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Mercury Retrograde (What You Can Do)

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Mercury is in retrograde motion about 3 times a year, lasting for 3 weeks each time. Many members focus on the bad things about this period of time, but this happens to be an excellent time for certain things!

Mercury retrograde is the time to go through your computer documents and organize and reorganize anything that is required. Make sure you have all important JoS files in order, sorted into correct files and so on. The same goes for your office desk and all other documents and paperwork.

For young people who share a computer with your parents, be very careful hiding files. It might be best to use a flash drive and keep anything “suspicious” off the computer.

This is also the time to go over any projects you are working on, and edit or revise anything. We can notice our own previously-made mistakes more during this time and fix and improve them.

If you had been working on any projects but put them aside for whatever reason, Mercury retrograde is the time to dig it out and review it, and make plans to continue with the project.

Any tedious paperwork you've been putting off, these retrograde periods are the best time to go through it all. Just don't sign anything, if at all possible.

This is also an excellent time for research. Gather information, make notes or links to everything you need.

However, the bad side can’t be ignored. Especially as this Mercury retrograde will last through the holiday season, and many people make travel plans during this season, and buy electronics on Boxing Day sales. Chances of things going wrong relating to these areas are higher.

If you don’t want to pass up the sales to buy electronics, then make sure to keep the receipt to return it if it malfunctions.

For travel plans, be aware that trips might be delayed or even canceled. I’m definitely not suggesting to cancel your plans because something might happen, but be mentally prepared that plans might change. Mental preparation reduces stress and anxiety.

And of course, Mercury retrograde causes miscommunication, which often happens in the forums during these retrograde periods. If you have to post something, go over it more carefully than usual, and know that some people might read it wrong regardless.

Mercury turns retrograde this December 13, so you have plenty of time to prepare :)
When Mercury is in retrograde, how does it affect people whose Mercury is normally in retrograde?
Thank you for the 'warning' :)
This Mercury retrograde seems to be going well :?
Both pc and laptop crashed :lol:
Thank you for posting this :)

Mercury retrograde went quite well for me :shock: as I had my Mozilla Firefox working like trash :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank you HPS Lydia,
Great sermon, HPS Lydia :)
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474480 time=1700991394 user_id=57]
And of course, Mercury retrograde causes miscommunication, which often happens in the forums during these retrograde periods. If you have to post something, go over it more carefully than usual, and know that some people might read it wrong regardless.

This is a very good post, but I don't fully understand how the stars (Astrology) can worsen my life if I am the person who solves problems!

I can't know what's in other people's heads, but if you write "white" and someone reads this "black", these are not the problems of the person who writes, but of the person who reads.

For the last year, I have not seen any negative changes in my life, only one plus (an increase in my salary, regardless of whether I work well or poorly at my job).

Yes, I have unresolved problems that I have been trying to solve for a very long time, but I do not have any new problems.

I mean, I don't see a strong influence of Astrology on my life.

I see that the result I have in my life depends entirely on my will.

Even if I get into unpleasant situations, I always get out of them using my perseverance, will and intentions.

I don't really understand how something very bad can happen in my life if I am ready to solve any problem by any means, if I have it, and I am ready to destroy any person by legal methods (literally and figuratively) if some person creates problems for me, because That I'm a lawyer.

I myself can create problems from scratch for any of my detractors, because I know the laws of my country and judicial practice very well.
I bet if we ask satan that aren't the planets and the stars effecting each of us in a individually way. The answer will be yes. I think you self appointed priests should tell your followers that you give satan your power so he can defeat the deity that is making everything bad. You selfish self-centered egotistical self loving hypocrite shall not think for a second that satan have time to talk about unnecessary things. The important thing is that you have dedicated your soul to satan and that is a one way road. But its for us so meditate all the time and not do it like some shallow moron with a special sitting and breathing technique. You shall visualise your soul becoming satans power source so he can fight better. Because there is a war going on between satan and other dietys. And we can choose to give our inner Devine light to satan so his power increases.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474480 time=1700991394 user_id=57]
Mercury is in retrograde motion about 3 times a year, lasting for 3 weeks each time. Many members focus on the bad things about this period of time, but this happens to be an excellent time for certain things!

