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ZEVISTS: Our New Name, Zeus & Thunder Power - Sat & Zev

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought at central sight all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!
Oh i like this word Zevist already i can fell that there is power behind this word, even when i only pronounce it feels like a word of power/mantra for me, Zevist resonates in me more than the word Spiritual Satanist for some reason.

We are moving into the core of the truth here. I am bringing you back the core of cores. You wanted restoration and you will all be getting it, in the core of the truth. Our knowledge, religion and doctrine, is heading to the eternal core of the Truth, eternal and unchangeable. It's upon the concept of Spiritual Sat*anism [Truth] that Zeus rules.

Patience is required. Show trust to the Gods and be patient. All will make total sense in time.
The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!
We are moving into the core of the truth here. I am bringing you back the core of cores. You wanted restoration and you will all be getting it, in the core of the truth. Our knowledge, religion and doctrine, is heading to the eternal core of the Truth, eternal and unchangeable. It's upon the concept of Spiritual Sat(y)anism [Truth] that Zeus rules.

Patience is required. Show trust to the Gods and be patient. All will make total sense in time.

Oh i'm completely aware of this, and that's exactly what i wanted, I'm SS for a very long time, and i gained A LOT and changed A LOT in this path, it's far too late to just give up, and will continue walking this path for eternity.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Wow! I've been waiting for this sermon on what name we are known by since the first update on the Temple of Zeus! How nice!

Thank you! Is there a specific way it should be pronounced? In the sense of how it is pronounced? Sorry, I don't know Greek...

Symbolism of Zeus

Everything we have always taken for granted over the years about our Gods, explaining that what they embodied was even unclear symbolism is now being explained precisely. Here again I am glad :)

Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section

Update of which I am of necessity most interested lol. The swastika is too important to me! However, it is amazing how the new information you are bringing us has such a short distance. Meaning, I thought months would pass between revelations, and instead you are posting sermons like these with great frequency. Wonderful!

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria

This is clarifying more and more the vision I was telling you about my friend. Good, good. Let's move forward!

"Ζήνας" which means "The Living One"

...do you know that this concept has always been important to me? I used to refer to my God as "the living one." But because of the fact that there was no such knowledge I still thought it was just a remnant of Christian programming (they call their false characters like that). Instead I see that it was nothing to feel guilty about, but something that was always ours!

I am a Zevist

I would be really proud to pronounce this as soon as someone should ask me what I believe in. However, my understanding is that it is such a sacred thing that it should not be uttered in front of those who do not deserve it, am I right?

Let the enemy tremble in terror, for they can no longer isolate us within their false context! Their lies will crumble, their power will fade, and the Eternal Truth will rise once more. We will restore the Original Gods, we will bring forth the Eternal Truth, and we will awaken humanity from the chains of deception!

Hail Sat!
Hail Zev!
The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!
In archaic Italian we have the word Domeneddio (Dominus+Deus), found mainly among author of the Dante's times, around 1300.
Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra
What's the Purpose of Zevists?
, spiritual satanist was quite definitive so will there be new goals, or new frontiers they will be directing their energies towards?
Thank you High Priest, for this beautiful and powerful update 🔥 it is indeed a potent word, to reflect a potent truth ⚡🔥
I will never get over how much instrinsic beauty is embedded in the path of our Gods ♥️

Hail Zeus!⚡♥️⚡ the originator of eternal truth ✨ I am a Zevist! ⚡🌞

Blessed is the Temple of Zeus ⚡
What's the Purpose of Zevists?
, spiritual satanist was quite definitive so will there be new goals, or new frontiers they will be directing their energies towards?

We are the same fundamentally. Spiritual Satanist has always the follower of the God and the Truth. This is what it meant, to be an Initiate. Still valid of a title. But the world can know us in that title instead. Zevist is more direct than anything and society can understand this very clearly.

I was told that romanians believe that Baalzebul is Satan, like another name of him. This as general believe.

