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Temple of Zeus: Are We Polytheism or Monotheism?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
By a given default, the Ancients believed in the Gods, but also in the "Singular God". Aristotle calls this "One God" the "Akiniton Kinoun" which means the "Eternally moving, ummovable" and is considered the theoretical core of creation, or the "One God". This "One God" is a transcendental notion and not an actual "entity" in the way we would recognize an entity with feelings, preferrences, emotions, or even responses. It's a hypothetical and scientific observation, an essence that pervades the whole of creation.

The word "God" was also used to describe the unified consciousness field of the cosmos itself. Zeus was ascribed archetypal with this power. As Zeus was considered the God of the Aether, he was commonly also associated with this God, same as Amun in Egypt. Gods are beings which are either of equal power, or in awareness of this "One God" and do manifest the will of creation onward.

They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Simultaneously, the Ancients also knew that from this field, numerous beings worthy of equal or even higher reverence have been created, since it is not of point to just focus solely on this principle but there are also other equally or more important principles and beings, which we call the Gods.

The universal mind, the aether, or the Akiniton Kinoun, does not have jealousies, resentments, or anything of the sort; it's the source of the laws of existence. It will not smite you for believing in "Another God" and it will not send you to "Hell" if you do not believe in "it". It requires no "belief" on your behalf. The universal mind is not an individual, it's the sum of all forms of existence. This was also called the "Pan" or "The Everything" and in other cases, it was called "God", or "Nature" or "Creation".

Monotheism also existed insofar a person could focus on one God, who for the most part, was either Zeus or the equal head of a pantheon. Yet simultaneously they understood there are other exceptionally or in some areas of life, more important and approachable Gods.

The Ancients did believe simultaneously in "Monotheism" and "Polytheism" as these two things do not contradict one another.

This question is a dichotomy that was created by the Jews, who wanted to impose only their jewish tribal god to everyone else. This was a low level gimmick that destroyed a lot of complex, deep and profound thought that would lead humanity to greater enlightenment. For their own purposes, they censored everyone else and imposed their nonsense. Jewish faith by definition is inferior and rather limited and seeks to benefit only them and nobody else.

To make this happen, they had to make people succumb under their very limited interpretation and accept nobody else. They used "Religion" and "God" as a means for war, not for exploration and respect for the divine.

Their need to remove all the Gods was to remove the symbols of power, natural knowledge, scientific and occult knowledge from the Gentiles, but also to cut them off from the species that seek to actively help us. Imposing "One God and Nobody Else" was necessary for them. Jews follow strictly their "Own God" because their crimes have angered all other Gods and beings, who can visit them with catastrophic justice for doing this. Therefore they are forbidden from following the "Gods of the Goyim". Like a thief avoids the universe and the policing factors in it, likewise the Jews act and they therefore pretend they believe in "One God".

Jews don't really follow "Monotheism" either; they ascribe hundreds of names, angels and epithets to their "God", so they are hypocritical about this too. So they mimic the Ancient system but they also simultaneously pretend. Because "Monotheism" is a useless lie, that is also promoted on the Gentiles via Christianity and Islam. These are programs of slavery and not religions.

Such question did not exist in the Ancient World. You could focus on one God, cite the Universal Mind as "God" and believe in the Gods or approach them for help and guidance, depending on their office, at the same time.

Ancient Philosophers use God depending on the context; when they refer to the highest consciousness, they call it merely "God", or Zeus. When they speak about the Gods, they speak about the Gods and when they speak of other entities tasked with anything, they speak about that. These do not contradict each other, but complete each other.

God, the Universal mind, does love us all here. The Gods are also loving us a lot for wanting to explore both the universal mind and them. Gods help us become Gods and also simultaneously to advance in the eternal and universal mind, because this is the ultimatum of the process of creation. These all complete each other, and complete us too in this process of expanding our minds and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Can I ask one question please? How does this Divine Force decide? You have already explained that there are universal operating rules. But how is it decided that Satan must exist in this universe, or that certain rules of operation, etc., must come to be created by this Universal Deity? Since it has no consciousness, how does its operation take place? Thank you :)
Can I ask one question please? How does this Divine Force decide? You have already explained that there are universal operating rules. But how is it decided that Satan must exist in this universe, or that certain rules of operation, etc., must come to be created by this Universal Deity? Since it has no consciousness, how does its operation take place? Thank you :)

That's a very complex question that in order to be understood a seminar will be needed. For a short answer that is unsatisfactory to that end, let's just say this force is just core consciousness force. In numbers, it's the number zero; it does not exist as a "number" and one cannot "count" zero.
I still find it hard to believe that the energies the Gods left here on earth were somehow bound by an inferior alien enemy and that the jews and their spiritual descendants (christians/muslims) were able to defeat Paganism so thoroughly, especially in the Western Hemisphere.

Even today in the last holdouts of Paganism in the East, Christians threaten to eradicate what's left of the Pagan traditions and their numbers are growing in China and Korea while in South Asia (India), Muslims are still a considerable threat to what remains of Hinduism.

Jews also strongly benefited from all this to the point that they got their own state that's armed to the teeth, even with nuclear weapons.

How was it even possible that the energies of the Gods were bound at all by the enemy(jews and reps) on both Earth and it's astral field? This suggests that their fragments could be overpowered by the enemy on this earth. What exactly prevents the enemy from doing this again when the next Iron Age arrives?
It also suggests a sense of impotence from our Gods. The jews, christians and muslims openly blasphemed our Gods, destroyed their temples, smashed their statues, cut down sacred trees and built their places over ours. How/why did the Gods allow this to happen at all?

