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Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

Everyone, make sure to update your signatures and profile information to reflect our new domain name!

Thank you, I had actually forgotten about this. Good thing I read you!!!

In the first I was feeling sort of angered from moving away from the Joy of Satan, and the direct representation of the name of Satan

My *personal* view about that:

The Name of Satan is really very sacred. As much as the Jews named Satan whenever they had accomplished some shit and didn't know who to accuse of that shit, it doesn't make the Name of Satan any less sacred.

It only makes the Jews even more irreverent and unworthy of the higher things in the universe. The Name of Satan should not be abused. This is my personal opinion and I could be wrong. Observe the Yezidis, though.

They refused to even name Satan if the reason was futile, because they explained that just uttering this Name, which is the Name of God, put you directly in touch with God Himself, the Creator. Jews do not understand this concept.

But this does not go to affect Satan. Satan remains God, remains all-powerful. Whether a Jew blasphemes Satan or not, it does not change the Satya (the Truth by which the universe works). All words connected with Satan are related to Universal Powers that even we could hardly ever fully understand.

Satan is in the Temple, Satan holds the Temple, the Temple itself is Satan's. And now there is no longer any doubt about this because the Temple bears the name of the Head God, who is none other than Satanas, but in Zeus.

I myself address Satan as if he were a Father. Seeking his guidance. But only after the understanding of all its Sacredness which is really high and which a Jew can never affect no matter how many times he pronounces "Satan" while reading some disgrace like the Torah which is now so reversed that it would do less damage to Israel if they burned all these sacred books of Judaism, than if they continued to keep them and try to use them to try to save a little bit of a situation which I have no idea what makes them think it can be saved.

But I understand their survival instinct typical of how the basic "reptilian" brain works. I don't expect them to understand that at this point it is more convenient for them to throw themselves on the ground and apologize by at least trying to pretend that they understand mistakes that for the nature of their soul they will never understand. No problem. They are no longer important in themselves these beings. Now only Satan is important. In His eternal Temple. Hail Zeus!
Also can we mention how cool the video looked? All that without hiring a single actor, movie set or special effects company. Imagine what the future holds in the Age of Aquarius with the improvement of AI technology and our talented members.

You know, I wanted to note it too, but I was afraid then my reply would come too long and clog up too much space hahaha. Yes, it's absurd. We don't have too many means, but it came out EXTREMELY better than what you can find on television....
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That video is really good
And awesome I enjoyed
And I love the changes
Hail Satanas Hail the Gods of Hell
And the gods.
Hail Zues
I have been ruminating on this thought for a while and now perhaps I can put it into words.

I have the impression that when I think of Satan and the Demons from Lemegeton, I am referring to astral beings who are objectively real, who can be known in a direct way through evocation or on the astral plane and without the mediation of history and tradition. Whereas if I think of Gods, I have a hard time detaching them from a historical and cultural context and feel that I cannot experience them directly and objectively. And it is as if all the experiences I have had with what I define as Gods are elusive and transcendental, all those with Demons immanent.

The problem with thinking you can interact directly with an astral being is the possibility of being deluded, yet I am certainly not the only one here who has had unexplained and paranormal experiences with Demons, which would be enough to scientifically prove their existence, if only they were repeatable on command. Then again, it seems to me that the problem with interacting with what I define as Gods is that a number of cultural conceptual layers are inserted between me and the entity I want to experience, which is in danger of becoming, more the concept of a particular culture, than a real being.

In any case, I recognize that even that of Demon summoning and astral plane encounters is a tradition, and inevitably there is nothing that is not tradition or culture of some people in some period. Only I have the impression that there is a certain vitality and dynamism in this tradition, which is perhaps just a link to the religion of our ancestors.
Very nice. I'm working on watching the video now, I have to do it in intervals right now. Very great video with amazing graphics and quality. I noticed that there will be an updated dedication ritual and I look forward to seeing and doing it. I'm already dedicated by blood, but I would assume I need to update my dedication along with the updated Temple of Zeus.
Hail to the True Gods!
This is amazing and of the most exciting feeling. I have welcomed the Temple of Zeus in my heart and soul and making it my life's work to bring the people back to our Gods thru the Temple of Zeus. It's one of those things that "just clicks" which is what I exactly felt when I found the JoS.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for being the best leader this world currently has, thank you High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the birth of this holy temple, and lastly but never the least, thanks to all the serious and dedicated SS.

Let's keep growing. 💪
Hands down, the new update for the Temple of Zeus is absolutely stunning! The visionary behind the website's redesign has an incredible eye for aesthetics. The Meditation and Witchcraft section for example looks fantastic! I love the new features as well - they’re very user-friendly!

Thank you to the ones involved for the great work.

