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As I Sat On Top Of Ruins: Let Us Prove Ourselves

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Not that long ago, I was sitting there on top of one of the temples of my ancestors. In there, I know there has been a great school of knowledge, a centre of civilization, hope and light for humanity.

Now, there is nothing, I thought to myself. I was looking externally; only ruins and more ruins. Maybe a semblance of energy has survived, I thought to myself, yet maybe nothing else.

Yet as I was sitting there, there were no more children, no more life, there were only ruins of brick and stone, broken. Where there were writings, now there is incoherence. Egypt and nothing else stands anymore. It was all broken down.

Eventually, I too broke down in the realization that all of these civilizations are gone, and with it maybe all the memories and almost all it's knowledge. It felt like death.

If I am here you can be certain it is not only because of the good experiences with the Gods, but I am here because of how deep I have went into the depths of sadness, despair, depression.

If you have cried your nights through knowing about the state of ignorance of mankind, or what has been lost, then we have met into that state. I was there too.

In there, I have found the greatest lights and greatest revelations, deep down there, in the bottom of the pit of existence, surrounded by nothing but grim memories, pain, feelings of weakness. The words of those who say "That is no more" are truly trying to be triumphant in my mind, and I presume, everyone else's.

I have decided on this moment of my great despair, to have the courage to embark to the path that I knew internally was the right path, besides of being hit with impossible odds of both the survival of this knowledge or that of my own.

All of you here must know that I have risked it all to be here, including also maybe, my own "sanity". Granted "sanity" is this perception on nihilism, the belief that nothing is worthwhile and nothing will remain, I, as yet another "finite man" as "logic would have it", have chosen to go the other way.

As they have told us to close up to the past, we have opened up to it. The world boastfully declares to us as the days go by that there is no soul, no memory, no spirit, no worthwhile knowledge.

Instead of hearing the voices of even what I saw before my own eyes, in this case, justified by the observations of broken pottery, bricks and mortar, in my greatest moments of despair, I have crossed the way to the underworld and I have heard the voice of my ancestors.

In their voices, I have also heard the teachings of the great and lost teachings from all over the world, of our spiritual heritage. I have seen a place of assembly, in my heart, an assembly of those who still in this day are Guardians to the knowledge of the Gods.

The Gods, still, True as ever, through fire, brimstone, historical downturns - through everything, have somehow, through elect few people in every generation, managed to pass us down this knowledge again. We are one more generation that has this knowledge in their hands. Yet there have been many others before us. There will be others after us, in better or worse aeons. I am nothing but one of them.

That awakening did not occur to me in peace. It has come through a lot of pain, and in facing the nihilism of existence in itself, face to face. By facing the fact that you can build a great civilization for a thousand years and endless toil, yet one day it can all disappear and fall into penultimate nothingness - as if nothing else remained from it.

Yet somehow, something always remains; what does remain is not always what we approve, but it does. Life clearly, and life at the value of spiritual awakening, comes at a great cost and an even greater price with it. One must be willing to pay this price, and move head to head with the forces of evil that threaten this knowledge at every interval.

It is upon these times where anyone or anything must prove itself, times where for example, the opportunity appears to maintain the non-maintainable, or to fight a battle that for all intents looks like a lost battle.

My ancestors and likely everyone else's here are not strangers to this idea; the "illogical" idea that if one dies in battle, then one becomes immortal by dying in such a battle, where one knows there will be no prisoners.

The battle to maintain the Truth and this Divine knowledge, is what draws the souls of valiant humans all around it to work for it, to defend it, no matter what is the cost for "them".

That is the first sign that one has overcome his humanity: one has transcended his own self. We are known to be fast drivers here, and all of us have wanted to cross that sign. And we are here now because of this.

After I regained my senses from the recurring shocks of my heart by the above realizations, I understood that these lamentations, tears and major pain, is only in fact because I am alive today. I am alive, and therefore I can experience joy and suffering. Despite of any opposing odds, I am still in the image of those "who have passed". I am them, they are I.

Indeed however lesser that we may be, there are two voices in our heads; one of perdition that always preaches the end. This voice comes to us when our faith dwindles or our heart stoops low. Certainly I have not been a stranger to this voice and I have heard it. I have derived sadistic pain from it, to extents that few can handle.

Indeed, me and that voice in times of darkness have become great friends. But I saw that indeed this voice does surely lie. The way it lies is very weird; because it will use certain things you will see strongly to convince you.

You will see fallen and looted cities, you will see ruins of great civilizations or their knowledge, or it will show you only negative things, to try to drag your heart down to despair so that you can say: "You must try no more".

