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Reaching Confidence And Self-Esteem - Explained

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Thank you for constantly providing me with new goals! Always having new things to accomplish makes me feel alive. Thank you!
Yes, it is true. You cannot meditate for health or healing while you are still practicing bad habits that increase illness. Meditation raises your awareness and attention and makes you not make mistakes, forget yourself, and be tempted. Meditation makes you control your habits and control yourself, so that you do not continue to do that bad habit. It makes your mind more open in order to see things more clearly and find solutions to those problems, and not in order to wait for those problems to be solved automatically. Sometimes things are complementary to each other. There must be a balance between the astral body and the physical body.
Thank you for constantly providing me with new goals! Always having new things to accomplish makes me feel alive. Thank you!
That, is a few things we are all striving for. And many more.
Over coming painfull hangups of the past.
Learning to face up to our personal problems
And gaming prospective.
Taking risks.
Over coming disabilities and disadvantages.
Taking responsibility for our actions and mistakes.
Taking charge of what needs to be accomplished
And knowing what to do.
To find balance with in ourselves as individuals.
Facing our enemies head on.
Sticking up for what's right.
Learning personal and people skills to advance.
Learning power of mind and soul. 🔥👹🖤❤️
I always love going into minute details - because sometimes it is this tiny part, this one piece of information that makes ALL the elements fit together seamlessly.

'How do I this, how do I that?' - well, instead of asking yourself thesese questions, ask yourself whether you want to ask them ars gratia artis in order to PRETEND you're doing something, or ot get actual results.

Thank you High Priest.
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HP for this sermon,
That's exactly what I've been thinking about lately...

The problem is that as I improve in my journey I am realizing that many problems I had were caused by my mentality, my way of reacting to things and so on.

I'm fixing a lot of things these days, but one thing I can't fix are the tattoos left on my skin from times when I was a degenerate.

This thing now more than ever is creating enormous frustration for me, I feel badly seen by society and despite my efforts to improve I feel that this compromises me, I feel I am being judged for this reason and therefore I perceive it as an obstacle, then as soon as When people get to know me, they realize they're dealing with a great person and they're left stupid.

I've tried applying for surgery, laser and the like but my lifestyle doesn't allow me to have my skin hurt in a risky way for a long time as I spend a lot of time at work and would risk getting infected causing significant damage.

I would really like to see my body clean, even more so when I feel that this influences the view of me in others. (I have a few but people are amazed to see me with tattoos being a good person) at first glance I think I'm a delinquent or something even though I'm the complete opposite.
Those who offer a "quick trick" or a "quick solution"—whether for confidence or anything else—are nothing but liars. It’s all just marketing. In reality, no one truly cares. Only those who have evolved can see the truth. Like you said, this is a lifelong journey. Many people will be scared of this reality and will try to run from it, but how long can someone really escape the truth?

Sooner or later, we all have to change our habits and improve ourselves in many ways if we want to progress and evolve towards a better path. I have absolute trust in you as a kind and well-intentioned person. I truly appreciate your honesty and how willing you are to help others. It’s clear that you have a good heart—keep going!
An excellent and incredibly informative Sermon! It is written concisely, but very lucidly. I am very grateful for shedding light on such a sensitive topic, dear High Priest!

For many people this topic seems to be something easy to understand, but in fact it is deeper and more complicated than it seems. And many stay in this state without having the real Power within themselves.

Indeed, many people cannot achieve self-confidence because their inner world is full of contradictions, fears, conflicts with themselves and Psychic Blocks. Even if people practice Meditations, they are not always able to break down in their Mind the walls erected by society and their own doubts, but also because of the Ego. People try in vain to find confidence outside themselves, forgetting that it is not a goal but a state of Mind and Soul.

They are hindered by the illusions of success and the opinions of others, which form the «inner» critic. Spiritual practices can open the door to understanding, but true confidence comes only when people accept Reality as it is (which, surprisingly, is often difficult to do) and begin to act methodically and decisively, without «waiting for the weather». In this acceptance lies the key to Freedom — the Freedom to be oneself, without masks, illusions, expectations and External Influence.

When one has found that fruit of deep self-knowledge and self-love, then one claims success in this endeavor. The Mental Body is rather transient in nature, but some attitudes are hardened in the head and it is difficult for people to work with it and with Mentality in principle, but it is necessary, and it is one of the ways of development, which implies a comprehensive approach and a lot of processes to correct oneself.

Given how far removed the rest of humans are from Satan, Gods and Spirituality and how strong their intrapersonal conflicts and destructive beliefs are, this causes them to see themselves as their own reflection of themselves, the supposedly true self, when in fact this reflection is like a puddle in the muddy ground, and this very much undermines their potential, greatly limiting them in their realization, but many do not seek to do anything about it. Unlike us!

Thanks again so much for the Sermon, HP! It gave me some thoughts.
Indeed, many don't dare, and this generalized lack of daring blocks many possibilities and ends up creating a thought-form that, for its own survival, demands an artificial morality, codes and other taboos that reinforce the blockage and encourage cowardice.

