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Our forums have been upgraded and expanded!


The reason others take it that way is because of what you write around this. If one does give 10 apples the situation is not to be like a jew about it.

Donors are respected and by the community as a whole as well. But when one does act like a kike all of a sudden and calls us evangelical preachers, that is kikery. So if it's kikery it's normal for people to respond to this that way.

You cannot buy trust with anything you need first to build a proper mentality around this. If you feel uncomfortable, you do not do this.

All your concerns are also being addressed, which is not bad. You can have doubts but doing verbal attack and demeaning others or the whole of the project just because you felt like it is not doubt and concern, it's seen more as a verbal attack rather than anything else.

And people will call this kikery with good reason as what you said, denies 9 out of the 10 points of the project and the post so you can make matters look bad, when there is nothing to warrant this.

The "message you get" is not the objective message of reality, it's how you feel about this topic. The reality is as explained in all the comments addressing you.

For example, when I explain that everyone who does important work is admitted and can progress, you say that it's only about "money". This is dishonest, that's not a buy in only club, it's about people who develop the JoS in direct ways.

If one also does not value this place, there is no reason to actually engage in financially supporting it. Nobody forces you either to this.

If at another time issues around this are rectified, you can choose to do this, but I would recommend to not do this if you don't believe in the JoS or what we are doing. Evident proof is all around for the JoS, and maybe your path as you go will show you other things.

It would demean the purpose of the donation to do this if you don't believe it, but nobody is forcing you, so you can make up your own mind on if one should help or not. Some won't help and that is fine. About the rest of us the situation is different.
The "message I get" you can tell me is not the reality, but to call me a liear? I can be iluded, or wrong but doesn't make me a liear. If it does explain me so
... For some people;
Donate your own money. If you're over 18.
You must be over 18 to donate crypto or etc.

If you don't have money, or very little, if there are some obstacles, like parents.

You can contact the JGs, if they allow you, you can contribute, you can translate, you can participate in projects. And the simplest: you can answer people on the forum.

The solutions are inexhaustible, as long as you want them.
These are just suggestions.

And when you are 18, you will go to university, you will have your own money and you can donate some of it...
I was already donating at 17, if you have a mind, then apply it to find a way to do it. 13 year olds are day trading, I don't see how you can't find a way.
I was already donating at 17, if you have a mind, then apply it to find a way to do it. 13 year olds are day trading, I don't see how you can't find a way.
Not every country is the same.

And the Turkish economy sucks. 500 Turkish lira is worth 14 dollars, and when you convert it to bitcoin, it's worth 10 dollars.

Let me know if you find a way.
There is no way in the soon.
What really piss me off is that I have donated but still is like if I didn't do nothing, so why to do more?
I can give more right now, I don't need an excuse, but I don't want because of this.
Not every country is the same.

And the Turkish economy sucks. 500 Turkish lira is worth 14 dollars, and when you convert it to bitcoin, it's worth 10 dollars.

Let me know if you find a way.
There is no way in the soon.
In that case give your time to the JoS.

Besides that you made wrong assumptions here, I want to point out that the JoS is dragging humanity in the exact opposite way that Christianity does. So if you donate to the Xian church, at best they will say "thank you", and you also fed the Jewish plan, in opposite of donating to the JoS, you are feeding the Gods' plan and you also get something in return.

Donating money is just another way of pulling the rope in our way, same with other forms of contributions.
Thank you for the projects! I live in Russia and earn a little money, I can donate, but probably with your money it will be very little. I am very capable of doing work for the community, but I don’t know what kind? Please tell me more about how I can donate from Russia, because I don’t know. I really love Satanism and all Gods. I once wanted to donate and got a job, but I still didn’t know how to donate. Sometimes I can barely survive, but this is so I can say thank you to my parents.
If you can hardly survive, then you should probably not donate, until you are in a better financial position. You can instead do more God rituals and FRTR instead, and the other methods mentioned by HP Hooded Cobra in his reply to you :)
I noticed that some people triggered our security system and got themselves banned. If you're a legitimate donor and your account was banned, please contact me.