I have another question, is the greek letter Υυ a replacement of Ϝϝ that has the sound between V/W?


Let the enemy tremble in terror, for they can no longer isolate us within their false context! Their lies will crumble, their power will fade, and the Eternal Truth will rise once more. We will restore the Original Gods, we will bring forth the Eternal Truth, and we will awaken humanity from the chains of deception!

Hail Sat!
Hail Zev!

They have failed and nothing can stop us now.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!

Phenomenal. Truthful.
InterZevisting indeed. But I guess Satanist is ok too as well. Zevist sounds less evil and dangerous to the NPC people though. And pretty cool too, which is nice.
The origins of languages and words can be very interesting in general.
People are basically programmed by the english language itself to assume God is Good and Devil is Evil.
Maybe even to assume Satan is Hateful or Fatal, who knows. Some knows for sure though. More people should come here and read to know more stuff that's also for sure.
Hopefully more will do so now when it's not so much Fatal Satan anymore, but more Zeus who Rules. To NPC people that is. We here should know both are one and the same, who rules.
Very proud to call myself a Zevist. I see the public revelations are going quite well, I hope everyone within our ranks will pay close attention to your updates, so we can move along and advance to greater heights.
Master, you are great. Your work, the commitment you put into the development of our entire spiritual community are impossible to describe. Thank you for your wise words, thanks to them we can change our common world. The enemies will remove themselves from this world, now is the time for us. I wish you all the best and may the Gods always be close to you.
What a beautiful name Zevist is!

The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!

I was thinking to write on this as well, while reading High Priest's post, although I did not know about DUMN having a deeper meaning than the common "Lord" (domn) one.

"Zeu" on its own, is also a term used for any Gentile God. Dumn-Zeus being literally the "Head God" of the Gentiles is indeed an interesting revelation.
Phenomenal to see how we all agree that "Zev" and "Zevist" sounds powerful, totally agree as well.

Although I have a concern, according to any research on ancient Greek, their pronunciation was different from modern Greek. From what I heard it's a tradition in Greek universities to pronounce AG as MG, but nobody out outside of them does this. A lot of this is also based on how Romans romanized Greek words.

Was Ζευς and Ζήνας actually pronounced as "Zevs" and "Zinas"? According to reconstructed attic pronunciation, it's "Zeus" and "Zenas" (e as in get), but varies from dialect to dialect. Actually they say zeta was pronounced as "zd" like two sounds next to each other but I don't believe that. A Greek grammarian said or a Roman IDK that Zeta is pronounced as sigma + delta which gives this exact "Z" sound if you try to pronounce this two sounds at the same time.

Anyway, is there a definite divine way of pronouncing AG?
Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.
What an exciting time to be alive!

Hail Zeus Lucifer!
I've always been a closed person to new things. But this really means something. I'm curious about the Roman language's connection to Sankskrit.

And that's cool. I think I will continue to call myself a Spiritual Satanist involuntarily for some time to come.
InterZevisting indeed. But I guess Satanist is ok too as well.

It is but what do you get from this, to be associated with and argue for 5 hours per day with NPC's about that you don't sacrifice fetuses for breakfast? It's a never-ending loop with no end and no gains for our side at this point.

Any such things externally should better be avoided. We know, but others are too slow and won't get it. These are the people who are saving and helping also. Internally, we of course can call ourselves whatever we want.

So Zevists it is and moving on.

Phenomenal to see how we all agree that "Zev" and "Zevist" sounds powerful, totally agree as well.

Although I have a concern, according to any research on ancient Greek, their pronunciation was different from modern Greek. From what I heard it's a tradition in Greek universities to pronounce AG as MG, but nobody out outside of them does this. A lot of this is also based on how Romans romanized Greek words.

