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  1. C

    Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus: the link to nutrition

    This is a repost but some members have asked for it to be here as well so here goes: To those of you who are in the biological pursuits, what follows may seem somewhat contrite. However this information has come directly from my Guardian Demon so I am compelled to have total faith in its...
  2. C

    Question for preferably hp cobra

    I'm not HP Hooded Cobra but I noticed he hasn't answered you so if I may? Your friend can try all he wants to do that but the likely result of it will be failure. If he tries to oppose Satan directly, depending on his level of malintent he will probably die if not meet with horrible disease...
  3. C

    Astrology doubts and an important question please...

    Basically yes. The premise of astrology is that small gravitational tugs affect our lives, not because they influence events directly but because they influence the energy that makes us. It is not only a physical sense but an astral sense as well and the astral is not like the physical world...
  4. C

    Dedication panic and fear of Satan, thoughts of leaving

    I recommend performing regular (at least weekly) rituals to Satan in which you seek His presence actively. Apply yourself to a regular schedule of meditation, even if it's only 5 minutes a day. I have been SS for about 8 years, of which only the last 5 or 6 have I been meditating every single...
  5. C

    New To Satanism

    We are not an AA group. Many of us are simply too busy to do so (meetup) and the safety issue is a major consideration also. Unfortunately we not only attract True Satanists but much unwarranted and unwelcome attention as well. We perform group rituals as posted in the groups when we are able...
  6. C

    looking for a mentor

    The best mentor in Satanism is Satan himself first, your Guardian Demon second (who is kind of your link to Satan anyway but that's another story). No Earthly teacher can provide you with that which the aforementioned will. HAIL SATAN!
  7. C

    order of nine angles

    The order of nine angels is a corrupted form of Satanism, designed to ensnare those who might find the truth and wrap them up in further lies. All it will bring you is either disaster or more likely disappointment. Also I doubt anyone here is even remotely concerned about your 'wrath'. HAIL SATAN!
  8. C


    You need A LOT of energy for this and an exceedingly large and powerful aura. Do not expect to be able to fling objects around the room after meditating for a year. I still cannot do this although it's not something I've been overly persistent with and I've been at meditation for 6 years...
  9. C

    Satanic Rosaries

    Correction to the above, 8 of the beads are larger than the others, not 12 as initially stated. HAIL SATAN!
  10. C

    Satanic Rosaries

    Mine has 108 beads of which 12 are larger than the others although I arranged mine in groups of 13 with the larger beads being placed at the 13th position due to my using the rosary predominately for meditations with 13 repetitions. There are a further 4 beads at the end attaching to the pendant...
  11. C

    theres a website debunking jos

    If Maxine had any interest in responding to the garbage these israel sympathetic idiot xians or born jew fucks had to say about her then I'm sure that she would. Anyone who reads the JOS site in depth can see that 90% of what these 'debunkers' say is lies other than the nazism slant which is...
  12. C

    breathing excercises

    Yes but you should be consistent throughout the session and certainly don't push yourself. Some authors describe various time ratios that are supposed to be the optimal ones but most of the ones I have read have been multiples of 6 and 12 which is of the kike garbage of the hexagram. Do...
  13. C

    What should I do? (Relationship religion issue)

    Dedication is a serious business. But not all of us came to Satan with the intention of the passion and service that we now experience. Yet that is where dedication brings us. I agree that this young lass probably is insecure and probably doesn't hold herself in high regard but that is a...
  14. C

    One Minute Cure - Jewish ruse, or suppressed information?

    Never heard of it although there are a few herbs such as Korean Ginseng and Holy Basil to which such cure all effects have often been ascribed. In my opinion however only an holistic approach to health which takes into account your specific needs and circumstances is adequate for attaining a...
  15. C

    Marco Vallarta is an infiltrator.

