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GTA III's cut 911 mission


Dec 26, 2022
I read about this theory a couple times ago but when I looked into some things that were mentioned, I was appalled at what I found.

For those that don't know, GTA III takes place in Liberty city which was inspired by New York city. It was released on October 22, 2001. Which is a month after the 911 attacks. There were many changes and cut content after the 911 attacks, although some things were not officially stated by Rockstar games, a lot of things are implied.

First of all, the general theme of GTA III is kill or be killed. The protagonist Claude starts off as being betrayed by who he thought was his life long partner. When he escapes prison, he finds him self employed by various mob bosses who he later finds himself betraying for the highest bidder.

To get to the point, one of the individuals who has Claude on their payroll is former politician and businessman Donald Love.
He later hires Claude, who also escaped in the ambushed convoy, to rescue the old oriental gentleman from a Cartel hide out in Aspatria, before having him kill Yakuza co-leader Kenji Kasen, whilst disguised as a Cartel gangster, in order to provoke a gang war between the two to drive down property prices. Claude is then sent to collect decoy packages, before being sent to collect the real package, eventually going to a construction site in Fort Staunton, where he comes across ex-girlfriend and Cartel leader, Catalina, with Miguel, who have seized the package. He retrieves the package for Love and works for him one last time, acting as a decoy to allow the old oriental gentleman to escape with the package. Love later disappears with the old oriental gentleman.
It's thought that in pre-911 GTA III, Donald Love actually sets up Claude with the Cartel in which Claude would manage to escape and take revenge against Donald Love. Or, later be hired by the cut character "Darkel" to blow up Donald Love's building. It's also mention somewhere that Donald Love had some affiliation with the Cartel which would also be reason for Claude to kill him.

The cut character "Darkel", kinda resembles a Rabbi too.

I mean, in the post-911 game, Donald simply disappears out of thin air and leaves us with a cliffhanger. Just a short cutscene of Claude reading a paper from a box and that's it. Maybe there was much more for Donald Love but it simply got "cut" for some reason...

Rockstar will never admit it and now we know why. They had mentioned there was going to be buildings resembling the twin towers but had also gotten removed.

I'm guessing they would've been the Love Media Buildings, which is the headquarters of Love Media
"The fastest growing US-run media conglomerate in the past five years", controlling approximately "900 radio stations, 300 television stations, 4 networks, 3 satellites, [and] 10 senators", with the Love Media brand name. Its base of operation is situated in south Bedford Point, Staunton Island, Liberty City.

Love's announcements or related commercials can be heard on several radio stations, including Head Radio, Flashback 95.6, Double Cleff FM, and Chatterbox FM. Love Media also owns the Liberty Tree, Liberty City's local newspaper. Other acquisitions and interests include pet food (Bitch'n' Dog Food) and health insurance. Following Donald Love's disappearance in late 2001, the ownership of the company is left unknown.

So if there was a mission in which Claude blows up the Love Media buildings, almost all of the radio stations would be down, the media and news would've been effected significantly. When you tried to listen to the radio there would be static.

I think this was the enemy's end tier subliminal to manifest the 911 attacks, as the attacks were meant to incite confusion and was a spiritual attack on our "communications". And the above proves it.
More about Darkel and the removed airplanes

"Debunked Myths"​

All of the previous speculations over deleted terrorist missions are debunked as "simply rumours" after the 2021 release by GTA Series Videos of the information contained in GTA III: The Game Design Document[1], a DMA Design/Rockstar North document dated from 2000, confirming Rockstar's statement about Darkel being true.

The document also debunks Darkel's speculated mission Love Hurts, which supposedly had the player being tasked with crashing a Dodo into the Love Media Building, as well as a mission involving destroying a school bus with children – the Dodo (referred to as "Wingless cessna" in the 2000 document) was indeed never meant to be flown by the player, and there were never any missions involving school buses.
"Love Hurts", read the above and then tell me you don't think there could've been more to all of it.
Grand Theft Auto is indeed a social commentary of the clown world we live in today.
This is very interesting stuff, makes me wonder for sure.

I remember the old GTA games well, the older ones were better by far. The new GTA 6 trailer just looks like a modern degeneracy simulator, no thanks.
It is quite a bit difficult. If it is 'a coverup' as conspiracy theorists like to say - which is not necessarily false - then it's not easy to find the truth. We can piece together different things to try and recognise what's what. You reminded me about a thread I wanted to make, so after seeing this thread of yours (which I have read only now), I began on mine, so thanks for reminding me!

