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HP HDCobra666
I signed up at the donor Platform but I forgot my username and password, is there a chance I could get it back or how will I login?
Thank you
I would like to know if my donations have gone through to jos donar, I have emailed Blackoynx8 and private messaged him but I still haven’t received any answers to my questions about my crypto donations, I just want to I sent 4 crypto donations I know one went through that’s how I got the email to be Tier 1 but I want to know if the other 3 payments went through
Thank you
I would like to know if my donations have gone through to jos donar, I have emailed Blackoynx8 and private messaged him but I still haven’t received any answers to my questions about my crypto donations, I just want to I sent 4 crypto donations I know one went through that’s how I got the email to be Tier 1 but I want to know if the other 3 payments went through
Thank you

Please message me at [email protected] with all this information and we will restore anything you need.
Update 5: Sacrament Ritual Update & Other Updates

Greetings everyone. Please login into the JoS Donor's platform. Not only the New Seminar will be there by tomorrow, but also there is something else waiting in there for everyone. There is information about certain projects we are embarking into, and how one can help in their manifestation. Also, there is a Ritual posted there for those who want to partake in these projects to help build up our community and reach the goals set by the Gods.

From the announcement: "...You will find the PDF in the frontpage of the Downloads for the JoS Rituals. This is a very powerful Ritual and there will be more to come. Tier 3 and 4 will get more knowledge, blessings and other incentives as we go. First however, this Ritual must be done in order for people to receive an initial sacrament to partake in the holy endeavors of the Gods through this platform.

This platform is about to undergo many more changes, updates and formalizations. At this place, we have a holy assembly tasked and aimed to manifest certain workings for the Gods and to make the Joy of Satanas an objectively powerful assembly of the Gods on planet earth, in the material realm
... "

It's all going to be great and more developments will unfold in the next week. There is an announcement explaining the details. Thank you all, be blessed always!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Update 5: Sacrament Ritual Update & Other Updates

Greetings everyone. Please login into the JoS Donor's platform. Not only the New Seminar will be there by tomorrow, but also there is something else waiting in there for everyone. There is information about certain projects we are embarking into, and how one can help in their manifestation. Also, there is a Ritual posted there for those who want to partake in these projects to help build up our community and reach the goals set by the Gods.

From the announcement: "...You will find the PDF in the frontpage of the Downloads for the JoS Rituals. This is a very powerful Ritual and there will be more to come. Tier 3 and 4 will get more knowledge, blessings and other incentives as we go. First however, this Ritual must be done in order for people to receive an initial sacrament to partake in the holy endeavors of the Gods through this platform.

This platform is about to undergo many more changes, updates and formalizations. At this place, we have a holy assembly tasked and aimed to manifest certain workings for the Gods and to make the Joy of Satanas an objectively powerful assembly of the Gods on planet earth, in the material realm
... "

It's all going to be great and more developments will unfold in the next week. There is an announcement explaining the details. Thank you all, be blessed always!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP HDCobra666

I forgot my password for Donor’s platform so I can’t get in, is there anyway to find my password?
Thank you
HP HDCobra666

I forgot my password for Donor’s platform so I can’t get in, is there anyway to find my password?
Thank you
It's in your confirmation email because it's not chosen by you but it's a complex, more secure password. Hopefully you didn't delete that email.
Update 5: Sacrament Ritual Update & Other Updates

Greetings everyone. Please login into the JoS Donor's platform. Not only the New Seminar will be there by tomorrow, but also there is something else waiting in there for everyone. There is information about certain projects we are embarking into, and how one can help in their manifestation. Also, there is a Ritual posted there for those who want to partake in these projects to help build up our community and reach the goals set by the Gods.

From the announcement: "...You will find the PDF in the frontpage of the Downloads for the JoS Rituals. This is a very powerful Ritual and there will be more to come. Tier 3 and 4 will get more knowledge, blessings and other incentives as we go. First however, this Ritual must be done in order for people to receive an initial sacrament to partake in the holy endeavors of the Gods through this platform.