Everyone, if you repeatedly attempt to log in multiple times and fail (for example, due to an incorrect password, an unapproved account, etc.), the system will interpret it as a brute force attempt, and your account will be banned. Please avoid doing this and be patient. If you have any real issues with your login credentials, please contact me.
Thank you for the projects! I live in Russia and earn a little money, I can donate, but probably with your money it will be very little. I am very capable of doing work for the community, but I don’t know what kind? Please tell me more about how I can donate from Russia, because I don’t know. I really love Satanism and all Gods. I once wanted to donate and got a job, but I still didn’t know how to donate. Sometimes I can barely survive, but this is so I can say thank you to my parents.

The JoS is not here to take the bread of the starving man out of his mouth like the odious and disgusting Christian Church who was built upon the bones of the destitute people for the gains of the psychopaths that run the enemy religions.

The enemy cares not about your existence, if you have 100$ total the jews want 110$ and if they kill you in the process they do not even care. The JoS cares about the existence of Gentiles so these types of crazy things are forbidden.

If one is suffering from poverty, poverty must first be solved, and only then one should donate.

Only when you use the power of the Gods to attain a form of stability, you should think about helping financially.

Anyone who is living on the edge must leave this for later, or help only in relative terms.

If anyone donates and they are in a starving situation, your money will be sent back to you. We will not accept a starving man to sacrifice the last of his blood for this, even if they have a good intention.
What really piss me off is that I have donated but still is like if I didn't do nothing, so why to do more?
I can give more right now, I don't need an excuse, but I don't want because of this.

Do mail me at [email protected] with proof of donations to admit you in the platform and please do not worry, it's all accounted for regardless. Communicate the details in the e-mail.

The other misunderstanding is solved. If you do not want to donate, that is fine, as said earlier. But for your donations until today you will be given what is deserved fair and square.
EXCELLENT WORK TO JG BLACKONYX!!! Our tech Brother grows in power and ability each passing day.

Donations and financing JoS are CRITICAL and necessary for us to succeed! Donating not only secures our position within the world, but also allows us to upgrade our infrastructure and even grow in power in the material world. A true physical presence. We must guard the very concept of JoS and work to ensure we are a super power. This is 100% necessary to do, and I am glad to have our new platform now live.
I feel really driven to do it: I just want to talk about something that seems an injustice to me.
It concerns member Immortal who, 2 or 3 years ago, proposed an elaborate system to encourage donations.

Many members at the time, including some esteemed ones, ridiculed him.
This elaborate system has now materialized and is a VERY very good thing!

Immortal, if you're reading this, may your honor be preserved.

Thank you Commander for all, thank you Brother BlackOnyx for this fine work ! 👍
Since I was 8 and dedicated to Satan as I understood then to "dedicate", I had a dream and a vision to enter and to partake exactly what JoS does and what this platform is now. You do not understand.

HP. HoodedCobra broke existence in two and gifted this to us. Again, many will never understand. I also in my intimacy always seen and knew you were a Satanic Messiah, and if the world ever got one, this is now really the case, in full power statement.

Thank you High Priest HoodedCobra, you are our path giver, our guidance. Many hidden writings state some things about holy people like him. There are some titles I cannot state, the father who orders progress, master of keys.

1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.

Currently there is the acceptance of valid application, or deletion of random applications happening. Stay tuned as they are a few.

There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.

I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings Hail Satan please send link for Donations

1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.


1. Have not yet donated
2. Have donated, but have not provided proof
3. You used another e-mail than your donors e-mail (So no proof can exist).

The above will be resolved when you mail at [email protected]

Also, everyone has been admitted or is in Tier 0 [if there is no donation made]. For those admitted, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS.

Our head of operations JG BlackOnyx can help you troubleshoot anything related to passwords etc.

There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.

I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Got it. Gmail put it in my junk mail section for some reason.
. Thanks.
I may have fucked up a bit I created a second account on donation platform tied to my mail after donating as I did not record the details when I created the old account as I made that account without donating, I am not sure if it will be a problem or not but if two accounts are linked to my details that would be why, if its an issue use the account I signed up with today as my main one as I kept those details, or whatever way is easier on your end.

