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Understanding Tartarus - The Allegory vs The Literal


Jan 23, 2018
Some months ago, HPHC wrote a post discussing several key things to do with matters pertaining to both the understanding of our own theology, as well as the nature of the enemy. Within this sermon, HPHC referenced the literal existence of Tartarus. This caught the eyes of several, who had been assuming Tartarus to be purely a symbolic aspect of Greek Theology. Naturally, this raised certain curiosities. This, however, is not just about Tartarus, rather, it’s about using Tartarus to demonstrate a finer point about the interpretation of Ancient Mythemes. I’ll do my best to summarize things, though reader beware, it’ll be lengthy, and I don't promise perfection absolute.

To begin with the apparent question. Is everything within ancient story literal? No. Allegorical thinking and metaphor are important mechanics in the preservation of knowledge. Due to enemy influence and other factors, perhaps, people have forgotten about such things as the Chakras or the Kundalini. To use an example however, the Yule Tree, its lights, and its star, persist as a symbol of such.

However, one should not be quick to interpret everything “strange” within the stories of the Ancients as purely symbolic. Things are much more complicated than this. Take Theseus, the King of Athens. A mythical King, of legendary deeds. Though his story is filled with allegory, Theseus was a real man. Similarly, there are places in Greek myth which are real places you can go and visit today. The point is, something existing within myth does not preclude it from existing within reality. Many fools have tried to make these claims. They notice the symbolic aspects of the Gods, and so they speak against their literal existence. The opposite, is in fact true. Just because Troy was the place of Homer’s Iliad, does not mean its ruins aren’t still there, in modern day Anatolia.

With that established, it’s important to realize that, similarly to real places and real people existing in legend, so too are other matters, ones less understood by the modern, less spiritual man. It’s easy to see Athens still exists with your eyes. But what of the Underworld/Hades?

This is the part where people start to struggle. With spiritual understanding having faded within the mainstream, it’s easy to disregard anything as “the supernatural” as purely allegorical. An undeveloped man can see Athens, but, they cannot see the Underworld, or remember it. Indeed, the Underworld too, much like Athens, Sparta, Troy, appears as a location within myth and legend. Much like these worldly places, allegorical stories can happen within it, in the context of legend. That however, does not mean it doesn’t exist in the literal sense as well, same as our Gods.

But what is ‘Tartarus’? What does it represent, and why does it matter? Importantly too, how does it differ to the Jewish falsehoods perpetrated by Abrahamic deceptions?

Within allegory, Tartarus is the abyssal prison regarded as far below the Underworld as earth is below Olympus. Of course this isn’t literal, as Hades isn’t below our feet in the literal sense, but, above and below are indeed spiritual concepts which reveal the true nature of these things.

In the Titanomachia, after the Olympian Gods triumphed over the Titans, most of them were imprisoned within Tartarus, with the Olympian assuming dominance over the earth, the sea, and the heavens. The most principle of these Titans was none other than Kronos, the Titan of Time, associated with Saturn. Meanwhile, the most principle Titan who remained outside of Tartarus was none other than Prometheus. Already, there is more allegory here than I can discuss in reasonable time, but I’ll make it brief.

In a sense, the dwelling of Kronos in Tartarus is symbolic of Saturnic spiritual matters. The effects of the Kundalini remaining sleeping in the root chakra, and how this unascended spiritual state causes our mortal forms to experience ‘bound time’, or ‘titanic time’. The time experienced by mortals, who suffer the effects of aging, same as the passage of the seasons, and the harvest. Olympians however, are representative of ‘unbound time’, or eternity. The Gods of course, are able to see things in a certain non-linear sense. They are above time’s ravages. This dichotomy is in turn, important to understanding the mythological creation of humanity within Greek theology. Prometheus, not subject to Tartarus, shaped humanity’s physical form, whereas the Olympians breathed soul into it. We as we are, are Titan, and Olympian.

The ‘mystery cults’ of Greece, be it the Eleusian or the Orphic, often had to do with this very nature. The internal triumph of our Olympian half over the Titanic is symbolic of ascension to Godhood. To become Olympian in totality, is the Magnum Opus.

Beyond the Titanomachia, other mythemes begin to portray, through further allegory, increasingly revelatory aspects of what Tartarus is. The most famous inhabitant of it, is of course, Sisyphus. If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of the story of the man forced to roll a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down at the top, for eternity. This has become known in modern dialect as the ‘Sisyphean Task’. But why is it relevant here?

Sisyphus, in legend, tried to evade his mortality, not through growth and development of the soul, but trickery, and hubris. He considered himself smarter than the Gods, and thus not subject to natural law. The meaningless, endless task he has been put to for this ‘sin’, is in itself, representative of this. To try and be more than mortal, through the cheating and deception of natural law as opposed to the embracing of it, is a task of no conclusion. Every time you reach the top, your work will come undone. There is no permanence, no eternity. Sisyphus here, is an icon of dross and sin. And he is but one of many examples. Among him, there are others like Tantalus, who tried to pilfer the secrets and gifts of the Gods through equally perverse means, or through great acts of evil, like the cannibalization of his own son, much like Kronos before him.

It’s a common mytheme, you see, that after, or because of, the defeat of Kronos, the Olympian Gods face other monsters too. The Giants. Typhon. These monstrous entities all bear the same traits. Hideous. Terrible. Often bringing disease or sorrow. They are harbingers of the worst, and most lesser aspects of everything purely material. The things that ravage those without spiritual development and understanding.

With the allegorical understanding established, now you can begin to unfold the literal nature of Tartarus, same as the literal understanding of Hades. No, Tartarus is not the Pagan of the Abrahamic Hell, in spite of the fact that the Abrahamic Hell pulled much of its ideas and concepts from it. Tartarus literal existence, maintains the same function as the Underworld itself. And this has to do with what I’d refer to as the hierarchy of souls.

Within Hades/the Underworld, there are many tiers which souls dwell. There is the Asphodel Meadows. This is where the “bulk” of humanity’s souls go. The mostly undeveloped. Those unextraordinary masses, without grievous sin or great deed alike. Conversely, there is the Fields of Elysium. These are the “heroic” souls, those with spiritual understanding and deed within their lifetime. Lastly, there are the Fields of the Blessed. The highest tier of Hades, to those who can dwell among Hades with full spiritual understanding and comprehension. Those souls which do not drink from the River Lethe and forget the experiences of the spirit. Great philosophers and minds like Plato and Socrates are associated with this very place for evident reason. Even Cronus himself, after his freeing from Tartarus, drinks from its nectar, and becomes its Lord. Yes, there is allegory here, but, the difference of power and development between souls, how they dwell in these astral realms and how they’re reborn, are very real things. Very literal things.

As such, so is Tartarus. Natural law is what it is, and there are souls far lower, far more coated in dross and undeveloped, that ‘sink to the bottom’. As is it is within Egyptian Theology, they call it the weighing of the heart (soul) against a Feather of Ma’at, symbolic of justice and goodness. The developed soul, is a lighter one. The dross addled soul, is a heavier one. One of the base metals, as opposed to golden light.

Natural law, and the operation of the Gods, sort souls on hierarchy. Though the world as we know it is full of deceit, there is no cheating the scales. A rich shabbos goyim can buy himself as many drugs as he wants to extend his life. He will still die. The astral reality is one of absolute truth, and no soul is equal to another. The most dross ridden souls simply cannot dwell in the same space as the developed, brightest ones. Natural law, nor the Gods, allow such a thing.

Consider this a chicken or the egg matter. In our world, you will find that the heaviest souls are borne by the people who often commit the most grievous crimes. They are ‘ugly’ people. Often both in appearance, and in act. Even in modern science, it is demonstrated that only a ‘high IQ’ individual is capable of compassion. Whereas the stupidest members of the species are capable of the worst cruelties. There is not ‘one humanity’. Can you say Pythagoras is the same ‘race’ as someone who is so fallen they cannot inhibit themselves from sporadic acts of rape and violence? These are realities that are happening all over the world, right now, as you read this. Though it’s hard to imagine for anyone bearing even the most basic comprehension, there are people so low that they give in to urges that render them below the noble animal. There are people who see someone pass them on the street, and decide on the spot, to torture them to death. Just because. Can you honestly imagine yourself committing such an act? By and large, no, of course not.