If we "dare" in such a group, we attract hostility and come face to face with the lack of self-confidence we were fighting against when we went ahead.
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a really wonderful sermon
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a wonderful sermon
Thanks for the inspiring words
Confidence is also can be good
Affirmations and mantras
Hail Satanas And the Gods of Hell! #!!
There's also of a factor here as a person ruling the planet. (I'm not sure, but judging by the way he lived and lives he probably has Sun or Jupiter).

Let's say my friend and I were both from not rich families when we were teenagers, we literally did the same thing, he could easily approach girls who were even older than him and get acquainted with them literally quite confidently and brazenly, while I would even be embarrassed to say “hello”.

Over time of course I fixed it, but he had it right away and it seemed to “work itself out” although maybe it was a past life thing or something.
The Seminar is the most powerful and accurate Seminar on the subject of confidence.
I've not read everything written by all people, but I'm confident there is nothing more accurate and beneficial than this Seminar by HPHC on the subject.

Fundamentally a lot of things about confidence are completely misunderstood by everyone, which this Seminar accurately addresses, fully helping anyone understand how this really works.

Even if you don't believe confidence to be a problem in your life, the seminar is still extraordinary and likely will be surprisingly helpful. As one can have a lack of confidence, even a crippling level of lacking confidence, without realizing this to be the case, even thinking that one has a healthy and sufficient confidence in life and no obvious self deprecating traits, due to a fundamental misunderstanding about what confidence really is and how it works.

You won't find anything similar anywhere else.

Thank you High Priest HoodedCobra, this knowledge is quite literally life changing for those who seek it.
1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.
Let's examine it... OK.
I am tuned in 2 and half of those points... A good start at least.

By my personal experience I understand as point 1. is trauma relief. Most often traumas are invalidating and I also observe most people have suffered bigger or smaller traumas somewhere.
I put and will go on putting my efforts on the forums on this point, to help both myself and others.
I also add, finding your own traumas may be very tricky and not easy. Sometimes people do not even know or remember about them, and go on living with this burden without taking actions.
As modern times undermine this qualities, pointing them as "toxic traits", both for men and women this seminar is a beacon in all this madness. The concept and meaning of these words got twisted through the years. For those who have the opportunity to listen to our Commander's words, treasure these lessons for the future to come.
True confidence and self-esteem make the difference nowadays between those who can hold the future as active agents, and those who don't and let the world passing them by. As SS we have a duty to fulfill.
Great sermon! Thank you.

I know that many problems in life stem from this, so I must thank you for this article.
The problems in life do not stem from it, but that lack of self-confidence is a signal that there are problems in life
This is not always the case. Astrological position does not give a fixed result and does not “condemn.” The same position of your friend may bring different results to another person. This Because it depends on many factors, not on individual positioning, which are also “basic” astrological.

Self-confidence, is also a matter of having the “tools.” And once you have the tool, learn how to use it. The tool/knowledge and the results will give you self-confidence/security, the more this is “enhanced” the more confidence/security increases. Again keeping a balance as in meditation is a crucial point, so as not to overdo the two extremes.
This reminds me of a recent sermon going over the "The voice of the Gods Within." This voice has all the knowledge and sends us every single message that must be listened to improve ourselves as a whole, both spiritually and materially. And of course, this creates the by-product of true confidence: a state of being.

The seminars help us break down in detail what it takes to gain confidence and this provides us with direction on how to better understand why our higher voice guides us to take certain actions.

Thank you so much for everything High Priest HoodedCobra666!
Very motivating HP. Confidence was something I struggled with because of emotional trauma. I will say that finding the group, has put me in a better frame of mind than years ago. You realize your inner strength. Your true self. Something I've always had, but let others strip it away. I've found myself building it up again brick by brick. I agree with you being something you have to put in the effort for.
The Seminar on confidence was very good, just as all Seminars I've read so far. It calls for deeper study, some notetaking, actionable steps and planning, which I enjoy.
It manages to be simplistic in the sense that you're not just being told the same thing over and over for 2 hours. This is a common thing that happens with many self proclaimed gurus in this area, and I've always used the same term for it. Masturbatory motivation. It's just there to make you feel like you're doing something valuable, when really you're listening to very basic information being pointlessly repeated.
The Seminar got the info out, didn't repeat things pointlessly, and had a good teaching approach.

The info itself was great. A couple things to give you a clearer picture of confidence, a little extra knowledge, connections to ancient wisdom, and a few actionable steps you are given that will unfold further depending on how far you go.

I'm not a particularly insecure person, I like to think of myself as confident, but I do have some insecurities. This seminar did point me into the direction of how to address these, and I have a good feeling about the progress I'll make in this area.

Can't wait for more.
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon!

I look forward to the content coming out
Indeed, many don't dare, and this generalized lack of daring blocks many possibilities and ends up creating a thought-form that, for its own survival, demands an artificial morality, codes and other taboos that reinforce the blockage and encourage cowardice.

If we "dare" in such a group, we attract hostility and come face to face with the lack of self-confidence we were fighting against when we went ahead.
✨👁️🌾🌾🌾well articulated
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
🌹🕯️🕯️🌹Vielen Dank 🏔️🌲🏔️ 🦚🦚🦚
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HPHC for this sermon and for those on the Donors platform.