All my investments and daytrades have always blown up in my face and lost me everything dozens of times I had a serious gambling problem ever since I was a teenager, its a nice change of pace not to be pissing money away for nothing at least and honestly seeing my money as a resource I can spend to improve my image in the eyes of the Gods is a fantastic deterrent for me to stay away from daytrading, I was already 90% past that pretty serious character flaw but now I feel I am 100% past it.

1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.


1. Have not yet donated
2. Have donated, but have not provided proof
3. You used another e-mail than your donors e-mail (So no proof can exist).

The above will be resolved when you mail at [email protected]

Also, everyone has been admitted or is in Tier 0 [if there is no donation made]. For those admitted, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS.

Our head of operations JG BlackOnyx can help you troubleshoot anything related to passwords etc.

There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.

I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
When I click on "Donator Perks" It says "Exclusive Content Tier 1....No exclusive content found for your tier."
Was there supposed to be the collection of sermons sent to us on this tier under this section?
Thank you for the website, this is awesome :D
When I click on "Donator Perks" It says "Exclusive Content Tier 1....No exclusive content found for your tier."
Was there supposed to be the collection of sermons sent to us on this tier under this section?
Thank you for the website, this is awesome :D
Soon, High Priest Hooded Cobra will be sharing wonderful content exclusively with all donors, where he will share his wisdom and well-researched, rare spiritual knowledge as well as many other benefits. As of now, there's nothing posted yet, we're still waiting for everyone to join the platform. Once everyone is on board, all donors will gain access to life-changing perks and benefits.
Soon, High Priest Hooded Cobra will be sharing wonderful content exclusively with all donors, where he will share his wisdom and well-researched, rare spiritual knowledge as well as many other benefits. As of now, there's nothing posted yet, we're still waiting for everyone to join the platform. Once everyone is on board, all donors will gain access to life-changing perks and benefits.
Sorry I wrote my question a bit awkwardly, I meant to ask if the previous sermons and tips that were sent to us tier 1's in the past would be re-uploaded in this new section; like the tips on using runes we got a while back. Thank you
Congratulations JG BlackOnyx and others working on this, the layout is magnificent.

Donations are extremely important. The blessings one can gain from this in both directions are incalculable. When I started donating I really had zero idea about how to use BTC correctly, the place I live in made this irritating for the time being but the benefits way outweighed any temporary issues by billions. If you cannot give birth, you don't end up with a child. This is an act of creation in itself.

The effect of wisdom and wellbeing from our High Priest is not like anything on earth. So many pitfalls can be avoided by participating in the JoS welfare directly.
Do mail me at [email protected] with proof of donations to admit you in the platform and please do not worry, it's all accounted for regardless. Communicate the details in the e-mail.

The other misunderstanding is solved. If you do not want to donate, that is fine, as said earlier. But for your donations until today you will be given what is deserved fair and square.
Thank you HP, I didn't want to make a mess, I will try not to be so tempestive next time. I sit down and I meditate and I'm selfish person with the money. Not that I want because I need maybe.

I get to this dilema, what's worth more someone with 10,000$ that donate 100$, or someone with 100$ that donate 10$?
I can answer my self, shouldn't be the value of the money but the sacrifice of the person.

I will send u the email.
This is all very good news! ☀️
Congratulations to the good work of all people involved!

So far, I had been quite nervous about dealing with crypto/BTC.. I quickly tend to get overwhelmed when dealing with all things Money..

But as it always is, this fear stemmed from a lack of knowledge. The last few days I tried to understand the topic more and I finally managed to get into it and to find a way that works for me. 🌟

I have to wait for the first purchase that I did to get fully approved (first time can take a few days) but I hope I can send my first donation soon! 😄
This is all very good news! ☀️
Congratulations to the good work of all people involved!

So far, I had been quite nervous about dealing with crypto/BTC.. I quickly tend to get overwhelmed when dealing with all things Money..