It is not because people commit these acts that the ‘Gods send them to Tartarus’. It’s more nuanced than that. Rather, those with souls so heavy and corrupt, are the only ones capable of such acts to begin with. And that is the literal reality of ‘Tartarus’. It is the lowest astral reality, reserved for the heaviest souls of humanity. To go back to Egyptian thinking, these souls are ‘devoured by Ammit’ in a ‘lake of fire’. Most souls that naturally go to dwell in such a place, may not even have the energy to be reborn into the next life. That is the ‘devouring’. Which is to say, the destruction of these souls as per natural law. Tartarus is not about vengeance and spite. It is about natural hierarchy. It is what comes of those who have spent lifetimes suckling up Abrahamic filth, corrupting themselves with enemy energies, and/or refusing development, and in turn, often becoming ‘monsters’, in how they are frequently inclined to act while alive. To provide an example, take the ‘Bible Belt’ of America. The most capital Christian place is also the capital of homicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, incest, obesity. Have you ever noticed the most “Christian” people are often the most hideous physically? Such a thing is not a coincidence. Even in death, the ‘filthiest’ souls are the ones prone to what are popularly called as ‘hauntings’. These are not things we need to worry about, as the Gods sort them out, but the point still stands. The nature of these souls is as such they even bear negativity beyond the body. It’s why Tartarus is considered a prison of ‘evil’, where entities guard watch to make sure these souls cannot harm the dwelling places of the higher ones.

So no, Tartarus is no “Hell.” Anyone here reading this has to understand that you’re not going to get arbitrarily sent to such a place. This isn’t Christianity. You’re not getting sent anywhere for being ‘sinful’, that’s not really the point. It’s the same as it is in life. Your experience is the effort you put in. And unlike Christianity where 99.99% of people even the goodest goy go to Hell anyway for whatever stupid nonsense, even the most ‘normal’, mundane person isn’t set for such a place. This is what ‘Asphodel’ is for, so to speak. Tartarus, Ammit, these are the extreme examples.

To provide a very personal anecdote, like many here, I have a parent who, despite being unpracticed, had ‘spiritual experiences’. When I was about two years old, an uncle of mine died quite young in a car accident. Later, his dog mysteriously vanished, likely having sensed something had gone wrong, as animals still often possess these higher instincts, probably having escaped to go look for him, and likely having died himself. It was a mere few days later, my mother had a dream. One that felt real. It wasn’t just a dream. The colors were too vivid. She was at the edge of a hilly meadow, with a bright blue sky, too bright for simple reality. My uncle was there, with his dog, and they departed together into the distance with only the briefest acknowledgment of a goodbye. This place, was the exact depiction of how the Ancients described the Meadows, but my mother had no reading or knowledge of anything Pagan, she was almost an Atheist, most of her life. Yet there it was. A real place, before her astral eyes.

The point is, my uncle was an unremarkable man. Not a Pagan. Not spiritually practiced. Not a bad person, but not one someone would write stories of. Even despite teenage petty crime, he still seemingly passed on to the Meadows, and likely has possibly been reborn into his next life. As is the way of things, and as they should be. Again, we are not Christians. You look at someone the wrong way and you deserve an eternity of torture? These are deranged, hateful fantasies of souls who are likely due for the jaws of Ammit themselves. Even the most average soul, with a lifetimes of good, bad, successes and victories, failures and errors, will experience rest and rebirth. It takes lifetimes of extremely wilful self-corruption to ever be such a soul that’ll face dwelling in the low places, or ultimately obliteration.

To change gears, in an effort to wrap this topic, I can touch on the inverse. Within the universe there are worlds and dwelling places so high that even our most developed would struggle to perceive them. Looping this back around to the allegorical vs the literal, the reality we experience today is not precisely the same one as the Ancients. Things change, both the development and perceptive abilities of humanity at large, and the astral state of our own world. Alexander the Great once named and spoke with a Demon in the same room as him, when several others were present. There is, indeed, much missing from our lives. Imagine we are dreaming, and are only just beginning to open our eyes to the full width and breadth of reality.

In the stories of the Ancients, you will see common references to other beings. Not just the Gods themselves, but entities like, for example, Naiads. There are hosts upon hosts of as Cobra himself named, ‘Chthonic Demons’ that are not quite Gods, but ranks and files of ‘lesser’ entities that represent a great many extraordinary things. Once, these things were realities of life. Understanding of these forces and entities lived on in altered form. Like why so many in rural places give offering to ‘Fairies’ for good luck, blessings, and to maintain a good hearth. The understanding is somewhat corrupted, but there’s a literal truth to be had there all the same.

People are confused, naturally, when people read what the Ancients had penned. Stories of people talking to ‘Naiads’ or what have you. Though these entities can too, be used in allegorical stories, like everything else I said, it does change the existence of a forgotten, literal truth.

These lesser Cthonic Demons were and are, aspects of our world. Laws that are intrinsic to our world, our life. They are part of a great spiritual hierarchy, underneath the Gods. Oftentimes, these entities presided over things like rivers, forests, fields. These are things that were the lifeblood of humanity. Geometric ley lines, places where we would find food, or water. The honouring and association with such things was part of life. People understood the existence of these entities. Lo and behold, the moment people stopped being Pagan, what happened? A great era of destruction, poisoning, and so forth. A desecration of the land, and the belief it was resource only, and not divine. Complete abandonment of respect for natural law was yet another blow to the spiritual wellbeing for this world. If you look at Ancient Greece, you see how they built in-tune with nature, dotting the landscape with shrines to all sorts of locally relevant entities.

It is not just us and the Gods. You read any text from any nation you’ll see the stories of what existed. The almost ritualistic nature of people’s lives. The awareness of the astral reality. You have five senses. Imagine living with just one. This is a similar thing to our reality today, for there is so much we do not see, hear, touch and feel. This will not always be reality for us. As we rise, we will rise our astral with it. And the spiritual nature of the world will become apparent once more. There is a reason why, the world you see cited in the scrolls of the Ancients is so much more colorful than the one of now.

Tartarus was really just a topical key, in this sense, to elaborate on a larger topic. That, yes, allegory is important, not everything written by our ancestors is purely such. Something can be both real, and allegorical. Oftentimes, like with runes, the vibrational reality of the universe means that the physical manifestation of things are representative of an astral truth. Like the first rune Fehu, which can literally be taken to mean ‘cattle’, ordains over the mobility of wealth, among other things. Among farmers, what were cattle, but literally wealth that walked?

In the end, it’s important to use your mind’s eye when reading anything of the Ancients. The full scale of the truth in their words and reality will only become more apparent as we ourselves grow. Take heart in knowing the world is stranger and more beautiful than even you imagine it to be.
This is what I was trying to get across in the other thread but you put it so eloquently and wonderfully.

I think a lot of people cannot understand that, in the majority of cases, highly deviant souls essentially 'sign themselves' into something like Tartarus. The Gods generally do not throw people into a lake of fire for a single act. And this is not for a single atrocity one may commit in one lifetime, but a protracted hatred of life, wallowing in filth and ugliness to the point where a soul can become highly deviated and deformed.

Think the example HP Cobra used of a catholic priest molesting hundreds of kids (these priests overwhelmingly have a wide range of victims, compared to say teachers who are sexually abusive to teenagers). This level of psychotic and deranged behavior takes a lot to get to.

Mass karma can also key people into something like Tartarus. That goes for groups that unfortunately practice human sacrifice, for instance.
Great post and great comment, and yes, that is not really a "condemnation" that is done manually.

People tie into these vortexes and energy, and they get there, by extreme deviancy and evil. That is not something that just "happens".