I wonder if the Black death and similar large deadly plagues (Justinian plage, smallpox, flu) that were unheard of in the Ancient Pagan world was a response from the Gods or Nature against their blasphemies.
Didn't the Ancients back then have their psychic sense open and not see the jewish spiritual attack? Surely they had orders like TOZ that numbered in the tens of thousands and were in communions with the Gods, right? How were they not able to prevent all this on an astral level when we so easily fought the enemy back in the astral now?
I appreciate the clarification with this article, High Priest!
I also have a question: I was looking into the Primordial Gods from the Pantheons, and what you are describing in this article sounds similar to the way the Ancients described their Primordial Gods. For the Egyptians, Ptah was the Primordial Creator, who thought the world into existence; For the Greeks, this was Khaos, God of the Void. But, they also had, as you said, all the Primordial Deities that made up the rest of Creation, such as Ra, Gaia, Ouranos, Nyx, etc. Just from the way you explained everything in the article, I would assume the "One" came first, being more than likely Khaos/Ptah, then the rest followed to oversee their individual domains, such as Ra over the Sun, and Gaia over Earth? While these aren't "beings", they'd be like "universal essences"?
Also, the stories we have about the Primordial Gods, these stories are allegories for how our Gods came into being, or do you think they have a different meaning?
I thank you in advance for helping me understand this better, High Priest! You are a blessing to us all!
They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.
How does this work? If there can be no existence without the Gods, how do the Gods exist?
Am I taking it the wrong way, or is this just something that requires a certain level to comprehend?
In numbers, it's the number zero; it does not exist as a "number" and one cannot "count" zero.

Okay, I've thought about it a bit and actually if you put it in mathematical terms, basically math works according to precise laws and patterns (if you misuse the Pythagorean theorem the calculus will come up with something that doesn't exist for example).

Also in a sequence of numbers, 7 does not come before 5, but always necessarily after 6 in all calculations.

The same prime numbers in a sequence that you can write/create are not just symbols, but take on precise characteristics that go beyond the simple conditions of being a prime number and why it cannot be divided by a previous number more than 1 (giving an integer result).

Clearly this is just conjecture on my part, I will be happy to be approved or refuted by the seminar. Thank you HP in any case! :D
You have very gracefully and impeccably shed light on such a complex topic that requires deep realization, however, as you always do, HPHC!

I am very grateful again for helping to make sense of this. A few years ago (this was in 2018-2019) when I was led into Spiritual Satanism/Temple of Zeus, I was studying the Philosophy behind Lucifer/Satan. And I pondered the question of the existence of a Transcendent Force, Metaphysical, Omnipresent, Cosmic, Unified, Etheric, Akasha, etc. I had some speculations about it, but the further I got into thinking about it, the more my brain boiled over. This took time. So I let my head cool down and study things gradually. But the point is that even then I was already speculating about something like this, and you helped me to rethink it, but in an even deeper way.

The closer a person is to Satan/Zeus and Gods and the stronger his contact with them, the more the Truth is revealed to him, as well as other Mysteries. And this Wisdom is infinite in nature and in its power.

Thank you for the additional information, Big Brother Cobra, you as always help to understand the details and go deeper into the material to understand and then realize more subtleties!
By a given default, the Ancients believed in the Gods, but also in the "Singular God". Aristotle calls this "One God" the "Akiniton Kinoun" which means the "Eternally moving, ummovable" and is considered the theoretical core of creation, or the "One God". This "One God" is a transcendental notion and not an actual "entity" in the way we would recognize an entity with feelings, preferrences, emotions, or even responses. It's a hypothetical and scientific observation, an essence that pervades the whole of creation.

The word "God" was also used to describe the unified consciousness field of the cosmos itself. Zeus was ascribed archetypal with this power. As Zeus was considered the God of the Aether, he was commonly also associated with this God, same as Amun in Egypt. Gods are beings which are either of equal power, or in awareness of this "One God" and do manifest the will of creation onward.

They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Simultaneously, the Ancients also knew that from this field, numerous beings worthy of equal or even higher reverence have been created, since it is not of point to just focus solely on this principle but there are also other equally or more important principles and beings, which we call the Gods.

The universal mind, the aether, or the Akiniton Kinoun, does not have jealousies, resentments, or anything of the sort; it's the source of the laws of existence. It will not smite you for believing in "Another God" and it will not send you to "Hell" if you do not believe in "it". It requires no "belief" on your behalf. The universal mind is not an individual, it's the sum of all forms of existence. This was also called the "Pan" or "The Everything" and in other cases, it was called "God", or "Nature" or "Creation".

Monotheism also existed insofar a person could focus on one God, who for the most part, was either Zeus or the equal head of a pantheon. Yet simultaneously they understood there are other exceptionally or in some areas of life, more important and approachable Gods.

The Ancients did believe simultaneously in "Monotheism" and "Polytheism" as these two things do not contradict one another.

This question is a dichotomy that was created by the Jews, who wanted to impose only their jewish tribal god to everyone else. This was a low level gimmick that destroyed a lot of complex, deep and profound thought that would lead humanity to greater enlightenment. For their own purposes, they censored everyone else and imposed their nonsense. Jewish faith by definition is inferior and rather limited and seeks to benefit only them and nobody else.

To make this happen, they had to make people succumb under their very limited interpretation and accept nobody else. They used "Religion" and "God" as a means for war, not for exploration and respect for the divine.

Their need to remove all the Gods was to remove the symbols of power, natural knowledge, scientific and occult knowledge from the Gentiles, but also to cut them off from the species that seek to actively help us. Imposing "One God and Nobody Else" was necessary for them. Jews follow strictly their "Own God" because their crimes have angered all other Gods and beings, who can visit them with catastrophic justice for doing this. Therefore they are forbidden from following the "Gods of the Goyim". Like a thief avoids the universe and the policing factors in it, likewise the Jews act and they therefore pretend they believe in "One God".

