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  1. OttoHart

    The Gods #76765 Why do Gods rule the same things instead of exclusive rulership

    Think of the Gods' rulerships as jobs in a society. More than one person can have the same profession.
  2. OttoHart

    Lucifer, Poseidon and your Mind

    This is one of my favorite sermons by HPS Lydia. I am very glad this was made into a video early on.
  3. OttoHart

    The Gods #76748 About Goddess Lilith

    Cheap level troll, mate. Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean we don't understand it. 1. Lilith shares many qualities and has dominion over similar powers to Hera. Allegorically, Hera connects to Lilith. 2. The ToZ is not "Hellenism" exclusively. Exoteric Hellenism is...
  4. OttoHart

    Why do you call Christians “Xians”?

    Personally, I often say xianity. One reason is the fact that "Christos" was an ancient Greek term for an enlightened individual. To me, rabbi Yeshua was not a Christos. The x is a fitting replacement.
  5. OttoHart

    Which race have you chose

    I assume you mean "what race do the Mexicans consider themselves". There's no "choosing". As for the answer, well, it's complicated. Just like the US, many cultures went into Mexico as it became a nation. Most "Latinos" are a mix of white and black, so, black. Some are purely Hispanic and are...
  6. OttoHart

    The Gods #76704 Torah in my room

    A book is just a book, and "an idol of the Gods is just an idol". Things have an influence over us, objects have their own influence, experiences shape us, and our subjective reality is influenced by things like these. This can be put as "objects having an energetical influence", which is...
  7. OttoHart

    "Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

    Yes, you're right and have a fine perspective. But think about his replacement for a second. I am confident that the successor to this Pope will be Cardinal Sarah. A black man leading the entirety of Catholic christianity, in Rome? This will be a hilarious event, and a great chaos upon...
  8. OttoHart

    The Origins Of The Jewish Race

    Jews are a low desert caste from modern day Iraq, as far as I have researched. Their origin really doesn't matter, they decided a small tribe is a "race", followed the evil entities they followed, kept their lineage alive through incest, and ended up doing all things they did to this day. What...
  9. OttoHart

    MEDITATION PATH UPDATE - Limitations and overcoming them, workings and backlash I ran into...

    MEDITATION PATH UPDATE - Limitations and overcoming them, workings and backlash I ran into some financial issues recently. Nothing insane, just mini-disasters that required some spending that I frankly didn't have the income to fix, by having some emergency cash. I asked a Guardian how to deal...
  10. OttoHart

    I'll talk about some meditation updates here, since I'm journaling anyway, and it'll help keep...

    I'll talk about some meditation updates here, since I'm journaling anyway, and it'll help keep me accountable as I'm leveling up my routine. For today, an interesting thing I noticed is how a formed habit can manifest. I did my morning meditation, as usual, and after some extra tasks I had to...
  11. OttoHart

    Tattoo and Piercing Placement

    A meaningful tattoo might have an effect on your psyche and identity, such as seeing that tattoo often and being reminded of something, or just the "freedom of choice" move of getting a piercing. But these effects are on the mental end, on a low level. Things like this do not have any effect...
  12. OttoHart

    Other #76546 Why do you hate Christians?

    We don't hate christians. We hate what christianity does to otherwise innocent people. You've gotten plenty of answers. Take a leaf out of your own jewish book (hopefully you know enough about your own religion to know the quote): "Our fight is not with flesh and blood, but with the...
  13. OttoHart

    It is Primal to Increase Your Vril

    Thank you for the good wishes. This can only happen if the people here adequately support it, which I will constantly encourage, as it is a very simple way of showing support for our cause and mission.
  14. OttoHart

    Other #76702 Erased memories as a child

    Trance work and cleaning can help these things "resurface", be dealt with, and integrated. Higher bioelectricity from other practices will also make the brain more efficient at remembering these things and building a strong identity. Studying on how the mind works, how trauma works, repressed...
  15. OttoHart

    It is Primal to Increase Your Vril

    So many of our community "problems" would be alleviated if everyone in here was meditating regularly. Imagine the amount of cooperation there would be, the eagerness everyone would have to contribute to the ToZ in one way or another, the level of openness to the Gods we would have, and by an...
  16. OttoHart

    Trinity of Occult Spirituality in Life

    Quite a bit of higher level info in this one. Absolutely worth a watch and a like.
  17. OttoHart

    Hidden Currents In Modern Esoteric Thought

    Let's make this our new most popular video, it goes into quite a few popular topics. Stay tuned for the videos coming up in the next few days, they are next level.
  18. OttoHart

    10 Signs of Spiritual Awakening: Raw Power

    This one will be quite great for the outside masses, and it also gives the "milestones and levels of advancement" that beginners here often want and need, which I myself can vouch for being important. If I don't see at least 100 likes from out fellow Zevists here tomorrow, I'll be frankly mad.
  19. OttoHart

    Enemy Slander of Zeus: Greek version of "Devil"

    In a recent sermon, our High Priest went over a trine set of titles of Zeus, in Zevs, Dias, and Zinas. This is a must read, as it explains our name as Zevists, and reveals far more about the nature of our God. But, through my own studies and reading, I felt one more element needs to be added. I...
  20. OttoHart

    Serpent of Eden: Ladon & Kundalini Serpent

    Replying here as a bump, let's get these videos a lot of support.
  21. OttoHart

    In Ancient Times God Spoke to Man

    Even among the ranks of the Enemy infested church, there were some people keeping some wisdom alive, and it is to those that we owe our current position. I made it a point to mention that. As one of those little pieces of surviving wisdom, we have this painting of "adam and God". Depicting the...
  22. OttoHart

    Inside High Priest Initiation – Humanity’s Hidden War Revealed

    To see this video finally done and available for all to see is definitely a great moment. Lots of work goes into these, so support should exist.
  23. OttoHart

    Angels or Daemons?

    Your sins have been repented for, go in peace :ROFLMAO:
  24. OttoHart

    Experiences and what I learned about Cleaning

    I haven't posted about my personal experiences in meditation and on the path for a while, and this is mostly because I've been focusing on integrating what the ToZ teaches into my routine and being, while also being quite busy with helping in ToZ projects as well as in my life. But a milestone...
  25. OttoHart

    Angels or Daemons?

    These videos are a must watch. Watching and supporting these videos is yet another thing one can do to support the ToZ with just a little bit of their time, and it will absolutely contribute to our growth. Every Zevist who loves and respects the ToZ and the Gods should be watching these...
  26. OttoHart

    My new signature banner. The Caduceus is a symbol that I've always enjoyed ever since I was a...