Yet, the wisdom and power of spirit is not reliant on you not hearing it, because certainly this voice has a lot of proof to give to anyone and to show for itself. All around us, there are signs of it's influence. So you will hear this voice that always wants to keep you small, away from the Gods, bruised in your pain. You will also hear it loudly in difficult days, or out of the blue.

Fate has it however, that in select few of us, there is also another voice in our hearts. It is that voice that preaches immortality, eternity, the pathway to glory without really thinking that this might be the end, a voice that still flies from the bottom of your heart even on a heap of ruins and says "We will rebuild, we will rise supreme, we will succeed, I know of the Gods and of that which I do not see, even if I don't know WHY!".

From the two voices I have understood the first one is where it almost always seems to end. At least, this is what it tells me. That I will die and that eventually all will be lost.

Yet, when I hear the other voice, it gives also credence to it's existence, by alluding me to higher things; it tells me that the work of Great Beings still exists; that civilization still exists, and that sands of time have came and went, but the Gods are here as they ever were.

Further, it has told me frequently, that life is a game of phantoms - almost as if I know deep inside, that I must prove something in life to the Gods, whom I have always felt closer to me than I have felt close to maybe those sitting next to me in what we refer to as "real life".

It tells me that still, it's worth it to follow the higher codes of the higher entities. It is this voice that many people have refused from their childhood, that told them that there is something immortal and highly valuable in man. It is the voice of the Gods, speaking to you, on every time that you fail and falter, through numerous faces of guilt, pain, or just the sudden will to move on and try again; no matter what.

They are here in statues and in marbles, but they can live in the absence thereof. They exist in my heart as truly as they did in this day, despite of what I observed or not. Yes, currently we have no temples; but there was also a time we had temples all over the place, and maybe few hearts that had in them the temples of the Gods.

In retrospect, I don't know what we lost or if we lost that much; or if that is mostly a giant test for the ones destined for real ascent. It's after all, easier to be loyal where loyalty is easy, easy to be on the right side when you are right, easier to follow where all things are in place rather than on a path of unclear future.

Ironically, now that we have nothing "of the past" or minimal things, my faith is even more bolstered than ever before. Now, I am granted the chance to prove myself and the value of this community in the face of the Gods, against the troublesome eras, where the enemy has it "all".

Yet, they too have nothing as for all their kingdom, it's all devoid of soul.

At the lowest point for the Gods and for humanity, in what we call the dawn of it all, where there is not a temple on every next corner, this voice keeps me as bolstered as I ever were: I know that I am being tested in the level of the highest difficulty, to prove myself as He that will turn everything around, with a divine battalion of people, against seemingly impossible odds.

As I sit on top of ruins, I will not falter and I will not worry, because I am here; and if you are here, then you know that we have nothing to worry about.

The knowledge of the Gods and the Gods will live on in all of us, thrown as scattered golden droplets right now in the face of the planet earth, only to grow into an ever powerful torrent as time goes on.

Through dissolution, we might be looking at a united future for humanity, where this knowledge will finally reign supreme; a final liberation for humanity that only has had a bad chapter in it's aeon's long existence - all of it happening in a way that the human mind cannot comprehend.

We are the heralds of this future.

Wherever you are, if you are of the Gods and follow their teachings, then we are one. Our kingdom has always expanded way beyond any temple. Our Gods dwell inside us, always eternal.

Long live the Joy of Satan and all of you, souls of the Gods, and may the Gods always keep us on the right track.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You and the Gods are my heroes, HP. I’m in it, to win it sieg hell!! ⚡⚡
A thousand blessing be upon you and all the priesthood, and all our warriors! ⚡⚡
Amazing sermon. you are immortal in the minds of the people who are and will be faithful to the gods in next centuries.
When we win, will there be a Satanic military organizing people that want to get back at the bug-headed and scaly fucks out there that screwed and defiled our planet to no ends with their kike lizard-homunculi? I want to help out in nuking all their stupid planets into oven worlds. :lol:
ValiantVance88 said:
You and the Gods are my heroes, HP. I’m in it, to win it sieg hell!! ⚡⚡
A thousand blessing be upon you and all the priesthood, and all our warriors! ⚡⚡
I am totally loyal to Satan, the emojis I used were an unsupported format though lol
Thank you for all you and Maxine have done, you have open the door of the God's palace for me and for the rest of divine souls who desire to change the world.

Hail Satan!
One of my favorite sermons. Beautiful.
Unbelievable. This writing came from the depths of your soul and heart. It was hard trying to resist shedding tears of joy reading this. Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Darkness exists with or without light, but we cannot say that light exists without darkness, so darkness is the first , Likewise, chaos exists with or without order, but we cannot say that order exists without chaos
If we want to create a new order, we need chaos, or if we want to build a new and more advanced building, we need to destroy it. This is nature , Thus we, the gods, build and destroy for the great work Magnum Opus

Hail Satan ... 🤘
Hail Lucifer ... 🤘
This really was beautiful to read. Gave me so much perspective and understanding. Thank you. Hail Satan.
Thank you a lot for this sermon HP, it is indeed very helpful.

