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Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481472 time=1704608753 user_id=57]
Invictvs said:
It's not a "wake up call", it's an insensitive rant by someone who hasn't really experienced what is like to be a chronically depressed, socially anxious or autistic person and dismisses such people as "cowards". You're a woman, I expect you to understand them better. These are people who are suffering. They've been told "grow up, stop being a child and talk to real people" by people who don't understand them dozens of times, as if it's something very easy for them to do.
Social anxiety, depression, and autism can all be healed through meditation and workings on the self. They can all heal and embrace life and find joy with another human.

The advice you mention that they get is not real advice. If they find the JoS and begin working on themselves, they can heal and become happier people. It takes time, but it will happen.

Lydia, you are absolutely right, but the causes of serious psychological problems that prevent people from living, getting to know, loving, communicating, as a rule, are formed in childhood, regardless of their will.

For example, this may be due to the dictator's mother and the father's unwillingness to engage in child rearing. Therefore, if a mother yells at a child, constantly raises her voice, i.e. constantly uses psychological violence, then in the future it will not be so easy for an adult boy to start a relationship and prove himself in them in a manly way.

Whether people who were traumatized in childhood are to blame, I think not. If some children got more responsible and loving parents, than young people would not have certain psychological problems that they have.

Are group rituals possible for the healing of psychological problems and for healing in general/health promotion?

I ask this question because individual spiritual Satanists may have psychological problems that he or she does not know about, and some people may not recognize/deny the presence of psychological problems in themselves, in other words, they simply do not understand that they exist.
Shadowcat said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481471 time=1704608014 user_id=57]
Compatible, not combative. Someone who has good synastry to you, who is well suited for you.

As far as synasry is concerned I also think it is karmic in a way to have a tendency to always attract someone with the same placements. It probly has to do with the placements in someone's chart. I also notice that I am almost always attracted physically to someone that is dominant in the element(s) I am weakest in with one element being the exception at times. I also always appear to attract cancers, usually with two or more planets in cancer with a gemini venus and these people are absolutely vampiric to me. One had a cancer sun and 4 Gemini planets with a Leo asc. She was a user and addicted to attention. If not then it's mars and or Venus in Leo a combo with sun and Mercury in cancer.

If I'm synastically compatible with a girl, but she doesn't like me, or used to like me, but stopped liking me, in that case, how can I get this girl back, or help her make a choice in my favor?

Recently, an unpleasant situation happened to me, several bad people started spreading false rumors about me and the girl with whom I good communicated stopped talking to me.

Both of these bad people will get retribution, I'm working on it!
Vira_ said:
Power of Justice [JG said:
Mate, that is like a child walking up to a seasoned soldier and the child telling the soldier to stand behind them. I think you need to re-read the whole sermon again, I believe you missed the point completely.
The difference is even greater than you say.

But it's just a sentence, maybe more for motivation, even though I know I won't get there.

It's like saying that a SS is like a child who wants to be an astronaut, he may not get there, but in the meantime it motivates him to do something and at least get somewhere.

You literally focused on the one sentence that could be misunderstood.

I meant you got the completely wrong conclusion from the sermon.
13th_Wolf said:

You are probably taking a correct message too far into the insult territory towards Vira, please bear that in mind. Nobody wants to insult anyone, despite a harsh message.
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=481526 time=1704631961 user_id=21556]
Ok... so what conclusion should I have come to?

To eliminate everything that isn't realism (https://www.satanisgod.org/Virtue_Realism.html), right?
Invictvs said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=481320 time=1704543907 user_id=57]
I hope this post is a wake-up call to those who are denying reality and life.

It's not a "wake up call", it's an insensitive rant by someone who hasn't really experienced what is like to be a chronically depressed, socially anxious or autistic person and dismisses such people as "cowards". You're a woman, I expect you to understand them better. These are people who are suffering. They've been told "grow up, stop being a child and talk to real people" by people who don't understand them dozens of times, as if it's something very easy for them to do.

Chronic depression, autism, social anxieties. These already arise from the weakness of certain aspects of the soul. Harsh thoughts that you cannot accept are real. These bad feelings are real. There is understanding for fear here. However, the person who harbors fear must try to overcome it. There are also cowards who try to pollute the names and places of gods and satanic soul beings by adding them to their dirty dream worlds.
Just because we understand something doesn't mean we accept it.
HailVictory88 said:

Thank you. I agree with some of your points, but to defend my point I do think there are plenty of people who get love with no effort. Scratch the ISIL fighter example and just look at drug dealers and garden variety welfare bums (and most drug dealers are not Scarface getting in constant firefights, they are just lazy addicts taking the path of least resistance). Maybe I am bitter because the only girl I've ever loved forgot I existed and got with some weed dealer. I don't know much about him but I doubt he is some Overman whose success comes from bravery and action. Probably, it's just that degenerates are more fun to be around than non-degenerates, and animalistic things like love and sex favor those who are more animal than human. Even if I did manage to fight and scrape hard to get something, I could never enjoy it because I would always worry about it going away as soon as something caused my value to temporarily dip. Someone to whom it comes easy (a 70 IQ criminal who wakes up in the morning and naturally feels like the best person ever with no flaws) can comfortably enjoy such things.
I think I am just going to have to focus my efforts on other parts of my life. Everyone has limitations, and after being so bad at relating to people for so long, with the amount of effort it would take to be socially normal I could alter the Earth's orbit.

