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Valentine's Day


Mar 1, 2023
I was curious about the details of the xians Valentine's Day that most likely is a blasphemy or stolen from our ancestral Pagan traditions.
I had assumed it was similar to the St. Patrick's Day Fraud:
I couldn't find anything in our library, but I will probably do a little research on it when I get the chance, as I'm curious about it.
I know they blasphemed and contorted many of our Gods into xian kike "saints" and I figured Valentine's Day was similarly corrupted.
Valentinus is a Roman name, which generally refers to power, health and well being. This can be seen in modern words like "value, valor, valiant", etc.

The root can be seen in healing Gods like Valerefon.

The word originates from the Sanskrit BALA (बल), which means "strength, power, potency", which I would assume relates to Baalzebul.

The proto-indo-european root is reconstructed as "wal", which can be seen in things like Wallachia, or Valhalla, or the greek Belos.

As for the holiday itself, it is absolutely not christian in origin.
The Romans had the Lupercalia between 13-15 of February, which was dedicated to the God Faunus, and was a fertility festival which is actually where we get the concept of "blind dates" from. People were paired at random and had to hang out and get to know each other, sometimes leading to couples and marriage.
Pope Gelasius shifted it over to st. Valentine's Day around the 400s.

February does have common festivities among many cultures in relation to love, family, fertility and marriage, such as, but not limited to:
Anthesteria, Dísablót, and even Imbolc in some aspects.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