But as it always is, this fear stemmed from a lack of knowledge. The last few days I tried to understand the topic more and I finally managed to get into it and to find a way that works for me. 🌟

I have to wait for the first purchase that I did to get fully approved (first time can take a few days) but I hope I can send my first donation soon! 😄
Depends on what application your using, mine is in the same moment, maybe also because is a different country.
For me also money is stressful.
Sorry I wrote my question a bit awkwardly, I meant to ask if the previous sermons and tips that were sent to us tier 1's in the past would be re-uploaded in this new section; like the tips on using runes we got a while back. Thank you

If one was a donor then, they can be re-sent to you. Mail me at [email protected]

For the rest who join later, entry into Tier 3 or 4 will unlock previous knowledge from previous tiers on some conditions.
This is all very good news! ☀️
Congratulations to the good work of all people involved!

So far, I had been quite nervous about dealing with crypto/BTC.. I quickly tend to get overwhelmed when dealing with all things Money..

But as it always is, this fear stemmed from a lack of knowledge. The last few days I tried to understand the topic more and I finally managed to get into it and to find a way that works for me. 🌟

I have to wait for the first purchase that I did to get fully approved (first time can take a few days) but I hope I can send my first donation soon! 😄

Excellent work. Yes, the only intimidating thing really is the first donation [endless knowledge exists online, but also a guide].

After someone does this, the next donations would literally take them 2 minutes all in all. Thank you.

Congratulations JG BlackOnyx and others working on this, the layout is magnificent.

Donations are extremely important. The blessings one can gain from this in both directions are incalculable. When I started donating I really had zero idea about how to use BTC correctly, the place I live in made this irritating for the time being but the benefits way outweighed any temporary issues by billions. If you cannot give birth, you don't end up with a child. This is an act of creation in itself.

The effect of wisdom and wellbeing from our High Priest is not like anything on earth. So many pitfalls can be avoided by participating in the JoS welfare directly.

May the Gods bless you esteemed Guardian. Thank you. 🙏
Soon, High Priest Hooded Cobra will be sharing wonderful content exclusively with all donors, where he will share his wisdom and well-researched, rare spiritual knowledge as well as many other benefits. As of now, there's nothing posted yet, we're still waiting for everyone to join the platform. Once everyone is on board, all donors will gain access to life-changing perks and benefits.

We will also be posting the AMA with the outreach in the next few days, and then more content that is more direct. The platform will be central from now on. Thank you again for your genius in materializing it.

Got it. Gmail put it in my junk mail section for some reason.
. Thanks.

All settled and ready for the take-off! Thank you for your support brother.
Having donated, it was honestly very easy without the new system, with the new system it seems basically effortless, if anyone is on the fence its really not as hard as it seems and you really do want to get in on the ground floor, even donating small amounts when you can will add up over the long term, we are still in extremely early days as of yet and its much better to get in early than late in these sorts of things you will regret it later, I know I regret not having been more active on the material side of things earlier.

And make no mistake the Gods do pay attention to your efforts, sure if you cannot donate a large sum materially speaking you wont enter a high tier but the Gods will know you are doing what you can and Satan always rewards his followers maybe not instantly but always without fail, I think of it not as donating but investing, imagine if you could go back in time and invest in Apple or Nvidia you would be a fool to not put spare money there, and the rewards for helping Satan's house on Earth are greater than any financial boon, it really is a no brainer for those of us that have felt the power of our Gods we know our side is true, Kings would have waged wars and bowed to the floor for the opportunity we have in our lifetime, dont waste it.
For my nexts Donations should i use the Donations section of this new website or should i keep sending a mail?
For my nexts Donations should i use the Donations section of this new website or should i keep sending a mail?
The new system. That is one major reason this platform exists, as it makes administrative tasks much easier and faster.
I get to this dilema, what's worth more someone with 10,000$ that donate 100$, or someone with 100$ that donate 10$?
I can answer my self, shouldn't be the value of the money but the sacrifice of the person.

Same stuff can be found in the Bible.

Mark 12:41-44 :
And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

The JoS is not here to take the bread of the starving man out of his mouth like the odious and disgusting Christian Church who was built upon the bones of the destitute people for the gains of the psychopaths that run the enemy religions.

