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Tattoo and Piercing Placement


Feb 22, 2024
I know that tattoos are relatively harmless unless done unprofessionally and not properly taken care of. Are there any specific areas on the body where you should not do a tattoo such as: neck, spine, etc? Same goes with piercings. Are there areas for the body if pierced cause any spiritual blocks? Is there any spirituality attached to tattoos or piercings or is it more of an accessory and detail to the body? Thank you and HAIL SATAN!
Tattoos and piercings do not elevate you spiritually. They are simply an accessory for expression.

You are free to get piercings and tattoos where you want, but I recommend avoiding your face, neck, and hands. Do not suppose that people will treat you with respect because you would do the same for them if they had the same accessories on their face.

Furthermore, be cautious about body modifications that are semi permanent. You may have regrets later.

A meaningful tattoo might have an effect on your psyche and identity, such as seeing that tattoo often and being reminded of something, or just the "freedom of choice" move of getting a piercing.
But these effects are on the mental end, on a low level.

Things like this do not have any effect in terms of spirituality.
Putting toxic poisonous ink inside your skin permanently forever is a bad idea. Putting a piece of metal shrapnel through your body and leaving it in there for the body to try to grow around it and never heal correctly is a bad idea.

If you have not had many physical injuries in your life, you are lucky. But you don't need to purposefully create some. Nothing about it is good.
Putting toxic poisonous ink inside your skin permanently forever is a bad idea. Putting a piece of metal shrapnel through your body and leaving it in there for the body to try to grow around it and never heal correctly is a bad idea.

If you have not had many physical injuries in your life, you are lucky. But you don't need to purposefully create some. Nothing about it is good.
I hope I don't sound too confrontational because I would never want to start any drama, but I feel I have to state the following:

Lady Maxine had many tattoos in Her last incarnation.
I know a Temple Guardian who has tattoos too.
With respect, you might be exaggerating a bit.

Unless you're providing arguments to why tattoo ink would be poisonous, you can't just say something like that without proof or source.

About piercings, I personally don't like them so I won't argue.
I know that tattoos are relatively harmless unless done unprofessionally and not properly taken care of. Are there any specific areas on the body where you should not do a tattoo such as: neck, spine, etc? Same goes with piercings. Are there areas for the body if pierced cause any spiritual blocks? Is there any spirituality attached to tattoos or piercings or is it more of an accessory and detail to the body? Thank you and HAIL SATAN!
Getting tattoos is awesome and has no negative effect on you spiritually what so ever.

Hps Lydia has also mentioned that many of us as well as Hps Maxine had multiple tattoos.

Just use common sense and you’re free to do whatever you like. (Keeping common sense in mind.)
I hope I don't sound too confrontational because I would never want to start any drama, but I feel I have to state the following:

Lady Maxine had many tattoos in Her last incarnation.
I know a Temple Guardian who has tattoos too.
With respect, you might be exaggerating a bit.

Unless you're providing arguments to why tattoo ink would be poisonous, you can't just say something like that without proof or source.

About piercings, I personally don't like them so I won't argue.
Do you think tattoo ink is made of fruit and vegetable juices or something like that? No, they are insane chemicals made from toxic petroleum sources. There is no argument of whether or not these inks are toxic. The argument is about whether or not the poisonous ink gets into your blood where it can affect the rest of your body. And as tattoos fade over time, this is from the ink being damaged and broken apart by UV light radiation, where some of it is then absorbed into the body.

No matter how great a person is or what amazing things the person has accomplished, that does not mean that every single action and choice from every moment of the person's entire life was all the best or healthiest thing to do. We are allowed to make the choice to do unhealthy or dangerous things because we have free will, but that does not mean that every unhealthy action is good for you just because you are capable of doing it.
No matter how great a person is or what amazing things the person has accomplished, that does not mean that every single action and choice from every moment of the person's entire life was all the best or healthiest thing to do. We are allowed to make the choice to do unhealthy or dangerous things because we have free will, but that does not mean that every unhealthy action is good for you just because you are capable of doing it.
You'd think these great people would speak against it if they realized it was a mistake to do so.
Look, I'm not saying that tattoo ink is good for your health, but the chance to develop health issues from getting a tattoo from a respectable tattoo artist is abismally low.

You probably risk your life so much more just by driving your car.

I have researched the matter before answering you now, and there is basically no real, detectable harm by getting a tattoo.
If you don't want it, it's absolutely ok and withing your rights and viceversa, what we shouldn't do, and I guess I am guilty of it too in my previous post, is hold the moral high ground based on how we see the subject. I think you did it when you said:
Nothing about it is good.
Because this is absolutely subjective. Tattoos are drawings, and as such fall under "art" and potentially carry great symbolism, I know my tattoo does.
It is a reminder of what I must strive to become, and it's just aesthetically pleasing. It's a kind of decoration that has been done for millennia.

I apologize if I misunderstood your intentions or if I perhaps overreacted, but I felt the need to state the above.
I guess I just wanted to defend something I like.

