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Sep 21, 2017
It is often very fascinating just watching and listening to different types of people who regurgitate the enemy’s song for various reasons. Just listening or trying to figure out what their mind builds as a justification, can be quite interesting, even if it is not for the purpose of knowing how to sway them towards the sane lane of life, but for one to come to the conclusion that it may be better to work with the ones who are already on our path or are way easier swayed towards our vision rather than convincing the ones that are hooked up to the enemy’s thought machine.

Many individuals are in fact, mentally retarded and fall for whatever the one who has the means for communication tells them to comply with. They are unable to make any correlations between ideas and notions, draw lines and connections or observe patterns. They hear me say I hate LGBT and they cannot comprehend what I have against “a few homosexuals”. They either do not know about mentally ill gender ideologies or they simply perceive them as normal. The ones who are able to make connections see things such as various predispositions towards pedophilia and drugs and that they can be both a cause or a consequence. This cuts both ways. They refuse to acknowledge that many homosexuals are not naturally born this way, but are manipulated based on psychological trauma or physiological warfare such as hormone alteration through food and drinks.

Some individuals never stop to think that the vast majority of homosexuals are not just another sexual orientation making their way through life, but are in fact, an ideological tool. We can blame the Jew’s LGBT ideology all day, but the fact remains is that they are far more susceptible to join such an ideology than a heterosexual person. How many homosexuals do not support non-white immigration and race mixing? How many of them do not conform with the social validation norms pushed by the enemy? The vast majority of them support Black Lives Matter, they supported all the Covid restrictions during the pandemic, they support all official narratives about certain wars and so on. Any slightly intelligent and integer person knows that they are far more prone to accept forced ideological elements of the enemy. Just as racial “minorities” do as well.

There are also people who, in my personal interactions and conversations with them, I came to the conclusion that are very much aware of what is happening or at least know to a certain degree what the enemy’s purposes are. They have a decent degree of perception about the direction things are heading towards.

This type of individual is not mentally retarded, but

is in fact, an ideological whore. They prefer to comply for the sake of comfort and validation. It is still a form of spiritual and intellectual degradation as they do not see the full picture. They do not care about the long-term cause and consequence chain of events and that their actions, if not affecting them directly, will certainly affect others in time. They have that atheistic mindset in which if they get away with it, after they die, they will not be there to see what the others go through because they gave fertile ground to a bunch of psychopaths to destroy the world.

This type of individual may say he supports leftist programs all day long, while if in another group of friends with very conservative views, he may loudly proclaim how he hates immigration and other left-wing policies. This type of cancer is very dangerous and one must be very careful if making friends with such a biological entity. He may support you while it suits him well and the moment another factor of power outweighs you, he will betray you and jump to the other side. Beware of the comfort whore!

I’ve seen such loudmouths making fun of me in front of a crowd for not being a left-wing pseudo intellectual, while in private they were telling me “Yeah, I know what you mean, but what are we supposed to do? This is how things are and it is impossible to change them.” The next day they were screaming the same narrative again as that conversation never even took place.

There is also the type of character that is slightly confused, due to past education while at the same time trying to conform to the new trends. I know individuals that are extremely racist and homophobic, but still every time they get the chance do it, they vote the most progressive political faction in their country. Those are usually older people that were used to a more conservative way of life, but remained glued to their televisions so they cannot perceive that fact that the media is lying to them. The enemy is also extremely good at dodging bullets and dribbling consequences. While in Western countries, people tend to be more leftist due to years of propaganda, in Eastern European countries, the enemy needs to put emphasis on other paths of goyim manipulation. For example, in the West it is easy to discredit a nationalist by screaming “racism”, “extremism”, “homophobia” and other labels which discredit the solution by turning it into a problem. In the East sometimes they need other scaring tactics such as labeling the nationalist as a pro-Russian or saying they do not support the climate change agenda.

I’ve also seen a type of individual to which one can talk for hours and hours, he neither agrees nor disagrees with you, but the next day he says some retarded enemy line.

Others agree with whatever one says to them, out of fear and a total lack of character. I can tell such a person today that the Holocaust was a hoax and the Jews control the world and tomorrow, I can tell them that 6 million Jews died in Auschwitz and they will agree with me both times.

A pragmatic person, must draw the conclusion that the more one waits for others to wake up, the less people with intellect and integrity will remain as time is not on our side, but in fact devours our people like a hungry monster, while giving birth to more and more orcs and zombies.

We must work with the ones who are willing to do so and even take extreme measures in order to deviate from this disastrous course of history.