Was Ζευς and Ζήνας actually pronounced as "Zevs" and "Zinas"? According to reconstructed attic pronunciation, it's "Zeus" and "Zenas" (e as in get), but varies from dialect to dialect. Actually they say zeta was pronounced as "zd" like two sounds next to each other but I don't believe that. A Greek grammarian said or a Roman IDK that Zeta is pronounced as sigma + delta which gives this exact "Z" sound if you try to pronounce this two sounds at the same time.

Anyway, is there a definite divine way of pronouncing AG?

Yes, it was. Pronunciation is exactly as written.

All of this gibberish that is created is just confusion. Languages carry on phonetically. Universities make up all sorts of things so people can sound smart, including confusing information to no end.

Entire segments such as "Plato disagreed with Aristotle" are made up nonsense from the so called researchers who just want to make "something new" and invent nonsense where it's not even existing; similarly, they treat language. They also try to promote the idea that Ancient Greeks were very drastically different for living 10 miles away from each other and endless other nonsense.

Knowing Ancient Greek directly, even modern Greeks, do know some of it and can understand easily what I mean here, or they can verify it by any source. There is no AG unless it's a telephone brand in Ancient Greece or something that I am not aware of. I don't know what modern Universities are doing to Ancient Greeks besides a lot of mistranslations and rubbish when it comes to the Ancient Greek language. I read English translations and I facepalm myself every single day, I am not even sure how they get to most of these conclusions they do (neither are they).

Fascination with a topic done wrongly, can have bad effects to the underlying knowledge.

Master, you are great. Your work, the commitment you put into the development of our entire spiritual community are impossible to describe. Thank you for your wise words, thanks to them we can change our common world. The enemies will remove themselves from this world, now is the time for us. I wish you all the best and may the Gods always be close to you.

May the Gods bless you brother, we are preparing also mega-pages for the All-Father about the Norse mythology etc.
It is but what do you get from this, to be associated with and argue for 5 hours per day with NPC's about that you don't sacrifice fetuses for breakfast? It's a never-ending loop with no end and no gains for our side at this point.

Any such things externally should better be avoided. We know, but others are too slow and won't get it. These are the people who are saving and helping also. Internally, we of course can call ourselves whatever we want.

So Zevists it is and moving on.

I understand that and it is also a bit of what I was referring to in my post; how NPC's see things and how they react if I would say I'm a Satanist or a part of "Joy of Satan".
Zevist is of course better in that case, and I thus understand the change of name which I also explained in a previous post in the thread "Temple of Zeus is now Live".
But on the other hand, if it's a true hardcore NPC weedhead or so then it's quite none-working how I present myself regardless.
The reality is that the power of Zeus is uncorruptible. High Priest HoodedCobra revealed to me something of immense power that people have no idea about.

In Romania, the language which is a heavily influenced by Sanskrit as opposed to the known narrative , has roots in many truthful words and roots.

The universal word in Romania for God is DUMNEZEU. This word is even used the most heavily in Christian liturgies, prayers to God, from old people to children, all virtually pray to and directly with this invocatory word.

As revealed to me directly by High Priest HoodedCobra, this word is a sacred name of Zeus.

The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

DUMN has another dimension of mantric invocatory power, which has the direct root as well on another layer in translation as Master, King, Prince.

DUMN direct translation is BAAL, which is DUMNZEU OR BAALZEUS , BAALZEBUL.

This translates as Supreme God, King of Gods Zeus.

All the corruptions of enemy religions by jews could not destroy and disprove of the care and love of the Gods on humanity. All Romanian people, who follow the Bible, that attacks Satan and Beelzebul and all of this, should know, that at the end of the day, and during all of their existence, they prayed and invoked the true name of God, which is Demon Zeus, which is King Zeus, in the most direct invocatory way.

This blessing has been done by Zeus himself and the ultimate key people who preserved and hidden these failsafe's upon for humanity.

"I pray to Dumnzeu" - YOU PRAY TO BAALZEBUL.




Pray to DMNZEUS and Hail Zeus!
Also in italian, when people pray to God (pregano a Dio (God in italian)), is very much related to Greek Dios, aka Zeus.

