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- Dec 12, 2019
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When you look at the Necronomicon book and meditations, you will have different Sigils for each chakra. The same goes for Sanskrit Sigils, different gods have different sigils, so do the chakras by god I am referring to both Chakras (Gods), and Gods like Lakshmi, Shiva, and Vishnu (I haven't seen sigils for those yet, and I don't trust internet to tell me they're going to be correct) We've already seen most of the sources on internnet including youtube have chakras aligned in a wrong way.
Sadhguru also mentioned these --- Nadis meet at different points, and those points are called chakras (I believe; please correct me if I am wrong) - All nadis meet at Solar Plexus
-Sadhguru has said that chakras are triangles and that the human body is made up of triangles.
-The nadis always meet in the form of triangles.
How does meditation work when one meditates on Sigil? Does it unblock the chakras (A of soul's part), invoke an intention?, or direct communication or guidance from a real god entity?
- I think sigils are subtle intent that affects the subtle body (If this is the case, then is it the Pranic body, Mind Body, Etheric, or some other)
I was reading this ( post of user "zdarkblow", where another site is sourced to create one's own sigils. How do they work?
The Sigil SS has a thunderbolt/lightning (What does it represent)? - It is sharp.
On the other hand, Necronomicon sigils for chakras are too complex for someone to visualize in a single attempt (I don't know if someone's able to do that, but when I did the majority of sigils of Necronomicon)- I had to open and close my eyes again and again, then look at sigils to make the visual image inside my mind.
- It would be appreciated a lot if I could learn how sigils work (Specifically Necronomicon sigils of each chakra)
I also want to know about Visualization (And how colors affect) - I know they affect us, but I don't understand why and how (This can be a separate topic)
I am more interested in the working of Sigils; I know about Visualization and Planetary squares (The easiest way to define planetary squares in my mind would be doing daily reps for chakras when the planets that affect and rule them are powerful 'In their home sign and at the right hour.'
When I think about our galaxy in particular, and remember Thoth's words, "As above, so below," "Seven are they, mighty in power, (Chakras I believe is what's meant here)."
There will be different galaxies in this universe, and indeed your soul will not be compatible with the planets of other galaxies (This is hypothetical, and I could be wrong) - I think this because we'll be out of the influence of the planets in our solar system like Mars, mercury, venus, etc. (Chances of Sun being in other galaxies is high)
There's a channel on YouTube where it talks about some planets of other galaxies that are discovered to have more than 1 moon. (I don't know what it signifies)
Sadhguru also mentioned these --- Nadis meet at different points, and those points are called chakras (I believe; please correct me if I am wrong) - All nadis meet at Solar Plexus
-Sadhguru has said that chakras are triangles and that the human body is made up of triangles.
-The nadis always meet in the form of triangles.
How does meditation work when one meditates on Sigil? Does it unblock the chakras (A of soul's part), invoke an intention?, or direct communication or guidance from a real god entity?
- I think sigils are subtle intent that affects the subtle body (If this is the case, then is it the Pranic body, Mind Body, Etheric, or some other)
I was reading this ( post of user "zdarkblow", where another site is sourced to create one's own sigils. How do they work?
There is no single, definitive method for designing your own sigil. The method I use is one of the more traditional versions but any method that allows you to condense an intention into a single symbol will work. The important part is that you feel that the symbol has power when you are finished. To this end, the choice of method largely depends on your personal sense of aesthetic and how much effort you need to expend to achieve it.
The Sigil SS has a thunderbolt/lightning (What does it represent)? - It is sharp.
On the other hand, Necronomicon sigils for chakras are too complex for someone to visualize in a single attempt (I don't know if someone's able to do that, but when I did the majority of sigils of Necronomicon)- I had to open and close my eyes again and again, then look at sigils to make the visual image inside my mind.
- It would be appreciated a lot if I could learn how sigils work (Specifically Necronomicon sigils of each chakra)
I also want to know about Visualization (And how colors affect) - I know they affect us, but I don't understand why and how (This can be a separate topic)
I am more interested in the working of Sigils; I know about Visualization and Planetary squares (The easiest way to define planetary squares in my mind would be doing daily reps for chakras when the planets that affect and rule them are powerful 'In their home sign and at the right hour.'
When I think about our galaxy in particular, and remember Thoth's words, "As above, so below," "Seven are they, mighty in power, (Chakras I believe is what's meant here)."
There will be different galaxies in this universe, and indeed your soul will not be compatible with the planets of other galaxies (This is hypothetical, and I could be wrong) - I think this because we'll be out of the influence of the planets in our solar system like Mars, mercury, venus, etc. (Chances of Sun being in other galaxies is high)
There's a channel on YouTube where it talks about some planets of other galaxies that are discovered to have more than 1 moon. (I don't know what it signifies)