Also, such thing would never be triggered without doing something, or a series of very wrong things. It's cause and effect at work, and laws of the universe that operate here.
Interesting question that popped up reading this article.

We know the Gods protect souls of dedication, certain ranks, and or outright extraordinary acts. Maybe a person was unspiritual becomes spiritual helps out about. Not high level maybe even takes in a few ignorant new age non-sense but the act of "Hmm this person needs a second round". This yogic inspired person did good lets incarnate him somewhere else or at a better time to continue his elevation.

My question is do the Gods and or entities of increasing power. Do they construct Protective Zones for souls?

For example Hell or the area of Duat that guards/watches/protects souls with a myriad of the populace of the Gods not just guards and specific high or higher rank Gods. Is it fair to state that isn't the only place but rather other zones are made. Maybe even requiring souls to go there as the vibrational/frequency state might be too much. I recall Hp.Cobra's accidental projection and being unable to just barely handle the energy of a planet to be shown a person.

I've also recall people not even our side even random people or even astral projectors finding hospital zones and places where it's like a clinic or hospital investigating souls and trying to repair or fix their soul before some major event reincarnation or maybe holding at some protective place. Or they were taken to these places and at a later time brought into the protective "hell" zone area of Duat or otherwise.

We know this stuff to be literal in the sense of Astral construct and after-life security places. But allegorically has been mentioned i.e. Elysium or Valhalla as another example.

But do the Gods and other advanced civilizations construct zones like this at some point? or do all souls depart for Duat and there is a central location only?
Karnonnos said:
I think a lot of people cannot understand that, in the majority of cases, highly deviant souls essentially 'sign themselves' into something like Tartarus. The Gods generally do not throw people into a lake of fire for a single act. And this is not for a single atrocity one may commit in one lifetime, but a protracted hatred of life, wallowing in filth and ugliness to the point where a soul can become highly deviated and deformed.

This is exactly what I was trying to articulate and thank you for putting it so succinctly. There are souls that have been with the enemy for so many lifetimes that even if you showed the bare, naked truth directly to their eyes, they'd still deny it, in lieu of the Bible or the Quran or whatever. It's a sad fact, that there are basically gentiles all but as Jewish as a Jew themselves.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Great post and great comment, and yes, that is not really a "condemnation" that is done manually. People tie into these vortexes and energy, and they get there, by extreme deviancy and evil. That is not something that just "happens". Also, such thing would never be triggered without doing something, or a series of very wrong things. It's cause and effect at work, and laws of the universe that operate here.

Thank you kindly. Writing thoughts on this had played on my mind for some time, after your original post reminded me of things I had read and discovered in the past. I wanted to do what I could to dispel any potential delusions people may have had, thinking that such a fate was at risk even for honest mistakes. It's a scary concept, to the very newly initiated, but not one to have to fear in reality. There's actually a sense of natural justice and reassurance to be had, once you comprehend them.
Great article and I am very happy for the experience your family had with that dream. I am sure it was no simle dream. Amazing indeed.

A great explanation of a lot of things that people get confused with is literal and just allegory and makes perfect sense. It is also very true spiritually that "you are what you do/eat, etc" As it shows with the natural outcomes of what happens to those who do not train and take care of their bodies, so is it also with those who do not empower and take care of their souls and clean, that build up dirt and become "heavy." Natural law dictates that for souls to thrive they have to save themselves.

To provide an example, take the ‘Bible Belt’ of America. The most capital Christian place is also the capital of homicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, incest, obesity. Have you ever noticed the most “Christian” people are often the most hideous physically? Such a thing is not a coincidence.
This. This is not just a coincidence no. I have also mentioned the symbolism and importance of outward appearance in other threads as well, especially as far as mate choice. Things as far as facial symmetry, body composition, and skin complexion to name a few are very real objective standards of beauty, and people are drawn to these for a very good and deep reason. People who say caring about looks is shallow are delusional. A clean and empowered soul will manifest in appearance as well, as the body is the manifestation of the soul, something every human knows deep down is the standard, and the goal to reach for, which is perfection. The Gods are physically perfect themselves in every way. It is an epidemic down to the deepest level that what is real at this moment is far from this. It is a tragedy that many people create their own "Tartarus" here in the physical as well as they live and breathe.

The ugliness of the soul and dross, and blockage from hangups ect will manifest as some form of physical ugliness or discontinuity that the soul will have to clean through what is often multiple lifetimes. It is no wonder most people simply are either just plain unattractive or just ugly. Look at the spiritual state of humanity or lack thereof. Cleaning and empowering the soul will help in manifesting better genetics in the next lifetimes. Not all unattractive people are horrible ones, however, but you could say their looks are showing some sort of blockage or spiritual discontinuity. As humans who are imperfect in trying to perfect ourselves in the long run, we all have this to some degree, many being more worse off than others, from the most minor physical imperfections to major ones. One person, who was actually a very good person deep down, who had the most unfortunate chart I had ever seen was quite significantly hideous, so this was also his own spiritual karma manifesting in his body, although i do not know what was made of his previous lives.

A lot of "celebrities" and conventionally attractive people today that are rotten in the way they behave often have had plastic surgery or other unnatural procedures to change the way they look. It is scientifically proven that even babies will stare at faces that are considered beautiful and more symmetrical for far longer.
Arcadia said:
Some months ago, HPHC wrote a post discussing several key things to do with matters pertaining to both the understanding of our own theology, as well as the nature of the enemy. Within this sermon, HPHC referenced the literal existence of Tartarus. This caught the eyes of several, who had been assuming Tartarus to be purely a symbolic aspect of Greek Theology. Naturally, this raised certain curiosities. This, however, is not just about Tartarus, rather, it’s about using Tartarus to demonstrate a finer point about the interpretation of Ancient Mythemes. I’ll do my best to summarize things, though reader beware, it’ll be lengthy, and I don't promise perfection absolute.

To begin with the apparent question. Is everything within ancient story literal? No. Allegorical thinking and metaphor are important mechanics in the preservation of knowledge. Due to enemy influence and other factors, perhaps, people have forgotten about such things as the Chakras or the Kundalini. To use an example however, the Yule Tree, its lights, and its star, persist as a symbol of such.

However, one should not be quick to interpret everything “strange” within the stories of the Ancients as purely symbolic. Things are much more complicated than this. Take Theseus, the King of Athens. A mythical King, of legendary deeds. Though his story is filled with allegory, Theseus was a real man. Similarly, there are places in Greek myth which are real places you can go and visit today. The point is, something existing within myth does not preclude it from existing within reality. Many fools have tried to make these claims. They notice the symbolic aspects of the Gods, and so they speak against their literal existence. The opposite, is in fact true. Just because Troy was the place of Homer’s Iliad, does not mean its ruins aren’t still there, in modern day Anatolia.

With that established, it’s important to realize that, similarly to real places and real people existing in legend, so too are other matters, ones less understood by the modern, less spiritual man. It’s easy to see Athens still exists with your eyes. But what of the Underworld/Hades?

This is the part where people start to struggle. With spiritual understanding having faded within the mainstream, it’s easy to disregard anything as “the supernatural” as purely allegorical. An undeveloped man can see Athens, but, they cannot see the Underworld, or remember it. Indeed, the Underworld too, much like Athens, Sparta, Troy, appears as a location within myth and legend. Much like these worldly places, allegorical stories can happen within it, in the context of legend. That however, does not mean it doesn’t exist in the literal sense as well, same as our Gods.

But what is ‘Tartarus’? What does it represent, and why does it matter? Importantly too, how does it differ to the Jewish falsehoods perpetrated by Abrahamic deceptions?

Within allegory, Tartarus is the abyssal prison regarded as far below the Underworld as earth is below Olympus. Of course this isn’t literal, as Hades isn’t below our feet in the literal sense, but, above and below are indeed spiritual concepts which reveal the true nature of these things.

