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Kabbalistic/Jewish last name features in supposedly non-Jewish people

Cast Cat

Active member
Sep 23, 2019
I remember it said long ago on here that anyone with an H anywhere after the first letter of their last name is Jewish. This, because it denotes the Kabbalistic breath of life. The Same goes for anyone with an EL anywhere in their last name as it denotes the God of Israel. Personally speaking; anytime I see anyone with these features I match them to the How to Identify a Jew material and they always identify positive. And so here is my question. President WasHington. Really a Jew? In most of the paintings of him; he is sporting the Weiner face. And how about -GoebbELs Really a Jew? Goebbels really gets me because he looked frail, sickly and has low set ears. Some Jews are Anti-Semitic. Do not forget this. And they also play both sides. I could be entirely wrong about them both; honestly. Because some gentiles have Jewish features. But then we couple this with Kabbalistic/Jewish last name additions etc. and well, then I am going to start asking questions. If anyone is actually to the level of knowing this; I would really appreciate an answer.

This is absolutely not true. A name doesn't make someone jewish. They can be even Ezekiel Cohen and that would still not be 100% that they are jewish. Of course the name is a factor but definitely not everyone with such names are jews.
Especially that 99% of "Jewish names" are stolen.
Jews also used the Hitler name until Hitler came.
Have you read the work of Goebbels? I don't think one can come to the conclusion that he was playing both sides from this. I'd also assume Hitler wouldn't be fooled by these things. Is he worse at recognizing a jew than members here?

Washington doesn't even have an H sound in his name, just a [sh] sound. Regardless, that assumption is stupid.
El is middle eastern, not "jewish". Nothing is jewish except jews and their religious essence. Every detail, piece of culture, name, tool, symbol, etc. they use or used is stolen.
Jews have really Jewish surnames and many rabbis, this is verifiable and recognizable, but it is not a universal rule at all. A Jew can have a Slavic surname, and a Slavic person can have a name or surname that resembles a Jewish surname (although it is not). Such as the surname Newman or any surnames with a «man» on the end. Likewise with the surnames you are talking about, it is similar here, there is no such principle. If you carry such a surname, you are unlikely to change your Race to Jewish, are you?

In the last century Jews took surnames that were not Jewish at all, because, on the one hand, they were afraid of persecution, on the other hand, they wanted to mimic other Ethnoses. That's the whole essence of filthy slugs — to parasitize and pretend.

This is especially true of the Ashkenazi, the Ethnic group of Jews who inhabited Central and Eastern Europe. These Jews moved to the East, fleeing oppression, with the desire to adapt and hide. Many did not hesitate and adapted even in Germany, taking German (!) surnames, and then immigrated to other places: to Russia, to Italy, to America.

Another fun fact is that in 1787, Prussia issued a decree requiring Jews to adopt surnames, which resulted in many of them choosing surnames that sounded more «German» or «Polish».

They changed surnames to infiltrate all possible social segments in order to gain more power and recognition, and to lower the level of prejudice in order to pass off their vile creature selves as Human. In this way they captured segments of business, science, education, politics, etc. In the process of assimilation, many Jews sought to adapt to the culture of their country of residence. This may have involved not only a change of surname, but also a change in lifestyle, language and customs. The adoption of non-Jewish surnames was part of this process.

In view of the above, I think you realize that your principle of identification is highly subjective and biased? Jews did not become Gentiles (or indeed Human Beings) by changing their surnames and marrying Germans (or Gentile women). And a non-Jew did not become a Jew by having some letters in his last name.

Jewish identification is a complex process, each criterion identified should not go against other criteria. If someone is short, or has black hair, or a crooked nose, or ears of some kind, it means little in essence. Not to mention surnames, which play absolutely no role in this context. Or a lesser role, at least.