I doubt you'll change my mind and I doubt I'll change yours and, now that I think of it, I don't want to, so we can stop discussing before really starting some drama, it is imperative that we Brother and Sisters in Zeus-Satya are united as one as stated by Our God Himself and do not divide ourselves over worthless matters.
Also, tattoo ink nowadays is mostly organic, the only potential issues arise from the presence of some metals used as preservatives, but anyway no "toxic petroleum sources".
I know I said to not continue anymore but this fact had to be stated and I forgot to do so in the previous post.
Do you think tattoo ink is made of fruit and vegetable juices or something like that? No, they are insane chemicals made from toxic petroleum sources. There is no argument of whether or not these inks are toxic. The argument is about whether or not the poisonous ink gets into your blood where it can affect the rest of your body. And as tattoos fade over time, this is from the ink being damaged and broken apart by UV light radiation, where some of it is then absorbed into the body.

No matter how great a person is or what amazing things the person has accomplished, that does not mean that every single action and choice from every moment of the person's entire life was all the best or healthiest thing to do. We are allowed to make the choice to do unhealthy or dangerous things because we have free will, but that does not mean that every unhealthy action is good for you just because you are capable of doing it.
I agree with you 100%.

You explained everything, as I understand it as well.

It is Just damaging the body - and actually, if it is damaging the body it has also a negative effect on your soul. Even if it is so minimal that you do not notice it. But life force is going into containing and maintaining the body/tattoo barrier a so it is not damaging your body so much.
I think everyone is making reasonable points, for or against.

However, let's not exaggerate the consequences of tattoos or piercings.

Admittedly, there is a lack of research done on tattoo ink, and any adverse effects they have found, are correlated rather than being the cause of.

I see that many Zevists consider them to be dangerous and even blasphemous to the body, and they may be correct.

Although, again, anyone getting a piercing on your nose or ear is not going to change your spiritual development with respect to daily TOZ practice. Likewise, getting a tattoo, although technically damaging, is not likely going to cause any life altering change.

Don't be excessive. Relax and go get a piercing or tattoo if you want, but keep in mind the potential risks, even if low.

The Serpent will still rise, regardless.

That's all I have to say and really just my opinion.
Instead of damaging one's body, one could donate the money to ToZ - it will have a more profound and long-lasting effect.
You are allowed to eat 4 sticks of butter if you want to. Is butter dangerous? Not in a normal amount. Is eating 4 sticks of butter a sin? Will the Gods be mad at you if you eat 4 sticks of butter? No. You can do what you want. You will not go to hell for eating 4 sticks of butter. It is your own choice.

It doesn't mean that it is really healthy or harmless, and it doesn't mean that everyone will be happy about it or say that it was a good idea. Some people will say "That is unhealthy, you shouldn't have done that." But it is your own choice.

I see tattoos and piercings as a form of body mutilation. Related to people cutting themselves, or similar self harm. It is causing an injury that will not ever go away. I find it absolutely disgusting on a deep level. But it is not my decision how you will or will not choose to harm yourself.
There is no conflict and no argument. Don't be afraid to tell me any ideas that you want. I am not afraid of hearing something that I disagree with and I don't get offended. Say what you believe, and I will say what I believe.
There is nothing Spiritual about it per se, it certainly will not Elevate you in any way, the Snake will not Rise and Magnum Opus will not accomplish itself. In Magic, too, tattoos have no significant effect.

Tattoos simply influence your Subconsciousness, Programming it with the help of Associations on what exactly the Association is connected with. If you, of course, attach special importance to it. On the other hand, just the psychological aspect can not be written off, you every day and many times refer to your tattoo, you see it sometimes even accidentally on the photo and in the reflection in the mirror, it is very quickly and strongly affect the Subconscious. Similar effect from Affirmations, only in this case it is not something that has real Power, unlike Amulets and Minerals, which can be charged with a certain type of Energy and used in Meditations and Magic.

There is an approximate scheme of correlation between the Body and the different Zodiac Signs:

That is, for example, tattooing on the area for which Libra is responsible (buttocks), involves the House with Cuspid in Libra of the personal Natal Chart, Planet Venus, the House in which it stands, and the 7th House.

This is in theory and how I understand such things. Really though, obviously, and as I said, it doesn't really make much sense. Better to focus on what really works in the here and now.
I know that tattoos are relatively harmless unless done unprofessionally and not properly taken care of. Are there any specific areas on the body where you should not do a tattoo such as: neck, spine, etc? Same goes with piercings. Are there areas for the body if pierced cause any spiritual blocks? Is there any spirituality attached to tattoos or piercings or is it more of an accessory and detail to the body? Thank you and HAIL SATAN!
Unfortunately I had several of them done when I was a teenager.. an age and a period of internal chaos where I decided to have them done with a different mind..

I regretted it, I would like to see my body clean, I tried to ask a specialized center to remove them.. the cost and the pain are mind-boggling.. which then don't even go away completely.. among other things, it is hateful to have to scroll through the negative judgment of others every time who prejudice you even before knowing you as if you were a criminal.

If I could only go back I would NEVER, EVER do them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