    My new signature banner. The Caduceus is a symbol that I've always enjoyed ever since I was a little child, and while I am not sure about who my Guardian Daemon is, Lord Thoth has been the God (besides Zeus Himself) that I've had the most intense experiences with during His Ritual. Zeus Ammon is...
  27. OttoHart

    Christianity is Dead!

    The reverb also cleans up the audio and is a part of the mix and master process. I personally haven't found it to make it harder to understand, but the feedback is appreciated. Do stay tuned for future videos, we are working hard on bringing them to you, and the community should watch them. You...
  28. OttoHart

    The Triskelion and Sicily

    Portrayals of the Gods do exist in most cultures, and it is common that they are watered down. Good find.
  29. OttoHart

    About Metrics Of Opinion & Improvement

    Very important sermon. Honestly, I wish more people contributed actively to the ToZ. We are not just a place to get free wisdom and go on with your life, we should be more of a unified community.
  30. OttoHart


    Fun coincidence. Christianity is dead
  31. OttoHart

    Christianity is Dead!

    The VT is almost always hard at work. Expect more of these, and your support is massively appreciated.
  32. OttoHart

    ZEVISTS: Our New Name, Zeus & Thunder Power - Sat & Zev

    Very proud to call myself a Zevist. I see the public revelations are going quite well, I hope everyone within our ranks will pay close attention to your updates, so we can move along and advance to greater heights.
  33. OttoHart

    Kash Patel as head of FBI....Traitor Against the Whites?

    I don't see clear evidence, but his phrasing has been quite sus in posts. Do you have any quotes that could point to this?
  34. OttoHart

    Im Confused With The Name

    1 - Satya is the essence of Truth that permeates all of existence, the being we call Zeus is this essence manifested as a being. 2 - Satan is both Odin and Thor. As master of the mysteries and all-father, he is Odin. As patriarch of the Nordics and masculine God-King, he is Thor. Thor being...
  35. OttoHart

    Lol, poor dope francis

    I personally can't wait for cardinal Sarah to take his place and fully support him. The "christian antisemite" crowd will lose its shit when they see a black pope.
  36. OttoHart

    Meditations TAUM(third eye)

    Pyramids, that look like cones while being spun fast enough.
  37. OttoHart

    The Gods My Guardian Demon

    Regularly pray, ask for guidance, talk to, etc. your Guardian Demon even if you don't know his/her name. You'll find it eventually, and this will help.
  38. OttoHart

    On doubts and what is to come

    Speaking on the behalf of the Gods like this is grounds for Tartarus. You are scum.
  39. OttoHart

    "Questions on my mind about JoS"

    1. Jewish mythological "seraphim" are, both in the esoteric jewish kabbalah and in exoteric paintings and such, described as lizards/snakes. The snake is always a negative symbol in their mythology, as they consider serpentine life-embracing energy evil. But in this one case, the reptiles are...
  40. OttoHart

    Anu=Enki,Enlil. Enki ≠Enlil

    Anu, Enki and Enlil are most likely all Satan/Zeus, or aspects of Him. It's similar to the tripartite nature of Zeus/Poseidon/Hades and the tripartite nature of Brahma/Shiva/Vishnu. But in this case, it is Anu as an origin point (parasivanic, maybe), and a bipartite nature in Enki and Enlil.
  41. OttoHart

    Health #76505 onset insomnia

    Force yourself to either sit down or stand up and do your usual activities (even daydreaming, yes), like that. Only go to bed when you are "about to pass out". This will make your body associate your bed with sleep moreso. For an even more draconic method, here's what I did: Go to bed at 12 at...
  42. OttoHart

    Meditations #76509 I feel like my chakras are full of so much energy.

    Well, it means you're doing good as far as energy. Your AoP, workings and just life in general will benefit from this. Probably make sure you are keeping up with your Hatha Yoga, because energy can sometimes get "clogged" or not flow properly, and yoga is the best fix for that. Other than...
  43. OttoHart

    The super conspiracy lol

    He is accusing HPHC of being an infiltrator, and accusing HPS Maxine of being able to be overtaken, or of quitting. Pardon the fact that we are offended about this, you merciful soul you.
  44. OttoHart

    Temple of Zeus: Are We Polytheism or Monotheism?

    Brief and great clarification. I see this is turning into a bit of a series, and I'm glad we are getting more in order for things to be as clear as possible. No other comments really this time, mostly replying to show support.
  45. OttoHart

    Kabbalistic/Jewish last name features in supposedly non-Jewish people

    Cohen is a pretty bad example, yes. It is overwhelmingly jewish, but I suppose a misspelling of a different name, or even your example of adoption, can happen. Regardless, I'm still not sure where you heard those things from. El is not jewish in origin as a term, it's a middle eastern term for...
  46. OttoHart

    Mooslims & Hitler & Blackies

    Hitler was a vocal supporter of Palestine and self-determination of the people of the middle East. He didn't "like" Islam, only pointed out that some of the issues christianity has struck Europe with are not as present in Islamic countries, praising the fact that masculinity and power were kept...
  47. OttoHart

    Zeus and his relevance in Africa ?

    The fire related thing is an allegory about the soul, these are not actual biographies of the Gods. Kaang has not been identified objectively to be Father, and these are things that should obviously be taken with a pinch of salt and without speaking categorically, understanding the identities...
  48. OttoHart

    Gods "creation"

    If, say, a Nordic incarnation of a God and a Nordic incarnation of a Goddess had a child, it would be a Nordic soul, either reincarnated or brand new. It would be an advanced soul by virtue of being a Nordic soul and having the great genetics of the physical bodies of the Gods. It would not...
  49. OttoHart

    Kabbalistic/Jewish last name features in supposedly non-Jewish people

    Have you read the work of Goebbels? I don't think one can come to the conclusion that he was playing both sides from this. I'd also assume Hitler wouldn't be fooled by these things. Is he worse at recognizing a jew than members here? Washington doesn't even have an H sound in his name, just a...
  50. OttoHart

    The super conspiracy lol

    To add to what I said, your phrasing is outright adversarial. HPS Maxine "disappeared", she was "busy and quit", she "left". Do you hear yourself? This is an embarrassment of you to say. In just a few months of meditation and hard work, I have the necessary ability to feel the energy of the...
  51. OttoHart

    The super conspiracy lol

    Besides all the points here, trying to whiteknight Lady Maxine is nothing but virtue signaling on your part. By claiming that HPHC and current Clergy's decisions are not in line with HPS Maxine's intent, you put into question the legitimacy of her apotheosis. She is a Heroic being now, and...
  52. OttoHart

    Valentine's Day

    Valentinus is a Roman name, which generally refers to power, health and well being. This can be seen in modern words like "value, valor, valiant", etc. The root can be seen in healing Gods like Valerefon. The word originates from the Sanskrit BALA (बल), which means "strength, power, potency"...
  53. OttoHart

    Fun question

    Cigars, a nice drink on the rocks, fine cheese and some steak, with the Outreach crew. "Slumber party" is not quite the term for me, but I see the vision.
  54. OttoHart

    Why the name Zeus?