Perhaps it was not best of me to scold you about the ISIL fighter comment and not get to the actual point of your post.

I know what it’s like trying to find a good woman in 2024 all of your brothers struggle with the same thing, I know it’s tempting to just focus on the spiritual path and just be happy on your own but at a certain point in your development the Gods will expect you to go out and live life.

You could ask for a Succubus to stay with you and teach you but they are teachers so don’t be surprised if your ultimate escape starts telling you she won’t be around forever and real women aren’t that scary, a Goddess will challenge your world views in ways you may not be really for.

We are on a magical path so you don’t have to settle or solve some kind of complicated mental puzzle you can just work on your abilities until you can cast a spell and get a perfect woman. You can give yourself permission to be single until your abilities are good enough to summon little miss perfect if you want. Nobody is saying you gotta do this now or use mundane means like pick up artistry with the average woman.
Meow2023 said:
I followed the ritual on the site and asked for an Incubus long ago. your post though it makes my chest hurt like crazy...he probably wasn't real to begin with.

I believe this sermon goes far beyond mere telling people around who has and who has no Demon-lovers. I think no Clergy would waste their time on telling random people whom they do and whom they do not have on the astral — this is intimacy and personal path to tread. Your astral is your business.

I see in this sermon much more important and wider things rather than telling individual situations. Such as what kikes do to our children via VR, what they feed new generations with and that probably what is pushed as an easier way is not so easier in reality.

As for mating problems in the West… I am just shocked and appalled reading comments like «all guys/girls turned out to be not what virtual kikes told me they were»… this is a straight result of this very mentality that everything is «as it was meant to be in my VR game». These problems in my view comes from that very way of perceiving reality that wifoo problems comes from. Namely spreading legs around without even second thought of what and with whom you are doing it instead of having several high degrees, being a professor, working at andronne collider and knowing everything before even daring to disobey your parents and step out of the house after 18 PM like normal girl/youth would do in 19 cen. Instead they fuck every single filth around all nights straight everywhere from 10 years old and call it «normal» because liberast kikes taught them so. Then they wonder why they got raped, killed and their organs sold around in pissraeli market.

For example boys play games day and night instead of study medicine and biology, as a result they are fed with these feminist ideals of jumping fighting heroines who «do everything what men do» as a result these boys grow up worthless pinko fags who do not even know that they are expected to protect and bodyguard girls lifelong, because without it real physical women will just die. And the last is exact what is going on as a result and lead me to heart attack state to even think about. As a result girls come to this forum totally broken, traumatized and mentally diseased — they don’t even know that all this time they must have been loved and protected to stay healthy. Biological women are not meant to survive the lifestyle VR push on them, they are supposed by nature to forever belong to protective men, who either guard them or, if they can’t, give them to another man who can, or in some super sheltered zone where they are collectively guarded, including virginal life places and such, and protection to forever stay men’s responsibility, while in return providing great love and services to them (including ones in professional spheres). Of course, no traumatized crippled emotionally detonated woman can provide any love or service whatsoever, and boys whine and come to one another for help and create a man-cave out of the internet calling it «manosphere». Reason is life is not how kikes told you it was. All this VR «self-sufficiency» filth is a joke.

Looking into reality is not about «Do not ask for Demon Lover ever! Go away from that page! Do not watch there — there is a Devil!». It is about recognizing problems for what they are regardless whether you prefer spiritual or physical partnership and acknowledging where they came from, find the kike inside and address it. I am totally against concealing of this knowledge, I stand for using it with brain instead.

Some people do not want physical contact or sex and prefer spiritual distant platonic relationship because this is what they prefer anyway both with humans and Gods, even before they found JoS, it is just matter of taste. You do not need to be emotionally detonated, crippled and crazy to want this. Some people might be born with this aspect and meant for this.
Vira_ said:
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=481526 time=1704631961 user_id=21556]
Ok... so what conclusion should I have come to?

To eliminate everything that isn't realism (https://www.satanisgod.org/Virtue_Realism.html), right?

How can you eliminate everything that isn't realism if you cannot tell what is real and what is not? That is literally the whole point of the sermon. It is meant to urge people who are in their golden years to not waste them in fantasy and delusion. It's a wake up call, to get people to consider the slight possibility that maybe a God wouldn't go out of their way to find a human across the galaxy that cannot even communicate with them in any way, robbing them of the chance of actually procreating with their own on Earth.

I don't know your situation, I just couldn't understand the resolve in your reply, it's like you had so much doubt and that did nothing to get you to consider the alternative, only that you had to keep pushing forward. Because if you have been at this for years, and you have nothing but doubts (if you have seen no results), then do you think more time spent on this is beneficial or detrimental?
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rokokziga said:
I'm a mixed race although using magic for a couple won't solve the problem, I'd rather do tapa brata until I die...
AFODO said:
Magic is not capable of such miracles. I'm almost sure there is no girl around me who would be the same race, not that ugly, and would be compatible with me, that simply not happening.