Mercury retrograde is the time to go through your computer documents and organize and reorganize anything that is required. Make sure you have all important JoS files in order, sorted into correct files and so on. The same goes for your office desk and all other documents and paperwork.

For young people who share a computer with your parents, be very careful hiding files. It might be best to use a flash drive and keep anything “suspicious” off the computer.

This is also the time to go over any projects you are working on, and edit or revise anything. We can notice our own previously-made mistakes more during this time and fix and improve them.

If you had been working on any projects but put them aside for whatever reason, Mercury retrograde is the time to dig it out and review it, and make plans to continue with the project.

Any tedious paperwork you've been putting off, these retrograde periods are the best time to go through it all. Just don't sign anything, if at all possible.

This is also an excellent time for research. Gather information, make notes or links to everything you need.

However, the bad side can’t be ignored. Especially as this Mercury retrograde will last through the holiday season, and many people make travel plans during this season, and buy electronics on Boxing Day sales. Chances of things going wrong relating to these areas are higher.

If you don’t want to pass up the sales to buy electronics, then make sure to keep the receipt to return it if it malfunctions.

For travel plans, be aware that trips might be delayed or even canceled. I’m definitely not suggesting to cancel your plans because something might happen, but be mentally prepared that plans might change. Mental preparation reduces stress and anxiety.

And of course, Mercury retrograde causes miscommunication, which often happens in the forums during these retrograde periods. If you have to post something, go over it more carefully than usual, and know that some people might read it wrong regardless.

Mercury turns retrograde this December 13, so you have plenty of time to prepare :)

Hey Lydia, thanks for the article. I wonder what do you think about Placidius House System. Due to trapped house thing at some causes some planets do not run any signs which is imposible. Thats why i dont feel okay with Placidius system. Also, it seems for the signs western astrology, for the houses vedic astrology is more accurate. So i belive that using whole house system on western astrology could be a better option than Placidius. Whats your thoughts? Thanks.
I already experienced some signs today. I felt horrible for hours but I took a nap, ate well, meditated and asked Satan for strength during this period. We really are blessed that we are on Satan's side in this struggle.
I never congratulated you on your new spiritual status as hps. Congratulations and wish you well in you endeavors.
Thank you for the warning! I made plans to travel through 3 counties and thought about buying a new laptop!
Mmmmm ❤️ Thank you for the thumbs up! I am not going to let this Mercury retrograde get the best of me. The last one kicked me in the ass.
And this time of year!? With all kinds of events going on, shopping! Dinner planning... figuring out where you want to shop, saving money.
And dealing with the unexpected always happens whether you want it or not. Especially when you want things to go smoothly.
And then to find out that you got fired! And have to go look for another job.. or you get evicted and have to go find another place to live.. and with some people that don't pay their bills.. or have their habits and their excuses..
These little things catch up I noticed without a word or a warning! With the last Mercury retrograde I had... I was on a vacation trip! And many unpleasant things happened. And let's just put it this way.... it was a major kick in the pants to me and in an embarrassment!!
Which will never happen again! And yes it had to do with my flight plan and an email address! Plus my flight was delayed on my way home dealing with the 3-hour layover and unexpected phone calls and angry people! A mess I had to face all the way home! All because of one simple little email address brought on all kinds of confusion! And not paying attention. However I was lucky to get home! And I was lucky to have all of my luggage with me! So it is important for people to pay attention to the signs read their horoscope
And be careful how they plan things!... I don't think I want any repeats of anything like that to happen to me again! And this year I'm going to do things better and I'm going to do things right! First of all I'm not just going to jump into things! Without reading what is important. Listening to the still Small Voice Within and my conscience if something isn't right? Look into it and I have made many mistakes because of Mercury retrograde and a lot of it wasn't because of that it was because I was careless! And just jumped into things without thinking. I know we all make mistakes! Especially this time of year when you want things to be so happy and pleasant laugh out loud I know people try and sometimes people try too hard and sometimes people become overconfident! Instead of taking the time to look at things and relax. And I am somebody that gets wound up real easy during the holidays and by the time the day arrives I am in a shitty mood or overly exhausted. In this year I'm not going to meet the same mistakes! Keeping my energy up is one thing! But also shopping at the right places and knowing when to shop and what to buy and saving money. Being patient with people! And myself. Keeping things organized..🔥 and checking everything! My computer, phone,. Especially what I order online. Being SMART ENOUGH to avoid getting fucked over.. sometimes when it comes to ordering things you don't always get what you think you're going to get and some of these companies over charge you and even after you've paid they still ask for money. And dealing with online businesses and the idiots that run them! My weakness... the fact that I lose my patience and get angry! And then things take the wrong turn after that and then it goes bad from two even worse! And I learn a lesson from it and every time it's a slap in the face to me! Mercury retrograde can either be marvelous or disastrous depending on your attitude and how you carry yourself. And this time I want to do things right! And be happy and be prepared! . AND BE CALM. ❤️ Thank you for sharing this article.. 🙏
Amantes said:
When Mercury is in retrograde, how does it affect people whose Mercury is normally in retrograde?
Things actually go better for those who have it retrograde natally. I would have written this, but I didn't want to copy what is already known on the JoS. Communications also are better.