The enemy cares not about your existence, if you have 100$ total the jews want 110$ and if they kill you in the process they do not even care. The JoS cares about the existence of Gentiles so these types of crazy things are forbidden.

If one is suffering from poverty, poverty must first be solved, and only then one should donate.

Only when you use the power of the Gods to attain a form of stability, you should think about helping financially.

Anyone who is living on the edge must leave this for later, or help only in relative terms.

If anyone donates and they are in a starving situation, your money will be sent back to you. We will not accept a starving man to sacrifice the last of his blood for this, even if they have a good intention.

As I understand it, sacrifice is not inherently valuable and self-flagellation is just a manipulative tactic.

Thank you HP, I didn't want to make a mess, I will try not to be so tempestive next time. I sit down and I meditate and I'm selfish person with the money. Not that I want because I need maybe.

I get to this dilema, what's worth more someone with 10,000$ that donate 100$, or someone with 100$ that donate 10$?
I can answer my self, shouldn't be the value of the money but the sacrifice of the person.

I will send u the email.

What should concern everyone in this is not what "others might have". The relative of what one gives, is relative to them. If someone has millions but they cannot give a percent out of their pocket for developments of Gods on earth but they spend it on Gucci the answer will come on their departure from earth when they will look back and understand what fools they have been to not do this.

Meanwhile as the person who was of moderate wealth will be catapulted forward due to correct decisions, is going to be on a far higher and more realized level than a person merely advanced on wealth.

Everyone is judged on their decisions relative to what they can do.

For many years you have been verbally unhinged and constantly attacking, other people of the JoS management informed me of this. So the situation is past a point I do not know if these are legitimate questions or a barrage of "I will instill every doubt and insanity I can into this, despite on if all things are normal and sensible and answered". But BESIDES these many comments here, there is also a general margin of people who do not like these things, but they think the important thing to argue that collapse of whatever is necessary because of their feelings.

I don't care about these feelings these are something one must address based on hangups. The world is as is and you cannot buy a water bottle without money, and the JoS existing materially, comes at the price of obedience to material laws.

The enemy owns trillions and governments and this small demographic telling me to essentially cause a communal suicide because of your delusions. I won't be doing this.

I cannot help myself but see them as deluded, fools or literal jews. Only a kike would say the JoS does not deserve pennies, in a world where women fart in jars and make a quarter million out of this process. Only a jew would tell me that the JoS does not need to expand, grow and be independent from the Jews financially, in whose net everyone falls if they are destitute.

If one feels so drearily afraid to invest in spiritual knowledge then one must not do it and if it makes you lose sleep at night and twist on your bed that you are helping the JoS, then I do not know what to say.

But at the same time I won't be held on a wall to answer like a moron on why the house of the Gods must survive, because someone felt uncomfortable for 30$ or whatever. If you have problems financially with existence I want to remind you in many Nations 70% of everything you make, is confisicated by the Government on fear they will put you in prison.

Therefore for this 0,01% of "So oppressed people" that pretend the JoS Donor's project is so dreadful, when it's done by total free will and out of love for the Gods, you are delusional. Take your signs if you are in this category, and go protest the actual theft of 70% taxes that is used by many European Nations or the 50% tax where you are given nothing, compared to the JoS which returns to you in your whole existence.

So I will no longer answer to further dilemmas of this nature as I do not think there is stable intention behind them.

One wants to do this? Then one does.

One does not? Then they do not.

We will be fair and giving when it comes to helping those who help, with abundance of gifts. But this right does not mean we will be treated like dogs. If I wanted to be treated like a dog I would take a loan from the kikes instead, and be treated like a goyim dog. If people treat our tasks like this, you will also be perceived like jews.

99.9% of our people have not done this at any rate. With all the doubt and fear morgering, you appear like you are in the 0,01%. That is fine by me, but the situation is if one twists on their bed for helping the Gods attain material purposes, do not act like a little bitch that someone took you with an iron chain on your neck to slave in the cotton production like a jew would do, because everything is done out of pure free will here.