I have been myself in a lot of despair and I have been feeling, due to toxic friends as being a puppet. I thought I am doing the right thing when I wasn't.

I felt that almost everything was lost, and that I was felt with a lot of delusions about anything related to the spiritual.

But, one night, as I pondered on my thoughts and how much I saw a lot of people living in the ignorance and how I took part of it, though happily not for too much, I have felt that night a strong energy that would direct me to chant the Enn of Prince Apollo and also talk with Satan.

Both the energies of Prince Apollo and Father Satan were so intense and I feel that all of my past disappointment because I trusted toxic friends was gone, and then, the part of the reveal got even more intense as I have honored the Gods of Hell doing the 3 in 1 RTR for three times in a row the same night to bring a lot of energetic impact.

The Gods are with us and they do not abandon us. Instead, they want us to evolve and to reach high levels of enlightenment.

We should be very happy that today we have the Internet as well as, besides the fact that Internet is controlled by Jews still, the Internet is still holding the JoS for 22 years and we are having a lot of occult knowledge at one click away. Knowledge which will never dissipate, as the JoS is like the immortal Asgard, never disappearing, always being active.

I once again thank the Joy of Satan Ministries and the Gods for making myself what I was before I met toxic friends, an evolved spiritual being.

Hail Satan
Long Live the Joy of Satan Ministries

The spirit of the old world will rise again through us. wherever satanic souls exist so does the spirit of our world before the enemy laid waste to it.

Thank you for the sermon very touching and beautiful.

Hail Satan!!
The only thing that has really ever helped me was doing whatever Father wanted me to do.

There are times where I don't do exactly what is asked of me and sometimes I feel like its mainly a goal to strive towards. As in I may have not reached the goal but it did pull me upwards from where I was at in life. And it pulled me up from how I was feeling, whether the goal was reached or not. As we know, Father sees something special in us, and he's not wrong. By helping us open our eyes, he's helped us see it in ourselves and each other.

And even with knowing this, there are still days where I start to feel sorrow, fear, sadness and anything else you can imagine. And on those days, that's where I know I'm truly being tested because it's only when I don't do ANYTHING that is asked of me, that's when I'm truly failing as a Satanist. And I've had serious moments in my life when I'm truly doing NOTHING.

However, on those times I DO exactly as told by Father, and DO reach those goals tasked to me, well it's a beautiful fucking feeling. I feel the union of honor and respect connecting to Father's will. I start to feel what Father and the Gods have in store for us and what they want to help manifest for our future. And truly, it brings the feeling of inner peace.

Amazing post HP! We're all 100% still here!
Very beautiful. In the flow of time, the shards of destiny illuminates the inescapable reality, that eventually everyone will come to embrace.

I have a collection of a few historical artefacts, mainly Hitler era ones. Upon meditating on its historical energy I really get the feel of what moved the hearts of so many, it was an era of hope. Hitler continues to kindle the hearts of so many.

Like the sun that gives life, the sun among the cluster of stars in other solar systems, as leaders who are the manifestation of the will of the gods.