The planets retrograding don't necessarily worsen the life, they cause problems that just happen. Yes we do make our fate, but knowledge is power, and being aware of potential obstacles gives us the advantage (HPS Maxine often said this).

It might be a good idea to delay new translations, and instead, go over previously translated writings to ensure accuracy of those, during these periods :)

Hype0 said:
Hey Lydia, thanks for the article. I wonder what do you think about Placidius House System. Due to trapped house thing at some causes some planets do not run any signs which is imposible. Thats why i dont feel okay with Placidius system. Also, it seems for the signs western astrology, for the houses vedic astrology is more accurate. So i belive that using whole house system on western astrology could be a better option than Placidius. Whats your thoughts? Thanks.
Hello. Both HPS Maxine and myself looked into Vedic versus Western. Vedic has some good points but is overall not accurate.

Blackmage666 said:
I never congratulated you on your new spiritual status as hps. Congratulations and wish you well in you endeavors.
Thank you :)

I also had to travel once through Mercury retrograde. My relative's luggage got lost and wound up in the Caribbean of all places, lol. Mine didn't get lost, as I used Yellow energy and affirmed my luggage was arriving safely with me at my destination. I recommend doing this or similar, to any SS who has to travel :)
Thank you for another informative post! I am curious about something though. Miscommunication, troubles relating to purchased items, signatures and travel. The effects of Mercury retrograde sound very similar to the void of course Moon.

Is there a correlation between the two? Or could this just be a coincidence?
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=474627 time=1701069108 user_id=57]

Hype0 said:
Hey Lydia, thanks for the article. I wonder what do you think about Placidius House System. Due to trapped house thing at some causes some planets do not run any signs which is imposible. Thats why i dont feel okay with Placidius system. Also, it seems for the signs western astrology, for the houses vedic astrology is more accurate. So i belive that using whole house system on western astrology could be a better option than Placidius. Whats your thoughts? Thanks.
Hello. Both HPS Maxine and myself looked into Vedic versus Western. Vedic has some good points but is overall not accurate.
Thanks for your reply. I know Vedic system has some cons, that's why i'm asking if using Vedic's house system on the Western's signs system which is nearly equal to whole house system can be more accurate?
One of Mercury Retrograde's traits is the focus on details which can be good for what you said about working with details and organizing, but can sometimes make one miss the essential or misunderstand messages. Many of us have this in the natal chart and cause some problems in the first three decades of life.
I started a new work exactly when Mercury started the retrocess, they fired me without a good justification i dont understand why is this related to the retrogade Mercury?
Sarramixa said:
I started a new work exactly when Mercury started the retrocess, they fired me without a good justification i dont understand why is this related to the retrogade Mercury?