    Small corrections. Loki is moreso related to Lilith, and I was told that Zalmoxis is not directly an identity of Satan. I have my theories and others have as well about him being Azazel. Otherwise, yes, your answer is correct.
  55. OttoHart

    How I'm have been attack so much by the enemy

    The Enemy, in a sense, can't "generate something new in you", they either don't have the power or you are not relevant enough to them for that to happen. Low level attacks that people might experience work based on what already is in your mind. Doubts, fears, limitations, stress, anxiety...
  56. OttoHart

    Plutarch & Herodotus - Who Are The Gods?

    A natural consequence after their astral filth has been dealt with. People have a lot of attachment towards the "Satanic aesthetic" as I like to call it, and while 99% of it is clean and pure and ours, it is limiting to a degree and was a means to an end both in JoS, and in the occult schools...
  57. OttoHart

    The Gods #76493 Gods

    The Base Chakra's color is Red. This does not mean that the base Chakra is a physical object that is red in color because of its pigmentation, but rather that it is aligned with this. Gods do have an identity, and a personality, and a uniqueness, as there is diversity among them. While they are...
  58. OttoHart

    The Gods #76491 Questions about the Temple of Zeus

    Exoterically, one God can take many identities. Esoterically, one God's being can have many aspects. This is why this question is particularly hard to clarify. "Are Satan and Baalzebul one and the same?" Yes, they are the same being and "person". Zeus is Baalzebul, Zeus is Satan, Baalzebul is...
  59. OttoHart

    An idea - for the Future

    This is a phase that will happen, what you are currently seeing is a very small step. As GoldenChild said above, if it is not just a fleeting desire and you want to contribute, join Outreach.
  60. OttoHart

    Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

    While money absolutely goes into the tools we use, yes, it is astounding what level of quality can be reached with such little means in comparison to the mainstream "religions". This was a project done by a wing of the Outreach team, including myself, and it is insane how well we were able to...
  61. OttoHart

    A new Aeon is upon us, and I am personally elated to be part of it. Let the wisdom of Zeus...

    A new Aeon is upon us, and I am personally elated to be part of it. Let the wisdom of Zeus permeate all of reality, through our works and through our achievements. Hail Zeus, Hail Truth!
  62. OttoHart

    Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

    What a beautiful announcement to wake up to. I'm glad these changes are going so smoothly, and I'm sure everyone involved has their work cut out for them. Outreach will also be hard at work in presenting this improved and polished image. Let's all do our best as SS, whatever our tasks are, be...
  63. OttoHart

    Playing around with a certain artistic style in image generation. People who have been exposed...

    Playing around with a certain artistic style in image generation. People who have been exposed to christian imagery can recognize what this style is mirroring, and it insidious to me that this beautiful Hellene artstyle, inherently European in its nature, is associated with so much evil and...
  64. OttoHart

    Can I summon a day demon at night?

    You can. I don't recommend summonings of any kind as a beginner. If you can't feel energy, don't know what a trance is, haven't studied enough about the Gods and who they are (which would lead you to knowing what to do in regards to these as well), haven't done God Rituals, etc., you shouldn't...
  65. OttoHart

    Hello I am Eos - My current spiritual understanding (pantheism)

    People have already given great advice. As for mine, welcome the rabbit hole that the JoS offers as truthful, I can attest all that is said is wise and true. With that in mind, dig in and study at your own pace. Do see what you have learned so far as valuable steps you have taken to arrive...
  66. OttoHart

    Spirituality, "Divinity within our consciousness", and "mental hijacking" - How the abrahamic...

    Spirituality, "Divinity within our consciousness", and "mental hijacking" - How the abrahamic religions program the mind It is with sadness and with happiness that I write this essay. Happiness, because it is a weapon against the enemy. Sadness, because many will not grasp it. The natural path...
  67. OttoHart

    About Vultus Templorum (Outreach)

    If you do have the motivation to learn in your free time, I don't see the issue. We are generally supportive.
  68. OttoHart

    Magic of Sigils

    Based on what I'm reading, JoS does address this. It is a talisman. The actual methodology to draw the sigil is simply a prop, and you could do a similar thing with a literal rock. It must also be emphasized that, unless you have a good understanding of directing and programming energy, as in...
  69. OttoHart

    Other #76375 Knowing death

    Technically speaking, you should be able to see it in your chart. Technically speaking, a perfectly open Third Eye to the level of nigh-omniscience could tell you when you would die based on the current context, which can change. But it is far too advanced to even really be worth pondering...
  70. OttoHart

    Other About SATAN

    Father's journey is not a typical one, He is the very essence of Truth. In a sense, he is the Magnum Opus. He is Godhead itself. This question can be asked about many Gods, but He is one of the encompassing powers of the Universe that is essentially eternal. "Where does He come from" is like...
  71. OttoHart

    Zeus of greatest renown, aid us in our journey. May your greatness be known to all. Hail Zeus...

    Zeus of greatest renown, aid us in our journey. May your greatness be known to all. Hail Zeus Basileus, Hypsistos, Pantokrator, Hegemon, Ombrios, Bronton, Astrapaeus, Keraunos, Ouranios, Dikaios, Moiragetes, Themistos, Horcios, Xenios, Sthenios, Tropaios, Stator, Nikephoros, Meilichios, Kouros...
  72. OttoHart

    About Vultus Templorum (Outreach)

    I was able to put my skills to good use, and get over a million eyes on our information, over 2000 clicks on our sites (probably more due to some areas I can't check), and who knows how many new dedicated SS. Out of this, I've been blessed by both being in this project, which has taught me a...
  73. OttoHart

    Hitler, the Jews. Let the mud begin!

    Surprise, surprise, no one cares. Hitler, like many other people in history, completed the Magnum Opus. No, it is not "the jew's fault" for being born with a bad nature, a different soul structure to ours, and within a racial history of literal monsters that act as slaves and attack dogs for...
  74. OttoHart

    New Cycle For Transformation: Do We Act For The Next Cycle?

    I've narrowly avoided pitfalls (potentially minor ones) on the path by simply being willing to try, to work, to advance with real effort. I don't consider my confidence unshakable yet, but it's on the way towards being so. What I know for a fact, and can attest to beyond a shadow of a doubt...
  75. OttoHart

    As our efforts on X rage on, the Gods' support is powerful enough to propel us forward in our...