Jews don't really follow "Monotheism" either; they ascribe hundreds of names, angels and epithets to their "God", so they are hypocritical about this too. So they mimic the Ancient system but they also simultaneously pretend. Because "Monotheism" is a useless lie, that is also promoted on the Gentiles via Christianity and Islam. These are programs of slavery and not religions.

Such question did not exist in the Ancient World. You could focus on one God, cite the Universal Mind as "God" and believe in the Gods or approach them for help and guidance, depending on their office, at the same time.

Ancient Philosophers use God depending on the context; when they refer to the highest consciousness, they call it merely "God", or Zeus. When they speak about the Gods, they speak about the Gods and when they speak of other entities tasked with anything, they speak about that. These do not contradict each other, but complete each other.

God, the Universal mind, does love us all here. The Gods are also loving us a lot for wanting to explore both the universal mind and them. Gods help us become Gods and also simultaneously to advance in the eternal and universal mind, because this is the ultimatum of the process of creation. These all complete each other, and complete us too in this process of expanding our minds and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a wonderful sermon Thanks for the sermon it was awesome
Hail Satan Hail Satanas And the Gods of Hell And the Gods! !!!
I still find it hard to believe that the energies the Gods left here on earth were somehow bound by an inferior alien enemy and that the jews and their spiritual descendants (christians/muslims) were able to defeat Paganism so thoroughly, especially in the Western Hemisphere.

Even today in the last holdouts of Paganism in the East, Christians threaten to eradicate what's left of the Pagan traditions and their numbers are growing in China and Korea while in South Asia (India), Muslims are still a considerable threat to what remains of Hinduism.

Jews also strongly benefited from all this to the point that they got their own state that's armed to the teeth, even with nuclear weapons.

How was it even possible that the energies of the Gods were bound at all by the enemy(jews and reps) on both Earth and it's astral field? This suggests that their fragments could be overpowered by the enemy on this earth. What exactly prevents the enemy from doing this again when the next Iron Age arrives?

It has been explained before that the energies of the Gods themselves were never bound. What was bound was the human perception of Them, and the existence of the Gods inside the human consciousness.

The Gods were always unaffected, it was humans that were affected and lead to destroy their own Ancient cultures and connections to our Gods because of this abrahamic mindwashing that occurred. The human consciousness was bound, not the Divine on Earth nor on the Astral.

HPHC had explained regarding this binding before.
It has been explained before that the energies of the Gods themselves were never bound. What was bound was the human perception of Them, and the existence of the Gods inside the human consciousness.

The Gods were always unaffected, it was humans that were affected and lead to destroy their own Ancient cultures and connections to our Gods because of this abrahamic mindwashing that occurred. The human consciousness was bound, not the Divine on Earth nor on the Astral.

HPHC had explained regarding this binding before.
I see. I must have misunderstood it then. That doesn’t explain why or how the occult orders at the time couldn’t stop this veiling of the human conciousness by the enemy. It wasn’t just the jews, it was also the reps and greys involved in this conciousness binding, which would explain why the occultists at the time couldn’t stop it. Am I correct here?

HPS Maxine mentioned there was some sort of battle over earth, is that what she meant?
I remember a sermon from some years ago talking about this "one god" being the nursery so to speak for all of creation, and how we are all meant to grow out and evolve separately and come in to our own as diverse beings.
I still find it hard to believe that the energies the Gods left here on earth were somehow bound by an inferior alien enemy and that the jews and their spiritual descendants (christians/muslims) were able to defeat Paganism so thoroughly, especially in the Western Hemisphere.

Even today in the last holdouts of Paganism in the East, Christians threaten to eradicate what's left of the Pagan traditions and their numbers are growing in China and Korea while in South Asia (India), Muslims are still a considerable threat to what remains of Hinduism.

Jews also strongly benefited from all this to the point that they got their own state that's armed to the teeth, even with nuclear weapons.

How was it even possible that the energies of the Gods were bound at all by the enemy(jews and reps) on both Earth and it's astral field? This suggests that their fragments could be overpowered by the enemy on this earth. What exactly prevents the enemy from doing this again when the next Iron Age arrives?

It also suggests a sense of impotence from our Gods. The jews, christians and muslims openly blasphemed our Gods, destroyed their temples, smashed their statues, cut down sacred trees and built their places over ours. How/why did the Gods allow this to happen at all?

I wonder if the Black death and similar large deadly plagues (Justinian plage, smallpox, flu) that were unheard of in the Ancient Pagan world was a response from the Gods or Nature against their blasphemies.

Didn't the Ancients back then have their psychic sense open and not see the jewish spiritual attack? Surely they had orders like TOZ that numbered in the tens of thousands and were in communions with the Gods, right? How were they not able to prevent all this on an astral level when we so easily fought the enemy back in the astral now?

These are pretty Genuine questions , and even im confused about how these things took placed , And yeah paganism is being threated ( even in the present ) in most of the countries , Muslims threaten to kill every hindu , in their speeches , . Same goes for china , and other south asian countries , EVEN in iraq where the ISIS , killed tens and thousands of yazidis.


One of the things that worries me , is that these mosques in which they pray in loud speakers , you will never know when they give orders to every muslims in URDU to attack every gentile around them , like a mass civil war , and plus they will speak it in URDU , so an avg person who isnt a muslim would never understand.
and this goes for every country , where the muslims population is rapidly increasing.
I see. I must have misunderstood it then. That doesn’t explain why or how the occult orders at the time couldn’t stop this veiling of the human conciousness by the enemy. It wasn’t just the jews, it was also the reps and greys involved in this conciousness binding, which would explain why the occultists at the time couldn’t stop it. Am I correct here?

HPS Maxine mentioned there was some sort of battle over earth, is that what she meant?

Humans have a natural tendency to "fall", due to entropic forces that erode beings and evolution and challenge creation. The enemy merely took advantage of this "falling" nature of human beings and created a system that takes advantage of this, with help of other alien beings, in order to enslave others.