Generally speaking, the surest way to identify a Jew is the Spiritual way. Jews have a completely different Geometry of the Soul, they have a completely different Aura (mostly black), and their Chakras are different (Cubic in shape). If your Astral Sensors are active, you will be able to see and feel it. It can be unpleasant and disgusting in the literal sense. They have an Astral odor reminiscent of something decaying, rotting.

You can also try to identify a Jew by Psycho-emotional and Mental signs: they usually have a fluent and «manic», frenzied look, they often talk expressively and not evenly, they have a strange gait, their facial expressions and articulation features are underdeveloped or very eccentric, they are impulsive and often show themselves as aggressors, psychopathic and cold-blooded, many have asymmetrical facial features, which even causes discomfort when communicating, it is also not uncommon to find them with crooked teeth. They generally do not behave like humans, although they try to adjust and emulate human behavioral mechanisms.

But again, this is not a universal law too, but these characteristics are more common. Determining by last name is not accurate at all, if accuracy is what you need in this matter.
Find me a gentile Cohen AFODO. There is no such thing. Unless it is an extremely rare adoption case or name change. But thank you for the effort. And asking questions or verifying anything is never a trap Anemos. Unless perhaps you were living in Soviet Russia before it's fall. Thank you. I'm hoping for some JG or HP Cobra to jump in on these questions here. Let us see.
Find me a gentile Cohen AFODO. There is no such thing. Unless it is an extremely rare adoption case or name change. But thank you for the effort. And asking questions or verifying anything is never a trap Anemos. Unless perhaps you were living in Soviet Russia before it's fall. Thank you. I'm hoping for some JG or HP Cobra to jump in on these questions here. Let us see.

Cohen is a pretty bad example, yes. It is overwhelmingly jewish, but I suppose a misspelling of a different name, or even your example of adoption, can happen. Regardless, I'm still not sure where you heard those things from. El is not jewish in origin as a term, it's a middle eastern term for light, can be verified on the sites. H is vibrated in gentile spiritual practice as well, and an H in the middle of the name doesn't mean shit when it comes to someone being jewish or not.

Secondly, you want Clergy to verify that Goebbels was a gentile? Odd, mate. This was very clearly the case, and you also haven't addressed my question. Do you think Hitler, as advanced as he was, wouldn't be able to tell one of his most trusted confidants was a jew?
And asking questions or verifying anything is never a trap Anemos.
This is rhetoric. You have distorted my original sentence and used the distorted sentence to attack the original sentence.

The scenario here must be analyzed anagogically, Washington completed the Rainbow Body and Hitler the Magnus Opus, also all members of the inner circle of Hitler were divine souls.
It's my Job as an SS to to question the validity of that which we even find comfortable. Every "person" in whom I have seen with an EL or an H in their last name also I find Jewish physical features. 1+1= Joo. I'll be completely honest about it too, it was Mageson that had said these things. About the H denoting the breath of life and EL indicating the God of Israel in a surname. It's just that put this with the how to identify a Joo manual and I have not found one gentile so far. The shoe fits. Not everything he said was a lie, which is why I am trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. I mean no disrespect to anyone here. I just don't take everything at face value anymore. Even Nazism. A lot of the Nazi leadership looked Jewish. Hitler himself had a bit of the pop-eye and some bags under his eyes in some pics. Which definitely makes me wonder. I just don't know anymore.
It's my Job as an SS to to question the validity of that which we even find comfortable. Every "person" in whom I have seen with an EL or an H in their last name also I find Jewish physical features. 1+1= Joo. I'll be completely honest about it too, it was Mageson that had said these things. About the H denoting the breath of life and EL indicating the God of Israel in a surname. It's just that put this with the how to identify a Joo manual and I have not found one gentile so far. The shoe fits. Not everything he said was a lie, which is why I am trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. I mean no disrespect to anyone here. I just don't take everything at face value anymore. Even Nazism. A lot of the Nazi leadership looked Jewish. Hitler himself had a bit of the pop-eye and some bags under his eyes in some pics. Which definitely makes me wonder. I just don't know anymore.
El is NOT the God of Israel. It's a stolen name from the Canaanite God El, which was another name for Satan. Jews gave the name El to angelic names specifically to give them power. HPHC mentioned the name El as meaning light. Light is power. This isn't a jewish concept originally.

