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The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (The Lord of Light.)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022
The Lord of Light

The Slavs had many Gods of the Sun and/or Light. Ancient Iran had the concept of Spenta-Mainyu, i.e. light or pure consciousness, known colloquially as pure or clear mind. Their code is called Yasna (Ясна, ясный – clear, clarity of mind / weather), which means exactly what Russian-speakers associate with. Our language is extremely close to the Iranian language, and we also have a God whose name is pronounced Shvento- or Svento-vit, Svyatovid or Svyatovit is another pronunciation of Svetovid or Svetovit. Because the Russian word святой (holy) goes back to the light of knowledge and reason. Judeo-xians stole it and put their nonsense in there. The Russian word свет (light) has to do with the words сват, сватовство (matchmaker, matchmaking), совет (advise, counsel), and the English word swan, hence the form Svento-vid. Has a direct relation to spiritual strength and power. “Light is power” - Lilith.

“In Latin records this theonym is designated as Suantouitus, Suantouith, Suantuitho, Szuentevit, Suantevit, Zuantevith, and others,[1] and in Old Icelandic as Svanraviz[2] and Svanteviz."[3]

Scholars agree on the reading of the Latin entries;[4] the digraphs ⟨an⟩ and ⟨en⟩ indicate a Slavic nasal vowel.[4] The first part of the theonym has an Old-Polabic continuation of the Proto-Slavic adjective *svętъ (with nasal [e]). In the Old-Polabian stage, at least in the northern dialects, as a result of the transition of [ę] to [ą] (nasal [a][a] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svetovit#cite_note-7), *svętъ passed into Old-Polabian dialectal *svąt-. On this basis, the Old Polabian dialectal theonym is reconstructed as *Svątevit.[4]

In English publications, the name of God is transcribed as Svantovit (from reconstructed Old Slavic *Svątevit), Sventovit or Svetovit (from hypothetical common Slavic *Svętovitъ).

In the literature prevails[4] the opinion that *svętъ in the Proto-Slavonic language meant “strong, mighty”, and only under the influence of christianity acquired the religious meaning “holy, sacred”. This view was held by Alexander Brückner,[c][6] Stanislaw Rospond[7] and many others.

Nowadays, however, this view is sometimes criticized,[4] and it is suggested that the meaning “holy, sacred” should be regarded as primordial, Proto-Slavic. [8] Against the influence of christianity on the meaning of the word, first of all its etymology testifies:[9] the closest analogs are Lithuanian šventas and Old Prussian swints “holy, sacred”,[10][8][9] which, like PS *svętъ, derive from Proto-Balto-Slavic *śwentas. [11] Also closely related are Avestan spəṇta “holy, sacred,”[10][8] and Sanskrit śvānta.[9] Also further related are Proto-Germanic *hunsla “offering, sacrifice,”[12] and possibly Thracian *θιντ and Proto-Celtic *penta. [The Slavic word and related words ultimately derive from the Proto-Indo-European root *ḱwen- “to celebrate”. Rick Derksen reconstructs the meaning of PS *svętъ as “holy, sacred”,[8] Wieslaw Borys as “being an object of religious veneration, worship”[13].

In Sanskrit:

[9] Svanta (स्वन्त) refers to “that which will end well”, according to Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṃśa verse 1.64.—Accordingly: “The king who knew what to do asked his guru about those portents like the headwind etc., if they would be averted soon, and he removed his fears saying, ‘It will end well (svanta)’”.

Svanta (स्वन्त).—a. having happy end, ending well.

Svanta is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms su and anta (अन्त).

--- OR ---

Svānta (स्वान्त).—

1) the mind; मम स्वान्तध्वान्तं तिरयतु नवीनो जलधरः (mama svāntadhvāntaṃ tirayatu navīno jaladharaḥ) Bv.4.5; Mv.7.17.

2) a cavern.

3) one's own death, end.

Svāntavat (स्वान्तवत्):—[=svānta-vat] [from svānta > sva] mfn. having a heart, [Kathāsaritsāgara]

Svāntaja (स्वान्तज):—[=svānta-ja] [from svānta > sva] m. ‘heart-born’, love, [Gīta-govinda]

Svāntastha (स्वान्तस्थ):—[=svānta-stha] [from svānta > sva] mfn. being in the heart (perhaps [wrong reading] for svāntaḥ-stha, ‘being in one’s interior’), [Bhāgavata-purāṇa]

In scientific literature, the theonym is traditionally[14] shared morphologically as Svetovit - the suffix -vit (hypothetical PS *-vitit) is assumed in the second part, meaning “lord, ruler, hero.”[15] The suffix is assumed to be derived from *vitędzь “warrior, hero” of Germanic etymology. [16]

In other words, Lord of Light or Lord of Spiritual Power.