This platform is about to undergo many more changes, updates and formalizations. At this place, we have a holy assembly tasked and aimed to manifest certain workings for the Gods and to make the Joy of Satanas an objectively powerful assembly of the Gods on planet earth, in the material realm
... "

It's all going to be great and more developments will unfold in the next week. There is an announcement explaining the details. Thank you all, be blessed always!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.


1. Have not yet donated
2. Have donated, but have not provided proof
3. You used another e-mail than your donors e-mail (So no proof can exist).

The above will be resolved when you mail at [email protected]

Also, everyone has been admitted or is in Tier 0 [if there is no donation made]. For those admitted, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS.

Our head of operations JG BlackOnyx can help you troubleshoot anything related to passwords etc.

There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.

I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have a doubt, I'm engaging on project outreach, and I can translate too, I cannot donate since I live in one of those countries.

I haven't yet done anything actually, my doubt is for the future, will I have acces to every information given to the tier that I get since the donor platform begun or will I get the new info with not previous info?

This has me obsessed a little since I understand very valuable info has been given already.
The blessing of Allfather Zeus is very powerful with this ritual, I would also like to share with my fellow Satanists that since I have started donating I have probably made more progress in three months than in the last ten years, the Gods do make note of those who really truly serve them and their blessings they have given me far exceed the monetary value I have donated, it really is regrettable it took me this long to do start donating.

Even starting small is a start.
Aw, I just saw the update about the Sacrament ritual. :/
If I watch this topic, will I be notified when the first post has been updated? (Even if it's not a "new post?")
I verify through this post that the Course named "Theurgy - Introduction" is Officially from the Joy of Satan, High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.

Files will be available for download, for all Tiers, in a few hours in JoSdonors.org. Password for the ZIP files is included in the Description in JoSDonors for the files.

Below are the sha256 Checksums for each file, to check their validity:

Tier 1: dbac89a862b1437c776b9e9925aedcfc5b1813aab99ede8585448194a18f7dbf
Tier 2: 2b27e0ed0a2ff57bb6d9bd00f972a778806fac7849d110312c2875113f55d265
Tier 3: 066e3b3d713f04c517179ded69d0cb92260d60403ab13fc574ef632a1d45700c
Tier 4: d41ec8d7137176523f984088c2900481566a40c3d1452ee530f0914703414320

Copyright: CI-48059225735

Date: 1 Nov 2024
How do I open these, I am not even getting an option to enter a password, is there a software I should be using?
NVM I had to download a software called 7-Zip the deafult windows software for unzipping isn't very good, so if anyone has this problem download 7-Zip, fixed it instantly.
Thank you so much JG BlackOnyx8 for all your hard and great work in creating Jos Donar Platform, you have done such a marvellous work and service we truly are grateful to you, you will be remembered for this amazing work, and I’m glad to be apart of this amazing work, may the Gods bless you 🙏😊💕
If I watch this topic, will I be notified when the first post has been updated? (Even if it's not a "new post?")

Here is the latest update by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666:

Files will be available for download, for all Tiers, in a few hours in JoSdonors.org. Password for the ZIP files is included in the Description in JoSDonors for the files.
@Hp. Hoodedcobra666, Does level 0 within the assembly really exist? If so, what do they receive? the title and 5 introductory lines?
Does level 0 within the assembly really exist? If so, what do they receive? the title and 5 introductory lines?
Tier 0 serves as the starting point.

If someone is placed in Tier 0, they have met specific criteria granting them access to the platform. However, they do not yet have access to Donor Perks, as proof of contribution is required, because if one is not a Donor, what would be the point of all this?

The platform is designed for the Clergy to give back to Donors and others who offer valuable contributions to the JoS, such as through ongoing work that elevates the JoS. Therefore, to access Donor Perks, one must provide proof of donation. The minimum level for access to any form of Donor Perks is Tier 1.
Tier 0 serves as the starting point.

If someone is placed in Tier 0, they have met specific criteria granting them access to the platform. However, they do not yet have access to Donor Perks, as proof of contribution is required, because if one is not a Donor, what would be the point of all this?