The spiritual temples of the time ended up overrun by the andrapodic masses because the Jews managed to influence them well enough, and get really inept and idiotic people into positions of power, which they lobbied to further their agenda.

People themselves choose to abandon the Gods and let themselves be shrouded in darkness, because it seemed easier to them, it was gentiles themselves who tore down the Temples of the Gods after all, from falling below the andrapodic level even lower and closer to the pure Neolithic consciousness the enemy tries to lower everyone to.

Because this force of entropy in combination with the efforts of the Jews was greater than the generative force of the spiritual and wise humans at that time, and because people rejected the Gods and denied them for somewhat inexplicable reasons (idiots have no reason), less Heroic Souls sought to incarnate here as well since humanity was going through a fall that was self created by the lesser minded of our species.

This leads to the fall of society into the Iron Age. In reality the role of jews in this is relatively small really, it was caused mostly by the inept nature of the andrapoda and gentile stupidity themselves. Jews merely managed to leverage this fact and make use of it for their own purposes to benefit from it.

One could ask "Why don't the Gods just stop this from happening?", to realize the answer you must understand that humanity is a self evolving species. The Gods are relatively hands off in their approach, so that humanity can evolve into a proper civilization on their own, rather than get spoonfed everything. Humanity is by en large responsible for itself, if it decides to step into the darkness, then let it experience the darkness they asked for and sought after, and perhaps at the next opportunity it will have learned something and can ascend towards the light again on its own volition and choice. That is sort of how these things play out.
By a given default, the Ancients believed in the Gods, but also in the "Singular God". Aristotle calls this "One God" the "Akiniton Kinoun" which means the "Eternally moving, ummovable" and is considered the theoretical core of creation, or the "One God". This "One God" is a transcendental notion and not an actual "entity" in the way we would recognize an entity with feelings, preferrences, emotions, or even responses. It's a hypothetical and scientific observation, an essence that pervades the whole of creation.

The word "God" was also used to describe the unified consciousness field of the cosmos itself. Zeus was ascribed archetypal with this power. As Zeus was considered the God of the Aether, he was commonly also associated with this God, same as Amun in Egypt. Gods are beings which are either of equal power, or in awareness of this "One God" and do manifest the will of creation onward.

They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Simultaneously, the Ancients also knew that from this field, numerous beings worthy of equal or even higher reverence have been created, since it is not of point to just focus solely on this principle but there are also other equally or more important principles and beings, which we call the Gods.

The universal mind, the aether, or the Akiniton Kinoun, does not have jealousies, resentments, or anything of the sort; it's the source of the laws of existence. It will not smite you for believing in "Another God" and it will not send you to "Hell" if you do not believe in "it". It requires no "belief" on your behalf. The universal mind is not an individual, it's the sum of all forms of existence. This was also called the "Pan" or "The Everything" and in other cases, it was called "God", or "Nature" or "Creation".

Monotheism also existed insofar a person could focus on one God, who for the most part, was either Zeus or the equal head of a pantheon. Yet simultaneously they understood there are other exceptionally or in some areas of life, more important and approachable Gods.

The Ancients did believe simultaneously in "Monotheism" and "Polytheism" as these two things do not contradict one another.

This question is a dichotomy that was created by the Jews, who wanted to impose only their jewish tribal god to everyone else. This was a low level gimmick that destroyed a lot of complex, deep and profound thought that would lead humanity to greater enlightenment. For their own purposes, they censored everyone else and imposed their nonsense. Jewish faith by definition is inferior and rather limited and seeks to benefit only them and nobody else.

To make this happen, they had to make people succumb under their very limited interpretation and accept nobody else. They used "Religion" and "God" as a means for war, not for exploration and respect for the divine.

Their need to remove all the Gods was to remove the symbols of power, natural knowledge, scientific and occult knowledge from the Gentiles, but also to cut them off from the species that seek to actively help us. Imposing "One God and Nobody Else" was necessary for them. Jews follow strictly their "Own God" because their crimes have angered all other Gods and beings, who can visit them with catastrophic justice for doing this. Therefore they are forbidden from following the "Gods of the Goyim". Like a thief avoids the universe and the policing factors in it, likewise the Jews act and they therefore pretend they believe in "One God".

Jews don't really follow "Monotheism" either; they ascribe hundreds of names, angels and epithets to their "God", so they are hypocritical about this too. So they mimic the Ancient system but they also simultaneously pretend. Because "Monotheism" is a useless lie, that is also promoted on the Gentiles via Christianity and Islam. These are programs of slavery and not religions.

Such question did not exist in the Ancient World. You could focus on one God, cite the Universal Mind as "God" and believe in the Gods or approach them for help and guidance, depending on their office, at the same time.

Ancient Philosophers use God depending on the context; when they refer to the highest consciousness, they call it merely "God", or Zeus. When they speak about the Gods, they speak about the Gods and when they speak of other entities tasked with anything, they speak about that. These do not contradict each other, but complete each other.

God, the Universal mind, does love us all here. The Gods are also loving us a lot for wanting to explore both the universal mind and them. Gods help us become Gods and also simultaneously to advance in the eternal and universal mind, because this is the ultimatum of the process of creation. These all complete each other, and complete us too in this process of expanding our minds and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In light of recent updates,
The tripartite nature of Zeus and Zeus and Satan as one,if I may ask,
Is the Maxine Father satan,blonde blonde Aryan being she met an individuated consciousness and father of the Nordic race,or still a different aspect of the same being who familiarized himself as Enki, Poseidon or Odin or was this a different manifestation of the same being she later met as Enlil,the God of Ekron,the one with the platinum blonde Nordic ,patron deity of the Asiatic race?

