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"Pope ask to pray the rosary the 25 march everyone at the same hour"

Gear88 said:
March 25th @ NOON 12P.M. not midnight during the day.

If you put 'pope march 25 noon' on search engine it's all over the xtian websites.
Yep i did i mistake, I'm sorry! Luckily there is time still and everyone can do the Rtr at noon!
I thought the first 12 hours of the day were am and the next ones were pm.
Transviking said:
Right on. Desperate attempts to attain energy. I understand how to spot when one needs energy, usually psychic vampires. I may not have done any RTR due to lack of privacy and things that been hectic busy, but I will do my best to get to it.
RTRs can be done mentally or at whisperlevel if you lack privacy. No excuses, keep hitting them with more RTRs.
mr2big2017 said:
I am new and really looking for some help
Welcome. Just go in the main menu/page, and down the list you will find the "Joy of Satan 666" section. If you enter that, you will find a topic titled "Ask All Questions Here! New members". You can ask everything you need to know there. Also you can use the "Search" function from the top left of the main page and search for your subject. Most likely is has been discussed tens of times before.

V12-POWER said:
dumb question but, 1200 hours, local time or should we adjust for italy timezone?

We need to adjust for Italy timezone. If let's say for example there is a +3 hours difference between your timezone and Italy timezone, then you would need to start the RTRs at 15.00 pm, which is in the same time with 12.00 pm in Italy due to the timezone 3 hours difference. Check your timezone to see what hour is in the same time with 12.00 pm from Italy.
Use this to tell what time noon in Italy will be for you in your own timezone.

In the first box just put Rome, Italy and in the second box put your city, province/state, country. Then click Compare Time.

It's in 24 hour format, so 12:00 for Rome is noon, check the time in your city next to it and that's the time you start the RTRs.

Reading 24 hour format:

Clearly the jews and the Catholic church are getting desperate here. Is it that much of a coincidence that Italy, the most religious country in Europe is also a major epicenter for the Coronavirus? I'm surprised that the Vatican City isn't crawling with disease by now if that's the truth.

This is an excellent time to counter-attack, especially considering a good amount of us are trapped in our homes and unfortunately, out of a job whether temporarily or until further notice. So how else are we going to spend this time other than planning and executing our counter offensive with RTRs and other avenues of magick?
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol
Yeah it's more important that we do these rtrs on Saturn hours, which is 4 times a day on average, so 3/4 RTRs a day on the 25th.

Let's give them a bad time
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.
If they are getting this desperate it means good news for us :) Thank you for the explaination.
Stormblood said:
I guess this means today, tomorrow and toyota it's time for about 10 rounds, isn't it?

You do 10 a day too Storm? Props for that Brother! :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.

A true destruction-decade for the enemy this 2020-2030. I still keep wondering... How could it be possible that the Enemy would still exist when the Gods return to Earth :cool:
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.

A true destruction-decade for the enemy this 2020-2030. I still keep wondering... How could it be possible that the Enemy would still exist when the Gods return to Earth :cool:
To be honest I believe they will be exposed and destroyed before the God's returns. Hopefully, this is the case and we can get rid of them and make the world better, think about it if they are exposed and everyone will know the truth then the God's could contact the planet Earth and speak with us. Maybe they said they will come here after 20 years just because of other reasons not because the jews will not be destroyed way before.
I think this actually is the beginning of the end for them. I had thought this wasn’t going to happen till 2024 like I had mentioned a bunch of times on various threads but if they can’t get their energy back up and we really push hard we won’t have long to wait.

So keep up the good work they are so weakened that this could be our chance let’s not let them get back up.
Artanis said:
Stormblood said:
I guess this means today, tomorrow and toyota it's time for about 10 rounds, isn't it?

You do 10 a day too Storm? Props for that Brother! :cool:

It depends really. I can do more and I can do less too. My energy hasn't steadied yet.
Ravenheart666 said:
I'll sharpen my spiritual* axes. I can't help but visualizing how their rotten heads splash on the ground.

I can't help visualising a wave of dark grey miasma that consumes them until not even even bones are left behind.
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.

A true destruction-decade for the enemy this 2020-2030. I still keep wondering... How could it be possible that the Enemy would still exist when the Gods return to Earth :cool:
How the fuck do the common colds exist despite all sorts of medical, scientific and sanitising/sterilising/health-keeping measures and equipment?!
Stormblood said:
Artanis said:
Stormblood said:
I guess this means today, tomorrow and toyota it's time for about 10 rounds, isn't it?

You do 10 a day too Storm? Props for that Brother! :cool:

It depends really. I can do more and I can do less too. My energy hasn't steadied yet.

Do you guys perform individual niners 9x1, 9x2, 9x3...9x7...9x9? or do you stack them in multiples 18, 27, 36...54...72...90. I've been doing for the past two-three weeks 27-45 reps but only because I used to think the previous multiple RTRs we did, we had to blast high reps.

Are these low niner reps worthwhile spread out throughout the day? I will admit it ain't easy finger counting to high reps as sometimes you miss call the situation. Is the power of the F-RTR so strong even a 9 rep is powerful?