Starting a new job, that's an agreement/contract between you and the employer/company, things are more likely to go wrong with Mercury retrograde. That doesn't mean we should avoid starting a new job, but things are more likely to not work out.

Since they had no good justification, you can take it up with whatever worker's rights is in your country to see if you can get your job back.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=477862 time=1702794064 user_id=57]
Sarramixa said:
I started a new work exactly when Mercury started the retrocess, they fired me without a good justification i dont understand why is this related to the retrogade Mercury?

Starting a new job, that's an agreement/contract between you and the employer/company, things are more likely to go wrong with Mercury retrograde. That doesn't mean we should avoid starting a new job, but things are more likely to not work out.

Since they had no good justification, you can take it up with whatever worker's rights is in your country to see if you can get your job back.

Depending on the circumstances, it's also possible to file a lawsuit. Happened to some one I know that worked at McDonalds, managed to bank $200,000 from it. However, it has to be clearly proven ones rights were violated.

The planets affect us in many ways. It's mainly subconsciously, as it's the basis towards all outcomes. Those who're unaware of it are more susceptible than those that aren't.

Anyway, I had some plans regarding personal business but seams I will have to postpone them for now. Having taken the opportunity to prepare and research beforehand has been beneficial as I have a broader scope rather than just learning while doing.
Thanks that's very helpfull i hope it goes right i cant even understand.
Shakra said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=477862 time=1702794064 user_id=57]
Sarramixa said:
I started a new work exactly when Mercury started the retrocess, they fired me without a good justification i dont understand why is this related to the retrogade Mercury?

Starting a new job, that's an agreement/contract between you and the employer/company, things are more likely to go wrong with Mercury retrograde. That doesn't mean we should avoid starting a new job, but things are more likely to not work out.

Since they had no good justification, you can take it up with whatever worker's rights is in your country to see if you can get your job back.

Depending on the circumstances, it's also possible to file a lawsuit. Happened to some one I know that worked at McDonalds, managed to bank $200,000 from it. However, it has to be clearly proven ones rights were violated.

The planets affect us in many ways. It's mainly subconsciously, as it's the basis towards all outcomes. Those who're unaware of it are more susceptible than those that aren't.

Anyway, I had some plans regarding personal business but seams I will have to postpone them for now. Having taken the opportunity to prepare and research beforehand has been beneficial as I have a broader scope rather than just learning while doing.

Thanks for the tip, what they did is illegal at least concerning the information i have about work rights, anyway i would have to start the job because i was really needing, i complain to the labour inspection and have talked about this to other legal entities and they are making investigativo. I hope i can win some money out of this would be very Nice, One more question i started a new job again is Mercury still retrograde? Anyway i believe Will be ok now
Sarramixa said:
Thanks for the tip, what they did is illegal at least concerning the information i have about work rights, anyway i would have to start the job because i was really needing, i complain to the labour inspection and have talked about this to other legal entities and they are making investigativo. I hope i can win some money out of this would be very Nice, One more question i started a new job again is Mercury still retrograde? Anyway i believe Will be ok now

The retrogade lasts until January 1, 2024, right after new years eve. What matters during this period is that you go over everything as things have a tendency to change during/after retrogade.

Mercury isn't the only planet that should be taken into account regarding work as Mars rules over this as well. Other planets can also be involved, especially regarding the type of job you do. But mars is in a decent sign though.