Also on the floods as per Azazel message to Maxine
Azazel told me that "10,000 years ago," we were "close to perfection." We lived side by side with the Gods. "The Earth was attacked."
To parallel that with your recent addition
*The Bronze Age was violent and warlike, and they destroyed themselves. This was without help of the Gods, on the contrary, the Gods tried to help humanity many times. Times like this arise when humanity starts engaging in endless wars (the time of Atlantis, after the Golden Age of Kronus, is between the Silver and the Bronze age). Zeus apparently in anger, sunk Atlantis, which according to Plato, had become a dictatorial slavery-like power that did seek to enslave the whole planet solely for reasons of avarice and greed. Atlantis, according to Plato, from a Divine civilization of the Gods, for numerous and complex reasons, started becoming an ultimate dictatorship of alien-like content, leading the Gods to press the "reset" button on humanity.*

So Was the "attack" on Earth instigated by an external adversary through "corruption," or was it a consequence of humanity's own inherent corruption, necessitating Zeus's intervention
Okay, I've thought about it a bit and actually if you put it in mathematical terms, basically math works according to precise laws and patterns (if you misuse the Pythagorean theorem the calculus will come up with something that doesn't exist for example).

Also in a sequence of numbers, 7 does not come before 5, but always necessarily after 6 in all calculations.

The same prime numbers in a sequence that you can write/create are not just symbols, but take on precise characteristics that go beyond the simple conditions of being a prime number and why it cannot be divided by a previous number more than 1 (giving an integer result).

Clearly this is just conjecture on my part, I will be happy to be approved or refuted by the seminar. Thank you HP in any case! :D
I may sound odd here, and I am a bit at loss in following those higher thoughts on here at the moment, and this is a bit off topic.
Are you using an AI to complete your posts or are yourself even an AI ?
Please excuse in case this is a stupid question, all of the things on here are going too fast for me and my basic human features, so I was in doubt.
I had asked a while ago what Satanism thinks of Aristotle's metaphysics.
But apparently I've just received this answer.

My only criticism is that you are talking about "ether" as if it were literally the same thing as The Prime mover.
It must have been an analogy to make it easier to understand, or do you really believe that?
Humans have a natural tendency to "fall", due to entropic forces that erode beings and evolution and challenge creation. The enemy merely took advantage of this "falling" nature of human beings and created a system that takes advantage of this, with help of other alien beings, in order to enslave others.

The spiritual temples of the time ended up overrun by the andrapodic masses because the Jews managed to influence them well enough, and get really inept and idiotic people into positions of power, which they lobbied to further their agenda.

People themselves choose to abandon the Gods and let themselves be shrouded in darkness, because it seemed easier to them, it was gentiles themselves who tore down the Temples of the Gods after all, from falling below the andrapodic level even lower and closer to the pure Neolithic consciousness the enemy tries to lower everyone to.

Because this force of entropy in combination with the efforts of the Jews was greater than the generative force of the spiritual and wise humans at that time, and because people rejected the Gods and denied them for somewhat inexplicable reasons (idiots have no reason), less Heroic Souls sought to incarnate here as well since humanity was going through a fall that was self created by the lesser minded of our species.

This leads to the fall of society into the Iron Age. In reality the role of jews in this is relatively small really, it was caused mostly by the inept nature of the andrapoda and gentile stupidity themselves. Jews merely managed to leverage this fact and make use of it for their own purposes to benefit from it.

One could ask "Why don't the Gods just stop this from happening?", to realize the answer you must understand that humanity is a self evolving species. The Gods are relatively hands off in their approach, so that humanity can evolve into a proper civilization on their own, rather than get spoonfed everything. Humanity is by en large responsible for itself, if it decides to step into the darkness, then let it experience the darkness they asked for and sought after, and perhaps at the next opportunity it will have learned something and can ascend towards the light again on its own volition and choice. That is sort of how these things play out.
Exceptional 💫
By a given default, the Ancients believed in the Gods, but also in the "Singular God". Aristotle calls this "One God" the "Akiniton Kinoun" which means the "Eternally moving, ummovable" and is considered the theoretical core of creation, or the "One God". This "One God" is a transcendental notion and not an actual "entity" in the way we would recognize an entity with feelings, preferrences, emotions, or even responses. It's a hypothetical and scientific observation, an essence that pervades the whole of creation.

The word "God" was also used to describe the unified consciousness field of the cosmos itself. Zeus was ascribed archetypal with this power. As Zeus was considered the God of the Aether, he was commonly also associated with this God, same as Amun in Egypt. Gods are beings which are either of equal power, or in awareness of this "One God" and do manifest the will of creation onward.

They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Simultaneously, the Ancients also knew that from this field, numerous beings worthy of equal or even higher reverence have been created, since it is not of point to just focus solely on this principle but there are also other equally or more important principles and beings, which we call the Gods.

The universal mind, the aether, or the Akiniton Kinoun, does not have jealousies, resentments, or anything of the sort; it's the source of the laws of existence. It will not smite you for believing in "Another God" and it will not send you to "Hell" if you do not believe in "it". It requires no "belief" on your behalf. The universal mind is not an individual, it's the sum of all forms of existence. This was also called the "Pan" or "The Everything" and in other cases, it was called "God", or "Nature" or "Creation".

Monotheism also existed insofar a person could focus on one God, who for the most part, was either Zeus or the equal head of a pantheon. Yet simultaneously they understood there are other exceptionally or in some areas of life, more important and approachable Gods.

The Ancients did believe simultaneously in "Monotheism" and "Polytheism" as these two things do not contradict one another.

This question is a dichotomy that was created by the Jews, who wanted to impose only their jewish tribal god to everyone else. This was a low level gimmick that destroyed a lot of complex, deep and profound thought that would lead humanity to greater enlightenment. For their own purposes, they censored everyone else and imposed their nonsense. Jewish faith by definition is inferior and rather limited and seeks to benefit only them and nobody else.