The platform is designed for the Clergy to give back to Donors and others who offer valuable contributions to the JoS, such as through ongoing work that elevates the JoS. Therefore, to access Donor Perks, one must provide proof of donation. The minimum level for access to any form of Donor Perks is Tier 1.
Can I direct message you? I have a few questions about all this, because I definitely would like to donate. 🤗
Update 7: Donor Incentives, Goals & Explanations Audio Files

Everyone has received in the platform audios that clarify what we are doing with the JoS Donors platform. Please login and listen to the audios so you have a clarified view of what the next developments are going to be. We are still very early and this project is going to be one of the most massive projects in the Joy of Satanas.

More clarifications in the audios for Donors.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Update 5: Sacrament Ritual Update & Other Updates

Greetings everyone. Please login into the JoS Donor's platform. Not only the New Seminar will be there by tomorrow, but also there is something else waiting in there for everyone. There is information about certain projects we are embarking into, and how one can help in their manifestation. Also, there is a Ritual posted there for those who want to partake in these projects to help build up our community and reach the goals set by the Gods.

From the announcement: "...You will find the PDF in the frontpage of the Downloads for the JoS Rituals. This is a very powerful Ritual and there will be more to come. Tier 3 and 4 will get more knowledge, blessings and other incentives as we go. First however, this Ritual must be done in order for people to receive an initial sacrament to partake in the holy endeavors of the Gods through this platform.

This platform is about to undergo many more changes, updates and formalizations. At this place, we have a holy assembly tasked and aimed to manifest certain workings for the Gods and to make the Joy of Satanas an objectively powerful assembly of the Gods on planet earth, in the material realm
... "

It's all going to be great and more developments will unfold in the next week. There is an announcement explaining the details. Thank you all, be blessed always!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



Não será possível ser admitido se não tiver feito nada do que se segue. Quando alguém fizer qualquer um dos itens acima, ou ambos, será admitido e classificado apropriadamente.


1. Ainda não doou
2. Doaram, mas não forneceram provas
3. Você usou um e-mail diferente do e-mail do seu doador (portanto, não há provas).

O problema acima será resolvido quando você enviar um e-mail para [email protected]

Além disso, todos foram admitidos ou estão no Nível 0 [se não houver doação feita]. Para os admitidos, VERIFIQUEM SUAS PASTAS DE SPAM.

Nosso chefe de operações, JG BlackOnyx, pode ajudar você a solucionar qualquer problema relacionado a senhas, etc.

Há também uma parcela de Doadores que não se registraram na plataforma. Por favor, faça isso. É aí que os principais benefícios começam.

Sei que muitos de vocês fazem isso pelos Deuses e pelo nosso povo, mas essas coisas que estão por vir são bem merecidas.

-Sumo Sacerdote Cobra Encapuzada 666



Saudações a toda a nossa família satânica nos Deuses,

Com muita alegria, anuncio que a plataforma Joy of Satan Donors finalmente foi lançada. Este é o primeiro lançamento e está em fase beta por enquanto. Ela resolverá 95% de quaisquer problemas que existiam antes no Donor System, como distribuição de PDF, gerenciamento, atrasos na verificação de doações para aceitação e tudo mais.

O objetivo desta plataforma é fornecer aos usuários o mais alto nível de qualidade para materiais, recompensas, seminários, aprendizado espiritual privado e outras coisas impressionantes que não serão divulgadas ao público, de acordo com o que todos estão fazendo. Quando alguém o fizer, receberá presentes por seu trabalho para melhorar a Casa dos Deuses.

Ela funcionará como um tipo de universidade da Temple University entre outros propósitos, onde muitas vantagens existirão, mais do que as declarações anteriores dos Donor Tiers que foram reveladas. A plataforma permite desenvolvimentos extremos. Aqueles que ajudarem receberão ampla e excelente recompensa por seu trabalho sagrado que ajuda os Deuses e seu povo.

Quaisquer declarações aqui permanecerão mínimas. Esse é um passo enorme para aqueles que ajudam e auxiliam o JoS e o próprio Joy of Satan.