Many weak individuals are emotionally manipulated by the enemy’s agendas and fake virtues due to them lacking virtues themselves. An honest person will not waste their time trying to mimic the virtues of the enemy, but someone who knows they are rotten on the inside will most definitely try to mimic the concept of “virtue” which is alien to them in a way dictated by the enemy. They try as hard as possible to lie both to the outside world as well as to themselves in a vain effort to make themselves believe it. But the cognitive dissonance always hits hard, this is why they insist so much, because they are never really able to convince themselves that they are more than a piece of cancer so the process is endless like a man with slippery boots trying to climb a frozen hill and slipping back to the base.

Whether some do it on purpose or not, the fact remains as the journalist, Tucker Carlson said, that denial is probably the most powerful emotion that dominates mankind right now. One sees the reality with their own eyes and still pretends that reality is the opposite of what it is. The reality of the Great Replacement which is the greatest threat humanity is facing right now is best described by a guy on social media as follows: “Population replacement isn’t simply about changing the skin color of the West; it’s about downgrading the intelligence, aspirations, values and morality of the people. It’s about rewriting the entire history of a civilization for the benefit of a tiny, hostile clique.”

It is extremely sad for any sane person to see how certain moral prostitutes deny so many facts as “conspiracy theories” and when the truth is way too violent and they cannot deny it anymore without seeming retarded, they switch to “so what’s the problem?”

So, they keep denying it until they admit it and say “now it’s too late and you cannot change it.” Those are the self-labeled intellectuals of our times. A bunch of nerds with no spine that are used to kissing the boots of the bully in high school in order to not get stepped on and now they do the same with the current power. Again, it is as Thucydides said: “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”

Knowing those psychological types can be useful if one has the time and desire to still try and work with such individuals. You can analyze their mindset and see what are their emotional weaknesses and what can be used to your advantage to make someone see your way. But the vast majority will still cling to their beliefs no matter what and try to justify them as a lawyer of the enemy.

There are people who know and understand to an extent the threat the Jewish race poses to the white race, but still prefer to blame the institutions such as NATO, the EU, the EU Parliament or Commission. Dismantling an institution will do no good in the long run, besides the enemy often regroups and takes advantage of such situations to come back in an even uglier form. Those people are there only to seem like they are fighting, but they are just paddling a broken bike. They play and pretend to wage war, but achieve nothing. Such individuals would never admit that they are in fact afraid to address the root cause of our problems, but simultaneously, lack the spine so they wish to make a false name for themselves and even remain in history. We all know people who endlessly talk about “globalists” or “Satanists” so they even shift the blame on the only ones who have the full doctrine of navigating life.

All of this mental process is still a form of consequence dismissal because they know that they waste enormous amounts of time without producing any tangible results. What are we achieving? Some nationalist government that replaces LGBT with Jesus and kisses the behind of Israel? Some alternative form of inflation or market crash to discredit what little good the label of nationalism has while still allowing interracial mixing by using the pretext of “if they are Christian all our problems are solved”?

The biggest objective of this war was never religion, but race. Race is the holiest, most tangible reality of our universe and existence and is the main generator of our way of creation, our collective instincts, compatibility, ability to conquer and flourish, to find solutions, to enjoy life and to spiritually advance to a higher plane of consequence. The destruction of this natural construct can have consequences of catastrophic proportions on intellect, instinct and our ability to advance the spiritual ceiling.

This is why in my writings I obsess about this mission as any human would normally obsess about staying alive.

In the past, different countries, nations or segments of the population were bleeding so bad that when they saw the first opportunity to raise against an oppressing foreign force, they did because they had nothing left to lose.

This is the exact reason why the enemy nowadays keeps a certain degree of financial comfort for people so they do not revolt based on the fear of losing what they already have. Many believe that they should rather vote for the enemy’s most influential factions then place an outside of the system force in power out of fear of retaliation. The enemy may decide to do to a certain country what happened to Yugoslavia if they lose control over it.

Those individuals instinctively know what they do and they simply do not want to risk a major change.

While the above level of blackmail is partially justified, many people lack the necessary courage to even have such a mind opening conversation with a few close friends in a private gathering. This is simply cowardice and an excessive need for comfort and validation. We know one of the enemy’s greatest psychological weapons are ridicule and discreditation and many fear deviating from the mainstream course out of the fear of being ridiculed and labeled in all sorts of ways.

Earlier in this chapter we talked about knowing the psychological types to use them to one’s advantage if the opportunity presents itself and the individual is slightly open to suggestion, which in all honesty is extremely rare, unless some sort of social pressure is applied.