Also many of them just want to pray to something good, related to Father of Sky concept, but then they put some rubbish like judaic shit and gospel teachings in it.

But their core wants Zeus.
All of this gibberish that is created is just confusion. Languages carry on phonetically. Universities make up all sorts of things so people can sound smart, including confusing information to no end.

Interesting. Basically everyone believes in these fields that language constantly evolves phonetically. Like for example the founding fathers are British but now the Americans pronounce English slightly differently than the Brits.
They teach ancient Greek like this:
But I guess than it's not correct. To be honest the modern Greek pronunciation does sounds more natural than this.
I want to write a thing.

If so the name of Zeus is written in Ancient Greek as Ζεϝς (Pronunced Zevs or Zews, ϝ if say right, should have a sound between V and W, just like V/W in some RTRs), and we are Zevists (Ζεϝιστς in Ancient Greek), we can give a value to each letter (Isopsephy) and results will be:

Ζεϝ = 7+5+6 = 6+6+6

So we are 666ists, or 18ists.

18x37 is 666 and 18 is 6+6+6 so very much related.

666 is also the value of Ζηνας+Υ(Letter for Jupiter)
I understand that and it is also a bit of what I was referring to in my post; how NPC's see things and how they react if I would say I'm a Satanist or a part of "Joy of Satan".
Zevist is of course better in that case, and I thus understand the change of name which I also explained in a previous post in the thread "Temple of Zeus is now Live".
But on the other hand, if it's a true hardcore NPC weedhead or so then it's quite none-working how I present myself regardless.

You can use any definition that is comfortable.

Also in italian, when people pray to God (pregano a Dio (God in italian)), is very much related to Greek Dios, aka Zeus.

Also many of them just want to pray to something good, related to Father of Sky concept, but then they put some rubbish like judaic shit and gospel teachings in it.

But their core wants Zeus.

BUENOS DIAS (literally, Beautiful Zeus) is the Good Morning for all Spanish speaking people. They praise Zeus in their own language, Dias.

I want to write a thing.

If so the name of Zeus is written in Ancient Greek as Ζεϝς (Pronunced Zevs or Zews, ϝ if say right, should have a sound between V and W, just like V/W in some RTRs), and we are Zevists (Ζεϝιστς in Ancient Greek), we can give a value to each letter (Isopsephy) and results will be:

Ζεϝ = 7+5+6 = 6+6+6

So we are 666ists, or 18ists.

18x37 is 666 and 18 is 6+6+6 so very much related.

666 is also the value of Ζηνας+Υ(Letter for Jupiter)

The 666 is related to Zeus/Satan. This is just further proof of this. We know but it's very interesting.

It's pronounced ZEVS with a strong V, no other sound. The Digamma is also a V sound.
It is but what do you get from this, to be associated with and argue for 5 hours per day with NPC's about that you don't sacrifice fetuses for breakfast? It's a never-ending loop with no end and no gains for our side at this point.

Any such things externally should better be avoided. We know, but others are too slow and won't get it. These are the people who are saving and helping also. Internally, we of course can call ourselves whatever we want.

So Zevists it is and moving on.

Yes, it was. Pronunciation is exactly as written.

All of this gibberish that is created is just confusion. Languages carry on phonetically. Universities make up all sorts of things so people can sound smart, including confusing information to no end.

Entire segments such as "Plato disagreed with Aristotle" are made up nonsense from the so called researchers who just want to make "something new" and invent nonsense where it's not even existing; similarly, they treat language. They also try to promote the idea that Ancient Greeks were very drastically different for living 10 miles away from each other and endless other nonsense.

Knowing Ancient Greek directly, even modern Greeks, do know some of it and can understand easily what I mean here, or they can verify it by any source. There is no AG unless it's a telephone brand in Ancient Greece or something that I am not aware of. I don't know what modern Universities are doing to Ancient Greeks besides a lot of mistranslations and rubbish when it comes to the Ancient Greek language. I read English translations and I facepalm myself every single day, I am not even sure how they get to most of these conclusions they do (neither are they).