In the Titanomachia, after the Olympian Gods triumphed over the Titans, most of them were imprisoned within Tartarus, with the Olympian assuming dominance over the earth, the sea, and the heavens. The most principle of these Titans was none other than Kronos, the Titan of Time, associated with Saturn. Meanwhile, the most principle Titan who remained outside of Tartarus was none other than Prometheus. Already, there is more allegory here than I can discuss in reasonable time, but I’ll make it brief.

In a sense, the dwelling of Kronos in Tartarus is symbolic of Saturnic spiritual matters. The effects of the Kundalini remaining sleeping in the root chakra, and how this unascended spiritual state causes our mortal forms to experience ‘bound time’, or ‘titanic time’. The time experienced by mortals, who suffer the effects of aging, same as the passage of the seasons, and the harvest. Olympians however, are representative of ‘unbound time’, or eternity. The Gods of course, are able to see things in a certain non-linear sense. They are above time’s ravages. This dichotomy is in turn, important to understanding the mythological creation of humanity within Greek theology. Prometheus, not subject to Tartarus, shaped humanity’s physical form, whereas the Olympians breathed soul into it. We as we are, are Titan, and Olympian.

The ‘mystery cults’ of Greece, be it the Eleusian or the Orphic, often had to do with this very nature. The internal triumph of our Olympian half over the Titanic is symbolic of ascension to Godhood. To become Olympian in totality, is the Magnum Opus.

Beyond the Titanomachia, other mythemes begin to portray, through further allegory, increasingly revelatory aspects of what Tartarus is. The most famous inhabitant of it, is of course, Sisyphus. If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of the story of the man forced to roll a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down at the top, for eternity. This has become known in modern dialect as the ‘Sisyphean Task’. But why is it relevant here?

Sisyphus, in legend, tried to evade his mortality, not through growth and development of the soul, but trickery, and hubris. He considered himself smarter than the Gods, and thus not subject to natural law. The meaningless, endless task he has been put to for this ‘sin’, is in itself, representative of this. To try and be more than mortal, through the cheating and deception of natural law as opposed to the embracing of it, is a task of no conclusion. Every time you reach the top, your work will come undone. There is no permanence, no eternity. Sisyphus here, is an icon of dross and sin. And he is but one of many examples. Among him, there are others like Tantalus, who tried to pilfer the secrets and gifts of the Gods through equally perverse means, or through great acts of evil, like the cannibalization of his own son, much like Kronos before him.

It’s a common mytheme, you see, that after, or because of, the defeat of Kronos, the Olympian Gods face other monsters too. The Giants. Typhon. These monstrous entities all bear the same traits. Hideous. Terrible. Often bringing disease or sorrow. They are harbingers of the worst, and most lesser aspects of everything purely material. The things that ravage those without spiritual development and understanding.

With the allegorical understanding established, now you can begin to unfold the literal nature of Tartarus, same as the literal understanding of Hades. No, Tartarus is not the Pagan of the Abrahamic Hell, in spite of the fact that the Abrahamic Hell pulled much of its ideas and concepts from it. Tartarus literal existence, maintains the same function as the Underworld itself. And this has to do with what I’d refer to as the hierarchy of souls.

Within Hades/the Underworld, there are many tiers which souls dwell. There is the Asphodel Meadows. This is where the “bulk” of humanity’s souls go. The mostly undeveloped. Those unextraordinary masses, without grievous sin or great deed alike. Conversely, there is the Fields of Elysium. These are the “heroic” souls, those with spiritual understanding and deed within their lifetime. Lastly, there are the Fields of the Blessed. The highest tier of Hades, to those who can dwell among Hades with full spiritual understanding and comprehension. Those souls which do not drink from the River Lethe and forget the experiences of the spirit. Great philosophers and minds like Plato and Socrates are associated with this very place for evident reason. Even Cronus himself, after his freeing from Tartarus, drinks from its nectar, and becomes its Lord. Yes, there is allegory here, but, the difference of power and development between souls, how they dwell in these astral realms and how they’re reborn, are very real things. Very literal things.

As such, so is Tartarus. Natural law is what it is, and there are souls far lower, far more coated in dross and undeveloped, that ‘sink to the bottom’. As is it is within Egyptian Theology, they call it the weighing of the heart (soul) against a Feather of Ma’at, symbolic of justice and goodness. The developed soul, is a lighter one. The dross addled soul, is a heavier one. One of the base metals, as opposed to golden light.

Natural law, and the operation of the Gods, sort souls on hierarchy. Though the world as we know it is full of deceit, there is no cheating the scales. A rich shabbos goyim can buy himself as many drugs as he wants to extend his life. He will still die. The astral reality is one of absolute truth, and no soul is equal to another. The most dross ridden souls simply cannot dwell in the same space as the developed, brightest ones. Natural law, nor the Gods, allow such a thing.

Consider this a chicken or the egg matter. In our world, you will find that the heaviest souls are borne by the people who often commit the most grievous crimes. They are ‘ugly’ people. Often both in appearance, and in act. Even in modern science, it is demonstrated that only a ‘high IQ’ individual is capable of compassion. Whereas the stupidest members of the species are capable of the worst cruelties. There is not ‘one humanity’. Can you say Pythagoras is the same ‘race’ as someone who is so fallen they cannot inhibit themselves from sporadic acts of rape and violence? These are realities that are happening all over the world, right now, as you read this. Though it’s hard to imagine for anyone bearing even the most basic comprehension, there are people so low that they give in to urges that render them below the noble animal. There are people who see someone pass them on the street, and decide on the spot, to torture them to death. Just because. Can you honestly imagine yourself committing such an act? By and large, no, of course not.

It is not because people commit these acts that the ‘Gods send them to Tartarus’. It’s more nuanced than that. Rather, those with souls so heavy and corrupt, are the only ones capable of such acts to begin with. And that is the literal reality of ‘Tartarus’. It is the lowest astral reality, reserved for the heaviest souls of humanity. To go back to Egyptian thinking, these souls are ‘devoured by Ammit’ in a ‘lake of fire’. Most souls that naturally go to dwell in such a place, may not even have the energy to be reborn into the next life. That is the ‘devouring’. Which is to say, the destruction of these souls as per natural law. Tartarus is not about vengeance and spite. It is about natural hierarchy. It is what comes of those who have spent lifetimes suckling up Abrahamic filth, corrupting themselves with enemy energies, and/or refusing development, and in turn, often becoming ‘monsters’, in how they are frequently inclined to act while alive. To provide an example, take the ‘Bible Belt’ of America. The most capital Christian place is also the capital of homicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, incest, obesity. Have you ever noticed the most “Christian” people are often the most hideous physically? Such a thing is not a coincidence. Even in death, the ‘filthiest’ souls are the ones prone to what are popularly called as ‘hauntings’. These are not things we need to worry about, as the Gods sort them out, but the point still stands. The nature of these souls is as such they even bear negativity beyond the body. It’s why Tartarus is considered a prison of ‘evil’, where entities guard watch to make sure these souls cannot harm the dwelling places of the higher ones.

So no, Tartarus is no “Hell.” Anyone here reading this has to understand that you’re not going to get arbitrarily sent to such a place. This isn’t Christianity. You’re not getting sent anywhere for being ‘sinful’, that’s not really the point. It’s the same as it is in life. Your experience is the effort you put in. And unlike Christianity where 99.99% of people even the goodest goy go to Hell anyway for whatever stupid nonsense, even the most ‘normal’, mundane person isn’t set for such a place. This is what ‘Asphodel’ is for, so to speak. Tartarus, Ammit, these are the extreme examples.

To provide a very personal anecdote, like many here, I have a parent who, despite being unpracticed, had ‘spiritual experiences’. When I was about two years old, an uncle of mine died quite young in a car accident. Later, his dog mysteriously vanished, likely having sensed something had gone wrong, as animals still often possess these higher instincts, probably having escaped to go look for him, and likely having died himself. It was a mere few days later, my mother had a dream. One that felt real. It wasn’t just a dream. The colors were too vivid. She was at the edge of a hilly meadow, with a bright blue sky, too bright for simple reality. My uncle was there, with his dog, and they departed together into the distance with only the briefest acknowledgment of a goodbye. This place, was the exact depiction of how the Ancients described the Meadows, but my mother had no reading or knowledge of anything Pagan, she was almost an Atheist, most of her life. Yet there it was. A real place, before her astral eyes.