We must all become a burning sun in an era that is to escape the darkness and fight among the gods.
Satchidanda meaning Knowledge, Consciousness , Bliss. Nothing affects this. This is what you are. Maya is always changing,remain a witness always that's the challenge. Even in denying it one is acknowledging IT. That's the thing,the "knowing" that's Satchidanda (Atma) , even in the "knowing" of denying it,that "knowing" to deny it. That "knowing " that's Satchidanda. It's Pure Consciousness. It's futile to ignore and deny this. It's Existence itself and is Eternal. Kundalini going asleep as meant people wrongly discriminating, the Atma Satchidanda as the physical body. Meaning they think it's the physical body that's giving them Consciousness. All the problems are coming from this. The goal is "not to know" meaning to concentrate the mind beyond Consciousness into the Absolute. After which you are permanently centred in Satchidanda Atma. The Eternal Now that's Yoga, that's Superconsciousness. The Yoga is to be in the Eternal Now until you permanently centred in the Eternal Now, that's the Kundalini rising. Practice being still, concentrate the mind ,rid yourself of illusion and "see". Nothing is lost or gained.
Being in the Eternal Now should be emphasized, that God Consciousness. The Gods are permanently centred, when invoked they simply just start helping you to be centred within yourself and soon or later you realize who you really are , Atma. Souls and Worlds are unfolding in Eternal Accomplishment. When soul bodies are conceived out of Transcendant Reality (Siva) into Immanent Love Sun God Consciousness (Sakti),a centre (Swastika) is formed out of which the soul body is conceived. This soul body is what is man. Conceived in seed form (copper) and has to unfold into maturity and likeness of the Siva/ Sakti that conceived it (gold). The why of it is a mystery. Those who have evolved past Earthly realm after Self Realisation can even conceive soul bodies out of their own soul body which go on to unfold the same way they unfolded. Producing the other bodies needed in turning from copper into gold.
The Centre is what we are seeking ,the Source. If one is centred ,they can order what they want and it will happen. We are unfolding in Eternal Accomplishment. Past and future are mental creations , the Eternal Now is what is real. The Unchanging Pure Consciousness. Being Still, concentration of mind rids one of illusion, centres them in their own Sun God Consciousness and Bliss is experienced,no matter what state of illusion they are in , or Maya situation which can pleasurable to the physical senses or not. What drugs even do is that they temporarily suspend mental and physical activity which gets one past the navel centre and then they feel their Atma,it's nuclear power. That's why people even overdose ,they are prematurely tuning into Atma when their mind and physical is not yet trained for it. The physical body fails to handle it,one has a heart attack,the physical sheath dies. Or they tune out and addiction sets in.
Children are interesting ,them they quite centred , because their intellectual , instinctive minds have not yet developed enough to tune them out of Atma or take them off centre. Their Awareness is pretty much in their soul body. Kundalini is lying dormant in the root chakra and so as the astral (intellectual) and physical (instinctive) bodies grow , the Awareness starts to shift into the physical body. The shift especially without Dharma Awareness and training fully happens at puberty when the animal nature of the physical body is fully activated. It's from this point that's when people can even start experiencing depression , because now they are subjugate to the polarity of the mental astral mind. The Atma "feeling" is forgetton. Children don't get depressed,their intellectual , instinctive nature has not developed enough ,to tune them out of Atma. High end Yogins would often say be like little children. You are Atma ,when we became adults because of lack of Dharma Awareness and training,we forget.
1. Be Still
2. It was finished long ago
3. All is Truth (Atma, Satchidanda)
4. There's nothing wrong .
5. There's no intrisinc evil and
6. Who knows ? ( The mystery of Atma)
Thank you HP!

You're a wonderful High Priest and a wonderful Spiritual Satanist!!

The Gods watch over us in times of need. Even if the voice of end proves to bring you down, the voice of positivity is always there, you just have to tap into it. You explained it very nicely, thank you HP!! :)
I had something of this feeling when doing Past Life Meditation and meditating on the mysteries of the tetrad of the four Highest Gods.

Before the enemy came to rule, my life course was 'very promising' in terms of spiritual development. Afterwards I was subjected to a lot of varying circumstances - ranging from being absolutely nothing, with circumstances that were totally depraved and vile being at the total behest of others and the enemy - to being part of the cultural elite in a very few lifetimes, yet still suppressed and having to exist with the church bearing down on whatever I was doing.

Regardless, I sought out the Gods. In any library, painting, manuscript I could get my hands on, which in those days was hard. There was always a need to try to find them, even though starting from zero, I could not consciously remember them and had to learn how to read whatever language (Latin) to even access them at the peak of the dark age. A number of times, I even failed. When ordered to make miniatures of the virgin bitch and having learned enough about heathens in one of the most enlightened lifetimes, I would inscribe 'ISIS' where no one could see. To tell the truth, most of this was really an unconscious drive and almost animal, other than how I was bored out of my skull at the nazarene, priests and associated bastards.

After processing all of that, realizing that especially on the Astral each time my soul actually came through to live again so many times via the strength of my will to manifest, I finally thought "I am still here". A lyric from Mayhem, some group I used to listen to long ago, came into my head as well: "the past is alive..."

There was also the realization that although I had suffered greatly and was denied freedom in those lifetimes compared to everything at my fingertips in this one, this lifetime actually gave me the most troubling spiritual problems and distractions in questioning things.

My old enemy of externalized xianity has disappeared from most corners of the West, yet the internalized stupidity and the desire for 'vengeance' against higher beings and the desire for apocalypse remains in abundance, which could lead us back to square one. Hardcore materialism and denial of anything beyond it is everywhere. The fact you can access near anyone else's mind, thoughts and feelings on the internet, with jews spouting xyz theories using medians to 'explain society' on top of all of these, seriously once sent me off course. That is the case for many people because the illusions thrown up by 'social media' and the internet can be seemingly endless, labyrinthine...

