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Hello, I want to discuss the magic of sigils with you.
A long time ago on the internet I came across additional information that I had not found in JoS. (I must say that I do not possess the absolute truth and therefore the text or my reasoning may not be free from possible errors).
In the past I tried the magic of sigils, I created my own sigil, activated it and surprisingly they were full of power, they worked for any purpose (including black magic), however it is not possible to easily deduce what led to the success of my objectives, given that some time ago I did not control the voids of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky, at most only the phase of the moon, so I had little coordination with my operations and my spells, furthermore a strong belief in the success of a ritual could contribute to the success of the ritual itself.
From what I've read (it may not be true since there is so much misinformation outside of JoS) to activate one of the created seals you have to stare at it intensely, go into a sort of semi-trance and meditate on the seal and the final step would be to burn it (this would allow the seal to project itself more strongly into the ethereal world). However, there would also be enhancements for a ritual, that is, writing a note with the intentions and burning it, however some have "modified" the type of ritual by also fusing it with the magic of numbers.
For example if I w
As for creating a seal independently, for example, I found a guide on this link (+ backup):

How To Create Sigils: Big Power In A Little Symbol - The Occult Witch
Learn how to create and activate powerful sigils for manifestation. Master this ancient magical art of transforming intentions into symbols, with step-by-step guidance for beginners.

https://web.archive.org/web/2025020...cultwitch.com/blog/2016/12/21/creating-sigils (Backup)
In summary, to create a power seal you need to:
1. Define the Intention
The first step in creating a sigil is to clearly decide what you want to achieve. This goal must be formulated very specifically so it can be translated into a short phrase. The clearer your intent, the more effective the sigil will be.
“I want to achieve success in my job.”
“I desire to attract abundance into my life.”
2. Write the Affirmative Statement
Now, turn your intention into a positive affirmation, making sure it is in the present tense. The affirmation should be concrete and not vague. Eliminate any negative or conditional words.
“I have success in my job.”
“I am prosperous and attract abundance.”
3. Reduce the Affirmation to Letters
Take the phrase you’ve created and remove all vowels and duplicate letters. This process simplifies your intention and creates a "code" that is more powerful and concentrated.
Example (for the phrase “I have success in my job”):
Phrase: "I have success in my job"
Remove vowels: "H v sccss n m j b"
Remove duplicate letters: "H V S C N M J B"
This string of remaining letters is now the basis of your sigil.
4. Create the Sigil
Now use the remaining letters to create a graphic form. Arrange them in a way that creates a unique and symbolic design. The form of the sigil can be abstract and does not need to follow any logical order. What’s important is that you feel comfortable with the design and that it represents your intent.
You can use lines, curves, and geometry to connect these letters, or you can modify and stylize them until you create a symbol that "speaks" to your subconscious.
5. Activate the Sigil
Once the sigil is designed, it's time to activate it. The activation of the sigil is the step where you imbue it with your intent. There are various ways to do this, but one of the most common methods in chaos magic is to use altered states of consciousness.
Common activation techniques:
Meditation or visualization: Focus on the sigil and visualize your intent. Imagine seeing it in action, as if it has already been realized. You can also visualize the sigil glowing or charging with energy.
Charging ritual: You can charge the sigil by performing a symbolic act such as lighting a candle or incense while you meditate on the sigil. Some practitioners also use heartbeats, focusing their energy on the sigil.
Masturbation technique (intense gnosis): Another method used in chaos magic is inducing a state of intense excitement (physical or emotional), which can be achieved through various means (exercise, stress, pleasure, etc.). In this state, you look at the sigil and charge it with intent.
6. Release the Sigil
Once the sigil has been activated, it is important to “release” it from your mind. You should not continue thinking about the sigil or its intent. Chaos magic is based on the idea of acting without fixating on the outcome. Once the sigil is activated, its energy should be allowed to work freely.
Releasing the sigil means: not thinking about its meaning anymore, not obsessing over the result. Let your unconscious mind handle it.
7. Observe and "Collect" the Result
After releasing the sigil, the key is to remain open to how the intent will manifest in your life. You may not see immediate results, but things will start to shift in unexpected ways. It's helpful to stay aware of signs and changes that may occur.