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Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

When I dedicated myself 2 years ago, exactly 1 month after the dedication I met a woman perfectly in line with me and I noticed many coincidences, and things from her past that made her different from the others. After about 4 months she dedicated herself too. We have been living together for 2 years now, every day we meditate, do yoga and train together, as well as structuring every aspect of our life together.

I must say that my life has totally changed for the better, she is older than me and sometimes, a bit out of laziness, I don't respect the meditation times, she literally puts pressure on me to have discipline. We are both members of JoS and I consider this a "blessing" of Father Satan to have let me meet and I always thank him for this.

I think I will marry her in front of our father Satan.
The Great post, very motivating!
I am currently in search of a relationship.

I've never sought a relationship with Succubi.
I'm interested in relationships with real, real people.

In a love relationship, the problem of love triangles very often arises, for example:
1. I like a girl who doesn't like me;
2. a girl is in love with me, who I don't like so much that I won't go to bed with her.

The question arises, should I try to please a girl who doesn't like me, but whom I like for human (internal) and external (attractiveness) reasons qualities, or do I need to break myself and go to bed with a girl who is very unattractive to me?

Of course, there is a third option, to continue searching, to get acquainted, to date, actually, which is what I do, but I understand for sure that I will not be able to live with a girl from whom I will want to escape!
I have had this most of my life, every guy I liked i lost them to another girl, before I could be their girl some other girl got there first, I always went for the really good looking guys but I was shy and not flirty enough and the outgoing girls would grab them and I would miss out, but every time a guy i didn’t like would be chasing me and chasing me, and this frustrated me into thinking am I cursed to not be with someone I liked or is it because I still haven’t found Mr Right! Or Mr right for me! I married to a wonderful man but not because I was madly in love but because I got tired of waiting for the one I did like! And this is why I understand what you mean, my advice is go after the girl you find attractive and chase her till you get her, even if she is not attracted to you at first she will be impressed by your consistency and you can make her fall in love with you! Yes it’s hard work but it’s all worth it! And you my friend I believe you will do just fine, we Spiritual Satanists never give up!
Hail Satan ❤️
Ok HP Cobra. I entered the SS a long time ago the JOS was only a few years old at the time. I've not done the improvments I should have. I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin with.
I've tried to have relationships with real guys. None of them turned out well. I ran for my life from the last one.
Since the "demon" i've seen for years isn't real I'm probably going to be alone the rest of my life.
Part of me wants to scream at you for this. I won't of course and I know the truth. Things never fully added up from the beginning.
It's something that took advantage of a broken woman.
part of me whats to make a shit ton of excuses but I've read way too many of your posts to not know it's all shit. Part of me also wants to give up on the whole damn thing, put the blinders back on and forget. It hurts so damn much. I've never felt much connection to anyone here. Ive been laughted at, verbally attacked, and pulled thru too many wringers.
I've tried to talk with Father and my GD. It's hit and miss.
I guess realizing that I'm going to be alone isn't that bad. Finally realizing that he isn't real hurts a lot but it doesn't matter.
My heart chakra is broken to put it in terms. Of course I know It's not truly "broke" I'm not a damn jew.

Ok some of the pain in my chest is fading. I'm trying to type this as things are tumbbeling thru my head in reguards to you wanting everyone to reply to your post, bring our questions and be honest.
I'm not going to ask about repairing my heart chakra since I know the condensending answers I'm going to get. I honestly don't have any questions. I don't have any hope and feel abandoned.
When the rtrs first came out I was doing them pretty often but of course I've fallen off that wagon though I have tried to do at least one of the rituals in the new scheduals twice when they posted. For this new year I've been trying to tell myself everyday- just five minuets a day- some days i actually do do my five minuets of meditating.
A lot of your posts latly though informative they have left me cold and feeling pushed away. "your not good enough you don't do any work for jos your never going to see father in the afterlife" those are the kind of thoughts that fill me after reading your posts.- my own idiocy? the enemy? I have no clue. when I try to think on it i remember your other posts and give up.

Ok I'm not trying to prove your posts right I know I'm a worthless idiot.
Thank you for the knowledge.