Also I want to mention something are some of you guys going to be energy raising using MerKaBa on top of the other energy raising meditations? Is it okay to use MerKaBa for F-RTR? I've used it a few times and despite not being advanced I sure hope the high vibration, high solar system like energy release, is good the F-RTR at a powerful range of power.

So is it okay to use MerKaBa?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.

3 in a row :twisted:

They may have big plans to crumble the economy and take away our rights, but if they don't have the energy to back them up they will remain just shekelstein's wet dreams :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.

I've heard that 25th is New Year based from Lunar Calendar, does that change something? Anyways, no date and no energy is going to save them anymore, time is on our side now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do NOT worry so much about doing it at the "Same time". Before or after is perfectly fine. After they waste their energy, it can be dissipated for the whole day.

Timing this with the enemy's hour is not the biggest necessity. What is the necessity is to do as much as possible to dissipate it after the act.

Hitting at the same time is not necessary. Just stay focused on the 25-th and 26-th and we keep spamming, until further notice.
HP, what are they trying to do with this? Just recharging or their general curses? I mean I do not think that they want to help everyone with the coronavirus as the poope said lol

Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.

I've heard that 25th is New Year based from Lunar Calendar, does that change something? Anyways, no date and no energy is going to save them anymore, time is on our side now.
I suddenly heard the our father xian prayer in my head when I was at work this morning..
luis said:
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!

Aries moon, aries sun. They think this will generate power. It's been over 6 hours since their noon. I feel nothing lol. They cannot raise any power anymore.
luis said:
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!


Antoine Mekary | ALETEIA
While on March 27 there will be a "moment of prayer" in the churchyard of St. Peter's Basilica "with the empty square"
"In these days of trial, as humanity trembles with the threat of the pandemic, I would like to propose to all Christians to unite their voices to Heaven." It is the Pope's appeal, which at the end of the Angelus broadcast live via the Vatican Apostolic Library invited "all the Heads of the Churches and the leaders of all the Christian communities, together with all Christians of the various confessions, to invoke the Most High, Almighty God, reciting at the same time the prayer that Jesus Our Lord taught us ".

"I therefore invite everyone to do it several times a day, but all together recite the Our Father next Wednesday 25 March at noon", the proposal in detail: "On the day when many Christians remember the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation of the Word may the Lord listen to the unanimous prayer of all his disciples who are preparing to celebrate the victory of the Risen Christ ”.

"With this same intention, on Friday 27 March, at 6 pm, I will preside over a moment of prayer on the churchyard of St. Peter's Basilica, with the square empty," announced the Pope. "As of now, I invite everyone to participate spiritually through the media. We will listen to the Word of God, we will raise our plea, we will adore the Blessed Sacrament, with which at the end I will give the Urbi et Orbi Blessing, to which the possibility of receiving the plenary indulgence will be attached ".

Read also: The Church grants plenary indulgence for Coronavirus patients
“We want to respond to the pandemic of the virus with the universality of prayer, compassion, tenderness. Let's stay united. We make our closeness felt to the loneliest and most tried people, "continued the Pope who during the morning Mass in Santa Marta asked to pray for the victims of the Coronavirus and their families.

“Our closeness - continued Francesco arm - to the doctors; proximity to health workers, nurses, nurses, volunteers; closeness to the authorities, who must take tough measures but for our good. Proximity to the policemen, to the soldiers who on the streets try to always maintain order, so that the things that the Government asks to do for the good of all of us are accomplished. And closeness to everyone ”.
FancyMancy said:
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Primarily for their own protection and to enforce further measures because of their "CoVID" thing. They know they have fucked up with this and that there is no going back. The last time, they did the same Rosary thing when "Satan was attacking the church" and they were getting hardcore revelations of intense pedo scandals.

Now, this is many times worse and they have dug a hole very deep against humanity. They have things they try to protect themselves from, to recharge, and they need to fill in gaps because they are on shortage.

Even the date was quite desperate of a choice.

A true destruction-decade for the enemy this 2020-2030. I still keep wondering... How could it be possible that the Enemy would still exist when the Gods return to Earth :cool:
How the fuck do the common colds exist despite all sorts of medical, scientific and sanitising/sterilising/health-keeping measures and equipment?!

... Dont really see what that has anything to do with this, but the point being, that they way the destruction of the Enemy has been escalating in the last few years... I dont really see how they couldnt at least be on their last legs...
Stormblood said:
Ravenheart666 said:
I'll sharpen my spiritual* axes. I can't help but visualizing how their rotten heads splash on the ground.

I can't help visualising a wave of dark grey miasma that consumes them until not even even bones are left behind.

That's cool one. Although I'm quite the fan of ''landing some heavy impacts'' like though in physical form. Idunno there's this strange plutonian satisfaction I can't really explain...
Aldrick said:
luis said:
I could not find the news in english so here is the Italian one: https://www.google.it/amp/s/it.alet...alla-recita-del-padre-nostro-il-25-marzo/amp/
Basically he is asking every xian to pray the rosary the 25 march at 12 a.m which obviously is a desperate move to aks for more energy...

