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Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus – the link to Nutrition


New member
Mar 9, 2008

To those of you who are in the biological pursuits, what follows may seem somewhat contrite. However this information has come directly from my Guardian Demon so I am compelled to have total faith in its reliability. Firstly let me state that Maxine has briefly touched on nutrition before, if nothing more than to state that one does not have to be a vegetarian or engage in routine fasting when pursuing Satanism and that overeating on occasion is ok. When this is the norm however, disease arises which can prevent us from reaching our spiritual goals as the spiritual is part of the physical.
In saying that overeating can cause disease, the reality is that under eating, extended and regular fasting and total veganism can also cause disease if these practices are poorly understood and executed without planning, knowledge or foresight into what one is attempting to achieve by engaging in them. Bear in mind that I am not passing judgment on those in this group who choose to be or do any of the above, albeit for personal, cultural or healthful reasons but simply laying the groundwork for what I am about to reveal.
Personally, I have been studying Chinese Medicine (at a university) and applying the ancient knowledge of Chinese Dietetics to the workings of the Magnum Opus and other aspects of meditation and divination. (One important piece of information you must remember when reading what follows is that opposite poles of energy (Yin/Yang) must always coexist and where there is copious amounts of one, so the other must reflect, much in the way that the solidity of our physical bodies must reflect in the ethereal nature of our aura.) In response to my questioning, my Guardian Demon provided the following revelation. Apologies to anyone who is not bio science educated, I will try to keep my language simple.

Bas[/IMG]early in the working [/I]are the secretion of the male and female elixirs of life from the sacral and third eye chakras (pineal gland). Since I have not progressed further than the initial stages I cannot comment on further stages however individuals such as Kai Purr have and his readings can be found in the JOS Egroups also. Maxine has commented pretty significantly on the pineal secretions, dripping ambrosia which is basically melatonin in huge amounts. When we meditate on it, we are directing qi/prana to the pineal gland which stimulates it, producing the opposite of Qi (masculine energy) which is fluid yin (female energy) in the form of the hormone melatonin. Ordinarily, this hormone acts to regulate the body clock and is secreted naturally by the pineal gland in response to darkness, and its secretion is inhibited by light. However this is in such small amounts that it cannot serve to do anything other than regulate sleep. The female elixir has a calming effect and can enhance intuition and clairvoyance, the passive practices. In the amounts it is produced when meditated on however, it acts to deliver powerful hormonal influence on the cells of the body which leads to the transformation of DNA and cell structure required for the working... Keep that locked in mind whilst I explore the male elixir:

When we focus on the sacral chakra, as the Qi Gong practitioners of China refer to as the lower dantian, we also produce/secrete an elixir. I was confused about this as there are no specific glands or body structures there. The mechanism of action for the male elixir is that the condensation of Qi/Prana/Energy in this location draws to it the Yin (feminine) fluids and hormones of the Adrenal Glands (cortisone, glucocorticoids, aldosterone and the androgens (human sex hormones)), ovaries (women) and testes (men) (oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and possibly the pancreas (although the pancreas’ involvement was not made explicit it stands to reason that insulin and digestive enzymes of the pancreas are also involved as the male elixir can make one hungry when it is secreted). These hormones, when acting singularly, have stimulating effects on the body and effect transformation and the liberation of energy from food and fat cells in the body during normal physiological functions. When they are drawn together and combined, (the drawing in of sexual energy during magnum opus meditations as described on the Joy Of Satan acts to draw these hormones in very actively as the high level of energy produced by sexual stimulation (Yang) must have a reflecting aggregation of fluids (Yin)) they create the stimulating, energising elixir which enables sufficient energy and motive force the transformation that one undergoes when achieving spiritual perfection.

So, we have the drawing out of the two elixirs, explainable by their biochemical counterparts as drawn out by the energy of meditation. However, in the average western person, where highly processed foods are predominant in the diet, meat tends to be overeaten and come from animals who are exposed to high toxicity (thus the meat itself can absorb this) and where the quality and variety of vegetables is lacking the hormones required for the creation of the elixirs can be of poor quality. Not to mention the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs used for the maintenance of health and the alleviation of every little ache and pain one might encounter. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT YOU WILL FAIL IN THE MAGNUM OPUS (nor that you should stop taking your medication without first consulting your doctor). It simply means that it may take you longer, or you may encounter significantly more problems along the way. Typically this sort of dietary pattern will more greatly affect older people (35 +) as their bodies do not have the youthful quality of someone at age 19 for instance. Anyone who has abused alcohol, drugs or been exposed to high levels of toxicity (such as DDT exposure) for long periods of their life may also be affected.