Nietzsche helped me first past this hurdle, but attuning myself to the Gods whims has been a constant process. Anyone doing this has to break past fear, guilt, resentment, commonly held assumptions, materialist dogmas and the wiles of the enemy, all of which can exert a powerful influence on the soul. One also has to break past the endless written lies about the Gods, about classical civilization, about the nature of humanity's evolution, about race, about NS and the war, about the great scam, about 'deep down we're all the same', 'we're all equal', 'we all bleed red', etc.

Father Satan also showed me that the properly mastered Uranian quality, wielded carefully, has to be present in every true Satanist... The same electric spark of life (rendered controllable via the thunderbolt) is the same thing that allows somebody to hold on to who they are, in spite of everything else, in spite of what greets us when we go outside. Many here have that, but most of those who are without, including a massive portion of so-called 'NS' on the outside, DO NOT!!!
Every your words in this sermon touched my soul. "Life is a game of Phantoms", those words I'll carry all through my life.
Thank you HP for this, it's speaks eternal volumes.
Since it is fitting for this emotional post ,I too would want to share a vision I had sometime not too long ago. And I want to beforehand that I believe the vision was signifying something allegorical rather than literal ,although I believe some literal elements to be there.

I saw a vision where we were on highly elevated area either a mountaintop overlooking a city which was burning and black smoke were seen in the distance. I this this symbolized the destruction of the World Order and its foundations.

The adults were all a little behind, a conglomeration of children of different races who were all prostrating in reverence before a little white boy with a small little sword.

And the boy had a glistening golden aura and I could sense that infact he was a highly elevated Yogi of the Top Class who had Divine Powers. I could feel his immense prana just by looking at him.His eyes were so blue and glistening that I was getting lost in them.

He was looking at the city in the distance and smiling. I thought to myself at that moment that surely we have not lost this war since that divine boy had appeared. And surely this divine boy will establish a New Order for Humanity counteracting and defeating the Globalist New Order of the Jewish religion. And will lay a new foundation for all humans to follow replacing the old one.

I dropped down and immediately prostrated before him acknowledgeding and recognizing the long arduous fight ahead but that if I was beside him nothing could touch me or our cause and no matter what happened he was an infinite force that could win against all odds. I believed that someone who saw into Adolf Hitlers eyes may have felt the same conviction once upon a time.

That Vision whether true or not filled me with hope of perhaps meeting such a person one day in real life. Or perhaps see from current events that reality manifesting.

Our History is millions of years old and we only know a fraction of it most of it embellished and corrupted. This time in history will come and pass and I truly believe in my heart that we will preserve.

I know and feel in my heart that Whites will in the future adopt Kriya Yoga and Paganism as their religion, that they will continue into the future and they will guide the other races as well into the future as guides towards glory and the true future of humanity. That we will defeat our enemies and remove all of the enemies influence from our world. And that in the end we will win.

If words hold any value ,I am with you Brother. Side by Side ,Hand in Hand. Till the End. Fighting alongside you till Eternity for Satya.
This sermon made me emotional. It reminded me of when I had visited Knossos, in Crete. I immediately started crying when I saw the ancient belongings of people, and how everything now is dust, broken pottery...

So many great civilizations that are gone, and along with them, so much spiritual, but also mental, physical knowledge, morals and ethics that our Gods and Goddesses had taught us.
But, you are right. You are here, and I am here, and all of our Brothers and Sisters in Satan.

I know that I will personally do the best I can do to spread the knowledge of the Gods' existence to the world, and to make humanity remember all the love they still have deep in their hearts for them, just like our Gods and Goddesses have for us.

When someone remembers, truly remembers, they can't help but feel this love very strongly in their hearts. They will also can't help but feeling sad for having forgotten them for so long, and for seeing so many other people living in oblivion.

Personally, the more I do the Gods' Power Rituals, the more I cry with the thought that I wish I could do more for them. I wish I could do more, but regardless... I am here, you are here, and we can only do the best thing possible with the tools and the time that is given to us.

My faith in the Gods will never grow weak. I am eternally grateful for everything they have given us, and for the love they still hold for us, despite of our mistakes and past oblivion.
I hear you, Brother, I've been in those depths too, cried for Humanity's current level of stupidity and utter ignorance, and I've been comforted by the lovely feeling that our Gods are with us and never really left.

We shall rise again, of that there is no doubt. The enemy is only here to rule for 'but a season', and it's coming to an end, no matter what they do now. In war we are tested, our strength of spirit is tested and we have the chance to prove ourselves to the Gods, and to ourselves. The weak will not last, as Spiritual Satanism, although it belongs in the heart of everyone, cannot enter the heart and soul of those who shut them, choosing to be deceived and lied to.

That voice that makes one choose the wrong and easy way out, to opt for the worse, false solution, isn't from the Gods. Those who have felt the guidance of the Gods know this and will not falter, and if they still falter, it is only for a moment, stumbling upon something that won't last anyway. I know, as I have stumbled and always chose not to fall face down, but kept my head high and Satan in my heart.