Some scholars, however, reject the connection of the suffix with *vitędzь precisely because of the Germanic origin of the word;[17][18] some scholars link the suffix to the word *vitati “to invite, to wish health”,[19] or the hypothetical verb *viti. [d] Depending on which original meaning of the word *svętъ a particular scholar accepts, the theonym is translated, for example, as “strong hero”,[21] “strong ruler and lord”,[17] or “holy victor”,[22] “holy lord”. [22] Some scholars also share the theonym as Svet-ovit,[23] where the suffix -ovit means “one who has much (of something)”, “characterized by (something)”, and the theonym Svetovit presumably means “One who has much that is holy.”[24]

Brückner found the interpretation of the name problematic. He finally suggested a possible connection with the hypothetical Old Polish word świętowity “holy, sacred”, but this interpretation was rejected by Stanislaw Urbanczyk,[25] The source material, however, confirms the existence of this type of word in Slavic languages, cf. Belarusian dialectal svyatovyty, Russian svyatovyty, Ukrainian *svyatovyty “holy, sacred”, also possibly Old Polish *świętowa “holy, sacred”, all from Slavic *svętovy.[e] If this etymology is correct, the theonym consists of the adjective *svętovy, and the suffix *-itj(¼).[26]

It was also proposed to translate the meaning of the first part of the theonym, for example, as “world” or “light” (PS *světъ), but this interpretation was rejected by linguists. [27][5] A completely incorrect reading is Sviatowid / Sviatowid (Polish Światowid) “God who sees the four sides of the world”, invented by the Polish Romantics of the 19th century, where the suffix -vid should be -vid “to see” (cf. Polish widzieć 'to see').”

“The word pure is unambiguous with “bright” and also combines the concepts of heavenly radiance and holiness: the sky is pure, the sky is cleared, the sky is clouded, purity is the same as ash (vedro). “there is such purity in heaven!“ pure gold and silver (compare: red gold), the pure Virgin; purification was a religious rite, consisting in jumping through lighted fires, in fumigation and washing with key water”.

Alchemical purity and alchemical light mean different hypostases of the same phenomenon - purified and perfected or healed energies, i.e. the constituents of the soul, to which it is characteristic to shine. This phenomenon is described by many different root epithets derived from the roots – English translation in (): gor (translated as both mountain and burning), yasn (clear), chyst (clear in a sense of pure), cres (fire), yar (both mountain, brightness, sun and red color, Yarilo is a name of Slav Sun God), rad / red (sun and red color), gold / lad (love), bel (Bael, Beliy mean White color or Aryan Race), svyet / svyat / schwent (light), sat, etc.

Svetovid, Svyatovid, or the same with a t on the end - this was the name of the God of four heads, who was traditionally depicted as four faces in one statue. This is very characteristic of all ancient cultures - Indian, for example. There's a four-headed Brahma.

The four heads are also the four suits of the Tarot, which represent the Four Pillars of Magnum Opus described here:

The Four Major Achievements of the Satanic Life


“Svetovid”, illustration from ‘Mythology of Slavic and Russian’ by A. S. Kaisarov, 1804.

Cup or Horn of Abundance at the level of the Solar Chakra.

An example of such a God is the Zbruch idol. One side depicts God with a Cup or Horn of Plenty, symbolizing the Solar Chakra, and with the position of the hands in such a way that the hand that holds the Horn - at the level of the Solar Chakra, the other - at the level of the Sacral Chakra. This position of hands can also be found on the Gnezdov idol - one hand is clearly on the Solar Chakra, the other - on the Sacral Chakra.


Gnezdov idol

Zbruch idol

And in a similar way all sides of the Zbruch idol hold their hands. The next side of the Zbruch idol is a hand with a ring, and the other two sides are a warrior in full armor on a horse and the side without symbols. Beneath those with symbols are three supporting figures - two reversed, one turned toward the viewer. This position of the supporting figures can show where to stand when doing the ritual of summoning the Four Crowned Princes of Hell.


There are such statues where names are signed, for example, Svyatovid of Mozhaisky Pyatina. The names are signed on it, and from there we learned how the Slavs called the Crowned Princes of Hell, since we already know that Perun is Zeus. We also know that Veles / Volos / Poloz is often translated as Serpent and is associated with the Serpent of Satan, and there is a face where they found the inscription Perun and Veles at the same time, which shows the connection of these Gods (Satan and Baalzebul / Poseidon and Zeus?). So, the signatures are Perun/Veles, Perun (Baalzebul), Makosh* (the only female name found on such faces, obviously Astarte) and the side with the main signature Svyatovid (Sun Warrior God, obviously Azazel?), also on the statues there are the words Rod Yar and Mara or Mary. More often the name Sventovit refers to the whole composition, which may also be not literal but symbolic because of the etiology of the word and image Sventovit, and, by the way, the hood of Zbruch Sventovit very much resembles the hood of Mithra.

*Makosh or Mokosh is Slavic Goddess also known as Mat’ Syra Zemlya (Wet Mother Earth). The root mok means wet or watery, so Mokosh might mean The One Who Is Wet or The One Who Is Watery or The One Who Rules Waters. She is associated with Mother Nature, Mother Earth and Fate and is close to the figure of Demetra in Greek mythology. Xian fictitious saint character Paraskeva Pyatnitza was stolen from this Goddess. She rules Bereginyas – the group of Goddesses protecting children.