    As our efforts on X rage on, the Gods' support is powerful enough to propel us forward in our actions. Those worthy of walking the path of Sat will receive the blessing of hearing about, being able to study, and to join the Assembly of the Gods. Make no mistake, we will win this war!
  76. OttoHart

    Tolerance is nonsense

    Most of us agree here, and so does SS doctrine. While anyone is free to do whatever they want, they are not free of consequence. I'm far more empathetic than most here with the fact that these people must be understood and guided away from these things, by rationally seeing that this is a wrong...
  77. OttoHart

    Other #76393 My dream and the words that appear

    Pratastana I haven't heard of, but Prasthana means journey. The second word could be Shastra or Sutra, which both mean spiritual text or scripture. Probably about a journey of studying.
  78. OttoHart

    Other #76396 Reincarnations

    Souls act much like bodies do, they have parts, elements, characteristics and things like that. When a soul is created, Akasha or non-physical matter forms the Chakras, nadis and other elements of the multiple non-physical bodies, and a "soul identity" which one could call an ego is formed...
  79. OttoHart

    Rituals #76401 Gifts to Satan, communication with Him.

    Any magic that involves blood, bodily fluids, living beings and the like is a very poor way of generating energy, used by beings that don't have energy generation mechanisms within their souls (jews). Don't do it. Anyone who says it is powerful is bullshitting you. Satanism being traditionally...
  80. OttoHart

    Health #76391 How do I feel better about myself..?

    Here's a piece of advice that has worked on some people, that uses a principle you should get very familiar with as an SS. Sit calmly, by yourself, with a paper in front of you, and write this question: "Do I like myself?" Simply look at yourself objectively, as you would when asking yourself...
  81. OttoHart

    The Gods #76394 Why I'm i not able to contact demons ?

    Imagine if an ant tried to talk to a human. Quite difficult, right? The ant fundamentally doesn't have the necessary brain to form sentences like we do, nor the lungs to say them. Humans are much, much, much lower compared to Daimons and the Gods than an ant is to a human. But we do have a...
  82. OttoHart

    Many people pray or communicate with their Guardian Demon, or Father, and that is great. I've...

    Many people pray or communicate with their Guardian Demon, or Father, and that is great. I've been doing that for quite a bit too, to great results. It's essential and I would argue it's just as essential as cleaning, AoP and other habits as a daily practice, a spiritual checkpoint during every...
  83. OttoHart

    "As the peacock spreads its feathers in joy at the sight of thundering clouds, so may we...

    "As the peacock spreads its feathers in joy at the sight of thundering clouds, so may we, adorned with wisdom, bloom under divine grace." - Atharva Veda, 10.8
  84. OttoHart

    Reaching Confidence And Self-Esteem - Explained

    The Seminar on confidence was very good, just as all Seminars I've read so far. It calls for deeper study, some notetaking, actionable steps and planning, which I enjoy. It manages to be simplistic in the sense that you're not just being told the same thing over and over for 2 hours. This is a...
  85. OttoHart

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    I do hope that the concept of a religion that runs multiple sites, is actively expanding, is doing massive research, is making projects for its members, and has Clergy that work tirelessly on its spiritual aspects... needs money to run, isn't lost on people. Especially SS. Homer acts like we're...
  86. OttoHart

    Hail Alexandros Megas, veritable son of Zeus, and risen God. May he watch our army rise, and so...

    Hail Alexandros Megas, veritable son of Zeus, and risen God. May he watch our army rise, and so may you join in our efforts.
  87. OttoHart

    Health #76327 Sexual problems

    Didn't know that, thank you. But yes, working out does help a lot with giving a similar feeling.
  88. OttoHart

    Antinous was the basis for the statue, but the character is Dionysus-Osiris, and as master of...

    Antinous was the basis for the statue, but the character is Dionysus-Osiris, and as master of the mysteries he relates to Father Satanas. It's one of my personal favorite statues of him, so I do use it often.
  89. OttoHart

    Zeus is the highest being within form. Satya is the highest being beyond form. Together, they...

    Zeus is the highest being within form. Satya is the highest being beyond form. Together, they are God. Join us on X!
  90. OttoHart

    Need clarification

    S’il y a ne serait-ce qu’une goutte, une molécule de sang sur le papier, tu as fait la Dédicace correctement. Il ne faut pas trop y penser, le geste est symbolique. Concentrez-toi plutôt sur ton avancement. Bonne chance!
  91. OttoHart

    What about my life after the dedication ritual?

    In the "Hell's Army" section at the bottom of the Joy of Satan site, you can find a 6 month program for Spiritual Warfare. This goes over beginner techniques to improve visualization and other aspects. Implement some of those to improve in areas that are preventing you from getting the most out...
  92. OttoHart

    Dedication ritual

    Even one drop of blood is enough, signing your name in blood is not necessary. It is a symbolic gesture. If your DNA is on there, you're good, and should be proud of your bravery.
  93. OttoHart

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Use this method, it is faster than emailing JGAI. Will look forward to seeing you here, it's incredibly fun, productive and we always can use more people who want to put in the effort.
  94. OttoHart

    Rituals #76324 I did the RRT once, and the next day Lydia reported that we were done. Is it because of me? Am I so strong?

    Well, most likely not. The work the Clergy does in the astral during these schedules is monumental. But you did contribute to this victory, even if it was just a bit, and you should be proud of that. Don't let it get to your head thinking that you're incredibly powerful, but some pride in what...
  95. OttoHart

    Meditations #76326 Seeing the gods?

    You're most likely not a jew, this is a common issue. Directly seeing and hearing the Gods truthfully is advanced, and you're likely quite spiritually damaged from your drug history. Just keep pushing with the basic practices, aura cleaning and protection, yoga, trance training, void...
  96. OttoHart

    Health #76327 Sexual problems

    It's not punishment as much as consequences. Porn tends to snowball like that, because sexual matters are related to dopamine, and you will need more intense things to be satisfied as you do it more. Try to get better at using your imagination, realize what you genuinely like, start from the...
  97. OttoHart

    Other #76328 Voice in my head said...

    Ignore these kinds of intrusive thoughts. They could either be a result of trauma, enemy influence or just your mind running wild. In any case, you will solve half the problem by not taking these seriously and simply ignoring them. To fix these over time, daily aura cleaning and protection...
  98. OttoHart

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    Then you did things correctly. The average person doesn't know how to discern between absolute bullshit and good information when it comes to outside sources. "You can't do it completely wrong and you should just keep practicing, it will eventually get better" is not something you need an...
  99. OttoHart

    An idea for the advancement of JoS and Spiritual Satanism

    You don't have the discernment both spiritually and materially to practice shit in books until you get a mastery over the basics, which can take years. Do you genuinely have open Chakras you can use for powerful workings? Have you gotten good with trance? Do you have years of experience with...
  100. OttoHart

    The Gods #76297 How to act? How to think?