Hail Father Satan.

-I wonder how many people are going to read this and try to slam me for it?
Sweetheart I think you are a wonderful person, don’t be too hard on yourself, I know how you feel I’ve been there too, but don’t give up you are too wonderful of a person, it’s not easy to find a suitable partner in this day and age people are more selfish and inconsiderate, but there are good ones out there too, I’m new even though I was hear many years ago but left and now I’ve come back again because now I am more wiser and know this is the truth and I pray I will never leave again, I just want to say never give up on yourself or JoS we love you even though some might not say it, but I’ll say it, I love you dear ❤️ you have a sister here I’m here if you want to chat

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
I have had this most of my life, every guy I liked i lost them to another girl, before I could be their girl some other girl got there first, I always went for the really good looking guys but I was shy and not flirty enough and the outgoing girls would grab them and I would miss out, but every time a guy i didn’t like would be chasing me and chasing me, and this frustrated me into thinking am I cursed to not be with someone I liked or is it because I still haven’t found Mr Right! Or Mr right for me! I married to a wonderful man but not because I was madly in love but because I got tired of waiting for the one I did like! And this is why I understand what you mean, my advice is go after the girl you find attractive and chase her till you get her, even if she is not attracted to you at first she will be impressed by your consistency and you can make her fall in love with you! Yes it’s hard work but it’s all worth it! And you my friend I believe you will do just fine, we Spiritual Satanists never give up!
Hail Satan ❤️
Alicia, thank you very much for the wonderful and motivating advice :)

I am very pleased to hear this from you 😃

I am really one of those people who never give up ;)
Sweetheart I think you are a wonderful person, don’t be too hard on yourself, I know how you feel I’ve been there too, but don’t give up you are too wonderful of a person, it’s not easy to find a suitable partner in this day and age people are more selfish and inconsiderate, but there are good ones out there too, I’m new even though I was hear many years ago but left and now I’ve come back again because now I am more wiser and know this is the truth and I pray I will never leave again, I just want to say never give up on yourself or JoS we love you even though some might not say it, but I’ll say it, I love you dear ❤️ you have a sister here I’m here if you want to chat

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
Thank you. I have been doing a tad better after getting ona discord channel with people who like reading nich type romance books and are supportive of nerodivergent type people. I had made that first post in a fit of emotion- not healthy emotion- it has taken a bit to realize that though Dabair to me wasn't an excuse to not be with humans. he was a bit of a bandaid. it's not easy to explain and it still kind of hurts because that hope i had is gone with not much of anything left.- yeah human guys are difficult to be around- getting burnt bad does that especially with this culture of many- not all- guys treating women like meat. I may not find a guy in this life so i'm trying to focus on me. still it's not east knowing that a being you thought was there to help you doesn't really exist and won't be there to greet you when the time to leave this life comes.....this is why i wish SS was more accepted so that vulnerable lonly people like me wouldn't be able to be tricked and hurt so badly.

I know i can at least focus on the real gods which helps. Thank you sister for the kind words. I also wish that there were places in the physical world where SS could talk face to face- because human connection helps so much since it is a deep part of our make up. Again thank you dear sister.

Hail Father Satan
Alicia, thank you very much for the wonderful and motivating advice :)

I am very pleased to hear this from you 😃

I am really one of those people who never give up ;)
You are very welcome, 🤗
I am glad to hear you are pleased to hear this.
yes I believe you are a person who will never give up, I have read a few of your posts here, and I like how you express yourself and your passion for spiritual Satanism 😃
Thank you. I have been doing a tad better after getting ona discord channel with people who like reading nich type romance books and are supportive of nerodivergent type people. I had made that first post in a fit of emotion- not healthy emotion- it has taken a bit to realize that though Dabair to me wasn't an excuse to not be with humans. he was a bit of a bandaid. it's not easy to explain and it still kind of hurts because that hope i had is gone with not much of anything left.- yeah human guys are difficult to be around- getting burnt bad does that especially with this culture of many- not all- guys treating women like meat. I may not find a guy in this life so i'm trying to focus on me. still it's not east knowing that a being you thought was there to help you doesn't really exist and won't be there to greet you when the time to leave this life comes.....this is why i wish SS was more accepted so that vulnerable lonly people like me wouldn't be able to be tricked and hurt so badly.