O funcionamento completo da plataforma ocorrerá após 15 de agosto, mas é importante que todos os doadores comecem a chegar.

Também há uma decisão em andamento sobre a limitação de quantos membros aceitaremos como número final para o Sistema de Doadores. Isso porque em 2035 "depois de vencermos", admissão e aceitação quando o poder for maior, será a aposta fácil. Aqueles que acreditaram no JoS no início terão mais vantagens e terão uma existência sólida dentro deste sistema para manter o JoS vivo e nossa comunidade viva e capaz, enquanto outros estavam sentados à margem.

Esta decisão e os detalhes estão em andamento e serão compartilhados privadamente dentro da própria plataforma. Depois de um ponto, a associação à plataforma será limitada, e apenas certos casos de pessoas sob decisões rigorosas poderão ser membros.

Para aqueles que são doadores, tradutores ou ajudantes da comunidade, criadores de projetos etc., ou que realizam um trabalho importante para a JoS e para a humanidade, registrem-se na plataforma visitando o seguinte link: https://josdonors.org .

Pressione onde diz "registre-se agora" e registre-se.

Por favor, use o link acima para se registrar; então a admissão acontecerá e então a pessoa será oficialmente instalada na plataforma de acordo com seu Nível. Por favor, use os e-mails que você forneceu como parte dos Materiais do Doador. Você pode usar qualquer nome de usuário que quiser e uma senha forte que você deve memorizar.

Uma nova era começa com este projeto. Obrigado a todos e obrigado aos Deuses e ao nosso povo por tornarem essas grandes tarefas possíveis.

Quero agradecer a JG BlackOnyx por seguir fielmente o design e os visuais da plataforma e ser tão intuitivo quando se tratou de entender as funções da plataforma que eu organizei. Ele trabalhou extremamente duro para trazer isso à existência com base nas direções e na visão dadas; e ele teve sucesso.

Um projeto maravilhoso foi criado para o JoS e um dos mais honrosos. Que seu nome seja lembrado por essa criação maravilhosa e que os Deuses nos guiem como um todo para aproveitar ao máximo esses presentes.

-Sumo Sacerdote Cobra Encapuzada 666
Sumo Sacerdote meus cumprimentos ao Sr., sou dedicado a 6 anos, e sigo meu caminho individual estudando e crescendo junto a Satanas e os Deuses, mas sempre leio o site e as atualizações, eu tinha outra conta no começo e eu não me recordo mais o nome, se passou alguns anos, gostaria de participar desta nova etapa unida que acredito que faço parte deste novo ciclo em minha vida, já fiz muitos trabalhos para Santanas individualmente. como provas só tenho um blog que comecei em maio deste ano, inclusive faço referências ao joy of satanas, no passado fiz tradução de um livro chamado arvore de odin se não estiver enganado, mas posso fazer novos trabalhos para serviço 'a Satanas Lucifer. agradeço seu retorno.
Salve Satanás
Please wait a moment while your download is being prepared...

I can't do it at all, I'm stuck here for days now.
Update 8:

The JoS Donors platform is evolving. Now, when one logs in, you will see all the available tools in your frontpage, same as announcements, the new Polls, your Donor Tier, total donated and the list of all your perks. The Donation addresses are now also inside the platform, easily accessible. We will make the platform extremely powerful, user friendly, and we are preparing a magnitude of projects, from working calendars to many other things that everyone will see in time.

Even more updates will take place as the platform is officially moving away from it's testing phase and everything is well.

Currently, we have an ongoing Yuletide Raffle in the platform, with very clear goals and incentives as explained in the provided PDF.

The next course and seminar that the Community of the Donors has chosen is also being created, same as the gift for all the Yuletide participants.

Simultaneously, thanks to the generous support of those who stand strong and assist the community in it's growth, we are growing in all other areas. Thank you all for one more time and we are moving forward!
Please wait a moment while your download is being prepared...

I can't do it at all, I'm stuck here for days now.

I would like to say that this problem still persists, safari, google, do not change this fact.
iOS updated.
I would like to say that this problem still persists, safari, google, do not change this fact.
iOS updated.