    Everyone here gave great advice. To add: The Gods are good parents, and these programs are abusers that manipulate you. This sentence explains it all, so ponder it and dwell in their energy. You can do a God Ritual, especially for the four Crowns, and breathe their sigils' energy into you in...
  101. OttoHart

    Workings #76295 Manipulating myself

    Regular cleaning and protection (as well as progressing in these over time) will improve just about everything. Freeing the soul and returning curses can help if it's from some external negative influence. Do the FRTR for 9 days if you haven't already (at a time when you're prepared and there...
  102. OttoHart

    Other #76287 What race am I?

    Kurds can be white or brown. Dutch = white. If you're an admixture of two slightly different white phenotypes, you're white. If the Kurdish lineage was brown, you're mixed. Whether you're white or mixed, go for a genetically similar partner, and as long as you're on top of your advancement...
  103. OttoHart

    Other Question about hair (different color)

    Gestures like this can be symbolic, such as hanging some nice paintings of the Gods in your house. But it won't have magical benefits or properties.
  104. OttoHart


    Enjoy your stay here. I'm sure your skills will be put to good use in aiding the JoS. As you spend time meditating and becoming stronger, while also contributing to this community based on your time and ability, I'm sure nothing can turn to something :)
  105. OttoHart

    The importance of donating to JoS VS the other methods

    Very good post, your presence in the Forums is quite beneficial and a lot of your writings are inspiring. More power to you and may you support our community here for long to come.
  106. OttoHart

    Zeus, Satya, Reforms & The Time Before "Satanism" - Moving Into the Golden Age [Update 1: Resources]

    Beautifully said and great idea, commander. As someone who is hard at work in Outreach and brings in large audiences to our doctrine, having to answer endless questions about these things to people who would otherwise agree with us is tiring, and limits us. A change like this is likely very...
  107. OttoHart

    Workings #76255 Not experiencing negative effect's of F-RTR?

    Experiencing attacks from the RTRs is a relatively old thing, back when JoS was still early, the RTRs had less "power built up", the jewish network was stronger, and we were less connected to the Gods. I only ever got blessed from it, and this seems to have been the norm for 1-2 years by now...
  108. OttoHart

    Astrology #76258 Calendar

    It is stupid, yes, but it doesn't hold any spiritual power over us. It might eventually fade out as we evolve, integrate into the larger societies of the Galaxy and have other major events to base our timing around. The month and week system is what matters, and that's ours and good. Counting...
  109. OttoHart

    Other #76257 Sex education to students?

    Sex education, if done well, should be done and can be great. Children should know about proper hygiene, how their body parts operate, how to spot the signs of being groomed or being abused, and by the time they are past puberty, the dangers of unprotected sex and random hookups. For children...
  110. OttoHart

    The Gods #76256 Is Elder Ikai of the Family of Taygeta secretly Beelzebub?

    These are psyops by normal people that might have a little knowledge in terms of spiritual history, to make the lie more convincing. Expect a LOT of these as the enemy tries to save face via steering the abrahamic ship into UFO cults, christ consciousness and other nonsense that just wastes your...
  111. OttoHart

    Sexuality #76259 Cleaning aura after interacial sex

    You can, and you should work extra on cleaning and opening the Sacral chakra. If it was a one time thing and you don't have a consistent attraction for other races, or you didn't do it consistently, it's still damaging, but not the end of the world. Move past it.
  112. OttoHart

    Where do J*ws go when they die?

    Because all Gentile races were created by the Gods through spiritual genetic engineering to accelerate our evolution into a direction with the propensity for consciousness and the evolution of one's identity, for us to have the potential for Godhead. It just so happens that for the white race...
  113. OttoHart

    Cult Test: What's The Cult?

    The model I and many other people validate as a good model is Steven Hassan's BITE model. Behavioral control - Does the JoS enforce any sort of behaviors on people, restricting certain actions or making certain actions mandatory? Nope. Information control - Does the JoS limit people's access to...
  114. OttoHart

    Andrew Tate wants to become UK prime minister

    Tate is barely a self-thinking person. He says and does what he knows will get him money and influence. I'm hard pressed to think he even has internal opinions beyond what would fuel his delusions of grandeur. He's most likely not getting the spot and only using it as a PR move. But he will most...
  115. OttoHart

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    All of your work is commendable and highly wise. But there comes a sermon every now and then that I, as I read it, literally feel is addressed to me, lol Poignant words that are exactly what I needed in order to contextualize some things, overcome a certain obstacle, ground myself, advance out...
  116. OttoHart

    Graphic design for our Gods

    While probably not outright blasphemous, it would be in bad taste to use multiple circles. One is fine.
  117. OttoHart

    Lord Janus

    This is legitimately something I'd hang in my house as a painting. Beautiful work.
  118. OttoHart

    Graphic design for our Gods

    This is very good. If you play a little bit with the colors and shapes you can probably use a similar template for all Gods. I'm definitely excited to see you in Outreach when you're prepared, because this would be top notch material.
  119. OttoHart

    Yoga for my back + scalp issues

    The hair thing is likely oil buildup, vulnerability to your hair being damp, etc. 1. Rinse more thoroughly. 2. Look into scalp-scrubbing or start exfoliating (more if you already do). 3. While blow-drying is not the healthiest, do focus on drying your hair thoroughly and don't let it stay damp...
  120. OttoHart

    Check this out, literally a golden duck

    These are very good grounding techniques. I intuitively do some of these after God Rituals and other upper-Chakra-intensive work in order to relax. Replying so this is bumped up.
  121. OttoHart


    1. Everybody is different at visualization and the sheer amount of factors at play (as well as the limitations of scientific knowledge) make it impossible to clearly explain why you work the way you do. A good rule of thumb is "if it works, don't overthink it". The key objective of visualization...
  122. OttoHart

    how to know if a chakra is completely open and unobstructed

    Try to perform the Complete Chakra Meditation from Base to Crown. It is advisable you take the time to be focused and go into a trance. Focus on it intensely, and perform the techniques properly. You should absolutely feel energy in your base if you have a decent level of skill with feeling...
  123. OttoHart

    Compiling here some of the video materials I've helped create for JoS as part of Outreach. I...