I know i can at least focus on the real gods which helps. Thank you sister for the kind words. I also wish that there were places in the physical world where SS could talk face to face- because human connection helps so much since it is a deep part of our make up. Again thank you dear sister.

Hail Father Satan
Glad to hear dear you are doing good and better, and I know it’s not easy to not have a physical partner to share your life with, and as for the spiritual partner it’s good for a while but we humans need human contact and that’s normal part of our lives, I know it’s hard to find a good partner but don’t give up, he is out there and ask Father Satan to help you find a good partner for you, and I believe you will find a good partner, and yes focus on yourself be it in meditations and physical exercises, this is what im doing, we are apart of Father Satan’s spiritual family, so we are a special kind of breed of people and I’m so proud to say so 😊 and I agree I wish there was a place where we SS could physically meet up, but in this world of Christianity and Islam we would be a target and they are our enemies and it’s not safe for us! But soon when the Abrahamic religions and the Jews are wiped out we will all be together in a world of love and goodness and happiness,
you are so welcome dear sister 🤗 you can chat with me when you like 😃❤️

Hail Father Satan ❤️
You are very welcome, 🤗
I am glad to hear you are pleased to hear this.
yes I believe you are a person who will never give up, I have read a few of your posts here, and I like how you express yourself and your passion for spiritual Satanism 😃
Alicia, you may like the posts on my profile page, I periodically (when I have time and inspiration) post posts on my profile page ;)

I try to approach everything I do with a soul :giggle:
A lot of much needed truth here. Many seriously mishandle this subject and end up with very adverse affects.

The subject of the occult itself is also very complicated and there is still a vast amount of things we do not know about in regards to things that are truth and delusion, or what may in fact be a product of ones subconsciousness and other issues. Everyone is their own scientist in this venture and no one can experience what you experience, but a lot of critical analysis should be made. Also, at times one should take a couple periods of break from some types of spiritual endeavors, as their mind could literally fly off. A lot of yogis emphasized the importance of grounding and skepticism.

I'm glad we're all here to help each other out as this is also a collective effort of knowledge and understanding.

"Are you living in the real world?" This was a quote from a movie which stuck to me deep, especially when you understand the meanings of it. The real world can be cruel, sad, scary, lonely and many others things, but it doesn't have to be. The main point is that you're not shoving reality under the rug and living in the comfort of delusion, or things that could not be what they seam.

I suggest for those who suffer from anxiety or social problems to try working a retail shift for awhile. You will be in many social situations and perhaps get to know some people. Sometimes there will be unfortunate situations but that's the colors of reality. Eventually you'll build enough confidence and social skills to interact with others, maybe one could start with the whales at their local gym 😄

This is all generally encompassing what I tell people about these relations, and their dilusion serrounding them. Some listened, some, like you said, have this moronic assumption that, even though you're a higher level mage than them, you've no idea what you're talking about and have no say in this. Sometimes, I think I'm doing the wrong thing, and you come in and confirm I'm doing the right thing, even vice versa, and I adore that about you, Commander; you tell it like it is, no bullshit, no sugarcoat. If people can't handle that, they need to do a little more self work and greatly toughen up, because if this hurts your feelings? You really won't like some of the things Father is going to tell you sometimes, or the way he's going to tell you them.

This is a no bullshit practice, this is science, and the facts need to be laid out on the table regardless of anyone's immaturity and straight up weakness that they need to overcome to truly fulfill their roles under the Gods with maximum effect and efficiency.
This sounds insensitive. Most of the people who want a succubus aren't just "cowards who can't find a real woman", but they are suffering from conditions like social anxiety, chronic depression and autism that either prevent them from connecting with "real women" or make them seem so weird that they repel women (those autistic, nerdy guys). These people are suffering. You have never experienced what is like to be like them, that's why you simply dismiss them as "cowards".
Dude, I don't mean to be an asshole, but go cry about it. Seriously, go let it all out, have a tantrum, let it all out, and when you're done, really evaluate yourself, really evaluate if the Gods are going to want a cowardly, useless crybaby around.

