You need to find it and throw away, in my opinion.
Having such a filthy book in your living area, will disturb your mind - as it's evident you are disturbed by reading this post. A disturbed mind may reduce focus while in meditation as it's worried about that "book". Also, that filthy book made of shit has very negative vibration in it and may manifest negativity.
When I was a kid, my parents put a "virgin mary" hanged on the wall over my bed, and my grandparents sent a lot of prayers to that piece of trash to "protect me", for many years.
Much later, I moved to my own house, and my father gave me a box of stuff from the family house, that was mine. I left the box unopened as I was busy, in the subsequent nights I often woke up disturbed by negative energies, it was like a sort of thoughform harassing me, I just can't see but only sense them. Anyway, when I opened the box I found that garbage virgin may in it, so I immediately trashed it outside of the home and cleaned the house - my nights became peaceful again.
I don't know if this is your case, as my item was charged with many prayers and even my own psychic energies : when I was very young I obviously believed the virgin would have protected me... if I were you I would avoid the risk of owning a source of negative energy. Indeed, as you accepted this torah, it is your own copy now. I try not tot underestimate the value of conscious actions.