    Compiling here some of the video materials I've helped create for JoS as part of Outreach. I want to use the profile post feature more, and I guess this works as a start. If you also want to contribute to JoS's growth by using your social media skills, video and image skills, etc., contact...
  124. OttoHart

    Wondering about SS

    Homosexuality is natural in a minority, bisexuality is most likely also natural, and a minority of people will not conform to gender norms, either due to astrological placements, need to stand out, need to fit in, a rebellious nature, or just a young soul exploring and gaining self discovery...
  125. OttoHart

    About "Jews" - Israel, "JHVH" & Judaism

    Absolutely amazing info here, HP. This will definitely be a helpful sermon to show people that are new to JoS, and it brings new information for the veterans. Gold as usual.
  126. OttoHart

    Charity, volunteering and the like

    Balance is our view. Don't help others to the point where it hurts your own advancement. In layman's terms, don't help someone eat when it would mean that you then starve yourself. These are abrahamic lies that incorrectly frame what helping others genuinely is: the fact that you are helping a...
  127. OttoHart

    The Gods #75767 Whydo pagans eat beef ?

    Considering no new matter can be created or destroyed, everything in the Universe is pure light, and thus, honorable. So they've got a hard quest upon them. ...they do realize that, through such a belief, they claim that everything in existence is honorable and deserving, except them? How is...
  128. OttoHart

    Idea for a new section on the Forums, Food for Thought

    Seconded, a physical health related forum section would be neat. That being said, considering this is basically medical advice, posts would need to be carefully monitored, even more than usual, so people don't post bullshit and get others in trouble, which is even more work that needs to be done.
  129. OttoHart

    TEMPLE OF ZEUS: Temple Rituals Testimonials & Announcements

    I can absolutely testify to the power and honor God Rituals hold, and this is a massive opportunity to boost this effect. Whoever is aware, experientially or just rationally, of the power and connection to the Gods that the Clergy hold and Guardians utilize can understand the fact that group...
  130. OttoHart

    Other #75742 If Satan is good, why do the corrupt elite appear to worship him?

    They proudly flaunt the fact that they can just show off a goat, horns, the name Satan or the name Baal, and the average Gentile cowers in fear. They proudly flaunt the fact that they've made symbols we loved into things we hate and fear. They don't love Satan. They love that the average gentile...
  131. OttoHart

    TIP: Energy work

    Depending on your goals, invoking can work better, or evoking. In some cases, doing both can help. If you're good at feeling energy, experimenting like this and finding what is efficient is good, as long as you're being safe.
  132. OttoHart

    Other #75728 Dan Kennedy jew?

    Based on physical features and my personal hunch, I'd say yes. But that is not a guarantee. If his family history isn't public and you don't see him promoting any dangerous ideologies, you shouldn't worry.
  133. OttoHart

    Other #75732 Is it sacrilegious or disrespectful to Father to eat Goat?

    Those kinds of food restrictions are rooted in allegory, which was woefully misinterpreted. Treating an animal as sacred does not involve denying reality and the circle of life, quite the opposite. You're supposed to understand it and honor the ecosystem of the Earth. Eat to your heart's...
  134. OttoHart

    Hello, is it permissible to study philosophy, Sufism and psychology?

    You read their books. I wouldn't start with Kant, his works are heavy. Plato is very accessible because of his mystical thinking, if you can properly draw the right conclusions from his allegory.
  135. OttoHart

    [MEME] Dear Americans who Voted for Trump

    Like everyone else? This is a worldwide issue.
  136. OttoHart

    [MEME] Dear Americans who Voted for Trump

    The importance of the election was quite exaggerated. We live within a jewish matrix of false dichotomies. I personally believe he was a better choice, being more prepared for such a role than Harris, and his cunning businessman nature is harder to influence than hers. The fact that he shills...
  137. OttoHart

    Question about being nice and witchcraft.

    The stereotype that we would be "mean" is based on the fact that the "spiritual" narrative that people have heard for the past years is that you should love everyone, turn the other cheek and all your enemies are just misunderstood and sad. Any time a spiritual movement tells one to stand up for...
  138. OttoHart

    Question about marriage.

    Spiritual Satanism does not directly ban marriage or interactions based on your spiritual beliefs. That being said, it is a good idea to not marry someone whose life goals, life ethics and perspective do not align with yours, as that can obviously cause disagreements. Wiccans are a mixed bag...
  139. OttoHart

    Leveling up your God Ritual experience

    The schedule for the Rituals to Eligos and Forcas has concluded. This was one of the better schedules I've ever participated in, for many reasons, and all lead back to an advancement that JoS has made, that many of you are already aware of. These Rituals were very important to do, and I hope...
  140. OttoHart


    Some groups may have stumbled upon some truth, or honorably follow some principles of the Gods. I do not know if this is the case with the group you mentioned. Regardless, JoS is the house of the Gods. This is not just a monicker, as we  are directly tasked with the edicts of the Gods, and...
  141. OttoHart

    About the republican party

    They were honorable people who held on to some tenets and those tenets helped both them and humanity. As HPHC had said, this transcends simple politics, which are subjective and based on context. Voltaire is a highly respected personality we consider Satanic, and he was very much a leftist...
  142. OttoHart

    The Situation In Syria

    Nuanced perspective as usual, HP. Nice to get some additional info so we do not worry quite as much. If anyone is from that relative area, hold your hopes that the people of the Gods will be fine in this.
  143. OttoHart

    Other #75668 Muhammed

    Solomon definitely isn't real because even most jewish kabbalists would admit to that. The text of the torah is only taken at face value by the lowest of the jews, where it acts to push them. The essence of the torah is allegorical. Solomon is a symbol. As for whether Mohammed was a real...
  144. OttoHart


    Great speech, great points. We need these kinds of performances in global politics.
  145. OttoHart

    Blessings are awesome! - Live Rituals Room

    Bumping this thread, it really is a great place. If you are doing God Rituals, there is no reason not to join.
  146. OttoHart

    Paying Attention, Staying Alert

    Thank you for the advice, HPS! I completely forgot Sun Salutations exist, and I'll be adding them into my routine. I'll take this time to update my spiritual routine, tune some things up, and see how it goes. (Ramses13th Spiritual Tracker site is very good to have a to do list at hand without...
  147. OttoHart

    Helping promote JoS

    On top of what everyone here mentioned, there is a project to promote the JoS, and it's a great opportunity to improve yourself and make a difference: Outreach You can learn some important skills that might help you with jobs, like working in a team, following schedules, artistic abilities...
  148. OttoHart

    Meditations #75639 Difference between telephatic communication and planting thoughts?