Yahweh took on many names, attributes and titles from Pagan Gods, El is one of them. Another one is Adonai from the God Adon, another name for Baal/Satan. Yawheh is a mockup Frankenstein fake god patched up from many real Gods to create a thoughtform with power. Yahweh mainly took on the attributes of the Head God Baal/El. Jesus is also a Frankenstein character, mainly taken from Inana, Dionysus, and Apollo.

El is also where "Allah" came from.

You can know a jew by their vibe once you advance high enough. Using names, letters, face shapes, ect is very unreliable. I once felt that a guy was "off" and fake, only to later be told in the show that he was a jew. Many jews have a distinct "alien" look to them which if you're familiar with phenotypes truly, can be distinguished from Gentiles with stereotypical jewish features. Other jews can blend in with Europeans, Arabs, and medditareans in general more easily. Depends.

There are a lot of names that start with El. Michael for example. How many guys are called Michael and have a last name like Harrison for example? I don't think all those guys are jews.

H is also stolen. The hebrew alphabet is stolen from the Canaanite language.

People naturally make an "h" sound when they breathe through their mouth. This isn't exactly a jewish concept.

Take anything Mageson said with a mine's worth of salt.
Thank you for the input Seeker. I've been with us since 2013 and I'm pretty good identifying Joos. Damn good; I would say. Every "person" that I have EVER ran into with an "H" AFTER the first letter of the surname has always turned out Joo. Same with "EL" ANYWHERE in their name. Always a Joo. Name origins aside; I am just explaining what I have experienced....from my own personal experience. Mageson did speak some truths. I can't just write off everything he said nor did HP Cobra because he kept some of his works around. Harrison is Jooish BTW. Root of Harris. That's been explained on here. Also, I've noticed that if they have a first name as their last then they are also a Joo. Nobody has ever spoken of that on here. At least I've never heard anyone talk about it. And so allow me to confirm that. "Scott," "Bryan"...etc. You will always find them to be a Joo.
I remember it said long ago on here that anyone with an H anywhere after the first letter of their last name is Jewish. This, because it denotes the Kabbalistic breath of life. The Same goes for anyone with an EL anywhere in their last name as it denotes the God of Israel. Personally speaking; anytime I see anyone with these features I match them to the How to Identify a Jew material and they always identify positive. And so here is my question. President WasHington. Really a Jew? In most of the paintings of him; he is sporting the Weiner face. And how about -GoebbELs Really a Jew? Goebbels really gets me because he looked frail, sickly and has low set ears. Some Jews are Anti-Semitic. Do not forget this. And they also play both sides. I could be entirely wrong about them both; honestly. Because some gentiles have Jewish features. But then we couple this with Kabbalistic/Jewish last name additions etc. and well, then I am going to start asking questions. If anyone is actually to the level of knowing this; I would really appreciate an answer.

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Honestly, I too had doubts about Gobbels, especially because of his appearance.
No it doesn't mean they're Jewish. I had a teacher once named "Goldsmith" but she was a fully White Gentile.

In Asia, the name "Jin" (Chinese) or "Kim" means "gold" in Chinese and Korean respectively, yet many Chinese and Koreans (and even Westerners) bear these names are fully Asian Gentiles, though of course the north korean jewish "kim" dynasty weaponizes this. The Qing dynasty is literally called the "Golden Dynasty" and their members bear the name "Aisin" (Manchu for Chinese "Jin") but they're not jews.....they're of Asiatic Central and North Asian origin and surviving families today are just enslaved by the communists.

Also remember that Yiddish isn't Jewish but Germanic Gentile in origin, and Hebrew being of Semitic Gentile in origin and etc, kikes dont own nor have they created anything.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