Races of Mixed People: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=85707
There are literally tens of millions of tri-racial browns in the world to go with.

Sorry but I think you are completely wrong, you should re-read the sermon. It is time for people to snap out of platonic bullshit that is unproven, and live real life for their own good. Experience of the JoS groups proves that no one with actual astral experiences need to affirm any "my astral life my business" nonsense like the "responsibility for the responsible" distortion, in which cases both are excuses not to listen to actual experienced people and reason, and shelter themselves in a safe space where they can keep being deluded, such as people who think they are the race they choose or refuse to act like their actual biological gender.
I don't get along well with girls and I'm constantly arguing, I asked the Satan for succubus because I thought she might be understanding. I really make an effort to communicate, am I wrong? And if I am wrong, what should I do to fix it?
Hello :)

Perhaps you should reflect on why you always argue with girls. Is/was your mother very argumentative? Problems with the parent can lead to problems with others of the same gender as the parent. Or did you have sisters who were overly competitive? This could be from past lives instead, as problems from one or more past lives do carry over.

Regardless, problems can be solved. A Venus square, or a working with Wunjo rune and Green energy, and affirm that you have harmonious interactions with women. And then consciously paying attention to your interactions with women, trying to understand while in the process of conversing.

Having a succubi because of real-life problems is like trying to take an easy way out. And if you have problems with women, then the karmic issues can actually prevent you from having beneficial interactions with a succubi, as there will be some sort of block, either mentally or psychologically.

So perhaps a succubi is correct for you, but most likely, this is an issue you need to resolve. Harmonious interactions with the opposite gender is beneficial for everyone's growth :)
I recognise that I was wrong for more than two years, and this would have been inconceivable to me, since I loved my 'partner' with all my heart, with all my soul, giving her the utmost consideration.

Apparently she was a kind of entity, who took on X characteristics after more than two years of endless love and dedication on my part (a kind of personality).

Taking a role as a deity and eternal lover that was not his due.

Probably the enemy possesses similar entities to attack and deceive people who open themselves to this.

Probably the purpose is to monitor the advancement and control it in a certain sense.
It wasn't a vampiric entity from what I could experience, but more related to a kind of control and limitation through lies, acting out a role (in a 100% believable way I would say, perhaps because of my predisposition).

After all, who would ever doubt their divine beloved? One would feel wrong just to do so.
This is certainly a factor that has been used to her advantage.

I also noticed that it pushed me into practices like yoga, exercise, and meditation.
And also to get rid of a lot of connections.
And when I was listless or feeling down, she would let me know that I was completely understood by her, sometimes with a bit of disappointment on her part.

Looking deeper however, these are all practices related to an increase in energy.

I don't think it's actually a benefit for the enemy, but it's probably a sacrifice to maintain the role of 'deity, guide, etc.', or at least it could have been a benefit for the entity. He loved to soak in my energies as soon as I finished a practice.
It wouldn't drain me, but it would connect with me and make me feel a kind of pride mixed with affection.

As soon as I detached myself, I noticed that I was more able to see reality.

But now I feel very lonely, before I knew this, every moment I was alone I spent with her (if it's a her, but it could just be a projection), as soon as I woke up, before I went to sleep, when I was tired, when I was feeling down, pretty much anytime.

Anyway, I think I will have to roll up my sleeves and build something useful for myself in life, although I don't know how I will manage this loneliness thing.

It's been a day since I wrote what you read above, now I feel better, I can feel that the perfect partner is out there and that gives me motivation. I think I understood that thing about potential, and I thank the High Priest for this sermon, and of course the Gods for the guidance, despite all the pain I felt.

I think I have learnt something about entities, I find it very strange about those similar to thought-forms, who only live a few things and do only those things, and how they die as if nothing happened as soon as they stop following their nature.
But I cannot understand those who are not on Satan's side, perhaps because of some sort of envy and hatred for psychological complexes, or assimilation, or perhaps they are souls that are too simple to understand something greater and therefore have a very flat nature.
These are some doubts I have had.
Merhaba :)

Belki de neden hep kızlarla tartıştığınızı düşünmelisiniz. Annen çok tartışmacı mıydı? Ebeveynle ilgili sorunlar, ebeveynle aynı cinsiyetten başkalarıyla ilgili sorunlara yol açabilir. Yoksa aşırı rekabetçi kız kardeşleriniz var mıydı? Bunun yerine geçmiş yaşamlardan gelebilir, çünkü bir veya daha fazla geçmiş yaşamdan gelen sorunlar devam eder.

Ne olursa olsun, sorunlar çözülebilir. Bir Venüs meydanı ya da Wunjo rune ve Yeşil enerji ile çalışmak ve kadınlarla uyumlu etkileşimleriniz olduğunu doğrulamak. Ve sonra bilinçli olarak kadınlarla etkileşimlerinize dikkat ederek, konuşma sürecindeyken anlamaya çalışın.

Gerçek hayattaki sorunlar nedeniyle bir succubi'ye sahip olmak, kolay bir çıkış yolu çıkarmaya çalışmak gibidir. Ve kadınlarla ilgili sorunlarınız varsa, karmik sorunlar aslında bir succubi ile faydalı etkileşimlere sahip olmanızı engelleyebilir, çünkü bir tür blok olacak, zihinsel veya psikolojik olarak.