I am one of those people who despite realizing the growth made, always seems to do too little.

I have been receiving, in the last few days, many answers to questions that I have been asking myself lately and this makes me understand that I am opening up psychically.

Growth is something gradual and not tangible, but at a certain point you look back and realize how far you have come.

My low self-esteem has always blocked me making me doubt my abilities. I am fighting this thought form trying to see what I really do good and I realize that I do a lot of it.

But then the thoughts come back in which I do not do enough, in which I seem to always be behind and in which I do not feel up to par.

Thank you HPHC, I know that all this is part of growing but sometimes it seems to me that I have always remained at the same point and that I am not able to give the best of myself as I would like
🏔️🙋🏼‍♀️🌹🌳Keep striving upward...and if you slip a bit and the climb feels hard it's gonna make yoe wiser and stronger and not fall all the way down but regain your being by meditation the stillness for a few moments at least in the morning and before bed..finding actions that are thoughtfully taken in order to sustain and grow with self care and love maintaining your best best self and eventually the abilities to start with small circle of those around you then further outward giving service as you choose even if it is without words or specific ways you would one day feel more confident with in which to give/be apart of/lead/create etc etc
Be already the top at the peak of the mountain enjoying that climbing and breath deeply relaxing and resting. I like how you mentioned looking back and seeing many of the positive changes and having the gratitude to appreciate the TRUTH. Hail the gods! Hail Astarte! Hail Satanas!
Recently this topic came up as a desirable topic for analysis in JoS Donors platform. The platform works by voting on higher members who choose what we will be focusing upon from a series of topics. We will also be renaming the platform soon to encapsulate better it's essence, as it's for all people who are actively doing things in the JoS.

As I realize this is something very important, I will go over key points here in this thread, to clarify certain things about confidence.

Now, confidence is most of the time mistaken as a feeling; ie, to be "confident" and feeling like this. However, this is not the essence to this, the feeling one has is more of a by-product. Real confidence is something deeper and it goes deep into the mind and psyche. In the seminar it has been explained, with exercises, on how to articulate reaching the roots of this and fixing confidence but it might not be what you expect.

With most topics, people just expect there is just a spiritual solution to it all. For example you want to sit in a basement and you want a magickal spell or formula to just suddenly find the love of your life, without having nothing to offer them. While such magickal formula might exist [yes, there is powerful knowledge] this is not going to make it possible on it's own. Similarly, while meditations can increase the feeling of confidence and so on, the real way to raise your confidence through meditation is only one way. Below this, one must work with themselves psychologically in the following areas:

1. Trauma relief
2. Being powerful in the actual world (productive, achieving goals, etc)
3. Physical fitness or at least having a valid self-image (not paranoid over it, a healthy balance)
4. Doing things for the world and doing something as part of the world
5. Meditation and improvement to advance.
6. Mentally making certain changes to become better attuned with one's self.

Confidence won't come for free and it's something that requires work and possibly a lifetime of work. All the courses you have heard on the subject up to now are fake, especially all these things that are said by "gurus" and related. They are lying to you, especially if they promise an instant fix in confidence. The belief of self-esteem is not built from a single day to another day, and any such rises in confidence are mostly emotional, not hardwired deeply into the mind (this can take time, but it's the best way to enhance your confidence levels).

Actions, progression and actual reforms are needed to attain higher confidence in life. It's not just a feeling.

Lastly, the key takeaway from this is that humans have to improve and advance and that this is what makes confidence truly valuable and truly valid. Confidence is a secondary result of advancement and not the "aim in itself". Further, there are also cases of people who are wonderful and they are doing very well, but still, they don't really believe in themselves all that much (also fixable with time).

The above and further depth of the topic will have the result that there is going to be also a second Seminar on this, complementing the first. The knowledge is very accurate, so when you follow it, you will reach the anticipated results no matter where you are at now. That's the difference with the knowledge offered there, than with general knowledge.

However, as with any opportunity to evolve, it has to be tapped into. For those who will, then they will receive since they make themselves deserving of reception and therefore they get rewarded. That's also the case when it comes to confidence and related; in order to get it and raise it, one has to engage in certain ways of life that make it possible to further it's power and experience. Alternatively, it will hang low until one engages in the proper choices and follows them through.

If someone wants the confidence or power of the 10%, they must not be like the 90%. Even here we have the same analogy. The more people want to advance, the less they want to sit idle and do nothing; then our existence rewards us with confidence, healing and so on. We don't do this, we just wither around and we don't have much to expect out of life really.

If one wants to reach the confidence, understanding, or power, or anything in life pertaining to the 10%, they must do equal amount of effort and love themselves to reach that point.

You can do this but where are the decisive steps?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A person's confidence in something is based on the result in a given area. If a person has a result in a specific area, he will be confident.

Very often, in order to achieve any result, a person needs confidence, but often a person cannot achieve a result due to the lack of real confidence that people around them feel at the vibrational level.

If a person learns to control himself, gets to know himself through daily, consistent Power meditations , he will gain the confidence he needs and will be able to conquer any peaks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