I saw a video of a woman being attacked on the street by a nigger. Little did the nasty rat know, that the woman knew some sort of martial art and put him to the ground fast then proceeded to punch and kick him. She got up and ran away. A worthless gorilla woman was screaming loudly “Who’s that girl? Get that girl!” There are so many conclusions to draw from this incident. We observe that the niggers, despite being on the wrong moral side and being a bunch of aggressive thugs, they were loyal to their own and displayed an enormous amount of solidarity and loyalty even if for the wrong reason. The young white woman was one of the bravest women I have ever seem. I have distributed that video on social media and got no reaction. You would say the feminists would cheer for a woman standing up for herself, but the hypocrisy reeks and the spinless individuals would rather drop that principle to not even react to a race-based incident. One could slightly get under the skin of a woman who is obsessed with women-oriented advantages with such an example and make her contemplate about the race problem we have, if her intentions are honest and not just looking for an advantage base in the world of the Jew. This is one example on how to sense and determine the psychological gates towards the mind of an individual.

The above example also found in many other similar situations also lets us deduce an order or a prioritization of the enemy’s ideology such as the non-white races exceed the importance of the gender war. This is why so many so-called nationalist politicians prefer to rant about LGBT and gender politics all day, but never address the issue of race. It is the most forbidden topic with the worst consequences and I am aware that such a degree of comparison does not even exist in grammar, but one does get the idea of how grave the situation is.

It is sad that a brave act of a woman does not get any publicity of any sort, but all other white bashing and black praising articles get global publicity and even men fall for this anti-racism homosexual behavior. A woman wrestled against a thug while a lot of today’s men are busy displaying their anti-racism virtue, looking like a bunch of whores. But as long as this is widely accepted this is what matters for any whore.

Like it or not, a wise man must look at all these aspects in order to bring any solid degree of change to the world. Given that the human resources of decency and integrity are very rare, one must use whatever they have at their disposal. One must first start by finding and gathering the exceptional and useful individuals whatever the area from which they want to wage their war from may be. Business, legislation, politics, the military or academia, it all applies universally. To do so, they must expose themselves to a certain degree to let the others know that they are not alone and form the necessary connections. Risking exposure is part of our war and the more time passes, the more this is going to be unavoidable. Coordinating such people should be easier, than others with less compatibility.

Then, if the need for numbers is undeniable, the exceptional people must use what they have learned about the others for the greater good, in order to gather, coordinate and sway them to the right direction.

Dwelling on emotional factors is a good idea, but it is mandatory that the emotions which we amplify are honest and not made up. Lies will only attract consequences on the long term and will make one the enemy. There is enough emotion in the truth of our situation and people are mostly emotional beings. A great portion of the white population has a reactive character, which also may prove a deeply dug in desire for justice and fairness. The “educated” class will fall in line after the social pressure engulfs the mas well. This is the most plausible scenario, but one must always look at the situation as it is and improvise, adapt and overcome whatever may challenge the mission.

People also need to feel a certain degree of safety and representation so a newly led movement must gain enough momentum, publicity and reach for the average individual to get in line with the new force.

While Spiritual Satanism is a universally and unaltered by time truth of nature, one must be wise and apply the methods that fit the current times. And our times are unfortunately not fit for democracies anymore, but by the need for guidance and strong leadership. The fallen state of our world sadly invalidates the ability of humans to take care of themselves and not harm others and the world as a whole. The enemy tries to take advantage of this state and subconsciously convince the world that they are unable to take care of themselves therefore they need their “guidance and protection”. But this “guidance and protection” is actually the opposite and it is “damaging and extermination” in reality.

So, the same principle of guidance cannot be applied for all factions by expecting the same results. The intentions are diametrically opposed.

Freedom is misdirected by the current power structure and led towards an abyss. Even so, “freedom” is only partial and applied only when the enemy benefits from it. In other words, humans are free to hurt themselves, but not to heal. True freedom will come in time with intellectual, spiritual, physical and eugenical advancement when humans will have a better understanding of the natural order and make the optimal decisions for both individual and collective purposes.

This will be addressed in a future chapter as well as freedom is a complex notion that depends on so many variables.

This year’s energies and implicitly the book of this year, are of reactive and more violent nature. In order to transition from a fallen state to a prosperous trajectory, all of us exceptional individuals must understand that a confrontation with the system will be unavoidable eventually. Time is, at the moment, a force of deterioration. It is not eating the enemy, but us. While understanding and the necessary skills are growing in the exceptional segment of the population, their percentage is declining. We must quickly and carefully consider what combination and proportions are the best and for what purposes as thinking and contemplating for far too long may seal all gateways towards salvation.