Please contact JG Black Onyx about this problem, we will resolve this. For any problems, contact him immediately.
I recently visited an ancient Greek temple, and I realized something. In many of our ancient temples, there're places dedicated to giving money to the temple and other offerings/ treasures. But money is always involved. Why? Because, naturally, money is needed in order to build something (whether physically or digitally).
I never questioned the reasons the JoS was asking for donations (no website is online for free + the other reasons we've learned now), but seeing the money offerings in the ancient temples somehow makes it so much more obvious.

Money is not dirty. Asking for donations to keep a "temple" going (and even more so, providing spiritual knowledge as a "thank you"!) is neither dirty nor egotistic. Our cause doesn't become foul because money is needed. On the contrary, our cause can get flesh and bones through financial support.
Здравствуйте, я русский человек, пользуюсь Google Translate, сделал пожертвование, начал регистрироваться на платформе, ввел свой адрес электронной почты, но мне так и не пришло письмо, это было 10 сентября, почта mail.ru говорит, что я не могу отправить вам письмо на ваш адрес электронной почты [email protected] выдает ошибку, поэтому пишу сюда, что делать, как зарегистрироваться, если письмо не приходит и я не могу отправить
I also made a small donation and I'm waiting for a reply about my registration on the donors platform. I would like to know if I need to send the donation proof as an image (with the time sent, etc.). Can it be a screenshot?

Greetings everyone and thank you all for your wonderful support in the Yule Raffle and in the promotion of the progression of the Joy of Satan.

-New section called Magickal Tools is available for Donors above a specific Tier. In this section you can create your own workings; planetary times are included, moon phases, and a full arsenal of tools that you can use from anywhere you are can be utilized to create your workings.

Special thanks to JG BlackOnyx for the creation of this tool, he followed exactly what I recommended to be created and the tool came out wonderful. He has helped bring my ideas about all this project into life and I want to thank him for this exceptionally important task. There will be more tools of this nature in JoS Donors as we go.

-The Yuletide raffle, the first event for the Joy of Satan, has also been successfully completed.

The Course that was promised for all Raffle Ticket holders has been sent yesterday and will appear in the platform in the next 24 hours.
Shortly after, the new Course about Confidence and Self-Esteem will follow and then other developments after this. The Seminar sent to Ticket Holders is about blessings in life; so that they can articulate awareness of what constitutes blessings in life (and therefore, to go after these in life).

We are moving forward with everything as we should be.

-In 2025, the official Blessings section will open for Tier 3 and 4. This section is necessary for us moving forward and making out of JoS Donors the Assembly that must be created [as explained in my Audio about the purpose of it].

-Tier Upgrades coming soon. A few people might found out they have received Tier Upgrades due to donations, work or service in the JoS. You will see this very obviously in the platform and you will be notified to that end.

May everyone have a happy and blessed Yule Season and New Year.

Let's make the Gods proud!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
@BlackOnyx8 [JG] The planetary hour says the hours of a Thursday for today, a Wednesday. In "Calculate the End Date", after I click, it says I've chosen the previous day to start than the one I put, for example I put Jan/9 then it changes to "Start Date: January 8, 2025".


Greetings everyone and thank you all for your wonderful support in the Yule Raffle and in the promotion of the progression of the Joy of Satan.

-New section called Magickal Tools is available for Donors above a specific Tier. In this section you can create your own workings; planetary times are included, moon phases, and a full arsenal of tools that you can use from anywhere you are can be utilized to create your workings.

Special thanks to JG BlackOnyx for the creation of this tool, he followed exactly what I recommended to be created and the tool came out wonderful. He has helped bring my ideas about all this project into life and I want to thank him for this exceptionally important task. There will be more tools of this nature in JoS Donors as we go.

-The Yuletide raffle, the first event for the Joy of Satan, has also been successfully completed.

The Course that was promised for all Raffle Ticket holders has been sent yesterday and will appear in the platform in the next 24 hours.
Shortly after, the new Course about Confidence and Self-Esteem will follow and then other developments after this. The Seminar sent to Ticket Holders is about blessings in life; so that they can articulate awareness of what constitutes blessings in life (and therefore, to go after these in life).

