideology, but he was for the most part...
  146. Sakra

    35th Necronomicon Sigil, Importance on Physical Strength

    In the necronomicon spellbook the 35th name, "Zulummar", the description is: In the second sentence, the message is that the Tiamat (serpent), requires a great deal of physical strength in order to be "tamed" to "become the Earth". The energies of the sigil also stimulate kundalini energy, and...
  147. Sakra

    Another way to breath energy from the earth

    The proper method is this: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Opening_Feet_Chakras.html This meditation works well to open and empower the base chakra, or just the soul in general. Earth is the foundation of who we are and is the basis of our being. It's energies are a...
  148. Sakra

    Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

    "As above, so below" applies here quite well, because our possessions & wealth are often the expression of ourselves. But one can affect the other in both ways too. This is a good opportunity to examine ourselves further and understand our issues. A disorganised environment = disorganised mind...
  149. Sakra

    Satanic Museum - Historical Artifact Thread

    Np glad you liked it. I hope this thread accumulates more pictures and artifacts :D There are still many more interesting things out there. Good stuff, thank you for this. I was meaning to do a whole post at some point with artifacts depicting the swastika. It's a very historically...
  150. Sakra

    Mars in Leo Opportunity: May 22nd

    Thanks for this, I was also reading a vedic astrology book and it was mentioned that Mars was also named Mangal, just as Surya for the Sun, Chadra for the moon and so on. I've wondered what different attributes these mantras would bring for the planet or which one would be stronger. I will try...
  151. Sakra

    rune smell

    For me, red has this kind of spicy martian spell. Usually with runes such as thurisaz or fehu. Or perhaps that's just the way my mind evokes energy. It's more than just smell, each rune has elements that correspond to its attributes.
  152. Sakra

    Understanding Tartarus - The Allegory vs The Literal

    Great read. Though there are many great people who unfortunately are heavily tied to the abrahamic religions, to the point it becomes ingrained on a soul level, they're most often condemned to their own damnation they create. In comparison, Jews are by birth condemned to a high like place in...
  153. Sakra

    Positive use of chat gpt to assist in making affirmations

    It's better to ask instead how you can improve your affirmations and why, what are the psychological implications? This way your affirmations are more genuine to your understanding and will synchronize better.
  154. Sakra

    Everyone out

    When you're at a somewhat spiritually developed stage, you can also create a guardian thought form to protect your residence and deter any unwanted spirits or entities. There are some sigils in the necronomicon spellbook that you can use to bind them to a talisman, such as a crystal, door or...
  155. Sakra

    Excessive “Yawn” in myself and Others

    In a book I was reading on psychological warfare, yawning can be used as an effective tactic to induce targets into a hypnotic trance. Also a good tactic to get younger siblings or children to fuck off to sleep. This is due to what is called "synchronized group behavior", which is a trait...
  156. Sakra

    Images that describe xianity honestly

    Meme I created
  157. Sakra

    Movies, games, series

    Movie aside, in the video games the theme of Mario saving the Princess after defeating Bowser is a deviation of the popular tales of the prince defeating the dragon to save the princess. Which is an allegorical concept of Pingala reaching Ida.
  158. Sakra

    Three Types Of People AI Will Create

    The Consoomers will be digging deeper holes for themselves if they don't open their eyes and ditch the unicorn world mentality. At this time of era, I can truly hold contempt for those stuck in the poverty belt and/or those just living off of freebies despite given the numerous opportunities...
  159. Sakra

    Satanic Museum - Historical Artifact Thread

    Post your favorite artifacts that are either symbolic or allegorical in regards to spirituality and the gods. Could be any artwork such as paintings, sculptures, monuments, manuscripts or even literature. Alchemy To start off, my favorite is Hermes/Thoth's emerald tablet, which is the...
  160. Sakra

    You Must Give Before You Can Receive

    Reminds me of this time there was a secret Santa at my school and some kids mom flipped out for buying a 50 dollar item and in return they got a $1 sticker sheet. They were told that it's only about the joy of giving that really matters and that they couldn't do anything about it. :lol: It's...
  161. Sakra

    Apollo's art

    That's better than anything I could draw :o
  162. Sakra

    Why would incubus/succubus choose human as partner

    It will be strongly indicated in the 7th house, which may have a corresponding planet in it. There may be a significant Saturn aspect as well, hence the karmic set up you described.
  163. Sakra

    Big Attack Against Our Main Sites - May 16/2023 [Update 3 - Main Sites Are Up , Forums 100% Safe, Translations ]

    They are known for their empty promises. I highly doubt their genetic engineering was directly on part of the reptilians but more so of the grey's, which then gradually to accustomed to the features we nowadays know. They hate our kind to the core. No doubt when they're through with their plans...
  164. Sakra

    Why would incubus/succubus choose human as partner

    Honestly, it would be incredibly rare for anyone in the average spiritual state they are in today to receive a monogamous partner. Only if that person is currently in a state above the average, and/or shows signs of a promising outlook in their advancement then maybe there would be a...
  165. Sakra

    About the dedication Ritual

    Yeah, a proper dedication requires the consecration of blood.
  166. Sakra

    My Conversation with an AI Chatbot

    True, I'm sure someone at Maxine's level would not bother wasting their time or putting their lives at risk anyway. Though one of the things I will tell you that expunged by doubt in the occult phenomena was an experience I had when I was young, probably 7-8 at the time. In my 2nd house I...
  167. Sakra

    Joy Of Satan Arts & Music Is Now Live!

