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"Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

TopoftheAbyss said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I thought the first 12 hours of the day were am and the next ones were pm.

Hello sorry to bother you on this old post,could you maby tell me who all the SS were on that photo. Who was the first man on the left of hitlers side. And the guy who stands out with his robe
I'm not really sure what you're asking but if I understand correctly the first man on the left of hitlers side is Goebbels and the one in his robe is Goering. Sorry but I don't know all of them, i still have a lot of history to study until I come to Hitler.
I found this:
From Left to right: Nazi leaders photographed in 1933; Justice Minister Kerri, Josef Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Roehm; Herman Goring, Minister Darre, Heinrich Himmler head of the SS, Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess, Finace Minister Frick

Thank you.. I almost look like Goebbels thats why i was asking haha
TopoftheAbyss said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I thought the first 12 hours of the day were am and the next ones were pm.

Hello sorry to bother you on this old post,could you maby tell me who all the SS were on that photo. Who was the first man on the left of hitlers side. And the guy who stands out with his robe
I'm not really sure what you're asking but if I understand correctly the first man on the left of hitlers side is Goebbels and the one in his robe is Goering. Sorry but I don't know all of them, i still have a lot of history to study until I come to Hitler.
I found this:
From Left to right: Nazi leaders photographed in 1933; Justice Minister Kerri, Josef Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Roehm; Herman Goring, Minister Darre, Heinrich Himmler head of the SS, Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess, Finace Minister Frick

Yes they look so beautiful Satanic to me, thay were the real deal. Do you think they are watching us,like our Gods are?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Hello sorry to bother you on this old post,could you maby tell me who all the SS were on that photo. Who was the first man on the left of hitlers side. And the guy who stands out with his robe
I'm not really sure what you're asking but if I understand correctly the first man on the left of hitlers side is Goebbels and the one in his robe is Goering. Sorry but I don't know all of them, i still have a lot of history to study until I come to Hitler.
I found this:
From Left to right: Nazi leaders photographed in 1933; Justice Minister Kerri, Josef Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, Ernst Roehm; Herman Goring, Minister Darre, Heinrich Himmler head of the SS, Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess, Finace Minister Frick

Yes they look so beautiful Satanic to me, thay were the real deal. Do you think they are watching us,like our Gods are?
I know only about Hitler and His wife having finished the Magnum Opus. Maybe the rest got reincarnated on a safe planet where they could finish the Magnum Opus in peace.
Maybe their souls were advanced enough to remain the same people they were when they died. Or maybe they just explored their previous lives and chose to be these great people that fought alongside Hitler.
If any of this happened they had a lot of help from the Gods.
One thing I want to mention here. Speaking of spiritual energy and this includes subliminals, the way those goddamned Jews have been airing those pharmaceutical commercials for the past several years in attempts to get everyone sick.
Look what's happening. Only this time their shit backfired on them.

Also, is that rotten pedophile Pope really still alive? The way that Vatican lies, I wonder. Christian preachers and Jewish rabbis are getting hammered with this coronavirus. Same with Islam.

65 hassidim who visited US hospitalized in Israel with coronavirus https://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News...ospitalized-in-Israel-with-coronavirus-621957

The deal with that foul rotten pedophile Pope is, the Catholic morale would take a sharp dive if the maggot croaked.

All this happening with passover and Easter. Oh my! Also, extensive revenue pissed down the drain through tourism canceled to those 3 holy week hot spots, Spain, Israel and Italy.

As pollution is easing, so is spiritual pollution.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Time an time your words and teachings echo through my mind great high priestess Maxine.

I was rereading some things you posted. I really wonder too. Anyhow, since you have worked so hard, been so brave. It has been the very encouragement for me to continue on this fight. To continue with this spiritual warfare when ive felt weak myself. Sometimes it can be difficult, having a target placed on your back. FEAR is for the weak though.

I promise Maxine as hard as you fight and as much effort as you put towards this war. I stand with you amplifying that a hundred fold times infinity. I promise you judgement will be brought all through the vatican. So nobody has to wonder no more. "Magick is 100% legal". They don't know who they have pissed off we have the gods. They found one of my family members dead covered in blood. So I will be directing this more into this war. More of my own raw emotions for magick.

Me and many other people on the forums miss you great high priestess Maxine. Exalted are you for all eternity for the hard works you have put in. I remember stumbling upon you as a child. It looked as if you were the only one working towards opening the gates truly at the time. Since then the JOS has grown a lot. I'm happy to see this. Now many stand with you putting In that same work as a family.

