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Celebrating 2 Years of Expansion and Progress (List Updated)

The Alchemist7 [JG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
Greetings everyone. Today, 11 of June 2023, we celebrate exactly 2 years of tremendous progress accomplished across tens of multi-lingual Joy of Satan translated websites, thanks to the hard work of dozens and dozens of dedicated and serious Satanists, without whom none of this would have been possible.

Before June 2021, translation of JoS in other languages has been more scarce and managed by only a handful of people. Simultaneously most of the websites have been attacked and taken down, especially during the “Angelfire era”, from where you might still see entire websites taken down, or you might find them in part or in full saved on the Internet Archive.


The red line marks the month of June 2021. As it can be observed, the majority of the multi-lingual sites have been acquired and developed afterwards, meaning that our united forces have brought Joy of Satan from being translated in 9-10 languages prior to June 2021, to being translated in over 30 languages today, many of which are 90-100% translated websites.

As many members have invested tremendous personal time and resources into contributing to this leap in JoS’ expansion, it is the time that we reward back those who have been the most hard-working and/or consistent in fulfilling this noble duty.

With High Priest Hooded Cobra’s approval and support, the members who had the biggest contributions in translating our sites will be integrated or upgraded in the Donor Tier System, which means that their work will be rewarded with extremely precious spiritual and philosophical Satanic knowledge and wisdom.

Without further ado, this is the preliminary list of the members that have shown the highest dedication in managing this very important work.

Yeye95 and Wotanwarrior - for translating and managing the Spanish JoS

Hailourpeople and Donovandal - for their work on the Polish JoS.

Henu the Great and Kajo - for translating the Finnish site

OwltheD - for his work on the Japanese JoS.

Rereg12 - For his work on the Czech site.

Kurat/DeepDarkness - for his hard work on the Estonian JoS.

Lightning-Wings – For consistently translating JoS in Lithuanian so far. A domain will also be acquired at some point in the future.

DarkSpirit - for his work on the Macedonian JoS.

Serbon - For his hard work on the Serbo-Croatian JoS.

Ara666, SShivafr and Masterj810610 - for their hard work on the French JoS.

Ninrick, Fuchs Fuchs, Larissa666 and sun666 – For their long-time work on the German JoS

StanBlank - for his work on the Chinese JoS. If I recall there is another translator that has worked along with StanBlank on the website from the beginning.

Shadowcat and OhNoItsMook - for translating in the Dutch site.

Egon - For his consistent work over the years in the Portuguese JoS

Lasollor - who has worked along with JG Blackdragon666 on the Swahili site

Abrasax123 & Team Of Greek Translators

Abyss, ForSat, Infernus, Ramses13th and Dark Blue Eye For translating sermons and Forores and NishaWillow for translating sermons and contributing to other projects over the years

Team of Turkish Translators - For translating and managing JoS in Turkish

Team of Italian Translators - For translating JoS in Italian and being one of the most successful non-English communities

Shiva666 - For actively translating JoS into Bangla

There are also members that did not want their names mentioned.

This is not a definitive list of who will receive the incentive. There are members who have been investing same amounts of time and energy translating but did so quietly, or communities that existed prior to June 2021 when we started to organize better. This does not mean they won’t receive the incentive, but that communication between us has been scarce and I haven’t been aware of the progress such members made.

If you consider you have been consistent in translating and that you deserve to receive the reward, please do not hesitate contact me on [email protected] to discuss and verify the progress done. There have been languages where lots of progress has been done, but I lost contact with the translators. If you are in this situation please email me.

There have been members who have been active on other very important fronts, such as online activism or other JoS projects. If you are In this category, do not believe for a second that you have been forgotten! Members who have worked hard on other fronts will also be deserving of receiving an incentive for their work.

A lot has been done in just two years, but a lot more we have to do further. I hope the incentive will stimulate members to remain consistent and stay close to the Gods, and also stimulate other members to join and keep the standards high. Certainly more translators are needed for languages that are currently stagnant, languages that either do not currently have any translators, or there is only one translator that due to personal responsibilities have been unable to keep translating.

Languages to be noted here that need attention are Arabic, Zulu, Persian, Bangla, Nepali, Amharic.