We know that a spell done by a group of people's at the same time is more powerful, honestly i think they will not get that much energy from it, the only people's that do the rosary are basically old xian woman's...which do not have that much energy anyway, keep doing the Final Rtr!

Aries moon, aries sun. They think this will generate power. It's been over 6 hours since their noon. I feel nothing lol. They cannot raise any power anymore.

I didn’t really feel anything much either from them only that maybe their energy is the same as yesterday or weaker. If a bunch of them went all out today I can’t see how this isn’t near the end for them.

Look people don’t worry too much I say this cause I am used to getting attacked quite frequently and they still try to but it’s very weak barely noticeable and infrequent now. Today no attacks at all barely.

So we know this is something let’s celebrate by doing as many rtrs each day as we can comfortably do till they are exposed.
Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:
Artanis said:
You do 10 a day too Storm? Props for that Brother! :cool:

It depends really. I can do more and I can do less too. My energy hasn't steadied yet.

Do you guys perform individual niners 9x1, 9x2, 9x3...9x7...9x9? or do you stack them in multiples 18, 27, 36...54...72...90. I've been doing for the past two-three weeks 27-45 reps but only because I used to think the previous multiple RTRs we did, we had to blast high reps.

Are these low niner reps worthwhile spread out throughout the day? I will admit it ain't easy finger counting to high reps as sometimes you miss call the situation. Is the power of the F-RTR so strong even a 9 rep is powerful?

Also I want to mention something are some of you guys going to be energy raising using MerKaBa on top of the other energy raising meditations? Is it okay to use MerKaBa for F-RTR? I've used it a few times and despite not being advanced I sure hope the high vibration, high solar system like energy release, is good the F-RTR at a powerful range of power.

So is it okay to use MerKaBa?

I usually do 9 a day because 9 is a number of endings and is reasonable to balance with the rest of my meditation schedule. What this means personally for me is I do one full RTR session, finish it, delete the file and all that, then move onto the next and keep going until I've cleared them all. I don't increase the reps, I keep them at 9 for each vibration, I just increase the quantity of the whole RTR in general.

Today though I'll be doing a second set of 9 RTRs during the hour of Saturn. I originally planned a total of 27 today but life duties got in the way so I'll have to settle for 18, sometimes these things can't be helped but we do what we can I guess. Or maybe I'll just stay up late to do the third set.

I don't know anything about MerKaBa with the RTR.
Gear88 said:
Do you guys perform individual niners 9x1, 9x2, 9x3...9x7...9x9? or do you stack them in multiples 18, 27, 36...54...72...90. I've been doing for the past two-three weeks 27-45 reps but only because I used to think the previous multiple RTRs we did, we had to blast high reps.

Are these low niner reps worthwhile spread out throughout the day? I will admit it ain't easy finger counting to high reps as sometimes you miss call the situation. Is the power of the F-RTR so strong even a 9 rep is powerful?

Also I want to mention something are some of you guys going to be energy raising using MerKaBa on top of the other energy raising meditations? Is it okay to use MerKaBa for F-RTR? I've used it a few times and despite not being advanced I sure hope the high vibration, high solar system like energy release, is good the F-RTR at a powerful range of power.

So is it okay to use MerKaBa?
For me, it varies. Generally, though, I prefer not to stack more than 3 rounds at once, whether I do 27 for each letter or I do what you call individual niners.

Sure, spreading can be worthwhile if your schedule allows. As a general rule, 1 round is better than nothing. It's been advised to do at least 2. My guardian demon urged to do what I can always, given the situation with the virus.

I think with the Merkaba it's up to personal choice. I prefer to do it separately. I keep my energies high at all times when awake, as should everyone if they want their protections to be as efficient and effective as possible. Also, once the Merkaba has been established all you need is to focus on it and you can have it spinning at the most appropriate speed (not really any reason to go above speed of light and regardless of what speed you set, if you can't even get to speed of light for real it will just stick to the highest speed you can reach). Speed of light means instantenous manifestation, which is why I say most of us don't even reach it.
Ravenheart666 said:
That's cool one. Although I'm quite the fan of ''landing some heavy impacts'' like though in physical form. Idunno there's this strange plutonian satisfaction I can't really explain...

With the letters what do you do? Most of the time is lateral fire that destroys them for me.
Aldrick said:
Aries moon, aries sun. They think this will generate power. It's been over 6 hours since their noon. I feel nothing lol. They cannot raise any power anymore.

The energies in the environment have been particularly light nowadays.
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Tomorrow, at 12.30, a common prayer against the Coronavirus Covid-19 will take place at the city hall of Jerusalem. The leaders of the three Abrahamic religions - Christians, Jews and Muslims - and, with them, representatives of other faiths such as Druze and Bahai are also expected.


They are scared a little shitless, they have been praying like mad, but to no avail.

Let's reassure that they will again get nothing, by doing the RTR as per usual. We do this daily anyway.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