Hope it works out for you, let me know how it goes :D
Shakra said:
Sarramixa said:
Thanks for the tip, what they did is illegal at least concerning the information i have about work rights, anyway i would have to start the job because i was really needing, i complain to the labour inspection and have talked about this to other legal entities and they are making investigativo. I hope i can win some money out of this would be very Nice, One more question i started a new job again is Mercury still retrograde? Anyway i believe Will be ok now

The retrogade lasts until January 1, 2024, right after new years eve. What matters during this period is that you go over everything as things have a tendency to change during/after retrogade.

Mercury isn't the only planet that should be taken into account regarding work as Mars rules over this as well. Other planets can also be involved, especially regarding the type of job you do. But mars is in a decent sign though.

Hope it works out for you, let me know how it goes :D
,,👍i Will tell u
I may be forced to sign a mortgage contract during this retro, will it be okay?
I may be forced to sign a mortgage contract during this retro, will it be okay?
If there's no other option, then you have to do it. Make sure to read everything carefully, make sure all signatures are correct and nothing was missed, etc. Essentially, pay extra attention to everything.

And then after the retro, do a double check on everything. Something might have been missed, for example.
If there's no other option, then you have to do it. Make sure to read everything carefully, make sure all signatures are correct and nothing was missed, etc. Essentially, pay extra attention to everything.

And then after the retro, do a double check on everything. Something might have been missed, for example.
I will. This may be an odd thought, but are there scenarios where a mercury retrograde can work in your favor?

For example, I am worried about my debt to income ratio being a turn off to the broker, yet there is a chance it is fine, which is why I am trying in the first place. But could the retrograde make them rush through it or even miss things in my favor, or is it always at ones expense?
I will. This may be an odd thought, but are there scenarios where a mercury retrograde can work in your favor?

For example, I am worried about my debt to income ratio being a turn off to the broker, yet there is a chance it is fine, which is why I am trying in the first place. But could the retrograde make them rush through it or even miss things in my favor, or is it always at ones expense?
There is a chance of that happening, but it's not something that can be counted on.

Also, if the broker has natal Mercury retrograde, he might pay more attention during this time because people with natal MercRx operate better when transiting Merc is Rx.
Mercury is in retrograde motion about 3 times a year, lasting for 3 weeks each time. Many members focus on the bad things about this period of time, but this happens to be an excellent time for certain things!

Mercury retrograde is the time to go through your computer documents and organize and reorganize anything that is required. Make sure you have all important JoS files in order, sorted into correct files and so on. The same goes for your office desk and all other documents and paperwork.

For young people who share a computer with your parents, be very careful hiding files. It might be best to use a flash drive and keep anything “suspicious” off the computer.

This is also the time to go over any projects you are working on, and edit or revise anything. We can notice our own previously-made mistakes more during this time and fix and improve them.

If you had been working on any projects but put them aside for whatever reason, Mercury retrograde is the time to dig it out and review it, and make plans to continue with the project.

Any tedious paperwork you've been putting off, these retrograde periods are the best time to go through it all. Just don't sign anything, if at all possible.

This is also an excellent time for research. Gather information, make notes or links to everything you need.

However, the bad side can’t be ignored. Especially as this Mercury retrograde will last through the holiday season, and many people make travel plans during this season, and buy electronics on Boxing Day sales. Chances of things going wrong relating to these areas are higher.

If you don’t want to pass up the sales to buy electronics, then make sure to keep the receipt to return it if it malfunctions.

For travel plans, be aware that trips might be delayed or even canceled. I’m definitely not suggesting to cancel your plans because something might happen, but be mentally prepared that plans might change. Mental preparation reduces stress and anxiety.

And of course, Mercury retrograde causes miscommunication, which often happens in the forums during these retrograde periods. If you have to post something, go over it more carefully than usual, and know that some people might read it wrong regardless.

Mercury turns retrograde this December 13, so you have plenty of time to prepare

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
