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In Ancient Times God Spoke to Man

Even among the ranks of the Enemy infested church, there were some people keeping some wisdom alive, and it is to those that we owe our current position. I made it a point to mention that.
As one of those little pieces of surviving wisdom, we have this painting of "adam and God".
Michelangelo_-_Creation_of_Adam_(cropped) (1).jpg

Depicting the "father" aspect of the christian God in a drawing was seen as quite heretical, and one of the reasons is that, as can be clearly seen, if you aren't drawing rabbi yeshua, the main way to draw God in a comprehensive way... is just Zeus. This just looks like Zeus.

Besides some other symbolism here, what is relevant to the post is the way their fingers are drawn.
God's finger is fully extended, while "adam" has his index finger relatively relaxed.

This points us to the fact that the Divine is always there, ready for us to reach it, but we must meet it halfway.

In ancient times, God spoke to man. But, in all times, man must also speak to God.
This is beautiful. I hope this channel is blessed and the right people find it.
The channel is massively blessed, and the right people will find it; some have already done so.
...I have ALL the symptoms of level two, but I don't understand how to get to level three... :(
Oh, about the video. It was excellent, but the ending was a bit too abrupt.
I agree, and not just this one, it happens in several videos, the ending should be expanded, a few seconds of silence while the background music fades out.
These videos are Very good and Very necessary.

They demonstrate high professionalism and seriousity, while also being highly informative.
HPS Maxine has mentioned that a lot of people are listeners rather than readers, so these videos are necessary for that purpose also - for all the lazy none-readers and newcomers out there. Looking forward to see more of this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