To make this happen, they had to make people succumb under their very limited interpretation and accept nobody else. They used "Religion" and "God" as a means for war, not for exploration and respect for the divine.

Their need to remove all the Gods was to remove the symbols of power, natural knowledge, scientific and occult knowledge from the Gentiles, but also to cut them off from the species that seek to actively help us. Imposing "One God and Nobody Else" was necessary for them. Jews follow strictly their "Own God" because their crimes have angered all other Gods and beings, who can visit them with catastrophic justice for doing this. Therefore they are forbidden from following the "Gods of the Goyim". Like a thief avoids the universe and the policing factors in it, likewise the Jews act and they therefore pretend they believe in "One God".

Jews don't really follow "Monotheism" either; they ascribe hundreds of names, angels and epithets to their "God", so they are hypocritical about this too. So they mimic the Ancient system but they also simultaneously pretend. Because "Monotheism" is a useless lie, that is also promoted on the Gentiles via Christianity and Islam. These are programs of slavery and not religions.

Such question did not exist in the Ancient World. You could focus on one God, cite the Universal Mind as "God" and believe in the Gods or approach them for help and guidance, depending on their office, at the same time.

Ancient Philosophers use God depending on the context; when they refer to the highest consciousness, they call it merely "God", or Zeus. When they speak about the Gods, they speak about the Gods and when they speak of other entities tasked with anything, they speak about that. These do not contradict each other, but complete each other.

God, the Universal mind, does love us all here. The Gods are also loving us a lot for wanting to explore both the universal mind and them. Gods help us become Gods and also simultaneously to advance in the eternal and universal mind, because this is the ultimatum of the process of creation. These all complete each other, and complete us too in this process of expanding our minds and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Love every bit of what I read... liking this Temple even more..

I may sound odd here, and I am a bit at loss in following those higher thoughts on here at the moment, and this is a bit off topic.
Are you using an AI to complete your posts or are yourself even an AI ?
Please excuse in case this is a stupid question, all of the things on here are going too fast for me and my basic human features, so I was in doubt.
Enlightening Sermon as Always HPHC Sir! You’re excellent! Hail Satanas-Zeus!
By a given default, the Ancients believed in the Gods, but also in the "Singular God". Aristotle calls this "One God" the "Akiniton Kinoun" which means the "Eternally moving, ummovable" and is considered the theoretical core of creation, or the "One God". This "One God" is a transcendental notion and not an actual "entity" in the way we would recognize an entity with feelings, preferrences, emotions, or even responses. It's a hypothetical and scientific observation, an essence that pervades the whole of creation.

The word "God" was also used to describe the unified consciousness field of the cosmos itself. Zeus was ascribed archetypal with this power. As Zeus was considered the God of the Aether, he was commonly also associated with this God, same as Amun in Egypt. Gods are beings which are either of equal power, or in awareness of this "One God" and do manifest the will of creation onward.

They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Simultaneously, the Ancients also knew that from this field, numerous beings worthy of equal or even higher reverence have been created, since it is not of point to just focus solely on this principle but there are also other equally or more important principles and beings, which we call the Gods.

The universal mind, the aether, or the Akiniton Kinoun, does not have jealousies, resentments, or anything of the sort; it's the source of the laws of existence. It will not smite you for believing in "Another God" and it will not send you to "Hell" if you do not believe in "it". It requires no "belief" on your behalf. The universal mind is not an individual, it's the sum of all forms of existence. This was also called the "Pan" or "The Everything" and in other cases, it was called "God", or "Nature" or "Creation".

Monotheism also existed insofar a person could focus on one God, who for the most part, was either Zeus or the equal head of a pantheon. Yet simultaneously they understood there are other exceptionally or in some areas of life, more important and approachable Gods.

The Ancients did believe simultaneously in "Monotheism" and "Polytheism" as these two things do not contradict one another.

This question is a dichotomy that was created by the Jews, who wanted to impose only their jewish tribal god to everyone else. This was a low level gimmick that destroyed a lot of complex, deep and profound thought that would lead humanity to greater enlightenment. For their own purposes, they censored everyone else and imposed their nonsense. Jewish faith by definition is inferior and rather limited and seeks to benefit only them and nobody else.

To make this happen, they had to make people succumb under their very limited interpretation and accept nobody else. They used "Religion" and "God" as a means for war, not for exploration and respect for the divine.

Their need to remove all the Gods was to remove the symbols of power, natural knowledge, scientific and occult knowledge from the Gentiles, but also to cut them off from the species that seek to actively help us. Imposing "One God and Nobody Else" was necessary for them. Jews follow strictly their "Own God" because their crimes have angered all other Gods and beings, who can visit them with catastrophic justice for doing this. Therefore they are forbidden from following the "Gods of the Goyim". Like a thief avoids the universe and the policing factors in it, likewise the Jews act and they therefore pretend they believe in "One God".

Jews don't really follow "Monotheism" either; they ascribe hundreds of names, angels and epithets to their "God", so they are hypocritical about this too. So they mimic the Ancient system but they also simultaneously pretend. Because "Monotheism" is a useless lie, that is also promoted on the Gentiles via Christianity and Islam. These are programs of slavery and not religions.

Such question did not exist in the Ancient World. You could focus on one God, cite the Universal Mind as "God" and believe in the Gods or approach them for help and guidance, depending on their office, at the same time.

Ancient Philosophers use God depending on the context; when they refer to the highest consciousness, they call it merely "God", or Zeus. When they speak about the Gods, they speak about the Gods and when they speak of other entities tasked with anything, they speak about that. These do not contradict each other, but complete each other.