The point is, my uncle was an unremarkable man. Not a Pagan. Not spiritually practiced. Not a bad person, but not one someone would write stories of. Even despite teenage petty crime, he still seemingly passed on to the Meadows, and likely has possibly been reborn into his next life. As is the way of things, and as they should be. Again, we are not Christians. You look at someone the wrong way and you deserve an eternity of torture? These are deranged, hateful fantasies of souls who are likely due for the jaws of Ammit themselves. Even the most average soul, with a lifetimes of good, bad, successes and victories, failures and errors, will experience rest and rebirth. It takes lifetimes of extremely wilful self-corruption to ever be such a soul that’ll face dwelling in the low places, or ultimately obliteration.

To change gears, in an effort to wrap this topic, I can touch on the inverse. Within the universe there are worlds and dwelling places so high that even our most developed would struggle to perceive them. Looping this back around to the allegorical vs the literal, the reality we experience today is not precisely the same one as the Ancients. Things change, both the development and perceptive abilities of humanity at large, and the astral state of our own world. Alexander the Great once named and spoke with a Demon in the same room as him, when several others were present. There is, indeed, much missing from our lives. Imagine we are dreaming, and are only just beginning to open our eyes to the full width and breadth of reality.

In the stories of the Ancients, you will see common references to other beings. Not just the Gods themselves, but entities like, for example, Naiads. There are hosts upon hosts of as Cobra himself named, ‘Chthonic Demons’ that are not quite Gods, but ranks and files of ‘lesser’ entities that represent a great many extraordinary things. Once, these things were realities of life. Understanding of these forces and entities lived on in altered form. Like why so many in rural places give offering to ‘Fairies’ for good luck, blessings, and to maintain a good hearth. The understanding is somewhat corrupted, but there’s a literal truth to be had there all the same.

People are confused, naturally, when people read what the Ancients had penned. Stories of people talking to ‘Naiads’ or what have you. Though these entities can too, be used in allegorical stories, like everything else I said, it does change the existence of a forgotten, literal truth.

These lesser Cthonic Demons were and are, aspects of our world. Laws that are intrinsic to our world, our life. They are part of a great spiritual hierarchy, underneath the Gods. Oftentimes, these entities presided over things like rivers, forests, fields. These are things that were the lifeblood of humanity. Geometric ley lines, places where we would find food, or water. The honouring and association with such things was part of life. People understood the existence of these entities. Lo and behold, the moment people stopped being Pagan, what happened? A great era of destruction, poisoning, and so forth. A desecration of the land, and the belief it was resource only, and not divine. Complete abandonment of respect for natural law was yet another blow to the spiritual wellbeing for this world. If you look at Ancient Greece, you see how they built in-tune with nature, dotting the landscape with shrines to all sorts of locally relevant entities.

It is not just us and the Gods. You read any text from any nation you’ll see the stories of what existed. The almost ritualistic nature of people’s lives. The awareness of the astral reality. You have five senses. Imagine living with just one. This is a similar thing to our reality today, for there is so much we do not see, hear, touch and feel. This will not always be reality for us. As we rise, we will rise our astral with it. And the spiritual nature of the world will become apparent once more. There is a reason why, the world you see cited in the scrolls of the Ancients is so much more colorful than the one of now.

Tartarus was really just a topical key, in this sense, to elaborate on a larger topic. That, yes, allegory is important, not everything written by our ancestors is purely such. Something can be both real, and allegorical. Oftentimes, like with runes, the vibrational reality of the universe means that the physical manifestation of things are representative of an astral truth. Like the first rune Fehu, which can literally be taken to mean ‘cattle’, ordains over the mobility of wealth, among other things. Among farmers, what were cattle, but literally wealth that walked?

In the end, it’s important to use your mind’s eye when reading anything of the Ancients. The full scale of the truth in their words and reality will only become more apparent as we ourselves grow. Take heart in knowing the world is stranger and more beautiful than even you imagine it to be.
wow amazing even though briefly but very meaningful thank you for the brief knowledge you provide ..

Besides that, there are several sentences that I think are related to the questions I asked on the topic, asking all new members, like there is some kind of unsolved puzzle in my mind...

but thanks for the brief knowledge

Hail satan
Glory to Lord Of Satan
bless all followers of God of satan
Amazing post.
Highly informative, and it was also very motivating to me, made me realize some things about myself.
Thank you for this :)
Very interesting post. I can certainly see the similarities to the lower levels of Tartarus and Ammit, the Egyptian Crocodile who consumes the souls of the dross ridden lowest of the low, Ammit being of course the second death, the true death.
There is the Asphodel Meadows. This is where the “bulk” of humanity’s souls go. The mostly undeveloped. Those unextraordinary masses, without grievous sin or great deed alike. Conversely, there is the Fields of Elysium. These are the “heroic” souls, those with spiritual understanding and deed within their lifetime. Lastly, there are the Fields of the Blessed. The highest tier of Hades, to those who can dwell among Hades with full spiritual understanding and comprehension.

So is this for only those who are dedicated? because of those who are not, they are just stays on earth astrally?
I hope I understood this right, so the meaning of Tartarus is the very low astral realm that is made out of the nastiest emotions and only the most filthy beings can reach there right because of the vibration of their soul right?

When I seen other SS talking about Tartarus like a place of the Gods I thought the Gods have some kind of special torture place for the most filthy but it seems it was a wrong assumption.

Btw, I really loved how you explained the dross of the soul as weight that draw you into the the abyss.
Arcadia said:
Some months ago, HPHC wrote a post discussing several key things to do with matters pertaining to both the understanding of our own theology, as well as the nature of the enemy. Within this sermon, HPHC referenced the literal existence of Tartarus. This caught the eyes of several, who had been assuming Tartarus to be purely a symbolic aspect of Greek Theology. Naturally, this raised certain curiosities. This, however, is not just about Tartarus, rather, it’s about using Tartarus to demonstrate a finer point about the interpretation of Ancient Mythemes. I’ll do my best to summarize things, though reader beware, it’ll be lengthy, and I don't promise perfection absolute.

To begin with the apparent question. Is everything within ancient story literal? No. Allegorical thinking and metaphor are important mechanics in the preservation of knowledge. Due to enemy influence and other factors, perhaps, people have forgotten about such things as the Chakras or the Kundalini. To use an example however, the Yule Tree, its lights, and its star, persist as a symbol of such.

However, one should not be quick to interpret everything “strange” within the stories of the Ancients as purely symbolic. Things are much more complicated than this. Take Theseus, the King of Athens. A mythical King, of legendary deeds. Though his story is filled with allegory, Theseus was a real man. Similarly, there are places in Greek myth which are real places you can go and visit today. The point is, something existing within myth does not preclude it from existing within reality. Many fools have tried to make these claims. They notice the symbolic aspects of the Gods, and so they speak against their literal existence. The opposite, is in fact true. Just because Troy was the place of Homer’s Iliad, does not mean its ruins aren’t still there, in modern day Anatolia.

With that established, it’s important to realize that, similarly to real places and real people existing in legend, so too are other matters, ones less understood by the modern, less spiritual man. It’s easy to see Athens still exists with your eyes. But what of the Underworld/Hades?

This is the part where people start to struggle. With spiritual understanding having faded within the mainstream, it’s easy to disregard anything as “the supernatural” as purely allegorical. An undeveloped man can see Athens, but, they cannot see the Underworld, or remember it. Indeed, the Underworld too, much like Athens, Sparta, Troy, appears as a location within myth and legend. Much like these worldly places, allegorical stories can happen within it, in the context of legend. That however, does not mean it doesn’t exist in the literal sense as well, same as our Gods.

But what is ‘Tartarus’? What does it represent, and why does it matter? Importantly too, how does it differ to the Jewish falsehoods perpetrated by Abrahamic deceptions?