Hail Satya!
Hail Zeus!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you dear Master, this is B E A U T I F U L !!!!!
Hail the Temple of Zeus!!!
I love the new aesthetic design, but a suggestion if I may, on the following page: https://templeofzeus.org/AllDemons

That line should instead be a description of how Demon is a transliteration of the word Daimon and if possible examples of the word Daimon being used by Greek philosophers should be used and highlighted. Socrates himself described in the Socratic Dialogues that a Daimon is what led him on his path of wisdom, I really think this would help separate our Truth from the judeo-christian framework of "devil worship" as currently that page is still a bit too "Anti-christian" and is incongruent with our new path of standing past the enemies frameworks.

This will help reinforce the ancient connection and show that we are not "relying" on christian sources and that instead the crux of our argument is one of Ancient Wisdom from those such as Socrates and the christian quote:
In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good.
But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons.

Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship

For reference the Catholic quote is fantastic and helped convince me of the Truth when I was younger but adding in additional Ancient context will only strengthen our position and would be completely in line with our new approach.

Just a suggestion of course, but many are completely ignorant of just how widely loved the Daimons were by the Fathers of western philosophy.
I love the new aesthetic design, but a suggestion if I may, on the following page: https://templeofzeus.org/AllDemons
Just to reinforce as I have learned that sometimes my tone does not come across correctly when I use text, I LOVE the new design and the changes made to the website, it looks clean and beautiful, and I am really excited for this new phase in our Temples growth and the previous suggestion I made was purely out of excitement for the new approach we are taking and a desire to help, looking back my previous comment looks way more "critical" than I intended, I was just really hyped with what new possibilities these changes will bring.

When HPHC educated me about Daimons in Ancient Greek during one of His sermons I did a bunch of research and what I found was truly beautiful. So I just wanted to clarify this was not me trying to "lecture" as of course HPHC was the one who taught me these things! I am just really invigorated about this development and I can get a bit too eager with these things and my tone can come across 100% wrong which is obviously not my intention.
Upon rediscovering the Gods in this lifetime, my first psychic dream experience was none other than a greeting from the energy and likeness of Zeus. I have carried this with me ever since, and this portrayal of the highest power is near and dear to my heart. I couldn't be happier seeing the name of Zeus restored to the full lofty status it is owed. If you had ever asked me, in all the years prior, what I wished to see this movement gradually become, we are now stepping into that moment.

Thank you, HP, and to all involved in undertaking the transition. No wiser decision could have been made than this. In our souls, we here are Hellenes.

Hail Zeus!
I have prepared a transcript to make the video accessible to my community. You can use it for translation purposes, as I will do, or you can read it if you want a more complete view of the text. The following text is a 99.99% transcript of High Priest Hooded Cobra's speech. I just converted the speech into sentences and paragraphs. I also re-watched the video and verified it. Please let me know if you see any mistakes but it should be fine.


Beautiful family in the Gods, this is High Priest Hooded Cobra.

I am very pleased and very happy to be announcing to all of you that we are going to be making a few structural changes to the Joy of Satan. Of course, these changes would not in any way affect the core essence or the teachings of the Joy of Satan. And we, in fact, want to further ourselves and engage deeper into what the knowledge that the Joy of Satan has offered us for all this time.

Going further, we are going to explore certain deeper subsets of knowledge, which unfortunately, because the Joy of Satan until today was restrained in a sense by the paradigms of the enemy. In that sense, the paradigm of the Goetic, or in other words known as the Goetia, the Demons of the Goetia, which as you can hear very explicitly, this has to do a lot with the Hebrew word "Goyim", "Goyish". The word "Goyish" has to do with the goyim, how the Jews have dared to call the Gentiles, the original people of the Gods.

So in that context, we had certain limitations. To cite these limitations... The first one was the sacrilegious attack the enemy has done to the holy name of Satan: Saytan, Satyan, Satanama. And as you know, all of that derives from the core Sanskrit word "Satya", Truth, and also the ancient Egyptian word for the highest body of consciousness inside man, which is called the "Sa". So a lot of words derivate from this, such as Satan, Satanas, and all these other holy words that were supposed in a sense to be kept sacred and hidden, and not to be thrown around in the world like this, let alone be defamed, and slandered, and attacked in the same way the Jews have been doing.

This represents a very high form of sacriledge and a very high form of an attack, because as we all know the Jews have made sure to take these words and to project certain very negative and nefarious meanings upon them. This was one of the crimes they have done and the Gentiles they were left unfortunately with only ruins from their cultures. They were left only with remnants and memories; and information here and there about their own Gods, and about their spirituality, and about their ancestral roots. And this created a very big void for humanity, who coming out of the Middle Ages in its attempt to finally re-enlighten itself to return back to its original roots. It started reconstructing from the enemies' context, its own religion with whatever pieces of information we could find.