Belki de bir succubi sizin için doğrudur, ancak büyük olasılıkla, bu çözmeniz gereken bir konudur. Karşı cinsle uyumlu etkileşimler herkesin büyümesi için faydalıdır :)
Thank you very much for your advice, I think there is no problem with my family, I think the problem is in my personality and I will work on this issue, even if I solve this issue, I think a succubus may be better for me
Strong and powerful reality checks are needed not only for survival but actual advancement and becoming better. I agree fully and also that misunderstanding and misuses of certain knowledge in relation to ones lack of application in life can go towards stupidity and blasphemy. First of all, the one hurt is one that believes in delusion before anything else. We should not be stupid to ignore reality and plain and direct logic about life and what we are to do here. Honesty and clarity is the way to verify this.

When you think about certain things, you can always use your eyes and witness yourself, where your mind is and then focus on the present and put your eyes on something physical. You''ll see that you were actually missing this present earthly state and this state must be used when pursuing decisions. Anchor yourself here, and this method takes some time but it works.
I recognise that I was wrong for more than two years, and this would have been inconceivable to me, since I loved my 'partner' with all my heart, with all my soul, giving her the utmost consideration.

Apparently she was a kind of entity, who took on X characteristics after more than two years of endless love and dedication on my part (a kind of personality).

Taking a role as a deity and eternal lover that was not his due.

Probably the enemy possesses similar entities to attack and deceive people who open themselves to this.

Probably the purpose is to monitor the advancement and control it in a certain sense.
It wasn't a vampiric entity from what I could experience, but more related to a kind of control and limitation through lies, acting out a role (in a 100% believable way I would say, perhaps because of my predisposition).

After all, who would ever doubt their divine beloved? One would feel wrong just to do so.
This is certainly a factor that has been used to her advantage.

I also noticed that it pushed me into practices like yoga, exercise, and meditation.
And also to get rid of a lot of connections.
And when I was listless or feeling down, she would let me know that I was completely understood by her, sometimes with a bit of disappointment on her part.

Looking deeper however, these are all practices related to an increase in energy.

I don't think it's actually a benefit for the enemy, but it's probably a sacrifice to maintain the role of 'deity, guide, etc.', or at least it could have been a benefit for the entity. He loved to soak in my energies as soon as I finished a practice.
It wouldn't drain me, but it would connect with me and make me feel a kind of pride mixed with affection.

As soon as I detached myself, I noticed that I was more able to see reality.

But now I feel very lonely, before I knew this, every moment I was alone I spent with her (if it's a her, but it could just be a projection), as soon as I woke up, before I went to sleep, when I was tired, when I was feeling down, pretty much anytime.

Anyway, I think I will have to roll up my sleeves and build something useful for myself in life, although I don't know how I will manage this loneliness thing.

It's been a day since I wrote what you read above, now I feel better, I can feel that the perfect partner is out there and that gives me motivation. I think I understood that thing about potential, and I thank the High Priest for this sermon, and of course the Gods for the guidance, despite all the pain I felt.

I think I have learnt something about entities, I find it very strange about those similar to thought-forms, who only live a few things and do only those things, and how they die as if nothing happened as soon as they stop following their nature.
But I cannot understand those who are not on Satan's side, perhaps because of some sort of envy and hatred for psychological complexes, or assimilation, or perhaps they are souls that are too simple to understand something greater and therefore have a very flat nature.
These are some doubts I have had.
There is an endless sea of potentiality in front of you, in all ways. You have to be honest and decide to act in ways that this will benefit you fully in life. This means that you can get to resolve these issues and create real relationships. A lot of people do want the outcome directly but the process and the inception of knowing someone, being open and receiving openness, the fight of love and building of life, the negatives and the positives, all have their nuance and imprint in your life that are worth fully.