    Yeah after I wrote the above I actually noted a few posts that you've mentioned above. All good. HAIL SATAN!
  16. C

    to Centralforce66 concerning sushumna transformation

    I did the king and queen meditation for almost 12 months every day prior to even starting the above. I have performed the necromomicon unblocking meditations as the need arose for them ie when the pressure in the knots became too great. Presently, my sushumna is open and stays open even at...
  17. C

    Marco Vallarta is an infiltrator.

    I don't think he is an infiltrator so much as he is just an idiot xian whose read JOS and is trying to convert people. I would consider a true infiltrator someone who gives the impression they are aligned with the groups beliefs and then, after earning the respect of the group's members (which...
  18. C

    What is your views on The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagramm?

    Depending on which version you were practicing, this ritual varies from plain useless to outright praise of the xian god and blasphemy against Satan. One example I am reading is describing the chanting of yod heh vav he which is blatantly reciting the name of yaweh, the filthy xian jew god. If...
  19. C

    Double personality

    Correcting this 'problem' is perhaps more a product of programming than you think. The female element of the soul is the most powerful, and this is why females are somewhat at an advantage to developing spiritually. It is difficult usually for a male to understand the female nature and thus...
  20. C

    Saturn going into Sagittarius

    I would imagine that bitcoin is every bit as worthless as the electronic dollars in your bank account, since it is purely online based and is an exchange for 'real' currency with a currency that can only really be traded on itself then re-converted to the currency it came from. Its essentially...
  21. C

    Energy meditation

    I'm going to answer this as though its a serious question despite the fact that it seems like quite the opposite.In a nutshell yes, but what your breathing in would be so useless and minor that indeed you would be receiving more energy from the environment around you and the energy that you...
  22. C

    Spells of magic

    The sound of those words when Enochian pronunciation rules are applied and the 'c' is given its guttural due at the end of the word these words sound abrahamic ie hebrew. Maxine might disagree and I'd welcome it since she has studied the hebrew language and I have not but I base this not only on...
  23. C

    Transformation of the Sushumna Nadi

    I'm going to update the above information at some point, it seems like the transformation of the Sushumna is a little more involved (or less involved??) than what I've described above either with more stages or far less painful than I imagined after my experiences last night.Basically after 108...
  24. C

    My Hypothesis (The Elixir of Life)

    If I could quote the above post by Lucius I would (insert quote here).Ditto about the part of using our energies AGAINST THE JEWS! Not against each other.HAIL SATAN!
  25. C


    Vibrate the rune thurisaz 9 times a day into the jewish flag and images of jerusalem and tel aviv and affirm 'the energies of thurisaz are working to kill all jews!' nine times thereafter. Do this on the hour of Saturn (don't do it when the moon is void) and ensure you clean your aura...
  26. C

    Depression - weed smoking

    Traditional Chinese Medicine can help combat the physical symptoms of depression, tiredness, weakness, lack of appetite etc. whilst you strengthen yourself through meditation. Think of it as a supplement to your spiritual life, the medicine of the Gods if you will. Its natural, doesn't involve...
  27. C

    Damn pain

    Any strong meditation will produce transformative effects like you have described. It's up to you whether or not you continue, it's entirely your call. But noone ever got anywhere without a little discomfort and pain. HAIL SATAN!
  28. C

    Isreal v Gaza

    @call me something else, jews are matriarchal which means if he's dad is a jew then he isn't necessarily one, true jews only accept those whose mother is a jew. HAIL SATAN!
  29. C

    Vaccinations, any more info?

    Well when you or your children get tetanus because you didn't want to be vaccinated against it and your jaw locks up and you cannot eat, and your fingers are bending back past the point where they would not even normally be able to go, causing you immense pain and your immediate loved ones huge...
  30. C

    Simple rules of respectful language within our groups.

    Most people who learn English as a second language speak and write it better than those who grow up with it, mainly due to their voluntarily undergoing and remembering the formal education they receive. For native speakers, the formal training starts at a young age and usually ends at a young...
  31. C

    Any tips on visualization...?