I have meditated and contemplated a lot on those subjects and no matter how I look at the situation, it is clear that the enemy’s lap dog gentiles in positions of power are in no mood to turn the ship around. We would be unwise to assume that time and the voices of people would just make them disconnect from the financial and legal blackmail of the enemy. They love comfort just as much as the insignificant whores of our society, they being the leading whores. It is the same mindset, at a different level.

A coup, for example, can only be executed using the individuals that are already there and, in most cases, guarantees must be made. Guarantees such as financial power, positions of political power and legal immunity and other such advantages.

The enemy is not as smart as they once were. Their mind is also morphed by time and astrological factors plus other evolutionary factors such as social trends. Their historical hatred for whites has blinded them to the fact that once they crash the white society for good, no matter how we look at the situation, they will not be able to control it. Everything will backfire. With the others groups out there, they may not have the type of comfort and society that has propelled them in such positions of power and influence. They may not be able to control the world din the same way and even if they do, it will look entirely different. The comforts of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries might regress a few hundreds of years back. Some may not even accept a foreign race as we did in hopes of good cohabitation.

The white race was exceptionally good at building comfort, infrastructure and a functioning society with relations between different countries and cultures, but is at the moment emotionally retarded to the dangers that face them with extinction.

Others, though having different characteristics, may not be as susceptible to manipulation and control and even if the Jews don’t get fully exterminated by Islam, blacks and Asians, they will surely lose their genetic legacy. A few protected covens, banks and bunkers will mean nothing to strong militaries and billions of violent beings ready to erase whatever is correlated in their mind with Western culture, and they are in this situation because of centuries of leeching onto us.

They arrogantly proclaim that the world cannot live without Israel, but that they can live without the rest, when the reality points to a radically different situation. The world can live without Jews and more than that, it can leave very well, but without the White race, many aspects of what the world takes for granted will disappear for centuries if not permanently.

The best approach for the races of the world would be to wise up, stop lying about oppression and injustice as they have practiced those themselves in way worse ways and strike a good neighboring deal with us while it is still possible and profit from it. A globally integrated world has the unique opportunity to stop all wars and forms of oppression based on commerce, fast travel and advanced communication as those take care of the need for resources, thus invalidating the need for grave conflicts.

I cannot say the same about the Jews. It is too late to strike any real deals after they have proven that heir nature is incapable of prospering alongside the other races of this world.

Our side must look towards the means to influence the minds of our people while keeping in mind that this will attract attention and retaliation from the side of the enemy. It is only a matter of time before the conclusion of apathy hits with all its brute force so we might as well get involved in changing the situation.

Many may think and feel that it is a good idea to delay the inevitable and live their life, but the wisdom of living one’s life puts more emphasis on the quality of the actions and the power of the moments rather than the longevity of it as a good friend of mine put it.

Aristotle writes the following about courage:

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.”

Another very relevant quote about courage comes from Thucydides:

“Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore, do not take lightly the perils of war.”

While different levels of courage are in different people, not having any at all is a complete waste of life. In those times complete silence is the worst mistake and everyone should have the courage to act as much as they can.
I don't know
It is extremely sad for any sane person to see how certain moral prostitutes deny so many facts as “conspiracy theories” and when the truth is way too violent and they cannot deny it anymore without seeming retarded, they switch to “so what’s the problem?”

So, they keep denying it until they admit it and say “now it’s too late and you cannot change it.” Those are the self-labeled intellectuals of our times. A bunch of nerds with no spine that are used to kissing the boots of the bully in high school in order to not get stepped on and now they do the same with the current power. Again, it is as Thucydides said: “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.”
I remember in a conversation I had in Discord, one person told me that people lie because having their lies be proven wrong (or alternatively, being presented evidence of the validity of a contrasting viewpoint) tends to stimulate the same areas in the brain as actual, physical pain.

"The lies we [they] tell ourselves [themselves] are the most difficult ones to dispel, because we [they] only lie to ourselves [themselves] about things we [they] already want to believe—and nobody knows how to fool us [them] better than we [they] do."

They lie because they want to avoid pain in all aspects.
I don't know

I remember in a conversation I had in Discord, one person told me that people lie because having their lies be proven wrong (or alternatively, being presented evidence of the validity of a contrasting viewpoint) tends to stimulate the same areas in the brain as actual, physical pain.