It's a conspiracy and a theory because we can't prove it exactly. We can't prove it outright. We can piece things together to try and paint a picture, though. It is worth noting that GTA is like the Simpsons - it mocks things. One might also call GTA avant-garde, because it pushes boundaries of things, e.g. in one of the Stories games (I think it was Liberty City Stories), on the spoof radio stations, in an advert a girl says, "I'm underage, big daddy".

With Family Guy, which I don't watch but have seen only a bit, I can remember one bit where one of the characters was talking about a "baby slut", and it showed a baby character being slutty. I think it was also Family Guy where the dog said a female character's middle finger smelled funny, regarding toilet humour. I think Rockstar with GTA (because RDR is more high brow or proper, rather than low brow and tasteless) is just yet another one of the "entertainment" things that people enjoy at the time, which will then appear in 30 years on TV "It Was Alright in the... '00s" or "It Was Alright in the... '10s". One example is on my now-ghostbanned/shadowbanned bitchute channel -

It Was Alright in the... '70s - You can be naughty with a glove puppet

I am guessing you, Shakra, know already, but for those who don't - in GTA4 (which, for those who don't know, is something like the 7th GTA game overall), one character is Johnny K, who is actually a jew, and part of a hell's-angels-type biker group. In GTA5, Trevor kills meth-head Johnny K in quite a brutal manner - and is into conspiracy theories a bit, including the Anunnaki and the lizard people. I also met an NPC jew in GTA 5 before, as well, dressed obviously jewish with the outfit and one of the hats (not kippah) that makes it obvious.

We might take the character of Trevor as a good example of conspiracy theorism (as I am calling it). He is honourable, but he is a literal cannibal. He "kills strangers, protects friends, eats enemies", with trust being the most-important thing to him. He is nearly-entirely crazy, huffs petrol, sells (although not on-screen) methamphetamine, goes out robbing banks and interacting with the good-corrupt portion of the US government to protect the People and defeat bad-corrupt portions of the US government. His character is multi-layered and complex.

At the end of GTA5, the player, as Franklin, has the option to kill Michael or kill Trevor or kill neither, and if Trevor is chosen, Trevor hates that decision and dumps Franklin but Michael joins Franklin; if the player chooses Michael, Trevor hates that decision and dumps Franklin. Trevor is complicated and confusing, and it takes a lot to understand him. Trevor is, as said, a sensitive person; his dad left him in a shopping mall so he burnt it down; his mum was a prostitute and was in jail, and then dumps him; he doesn't have a proper relationship so he has to fuck a meth-head's meth-head girlfriend; he angry and bitter and fucked-up...

Like conspiracy theories being very muddy and unclear, Trevor's character can be a sort of example. Someone I know always chose to kill Trevor, which meant he couldn't complete the game. He is ignorant, not a christian but behaves very christian-like in attitude and opinion (I've mentioned him before!). He hates Trevor - from telling me, not because of how he killed jew Johnny K, nor because he eats people, but because of how he shot Floyd and Debra in their condo... while ignoring the fact that Debra had a gun pointed at Trevor and Floyd. Trevor did, however, gatecrash and take over the condo in a forceful and exploitative manner - but Floyd was a stranger, not a friend, and Floyd is a weak wimp - but Trevor tells Wade that Floyd has low self-esteem, allowing Debra to treat him as she does, and Trevor tells Wade that we need to build Floyd back up - so Floyd was a stranger at first but then it seems that Trevor was intending to attempt to become Floyd's friend, but then Debra happened with the gun. Trevor has to take charge to keep himself secure, at the expense - to one extreme or amount or another - of others, depending on the other person.

Michael faked his own death, and Trevor believed such, and mourned for Michael for 9 years, until he 'saw/heard a ghost' - and in that fit of shock and upset, while using Johnny K's girlfriend, flipped and killed Johnny K in the manner that he did... Trevor also believes another friend, Brad, was put in jail without a trial, not knowing Brad is actually in Michael's grave, and Trevor didn't know... and Michael never told Trevor Michael is alive and Brad is dead... yet Trevor never actually kills Michael - even when Franklin asks him to; he 'was there for the opportunity' to kill Michael but never actually did, and dumps Franklin as said when asked to kill Michael. Trevor is honourable, if one looks at it a bit deeper than merely seeing Trevor as being a meth-dealing, murderous (yet all characters in GTA are murderers, so that cancels that out), conspiracy-theorist, cannibalistic, thieving/robbing, seriously-fucked-up insanely-crazy person (and Canadian! 'Ey?).