Hail Satan!!
Time an time your words and teachings echo through my mind great high priestess Maxine.

I was rereading some things you posted. I really wonder too. Anyhow, since you have worked so hard, been so brave. It has been the very encouragement for me to continue on this fight. To continue with this spiritual warfare when ive felt weak myself. Sometimes it can be difficult, having a target placed on your back. FEAR is for the weak though.

I promise Maxine as hard as you fight and as much effort as you put towards this war. I stand with you amplifying that a hundred fold times infinity. I promise you judgement will be brought all through the vatican. So nobody has to wonder no more. "Magick is 100% legal". They don't know who they have pissed off we have the gods. They found one of my family members dead covered in blood. So I will be directing this more into this war. More of my own raw emotions for magick.

Me and many other people on the forums miss you great high priestess Maxine. Exalted are you for all eternity for the hard works you have put in. I remember stumbling upon you as a child. It looked as if you were the only one working towards opening the gates truly at the time. Since then the JOS has grown a lot. I'm happy to see this. Now many stand with you putting In that same work as a family.

Hail Satan!!
Amplifind that one-hundred times? And how do you do it, if I may ask?
Amplifind that one-hundred times? And how do you do it, if I may ask?

What i do to contribute, to manifiest amplified one hundred times infinity.

I plant the seeds, I water them, give them dirt and let the sun shine on them and repeat. It's about intentions. Hard work and dedication with knowledge sprinkled ontop. Regardless who ever may feel brave enough to stand agaisnt dedicated satanists, their bravery is their foolishness. Satan is our father of magick and with it we will prevail. We already are winning if you cannot see it.

It is like the universe expanding. The snow ball effect of our efforts. It's already set in motion. Only rapidly growing at this point. Just like the universe. Infact the entire world is realigning itself the more we fight. The more we remove obstacles for humanity and ourselves. From the worlds very core, to ours and all of creation. it is realigning as we are setting the world free and cursing our enemy. With the world as it expands a hundred fold faster than what only one could possibly imagine. Beyond to infinity.

Very soon and I mean soon. Marks another wave. Where the tides come in for cleansing. For those who were crying from the depths they were trapped in due to suppression, due to the curses put upon us and this world. They will be freed. Their cries will be heard. Justice with be birthed furthermore. It's been a ongoing battle, but step by step we are getting there.

Now ive been putting in lots of hard work. I'm eager to see how far I can go by myself. I've been feeling it from within for awhile now even though I've been actively fighting. I'm obviously stirring up something in the cauldron and im ready to come out with it and do what I can to shake the world. I either make a fool of myself and put myself in a position where I have to dig deeper through more hard work or I put on a show for the entire forums to see. Either way. It is worth it in the end because I've already decided to make the most out of it regardless. Wouldn't be my first show personally nor my last, just havent put one on for my family here entirely yet. Havent pointed it out as clear as I have now either. Something as big as this.

In the end the enemy will scramble, trip and fall into the destructive darkness placed within and around them. They cannot close the gates no matter how hard they tried because many have relentlessly been working to pry them open. Including I myself along with many here.. RTRs are our friend here. While they our enemies fall, we will rise awakening humanity with us, shattering their shitty veil.

After what I've endured personally and seen that theyve threatened our satanic family countless of times too. It is only fair game. I will take that honor in marching forth myself for something big. Even if I do draw attention. It's nothing new to them. I'm already on their shitty watch list been harrassed because ive pulled off similiar shit and theyre scared shitless. Like I said I either make a fool of myself having to dig within more or I pull something off great. It isn't my first or my last and I will remind them the great words of our high priestess Maxine! When HPS Maxine said herself it's time to show them what real magick is.

Hail Satan.
After what I've endured personally and seen that theyve threatened our satanic family countless of times too. It is only fair game. I will take that honor in marching forth myself for something big. Even if I do draw attention. It's nothing new to them. I'm already on their shitty watch list been harrassed because ive pulled off similiar shit and theyre scared shitless. Like I said I either make a fool of myself having to dig within more or I pull something off great. It isn't my first or my last and I will remind them the great words of our high priestess Maxine! When HPS Maxine said herself it's time to show them what real magick is.

Hail Satan.
"Its time to show them what real magick is"

Aum 🙏Hasn't even been a full year since this was posted.
What a fitting end.
It is not the end yet. Only my entertainment. He can suffer for awhile still. I stand with you though. Soon.