Within allegory, Tartarus is the abyssal prison regarded as far below the Underworld as earth is below Olympus. Of course this isn’t literal, as Hades isn’t below our feet in the literal sense, but, above and below are indeed spiritual concepts which reveal the true nature of these things.

In the Titanomachia, after the Olympian Gods triumphed over the Titans, most of them were imprisoned within Tartarus, with the Olympian assuming dominance over the earth, the sea, and the heavens. The most principle of these Titans was none other than Kronos, the Titan of Time, associated with Saturn. Meanwhile, the most principle Titan who remained outside of Tartarus was none other than Prometheus. Already, there is more allegory here than I can discuss in reasonable time, but I’ll make it brief.

In a sense, the dwelling of Kronos in Tartarus is symbolic of Saturnic spiritual matters. The effects of the Kundalini remaining sleeping in the root chakra, and how this unascended spiritual state causes our mortal forms to experience ‘bound time’, or ‘titanic time’. The time experienced by mortals, who suffer the effects of aging, same as the passage of the seasons, and the harvest. Olympians however, are representative of ‘unbound time’, or eternity. The Gods of course, are able to see things in a certain non-linear sense. They are above time’s ravages. This dichotomy is in turn, important to understanding the mythological creation of humanity within Greek theology. Prometheus, not subject to Tartarus, shaped humanity’s physical form, whereas the Olympians breathed soul into it. We as we are, are Titan, and Olympian.

The ‘mystery cults’ of Greece, be it the Eleusian or the Orphic, often had to do with this very nature. The internal triumph of our Olympian half over the Titanic is symbolic of ascension to Godhood. To become Olympian in totality, is the Magnum Opus.

Beyond the Titanomachia, other mythemes begin to portray, through further allegory, increasingly revelatory aspects of what Tartarus is. The most famous inhabitant of it, is of course, Sisyphus. If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware of the story of the man forced to roll a boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down at the top, for eternity. This has become known in modern dialect as the ‘Sisyphean Task’. But why is it relevant here?

Sisyphus, in legend, tried to evade his mortality, not through growth and development of the soul, but trickery, and hubris. He considered himself smarter than the Gods, and thus not subject to natural law. The meaningless, endless task he has been put to for this ‘sin’, is in itself, representative of this. To try and be more than mortal, through the cheating and deception of natural law as opposed to the embracing of it, is a task of no conclusion. Every time you reach the top, your work will come undone. There is no permanence, no eternity. Sisyphus here, is an icon of dross and sin. And he is but one of many examples. Among him, there are others like Tantalus, who tried to pilfer the secrets and gifts of the Gods through equally perverse means, or through great acts of evil, like the cannibalization of his own son, much like Kronos before him.

It’s a common mytheme, you see, that after, or because of, the defeat of Kronos, the Olympian Gods face other monsters too. The Giants. Typhon. These monstrous entities all bear the same traits. Hideous. Terrible. Often bringing disease or sorrow. They are harbingers of the worst, and most lesser aspects of everything purely material. The things that ravage those without spiritual development and understanding.

With the allegorical understanding established, now you can begin to unfold the literal nature of Tartarus, same as the literal understanding of Hades. No, Tartarus is not the Pagan of the Abrahamic Hell, in spite of the fact that the Abrahamic Hell pulled much of its ideas and concepts from it. Tartarus literal existence, maintains the same function as the Underworld itself. And this has to do with what I’d refer to as the hierarchy of souls.

Within Hades/the Underworld, there are many tiers which souls dwell. There is the Asphodel Meadows. This is where the “bulk” of humanity’s souls go. The mostly undeveloped. Those unextraordinary masses, without grievous sin or great deed alike. Conversely, there is the Fields of Elysium. These are the “heroic” souls, those with spiritual understanding and deed within their lifetime. Lastly, there are the Fields of the Blessed. The highest tier of Hades, to those who can dwell among Hades with full spiritual understanding and comprehension. Those souls which do not drink from the River Lethe and forget the experiences of the spirit. Great philosophers and minds like Plato and Socrates are associated with this very place for evident reason. Even Cronus himself, after his freeing from Tartarus, drinks from its nectar, and becomes its Lord. Yes, there is allegory here, but, the difference of power and development between souls, how they dwell in these astral realms and how they’re reborn, are very real things. Very literal things.

As such, so is Tartarus. Natural law is what it is, and there are souls far lower, far more coated in dross and undeveloped, that ‘sink to the bottom’. As is it is within Egyptian Theology, they call it the weighing of the heart (soul) against a Feather of Ma’at, symbolic of justice and goodness. The developed soul, is a lighter one. The dross addled soul, is a heavier one. One of the base metals, as opposed to golden light.

Natural law, and the operation of the Gods, sort souls on hierarchy. Though the world as we know it is full of deceit, there is no cheating the scales. A rich shabbos goyim can buy himself as many drugs as he wants to extend his life. He will still die. The astral reality is one of absolute truth, and no soul is equal to another. The most dross ridden souls simply cannot dwell in the same space as the developed, brightest ones. Natural law, nor the Gods, allow such a thing.

Consider this a chicken or the egg matter. In our world, you will find that the heaviest souls are borne by the people who often commit the most grievous crimes. They are ‘ugly’ people. Often both in appearance, and in act. Even in modern science, it is demonstrated that only a ‘high IQ’ individual is capable of compassion. Whereas the stupidest members of the species are capable of the worst cruelties. There is not ‘one humanity’. Can you say Pythagoras is the same ‘race’ as someone who is so fallen they cannot inhibit themselves from sporadic acts of rape and violence? These are realities that are happening all over the world, right now, as you read this. Though it’s hard to imagine for anyone bearing even the most basic comprehension, there are people so low that they give in to urges that render them below the noble animal. There are people who see someone pass them on the street, and decide on the spot, to torture them to death. Just because. Can you honestly imagine yourself committing such an act? By and large, no, of course not.

It is not because people commit these acts that the ‘Gods send them to Tartarus’. It’s more nuanced than that. Rather, those with souls so heavy and corrupt, are the only ones capable of such acts to begin with. And that is the literal reality of ‘Tartarus’. It is the lowest astral reality, reserved for the heaviest souls of humanity. To go back to Egyptian thinking, these souls are ‘devoured by Ammit’ in a ‘lake of fire’. Most souls that naturally go to dwell in such a place, may not even have the energy to be reborn into the next life. That is the ‘devouring’. Which is to say, the destruction of these souls as per natural law. Tartarus is not about vengeance and spite. It is about natural hierarchy. It is what comes of those who have spent lifetimes suckling up Abrahamic filth, corrupting themselves with enemy energies, and/or refusing development, and in turn, often becoming ‘monsters’, in how they are frequently inclined to act while alive. To provide an example, take the ‘Bible Belt’ of America. The most capital Christian place is also the capital of homicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, incest, obesity. Have you ever noticed the most “Christian” people are often the most hideous physically? Such a thing is not a coincidence. Even in death, the ‘filthiest’ souls are the ones prone to what are popularly called as ‘hauntings’. These are not things we need to worry about, as the Gods sort them out, but the point still stands. The nature of these souls is as such they even bear negativity beyond the body. It’s why Tartarus is considered a prison of ‘evil’, where entities guard watch to make sure these souls cannot harm the dwelling places of the higher ones.

So no, Tartarus is no “Hell.” Anyone here reading this has to understand that you’re not going to get arbitrarily sent to such a place. This isn’t Christianity. You’re not getting sent anywhere for being ‘sinful’, that’s not really the point. It’s the same as it is in life. Your experience is the effort you put in. And unlike Christianity where 99.99% of people even the goodest goy go to Hell anyway for whatever stupid nonsense, even the most ‘normal’, mundane person isn’t set for such a place. This is what ‘Asphodel’ is for, so to speak. Tartarus, Ammit, these are the extreme examples.