Thank you for this reminder. Perhaps it was needed to let those that feel like they could fall the next step know that they have to ground themselves better and better themselves if they haven't found that spiritual strength yet.

Thank you Commander Cobra, this was a very beautiful sermon.

You're a great man and an outstanding leader. The JoS is the greatest school of knowledge of our time, the last stronghold of Truth, and we will make it known to the entire planet. Your name and HPS Maxine's name will surely be known throughout the upcoming eons.

I can deeply relate to your message as it was only when I was at the very bottom of the abyss that I learned some of the most valuable life lessons and with the help from the Gods I was able to bring myself back to a life worth living. A life with purpose.
Very poetical, could be on the art sub forum actually, if it wouldn't turned into a article near at the end. Great way of keeping the strenght in people to keep going, I love it.
even when all hope is lost, even at the last moment, never losing hope the GODS always have our back,
since day one.
For the sermon above I will not comment, and if I comment it will be called deprogramming,inspired idea Chinese cultivation novels again 🤣🤣🤣.
A masterful understanding HP. I had been complacent and Lord Khepu let me know it very well. Am I truly advancing or am I depriving myself and wallowing in complacency? I realized I cannot lose despair despite it being there. I must trudge on, you are at the forefront of us HP protecting the JoS despite the oncoming enemies. I salute you sir, and we loyal SS will be by your side until the Light of Satan and the Hods are brought back into this dark decadent world we are currently in.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not that long ago, I was sitting there on top of one of the temples of my ancestors. In there, I know there has been a great school of knowledge, a centre of civilization, hope and light for humanity.

Now, there is nothing, I thought to myself. I was looking externally; only ruins and more ruins. Maybe a semblance of energy has survived, I thought to myself, yet maybe nothing else.

Yet as I was sitting there, there were no more children, no more life, there were only ruins of brick and stone, broken. Where there were writings, now there is incoherence. Egypt and nothing else stands anymore. It was all broken down.

Eventually, I too broke down in the realization that all of these civilizations are gone, and with it maybe all the memories and almost all it's knowledge. It felt like death.

If I am here you can be certain it is not only because of the good experiences with the Gods, but I am here because of how deep I have went into the depths of sadness, despair, depression.

If you have cried your nights through knowing about the state of ignorance of mankind, or what has been lost, then we have met into that state. I was there too.

In there, I have found the greatest lights and greatest revelations, deep down there, in the bottom of the pit of existence, surrounded by nothing but grim memories, pain, feelings of weakness. The words of those who say "That is no more" are truly trying to be triumphant in my mind, and I presume, everyone else's.

I have decided on this moment of my great despair, to have the courage to embark to the path that I knew internally was the right path, besides of being hit with impossible odds of both the survival of this knowledge or that of my own.

All of you here must know that I have risked it all to be here, including also maybe, my own "sanity". Granted "sanity" is this perception on nihilism, the belief that nothing is worthwhile and nothing will remain, I, as yet another "finite man" as "logic would have it", have chosen to go the other way.

As they have told us to close up to the past, we have opened up to it. The world boastfully declares to us as the days go by that there is no soul, no memory, no spirit, no worthwhile knowledge.

Instead of hearing the voices of even what I saw before my own eyes, in this case, justified by the observations of broken pottery, bricks and mortar, in my greatest moments of despair, I have crossed the way to the underworld and I have heard the voice of my ancestors.

In their voices, I have also heard the teachings of the great and lost teachings from all over the world, of our spiritual heritage. I have seen a place of assembly, in my heart, an assembly of those who still in this day are Guardians to the knowledge of the Gods.

The Gods, still, True as ever, through fire, brimstone, historical downturns - through everything, have somehow, through elect few people in every generation, managed to pass us down this knowledge again. We are one more generation that has this knowledge in their hands. Yet there have been many others before us. There will be others after us, in better or worse aeons. I am nothing but one of them.

That awakening did not occur to me in peace. It has come through a lot of pain, and in facing the nihilism of existence in itself, face to face. By facing the fact that you can build a great civilization for a thousand years and endless toil, yet one day it can all disappear and fall into penultimate nothingness - as if nothing else remained from it.

Yet somehow, something always remains; what does remain is not always what we approve, but it does. Life clearly, and life at the value of spiritual awakening, comes at a great cost and an even greater price with it. One must be willing to pay this price, and move head to head with the forces of evil that threaten this knowledge at every interval.

It is upon these times where anyone or anything must prove itself, times where for example, the opportunity appears to maintain the non-maintainable, or to fight a battle that for all intents looks like a lost battle.