Millions of catholics been going around trying to "pray" to spare what ever life is left in this mans pathetic body. They really believe he is a good man, but don't see the pedophile in his heart. Or the monster that exist within his spirit. I got a glimpse head on of what he was still connected too when cursing him. It is unfortunate. Yet the pope deserves everything coming his way.

With the head of their church flopping around like a dying fish. Makes one wonder. Where is your little sky daddy? This is perfect too because the abrahamic religions have been rising again. Lol "pope healed one day" SIKE choke bitch! "Pope is on the way to recovery now" SIKE choke again etc. I am more than pleased with how this has been going.

The churches have the blood of millions of innocent lives on their hands. And played their part in the destruction of our people and this planet. It is a debt due and a reward I've come to collect personally. With or without support in this it'll be done anyways. With the tides in favor or against it'll be done as well. It's something that is long over due. Now the pope can fall with the church.

All it takes is the head to come off and the rest drops with it. Look at the financial crisis of the Vatican church rn for example.
I remember HPHC said to kill christianity by ignoring it.

The current event are just them being attention whores, not worthy to be suck in that empty void they create.

Ignore it.
Well internally sure this may work. For psychological issues we don't want to empower or give any more life to. But that reminds me.... what exactly are we empowering here when we do focus on these things? Specifically here and now, The death of the pope and the rise of the pagan/gentile people.

if let's say weeds have entered your garden you are working on. Do you ignore the weeds or pull them out? What happens when you ignore those weeds? They kill your crops unfornately. Better to pull them out so you can get more a maximum yield. So they don't deplete the beautiful plants you are nurturing in your garden of life and nutrients.

But I agree to some extents. If being mindful of what's going on the world is too much for one to handle. Then simply don't. I'm aware some minds are very fragile. Again this path is also not for everyone and we each are unique too ontop of that being said. Meant to walk in our own way. March in our own style but still in the same direction to the beautiful gods and goddesses's. we are also suppose to do it together. The sounds of our march together play a beautiful masterpiece that the gods listen too over and over themselves. Each note being unique in its nature too.

Our hard work is also reflection of the master piece they have created that we have defined. They are proud.

if let's say weeds have entered your garden you are working on. Do you ignore the weeds or pull them out? What happens when you ignore those weeds? They kill your crops unfornately. Better to pull them out so you can get more a maximum yield. So they don't deplete the beautiful plants you are nurturing in your garden of life and nutrients.

Not a good example anymore.

Is it hard to live like nobody of them exist? It's also more beautiful.

One day you will hear around "that jew died", ok cool, one less, who cares let's move on.

That's it about it.
Everyone here acting like this is “karmic justice” on the catholic church or whatever.

He’s an old dude suffering from complications associated with being old. This isn’t something noteworthy. He’ll just get replaced with another head like the hundered popes before him.

More interestingly though is that I did read the Vatican has had financial problems. As catholicsm dies in Europe this will get worse, although I assume they’ll just leech more from Italian tax dollars which I’m sure the Vatican already does.
Everyone here acting like this is “karmic justice” on the catholic church or whatever.

He’s an old dude suffering from complications associated with being old. This isn’t something noteworthy. He’ll just get replaced with another head like the hundered popes before him.

More interestingly though is that I did read the Vatican has had financial problems. As catholicsm dies in Europe this will get worse, although I assume they’ll just leech more from Italian tax dollars which I’m sure the Vatican already does.
Or make sure that seat is cursed too. Hmm I'll probably do both then so it solidifies, so the cycle can't continue anymore. so the next pope to take council falls like the previous creating this constant cycle that makes them collapse fully. hmm It would give me higher goals to aim from this way too. And I can work towards every abrahamic religion too until they all fall. Within the next 5 years I'll be working to break down these places physically with magick and drain their resources so they cannot build. Mosques, churches, cathedrals etc.

I have been spending my years already practicing on learning how to hide the energy one uses in magick, how to do magick as well and mastering meditation so I can work my way up to be ready to work on people the gods would want targeted. I'm a warrior and fighter at heart. And a nurturer to those needing healing that I can assist with.(Some things people are on their own for) There is still a ruling class of people shitting on the world and still trying to curse us unfornately. A ruling class of people who still want us to be cursed. As long as that is the case it gives me a beating purpose to fight for what's right and also fight to protect this earth. Not for myself, but for the people and for the gods. I do a lot for the gods as is and rarely ask the gods of anything except for their guidance while I aim for growth so I can manifest change in this world finally. Sometimes even a friend too.