I am a top Donor on the JoS out of free will, not because the Gods put a gun on my head. And this goes on every area.

One can also whine upon me when others might be ahead for contributions of finances, time, effort or growth to the JoS. "As one gives so does one receives".

Giving zero means zero input. Even a dog that is starved by their master will leave them, they will not sit there to die dehydrated, starved, spat and kicked upon. If anyone has problems with these universal laws do complain to the Gods and their fashioning of the universe, but they are what they are.

Mark 12:41-44 :
And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

That proportion of what one sacrifices, is only legitimate over the fact that the % of sacrifice, is something extremely important. If one has 1 billion and they donate 1%, that 1% is the same as a person who has 100$ total and donates 1%. But the second person is under severe risk, and the first person is under no real risk. So for each, the Gods perceive them for what they do in accordance to their context.

As for the verse, it's all confusing judaism again that makes no sense. More insanity from Jewish folktales, is present in this verse.

Yes, according to Rabbi Jesus, 1 million is less than 10 cents and he is very satisfied the widow also gave her 10 cents to die or something. Even the 10 cents are important to his jewish ass, he more than likely enjoyed that this poor widow went without food as a result of her "donation", and also like a Communist, he belittled the powerful people who did take action.

The above is more unhealthy advice and insanity from the Bible. If he was a man of wisdom he would not accept the donation of a widow which had 10 cents to give. But being a jew, he took the 10 cents and told her it's great that she is committing suicide for his sake.

Jesus was a hoax of a narcissistic egopath. Jews preach annexation of 100% of the Goyim's money, even if that kills the goyim. That's the blueprint of Communism and the opposite of what we intend to do with our project here.
I want to build up and make the Joy of Satan the glorious house of the Gods it's supposed to be, rife with power and spirit.

This I want to achieve with people who are strong, generous, powerful and ever generative.

If one has not yet discovered these qualities that is fine, we can teach you to that end.

If one is not insistent and does not want to mind the above, then one must not negatively comment on the dreams others are taking seriously and acting upon to make.

The question is not to find more of the 99,999% of humans who are worthless and don't give a damn, are parasites and they essentially are in this lesser level of not wanting to do anything or even oppose us.

We know that to be the case, 99,999% of the humans on earth now believe were are not even entitled to "existence".

Ask the Pope on the Golden Throne and he will tell you the JoS does not deserve a bottle of water.

But to these I tell them to shove their opinion up their asses, and they will have to watch as all of us collectively survive and thrive.

I want the strong Satanists who are destined for this to step in the front and those who want to create in that place.

I will also not allow the doubters and people of false tongue to dissuade us from great works, we have enough slander by the jews, won't tolerate a negative word more from our supposed "own".

Instead of negative words one should be thanking these people they go out of their way to help others and also you included. I would do this if I was in that position, too.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
[...] Kings would have waged wars and bowed to the floor for the opportunity we have in our lifetime, dont waste it.
This is so true. Kings had given yogis and other spiritual adepts their weight in gold for the knowledge they received.

I'm so happy to have this platform, it elevates the JoS even more, and looks beautiful too, thanks to the talent of JG BlackOnyx :)

Onwards to more projects to grow the JoS even more... stay tuned!
I would like to make the following suggestion:

The link to the platform could be added to the footer of the Ancient Forums website, under the "JoS Platform Sites".

Screenshot for clarity:

Also, I think it would be beneficial if the platform (and / or this post) would be highlighted in other sections of the site for more reach and visibility.
For this, the sections on the right side of the home page come to mind: "Featured Posts" and "Important Links".

I am not skilled in web development, UI/UX or other pertinent areas and I am unsure if my suggestion is a good one or not.
Please let me know.

I detected that some of you registered with emails that do not exist, resulting in your account credentials not being sent to you. If you registered and haven't received a password yet, please send me a message so we can figure out what's going on. Also, Gmail and Hotmail are blocking our emails, so it would be ideal if you all had a protonmail.
Last edited:

1. Donations of any amount [with proof] - If there is no registered e-mail in the Donor's list [if one has not donated] they cannot be admitted.
2. Service done on the behalf of the JoS in any of the following: Major community help, translations, outreach or other projects. There must be an amount done for this. Verification by JG's who are heading these projects or Head Translators, will make you admitted.