    Visualisation is not about as much as actually seeing the image as it is imagining seeing it. The image may be clear in your mind but absent in your physical vision. This is still visualisation. If anything the training exercises are not in as much exercises of visualisation as they are of one...
  32. C

    Transformation of the Sushumna Nadi

    This has been mentioned before and for most who are attempting the Magnum Opus using the Philosopher’s Stone as described by Kai Purr, this will mark the beginning of the rest of the journey to the ascent of their Kundalini Serpent. A poignant issue of contemplation for many I’m sure.   Many...
  33. C

    Re: Satan's Magickal Squares

    I thought it was common knowledge. A simple Google search on the sun and the reactions which keep it going should suffice, as well as a search of the term 'axial precession' will yield more than adequate information. HAIL SATAN!
  34. C

    Energy meditation question

    Focus initially on *FEELING* the energy. This is far more important than the element of visualisation. Without feeling it, even the strongest and clearest visualisation will only be so effective. HAIL SATAN!!
  35. C

    Saturn going into Sagittarius

    If you meditate daily and your energy is strong enough, that will be enough if not more than enough to see you through anything that might upset the planet as a whole. Strong meditation and its inherent power is an advantage over others that very few will possess, even those who know it about...
  36. C

    Using blood magic to affect another person's body?

    You don't need to use blood. You would be better off using semen in the sense of driving the energy into your wife on organs and simultaneously imagining powerful golden energy surrounding her head and giving her thick lustrous hair. The effect is not delivered by the semen itself but by virtue...
  37. C

    Do you still remember this meditation ?

    I think it can only be found as part of the 6 month spiritual warfare training program document on the Joy of Satan website. I never actually did it, I just remember reading it. HAIL SATAN!
  38. C

    Do you still remember this meditation ?

    The meditation your thinking of is the one in which you use your astral senses to determine what your touching after much practice at feeling it without your eyes closed. That particular one is to develop your sense of astral touch through your palm chakras. As for the second allegory, that...
  39. C

    Re: Satan's Magickal Squares

    What climate changes and cooler global temperatures are you talking about specifically? The earth's spin has a lot to do with variations in climate, not the sun cooling down. As for the sun, most of its energy comes from the splitting of atoms ie nuclear energy and since the gravity of the sun...
  40. C


    Eat a banana 30 mins before you meditate. The energies quality of bananas is damp and this will help lubricate your throat by stimulating mucus production. Hail Satan!
  41. C

    Re: Group Abuse

    Block his email address or mark it as spam.
  42. C

    I am fairly new would like someone to talk to I have so many questio

    Read the Joy of Satan website back to front and upside down and then in reverse. Then read it again. Satan has employed His servant Maxine to produce such a collection of information for the benefit of all Gentiles and it should be utilised as such. HAIL SATAN!
  43. C

    Re: Satan's Magickal Squares

    Essentially, even if drawing energy from the sun were to *drain* it, the relatively minuscule amount that one takes from it would not be enough for the sun to continue burning even another full 24hrs. Think about the immense radiation and heat within the sun compared with the mild to strong...
  44. C

    crown chakra

    I didn't get much of a feeling of bliss upon the initial opening of my crown chakra either. I didn't get much of anything with any of my chakras. But surely they were opened because now, five years since I did open them, I can generate the feeling of bliss at will and in fact it is present...
  45. C

    Chakra breathinG

    Just treat them as you do other chakras. Nothing is stopping the energy from getting to them inside your body, prana, qi permeates all things. HAIL SATAN!
  46. C

    Re: If your chakras are fully open

    You've just listed the ways... I found vibration to be most effective. HAIL SATAN!
  47. C

    Vaccinations, any more info?

