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Gods "creation"


New member
Mar 15, 2024
Gods are people who have reached Magnum Opus level 3, but can gods appear naturally? Like... god + god = god? I know, it's a strange question.
god + god = god? I know, it's a strange question.

God + Goddess = new born

Male + Female = new born

Your father + your mother = you

"Sexual attraction is very important, is related to the procreative drive, and is necessary for human existence. Going higher, Venus also rules love in its entirety, from the lower aspects to the higher aspects"
I may be incorrect, but I came to the conclusion that a God + a Goddess having a Child, who would be in the first incarnation i.e. a brand new Soul, would mean that the Child would be a stronger Soul than what Humans on Earth are currently, since, if I remember correctly, the brand new Child Soul comes from both Parents (in this case, God and Goddess) so has aspects of Mum's Soul and Dad's Soul, but would still not quite be a God or Goddess yet. Seeds come from flowers and grow-up into flowers; no matter how beautiful the flower is and how many millions of years of life that species of flower has, it still begins as a seed, not a flower.
The gods are of a higher dimension, if they have a child it will be the same as them, the difference between them and us is just that their children are born in a higher dimension.
Of course they develop, just like us, the difference is that they will be more sensitive than us, and because of their direct education of the gods it is likely that they will very quickly reach the status of god.
God Asmodeus had a human mother and a God father.
If, say, a Nordic incarnation of a God and a Nordic incarnation of a Goddess had a child, it would be a Nordic soul, either reincarnated or brand new.
It would be an advanced soul by virtue of being a Nordic soul and having the great genetics of the physical bodies of the Gods.
It would not instantly be a "God", as the child would have to complete the Magnum Opus just as any being has to. Higher starting point, likely higher peak, likely easier path, but work required nonetheless.
Если бы, скажем, у нордического воплощения Бога и нордического воплощения Богини родился ребенок, это была бы нордическая душа, либо реинкарнированная, либо совершенно новая.
Это была бы продвинутая душа, поскольку она была бы нордической душой и обладала бы великой генетикой физических тел Богов.
Это не будет мгновенно «Богом», поскольку ребенку придется завершить Magnum Opus, как и любому существу. Более высокая начальная точка, вероятно, более высокая вершина, вероятно, более легкий путь, но работа все равно необходима.
So the sons/daughters of the gods are still humans, but will have a much easier time advancing in Satanism?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