Where am I going with this? Short of offering everyone a magic bullet (which does not exist as each of us are individual and have individual needs and nutritional requirements), I urge each and every SS who is seriously considering the Magnum Opus or currently working on it to research  good nutrition and actively engage in practices that encourage it. This can be as simple as eliminating processed foods or cutting down on them (white sugars and flours etc.) and increasing nutritionally rich foods such as Spirulina (a seaweed usually available as a powder), raw honey (most commercially produced honey is cooked, raw honey has pollen in it which may need to be avoided by those who experience reactions to pollen), organically grown vegetables and even organically raised and fed meat sources. For those who are struggling to obtain good results, good nutrition will enable your body to produce better quality hormones more easily, the action of which on the cells of your body acts to not only activate various processes within the cell, but the hormones themselves are then inactivated and utilised by your body as a form of energy and nutrition.
All people on the earth are generating the elixirs of life at all times within their body as hormones in the bloodstream mix and interact with each other. This is essential to life and without it a human body could not survive. When we meditate on them and increase them, we increase the level and quality of the elixirs to the point required for the transformation of our bodies and souls such as occurs with the working of the magnum opus. The energy that we use to do this (Qi/Prana) is what we learn to control with our minds and is the permeating and directing energy that allows us power over the biochemical processes of our body and our environment.   HAIL SATAN!!
One thing I forgot to add to the above is that the accumulation of the hormonal fluids (yin) in the elixirs attract to themselves Qi/Prana on their own which is how this interplay between Yin and Yang as directed by the serious Spiritual Satanist engaged in meditation is able to affect not only the physical body but also the chakras, as the energy involved is as crucial to the working as its biological consequences.


This was a magnificent post!!!!  It really grants an edge to the endeavor of Godhood.  As I recall there are also functions involving the Pituitary for permanent cycling of the HGH which can only become permanently established whence the Chakra involved, specifically the Crown, has fully unblocked allowing Total Brain stimulation at will instead of second guessing where the Pineal gland is for new comers. 

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 01:47:14 -0700
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Biochemical aspects of the Magnum Opus – the link to Nutrition


To those of you who are in the biological pursuits, what follows may seem somewhat contrite. However this information has come directly from my Guardian Demon so I am compelled to have total faith in its reliability. Firstly let me state that Maxine has briefly touched on nutrition before, if nothing more than to state that one does not have to be a vegetarian or engage in routine fasting when pursuing Satanism and that overeating on occasion is ok. When this is the norm however, disease arises which can prevent us from reaching our spiritual goals as the spiritual is part of the physical.

In saying that overeating can cause disease, the reality is that under eating, extended and regular fasting and total veganism can also cause disease if these practices are poorly understood and executed without planning, knowledge or foresight into what one is attempting to achieve by engaging in them. Bear in mind that I am not passing judgment on those in this group who choose to be or do any of the above, albeit for personal, cultural or healthful reasons but simply laying the groundwork for what I am about to reveal.

Personally, I have been studying Chinese Medicine (at a university) and applying the ancient knowledge of Chinese Dietetics to the workings of the Magnum Opus and other aspects of meditation and divination. (One important piece of information you must remember when reading what follows is that opposite poles of energy (Yin/Yang) must always coexist and where there is copious amounts of one, so the other must reflect, much in the way that the solidity of our physical bodies must reflect in the ethereal nature of our aura.) In response to my questioning, my Guardian Demon provided the following revelation. Apologies to anyone who is not bio science educated, I will try to keep my language simple.

Basically, the elements (ingredients, not magical elements) of the magnum opus early in the working are the secretion of the male and female elixirs of life from the sacral and third eye chakras (pineal gland). Since I have not progressed further than the initial stages I cannot comment on further stages however individuals such as Kai Purr have and his readings can be found in the JOS Egroups also. Maxine has commented pretty significantly on the pineal secretions, dripping ambrosia which is basically melatonin in huge amounts. When we meditate on it, we are directing qi/prana to the pineal gland which stimulates it, producing the opposite of Qi (masculine energy) which is fluid yin (female energy) in the form of the hormone melatonin. Ordinarily, this hormone acts to regulate the body clock and is secreted naturally by the pineal gland in response to darkness, and its secretion is inhibited by light. However this is in such small amounts that it cannot serve to do anything other than regulate sleep. The female elixir has a calming effect and can enhance intuition and clairvoyance, the passive practices. In the amounts it is produced when meditated on however, it acts to deliver powerful hormonal influence on the cells of the body which leads to the transformation of DNA and cell structure required for the working... Keep that locked in mind whilst I explore the male elixir:

When we focus on the sacral chakra, as the Qi Gong practitioners of China refer to as the lower dantian, we also produce/secrete an elixir. I was confused about this as there are no specific glands or body structures there. The mechanism of action for the male elixir is that the condensation of Qi/Prana/Energy in this location draws to it the Yin (feminine) fluids and hormones of the Adrenal Glands (cortisone, glucocorticoids, aldosterone and the androgens (human sex hormones)), ovaries (women) and testes (men) (oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and possibly the pancreas (although the pancreas’ involvement was not made explicit it stands to reason that insulin and digestive enzymes of the pancreas are also involved as the male elixir can make one hungry when it is secreted). These hormones, when acting singularly, have stimulating effects on the body and effect transformation and the liberation of energy from food and fat cells in the body during normal physiological functions. When they are drawn together and combined, (the drawing in of sexual energy during magnum opus meditations as described on the Joy Of Satan acts to draw these hormones in very actively as the high level of energy produced by sexual stimulation (Yang) must have a reflecting aggregation of fluids (Yin)) they create the stimulating, energising elixir which enables sufficient energy and motive force the transformation that one undergoes when achieving spiritual perfection.

So, we have the drawing out of the two elixirs, explainable by their biochemical counterparts as drawn out by the energy of meditation. However, in the average western person, where highly processed foods are predominant in the diet, meat tends to be overeaten and come from animals who are exposed to high toxicity (thus the meat itself can absorb this) and where the quality and variety of vegetables is lacking the hormones required for the creation of the elixirs can be of poor quality. Not to mention the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs used for the maintenance of health and the alleviation of every little ache and pain one might encounter. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT YOU WILL FAIL IN THE MAGNUM OPUS (nor that you should stop taking your medication without first consulting your doctor). It simply means that it may take you longer, or you may encounter significantly more problems along the way. Typically this sort of dietary pattern will more greatly affect older people (35 +) as their bodies do not have the youthful quality of someone at age 19 for instance. Anyone who has abused alcohol, drugs or been exposed to high levels of toxicity (such as DDT exposure) for long periods of their life may also be affected.

Where am I going with this? Short of offering everyone a magic bullet (which does not exist as each of us are individual and have individual needs and nutritional requirements), I urge each and every SS who is seriously considering the Magnum Opus or currently working on it to research  good nutrition and actively engage in practices that encourage it. This can be as simple as eliminating processed foods or cutting down on them (white sugars and flours etc.) and increasing nutritionally rich foods such as Spirulina (a seaweed usually available as a powder), raw honey (most commercially produced honey is cooked, raw honey has pollen in it which may need to be avoided by those who experience reactions to pollen), organically grown vegetables and even organically raised and fed meat sources. For those who are struggling to obtain good results, good nutrition will enable your body to produce better quality hormones more easily, the action of which on the cells of your body acts to not only activate various processes within the cell, but the hormones themselves are then inactivated and utilised by your body as a form of energy and nutrition.

All people on the earth are generating the elixirs of life at all times within their body as hormones in the bloodstream mix and interact with each other. This is essential to life and without it a human body could not survive. When we meditate on them and increase them, we increase the level and quality of the elixirs to the point required for the transformation of our bodies and souls such as occurs with the working of the magnum opus. The energy that we use to do this (Qi/Prana) is what we learn to control with our minds and is the permeating and directing energy that allows us power over the biochemical processes of our body and our environment.

Thank you. I merely seek to share that which I learn along the path for the benefit of everyone in this group. There is a relationship between glucocorticoids and HGH secretion inhibition. It may stand to reason that the male elixir (being stimulating/energising) serves to cut off the inhibition loop to allow HGH to circulate. Of course, the rapid growth and cell proliferation following such an influx of human growth hormone would require in itself a great number and quantity of quality nutrients and minerals, highlighting again the need for such practices to be engaged. HAIL SATAN!!!
It's been pretty obvious the whole time, I think someone needed to bring it up. Before my periods, since I started meditating, I do not get headaches, tired, or anything! I get energized, happy, and yeah violent. In a constructive way, really! It's there for a reason! A bloody mess :D!

I do definitely say increase in certain hormones can raise power! But NOT in pregnancy. that experience was uh. just totally different. I have theories but really cant tell yah much atm.
Pregnancy is a whole 'nother ball game in terms of energy and hormones, though would be interesting to hear your theories...

I know this is very old but your information is still immensely pertinent. I am wondering what the deal is with the varying elements from the west to the east is? Why does Traditional Chinese medicine have elements like wood and metal etc and how do we relate those to us? Why is there a contrast, is it significant or just cultural? Im trying to get into the eastern disciplines but this element and diagram contrast is throwing me off from what Ive been studying for years, the western elements which most people use, and the vedas use these despite exchanging air and ether often.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
