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Video Games and Their Devs

xlnt said:
The bigger the corporations, the more likely jews are steering them I guess.
The most blasphemous famous games are probably Doom, Wolfenstein, God of War and Diablo.
Then there are games promoting crime and violence such as the GTA games by Rockstar.

Before I was a Satanist and I played those games I always wished I was a demon or with the Nazis. I could never explain it at the time other than I liked the aesthetic. I guess I know why now.
I would never play those games now though.
Inventor_Occulti_Fati said:
xlnt said:
The bigger the corporations, the more likely jews are steering them I guess.
The most blasphemous famous games are probably Doom, Wolfenstein, God of War and Diablo.
Then there are games promoting crime and violence such as the GTA games by Rockstar.

Before I was a Satanist and I played those games I always wished I was a demon or with the Nazis. I could never explain it at the time other than I liked the aesthetic. I guess I know why now.
I would never play those games now though.

I can totally relate to that, before my dedication I always rooted for the demons and always sided with the demons in every rpg lol
xlnt said:
The bigger the corporations, the more likely jews are steering them I guess.
The most blasphemous famous games are probably Doom, Wolfenstein, God of War and Diablo.
Then there are games promoting crime and violence such as the GTA games by Rockstar.

It's a dilemma though since GTA 5 is like the best simulator for flying helicopter, planes, boats, cars, motorcycles etc. in an open world. One can even play golf and tennis there.

One of my favorite games is Dishonored, which do contain violence and is written partly by a half Jew as far as I know.
It's an interesting game though where the main playable character collects runes to gain certain magical abilities such as bilocation, dark vision, possession, bending time, windblast etc.
Then there are these military people so called "Overseers" working for the religious order "The Abbey of the Everyman", being strongly against such "heresy".


Some people have argued here that games are just a "waste of time", but I would say they can become an issue just like everything else which goes to excess.
I've gained a lot of inspiration from games, and have even used music from Dishonored in two of my JoS videos.

Indie games are the future as AAA games get literred with microtransactions and little to zerp innovation releasing the same product year after year ie Fifa etc
ValiantVance88 said:
Samkara said:
Yurei said:
Cyberpunk 2077 is woke trash. It promotes transhumanism and the tranny agenda. The witcher is also woke trash that promotoes feminism.
CD Projekt Red went woke long ago

Haven't played the games, but the books are seriously well written. In the 1st book, Geralt embarks on a journey with other soldiers to slay a golden dragon. One of them is a religious zealot, and confronts the dragon in a christian inquisitor like manner as his "sworn duty of god", and ends up getting torn to shreds.

I'm not sure about the authors religious views, but it's definitely implied that he was into pagan and occult knowledge. Perhaps that's why he refuses to acknowledge the games as canon to the lore

The games do a very good job showing things which raise awareness of the brutality of the church, and also always shows the characters and groups which represent the church getting devastated and destroyed at the hands of witches and those who support them.
There are also runes with which you enchant your weapons and armor bearing the Eastern European names and symbols of our true gods such as Zoria and Dazhbog. Geralt and and Shani also talk about celebrating Yule, and Geralt talks about celebrating Beltane with Triss.
Damn, now I really don't know what all the complaint is about the series. Other than the fact that Geralt is a literal chad that knows how to get witch pussy, lol. But he's a great masculine character for a fantasy genre.

Better than any harry potter shit as well.
The Witcher games are some of my favorites! Geralt is kind of a medieval chad though isn’t he? Lol he even kinda looks like the chad if you give him the short haircut lol
I never liked the God of War series. I believe as early as 2003 maybe 2004 the IP was set up and within the Dev Hardware Kit for the PS3 it was created. Remember in some cases IPs are setup years beforehand and in some cases almost brought out like a Pilot for a show. It's the general capitalist dupe investment shit. We may or may not invest or we may or may not want to provide capital gains to produce this. I think now a days with Indie games and other people moving and cultivating financial properties it's easier to get your foot in the door despite the MASSIVE increase in costs. Like the Rockstar games dumping hundreds of millions/billions? to produce one game.

I wonder how a Feder-style economy from NSG would have procured development, people bitch and moan about artistry in games. Look at some games there's people playing computer games from the late-80s, early-90s to this day modding, wadding, map making, conversion: partial or total. I'm pretty damn sure Hitler would be providing artist and other developers of this art we call game engineering and manufacture with capital. And even getting bank loans to develop a studio and gather people and artists to congregate and develop new IPs. Or maintain and improve old games that stand the test of time. I hate to mention some as it delves into things like Doom with it's anti-Demon thing.