We are moving forward with everything as we should be.

-In 2025, the official Blessings section will open for Tier 3 and 4. This section is necessary for us moving forward and making out of JoS Donors the Assembly that must be created [as explained in my Audio about the purpose of it].

-Tier Upgrades coming soon. A few people might found out they have received Tier Upgrades due to donations, work or service in the JoS. You will see this very obviously in the platform and you will be notified to that end.

May everyone have a happy and blessed Yule Season and New Year.

Let's make the Gods proud!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail to the God's! Together we shall prosper for an eternity!

Greetings everyone and thank you all for your wonderful support in the Yule Raffle and in the promotion of the progression of the Joy of Satan.

-New section called Magickal Tools is available for Donors above a specific Tier. In this section you can create your own workings; planetary times are included, moon phases, and a full arsenal of tools that you can use from anywhere you are can be utilized to create your workings.

Special thanks to JG BlackOnyx for the creation of this tool, he followed exactly what I recommended to be created and the tool came out wonderful. He has helped bring my ideas about all this project into life and I want to thank him for this exceptionally important task. There will be more tools of this nature in JoS Donors as we go.

-The Yuletide raffle, the first event for the Joy of Satan, has also been successfully completed.

The Course that was promised for all Raffle Ticket holders has been sent yesterday and will appear in the platform in the next 24 hours.
Shortly after, the new Course about Confidence and Self-Esteem will follow and then other developments after this. The Seminar sent to Ticket Holders is about blessings in life; so that they can articulate awareness of what constitutes blessings in life (and therefore, to go after these in life).

We are moving forward with everything as we should be.

-In 2025, the official Blessings section will open for Tier 3 and 4. This section is necessary for us moving forward and making out of JoS Donors the Assembly that must be created [as explained in my Audio about the purpose of it]. We will issue blessings to those who actively help and support the Joy of Satan.

-Tier Upgrades coming soon. A few people might found out they have received Tier Upgrades due to donations, work or service in the JoS. You will see this very obviously in the platform and you will be notified to that end.

May everyone have a happy and blessed Yule Season and New Year.

Let's make the Gods proud!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.


1. Have not yet donated
2. Have donated, but have not provided proof
3. You used another e-mail than your donors e-mail (So no proof can exist).

The above will be resolved when you mail at [email protected]

Also, everyone has been admitted or is in Tier 0 [if there is no donation made]. For those admitted, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS.

Our head of operations JG BlackOnyx can help you troubleshoot anything related to passwords etc.

There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.

I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I have a question about the whole donation thing. If we can do money rituals why do we need to donate ? I get it, but(and I mean this respectfully), comes off a "scammy" to me. I'm not saying/implying you are, but I just doesn't feel right.
How do you upgrade from tier 1 to tier 2? Is there a minimum donation amount?
I have a question about the whole donation thing. If we can do money rituals why do we need to donate ? I get it, but(and I mean this respectfully), comes off a "scammy" to me. I'm not saying/implying you are, but I just doesn't feel right.
In this case, who is doing the money ritual? You are doing it, or you are implying that HPHC does it, in addition to the other work he must do? Further, if you are implying that you are given free services by the Clergy, how can this sustain not just them, but also JoS as a whole? Any organization, even nonprofits, need money to exist and grow.

Is it not more of a "scam" or unrighteous situation to insist that people perform services without any return for their labor? I am sure you have paid many people for less and without any argument. For example, you may have paid a school hundreds or thousands of dollars to learn mundane topics, so why not in regards to Satanism?

If JoS is not supported by its constituents in the ways it needs, how can we expect to grow? Through what or by who? Are you expecting someone else to foot the bill instead? Also, why would you not wish to attach your name as a supporter? Years from now, you will look back in pride for helping to grow the only true spiritual community on this planet.