By the nature of existence, since you you see this difficult, the polar opposite is exactly a beautiful outcome to have, definitely worth it, and this worth is you, you are worth it.
You know you can use magic right? Then you can attract the right partner for you. I don't know your mixed situation but the spell will bring to you the right partner for sure, don't put such limits to yourself.
"You know you can use magic right?" I love this quote.
I'm going out of topic because I actually have a good relationship (I feel very lucky and blessed for this), I just wanted to say a thing about that quote.
Yes, I know I can literally use magic. But it's almost as if I cannot believe it. I do use it for some things, but, it's like I say to myself "oh well that might've been a coincidence".
It's amazing how I lose myself in fantastical fictional worlds and universes with magic systems, Gods, and everything, just because I am not advanced enough to SEE all those fantastical things in the real world, in real life.
So I just love when I read a quote like yours, and I get transported to my 13 years old self, when reading about Satan and magic for the first time, and the absolute awe and excitement I felt as I thought "wow, this is a thing".
"You know you can use magic right?" I love this quote.
I'm going out of topic because I actually have a good relationship (I feel very lucky and blessed for this), I just wanted to say a thing about that quote.
Yes, I know I can literally use magic. But it's almost as if I cannot believe it. I do use it for some things, but, it's like I say to myself "oh well that might've been a coincidence".
It's amazing how I lose myself in fantastical fictional worlds and universes with magic systems, Gods, and everything, just because I am not advanced enough to SEE all those fantastical things in the real world, in real life.
So I just love when I read a quote like yours, and I get transported to my 13 years old self, when reading about Satan and magic for the first time, and the absolute awe and excitement I felt as I thought "wow, this is a thing".
I do understand you. It's crazy to believe even now for me sometimes but I had enough experiences that I can't deny it. Sometimes it's just our mind that is programmed to not believe in these things. Look around, even outside Jos, there are a lot of people believing in manifestation and they use far less powerful ways than we have here. Do affirmations to get rid of these doubts, it's probably some pragrammings reacting against it. I know deep down you understand these are not just coincidences.
I will make an active decision to remove this page or put this behind serious disclaimer in the future.
It was a search on the term succubus that brought me Joy of Satan website first time ever, years ago. Not to summon it or anything occult related, a pure curiosity about its history, no different than searching for a mythical creature. It'd be sad to lose any part of JoS content because of stupidity. Please put it behind a serious disclaimer rather than removing it completely. Thinking about the possibility that the page didn't exist back then is horrifying because if I had not stumbled upon it, I may have never heard of Satanism at all, though I dedicated years later.

When you have a long-distance relationship with someone from oceans away, it's hard. You won't be introducing them to your family and friends. They won't attend your graduation or promotion. People will think you are crazy for being dedicated to a relationship that looks non-existent to them and for trusting your partner is not cheating on you. They will constantly ask when you are moving in with them or when your partner will be coming here. You won't find your partner at home cooking something delicious when you come back after a long day or your bed won't smell like their shampoo. You can't call them to drive you home when you need it.

This all is for a human from the same planet that you can have a video call anytime. Someone you can prove that they do exist so your family doesn't think you are crazy. Someone who may come over one day and start a family with you. Someone you can have children with. When it comes to a being from another realm, it won't be anything like that. You can't even talk about your partner. You will have to pretend to be single but find a reason to reject all advances from people who find you attractive. You won't get pregnant or you won't father a baby.

Of course, there are billions of possibilities and there must be people suitable for this kind of relationship. I just don't think that the majority of asking for a succubus/incubus attempts is done with thorough thinking. Rather, in my opinion, the majority are inexperienced, young, or scared members who prefer their safe and comfortable delusion over building a relationship from scratch.
What 'relationship' does the ISIL fighter or the drug dealer even have? A neolithic arrangement, probably.

Woah, I never thought I would see someone else besides myself use the world "neolithic" in a derogatory sense.
Lydia, what do you mean by a compatible person with you?
What is this compatibility?

I have repeatedly found myself in situations where one girl is liked by several guys and this girl makes signs of attention to everyone, while pitting guys against each other.

When I was very young, I fought with a guy over a girl, and in the end the fight ended in a draw (+ my opponent's jacket was torn, he was afraid to demand money for it).

Later, another girl tried to pit me against another guy so that we would fight, but this did not happen, because we were both not fools and our mutual friend (she is a girl) also told us in detail that this girl wanted to pit us.

I also find myself in situations where I get to know a girl, and other guys try to steal this girl from under my nose.

I'm not in a position right now to punch all the guys in the face (my health is not that strong) and I don't want to do it, I think it's stupid to fight over a girl and lose your health, I fought and I didn't like it.
This is why jealousy is for naught. If someone really wants you and knows who they are and what they want no other person can dissuade them from you. If they make you second choice to someone don't waste time or energy on them and let the other person take them off your hands. You will have lost nothing.

Why risk life or limb for some selfish girl who just likes the attention and validation? I've dated some of them and they are very selfish and callous.
This is why jealousy is for naught. If someone really wants you and knows who they are and what they want no other person can dissuade them from you. If they make you second choice to someone don't waste time or energy on them and let the other person take them off your hands. You will have lost nothing.

Why risk life or limb for some selfish girl who just likes the attention and validation? I've dated some of them and they are very selfish and callous.
Shadowcat, I totally agree with you.

Yes, the feeling of jealousy is very dangerous and arises spontaneously, I remember that this feeling was very difficult to control, I only had it when I was very much in love with a girl.
I'm a woman in a loving relationship, so I don't feel I need to read most of this article; I've never asked for an astral lover, and I never will.
The relationship I do have with my partner... we've managed to build up from a shaky start, and we work as a team to both improve each other. It's been wonderful.

That said, I fail to understand why the mantra of, "The enemy is the only reason why people don't want offspring" is repeated so often.
It's not true; it's an opinion, not fact.
I pay 0 attention to anything the enemy has to dish out, and the desire to do such a thing to myself is not there; the desire for the opposite, however, is very strong; this is because of my own experiences in my own life, and not any sort of outside influence.

That and, I feel it's extremely disrespectful to women, and individuality (thus Satanism as a whole), to try and claim that everybody of my gender wishes to do so and is only "brainwashed" or the like if they don't want to. As well, it's been quite some time since I have read anything by HPS Maxine, but I'm fairly certain she mentioned that not every woman needs to do the same to themselves either.