    Yes, they can. This is a very complex process that depends on many factors involving your own abilities and the person you are doing this to. The second thing seems advanced, similar to actual astral projection and other techniques like that. Most people here can't even enter a deep trance or...
  149. OttoHart

    Relationships #75641 Friends with other races

    Friendships alone shouldn't be a major issue, unless we're talking about jews, in which case you would do best to avoid them. Even in that case, as long as contact is minimal, your daily cleaning and protection should help just fine. Ideally, your entire community should be of one race, but we...
  150. OttoHart

    Meditations #75644 Chakra spin

    Physical Yoga and breathing exercises can help raise your bioelectricity. In the 6 month meditation program, you can find visualization exercises (Month 1), do those and you will most likely improve at this. If it's not visualizing, but rather feeling energy, do some trance work.
  151. OttoHart

    Health #75640 Raw milk

    Pasteurizing milk is very good for avoiding potential parasites or bacteria that you don't want in your milk. You can and probably should get raw milk, then pasteurize it at home. If you can't do that, boiling it does almost the same thing.
  152. OttoHart

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    Got my first ticket, probably going to get the other two in a couple weeks. Great initiative, I hope to see more of this.
  153. OttoHart

    The Gods Lady Hecate

    Cronos relates to Saturnian energy and to Baalzebul's conquering of time and being beyond time. In that sense, He is an allegorical energy or primordial force rather than a "personal God", like Zeus is directly Baalzebul. But then again, Baalzebul is also directly Poseidon and Hades if we are...
  154. OttoHart

    Combining rune???

    And, again, my answer still stands. It's good to know you are advanced, and need stronger things than single Runes. That means you don't really have any reason to ask here anymore, you should simply ask your Guardian Demon and the Gods about it, if you need these tools. That is what is...
  155. OttoHart

    The Gods Lady Hecate

    Is Lady Hecate a personal Goddess, or is she more of an allegorical concept like Athena and Cronos?
  156. OttoHart

    The reality: The truth of Satanism

    Great message and, personally, a thought-provoking testimonial. Your experience with JoS can be seen in your mature understanding of it.
  157. OttoHart

    Combining rune???

    A person that is new or at a beginner level should not worry about combining Runes. There are Triads, combinations of three Runes, that you can read about in many books about the runes. They are obviously a practice, and we use them in the God Rituals. But the sources on this are likely very...
  158. OttoHart

    Beginner's Dump

    It makes one into an actual being, of importance and of radiance, rather than a bunch of organic matter that can think but doesn't use this. Yes, there are real, material benefits, and real skills and senses you will develop.
  159. OttoHart

    Health #75560 breathing

    As long as you don't feel like you are overworking yourself, that is fine. It is most likely your body getting accustomed to being able to breathe better, and better processing of oxygen can only be beneficial.
  160. OttoHart

    Trance Meditations Habits

    You are likely very focused on generating the falling feeling and not focusing on your breath. I experienced this every now and then, and it generally bothered me. In trance, it is key to breathe well, even deeply, it has helped me advance my trance a lot. For trance, really don't overthink...
  161. OttoHart

    Dont forget this-the year Adolf Hitler was Born, a painting was made that predicted his Rise to power

    Beautiful thing to point out, always loved that artwork. I do not doubt for a second that he was an Avatara of Father.
  162. OttoHart

    Can the gods use us as their avatars?

    In the sense that, in a proper Satanic society, humans carry out the edicts of the Gods and act upon their guidance in tune with them in order to live in harmony and advancement? Yes. In the literal sense? No. We are human beings and Avatara are Avatara. The physical bodies of the highest Gods...
  163. OttoHart

    #75547 What's the best evidence for ancient aliens?

    The fact that there are multiple "religions" including some material from Mithraism, most Sumerian mythology, Egyptian mythology, and especially Vedic and Eastern mythology, that directly, without allegory, speak about beings from outer space arriving on Earth and guiding humanity. They describe...
  164. OttoHart

    Slavic Heritage

    In addition to the answer you received, also consider the fact that those numbers are grossly exaggerated, because the label of christian does not imply a christian identity. How many "christians" haven't been to church in years? How many "christians" only tacitly believe the lie? How many of...
  165. OttoHart

    #75548 Do we "inherit" traits from our GD?

    Arem here gave a great response. It is usually not a productive thing to try to assume what your Guardian is. In a case like Lady Astarte, She is one of the highest Gods, and the higher Gods work with less, more specific cases of advanced individuals. Here is one way to see it: treat the...
  166. OttoHart

    Wet fasting?

    I've had some very good results from moving to an intermittent fasting method of one day off, one day on. I have a very active digestion and I seem to be a rarer case, but I do believe it can benefit some people. With this method, I usually never surpass 36 hours, which is where I found the...
  167. OttoHart

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    I was already working towards getting donations set up during December, and this is a pretty good opportunity to do things. The entire idea is also very good, you respected every single legal and moral thing related to a raffle, whereas a lot of similar things online do things in a much...
  168. OttoHart

    hi ( ˇ෴ˇ )

    Do feel welcome to check out all the sites under satanisgod.org. That is the main site portal that will lead to all of our sites. I recommend studying about the Gods, who Satan is, and Meditation, at first. If you ever need help, you can use this Forum for any questions, and there will be...
  169. OttoHart

    6 Months of JoS - to Clergy and to Members

    It happened during Kundalini Yoga for the first time. It was a time where I was doing frankly too much work, and felt too much energy. But I have felt it later on as well, and I'm also more aware that the wings themselves are quite weak and transparent.
  170. OttoHart

    The Gods #964 Has anyone achieved clear contact with Satan, as in he spoke back? If so, how?

    Could be bad grammar, but it's worth mentioning that Gods can appear as both sexes, especially during allegory but sometimes during visions, depending on what the message is.
  171. OttoHart

    What happens after inhaling grey energy?

    You're not spiritually developed enough to effectively kill yourself with spiritual methods, just as you can't kill someone else. Best case scenario you'll get a headache. As someone who's been in your position and was suicidal, I'll be blunt. If you are triggered by graphic imagery, just don't...
  172. OttoHart

    Info about the SATANAMA Meditation

    I use the Sun/Moon breath for balancing as well, almost daily. Really good at putting you into a more comfortable, level state. I do it before any trance work, void meditation or focus meditation. The Complete Yogic breath was also very useful early on, for helping increase my lung capacity...
  173. OttoHart

    Info about the SATANAMA Meditation

    SaTaNaMa is essentially tuning into existence, no better way I can describe it. The energy you feel isn't necessarily healing as much as it is "correcting". It will, over time, "correct" things to their natural flow. It can balance you spiritually, heal you mentally and physically over time, etc.
  174. OttoHart

    Little edit I put together for Outreach. Felt like it was nice enough to share here. [MEDIA]

    Little edit I put together for Outreach. Felt like it was nice enough to share here.
  175. OttoHart

    #11208 working for good skin bad timing?

    "...in a safe and positive way." Don't want to divert focus from other things or whatnot in order to reach the goal in any means. Besides that, I don't think Leo affects things. A working like this you could definitely do on a waning moon, because you are removing imperfections. Focus your...
  176. OttoHart

    Portable version and adaptable of joyofsatan

    Nice! This could be useful to some people. As far as preserving things, however, I'm sure the Clergy has backups upon backups and a lot of them non-internet depending.
  177. OttoHart

    The Gods #972 Why do I feel bad when humanity receives a truth?