God, the Universal mind, does love us all here. The Gods are also loving us a lot for wanting to explore both the universal mind and them. Gods help us become Gods and also simultaneously to advance in the eternal and universal mind, because this is the ultimatum of the process of creation. These all complete each other, and complete us too in this process of expanding our minds and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I got confused. At the beginning of the sermon you said that the God doesn't have any feelings but at the end you said " God, the Universal mind, does love us all here" . Could you clarify this please?
By a given default, the Ancients believed in the Gods, but also in the "Singular God". Aristotle calls this "One God" the "Akiniton Kinoun" which means the "Eternally moving, ummovable" and is considered the theoretical core of creation, or the "One God". This "One God" is a transcendental notion and not an actual "entity" in the way we would recognize an entity with feelings, preferrences, emotions, or even responses. It's a hypothetical and scientific observation, an essence that pervades the whole of creation.

The word "God" was also used to describe the unified consciousness field of the cosmos itself. Zeus was ascribed archetypal with this power. As Zeus was considered the God of the Aether, he was commonly also associated with this God, same as Amun in Egypt. Gods are beings which are either of equal power, or in awareness of this "One God" and do manifest the will of creation onward.

They are necessary and without them, no existence would be, as the theoretical "One God" is just force and nothing else if there are no Gods as consciousness beings to tap into this concept and bring it forth.

Simultaneously, the Ancients also knew that from this field, numerous beings worthy of equal or even higher reverence have been created, since it is not of point to just focus solely on this principle but there are also other equally or more important principles and beings, which we call the Gods.

The universal mind, the aether, or the Akiniton Kinoun, does not have jealousies, resentments, or anything of the sort; it's the source of the laws of existence. It will not smite you for believing in "Another God" and it will not send you to "Hell" if you do not believe in "it". It requires no "belief" on your behalf. The universal mind is not an individual, it's the sum of all forms of existence. This was also called the "Pan" or "The Everything" and in other cases, it was called "God", or "Nature" or "Creation".

Monotheism also existed insofar a person could focus on one God, who for the most part, was either Zeus or the equal head of a pantheon. Yet simultaneously they understood there are other exceptionally or in some areas of life, more important and approachable Gods.

The Ancients did believe simultaneously in "Monotheism" and "Polytheism" as these two things do not contradict one another.

This question is a dichotomy that was created by the Jews, who wanted to impose only their jewish tribal god to everyone else. This was a low level gimmick that destroyed a lot of complex, deep and profound thought that would lead humanity to greater enlightenment. For their own purposes, they censored everyone else and imposed their nonsense. Jewish faith by definition is inferior and rather limited and seeks to benefit only them and nobody else.

To make this happen, they had to make people succumb under their very limited interpretation and accept nobody else. They used "Religion" and "God" as a means for war, not for exploration and respect for the divine.

Their need to remove all the Gods was to remove the symbols of power, natural knowledge, scientific and occult knowledge from the Gentiles, but also to cut them off from the species that seek to actively help us. Imposing "One God and Nobody Else" was necessary for them. Jews follow strictly their "Own God" because their crimes have angered all other Gods and beings, who can visit them with catastrophic justice for doing this. Therefore they are forbidden from following the "Gods of the Goyim". Like a thief avoids the universe and the policing factors in it, likewise the Jews act and they therefore pretend they believe in "One God".

Jews don't really follow "Monotheism" either; they ascribe hundreds of names, angels and epithets to their "God", so they are hypocritical about this too. So they mimic the Ancient system but they also simultaneously pretend. Because "Monotheism" is a useless lie, that is also promoted on the Gentiles via Christianity and Islam. These are programs of slavery and not religions.

Such question did not exist in the Ancient World. You could focus on one God, cite the Universal Mind as "God" and believe in the Gods or approach them for help and guidance, depending on their office, at the same time.

Ancient Philosophers use God depending on the context; when they refer to the highest consciousness, they call it merely "God", or Zeus. When they speak about the Gods, they speak about the Gods and when they speak of other entities tasked with anything, they speak about that. These do not contradict each other, but complete each other.

God, the Universal mind, does love us all here. The Gods are also loving us a lot for wanting to explore both the universal mind and them. Gods help us become Gods and also simultaneously to advance in the eternal and universal mind, because this is the ultimatum of the process of creation. These all complete each other, and complete us too in this process of expanding our minds and souls.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
We are so blessed to be here, so incredibly lucky to be able to receive information to provide hope for us.
Brief and great clarification. I see this is turning into a bit of a series, and I'm glad we are getting more in order for things to be as clear as possible.

No other comments really this time, mostly replying to show support.
I suppose my question needs to be framed with me saying I am not even talking about the changes to our Temple or the name Zeus or anything like that, I have always known that our Gods are present in almost every Pantheon, so acknowledging Zeus if anything is overdue and I actually put forward that Satan is also An/Anu as I recognized the similarities in their descriptions so to me the changes are all fine and makes sense. But I dont understand how Baalzebul and Satan are the same entity, HPS Maxine never described them as such in fact she specifically distinguished them, even in your Hieratic writings on Baalzebul you describe Him as a brother to Satan.

Can you give more clarification about Satan and Baalzebul, I can accept they are the same being but I dont really understand why this entire time we have been treating them as if they aren't. What changed? What was clarified that we didn't know before?

And when I mean we I mean the grand we, I am not calling you or anyone out specifically I am talking about the JoS now the ToZ, not you as a person as you have way more knowledge on this than anyone else here.

If one person were able and summoned Baalzebul and then summoned Satan would they see different beings? If so why? If not why did HPS Maxine give them differing descriptions?

I am not trying to nitpick here, I know this is a big change and your probably trying to answer a thousand different questions most of which are likely in bad faith, and I do trust you and your expertise but on my end I just feel very confused, can you explain more on their nature? Is the Satan/Baalzebul dynamic some kind of soul splitting of "Zeus" that way they would be one being but also would explain the fact that they appear and seemingly act differently to one another.