IF ANYONE HAS BEEN REJECTED BUT THEY HAVE DONE WORK, PLEASE MAIL ME AT [email protected]. This must be verified by JG's if they are related to some project, or be self evident in the Joy of Satan.



One cannot be admitted if they haven't done any of the following. When one does either of the above, or both, they will be admitted and ranked appropriately.


1. Have not yet donated
2. Have donated, but have not provided proof
3. You used another e-mail than your donors e-mail (So no proof can exist).

The above will be resolved when you mail at [email protected]

Also, everyone has been admitted or is in Tier 0 [if there is no donation made]. For those admitted, CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDERS.

Our head of operations JG BlackOnyx can help you troubleshoot anything related to passwords etc.

There is also a portion of Donors who have not registered in the platform. Please do this. That's where the major benefits begin.

I know many of you do this for the Gods and for our people, but these upcoming things are well deserved.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666



Greetings to all of our Satanic family in the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I do announce that the Joy of Satan Donors platform has finally launched. This is the first launch and it's beta stage for now. It will solve 95% of any issues that existed before in the Donor System like PDF distribution, management, delays in donation verification for acceptance and everything else.

The point of this platform is to provide users with the highest level of quality for materials, rewards, seminars, private spiritual learning and other impressive things which will not be disclosed to the public, in accordance to what everyone is doing. When one does, they will receive gifts for their work to improve the House of the Gods.

It will function as a university type of Temple University among other purposes, where many perks will exist, more than the previous statements of the Donor Tiers that have been revealed. The platform allows for extreme developments. Those who help will receive ample and excellent reward for their holy work that helps the Gods and their people.

Any statements here will remain minimal. That is a huge step for those who help and assist the JoS and the Joy of Satan itself.

Fuller functioning of the platform is going to occur after 15th of August, but it's important that all donors start coming in.

There is also a decision underway in the limiting of how many members we will accept as a final number for the Donor System. That is because in 2035 "after we have won", admission and acceptance when power is higher, is going to be the easy bet. Those who believed in the JoS early will have more perks and have a solid existence inside this system for keeping the JoS alive and our community alive and able, while others were sitting on the sidelines.

This decision and the details are underway and will be shared privately inside the platform itself. After a point, the platform membership will be capped, and only certain cases of people upon strict decisions are going to be able to be members.

For those of you who are Donors, Translators, or Community Helpers, Project Creators etc, or otherwise do major work for the JoS and for humanity, please do register in the platform by visiting the following link: https://josdonors.org.

Press where it says "register now" and register.

Please use the above link to register; then admission will happen and then one will be officially instated into the platform according to their Tier. Please use the e-mails you have provided as part of the Donor's Materials. You can use any username you want and a strong password that you must memorize.

A new era begins with this project. Thank you all and thank the Gods and our people for making these grand tasks possible.

I want to thank JG BlackOnyx for following loyally on the design and the visuals of the platform and being so intuitive when it came to understand the functions of the platform that I arrayed. He worked extremely hard to bring this into existence based on the directions and vision given; and he has succeeded.

A wonderful project was created for the JoS and a most honorable one. May his name be remembered for this wonderful creation and may the Gods guide us as a whole to make the most out of these gifts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Got mine sent through my first bit of donor proof yesterday for august see if it gets through the new website donor system
What should concern everyone in this is not what "others might have". The relative of what one gives, is relative to them. If someone has millions but they cannot give a percent out of their pocket for developments of Gods on earth but they spend it on Gucci the answer will come on their departure from earth when they will look back and understand what fools they have been to not do this.

Meanwhile as the person who was of moderate wealth will be catapulted forward due to correct decisions, is going to be on a far higher and more realized level than a person merely advanced on wealth.

Everyone is judged on their decisions relative to what they can do.