Sventovid of the Mozhaian Pyatina.
About Sventovit or about these four xian historians spoke that they answer better than all Gods. In other words, that these four were the Supreme Gods among the pantheon of the Slavs. As for the female face, it can rarely be identified as the faces are similar. Up to the fact that in the female face the beard or its traces may not differ at all from the other faces. Beards were worn as a symbol of spiritual power even by female pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It is nothing more than a symbol and was often used throughout the continent. Realized to be female by the signed names.

What is interesting, on the Zbuch idol the back part, opposite to the side with the Horn, according to some restored images, contains the symbol of Perun, the Wheel about six spokes. And the ring in the hands of one of the sides can symbolize the ball of fate / spindle / spinning wheel of the Goddess Makosh.

Zbruch idol. Description.

See more about him at:

“Maloros. garny - glorious, good is related to the words gret = burn, Serbian grjati (to shine and warm).” Gor / Hor / Hors (both translatedcas mountain, to burn and the city) comes from the name of the Egyptian God Horus, who personified the alchemical Sun, into which Osiris was reincarnated after his mystical death.

The words “glory”, “Slav” and “solovey” (translated as nightingale), and the “slovo” (word) itself come from Solo, and have the root Sol, Sun, they are homonymous with the Sun and mean just that. Hence the robber nightingale who, like Div from the Tale of Polk Igor, whistled on the Tree of Life. See for more details:

See the chapter White Race of the Slavs - article Covered with Glory

“The following expressions indicate that with the element of light were also connected the notions of happiness and merriment: krasovat'sya (to make-up, to paint oneself beutifully) - to live in contentment, merriment, krasnaya zhisn' (red life, living in red color, connected to rune Reda) - happy life, krasit'sya (to make-up) - to play, to walk; “to be on Kresu” - to triumph, to get the desired.” and the word Kres itself means fire.” “Resurrection from the dead” means just that.

Such roots include the root Div/zhiv, which is what the Slavs called Serpents. Literally means White, light, shining.

See more about him:

Div / Jason’ / Jesse / Yasha / The Serpent / Rod (“The Bloodline”)

On the connection of all roots meaning light see in the article

The Luminous Race

The very root Sat, from which comes the name of our Creator, Satan, also the names of the gods Seth, Sanat Kumara, Santa, Sankus and many others, besides Truth, Truth, Reality, means Perfection or Eternity.

How is this related to Shwenta (why are Santa and Shwenta similar or cognate, as they obviously have exactly the same meaning, and the one thing that has been stolen from them, “holiness”). The alchemical glow or source of light is the perfect soul. Perfection and eternity are inseparable concepts, because all images of eternity in alchemy, the Eternal Engine, etc., are nothing but human immortality - in one's own physical body, it is the reversal of time, this is where all images of the counterclockwise rotation of the Black Sun - the oldest and most important symbol of all the peoples of the world - go back to. This is the Eternal Engine. This is the Alchemical Gold - a metal immune to time and rust. Svyet, Svyat, Schwenta, Santa, Sat, etc. - is such a state of energies that does not allow the organism to age. Satan is the name of our immortality, although it is mainly this last name that refers us to the hypostasis of this phenomenon of being able to see things as they are, which gives such a state of energies. I.e., Eternal Truth. Hence the light or pure mind, returning to the name of our Slavic God.


The root Sat:


Four-faced Swentovite:

Photo taken from website:

And specifically an article about the statues:

(In answer to the question about so-called “freaks”, whether we should put their research as the basis for our own. The fact is that the so-called “freaks”, i.e. researchers, non-professionals and alternative researchers, who often draw wrong conclusions from their findings, are often excellent travelers-gatherers. And on their sites, in addition to research, you can find a lot of truly great photographic material that is not shown on any official channels, and the site at the link above, in particular, has many useful photos that are carefully removed from all the more official internet, google, yandex and other pictures).

Other information:

[highly recommended!] Afanasyev. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature.

Alexander Geishtor - Slov'yanskaya Mythology

Bychkov A.A. Encyclopedia of pagan gods. Myths of the ancient Slavs https://info.wikireading.ru/3077

All Sources of Temple of Zeus Ministry


Sanskrit sources:




Author: Edward Lonsa

Translator: Edward Lonsa (translated from Russian into English by Edward Lonsa)

As a Croatian SS, I shall try my best to collect information on various Slavic deities and present some peculiar and interesting information regarding their meanings and customs associated with them.

By the way, there is a place called Mokošica in Croatia which has its roots in the name of the goddess Mokosh. It is also going to be one of the settings in my upcoming book that will be centered around Slavic paganism.
Thanks you very much for your contribution to JOS with your "Black Sun of the Slavs" book. I would like to translate this into english sometime and wonder if you have a pdf with text only of your work, omitting irrelevant references, etc. Would I be able to publish your work? Let me know and thanks again for your insight.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
