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Im Confused With The Name


New member
Feb 22, 2025
I Under Satan Is Still God In A Sense And Has Gone By Many Names Throughout History, And That This Aristocratic Society Is Now Called ToZ In Order To Attract More Members, But I Have 3 Questions

1 - Is Grand Prescence Thats Gone By Many Names Known As The Eternal TRUTH Satya Or Is Satya The Aspect Of Discovering Whats Eternally True

2 - Satan Has Gone By Many Names - Zeus, Baal Ect, But On The ToZ Website It Says Zeus Or Satan Is Actually Thor When I Thought He Was Odin, And What Happened To Satan Being The Light Bringer [Apollo] And Being Depicted On The Old JoS Site As Having Almost Angelic Wings And An Appearance Similar To Apollo? He Cant Be Zeus And Apollo At The Same Time Can He,

3 - Have Any Beliefs Changed, Ive Always Been Telepathicly Told That Satan In A Way Is Just A Code Word Our Jewish Enemies Use To Slap Over Any Sort Of Paganic Rise Or Any Non Jewish Anti Christian Surges, But Have Any Beliefs Changed Surrounding Satan?
1 - Satya is the essence of Truth that permeates all of existence, the being we call Zeus is this essence manifested as a being.

2 - Satan is both Odin and Thor. As master of the mysteries and all-father, he is Odin. As patriarch of the Nordics and masculine God-King, he is Thor. Thor being Odin's son is an allegory for this flow of "falling" from the higher planes to the material planes, which is reflected in both Zeus's identity as a manifestation, but also the material world itself being created through a constant non-temporal descending process from higher dimensions.
What HPS Maxine has seen and communicated with is the Nordic Avatar of Satya that manifested by being born among the Nordics in Du'at, which is why He is stated to be 500.000 years old despite him being infinite and outside of time.
He was never identified to be Apollo, Apollo is Azazel, and Azazel and Satan/Baalzebul are two distinct entities.
Lightbringer is an epithet that can be attributed to many Gods, as they are themselves 'astral suns' that convey the Divine to the material. The Gods often share titles.

3 - Satan has been used by jews as synonymous with evil, yes. This subconsciously severs consciousness from Satya on the lower levels of consciousness through traumatic association.
However, the word itself is just fine.
Besides the revelation that Baalzebul and Satan refer to different aspects of the same being, nothing else has changed.
1 - Is Grand Prescence Thats Gone By Many Names Known As The Eternal TRUTH Satya Or Is Satya The Aspect Of Discovering Whats Eternally True
Both. Satan is the embodiment and essence of truth.

2 - Satan Has Gone By Many Names - Zeus, Baal Ect, But On The ToZ Website It Says Zeus Or Satan Is Actually Thor When I Thought He Was Odin, And What Happened To Satan Being The Light Bringer [Apollo] And Being Depicted On The Old JoS Site As Having Almost Angelic Wings And An Appearance Similar To Apollo? He Cant Be Zeus And Apollo At The Same Time Can He,
The names you have mentioned are all names of Satan, except Apollo who is Azazel.

3 - Have Any Beliefs Changed, Ive Always Been Telepathicly Told That Satan In A Way Is Just A Code Word Our Jewish Enemies Use To Slap Over Any Sort Of Paganic Rise Or Any Non Jewish Anti Christian Surges, But Have Any Beliefs Changed Surrounding Satan?
For the enemy the word “Satan,” is a function of action, meaning enemy, or the one who challenges, in the subject of judgment.
It's not necessarily only about appealing and attracting new members, it's about detaching from jewish slanderous descriptions of our Gods and to stop playing their kike games and following their kike/kosher rules.
Although we have seen through this attempt at stopping Satan's true followers and children from following Him, Satan does mean "adversary" in hebrew.
I can understand how healthy it is to detach from a judaic name and description, and to return to our true roots which predate their kikel drivel. We owe them nothing. Not adhering to their filthy rules and desecrations feels great to me, although I will always love the Gods, and remember how I came to Them even in Their marred and blasphemed forms meant to scare me into the arms of the thoughtform rabbi jewsus.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