    You are probably too young or need to grow more to understand "love" genuinely. You are aware that Satanas is an eternal winner, which is a good thing. And you consider yourself selfish for wanting to be part of the winning team. This comes from personal traumas and insecurities. As long as...
  178. OttoHart

    The Gods #964 Has anyone achieved clear contact with Satan, as in he spoke back? If so, how?

    You need: - clean and open Chakras, and experience with strong energies, as the Gods would be overwhelming otherwise - powerful enough astral senses, which can be improved with the JoS meditations I can communicate with the Gods through bodily feelings in trance, after a God Ritual. It takes me...
  179. OttoHart

    Texas bibles curriculum

    We have consistently had religious education classes in many European countries and they do nothing. Most students are bored to death, and most teachers do not take it seriously. The fact that the bible is shoved in education is a bad thing, yeah, and it does showcase how messed up the world is...
  180. OttoHart

    Rituals #3422 Satan's Joy

    Throw away everything you think you know about Satanism. We are not darkness worshippers.
  181. OttoHart

    6 Months of JoS - to Clergy and to Members

    Today (give or take) marks 6 months since I started genuinely studying JoS for the first time. I am writing this post to tell everyone here what my experience was, how I got here, what I learned here, and to give thanks to some people who genuinely deserve it. Depending on what you are...
  182. OttoHart

    Disgusted with whatever this is.

    Plenty of people have given you the explanations and means to understand things. Meditate, do the actual practices instead of just "studying" (which can only be as good as how open you are regardless). This community has done, and will continue to do, enormous good for people individually, and...
  183. OttoHart

    Pluto: did you notice it?

    I definitely felt some degree of change, but it might be because we were excited for it. These kinds of planetary movements will cause ripples of effects for years, not one moment.
  184. OttoHart

    Workings Question about crystals cleaning/charging.

    While "natural, passive" methods can be used in order to charge or use crystals, the best way to use them is by directing and programming energy yourself and using them as storage or conduits. Once you have learned how to properly use and maneuver energy with the methods JoS offers, you will...
  185. OttoHart

    Workings Question about crystals cleaning/charging.

    This is not about proper absorption of energy, but rather about physical properties. Many crystals will lose their color and undergo chemical changes that will affect their purity (and thus, ability to conduct, store or otherwise affect energy) if left in the sun or in water. There are minerals...
  186. OttoHart

    Seeing an entity when I was young

    Children, due to many factors including an undamaged pineal gland, can see a lot of weird things, including energies, astral entities, and the like. Considering your description, the vision points to concepts associated with basic instincts and the Base Chakra. Unless the event itself was...
  187. OttoHart

    Is New Acropolis Organization safe?

    Safe? Potentially. As efficient and worth studying as JoS? Never. Keep that in mind and you will be able to see any kind of teaching, good or bad, through a "Satanic lens", and get see the truth and the lies within it.
  188. OttoHart

    Hi question about someone I know

    Teach in levels. My girlfriend is apolitical but agrees with things from many political ideologies. Ever since we have been talking more about the history of Spirituality and how jews have negatively affected it, she has opened up to NS. She now says it makes sense. I'd say you can rest assured...
  189. OttoHart

    I'm Not Sure If My Dedication Ritual Was Accepted

    1. Was there even a single mollecule of blood on that paper? 2. Did you truly mean it? If yes to both, it worked.
  190. OttoHart

    Happiness in Awakening!

    I can relate to your early excitement. Settle in, and study. In my opinion, do some breathing exercises in small doses, and try your best at getting some trance in, according to the 6 Month Meditation program. Just lay down for 30 minutes a day, try to not move a single inch. Focus on what...
  191. OttoHart

    Dedication Ritual

    I am working on a post going about everything I learned and progress I made in a few months of JoS. In short, you will wish you did it faster. It truly is a great, healthy, advanced and positive path, and a loyal spiritual family.
  192. OttoHart

    The Gods #929 Belief that I've been Abused and Abandoned by Satan in some way

    Everyone here gave great and constructive advice, that you should follow. I will be the bad cop this go around and point you to some more stern things you need to hear as well. Satanas will help, teach and guide, but he is not going to hold your hand through your entire life, or do your laundry.
  193. OttoHart

    The Gods #933 Hi I need your help

    This advice is advice that has saved a man from suicide, who had exactly the same issues you are experiencing. Treat everything I say very seriously. Nobody here wants to know you died. You seem to be deeply in some dark things, which could either be negative entities harassing you or just...
  194. OttoHart

    Happiness in Awakening!

    Do consider yourself welcome, study our sites, and engage in the Forums. Things can even feel overwhelming if you are studying a lot at the start, because you're just stumbling upon knowledge after knowledge, that might answer year long questions. Take the time to answer those questions for...
  195. OttoHart

    Relationships #931 Tips for a meeting

    You will notice that this can't really be called a spell, barely a meditation, because it's just a thought exercise to help you realize that: 1. You should be comfortable in your skin no matter what. 2. If you genuinely feel love for this person, their presence alone will make you feel more...
  196. OttoHart

    Relationships #931 Tips for a meeting

    Turn every single device off, go somewhere quiet, and sit in complete silence for 20 minutes. Do that again, while imagining that he is also right there next to you, also sitting in complete silence. See what happens. If you're comfortable in that situation, you're ready for whatever happens.
  197. OttoHart

    Other #904 Why should I follow Satan?

    Because you follow the figures of your ancestors, the "Pagan" lineage of Gods, whose history has been hidden and altered over time. Not the figures of the jews, whom you have no relation to (hopefully) and who only care about the jews (not even that, really) and want to enslave all of us...
  198. OttoHart


    Family relations in mythology are to be taken as allegorical unless it is directly stated that they are literal by Clergy. The 7 sons, as far as I know, are confirmed to be literal info about their lineage in Orion. These represent certain allegories and lessons. Lord Set being the son of Ra...
  199. OttoHart

    Who would be harder to convert to SS?

    Based on my Outreach experience: Most NS christians are heavily self absorbed, in a bad way. They think that, because they understood the JQ  materially, they are the best of the best and made the greatest discovery since fire, as if it's some huge achievement to know that and do nothing about...
  200. OttoHart

    The Importance Of The "Self" In The Spiritual Satanism

    Great perspective here. It is what Lord Apollo and the wise Hermes taught us. Existence has an essence, a Form. Beyond form, material existence has no empirical truth, because the empirical material truth of existence is a bunch of energy. It would still be energy if you weren't here, and it...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