Fascination with a topic done wrongly, can have bad effects to the underlying knowledge.

May the Gods bless you brother, we are preparing also mega-pages for the All-Father about the Norse mythology etc.
This will do for me my bro

Hail TOZ
Where did you get the information that Hitler transfered the Zeus altar to Berlin? I can’t seem to find that anywhere. They’re all saying the altar was brought to Berlin before WW1 even.

There is a long history on the Altar of Zeus, both positive and unfortunate. About the connection with the politics around the NS party, refer below, the enemy does all the work to explain how it relates. After the Germans lost the war, the Russians took the Altar but returned it later. It was never fully finished.

he Secrets of Ancient Pergamum: The Seat of Satan (Part 1) - CBN​

Greetings to everyone in our SS family,

I am below going to explain all the background and symbolical processes so that we continue in the path of higher knowledge and awareness. Soon, the Symbols Page in our site will be updated, showing you deeper truths and understanding.

In Ancient Greek, Ζευ or what in English we call Zeus, is pronounced as ZEV or ZEF. In English this is sounding like ZUS phonetically, but this phonetical root is far from ZEFS which is how it truly sounds. If you want to pray to our God, despite of using the names we already know such as Beelzebul or Satan or related you can use ZEFS. Use it and you will see how direct it is.

Moving on, behind these words, we further have the following meanings:

Ζευ - meaning, "I unite", in Ancient Greek. This means also union in all ways; such as the union of the soul, the union of creation, or the unified mind of creation [The "One God" or Unified Consciousness of the Cosmic Mind]. The all-encompassing and all-uniting force, is also related internally in the soul of man - to unite or engage in the Divine Marriage between Shiva and Shakti, the Kundalini Serpent, in order for it to rise. As such, the hidden meaning here (which is fairly obvious) extends not only to the notion of "God" but also to the Godhead itself. The word Ζευ is also correlated to the purpose of uniting male and female to create life, as in the word Ζευ-ω which means "to erotically unite". That union, produces life.

Another name of Zeus, was "Δίας", from where the modern Latin word Deus comes from. This means "I divide". Δίας means "The divider" - as the ultimate power, He can unite, or divide. The division and union are necessary components of life, without which, nothing can happen. The cells of the human body, divide themselves through subsequent divisions coming from the "first united state" of the singular cell organism. After the sperm unites with the egg on the ovum, then there is a division that keeps happening, that keeps producing life. So first, you have union and then, division produces further the notion of all life or existence.

Lastly, another name of Zeus, was "Ζήνας" which means "The Living One". Granted you know the two above, you understand why the names were used; this is the literal process of life. Together, these three names form a trinity.

Subsequently, all of this process happens on the formal basis of the Truth or Cosmic Truth. It can happen nowhere else. Therefore, Satya or whom was called "Satan" is the core essential being upon which this can happen.

We have therefore: Division, Union and Life itself.

In physics, division and union powers when they interplay, they produce electricity or life, or movement. The Negative and Positive poles, interacting, do create forces of repelling, attraction, or explosions related to their interplay. This creates the force that we call electricity or thunder. Electrical current, whether in the form of bioelectricity or in the form of even robotic existence, is necessary to incur movement and life. The nervous system of humans, operates on the thunderbolt power, electrical current, or bio-force, again, the Symbolism of Zeus.

Without this power, there are only inanimate objects without a soul. The soul is also referred to as the Spark. That's why the Ancient Greeks called him ZINAS, because He is the giver of life in creation.

Lightning and visual effect of it, the brightness of electricity, produces light or thunder. Lucifer is supposed to come forward suddenly, causing illumination; the thunderbolt produces the feeling of awareness. This force of thunder, is the force of light and that comes out of the darkness of creation or nothingness, generating existence and life itself. There is no higher power in the universe.