"The lies we [they] tell ourselves [themselves] are the most difficult ones to dispel, because we [they] only lie to ourselves [themselves] about things we [they] already want to believe—and nobody knows how to fool us [them] better than we [they] do."

They lie because they want to avoid pain in all aspects.
Well like the old saying which I saw a few years ago in the older version of the forums from a known author I believe. The person who was quoted saying this.

"If the Truth kills, kill them with the Truth".

Also I'd like to point out to people and based on the post of Right-Wing or Left-Wing.

Truth be known as a National Socialist and just recently seeing a member post sometime in agreement with my views, the unfortunately named "Goy_Mutt" member.

As they said it, "Infantile" Right or Left.

Exactly correct!

As the whole Left vs Right or Center vs All or Progressive vs Socialist etc.etc. it's all fucking stupid.

I completely reject the wingedness of any of this infantility and assert myself not just as an all-wing, full-wing but even in my own action like the IQ of the Gods.

Proactionary...WE proact against negativity.

I'm simply a positive person who believes in positive, neutral, and sublimated negativity.

I reject the whole notion of wings and side choosing. It's like our politicians are a bunch of schoolchildren picking sides.

Newsflash there is no SIDE it's all one game of seeing who can fuck up more.

I'm sure Hitler would agree and his American policies of "Redressing our Grievances" to our Government is paramount. The people need to be heard and they need to be helped to the best degree possible without inflicting malice, literal or metaphoric.

For example just the other day a few weeks ago ATF automated their Form 1 or Form 4 process you can have a suppressor within a builder, buyer, or certain gun trust within 2 days. Worst case scenario you have to wait for some people up to 4 days. For other gun trusts months if not over a year.

This is a perfect example of left vs right issues which do not matter. It's not a issue of a wing "Oh I'm right pro-2A" or "Oh I'm left but not Anti-Fa so I'm anti-2A".

No it's simply stop being a fucking baby, grow the fuck up and stop picking sides. We need all angles of attack a full 360 degree attack from the Gods to the people. There needs to be a top to bottom and bottom to top outlook on everything.

To anyone who speaks to me about politics I simply state I'm Proactionary and fall inline with a total or full wing system.

I follow the policy of do good and do neutral and sublimate the bad. Study the bad like the Gods to make informed decision on better improvements on positive and negative.

It's like martial artists and the War of Life as Absurd's Asguard Rei album song to improve their song name Krieg is Leben and Leben is Krieg. Martial Arts isn't I'm a divine champion learning to fight. No it's like exercising you don't have to be fit to exercise just as you don't need to be a fighter to learn to fight. Martial arts teaches how to fight, when, and how to change your instincts and baser skills into a useful tool. Politics is the same you need to be refined and know the good, the bad, and the neutral to better understand the people.

It's not a matter of wingedness it's a matter of stop doing stupid fucking shit and solve the fucking shit.

Simply do good and neutral to the best upgrade the technology to the best. Look at 401K and other countries I've read Bharat [India] their country has a spectacular 401K program spurned by America's development of 401K in the early-mid 1970s. Look at things that are stupid such as picking between an Limited-Liability Corporation or LLC a Corporation or other business properties.

Simply make a new system that eliminates all negatives and only adds positive and neutral things. Improve it do the best possible and fix the stupid shit.

I simply want "shit" fixed...Fix the shit.

But...no because it'll hurt someone's feefees.

All because some dumbfucks believe we need to be divided.

A house divided cannot stand on it's own. It requires a United House.

Unity!...not division.

Simply to run your country and it's inner workings you must do it (PROPERLY). From as above to as below, as below to as above.

I believe strongly the Ancients had a much more simpler view of politics.

Simply...don't fuck shit up. I strongly believe modern politics is too xtiany and too based on division rather than unity.

For example 2A or Guns...there will be people getting shot both injured and or killed. Some people aren't meant to live proper lives it's why they do stupid scumbag shit. Even the Gods had to deal with foolish Humans it's part of life.

I believe politics has been disjointed from life and it's goals for a long time. It's simply xtianity extended to politics or more specifically how do we cloak our xtianity and continue festering this cancer without the World knowing, how do we secularize ourselves while still sucking Xesus's cock.

Really it's more of a group of people of who can cuck harder than the other.

Modern politics = Cucks and Xtians.

It's no surprise National Socialism and to a lesser degree Fascism scared the Xesus Xhrist out of the enemy.

Unity, unify, unification team-group dynamics...where could it all have gone to...

...I wonder.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