Nazi Germany Video Games, I'd like to see what that is.

Even if my gaming days are behind me and the last time I played a video game was over 10 years ago sometime late 2012-early-2013. I'd like to get back but the SHEER fucking volume of games and genres pure overload. I'm dumbfounded how people including myself would spend like 12-15 hours daily on A or various games. I can't do it anymore, it's not my thing it's already out of my habit and frankly too much, just too much overload.

Anyways, I don't think the PS2 had the power to run the game but potentially they may have developed it on the PS2 at least a testing module and then realized it lacked power. Some games are backported or if the system recently came out dual-released. Kinda like the PS4/PS5 games before the PS5 was fully entrenched. Or X360/Xone.

Anyways I recall this game being fairly popular. I really don't know why, it seems the kind of people who liked it were probably at some point playing Diablo/ARPG games at some point. I don't think GoW posses an RPG element but sometimes RPG elements can be implemented in a mathematical way or a hidden way, for example I know he picks up various weapons but I think either they do increase in stat or simply work in a different way.

Funny the mid-00s the MMORPG craze occurred many of the older MMORPG and WoW and some modern Korean grinders and some Japanese ones popped out, Runescape comes to mind funny enough. For how primitive Runescape was it sure did provide a delivery of actions and activities. Even if the game became kinda a gankfest and many people got soured on the PVP part especially some of the later game activities involving the dragon stuff and using high-end stuff. I recall one person using some dragon level weapon to kinda like 3-4 shot people and he was explaining I just get this high-end stuff and just roflstomp people even people of my level not properly equiped they get their health chunked out.

Apparently it seems like GoW is your run of the mill button mash fest with active actions and using the environment. Hence instead of having a Isometric camera you play in first/third person.

I do know as well around that time Gears of War was popular it created a cult following for some gamers. And I believe that was around the time of the Killzone and Resistance games. As well as I think by '07 nearing '08 Massive Action Game popped out. A take on one of the older FPS that some people hacked the game and made it handle like 300 players, I recall back then sometime in like 2008-2009 they wanted to flood the server with this older FPS game and got like 319 concurrent users lagging about. MAG was popular for some FPS gamers who despite having 30FPS and sometimes dipping below that. The beginning seeing 128 vs 128 players scurry all around the map was like holy shit.

There's also the Xbox 360, which had a cult following and many actually state won the console war of the era. At least in offering some killer apps and generally having properties of programming easier even if the cell processor had interesting properties for non-gaming applications running Linux and generally being a kinda neat system for hackers.

Still I don't understand why Kratos a Greek would attack his own Gods or fight his nor other Gods or whatever. I think God of War series should have died off sometime by 2008 or so. They should have done GoW 1/2/3 or better yet they should have just done one and be done with it.

I kinda get the feeling that GoW is another Assassin's Creed. The novelty was worn out but console players and people are too NPC like to break the matrix.

Frankly Assassin's Creed I've heard can be reasonable and tolerable but there was a quip about it a few years ago that the IP is kinda worn out. And the whole Time Travel and doing stuff kinda gets old after a while. Some people going that Assassin's creed nearing the PS4 era was on thin-ice albeit I don't know how verifiable that is. I do know one of the reboots was done to test the waters and they actually did a very reasonable job with the game.

Still as far as I'm aware it's just typical bash the Pagans till they pay back their debt. As in Spanish Pagan without the N means PAGA or Pay or pagaRON or paid.

Sometimes I wonder if' it's the age old hebrew notion of and the blood and finances of a nation are for the taking to us.

Even if it somehow did the opposite or maybe people said, 'I played the game and killed these Gods and did that and it doesn't feel right. I mean I'm a xtian and even I don't like those Pagans but Gods kill Gods? Deicide? Feels weird man.'

Albeit Remember people this was before youtube, smartphone or outright smarterphones, and other modern tech that popped up by the 2007 era or so.

So the level of Humanity was dim compared to what we have now despite the cluster fuck of stupidity and ignorance or more specifically hemenutical ignorance/stupidity i.e. not just accepting stupidity/ignorance, becoming or learning to maintain or increase ignorance/stupidity, but even defend stupidity/ignorance like a badge of honor.

I kinda want to see a counter-part to God of War trying do the opposite. Fight against the enemy and the judeo-bolshevik horde, historically as well.

Albeit I bet the kvetching from the jews and shabbos would not stop echoing. How dare you create a game to fight God!. And how dare God not accept a game fighting him, sounds like God and the people who dare worship him are a bunch of pussies, clowning about.

Still would be funny maybe an indie person or studio does it.