My ancestors and likely everyone else's here are not strangers to this idea; the "illogical" idea that if one dies in battle, then one becomes immortal by dying in such a battle, where one knows there will be no prisoners.

The battle to maintain the Truth and this Divine knowledge, is what draws the souls of valiant humans all around it to work for it, to defend it, no matter what is the cost for "them".

That is the first sign that one has overcome his humanity: one has transcended his own self. We are known to be fast drivers here, and all of us have wanted to cross that sign. And we are here now because of this.

After I regained my senses from the recurring shocks of my heart by the above realizations, I understood that these lamentations, tears and major pain, is only in fact because I am alive today. I am alive, and therefore I can experience joy and suffering. Despite of any opposing odds, I am still in the image of those "who have passed". I am them, they are I.

Indeed however lesser that we may be, there are two voices in our heads; one of perdition that always preaches the end. This voice comes to us when our faith dwindles or our heart stoops low. Certainly I have not been a stranger to this voice and I have heard it. I have derived sadistic pain from it, to extents that few can handle.

Indeed, me and that voice in times of darkness have become great friends. But I saw that indeed this voice does surely lie. The way it lies is very weird; because it will use certain things you will see strongly to convince you.

You will see fallen and looted cities, you will see ruins of great civilizations or their knowledge, or it will show you only negative things, to try to drag your heart down to despair so that you can say: "You must try no more".

Yet, the wisdom and power of spirit is not reliant on you not hearing it, because certainly this voice has a lot of proof to give to anyone and to show for itself. All around us, there are signs of it's influence. So you will hear this voice that always wants to keep you small, away from the Gods, bruised in your pain. You will also hear it loudly in difficult days, or out of the blue.

Fate has it however, that in select few of us, there is also another voice in our hearts. It is that voice that preaches immortality, eternity, the pathway to glory without really thinking that this might be the end, a voice that still flies from the bottom of your heart even on a heap of ruins and says "We will rebuild, we will rise supreme, we will succeed, I know of the Gods and of that which I do not see, even if I don't know WHY!".

From the two voices I have understood the first one is where it almost always seems to end. At least, this is what it tells me. That I will die and that eventually all will be lost.

Yet, when I hear the other voice, it gives also credence to it's existence, by alluding me to higher things; it tells me that the work of Great Beings still exists; that civilization still exists, and that sands of time have came and went, but the Gods are here as they ever were.

Further, it has told me frequently, that life is a game of phantoms - almost as if I know deep inside, that I must prove something in life to the Gods, whom I have always felt closer to me than I have felt close to maybe those sitting next to me in what we refer to as "real life".

It tells me that still, it's worth it to follow the higher codes of the higher entities. It is this voice that many people have refused from their childhood, that told them that there is something immortal and highly valuable in man. It is the voice of the Gods, speaking to you, on every time that you fail and falter, through numerous faces of guilt, pain, or just the sudden will to move on and try again; no matter what.

They are here in statues and in marbles, but they can live in the absence thereof. They exist in my heart as truly as they did in this day, despite of what I observed or not. Yes, currently we have no temples; but there was also a time we had temples all over the place, and maybe few hearts that had in them the temples of the Gods.

In retrospect, I don't know what we lost or if we lost that much; or if that is mostly a giant test for the ones destined for real ascent. It's after all, easier to be loyal where loyalty is easy, easy to be on the right side when you are right, easier to follow where all things are in place rather than on a path of unclear future.

Ironically, now that we have nothing "of the past" or minimal things, my faith is even more bolstered than ever before. Now, I am granted the chance to prove myself and the value of this community in the face of the Gods, against the troublesome eras, where the enemy has it "all".

Yet, they too have nothing as for all their kingdom, it's all devoid of soul.

At the lowest point for the Gods and for humanity, in what we call the dawn of it all, where there is not a temple on every next corner, this voice keeps me as bolstered as I ever were: I know that I am being tested in the level of the highest difficulty, to prove myself as He that will turn everything around, with a divine battalion of people, against seemingly impossible odds.

As I sit on top of ruins, I will not falter and I will not worry, because I am here; and if you are here, then you know that we have nothing to worry about.

The knowledge of the Gods and the Gods will live on in all of us, thrown as scattered golden droplets right now in the face of the planet earth, only to grow into an ever powerful torrent as time goes on.

Through dissolution, we might be looking at a united future for humanity, where this knowledge will finally reign supreme; a final liberation for humanity that only has had a bad chapter in it's aeon's long existence - all of it happening in a way that the human mind cannot comprehend.

We are the heralds of this future.

Wherever you are, if you are of the Gods and follow their teachings, then we are one. Our kingdom has always expanded way beyond any temple. Our Gods dwell inside us, always eternal.