    Flu shots are a waste of time and energy since the flu virus comes in a million and one different strains each year so whilst you might be vaccinated against Influenza- 1 it doesn't prevent the ten other strains, nor the common cold (different from the flu, totally different). So in this case it...
  48. C


    I am noticing a lot of group infighting back and forth in the groups over many trivial matters, at least in the sense of what is really important. We are on the brink of the destruction of Satan's enemies, as israel and its filthy people are about to set the stage for their own demise through...
  49. C

    Troll Warning

    I got an email from the same one a while back, I just ignored her and she went away. She's nothing more than a waste of time at the worst a seriously deluded individual but if you withhold giving her any personal information she is probably harmless other than, like I stated, wasting your time...
  50. C


    Not remembering dreams is not or rarely due to a medical problem, many people cannot remember their dreams. Flashes of light on the other hand can be caused by caffeine overdose and other stimulatory drugs, cocaine, amphetamines etc. but an open and empowered third eye may give the same result...
  51. C

    where is my solar plexus chakra ?

    The solar chakra is located in the solar plexus and extends between the Chinese acupuncture points REN-12 ZHONGWAN and REN-14 JUQUE. Exact drawings of this location can be found all over the Web by searching the above names. The solar chakra is depicted pointed down on Joy of Satan as it was...
  52. C

    Never heard of this issue before

    Sounds like you went too hard too soon on the pineal gland. Might have to put your focus elsewhere, like your sacral chakra until it quietens down. I remember one post from a few years ago someone had a similar problem and said they had to stop meditating for about six months. HAIL SATAN!
  53. C


    I think it's more in the way that you perceived my response. It was not intended to be derogatory or otherwise. It's simply a statement of fact that the High Priests and Priestesses or 'mods' of this group are unlikely to respond to your question due to their being extremely busy. In addition...
  54. C

    need advice and opinion in regards of black magick please

    The more you dwell on it, not only can it become less effective but it can be dangerous as the energy can come back to you. Newbies who are not experienced with void meditation should be very careful when practising with black or grey energies. I made myself sick along with the intended target...
  55. C


    Chinese medicine can help that... go see your local acupuncturist/chinese herbalist. Alternatively, simply programming energy to resolve the period pain may work but this takes a lot of energy and much time and dedication. I healed my stomach through this method, over the course of about six...
  56. C

    Satanic Rosary

    I recently set about making myself a rosary to use for the empowerment of my soul and mainly white magic. I will make another one later for black workings. I used tiger tail as the thread (its like thin guitar wire, only needs to be single threaded and very strong as I was told fishing line...
  57. C

    Chakras question

    The middle is a good starting point. But if you have the extensions open more, start there and expand your awareness to the middle. It will come with time and persistence. Even those of us who have been meditating for a long time (5 years every single day for me) still occasionally struggle to...
  58. C


    Most of the 'mods' are very busy. Plenty of people in this groups have more than a few years of experience and many have a lifetime. But no-one is going to spoon feed you information. HAIL SATAN!
  59. C

    need advice and opinion in regards of black magick please

    Sounds like your doing everything right, just be sure to thoroughly clean your aura after each session and don't think about the working outside the time during which you are doing it. HAIL SATAN!
  60. C


    +1 in regards to finding a real doctor, ie homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurvedic or chinese traditional. Many emotional disharmonies have a physical rooting and visa versa. These medicinal styles treat both the body and the emotions by recognising they are connected (by energy no less). HAIL SATAN!
  61. C

    An awesome Mantra Counting Technique I found: Caluclator

    What this also does is connect the lung meridian to each of the energy meridians that terminate on the hand, much like what happens when you do it in the mer-ka-ba meditation. HAIL SATAN!
  62. C

    A Call To Arms

    All serious Spiritual Satanist's who have any experience or skill with black magic whether it be runes, visualisation or other methods I call upon you now to use it powerfully and wield the forces of death against Israel! The time is now! The enemy is falling to Hamas with the power of Satan...
  63. C

    Stupid Bible...

    As Maxine stated, the wholey buybull is about a whole lot of jews buying bulls, then sacrificing them... HAIL SATAN!
  64. C

    Chakras ect..

    The solar chakra thing was corrected, as an update a little over a year ago. The correct direction is down. I can't answer the other one other than to say whilst one mantra might work well for one thing spiritual or material, there's nothing preventing it for being used for the other. The...
  65. C

    Power Meditations and disease

    We all get sick from time to time. Shannon is correct that as you advance your resistance becomes better. Focusing on the heart chakra is a good meditation to do throughout your sickness as the thymus lays there, the endocrine organ that activates immune cells in the body. I had the flu a...
  66. C

    What should I expect, having a non-functional organ?