Yes, HP can "just do" a money ritual, in addition to whatever work is needed to create monetary channels, but then JoS would be severly stunted. Instead, the supporters of Satanism can pitch in and accelerate both JoS, as well as themselves by extension. Consider the strong investment potential here. Your name and support is recorded not just literally here, but also seen by the Gods. Please tell me where else you can find this opportunity at a better value for the same cost.
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I have a question about the whole donation thing. If we can do money rituals why do we need to donate ? I get it, but(and I mean this respectfully), comes off a "scammy" to me. I'm not saying/implying you are, but I just doesn't feel right.
Giving is one of the principles of wealth. The fact that you do not “feel good” about giving shows your poor relationship with money.

This will be reflected in your life, with problems with your personal income stream. This must be corrected, your money spell will be “blocked” and will not work properly, the “mind” must be free.

The jos should achieve enormous liquidity, if possible, which cannot be achieved by individuals, but needs a collective. Your understanding of money and magic is very limited. And that is normal.
In this case, who is doing the money ritual? You are doing it, or you are implying that HPHC does it, in addition to the other work he must do? Further, if you are implying that you are given free services by the Clergy, how can this sustain not just them, but also JoS as a whole? Any organization, even nonprofits, need money to exist and grow.

Is it not more of a "scam" or unrighteous situation to insist that people perform services without any return for their labor? I am sure you have paid many people for less and without any argument. For example, you may have paid a school hundreds or thousands of dollars to learn mundane topics, so why not in regards to Satanism?

If JoS is not supported by its constituents in the ways it needs, how can we expect to grow? Through what or by who? Are you expecting someone else to foot the bill instead? Also, why would you not wish to attach your name as a supporter? Years from now, you will look back in pride for helping to grow the only true spiritual community on this planet.

Yes, HP can "just do" a money ritual, in addition to whatever work is needed to create monetary channels, but then JoS would be severly stunted. Instead, the supporters of Satanism can pitch in and accelerate both JoS, as well as themselves by extension. Consider the strong investment potential here. Your name and support is recorded not just literally here, but also seen by the Gods. Please tell me where else you can find this opportunity at a better value for the same cost.
Yes, I do give money to those BUSINESSES(keyword). But not any religious organizations. Never had. So forgive me if I'm a little hesitant on just donating. You are correct in a lot of what you wrote. Jos NEEDS to grow for the betterment of not only our future, but for the betterment of mankind as a whole. I always assumed that father blessed the hp's with finances to complete day to day operations. I see, I may have been wrong(to a degree). Nevertheless, I thank and appreciate you for your insight. I do now understand.
Giving is one of the principles of wealth. The fact that you do not “feel good” about giving shows your poor relationship with money.

This will be reflected in your life, with problems with your personal income stream. This must be corrected, your money spell will be “blocked” and will not work properly, the “mind” must be free.

The jos should achieve enormous liquidity, if possible, which cannot be achieved by individuals, but needs a collective. Your understanding of money and magic is very limited. And that is normal.
Maybe so, but please elaborate further if you don't mind ?
I always assumed that father blessed the hp's with finances to complete day to day operations.
People often make ridiculous assumptions.

HPS Maxine could hardly afford shoes for herself, she wrote that before. The Gods do not send us paychecks. Our time here is completely voluntary, and many members expect us to be their unpaid servants and do readings for them without anything in return, and so on. This is all to our own personal detriment, but we do what we are required to for the benefit of the community.

(We do not do readings without anything in return, I need to stress this so members stop demanding this from us. I no longer do readings at all.)

Extremely good replies above by JG Blitzkreig and Hs666.
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@BlackOnyx8 [JG] The planetary hour says the hours of a Thursday for today, a Wednesday. In "Calculate the End Date", after I click, it says I've chosen the previous day to start than the one I put, for example I put Jan/9 then it changes to "Start Date: January 8, 2025".
Thank you for this. It's an issue related to timezones and how they're handled in javascript. It should be fixed now. As for the planetary hours situation, I need to look into this, as it may not be as easy to fix. For now you can use the planetary hours section on https://jos-astro.com/#/planetary-hours-form to figure out the best hours to start your working. Should be fixed by today or tomorrow.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