Long live the Joy of Satan and all of you, souls of the Gods, and may the Gods always keep us on the right track.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very soulful, deep and wonderful sermon!
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, Thank you!

I hear an inner voice! Before joining Spiritual Satanism, when I thought about Satan and was interested in Freemasonry, conspiracy theories, the following thought constantly came to my mind: "Satan is the Great Architect of the Universe." (in adolescence).

When I was a child of 5-7 years old, I felt a strong attraction to Ancient Egypt.
I remember I had a toy from Kinder Surprise, the tomb of the pharaoh, which you can open, a cobra crawls out of the tomb.

I also played board games with children about ancient Egypt and I remember I liked watching old Scooby-Doo cartoons about Ancient Egypt, I liked to collect children's magazines (in childhood). I liked the articles about Ancient Egypt the most (in childhood).
When I saw pictures of Ancient Egypt as a child, I felt a very strong feeling, a very strong connection with Egypt. When I watched the Hollywood movie The Mummy (as a child), I sympathized with the pharaoh (I really wanted to go back in time, right into the Egyptian civilization).

I really like ancient Egyptian dogs. I saw a photo of large statues of ancient Egyptian dogs in some market in modern Egypt. The dogs were black in color and had red eyes. I like these animals very much and I do not quite understand why, because other dogs, except for Dobermans, I am not in any delight. In my country, there are no such large figures in the markets and souvenir shops at all.

Since the souls of people are reincarnated, I believe that the Egyptian civilization, the Greek civilization, the Roman Empire, the Teutonic Order, the Templars, Nazi Germany, the United States of America are part of one Timeless, Immortal Pagan (Satanic) White People Civilization, which in each era is reincarnated in that the most (ideal) state for its time (epoch), or a group of selected people who set the task of building such a state in their era (as, for example, the Templars wanted in the Middle Ages). And in this regard, the enemies - the Jews will not be able to create their own World Order, because anywhere in the World there will always be people who lived in the states I have listed in past lives, and since the soul has its own memory, these people will eventually revive the Satanic Civilization and they are will a mortal final blow on the Jews in an era when the Jews will be as weak as possible!!!
I have been there too, completely broken and unable to look up, without any desire to continue, yet the gods were always there to give me a tap on my shoulder, giving me peace and strength to push through. I will always be loyal to the Gods.
It sounds like that this sermon is heavily influenced by great speakers like Earl Nightingale, I must say that i very much loved reading this. A great message, in a great package.
I too have been there, as I tried to fathom existence and my existence, our history and the uncertain future.

When looking at the state of the World, and the history, the ruins all around us alluding to a great past, the first thing which comes to mind is certain the deep despair on all that has been lost.

The deep pain on the countless strife, ruin and harm in this world. The endless ignorance and unfathomable foolishness by so many people which got us where we are.

In its immense dread and loss, the history feels desolate and it makes one tired to act. With the small existence of a finite life, it all feels so futile.

Certainly, these are the feelings that come first. It is crushing and painful. I have been there, in ultimate nihilism and despair.

However, at the depth of that state, in this search for meaning or purpose, or to understand this futility and finality of existence that seems so abundant, there I found the Gods on their timeless existence.

As the world was wounded and blemished, the Gods are pristine as they always were. No different from any age, no matter the state of the world.

As I go through my life, the Gods had never diminished, and even in these times where their temples are lost, their temple existed within my soul all along, as they existed in me.

Then when I looked at the ruins on this world, the pain, while certainly still there, transforms into glory over the deep legacy and rich existence of my ancestors.

I too realized then, that I am still here. The truth is not lost, since I am here to guard it and to search for it. In this world, the truth is alive, as the Gods have always been. Through the spirit of my ancestors, this torch has been passed down inexplicably, and this light never fades.

Even if many things are lost, existence continues on. New challenges appear which we face and conquer. Times change, but the Gods never fade.

Even if they fade from peoples minds, they still remain. To keep this alive in our world forever, they stay within my heart and I breathe them into this world as they breathe existence into me.

The nihilism fades, as all that has been lost can be rebuild. Things grow and fade with time in this world, but the fading is not an end, the low ages do not make life futile, as all of this is part of existence.

I have seen the most glorious heights that a human mind can fathom, and the lowest depths that exist on this earth.

Yet existence always is. It is up to us to live it and raise it to the heights that it can be.

Even if the world is low and godless, the heart and soul are not limited in their existence, and the spirit remains at it's peak.

The Gods are always in you, as you participate in the All and rise through the Earthly troubles and challenges in pursuit of the ultimate Truth.

The spirit is unwavering in the face of desolation, as the spirit is ever luminous.

Now when I look at the ruins and the depths of despair, it does not shake my resolve or waver my heart, as the eternal glory exists within myself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