    In addition to what has already been presented and is all very good, valid advice that you can take on board as you see fit, I would like to add that in addition to continuing your insulin injections without fail (you WILL die without them as I'm sure you are figuring out) there might be...
  67. C

    (no subject)

    We all find time because we make time... I meditated in my car on the drive to work initially because I couldn't do it at any other time. Slowly, I have re arranged my life to put meditation at the forefront and now work (at my job) less to achieve that goal. As for buying Satanic items...
  68. C

    Cant focus

    Whilst the above may be correct for RAW Garlic and onion, the same cannot be said for these items when they are properly cooked. Onion is actually beneficial to the stomach when cooked and aids digestion as does cooked garlic. Garlic and onion powders are rarely 100% of either and they only...
  69. C

    Energy Required: Giving energy to Satan

    We are all individuals. We all give at different levels and strengths based on our abilities and our preparedness to give. I choose to give that much based on my current stage of empowerment, ability and relationship with Satan. Finding our place with Satan and his Demons takes time and...
  70. C

    In recent news...

    jewish teenagers    HAIL SATAN!
  71. C

    Energy Required: Giving energy to Satan

    I think Maxine mentioned this a little over a month ago, Satan and the demons needing energy for the workings to reverse the curses of the bible and other efforts that the Gods are involved in. For those of you who are strong enough, this should be a weekly effort, offering up excess energy by...
  72. C

    Throat chakra..

    The feeling of the throat chakra shouldn't feel like that... that is a physical symptom called sputum rale...and is actually a mucus congestion but inside the tissues so it cannot be coughed up. it may be indicative of the third eye chakra being blocked or it could be caused by emotional upset...
  73. C

    In recent news...

    A excerpt from recent news: Israel and Hamas are bracing for a major escalation of hostilities after the bodies of three Israeli teenagers were found more than two weeks after they went missing. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed “Hamas will pay” while Hamas said any new attack...
  74. C

    what is kuji in

    This is not an anime role playing group. I'm sure there are plenty of those in Yahoo groups. There is no shortcut to meditation. Its hard, discouraging (at times) and requires focus and concentration. The techniques given on the JOS Website are in themselves short cuts to much lengthier and more...
  75. C

    Yoga and meditation

    Just on fibromyalgia, this is the label given to a group of pain causing diseases for which modern science has no or limited explanations. They are NOT incurable diseases of the bones, joints and muscles as Western biomedicine suggests but instead a reflection of the workings or inadequacies of...
  76. C

    Yoga and meditation

    Practice, little bits of yoga more often, not attempting overly difficult poses right away or until warmed up are ways i started off. A person who is not genetically capable of putting their feet behind their head whilst in sitting pose is very likely going to take tens of years of practice to...
  77. C

    How would you deal with this? (parents issue :P)

    Spiritual Satanism is ABOUT using the powers of the mind to influence and effect other people and yourself... If you don't want to use magic on them, why not use magic for yourself so build up an aura that deflects the negative energies of their fights so they don't affect you as deeply. A...
  78. C


    Eating grains and legumes in itself is not a problem per se, but the concern is, as mentioned above, in the production and methods of consumption of grains and legumes in present day. Any refined foods such as white flour, white sugar and white or 'milled' rice has been stripped of the nutrients...
  79. C

    Seriously Screwed...

    I doubt anything would come of the mail man conversation.... Its more than likely this neighbor of yours is using bully tactics to try and turn the neighborhood against you... If the cops left your home without any paperwork, that means the complaint will have gotten nowhere with them. My...
  80. C

    Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus – the link to Nutrition

    Pregnancy is a whole 'nother ball game in terms of energy and hormones, though would be interesting to hear your theories... HAIL SATAN!!
  81. C

    question about conehead skulls

    I don't think they are anything outside of the plot for a not so hilarious comedy from the 90's...
  82. C

    Seriously Screwed...