    Pondering over the years on what Maxine may have had in mind when choosing the name of the title - Joy of Satan - I've thought not only in just the expressions of ones selves, but also had me thinking of the Joy/Bliss state of the Crown Chakra. The opposite of misery which Jewish Abrahamic...
  168. Sakra


    Hanuman is an avatar of Shiva...
  169. Sakra

    Question #1266: Anal sex healthy or not?

    I know kids can do stupid shit when they're young as they don't know better, but some of the times these are influenced by karmic and subconscious issues as well. Most kinds of sexual interactions at young ages tend to lead to psychological issues that can end badly in ones later life and seed...
  170. Sakra

    Ancient Sages and Their Need to Recognize Their Role in Civilisation. By Dr David Frawley.

    I think this is best described by the Hermit in the tarot I was playing a text-rpg game and came across a wondering gypsie, who drew a tarot card based on my philosophical outlook: I think the basic idea is that one is too seek seclusion in order to find inner union, to "correct" oneself...
  171. Sakra

    Medha Nadi - Super Memory? If this is possible it is extraordinary!

    From some of the astro charts of people with a supposed "photo-graphic" memory, there is a strong Aquarius=Uranus and/or Sagittarius-Jupiter aspect in the chart. Uranus rules the pineal gland so that's obvious, so it makes sense that those with a "Super Memory" are just gifted with an active...
  172. Sakra

    First Things First...To Succeed Truly

    Advice that should be taken to heart. A solid foundation not only ensures a stable outcome, but can in fact bring out the full potential of it. Such as the roots of a tree that establishes itself in fertile soil which lead to a prosperous growth and fruit quality. It's the same case with spell...
  173. Sakra

    In the News: New Israeli Protest Target: Ultra-Orthodox Subsidies, Draft Exemptions

    I was just writing in another thread how occult-science was a heavily suppressed field and that eventually someone would have to come forth in a way to prove its legitimacy. And then this happens :lol: Too fucking funny, what they sought to suppress has now come to bite them in the ass. As far...
  174. Sakra

    My Conversation with an AI Chatbot

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Million_Dollar_Paranormal_Challenge It was an idea originally started by the famous skeptic James Randi. I actually do commend the guy a little on his emphasis on rational thinking and he exposed a lot of kike frauds and "mystics", though some gentiles I believe...
  175. Sakra

    Karate is illegal in Québec

    A couple years ago I was having lunch at a restaurant and saw some poor guy get the beat down of his life for something I heard was very trivial. All I see are a bunch of people passing by looking, some of them just standing there in place place around the guy as they beat the turd out of him...
  176. Sakra

    Books I cannot find

    Some of the harder to find books can be found on archive.org, in which if you did find your book that only let you "borrow" the digital book, you would not use some program to crack it. Also take advantage of the "borrow" feature while you can before the lawsuit against archive settles.
  177. Sakra

    "Project Serpo" - Secret expedition to Grey Planet

    I think the gods have invested too much to simply let go at this point, not without some significant resistance. We should still do what we can to hold our own though. True, sometimes they will disguise freedom as slavery or depravity.
  178. Sakra

    My Conversation with an AI Chatbot

    I was just reading about the $1 million dollar challenge and wondered why not some SS in their prime take one for the team and make Uri gellar look like the clown he is until I remembered about people such as Nina Kullagina, the pyrokinetic chi healer and so on. At-least, it would finally...
  179. Sakra

    "Project Serpo" - Secret expedition to Grey Planet

    As already known, they're a distorted shadow of what their former race was. Perhaps these ebens are a different caste, or remnants of another possible civilization who went through the same type of genetic conditioning. Kind of reminds me of what they're doing with the RNA vaccines. Nature can...
  180. Sakra

    "Project Serpo" - Secret expedition to Grey Planet

    Perhaps, but the similarities are astonishing. If it were true, my only guess is that those E.T intended this as some sort of way to demonstrate and prove that an Orwellian and/or Communistic type of society can be functional and that they should follow through. Especially since the Roswell...
  181. Sakra

    Message From Azazel on AI: April 20th 2023 [UPDATE 2]

    AI will be mostly oriented in favor toward entrepreneurs, or basically anyone who can figure out how to make money off of it which is one of the primary factor driving this forward. Money leads to greed which leads to suffering and other problems. They won't realize it at first, but it will...
  182. Sakra

    FWC Officer “euthanises” 30+ pet snakes on “Holy Thursday” …

    Honestly, this only barely scratches the surface of what xtards do to snakes in honor of their kike on a stick. The officers were just trigger happy and ended up mistakenly killing that python. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdHwXfHUPSg This video is by far worse. There are literally some...
  183. Sakra

    "Project Serpo" - Secret expedition to Grey Planet

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Y5r9HeR2w https://www.serpo.org/Serpo_releases_with_commentary.pdf I came across this a while ago, what I learned was very interesting because some of the things described here co-align with JoS E.T theories. These documents were from 2005. Synopsis: First...
  184. Sakra

    Question about psychic powers

    Have you ever seen those number ball lotto machines and wondered why they break down from time to time? There's an insane vortex of energy that goes towards them that is continously trying to manipulate or alter the outcomes. Energy goes wherever it is directed and its effectiveness is...
  185. Sakra

    Separation of Body and Soul? Is it a false concept?