When you meditate, you feel this very force in the form of tingles. This form of power for the Norse was called "Vril" or in English, bioelectricity. It's the power of the Gods and life itself, or the Hinduistic force of Varja. Brahma carries it in his hand to run the universe, like Zeus of course, holds the thunderbolt.

To bring this further into awareness, the letter Z is literally a symbolism of a thunderbolt, or the Sowilo Norse Rune. The theme of the thunderbolt is also related to the Swastika Symbol, which will be explained in the upcoming Symbols section [it has been updated to include our original symbols and not solely answers to the enemy about modern disputes over "Satanic Symbols"].

Now, all of you are familiar here with Baal-Zev-Ul or "Beelzevul" in Sumeria, or "Beelzebub" in the Goetic nonsense. An original, Sumerian and Mesopotamian Head God as He was historically known. As many people are still in love with the Goetic nonsense, I will go over them to explain why restoration to the defaults is far better and clarified. In the case of Beelzebul, the corruption is not as severe.

In all the words of the Gods, their theonyms or divine Names, there is an aspect of that name that carries the powers. In the case of Baal-Zev-Ul, we have the Baal, meaning King [as Zeus is King of the Gods], Zev which is the literal name of Zeus, and UL which is a word for the Light [or we could even say, Lucifer]. Literally, the Name of Zeus is contained in Beelzebul, by breaking the word down.

In regard to the name that the enemy ascribed to our God, also fitting, we have "Sat-an" or "Sat-Anas" which is based on the theonymic root SAT, meaning Eternal Truth. This process to break down the names to arrive to these conclusions was a common philosophical practice of the Initiates of the Gods. Carried out of context, it was perverted into the "prince of evil" and "darkness" and we are aware of these false connotations.

If we go into the Bible, which is the original slander work, it is said: "I saw Satan fall like a THUNDER from heaven" at Luke 10:18. Then, on Revelations they whine that the "Throne of Satan" is in Pergamum, where the Great Altar of Zeus (that Hitler brought all the way back to Berlin...) existed. Nothing cryptic and very direct. Let's examine further.

Who was the original God symbolized by the Thunderbolt, which is demeaned here? Zeus. The symbolism here is very direct. Who was the Leader of the Heavenly Hierarchy that they later called on "Hell" and "Demonic"? Zeus. Who resided in the Heavens [The domain of Zeus or Mount Olympus, Lord of the Heavens, Heavenly Father and so on], the wielder of the Thunderbolt, now "falling from the heaven" of His Authority, in the same way that his own symbol represents Him.

Why does he fall like "Lightining" and not like "Hailstone" or "Rain" or "Meteor" or "Comet"? Because simply, the subconscious message has to be very powerful. It's in front of you. For those who cannot see it, I recommend, to open your perception. It will be clear in time. The future updates will highlight this and explain everything.

Having had enough from their cultural assault, we are moving on in further clarification and re-instatement of the Original Gods.

Moving into the next change, after having explained everything, we will from now on be called "Zevists".

We will be known to the world as ZEVISTS or the "Initiates of Zeus". Following the eternal doctrine of Sat-ya and the Original Gods, we bring the lightining and enlightenment to human beings and to ourselves. This will show people, who we truly are, outside of all confinement labeling as was the case in the past.

Pronounce this to yourself, say "I am a Zevist" and you will feel the ultimate underlying power of this word and title and what it means. As humanity expands on the stars, they will tell other beings that they are "Zevists" and they will respect us - you cannot deny that it looks both Ancient and Futuristic.

In regard to the small difficulty in pronouncing this, it's deliberate. It's something memorable that should not be thrown away senselessly as a word.

This means literally and directly, ZEV, the theonymic root- the Theonymic power of Our God, and -ists, "Those who belong to that power". The children and family of the thunderbolt and the supernal God of Gods. We roll-back in time, before the advent of the enemy and their narratives, in the place of authority and not in the place of being responsive to the enemy's claims.