    If I were in your position, and 100% certain of my innocence, I would invite these accusers to use the appropriate law channels in order to seek prosecution, ie tell them to call the cops. If you live in the US which I'm assuming you do, the police are going to want proof etc. before they do...
  83. C

    Question about evolution/big bang

    Just because mainstream science says it is so doesn't mean it is necessarily correct. I'm all for the sciences but in having studied them I can also see that 'mainstream' science is merely the consensus of those involved ie the scientific bodies and their scientists. Look at how the...
  84. C

    Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus – the link to Nutrition

    Thank you. I merely seek to share that which I learn along the path for the benefit of everyone in this group. There is a relationship between glucocorticoids and HGH secretion inhibition. It may stand to reason that the male elixir (being stimulating/energising) serves to cut off the...
  85. C

    Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus – the link to Nutrition

    One thing I forgot to add to the above is that the accumulation of the hormonal fluids (yin) in the elixirs attract to themselves Qi/Prana on their own which is how this interplay between Yin and Yang as directed by the serious Spiritual Satanist engaged in meditation is able to affect not only...
  86. C

    Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus – the link to Nutrition

    To those of you who are in the biological pursuits, what follows may seem somewhat contrite. However this information has come directly from my Guardian Demon so I am compelled to have total faith in its reliability. Firstly let me state that Maxine has briefly touched on nutrition before, if...
  87. C

    Re: Insight Needed Urgently...Please help!

    I doubt any one person here can provide you the exact answer you seek. Surely you have encountered another being but whether or not it is friendly, GD or otherwise is a question that can only be answered by Satan or someone who is adept and spends time with you to find out. Asking Satan through...
  88. C

    40 day meditation

    Whoever told you that is fear mongering, plain and simple. HAIL SATAN!
  89. C

    Serious question about drugs

    In conjunction with power meditation and yoga, and if she is willing, you might consider acupuncture as well.. there is a lot that it can do for problems like that, speaking from personal experience, in balancing the bodies energies to help regain health as nobody can smoke meth for that long...
  90. C

    Almost died

    I have an SS friend locally with whom a few years ago attempted to start an offline meeting group. Of course this was wrought with challenges, particularly weeding out the people who were not serious Satanists or who had alternative agendas against myself and the group in general for what it was...
  91. C

    Really need help

    I re did mine minus the blood ritual but I guess I went further off the path than perhaps you. Even just stating what is in your heart to Satan is enough, depending on what YOU Want to do. Satanism is not about rules and dogma, it is a personal relationship between you and Satan. So within...
  92. C

    Good meditations to do before sleeping?

    I'm not sure on the reasoning behind taking nutmeg, I'm assuming that it's to help sleep? Unfortunately as a herb, nutmeg has a strong warming action which may exacerbate insomnia if a person who is already warm takes it. Given the original poster's display of what seems to be a mild anxious...
  93. C

    Afterlife, Please don't block

    I don't think the enemy has any power to know our deepest fears directly and the play of their horrors on our minds stems from the colours and programming of energies they direct toward us. As we become stronger, uncontrolled or un directed thoughts may theoretically 'broadcast' but few people...
  94. C

    (no subject)

    After you form a relationship with a demon that's absolutely how it would work, in fact they tend to come and find you... but doing it without ever having met one or had numerous more formal contacts with him or her would be time wasting although I'm sure they will let you know themselves. HAIL...
  95. C

    sleepless nights

    There's some pretty limited information in that post regarding your friends problem. Sleepless nights may or may not be due to paranormal activity but without significant indicators I would be unlikely to jump to that conclusion immediately. Other things that can cause it is noise (such as a...
  96. C


    In the simplest of senses, as much as possible, if not completely separating the workings. Finish one over a course of however many days you choose to do it for then start the other. Too many workings running together can diffuse the energy resulting in weaker or absence of results. HAIL SATAN!
  97. C

    Meditating while sleeping

    I have been meditating for about 5 years, every single day and in that time I have successfully meditated in my sleep (in addition to my daily routine) about twice, neither of which was intentional. In my experience with meditation, it is best to pursue the line that is not only suitable to...
  98. C

    Problem with Telekinesis

    That's the sensation of energy building up in your hands. Its not so much a problem as it is something to work through until the palm chakras open and energy flows freely forthwith. If you want to ensure you are focusing on the correct part of your hand, Google the acupuncture point pericardium...
  99. C

    I have a question that I have been meaning to ask.