    There was a book from military remote viewer Joseph Mcdonnell, who described the reality that we percieve, or have been led to believe, is an illusion by the human mind in which solid matter isn't truly solid at all but just sub atomic energy moving at high speeds which creates a complex field...
  186. Sakra

    The symbol for healing?

    My all time favorite is the Ankh as it symbolizes the life force and the rune Vend can be used for healing as well.
  187. Sakra

    Should Joy of Satan Open a Minecraft Server?

    A large majority of players are griefers and trolls who just want to cause mayhem and nothing more. For instance, look at what happened to the Vatican's minecraft server. Something like this would end up becoming a challenge. But sure, there's nothing stopping anyone from unleashing their...
  188. Sakra

    Should Joy of Satan Open a Minecraft Server?

    Here's the video which had to be reuploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0jhKls5MIY They're not "like" the Jews, they literally ARE jews. At-least now you don't have to feel bad about all those times you raided and destroyed their village :D Honestly, Jews will flip out over anything...
  189. Sakra

    material sun square

    I'm convinced that Saturn is a lost cause planet, I respect that its energies symbolize growth and endurance but I've had the worst of the worst meditating on it, even without the ring. I had even done numerous aura of protections beforehand. Clearly "something" is really fucking with this...
  190. Sakra

    How is warfare in evolved alien empires (like Orion)?

    Conflict and war is just a part of life, an inescapable reality. No doubt they would have weapons which would make Tesla's death ray look like a slingshot in comparison. These weapons may also have "spiritual potency", take for example nuclear weapons as a start. The gods are however, mature in...
  191. Sakra

    Ancient Sages and Their Need to Recognize Their Role in Civilisation. By Dr David Frawley.

    The ancients were in different times, and unfortunately their wisdom and spiritual feats did not do much for what came after. Some of their texts will still be cherished but remember that these people were in very different times. Though there may be beneficial to seek respite in a mountain for...
  192. Sakra

    About Races That Aren't From The Enemy Or From The Gods [Updated]

    From what is evident in many ancient temples and art, India most likely was of oriental origins. At some point to the least. There were influences of other races at later points, but the real dilemma is the vague cultural identify of Indians as a whole because you now have sub categories within...
  193. Sakra

    Should Joy of Satan Open a Minecraft Server?

    It may be fun and all at first, and you may get a small player base, but it's not worth it in the long run as it also attract griefers. Even if you did have plugins, what about DDoS attacks? Your ip would be there like a sitting duck unless you rented a server behind a proxy. I would not think...
  194. Sakra

    Why Is Incest Wrong?

    I find the idea of "carnivores" and "herbivores" to be vague, nothing can truly be either, though they can prefer to. Sometimes a cow may catch a bug or two, same with a wolf feeding on a grass covered carcass.
  195. Sakra

    How To Be A Fake "Sage": Go Into The Mountains, Be Worthless, And Use Leaves To Wipe Your Butt

    It wasn't the "Sages" or "Rishis" living in the mountains who saved India's cultural and religious identity. It was men who were willing to pick up swords (and spears as some had the brains to know how damn effective it was) to defend their country. We can thank them and their cherished...
  196. Sakra

    Joy of Satan Musical Anthem - Looking For Talent

    For the most part, I think that we can all conclude that something with a violin/classical tone would be most befitting for the theme. "Kai Engel - Low Horizon" Composed of 2 parts, 2nd starts at 1:35 https://youtu.be/0kvMgew3-X0?t=95 Here's a beautiful soundtrack, which when I listen to...
  197. Sakra

    Joy of Satan Website Updates - New Aesthetics

    I'm really glad the website has maintained itself to "modern standards", though one who knows the saying "not to judge a book by it's cover" would take this to heart, truly. Anyways, I think a lot of this was necessary and hopefully will make things easier, as I have found, for newcomers and...
  198. Sakra

    Echoes of World War 3? [Spoiler: No - Update 2]

    Just saying, with all the implications of a "WW3", do you really perceive things the way they appear here, or perhaps something bigger? Essentially, we're already in a Cold War II, but anyone who has read the book "Day after Roswell" learned that the supposed "Cold War" was just a front or rouse...
  199. Sakra

    Question #69: what is the best dates to do 50 names of marduk and

    In the book, when the "Mad Arab" says it's to be used against the "ancient ones", does he refer to the Jews or the enemy E.T's? What do you think it means?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