To provide a very personal anecdote, like many here, I have a parent who, despite being unpracticed, had ‘spiritual experiences’. When I was about two years old, an uncle of mine died quite young in a car accident. Later, his dog mysteriously vanished, likely having sensed something had gone wrong, as animals still often possess these higher instincts, probably having escaped to go look for him, and likely having died himself. It was a mere few days later, my mother had a dream. One that felt real. It wasn’t just a dream. The colors were too vivid. She was at the edge of a hilly meadow, with a bright blue sky, too bright for simple reality. My uncle was there, with his dog, and they departed together into the distance with only the briefest acknowledgment of a goodbye. This place, was the exact depiction of how the Ancients described the Meadows, but my mother had no reading or knowledge of anything Pagan, she was almost an Atheist, most of her life. Yet there it was. A real place, before her astral eyes.

The point is, my uncle was an unremarkable man. Not a Pagan. Not spiritually practiced. Not a bad person, but not one someone would write stories of. Even despite teenage petty crime, he still seemingly passed on to the Meadows, and likely has possibly been reborn into his next life. As is the way of things, and as they should be. Again, we are not Christians. You look at someone the wrong way and you deserve an eternity of torture? These are deranged, hateful fantasies of souls who are likely due for the jaws of Ammit themselves. Even the most average soul, with a lifetimes of good, bad, successes and victories, failures and errors, will experience rest and rebirth. It takes lifetimes of extremely wilful self-corruption to ever be such a soul that’ll face dwelling in the low places, or ultimately obliteration.

To change gears, in an effort to wrap this topic, I can touch on the inverse. Within the universe there are worlds and dwelling places so high that even our most developed would struggle to perceive them. Looping this back around to the allegorical vs the literal, the reality we experience today is not precisely the same one as the Ancients. Things change, both the development and perceptive abilities of humanity at large, and the astral state of our own world. Alexander the Great once named and spoke with a Demon in the same room as him, when several others were present. There is, indeed, much missing from our lives. Imagine we are dreaming, and are only just beginning to open our eyes to the full width and breadth of reality.

In the stories of the Ancients, you will see common references to other beings. Not just the Gods themselves, but entities like, for example, Naiads. There are hosts upon hosts of as Cobra himself named, ‘Chthonic Demons’ that are not quite Gods, but ranks and files of ‘lesser’ entities that represent a great many extraordinary things. Once, these things were realities of life. Understanding of these forces and entities lived on in altered form. Like why so many in rural places give offering to ‘Fairies’ for good luck, blessings, and to maintain a good hearth. The understanding is somewhat corrupted, but there’s a literal truth to be had there all the same.

People are confused, naturally, when people read what the Ancients had penned. Stories of people talking to ‘Naiads’ or what have you. Though these entities can too, be used in allegorical stories, like everything else I said, it does change the existence of a forgotten, literal truth.

These lesser Cthonic Demons were and are, aspects of our world. Laws that are intrinsic to our world, our life. They are part of a great spiritual hierarchy, underneath the Gods. Oftentimes, these entities presided over things like rivers, forests, fields. These are things that were the lifeblood of humanity. Geometric ley lines, places where we would find food, or water. The honouring and association with such things was part of life. People understood the existence of these entities. Lo and behold, the moment people stopped being Pagan, what happened? A great era of destruction, poisoning, and so forth. A desecration of the land, and the belief it was resource only, and not divine. Complete abandonment of respect for natural law was yet another blow to the spiritual wellbeing for this world. If you look at Ancient Greece, you see how they built in-tune with nature, dotting the landscape with shrines to all sorts of locally relevant entities.

It is not just us and the Gods. You read any text from any nation you’ll see the stories of what existed. The almost ritualistic nature of people’s lives. The awareness of the astral reality. You have five senses. Imagine living with just one. This is a similar thing to our reality today, for there is so much we do not see, hear, touch and feel. This will not always be reality for us. As we rise, we will rise our astral with it. And the spiritual nature of the world will become apparent once more. There is a reason why, the world you see cited in the scrolls of the Ancients is so much more colorful than the one of now.

Tartarus was really just a topical key, in this sense, to elaborate on a larger topic. That, yes, allegory is important, not everything written by our ancestors is purely such. Something can be both real, and allegorical. Oftentimes, like with runes, the vibrational reality of the universe means that the physical manifestation of things are representative of an astral truth. Like the first rune Fehu, which can literally be taken to mean ‘cattle’, ordains over the mobility of wealth, among other things. Among farmers, what were cattle, but literally wealth that walked?

In the end, it’s important to use your mind’s eye when reading anything of the Ancients. The full scale of the truth in their words and reality will only become more apparent as we ourselves grow. Take heart in knowing the world is stranger and more beautiful than even you imagine it to be.

The beautiful post!
The very gorgeous explanation!
I hope there will be more similar posts, I will look forward to it!
Thank you very much!
Weassel said:
I hope I understood this right, so the meaning of Tartarus is the very low astral realm that is made out of the nastiest emotions and only the most filthy beings can reach there right because of the vibration of their soul right?

When I seen other SS talking about Tartarus like a place of the Gods I thought the Gods have some kind of special torture place for the most filthy but it seems it was a wrong assumption.

Btw, I really loved how you explained the dross of the soul as weight that draw you into the the abyss.
That is my understanding of the OP. But in his anecdote it sounds like there are real places on the astral like this.

There probably is an abrahamic rendition of "hell" somewhere on the astral, simply because the idea of it is powered by so much belief.

I have also wondered about places like valhalla.

Anyway, another way to look at it that just came to mind is looking at olympus, earth and tartarus as equivalent representations to the 3 gunas(sattva, rajas and tamas, respectively).

"Action that is undertaken because of delusion, disregarding consequences, without considering loss or injury to others or self, is called Tamasic."

Someone who is living on the tartarus plane of existence would be extremely tamasic, as opposed to a being on the olympian plane who would be purely sattvic. Ordinary people may be primarily rajas, with a gradient of the other two gunas depending on the state of their soul.
Awesome post sir! Really, I appreciate this!
This is incredible knowledge, thanks.

Arcadia said:
They are ‘ugly’ people. Often both in appearance, and in act.

Absolutely. Jews being the main example.

Arcadia said:
Even in modern science, it is demonstrated that only a ‘high IQ’ individual is capable of compassion. Whereas the stupidest members of the species are capable of the worst cruelties. There is not ‘one humanity’.

Absolute truth and a good reason for jews to reduce education and propagandize full illiteracy and stupidity in their foul programs. Jews and their abrahamic religions are the worst enemies of IQ, free mass education, any knowledge, any respect for teachers and knowledge providers all of whom their wet dream is to burn at the stake. Communist revolution as well as medieval inquisition was known to first destroy educated classes and the literate.

Arcadia said:
To provide an example, take the ‘Bible Belt’ of America. The most capital Christian place is also the capital of homicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, incest, obesity. Have you ever noticed the most “Christian” people are often the most hideous physically? Such a thing is not a coincidence.

I forever noticed how these xian pedophile priests are horribly fat, shapeless and deformed (their eternal fasting and veganism plays huge role in it), nuns looking like cave men and all xian priesthood smelling almost as vomitable as jews do in real life. Xian also never use antiperspirants (since cosmetic is of the Devil) or whatever to reduce their stinking so it is impossible to be near them. Enemy teaches that all beauty and pleasant fragrance is of Satan (which is true), so believers should be ugly, stinky and as unattractive to the opposite sex as possible.

They are also extremely mentally sick and can be very dangerous and violent.

Moslen females, even if not ugly from birth, dress so to be ugliest they can be: hair, which represents sexuality, fertility and healthy youth, is totally covered, they look literally like female eunuchs, totally castrated and deprived of any and all womanhood. So sexy pubic hair is shaved before her first sex because beauty is considered dirty. All her beauty is covered with some filthy sack like the one they use for the dead.
Arcadia said:
In our world, you will find that the heaviest souls are borne by the people who often commit the most grievous crimes. They are ‘ugly’ people. Often both in appearance, and in act.