Conspiracy theories are quite crazy in some ways, with different things, and lies and deceits told that one has to sift through and figure out... and it takes a lot of energy and effort, and some get burnt-out... and each and every individual person has to break through the mental barriers - like christian programming, even if not a christian - to try and see, and then possibly accept or at least question - reality and conspiracy theories, and come to a - hopefully correct - conclusion. "You said I was crazy... but here's the proof! Who's crazy now?!", etc. Most people have drank from the poisoned well, from the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well; those who have not, are crazy.

Other than what you have shared here, I have no idea about the information regarding GTA3 having a terrorist plot at the same time as real-life terrorist activity. One could argue in defense of GTA/Rockstar that the series of games is more or less always like that, so it was merely a coincidence, rather than a cohencidence; however, in a thread I am putting together (which has only a few items at the moment), it seems to paint a picture of cohencidence, not merely coincidence.

Seeing as 'we might never know' the truth about the story of how GTA3 was intended to be, all we have to go on is speculation and conjecture. That being said, the more things happen, the more patters emerge - and if people pay attention and don't get sucked-in to the crazy vortex of conspiracy theorism, and keep a clear head - then we can start to see things. We have eyes to see, but things have been made muddy, been made obscure, on purpose. Once we work through the lies and misdirections and all sorts of things, though, things become clear.
With Family Guy, which I don't watch but have seen only a bit, I can remember one bit where one of the characters was talking about a "baby slut", and it showed a baby character being slutty. I think it was also Family Guy where the dog said a female character's middle finger smelled funny, regarding toilet humour. I think Rockstar with GTA (because RDR is more high brow or proper, rather than low brow and tasteless) is just yet another one of the "entertainment" things that people enjoy at the time, which will then appear in 30 years on TV "It Was Alright in the... '00s" or "It Was Alright in the... '10s". One example is on my now-ghostbanned/shadowbanned bitchute chann

Other than what you have shared here, I have no idea about the information regarding GTA3 having a terrorist plot at the same time as real-life terrorist activity. One could argue in defense of GTA/Rockstar that the series of games is more or less always like that, so it was merely a coincidence, rather than a cohencidence; however, in a thread I am putting together (which has only a few items at the moment), it seems to paint a picture of cohencidence, not merely coincidence.

Seeing as 'we might never know' the truth about the story of how GTA3 was intended to be, all we have to go on is speculation and conjecture. That being said, the more things happen, the more patters emerge - and if people pay attention and don't get sucked-in to the crazy vortex of conspiracy theorism, and keep a clear head - then we can start to see things. We have eyes to see, but things have been made muddy, been made obscure, on purpose. Once we work through the lies and misdirections and all sorts of things, though, things become clear.
Ugh, family guy is basically Jewish excrement that some how manages to be socially acceptable even though it promotes almost all topics of degeneracy like incest and beastiality.

Now that you brought it up though, I think the creator was supposed to be on one of the planes but "missed" it because he was late.

There's a video somewhere on bitchute, but one Jew in a interview, bragged how they were in on it and that Soros offered them some kind of timeframe to make some kind of investments, but he was too late as Soros had pulled the plug by then. He later sued the interviewer for money, claiming they made him say those words.

Without getting too out of topic, I think Trevor is mildy misunderstood too. Games like these really got me to take the perspectives of the "bad guys" and learning what they went through to get to that point.

As for GTA III, it's almost certain Donald Love was meant to die in some way but it simply got scrapped.

The theorized mission, "Love Hurts", was probably intended to be the crown point of the game since the entire plot starts with Claude being betrayed by his lover.

It could've been either bombing or hijacking. If they kept Darkel I'm certain it would also involve taking over the radio station so that Darkel could preach his philosophy or something about society not giving a damn for the homeless.

This mission would probably be the only time the 6 star wanted level would be used, and it would fit perfectly.

Anyway, when it comes to the idea of predictive programming, the general idea is there. But someone either was informed beforehand and made changes accordingly, or they did a good job of scrapping most of the content post 911.
Ugh, family guy is basically Jewish excrement that some how manages to be socially acceptable even though it promotes almost all topics of degeneracy like incest and beastiality.
I haven't seen everything but I could say that a lot of it is the same and guess that it is all rubbish. It's the same type of "humour" and "comedy" and "jokes". There doesn't seem to be much variation. It's all samey.

Now that you brought it up though, I think the creator was supposed to be on one of the planes but "missed" it because he was late.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