    The Dan tian is a Chinese term for the lower burner which equates to the base and sacral chakras but is ruled by the sacral chakra. Qi Gong is the Chinese version of power meditation and shares parallels with various forms of power meditation for a good reason: it comes from the same source...
  100. C

    Someone that can do Death Spells

    This is a forum for people who are actively developing their OWN spiritual powers. No-one is going to take money to perform a death ritual for you. Also, the higher your level of involvement, the higher the emotion associated with the person and the bigger driver YOU have for a successful...
  101. C

    Wisdom tooth

    Wisdom teeth do not have a spiritual connection. Failure to remove a wisdom tooth can result in severe pain and even facial nerve injury. If it bothers you, get it removed. Chinese Medicine which is the world's oldest surviving medicinal system based on energy flow would advise their removal...
  102. C

    ALMOST DONE WITH THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Due to my hectic lifestyle, I rarely do my meditations at the same time each day. I do however at times and where possible respond to the highs and lows in my Auric field, meditating and doing Yoga at the highest peaks where possible although often they come at inopportune times. This is coming...
  103. C

    Please help

    Without a dedication ritual I don't think Satan is going to ignore you completely but often when we are new there is a lack of discernment in the appearance or conversations with Satan and his Demons. Satan is HIGHLY UNLIKELY to appear to you in flaming obviousness, as might be your inclination...
  104. C

    Enochian Keys

    The Enochian Keys as far as I understand them (and I'm open to correction) have been re written by Maxine Dietrich to give back something to Satan. There were initially thrust upon us full of YHVH god names that vibrated in Enochian send out all sorts of negative and shithouse energy upon...
  105. C

    Help I panic an left my father satan an I want to come back

    I redid mine in a way, minus the blood signing, more just reiterated that I wouldn't leave again and confirmed that I knew it was my last shot... still going strong in Satan 6 years on with no intention of ever leaving again that's for sure! Hail Satan!
  106. C

    Questions, I'm kinda new to Satanism...

    Honestly if a white candle is all you can get your hands on then use it. I dedicated with a white candle and its as real and binding as any dedication done with a black blue or otherwise colored one. Satan sees what is in your heart and that is not obstructed by the candle color. Whilst it would...
  107. C

    How bad are the attacks caused from spirits when you start meditaing

    Everyone has different experiences. Personally I have been attacked maybe four times that I can pinpoint in the past 7 years... and each time I was asleep and encountered beings in my home whose presence instigated or was drawn by my accidental astral projection. All of these encounters were...
  108. C

    Let me ask some things

    A true god, a true leader does not just magically take from his people all manner of suffering and hardship. Just as one teaches their children how to look after themselves on their own and allows them to feel pain and hardship, then shows them how to come back from it or better yet avert it in...
  109. C

    Artificial measurement of time and why we should ditch it.

    The reason for using planetary times is because this is when the local planets of our solar system exert their energies more strongly over the Earth, the moon included. Focus and intent are 100% necessary for the success of a working but if you want to INCREASE its power, then you align the...
  110. C

    sings of our ritual working?

    In Australia NO income is tax exempt let alone a religious one and any and all tax exemption comes by penalty of the law.. The US is behind on a number of things like this because of its richly corrupting xian past, but it is good to see those bonds being systematically broken! HAIL SATAN!!!
  111. C

    non-stop buzzing sound !

    Tinnitus that continues to manifest after closing the ears can still be further differentiated.. Is it a loud and low sound or a high pitched and quiet sound? does it manifest more in the afternoon or morning or is it of a constant duration? is it accompanied by poor digestion and copious...
  112. C

    I'd hate to mention this again, but... succubus.