Social anxiety is just a fancy word for Social Cowardice, I know, I used to suffer from it myself. I have to be honest and blunt with you, you and anyone else suffering from „SoCiAl AnXiEtY“ need to get the fuck over it, let your balls drop already, this response is full of nothing but pathetic excuses, and I'm really not trying to be mean, I'm saying this as someone who used to make these very same excuses to avoid doing absolutely anything and everything within my life, not just approaching other men and women romantically.

Chronic depression? Yeah. Yeah, see that's yet another effect of spiritual dirt and soul detrification, maybe periods of bad planets like I myself have experienced. That's something that can be overcome. These are not impassable obsticles, these are nothing more than hangups. These are nothing more than excuses against improvement.

I'm saying that as someone who has suffered very deeply these things to the point of severe morphine addiction - something I also overcame with sheer will. I could take an intromuscular needle, the big fat ones, fit it with an introveinous tip, fill it completely with morphine and inject it all in one go, make myself hug the toilet for a few hours, it was straight up self harm.
I said one day „I'm am so goddamn sick and tired of being sick and tired!! I'm done being a pathetic fucking coward!!“, and from that day foreward, I vowed never to touch drug or succumb to forces which can be overcome again. I would never and will never, cannot ever stop striving and climbing after that.

If you don't have the will? You need to build it, you need to work on yourself, you need to fucking murder that cowardly little loser version of yourself and become the badass that you're supposed to be, or get left in the dust. These are hangups, these are the very things we need to shed in order to best serve the Gods to the best of our capabilities. These are the very things that we need to shed to even serve them at all. You're making excuses, and from someone who once made those excuses, it's pathetic and pathological, my friend, you need to wake up and snap the hell out of it.

Autism...here we go again with the pampered princess souls that expect their pedistal treatment to continue in this life, now that's some actually retarded shit, not a single God would be sympathetic to this, they'd just see you as pathetic and tell you to buck up and get used to working for what you want instead of having it just handed to you. Of all the people involved with this Ministry, you're going to try to guilt trip Commander Cobra...using Autism?!

Just stop right where you stand with that, do not take a step further. I recently dealt with the most insufferable, pathetic, groveling and obssesive, absolutely annoying man who's affinity for me surpassed all things, yet this moron thought he was Alexander the Great and George Washington reincarnated. The man claimed to have autism, and was such a neucance on my life and was so infatuated and obssessed with gaining my love, he could never have earned it. People with „Autism“, when they don't get what they want, suddenly become the most calculated, capable, and manipulative people that I have ever met in my life, every single one. So on this note alone, I, myself, and likely many others who have experienced this shit, know for a fact „Autism“ is nothing but a bullshit state of mind carried by a fully capable person, often a jude, who just wants to be given everything for no personal cost.

All these things you're bringing up are literally nothing but excuses against improvement. Excuses I've made myself. That's why I'm taking such a hard and unsympathetic stance, because I know how pathetic and useless allowing yourself to believe you are a slave to these hangups can make you, I know how pathetic and useless it is to even make these excuses. This is not a „Safe Space“. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but my sweet bleeding heart, please, you must close your chest and face the truth. You're subscribing to juden propaganda here. You're letting the juden curses dictate you. Stop it. Just stop right where you stand and take a look around at where you are and, what you are involved with, and re-evaluate. Realize. Grow. Overcome. It's in you, you just have to actually want and work for it. That's how all of this works. You have to want and work for everything. Nobody is just going to hand you gold and jewels on a silver platter here without you earning it, and that goes maximally for love, because love is an very fucking expensive emotion.

So do everyone here, including yourself a big favour, and drop this nonsense, snap out of it, and grow up. Otherwise you can cry a river.
I'm sorry if my comment rubbed anyone the wrong way, but it needed to be said.

You want love? Then make yourself loveable!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