Anyway, just my 2 Gil.

-Hail Bastet
-Hail Satan
I'm a woman in a loving relationship, so I don't feel I need to read most of this article; I've never asked for an astral lover, and I never will.
The relationship I do have with my partner... we've managed to build up from a shaky start, and we work as a team to both improve each other. It's been wonderful.

That said, I fail to understand why the mantra of, "The enemy is the only reason why people don't want offspring" is repeated so often.
It's not true; it's an opinion, not fact.
I pay 0 attention to anything the enemy has to dish out, and the desire to do such a thing to myself is not there; the desire for the opposite, however, is very strong; this is because of my own experiences in my own life, and not any sort of outside influence.

That and, I feel it's extremely disrespectful to women, and individuality (thus Satanism as a whole), to try and claim that everybody of my gender wishes to do so and is only "brainwashed" or the like if they don't want to. As well, it's been quite some time since I have read anything by HPS Maxine, but I'm fairly certain she mentioned that not every woman needs to do the same to themselves either.

Anyway, just my 2 Gil.

-Hail Bastet
-Hail Satan
This is definitely true, not everyone is meant to have children. All through history there have been men and women who did not have children, and yet the population still grew so it's certainly not a calamity if the occasional person does not reproduce.

But there is media programming going on to make other people not want children, people who would otherwise want a family.
That and, I feel it's extremely disrespectful to women, and individuality (thus Satanism as a whole), to try and claim that everybody of my gender wishes to do so and is only "brainwashed" or the like if they don't want to. As well, it's been quite some time since I have read anything by HPS Maxine, but I'm fairly certain she mentioned that not every woman needs to do the same to themselves either.
It's never been just about women, people in general (Whites in particular, and East Asians) and specially men who became manchild and by that discourage women from trusting men to be fathers (they use harmful anti-fertility pills because many are afraid men won't wanna have sex with them if there is chance of impregnation), with BS such as "having children is a burden", "it is impossible in today's time" (in general, people who say this have luxury of buying videogames, shit decoration for their houses and expensive food for pets, but not children), and "muh individuality/I must live for my own selfish pleasures/fuck society". Satanism and National-Socialism do value the individual, but the common good should be considered first in mind, there must be a balance like being "Spiritual" in Satanism doesn't mean disregarding the Material (like making a family, for eg.). For further insight:
LMFAO I had a good laugh reading this post. I really think succubi and incubi are literally for the smallest percentage of people. There is nothing wrong with fantasies but recognise them for what they are. They will never result in anything in reality. Reality is what you want and what you should be aiming for. All this is the same bullshit as porn sickness. 90% of you reading my comment could probably go out there and get a partner but you are TOO LAZY TO IMPROVE!
1. Is it worth trying to win over a girl who doesn't like you?
2. Is it worth getting into a relationship with a girl who likes me if I don't like that girl?
3. Is it worth torturing myself in a relationship with a girl I don't like just to have children? (to continue the genus).
4. Is there a universal formula for men to win over any girls and build a happy relationship with them?
5. What do the Gods say about this?
I know you didn't ask me, but I'm putting my 2 cents anyway:

1. No, please value yourself more
2. No, please value yourself more
3. No, men can have babies until they are dead basically
4. No
5. Of course this question is directed at HP I cannot answer for the Gods but I believe you are the master of your own fate and you can use magic to your advantage.
Love spell
Sex magic - very powerful
Binding curse - for interfering with people "cockblocking" you
Crystals - Rose quartz has romantic properties
Hatha Yoga - assists with circulating sexual energy, helps keep your body fit
Meditations - opening chakras especially your base, heart and throat chakra will help you express emotions and give you sexual confidence.

I hope this helps you even in a small way.
First of all? Does this website have rules to read? So that I will know all the do's and don'ts? What to do and what not to do?
And a demon lover? Incubus succubus?.. I hear about this shit all the time? So tell me...exactly? Isn't that wrong? To use a demon for that purpose... I know that you can summons them and you can call up on them to help you and to be your guide? But to actually have one as a lover?...That's a bit silly...🤔
There's an ever increasing percentage of 40 year old men in a loving relationship with a frustrated woman, and these men prefer a little female dog to having kids. These men also often have a soy boy face.
I know you didn't ask me, but I'm putting my 2 cents anyway:

1. No, please value yourself more
2. No, please value yourself more
3. No, men can have babies until they are dead basically
4. No
5. Of course this question is directed at HP I cannot answer for the Gods but I believe you are the master of your own fate and you can use magic to your advantage.
Love spell
Sex magic - very powerful
Binding curse - for interfering with people "cockblocking" you
Crystals - Rose quartz has romantic properties
Hatha Yoga - assists with circulating sexual energy, helps keep your body fit
Meditations - opening chakras especially your base, heart and throat chakra will help you express emotions and give you sexual confidence.

I hope this helps you even in a small way.
Thank you, the truth is that I have achieved real success in other areas of life, and there are even people from my acquaintances who envy me, but in the field of personal life and relationships with girls, I often get into untidy situations.