And yes what people said above, the future of triple-AAA games is centralize, microtransaction, rip as much money out of everything.

Why do you think modding has been killed off by many entities. If people can develop their own stuff and even own games. Then they lose money. Which is funny because it's the opposite and many games have made people buy these games just to run mods.

It's kinda like the pirating thing. There's an old statistic that stated many pirates actually purchase a copy of the game after trying out the game or even in some cases try and buy game kits which contain extras like a collectors edition.

I think in the end the gaming industry is just gonna collapse from centralizing and messing around with what amounts to robbery and then an army of decentralized gaming would occur.

It's like crypto they want to destroy it and it's failing and it's just waking people up. Eventually people are gonna get tired of Call of Duty: 18,956 Warfare Enhanced. Or God of War 365 or GTA: 768 set in Beijing.

Sometimes I wonder if it's a joke or the capitalist/communist activity of the continuous devaluation of money rendering companies to produce schlock of shit technologies.

If our money was in full 100% valuation and never collapsed and inflation was either eliminated or controlled or simply kept as a virtual reflect to maintain a virtual valuation.

Then I wouldn't be surprised if games would be massively improved and properly maintain etc.etc. Kinda shows you how money is power. These companies only eye the mammonistic poison and act like a bunch of spiritual jews.

It's one company making like 60% of their income like 1.2 billion alone on custom clothing and character differences. The modding community can do that for free. Why the fuck are you paying for virtual stuff. It's not even worth anything it's not like these RMT MMORPG where you can sell it and make money from it.

Anyways games today aren't like the golden age in the past. Now a days it's simply a money grab, berg and stein, stein and berg.
VoiceofEnki said:
Apollo13 said:
Think the way you pleas

But remember each on of use was brought in a different place, time and period
What i love is not what you love and vice versa

Yes it has faults, but this arguments stems into "video game causes violence"

H.P Kobra once said that one should not deny him/herself the ability to drink water bcoz the jew muh owns it (if i rem correctly)

And Hades is a fun, dull game but.....


What I talk about is not the quality of the game, or anything else, but how it presents the Gods.

The entire God of War series is an outright blasphemy against our Gods and against Greek Mythology, and it really is utterly disgusting.

Did you see the scene of "Kratos" killing Poseidon in GoW2?

That is the most utter disrespect and retarded blasphemy against Poseidon of all ages. That scene alone disqualifies the entire video game series to any SS as something to be praised.

Nobody blasphemes and trashes upon Poseidon (Satan) in this manner. It is utterly retarded and absolutely unacceptable.

In my opinion, that scene is worse even than the blasphemy against Baalzevulon in the goetic grimoires, which is almost second to none.

However, the scene of utter disgust and nonsense that god of war shows on Poseidon is one of the most disrespectful and also one of the most blatantly jewish wet dream scenario's ever conceived.

Even the name of the game itself is a blasphemy against Andras, the real God of War Ares.

It makes a mockery of Him and of the entire Greek Mythology and Pantheon.

This is not a matter of opinion, it is fact.

As Spiritual Satanists this should be obvious to see, it is as blatant as it gets, that the God of War game series is blatantly a jewish attack against our Gods and against Greek Mythology and Hellinism in general.

I understand you
But LOOK from my perspective
Internet wasn't as profound back in my child days, neighborhood was strict and were heavy xtians
There weren't any info to look about our gods and speaking about them was dealt with HEAVY PUNISHMENT
Thats where i stumbled upon the GOW games and as i have stated, the game has faults but it was this game that triggered the Satanic in me

I was fascinated about kratos and the Gods, despite the gods being depicted as "evil"
I loved zeus, athena, kratos and more of the gods
It greatly influenced me as a child right untill i was introduced to the Jos website

Thats why i said, we are different, brought up in different time, place and period, what i like is not what you like
Plus liking the game doesn't make me a God hater or a jew, the devolpers do not know what they are doing, just like how people do things they fo not know e.g race mixing

Its the heart that judges

READ my messages AGAIN, for i will not speak of this
The original Halo series was truly Satanic, looking back at it.
The Master Chief, an Aryan, descended from the Forerunners, a highly advanced godlike species, who must save humanity from the reptilian judeo-xian Covenant aliens.
Nimrod33 said:
ValiantVance88 said:
There really are a wealth of kickass indie games being released!

You said that many indie games are redpilled. Can you specify which of them are you referring to?
The best upcoming one which comes to mind is Gord, based on Slavic Folklore. Another really good one which is currently already out is Blacktail(also based on Slavic folklore) Vikings: Wolves of Midgard also seems really cool, has solid reviews, and so does Disciples: Liberation

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