I have to say you do got a point. He is an old dude and ontop of that he's had medical issues prior. He's only had one lung most of his life apparently. But I still take pride in accomplishing what was done. Its evidence for myself at least to show me I am making much more progress in my magick and meditation too. Considering I been also working on cursing him alone since everyone else was told to ignore everything by the ministries apparently lol.. I remember a time when we did rituals before to try n curse the pope and Vatican. There was still much success as a group too. But the questioned still remained how was he alive still? Could have been more successful if I'm being honest hmm.

(Side note)
I promise to you high priestess Maxine that soon the powerful visions you had of the future of man free and "walking with the gods" will manifest sooner than expected. I haven't given up, I remain strong and in faith with the gods. I promise I'm not giving up high priestess no matter what I swear with my own life, with my own blood.. Andras asked me when I peitioned him to teach me to become a master in the art of war "what is your breaking point" he kicked my leg down and showed me how easy one can lose balance and fall to the edge of a blade. I remember hearing in that experience while showing me the importance in proper balance too. "you must not have a breaking point if you want to be the strongest warrior" and I felt his hand touch my shoulder as he disappeared. Since then knowledge of magick and even the gods protection while I do work has been coming in more clear. I am thankful 🙏 I owe the gods this service too.

But back to what I was saying.
They probably will *try* to pull the money from the people in italy or use their mafia connections who knows, but i do know it won't work in the end. In the end I'll make sure to use every bit of strength left in me to finish this in a sense you guys already did beautiful work. I'm not one to stand by and watch either, not when there is over time being offered to me by the gods as well. They too are in full support of what I'm doing and already know..

I love you guys. You are my satanic brothers n sisters lol it is you guys who I remember most when I realize the situation of this world and the pain that you guys have to bare with along with everyone on this earth. Everytime I meditate I do it for yall because I know what meditation unlocks and I know it promises that opportunity for change. I decided I would become nobody in a sense if I enabled the garbage that kept happening. if I knew I had the power to do something and I didn't do nothing. Then I would be just as bad as them if not worse. Sometimes I even cry for y'all though knowing many of our own are going through it too. Persecution from Christian parents, persecution from the world for being a satanist. I mean shit it's gotten so bad the entire ministry went to the extent to change the name to zevist now even. But in the end you're still going to get judged regardless because that is their nature unfortunately. In the end I will keep pushing myself harder. That is how I got to where I am at now. I spent all my time sharpening and polishing a damn sword to only now learn how to properly swing that thing properly LOL. I will only get further and more successful in the end though that is the goal. Will be gone for a couple weeks to get back to some of my work. Take it easy you guys.

Hail Satan!!!
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Not a good example anymore.

Is it hard to live like nobody of them exist? It's also more beautiful.

One day you will hear around "that jew died", ok cool, one less, who cares let's move on.

That's it about it.
They're working to make laws again where if you even have a opinion against them in the slightest way you can face legal consequences. They're trying to expand this in the US rn as we speak. Trump is at least in attempts to 'protect Christianity" and "Judaism". He's encouraging places to pretty much black ball people and organizations tied to these opinions and is actively looking for means to legally persecute them.

With that being said if that keeps happening yah maybe it won't be hard to act like it dont exist. Can't find it hard to ignore they exist if you don't exist anymore ig.. at the rate they are trying to push this one will probably be dead by some Muslim or Jew for telling them their book encourages slavery and degrades humanity and this earth... when they demand that you worship their God or demand you don't speak about the truth.
Everyone here acting like this is “karmic justice” on the catholic church or whatever.

He’s an old dude suffering from complications associated with being old. This isn’t something noteworthy. He’ll just get replaced with another head like the hundered popes before him.

More interestingly though is that I did read the Vatican has had financial problems. As catholicsm dies in Europe this will get worse, although I assume they’ll just leech more from Italian tax dollars which I’m sure the Vatican already does.
Yes, you're right and have a fine perspective.

But think about his replacement for a second. I am confident that the successor to this Pope will be Cardinal Sarah.


A black man leading the entirety of Catholic christianity, in Rome?

This will be a hilarious event, and a great chaos upon Catholicism as a whole. Some truths about christianity will have to be admitted. It's a great time for those who want christianity to be understood as the stupid system that it is.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