People who see my success, for example, at work in solving complex business problems that some experts cannot solve, do not understand why I cannot win the favor of the girls I fall in love with, and why I generally have problems with some girls, while other people of my status there are no problems with girls.

There is also a strong dissonance when some girls tell my business partners that I am boring, that if I tell a joke, then I say it off topic, i.e. I say it when I don't need to say it, while all the male interlocutors are interested in talking to me, they say, that I have interesting jokes and I tell interesting stories, but for some reason girls think differently.

Now the situation has started to change dramatically in a positive direction (I see positive changes in communication with my mother, even she often told me that I was boring, now she says that I am an interesting person, but I say the same thing as I said before), because I make a square of the sun, a square of the moon, the square of Venus and the square of Mars. The square of the Moon affects the general interaction with women, the square of Venus affects falling in love with a particular girl, the square of Mars affects the lust of a particular girl, i.e. I use specific affirmations, I hope I will solve my problem and become a happy person.
In fact, my happiness is only hindered by this aspect.

Many girls don't like that I'm very serious, that I take everything very seriously in general, that I don't understand some women's jokes (when they tease me and don't talk seriously), then they tell me that I'm very tense in communicating with girls, sometimes they even say that I'm supposedly afraid of girls, although I'm not afraid of them, but for some reason they tell me that they think so.

I also use the runic mantra to heal from psychological trauma, although I do not have any mental problems, because a person with mental problems cannot solve the complex tasks that I solve every day at my job, I often solve tasks, including with women at work, and as a result, they do what I need them to do.
In addition to the list above, freeing of the soul. Although you have already begun with a planetary working and seeing tangible results thus it probably is not as timely an approach to erase a negative karmic imprint before writing a new one as it would have been before.
In addition to the list above, freeing of the soul. Although you have already begun with a planetary working and seeing tangible results thus it probably is not as timely an approach to erase a negative karmic imprint before writing a new one as it would have been before.
Do I understand correctly that this problem is most likely related to past lives?

Is it possible that too much love in past lives (strong love attachment to a person) could negatively affect the relationship in this life?

I want to eradicate the cause so that in future lives such a problem does not arise.

This Friday was just great for me, the square of Venus and the square of Mars + love magic worked on the girl, her friend (woman) it pisses off, but she can't do anything about it :), but there is another problem:

Other guys are interested in the girl (because she is very attractive), who are out of my field of vision, my financial iintelligence (specific people I work with) informed me that other guys were hitting on her at the University (where this girl studies) (one is two years older than me), but she turned them down (at least for now).

My informants also found out that this girl often consults with her mother on the phone regarding guys, i.e. the situation is that her mother often calls her, namely at 10 a.m. (when she comes to work) and in between lunch. The truth is, her mom's advice is very annoying to this girl that I like.

Could I program her aura to turn off other guys?

What should I do with her mom?

I told this girl something about myself so that her mom would like it (because she would tell her mom), but I don't know if it would work.

I don't want her to ruined the relationship with fer mother, but at the same time, I don't want her mother to influence the development of our relationship, as well as have a serious influence on her decision-making in matters of personal life.

There is also a strong dissonance when some girls tell my business partners that I am boring, that if I tell a joke, then I say it off topic, i.e. I say it when I don't need to say it, while all the male interlocutors are interested in talking to me, they say, that I have interesting jokes and I tell interesting stories, but for some reason girls think differently.
People who see my success, for example, at work in solving complex business problems that some experts cannot solve, do not understand why I cannot win the favor of the girls I fall in love with, and why I generally have problems with some girls, while other people of my status there are no problems with girls.
It's great to hear that you are successful in life - I expect nothing less from my Satanic brothers and sisters. I wish you a long and successful life.

Relationships are not like business at all, unless one is dating a prostitute, lol. If I speak in those terms it is more like "Building a company" or having a "business partner". You can pick anybody to fund the company per se, as in any 2 people can love each other - all that matters is if they want to BUILD a relationship and put in the work.
It's tricky because every woman wants something different and I cannot speak for all.
Provision, Protection, Safety, Security are the very baseline (in my opinion) of what most women expect. This is mentally, emotionally, financially and physically btw. Yes, a serious relationship is a responsibility.
Making women feel safe in the inital stages, a few examples might be making her laugh, giving her personal space, talking about what she likes, keeping flirting light and fun, planning dates, offering to help out with things that normally you don't have to.

Many girls don't like that I'm very serious, that I take everything very seriously in general, that I don't understand some women's jokes (when they tease me and don't talk seriously), then they tell me that I'm very tense in communicating with girls, sometimes they even say that I'm supposedly afraid of girls, although I'm not afraid of them, but for some reason they tell me that they think so.
Maybe you need some more female friends?
Men don't just magically disappear from women's peripheral just because you are dating her exclusively. Yes, with women, you are always competing with other men to be the better man that she will choose every time willingly. Even if she says she is yours, other men are always trying to convince her otherwise, and this won't stop until she's dead. And you should use this "fear" or drive to improve yourself and your confidence, instead of worrying/wallowing about it.
Do I understand correctly that this problem is most likely related to past lives?

Is it possible that too much love in past lives (strong love attachment to a person) could negatively affect the relationship in this life?
Past life, current life, and enemy curses are the main factors governing this.