For many years you have been verbally unhinged and constantly attacking, other people of the JoS management informed me of this. So the situation is past a point I do not know if these are legitimate questions or a barrage of "I will instill every doubt and insanity I can into this, despite on if all things are normal and sensible and answered". But BESIDES these many comments here, there is also a general margin of people who do not like these things, but they think the important thing to argue that collapse of whatever is necessary because of their feelings.

I don't care about these feelings these are something one must address based on hangups. The world is as is and you cannot buy a water bottle without money, and the JoS existing materially, comes at the price of obedience to material laws.

The enemy owns trillions and governments and this small demographic telling me to essentially cause a communal suicide because of your delusions. I won't be doing this.

I cannot help myself but see them as deluded, fools or literal jews. Only a kike would say the JoS does not deserve pennies, in a world where women fart in jars and make a quarter million out of this process. Only a jew would tell me that the JoS does not need to expand, grow and be independent from the Jews financially, in whose net everyone falls if they are destitute.

If one feels so drearily afraid to invest in spiritual knowledge then one must not do it and if it makes you lose sleep at night and twist on your bed that you are helping the JoS, then I do not know what to say.

But at the same time I won't be held on a wall to answer like a moron on why the house of the Gods must survive, because someone felt uncomfortable for 30$ or whatever. If you have problems financially with existence I want to remind you in many Nations 70% of everything you make, is confisicated by the Government on fear they will put you in prison.

Therefore for this 0,01% of "So oppressed people" that pretend the JoS Donor's project is so dreadful, when it's done by total free will and out of love for the Gods, you are delusional. Take your signs if you are in this category, and go protest the actual theft of 70% taxes that is used by many European Nations or the 50% tax where you are given nothing, compared to the JoS which returns to you in your whole existence.

So I will no longer answer to further dilemmas of this nature as I do not think there is stable intention behind them.

One wants to do this? Then one does.

One does not? Then they do not.

We will be fair and giving when it comes to helping those who help, with abundance of gifts. But this right does not mean we will be treated like dogs. If I wanted to be treated like a dog I would take a loan from the kikes instead, and be treated like a goyim dog. If people treat our tasks like this, you will also be perceived like jews.

99.9% of our people have not done this at any rate. With all the doubt and fear morgering, you appear like you are in the 0,01%. That is fine by me, but the situation is if one twists on their bed for helping the Gods attain material purposes, do not act like a little bitch that someone took you with an iron chain on your neck to slave in the cotton production like a jew would do, because everything is done out of pure free will here.

I am a top Donor on the JoS out of free will, not because the Gods put a gun on my head. And this goes on every area.

One can also whine upon me when others might be ahead for contributions of finances, time, effort or growth to the JoS. "As one gives so does one receives".

Giving zero means zero input. Even a dog that is starved by their master will leave them, they will not sit there to die dehydrated, starved, spat and kicked upon. If anyone has problems with these universal laws do complain to the Gods and their fashioning of the universe, but they are what they are.

That proportion of what one sacrifices, is only legitimate over the fact that the % of sacrifice, is something extremely important. If one has 1 billion and they donate 1%, that 1% is the same as a person who has 100$ total and donates 1%. But the second person is under severe risk, and the first person is under no real risk. So for each, the Gods perceive them for what they do in accordance to their context.

As for the verse, it's all confusing judaism again that makes no sense. More insanity from Jewish folktales, is present in this verse.

Yes, according to Rabbi Jesus, 1 million is less than 10 cents and he is very satisfied the widow also gave her 10 cents to die or something. Even the 10 cents are important to his jewish ass, he more than likely enjoyed that this poor widow went without food as a result of her "donation", and also like a Communist, he belittled the powerful people who did take action.

The above is more unhealthy advice and insanity from the Bible. If he was a man of wisdom he would not accept the donation of a widow which had 10 cents to give. But being a jew, he took the 10 cents and told her it's great that she is committing suicide for his sake.

Jesus was a hoax of a narcissistic egopath. Jews preach annexation of 100% of the Goyim's money, even if that kills the goyim. That's the blueprint of Communism and the opposite of what we intend to do with our project here.
I'm so fucking happy I finally figured out the crypto stuff so I could donate I'm in tears. It is a privilege beyond measure.😂

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
