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"Is HP HoodedCobra666 in the wrong?" (Troll Arguments)


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
Seems those shekelsteinbergs are that terrified. Such miserable existence.

If so, defintely a poor attempt! Somehow i think the Temple of Zeus will survive..

Since some slanders to Satya have been uttered, I feel the liberty to respond to these arguments of hatred to Hp HoodedCobra666 as if "they were slanders for a higher cause."

The Jews have simply gone too far in their spending all their time being the antithesis of how the whole universe works (Satya that is, the concept of "Truth" was deeper in Sanskrit, but it is off-topic now). They have gone so far beyond that the universe is simply reacting with powerful antibodies to destroy this nasty virus that is the Jew.

The Temple of Zeus will be eternal. It has always been eternal. Satan has ALWAYS meant "ETERNAL Truth." There was not a time when Satan temporarily "changed his name" because a Jew preferred it to mean "adversary." The universe is eternal (check HPS Maxine Dietrich's old post on the Big Bang and Lilith), so it follows eternal laws to function. So yes, Satan is eternal. And if the universe itself is eternal, something that was genetically created and introduced to be the antithesis of the eternal universe CANNOT be eternal in itself. By simple definition.

Also, If you look at the anti-Semitism that has literally exploded everywhere now, it started from the events in Gaza where as usual the Jews went too far because of their Jewish nature of never having a limit on how evil and greedy they have to be in this.

But by now, if you open the social media, all the people are posting and sharing and posting again and again a lot of new videos showing that the Jews are enemies by nature. Nobody thinks much about Gaza these days, they're discovering more and more Jewish crimes beyond Gaza.

So there is just no way the Jews can make up for it or "turn back," this is the point of no return for them. Even if they started sending apple pies instead of the usual missiles to the Palestinian people, people would still continue to use the WWW (666, but that's another topic as well) to spread how Jews have always been lying and murderous enemies of everything that belonged to the universe and IT'S CLEAR THAT EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE LIKE HP HOODEDCOBRA666 DOES A GOOD THING TO RECONSTRUCT THE UNIVERSE ITSELF, THE JEW BLAME HIM FOR THAT by making him appear """""the wrong guy""""" for his only crime of not wanting to disintegrate the universe too (with USELESS attempts that so far will ONLY lead to the destruction of all that is Judaism in all its manifestations. And ONLY to that!)

But you know, dear guys, they were doing the same thing with HPS Maxine Dietrich after all. This love of slanderous trolls for HPS Maxine Dietrich IS JUST A FUCKING LIE. The same standard group of Jewish trolls had NO PROBLEM telling false stories about HPS Maxine at the time. Those who know can confirm this. The (real) old members remember it for sure without me having to stand around repeating highly blasphemous things toward everything nice that exists.

Now that HPS Maxine no longer writes (for personal reasons and not because she is "sick"- missing HPS Maxine meme) for these trolls it would be useless to attack her. But if she had a way to write a single sermon to say "yes, I know about HPHC and I approve" as indeed HPS Lydia herself asked the Gods of this change and reported the SAME THING ("global conspiracy?" Lol), these "faithful" trolls would say the same things, like "HPS Maxine is crazy" "she never had contact with Satan", etc. When someone lies exclusively to slander they CAN SAY EVERYTHING, THE CONTRARY OF EVERYTHING AND EVEN A COMBINATION OF THE TWO!
I am an old member, and as such, I remember this gramps Brian Gibbons. Also, someone by the nickname 'Red Sparrow' or some such...

Lady Maxine, HPs Hooded Cobra and (now HPs) Lydia have more than proven their loyalty to Satan. Why 'now'? Simple, HPs Lydia has ALWAYS been loyal, truthful to a fault.

Some random kosherfucker will not change this. Sure, we can read such inane ramblings of Gibbons, or lately of some other kids who slander our HPS, but let this not encourage others to ask questions to which they are NOT ready for.

On the topic of old members - Alisson Passino, does anyone know what happened to her? Do I remember correctly that she was blind?
I am an old member, and as such, I remember this gramps Brian Gibbons. Also, someone by the nickname 'Red Sparrow' or some such...

Lady Maxine, HPs Hooded Cobra and (now HPs) Lydia have more than proven their loyalty to Satan. Why 'now'? Simple, HPs Lydia has ALWAYS been loyal, truthful to a fault.

Some random kosherfucker will not change this. Sure, we can read such inane ramblings of Gibbons, or lately of some other kids who slander our HPS, but let this not encourage others to ask questions to which they are NOT ready for.

On the topic of old members - Alisson Passino, does anyone know what happened to her? Do I remember correctly that she was blind?
I remember a Brian gibbons, old fucker lol

what insane ramblings has he been spouting recently?
I am an old member, and as such, I remember this gramps Brian Gibbons. Also, someone by the nickname 'Red Sparrow' or some such...

Lady Maxine, HPs Hooded Cobra and (now HPs) Lydia have more than proven their loyalty to Satan. Why 'now'? Simple, HPs Lydia has ALWAYS been loyal, truthful to a fault.

Some random kosherfucker will not change this. Sure, we can read such inane ramblings of Gibbons, or lately of some other kids who slander our HPS, but let this not encourage others to ask questions to which they are NOT ready for.

On the topic of old members - Alisson Passino, does anyone know what happened to her? Do I remember correctly that she was blind?
I also remember Gibbons and other similar trolls on Yahoo groups, back then I was just starting out and a beginner.
I am an old member, and as such, I remember this gramps Brian Gibbons. Also, someone by the nickname 'Red Sparrow' or some such...

Lady Maxine, HPs Hooded Cobra and (now HPs) Lydia have more than proven their loyalty to Satan. Why 'now'? Simple, HPs Lydia has ALWAYS been loyal, truthful to a fault.

Some random kosherfucker will not change this. Sure, we can read such inane ramblings of Gibbons, or lately of some other kids who slander our HPS, but let this not encourage others to ask questions to which they are NOT ready for.

On the topic of old members - Alisson Passino, does anyone know what happened to her? Do I remember correctly that she was blind?

That is so funny. Just the other day, I was actually thinking about Gibbons and how he tried using fear-mongering to sabotage ToZ with that ridiculous sob-story claiming he got caught and jailed up by a cop, and then handed the JoS website over (like, what does that have to do with him getting caught anyway?), supposedly "exposing" all of us. What a joke. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself.

The slanderers and trolls have come and gone since the day I joined, and long before that, always using the same worthless tactics. It got old a long time ago. They’re going nowhere, just wasting their time, while we continue our ascent toward Godhood and the Golden Age. Cheers!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