Could I program her aura to turn off other guys?
You could program her aura in various ways, and you could program your aura in various ways.

I don't want her to ruined the relationship with fer mother, but at the same time, I don't want her mother to influence the development of our relationship, as well as have a serious influence on her decision-making in matters of personal life.
Think carefully. Family relationships are important, and if you are to be with this woman then it follows that it is important to be in good standing with the family, including her mother. Breaking a family up because of infatuation is very small-minded, in my opinion.
It's great to hear that you are successful in life - I expect nothing less from my Satanic brothers and sisters. I wish you a long and successful life.
Thank you very much, I am very pleased to hear this :)
It's great to hear that you are successful in life - I expect nothing less from my Satanic brothers and sisters. I wish you a long and successful life.

Relationships are not like business at all, unless one is dating a prostitute, lol. If I speak in those terms it is more like "Building a company" or having a "business partner". You can pick anybody to fund the company per se, as in any 2 people can love each other - all that matters is if they want to BUILD a relationship and put in the work.
It's tricky because every woman wants something different and I cannot speak for all.
Provision, Protection, Safety, Security are the very baseline (in my opinion) of what most women expect. This is mentally, emotionally, financially and physically btw. Yes, a serious relationship is a responsibility.
Making women feel safe in the inital stages, a few examples might be making her laugh, giving her personal space, talking about what she likes, keeping flirting light and fun, planning dates, offering to help out with things that normally you don't have to.

Maybe you need some more female friends?
Men don't just magically disappear from women's peripheral just because you are dating her exclusively. Yes, with women, you are always competing with other men to be the better man that she will choose every time willingly. Even if she says she is yours, other men are always trying to convince her otherwise, and this won't stop until she's dead. And you should use this "fear" or drive to improve yourself and your confidence, instead of worrying/wallowing about it.
Thank you very much, very good advices and recommendations that I will adopt (y):love:
You could program her aura in various ways, and you could program your aura in various ways.
What is the best way to program her aura in this case?

Should I immediately visualize the aura around X (from the air), or should I imagine that I am opening a portal from which green energy (love) and orange energy (lust) emanating? (to the question of raising and directing energy).

How variant will it be more effective?

How would you program Aura X for love and lust?

I want to make sure that I'm doing everything right with runes?:

Please correct me if I went overboard somewhere, or did something wrong.


On yourself:

"This energy has completely deeply fallen in love with me X in the healthiest and most positive way for me, now and forever x10"

During the vibration, I visualize a green light aura around me (the color of Venus) and glowing runes (bright green).

On X:

Vibrate ANSUZ 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The energies of ANSUZ have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

Vibrate EIHWAZ 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The energies of EIHWAZ have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

Vibrate GEBO 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The GEBO energies have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

Vibrate WUNJO 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The energies of WUNJO have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

During the vibration, I visualize a green light aura around X (the color of Venus) and glowing runes (bright green).
Sometimes as an older woman, I get lovely. And want to be romanced,
And pleasureed by someone worthy of me, As a person. And it's not easy trying to find a good Man these days.. Even I fantasize about demon lovers.
What is the best way to program her aura in this case?

Should I immediately visualize the aura around X (from the air), or should I imagine that I am opening a portal from which green energy (love) and orange energy (lust) emanating? (to the question of raising and directing energy).

How variant will it be more effective?

How would you program Aura X for love and lust?
By evoking the energy in her instead of invoking it in you. Both variants are okay.

I want to make sure that I'm doing everything right with runes?:

Please correct me if I went overboard somewhere, or did something wrong.


On yourself:

"This energy has completely deeply fallen in love with me X in the healthiest and most positive way for me, now and forever x10"

During the vibration, I visualize a green light aura around me (the color of Venus) and glowing runes (bright green).

On X:

Vibrate ANSUZ 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The energies of ANSUZ have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

Vibrate EIHWAZ 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The energies of EIHWAZ have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

Vibrate GEBO 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The GEBO energies have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

Vibrate WUNJO 40 times, then confirm 10 times: "The energies of WUNJO have completely and forever fallen in love with me in the best way for me"

During the vibration, I visualize a green light aura around X (the color of Venus) and glowing runes (bright green).
This energy? Why would you affirm that the energy has fallen in love with you? You want her, and so you would want two things:

- To make yourself feel/seem attractive (for a select person, in the general sense, or for a group of people)
- To make someone else attracted to you through them (evocation)

An example of an affirmation: In a positive and beneficial way I am not attracting this person romantically now and forever.

You do not need to affirm anything about the energy because as you use a tool you do not need to say "This hammer is striking a nail".
By evoking the energy in her instead of invoking it in you. Both variants are okay.

This energy? Why would you affirm that the energy has fallen in love with you? You want her, and so you would want two things:

- To make yourself feel/seem attractive (for a select person, in the general sense, or for a group of people)
- To make someone else attracted to you through them (evocation)

An example of an affirmation: In a positive and beneficial way I am not attracting this person romantically now and forever.

You do not need to affirm anything about the energy because as you use a tool you do not need to say "This hammer is striking a nail".
Thank you very much 😃

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