And of course, new languages are welcomed at any time. We are working in obtaining infrastructure that will help us manage translations easier in the future.

Thanks to your efforts, the Joy of Satan knowledge exists for and can be understood by billions of people globally.

Thanks everyone again and let’s keep up Satan’s agenda for Humanity. You are the best and you are making history!







What can anyone say besides the fact that the best of the best have manifested their greatest works here.

May the Gods bless everyone, because this is what real progress for the House of Satan, the Joy of Satan, looks like!

Thank you JG Alchemist for your wonderful work, and thank you everyone individually for working on these projects.

Any incomplete projects will be completed in the future.
This is honestly really touching and such an honour!

Seeing so many countries already having translated websites or going towards this area is honestly truly inspiring!!

This motivates me even further!!

Once the current schedule is over, I'm going to have more free time to translate, so can't wait!! :mrgreen:

Great work everyone!! :)
This is excellent and truly becoming global as manifested in the Rituals.

Thank you all for all of your tireless work!
Congratulations to all of our translators! You give your people the greatest gift that they can get, by making the satanic path open & easily accessible to them. Thank you to all, named and unnamed, for your service to Satan's people.
blackwizard said:
i can help in translation into arabic

I encourage you to reach out to Alchemist7 privately about this! He linked his protonmail in the post above.
From these maps, we can see that Satan's kingdom is now rising up all over the world. This will prevent the enemy's attempts to make the Gentiles fight against each other in the next age. And more.
May Satan's blessings and protection be upon JG Alchemist and all translators!
Amazing work. Blessings and many thanks to everyone who is working hard for Joy of Satan Ministry, and Father Satan.
Fantastic work, JG Alchemist! Thank you all for this great work. May we reach even more countries in the upcoming years.

Thank you also to Soaring Eagle for developing such an incredible platform, facilitating much of the implementation of these translations.
Congratulations. This makes us be so powerful and fulfilled! Thank you to all who worked on this and working, from the small to the biggest effort, you are cared for by the Gods and loved.
The Phantom Stranger said:
You know we could use just use chatgpt

Seems pretty competent at translation

No. For one, people should do this for their sake. Secondly, online translators generally suck, and only it's false when people think in general think they "make sense" as they cannot really make sense with spiritual information and a human medium is supposed to translate this clearly.

The use of such tools has many restraints about itself, and no translation can be sub-par.

It has to make sense.

Then, others will proof-read the translation so that it makes sense after the projects are done.
The Phantom Stranger said:
You know we could use just use chatgpt

Seems pretty competent at translation

Besides the fact that ChatGPT sucks at translation of most JoS content, I have tried it but it doesn't help, just like many translators do, well... let's not forget that the material the JoS translates is very sensitive and corruptions are not to be allowed.

People should either focus on projects related to their native language / mother tongue or to learn a different language so as to be verg skillful and precise when in translating, much like how a Greek may want to learn English to perfection in order to provide a manual and laborious translation of the material we have here.
Résultat de la traduction
Thanks Alchemist JG !

I'd like to correct an oversight: Masterj810610 is doing a great job of translation work, especially as I've been particularly absent from translation and forum participation in recent months (due to a combination of intense activities).

May the Gods bless those who give of themselves.
The maps with our beautiful translated logos are such a powerful statement.
Great work has been done. Let's move forward to achieve even more.
This is great news!

Many of these websites didn't even exist 5 years ago. Makes you wonder where the JoS is going to be in less than 10 at this rate. :cool:

May Satan's kingdom reign forever.

The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=448724 time=1686523956 user_id=1057]
Greetings everyone.

For the French websites and the sermons, 3 other members contributed to the translations. I don't know if they didn't want their names to be mentioned or not. In case they did, they know who they are and what they did. I want to say a big THANK YOU to them and for their help.
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=448724 time=1686523956 user_id=1057]

Thanks to all translators for your work! I am grateful to all of you for your work! Well done!

When I'm ready, I'll join the translation team!
Особую благодарность, выражаю всем переводчикам, которые переводят на русский язык!
Ваша работа очень важна, я думаю многие не представляют на сколько!