Yet again I am not confused about the name Zeus or the name Satan or Baalzebul or Shiva or An, all that is fine, I dont understand however why the JoS itself described them as separate beings, if the only difference is a difference in name? But if it were a soul splitting or something in that vein then that would make perfect sense as they would look different to one another and yet still 100% be the same entity but as far as I know this hasn't been clarified.

Keep in mind I may have really misinterpreted a lot of what your saying, I am not trying to put words in your mouth, if I have misunderstood I apologies but I dont know how else to ask the question other than laying out my thoughts as I understand them.

I hope you see I am asking this in good faith, you have my trust but a big part of what drew me to the Truth is I am the sort of person who can't leave questions like this unanswered, I am just confused as to how we ended up treating them separate if both are literally Zeus with a name change, I just feel like theres something im missing and I cant wrap my head around it without some more information.

And thank you for the Sermon.
I dont understand however why the JoS itself described them as separate beings, if the only difference is a difference in name?

Open my reply please (sorry the translation mistakes):
Look, after reading your question, I've been thinking about it for a few hours on how best to answer this defitivamentr since people have asked me even in private chat. I think I came up with a clear example that is within everyone's reach though.

Now, let us forget for a moment this new concept of SATANAS = ZEUS. Let's stick for a moment to the things we already knew because we were used to conceiving only that system of understanding. Now let me give you the example.

Consider these two Demons:


2) ALASTOR (Alastoras)

Now, notice how on our site they are listed as two different Demons:

In particular, HPS Maxine Dietrich reported this description of Beelzebul:
"My experience- I saw him for the first time when I asked for his assistance in creating this webpage about him. He appeared to me with platinum blond hair and darker eyebrows, wearing a white robe. This was the first time I saw him. I heard his voice a long time ago and it was raspy, but when he spoke to me recently, the raspiness was gone. This is probably because he is now free"

And in the old version of the site, this was given as the description of Alastor:
- Alastor has short blond hair, and is slim. He has blue-gray eyes and looks very young. He has wings white and was dressed in white. - HPS Maxine.

So, they are two different people from the simple point of view of who appears by summining him, etc.

PERHAPS, if we study Alastor a little bit, we notice that in a deeper sense we can say that although they have two souls and two bodies and its charisms, etc. different, because they are two physically different people, we notice that at this deep level, Alastor is a destructive justice aspect of Beelzebul/Zeus:

"Alastor, an epithet of the Greek God Zeus, according to Hesychius of Alexandria and the Etymologicum Magnum, which described him as the avenger of evil deeds, specifically familial bloodshed"

Now, although HP HoodedCobra666 has been accused of being a liar when talking about these updates, Hp HoodedCobra666 was the first to disclose this knowledge of the true natures of Alastor and Zeus:

@Tethys333 read here you too


PS, I know it is NOT about you, but it still concerns other people who have wondered the these thing:

This about Alastor was not hidden knowledge that only Hp HoodedCobra666 had oddly discovered to "scam people and bring false info" as per the classic anarchist meme that has been frequent over the years. They were literally things that were available on a simple public Wikipedia page for everyone's reach lol

But then again, even saying that Satanas is Zeus was never a bizarre idea of HP HoodedCobra666, there is evidence of this literally within reach of anyone typing keys on a search engine:


When you ask "but how is it possible that Satanas and Zeus are the same person? Yet by evoking Satanas and evoking Beelzebul two different persons appear!"

You are literally saying, "What, your father is a lawyer? Mine is also a lawyer! How is it possible that we have the same father? We are not brothers!"

It is literally the same basic thing!!!

When you ask "but how is it possible that Satanas and Zeus are the same person? Yet by evoking Satanas and evoking Beelzebul two different persons appear!"

You are literally saying, "What, your father is a lawyer? Mine is also a lawyer! How is it possible that we have the same father? We are not brothers!"

It is literally the same basic thing!!!
I get that, I am not really wondering IF its the case as the Gods would have let me know when I asked if it was wrong, more I want more details, it seems really important and not done without reason and I really would like more details as to why this is the case, but I am asking more as a case of trying to learn these topics I am not disputing the truth of them, I just want to know why there is a distinction and to what extent that distinction matters if at all.

For instance is there any point having two Rituals one for Baalzebul and another for Satan as opposed to one for Zeus? I genuinely dont know and I am very curious.

I do appreciate your replies.

When you ask "but how is it possible that Satanas and Zeus are the same person? Yet by evoking Satanas and evoking Beelzebul two different persons appear!"

You are literally saying, "What, your father is a lawyer? Mine is also a lawyer! How is it possible that we have the same father? We are not brothers!"

It is literally the same basic thing!!!
No it's not ,are you answering for the sake of answering ?
No it's not ,are you answering for the sake of answering ?

In fact, it is not, but I can't think of a more intuitive type of example to see how it is possible for this concept to be true. It really is the stupidest way you can explain such a thing. So stupid that it is wrong. But if one wanted a more intellectual answer, there are sermons in which the thing is explained as the thing is. But I would like to make the point that it is not an absurd thing in itself, of course conceiving what Zeus is can be complicated since none of us is Zeus, but indeed it is not something far-fetched in itself. This I was explaining.
In fact, it is not, but I can't think of a more intuitive type of example to see how it is possible for this concept to be true. It really is the stupidest way you can explain such a thing. So stupid that it is wrong. But if one wanted a more intellectual answer, there are sermons in which the thing is explained as the thing is. But I would like to make the point that it is not an absurd thing in itself, of course conceiving what Zeus is can be complicated since none of us is Zeus, but indeed it is not something far-fetched in itself. This I was explaining.
There is the art of not answering when you aren't certain of your own words,or when you simply do not know, instead of causing further confusion or ambiguity ,
Spamming with irrelevant messages will just further dilute an otherwise valuable discourse
Good day unto you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