Restoring the legacy of our Gods and taking them out of the enemy context, they will be finally fully free to operate upon mankind and society. The restraints of the enemy are eclipsing and nothing will remain from them and full restoration of the power of the Gods is at hand.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This was awesome sermon
Zevist. I will use it for a mantra
It's always good to hear from you
Hail Satanas
Hail Zues and the Gods of Hell
And the Gods! !!
Zevista? What is this stuff? Satanist full stop. It's not us who have to adapt to others, it's others who have to adapt to us, with good manners or not. The old layout of Satan's joy was more than fine. All these changes bring nothing but confusion. My personal opinion of course.
There is a long history on the Altar of Zeus, both positive and unfortunate. About the connection with the politics around the NS party, refer below, the enemy does all the work to explain how it relates. After the Germans lost the war, the Russians took the Altar but returned it later. It was never fully finished.

he Secrets of Ancient Pergamum: The Seat of Satan (Part 1) - CBN​

Your source is a christian propaganda channel?

And even they said Hitler didn’t transfer the altar or even had any role in its transfer. It was completely transferred to Berlin by 1930. Hitler came to power in 1933. All these videos say regarding the altar is that Speer, Hitler’s architect, was inspired by the Altar’s asthetics.
Your source is a christian propaganda channel?

And even they said Hitler didn’t transfer the altar or even had any role in its transfer. It was completely transferred to Berlin by 1930. Hitler came to power in 1933. All these videos say regarding the altar is that Speer, Hitler’s architect, was inspired by the Altar’s asthetics.

Thanks for watching the video. What they say, despite of that it's xians saying it, is actually facts that are scholarly. The video is given because it summarizes all these statements.

I have responded to you in the original comment and you have to write that the "source" is a Christian propaganda channel. By brought, I mean brought to center of attention as a museum, not literally carried.

Zevista? What is this stuff? Satanist full stop. It's not us who have to adapt to others, it's others who have to adapt to us, with good manners or not. The old layout of Satan's joy was more than fine. All these changes bring nothing but confusion. My personal opinion of course.

Not sure if you have noticed, but it's the same thing basically. There is no need to go all the way to impose "Satanism" as "Satanism" is nothing else but the religion of the Original Gods. There is no point to exist anymore in that paradigm that is of enemy-centered origin.

In that context, people have to follow the Gods and the originals and impose these, which are also by the way, very natural.

The fact one feels confused as their familiarity is moved on by higher knowledge or power, does not mean that this process is bad. Give it some time and it will all make sense.

If anyone wants to keep the previous names for self-definition, might as well. It's the same thing anyway, but we have to move on from the enemy context if anyone wants the CORE AIM FOR SPIRITUAL SATANISM WHICH TO BEGIN WITH, WAS THE RESTORATION OF THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GODS.

It appears some of you don't like your Gods back. The comfortable theme of being under the jews, persecuted, and being little, is far more comfortable and a victimhood mentality that when replaced with the original truth of superiority and dominance from our side [which predates the enemy] strikes off as strange. But it is not strange, it's the consistent reality of what existed prior, before the advent of the enemy. The enemy's claims or adaptation in their context is just secondary, not primary.

The novels from 1960's with the capes and and the related goat heads. I know, I loved it too very much, but I had to also move on to the core essence of things. Actually it was the Gods that pushed this process. Fair enough. Adopt these but let the rest of us move on, there is serious work that needs to be done and time won't wait for the conceptions of comfort that everyone thinks are more important than the truth.

The truth is that this process ends way beyond the mere oddities of "Satanism" and related titles from the 1960's onward. There is a larger context here. We expand upon the original context.
The word is formed as DMN + ZEUS. DMN is the Demon, the roots of Daimonos and Zeus, forming the epithet of Zeus as Zeus Demonion.

All my life I have loathed this word due to not knowing better. I am so glad it was proved to belong to us in the first place. 🔥

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