Вставлю свои пять копеек :D
На мой взгляд, необходимо систематизировать уже существующие переводы на русских форумах в отдельные сборники PDF, чтобы можно было читать где угодно, особенно, когда нет доступа в интернет.
Лучше всего систематизировать по темам.
Когда куда-то едешь, особенно на поезде, в некоторых местах вообще не ловит связь (даже телефонную).
Это очень актуально, когда находишься в глуши.
Лично я стараюсь сохранять информацию в PDF файлах как библиотеку, чтобы её всегда можно было передать будущим поколениям!
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=448724 time=1686523956 user_id=1057]
I am very glad to have contributed to the Dutch translations and look forward to the library as well as others. Please also however give credit to Ohnoitsmook, who is also a native speaker and has done countless hours of proofreading and helping with the translations as well. I could not have progressed the way I have without his help, and will continue to count on him as we progress as soon as web word starts up again :)

Thank you to everyone for their efforts as well. I suggest soon some online activism be implemented with multilingual sites.
Shadowcat said:
The Alchemist7 [JG said:
" post_id=448724 time=1686523956 user_id=1057]
I am very glad to have contributed to the Dutch translations and look forward to the library as well as others. Please also however give credit to Ohnoitsmook, who is also a native speaker and has done countless hours of proofreading and helping with the translations as well. I could not have progressed the way I have without his help, and will continue to count on him as we progress as soon as web word starts up again :)

Thank you to everyone for their efforts as well. I suggest soon some online activism be implemented with multilingual sites.

WOOOOOO let's gooooo!! Thanks for mentioning me. I was wondering where I was, in that list! Can't wait to continue translating once we have WebWord up again. Always happy to perform impactful deeds.

My gratitude goes to the rest of us, too, named or unnamed, and their immense contributions to our cause. It feels, how should I say, elucidating to see a representation of our global scale efforts when displayed upon a world map, like that. Witness our influence!
One day, we will see temples emerge in each of these countries, oh what a sight it will be.
Thanks everyone for the powerful replies.

sshivafr said:
I'd like to correct an oversight: Masterj810610 is doing a great job of translation work,

Ara666 said:
For the French websites and the sermons, 3 other members contributed to the translations.

Shadowcat said:
Please also however give credit to Ohnoitsmook, who is also a native speaker and has done countless hours of proofreading and helping with the translations as well.

OhNoItsMook said:
WOOOOOO let's gooooo!! Thanks for mentioning me. I was wondering where I was, in that list!

Absolutely yes, the list will be updated with all translators that had a considerable contribution. I do apologize for not being able to reach to all communities prior to posting the celebration post.
Congratulations to all the translators for this extraordinary work!

May Satan and the Gods bless you all for the service you have done.

This is incredible progress, thank you all!
I didn't think Joy of Satan had already made all this progress, so it's motivating to know that.

I would like to thank all SS who contributed, I can glimpse the greatness and wonder that we will achieve.
Can't wait to see the JoS in all corners of the world and seeing people finally awakening from the Jewish misconceptions they were forced to accept.

The Age of Aquarius shall bring a tremendous benefit to the JoS and all of its plans.

Looking further to seeing the JoS a global organization.

I send a warm thank you to all of the translators who have done a lot of hard work and provided qualitative translations by collaboration and manual laborious translation works.

May Satan and the Gods bless you 666 times and even more.
Aquarius said:
One day, we will see temples emerge in each of these countries, oh what a sight it will be.

In the case of many of the East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, all we have to do is go through all the ancient temples, take down the pictures of Mao, get rid of the Buddhist teachings, and replace them all with images of the Gods, known in Chinese mythology as the "Shen" or "Celestial Emperors". Or in the case of Tibet, turn all of the Tibetan Buddhist temples into Bon temples or Tengrist in the case of Mongolia. Some of those statues used in Buddhism are stolen and corrupted from Shiva statues.

Boy can't I wait when that big ugly portrait of Mao is taken down and burned from the Forbidden City in Beijing and replaced with Beelzebub, known in Chinese mythology as "Tian".

Or in the case of countries like the Philippines, or the Catholic Macao in China - take down all of the failed rabbi and Christian work from the churches and replace them with the Gods.

As the world washes itself from the Hebrew filth and all of its associated movements!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