To provide an example, take the ‘Bible Belt’ of America. The most capital Christian place is also the capital of homicide, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, incest, obesity. Have you ever noticed the most “Christian” people are often the most hideous physically? Such a thing is not a coincidence.

While you will hardly find an ugly serious Satanist in history. Just look how Isaak Newton, Adolf Hitler and Vlad Tepes, just to give several examples, are exceptionally beautiful and sexy. The depiction at the so called "The Shroud of Turin" of Jacques de Molay is also very beautiful https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Baphomet.html . Gods being major example. Extreme Satanism results in extreme beauty.
Edward Lonsa said:
Arcadia said:
Even in modern science, it is demonstrated that only a ‘high IQ’ individual is capable of compassion. Whereas the stupidest members of the species are capable of the worst cruelties. There is not ‘one humanity’.

Absolute truth and a good reason for jews to reduce education and propagandize full illiteracy and stupidity in their foul programs. Jews and their abrahamic religions are the worst enemies of IQ, free mass education, any knowledge, any respect for teachers and knowledge providers all of whom their wet dream is to burn at the stake. Communist revolution as well as medieval inquisition was known to first destroy educated classes and the literate.

There are also huge protests in Hungary because of bad education.Thousands of students took to the streets and stand up for their teachers.

Anyway, I'm not following the case so much(and neither politics), because I don't waste time on it.

Someone showed me a one video of a demonstration, wich uploaded on facebook(jewbook) by someone of the demonstrators.The demonstration was very strong, which is due to very strong dissatisfaction with education.

Anyway, I don't have any social media platforms(tIk-tOk, jEwboOk, iNsTagrAm, etc.).
Thank you for your help. I've been delving into Greek Mythology and encountered certain complexities that have proven challenging to interpret. However, your enlightening and well-written post has provided me with comprehensive explanations for many of these intricacies.

Agreed. One thing I noticed is that movies/TV always depict handsome/healthy people as sadistic bullies who pick on some victim jew for no reason. In reality, while the trend is not absolute, the most intelligent and conscientious people tend to have a good physical makeup.
I really love this post, especially the fairy part! Thank you for all your research and writing

I have a few questions.

1: is the norse hell/Helheim equivalent to all of Hades? And this is also know as the underworld for this particular sector of the universe?

2: does Hades only occupy part of the astral plane, I.e the astral is vast and encompasses many other realms across other sectors.

3: what makes a soul filthy, is it just a lower vibration of the fabric of the soul?

4: What is the fabric of the soul? Ether, and the other elements?

5: what are Hauntings? Are these astral parasites?

6: Does purification happen in Hades, especially in Tartarus? If so, by how?
Agares said:
I really love this post, especially the fairy part! Thank you for all your research and writing

I have a few questions.

1: is the norse hell/Helheim equivalent to all of Hades? And this is also know as the underworld for this particular sector of the universe?

2: does Hades only occupy part of the astral plane, I.e the astral is vast and encompasses many other realms across other sectors.

3: what makes a soul filthy, is it just a lower vibration of the fabric of the soul?

4: What is the fabric of the soul? Ether, and the other elements?

5: what are Hauntings? Are these astral parasites?

6: Does purification happen in Hades, especially in Tartarus? If so, by how?

Great questions, and I'll do my best to answer to the best of my knowledge.

1. This is actually a very complicated question, to which the short answer is yes, sort of. The exact beginnings and endings in Norse Theology aren't fully understood, as much of the learning has been lost, and some of the main preservations of it have been within the work of people who were Christian and had reasons to make certain alterations to the traditional oral material. One such matter is Ragnarok. In the old Germanic, none of the Gods died, for instance. But to keep it brief, in some versions of the sagas, "Hel" is associated with Niflheim, and Hel's usage in this sense is actually more in line with Tartarus, a place for negative souls. There's also Valhalla, in Asgard, which is quite popularly known of, but what's less understood and mentioned is Vanaheim, home of the Vanir Gods, which fought with the Aesir of Asgard. There's some evidence to support the idea that Vanaheim was the original housing place of the average ancestral soul, whereas Asgard was for the highest souls or heroes, but this understanding is mostly obscured. There's also a chance that the word "Hel" was originally associated with the burial mounds of Vanaheim, before its associations with either being Niflheim or its own Ninth Realm in Snorri Sturluson's Christian influenced work. There's no real easy answer for this, and perhaps I'll make a larger post on it in time.

2. Places occupied by the human soul are indeed only a part of the larger Astral reality, so you're right in assuming its size and scope. One has to remember, our division of the material world and the astral world is more of a reality of our limited sense and our life here on earth. Higher beings make far less distinction. There are worlds out there after all which exist in completely higher spheres compared to our own world, worlds with peoples and technologies, so on, so forth. Where the astral begins and ends is less of a binary, than our current experiences here suggest. That's probably the best way of explaining it for now.

3. Chiefly, a lack of spiritual upkeep. Think of it as not showering. When you work on your chakras, or do a cleaning ritual or an RTR, you're not only raising your soul's vibrational level, but also cleaning it of negative astral energies. So to speak, 99.99% of humanity hasn't taken a shower in more than one lifetime. Associations with negative spiritual things can also increase ones 'dirtiness'. Christianity, Islam and such, are tied into the enemy energy matrix, a spell vortex made up of some pretty low energies, to say the least of it. Constant sympathetic linking with this filth doesn't do great things for the soul.

4. The soul, by and large, is mostly made up of the akashic 'fifth element', yes. But, the human soul is quite complex, and parts of the 'rainbow body' resonate with other elements. You'll find that fire is commonly invoked in many kundalini rituals, or the Candlemas holiday.

5. Hauntings, in the human context, are simply what happens to souls that remain in a place after death. Most do not do this. But events like severe trauma can cause a soul to linger in a place longer than it should after the death of the body. The Gods generally sort this out themselves, especially before they ever reach a level of say, being able to affect humanity in any negative way. Thanks to the Gods tireless efforts, hauntings remain not only a rare thing, but a mostly superficial thing. Historically speaking, the most a haunting has ever been able to accomplish is what's defined as 'poltergeist activity', like the moving of an object. Again, these situations are quickly sorted out. There's also places which are visited by non-human astral entities. Some places are natural magnets to all sorts of say, astral phenomenon that people would refer to as 'hauntings'. These can be lights, voices, other illusory phenomenon, and such, or sightings of entities or what have you. Generally these places are poorly understood and people promote all sorts of nonsensical ideas about them. Again, these spiritual places were understood by the Ancients, but are regarded with superstition and distrust in the here and now.

6. Most souls that have wound up in Tartarus would be lucky to have the energy to reincarnate into another lifetime. They're more likely to simply pass into non-existence. 'Purification' is something that's more for higher souls, ones that are valuable to the Gods, or have developed close relationships with them in one lifetime or another. The more you're in touch with the Gods, the more they bid guardianship over your journey through the astral. This was well understood and documented in Egypt. Purification is, well, done in similar ways to how you would do them while alive, except on a much more nuanced level, done by far more practiced hands. I couldn't obviously speak of the Gods precise methodology. Such things are obviously beyond us at the moment.
Great read. Though there are many great people who unfortunately are heavily tied to the abrahamic religions, to the point it becomes ingrained on a soul level, they're most often condemned to their own damnation they create. In comparison, Jews are by birth condemned to a high like place in which is regarded in their writings as a "process of purification". I cannot imagine a gentile's fate in comparison.

I'm so glad to live a life where this will be of no worry, and to be aligned with the greater good of the universe.

To begin with the apparent question. Is everything within ancient story literal? No. Allegorical thinking and metaphor are important mechanics in the preservation of knowledge. Due to enemy influence and other factors, perhaps, people have forgotten about such things as the Chakras or the Kundalini. To use an example however, the Yule Tree, its lights, and its star, persist as a symbol of such.

Also, in alchemical texts the planetary glyphs were often used as placeholder for the chakras. Fulcanelli described some of these alchemical concepts as "an ancient knowledge", which emphasized on the "experimenter himself", in which a few individuals will occasionally rediscover every few centuries.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