    It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them... just a reminder. HAIL SATAN!
  113. C

    More proof the Friday 13th is working

    For those who find that initial link isn't working, here is a full link for a PC site: http://www.vice.com/read/the-child-rape ... 141-v20n11 Hail Satan!May the jews and their cursed works FALL!
  114. C

    Meditation in water

    That would depend on the electric charge of the water in your area. Pure H2O has NO electric charge whatsoever however what comes out of the tap is not ever pure H2O. So it really depends on the ions and cations in the water as to what charge it has. Moreover the point is moot because Franz...
  115. C

    A question about Sucubuses.

    it is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without. Just a reminder. Hail Satan!  
  116. C

    Hello everyone! I'm happy to be back!

    the only thing preventing it was you. Hail Satan!
  117. C

    Australian members at risk of fires

    Call me ignorant but I didn't even realize there was fires in NSW. Guess I don't watch the news... Ever. Hope you guys and gals are keeping safe, for those in other countries, bushfires are a part of rural life in Australia just as much as grizzly bears in North America. Hail Satan!
  118. C

    Want someone to talk to

    Sometimes meeting other SS face to face is not such a good thing. I recently met one at my home (a woman) and to cut a long story short a very brief but very intense relationship resulted which has left at least me (and im sure her as well though we aren't talking) very emotional and somewhat...
  119. C

    Munka questions... again. :P

    All meditations can bring up negative emotions if the meditation is powerful enough, I am currently experiencing some extreme waves of depression due to completing the Full Meditation with sun/moon nostril breathing on the JOS website. I'm not so sure I should be going at the pace that I am but...
  120. C

    A strange Health Question

    Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs) may be able to help without the use of surgery or drugs. A Bladder that empties often with symptoms such as pale coloured urine, dribbling emissions, chronic morning diarrhea or diarrhea with undigested food and tiredness, feelings of cold and...
  121. C

    Waves of Depression after performing Full Meditation

    I'm taking it this is a sign of my energies increasing and stirring up all sorts of emotional manifestations from this life and those preceding it, I guess my question is does anyone have any techniques that are useful for pushing it out faster other than stopping the meditation?? Hail Satan!
  122. C


    Call me biased but I would trust an acupuncturist over a chiro.. Acupuncture is a system of balancing the flow of energy meridians (nadis) in the body to achieve health by balance and very closely related to Tai Chi, Qi Gong and even Hatha Yoga. Hail Satan!
  123. C

    Meditation in water

    Meditating anywhere comfortable and conducive to relaxation is fine but you need to be careful if you are in cold or hot water as cold water can affect the bowels and uterus in women and overly hot water comes with a more obvious set of problems. of course very advanced meditators dealing with...
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    I have worked with a jew on a few occasions. Provided you are not corrupted by their ways and drawn into their manipulation it can actually be very eye opening in terms of you becoming conscious of their techniques and protecting yourself from them. It is a good time to start building a...
  125. C

    Nose bleeds

    Any bleeding from mediation is a sign of too much heat. The heat accelerates the blood circulation and burns the vessels and hence the blood comes out. If you are doing a lot of fire breathing (solar chakra abdominal breathing) or basically any major chakra work on the lower three (Base, sacral...
  126. C

    Blood moon

    I'm presuming your in new Zealand....
  127. C

    Power Meditation questions

    In regards to doing extra meditation sessions every day, I have found that progress comes when you are consistent. Irregular or here and there meditations usually have little to no effect beyond the day that you do them, because energy work builds on the day prior. Hail Satan!
  128. C

    Found it funny

    I found it quite amusing when hearing about the latest New Zealand Earthquake, striking the heart of the city CHRISTCHURCH and the cathedral there, built circa 1850's had its tall spire fall and crumble to dust in the square before it, with much of the rest of the cathedral destroyed also...
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    Hi Anna. Welcome. Hail Satan! Hail to his victory!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