This started in the 15th century, when essentially Christianity started having the first problems, with a lot of its devoties and followers, starting to debate the Jewish power structure and the Jewish spiritual power structure and the Jewish cultural structure. When that started started happening, a lot of people; Gentiles of course, great thinkers great minds, well studied people, and of course people that had access to information about civilizations predating the Jewish lies and defamations. These people, they started joining what the enemy referred to as the Satanic or the evil side, and often times they did this from the context of the enemy. For example, a lot of people that did that were raised and born as Christians. However, upon embarking the Gods, they essentially embarked upon them within the context that was available at the time.

So, the only context that was available at the time was only for the very few, the very well studied, the very aristocratic people; that actually had some further knowledge about the subject, and they knew for example about the Egyptian Gods or they knew about the ancient Greek Gods or they knew about these things. However, this approach was not happening directly. It started happening at first, through an affinity, through a love, and through an attraction to the historical figure of what we would call Satan. This figure of the just warrior, of the rebel, of the being that stood up with defiance, to instate justice in the context of the Jewish lore. However as we know, this being extends far further and far before any Jewish lore; however, for the people of the 15th and the 16th and the 17th century, they didn't really know a lot about that.

So, a lot of them decided even in the, let's say, very tight limitations that the Christian or the even the Muslim context provided, to actually go after the Gods and try to contact them and try to find more information about them, and in a sense join the so-called Satanic or dark side. As the centuries passed and people started finding more and more information about the Gods, a resurgence started to happen because of these people, these first powerful initiates; that in their hearts and in their souls, they had such a powerful longing to be with the Gods, that they actually defied any lack of knowledge, fear of hell fire, and they also defied scientifically through scientific means the enemy, which further led humanity to proceed with excavations and research and knowledge, that eventually led humanity again, to understand and comprehend and to re-discover its own roots.

We also in the 21st century, we adopted primarily this context of Spiritual Satanism. We all of us, all of us here, we know that context was indeed a holy and a very good and the spiritual context that was based on truth, because for us albeit we always understood the main entity and the main being and all the beings behind the identities that were labeled as Goetia or the Gods of the Goyim or Satan or Beelzebub or all of these famous demonic entities. We knew for a fact as the enemy does of course, but these were always Ancient Gods from Greece, from Egyp,t from the Levant, from all of these nations and countries, that predated the Jews by many many thousands of years.

So, this was over time, a bit difficult in a sense to explain to people who were of course mind washed from the Zero Century AD to today, and due to this programming that was fear-based about the Gods, a lot of people started misperceiving us and misunderstanding us, as following, let's say, something that had to do with Jewish mythological context. Of course, if anyone had the patience to read past the first page in the Joy of Satan, they would find that this is not the case and that this was never the case and that if anything, the reason that we the people of the Joy of Satan so proudly carried and will carry on with that name is, because of reasons that find themselves sourced in cultures that predate the Jewish one by at least two or three or four or five thousand years.

So, in a sense, we made a re-discovery that led us to an original truth. However a lot of people, they don't have the patience or the intelligence or unfortunately the emotional capacity to understand that and albeit, and even though they would be very good candidates and people of the Gods, which all of the Gentiles should be. They were born inside their soul, they already have the Gods but the enemy knowing that, to disallow these people from joining us and from becoming candidates of the Gods and essentially just returning to their own religious and spiritual and ethical and ancestral roots, they created a large barrier in front of that. This barrier was created by the use of fear and the use of compulsive lying, an extensive repetition and indoctrination that had to do with essentially instilling in the minds of the people, a Jewish context.

So after, the people, they adopted this Jewish context. The Jews also poisoned the anti-context of it which was what they would claim to be as Satanism or a religion of evil or simply going against the dictates of the so-called God. By doing that, they trapped people within a very short spectrum of either you accept the Jews and their interpretation of God or you are an evil, detestable, disgusting, cursed and defiled human being that follows dark entities and dark forces. This is called the Hegelian Dialectic, where you trap human beings between two choices, as if there weren't any other choices and this is just a psychological manipulation tactic, but unfortunately even if it's very basic, it works wonders in enslaving the minds of very simple people.

Conversely, a lot of people that actually follow Christianity or Islam, they are essentially not really following whatever they are reading or whatever they are told from the Jewish books or works, but they are following more these religions in a very superficial, in a very surface manner, while internally they still maintain an understanding of truth, of goodness, of clarity, of logic and of all basically, the Divine virtues that encompass what it means to be a spiritual person in general. However, because these people follow this wrongful context, they can never manifest their abilities in full.

So a lot of them, they remain within Christianity and they remain also within Islam and they remain in many wrong paths, that don't allow them for full realization of the truth, and simultaneously when we exist as an alternative and that alternative is shrouded by a wrongful and misperceived mask or visage, that is what people perceive as a Hebrew mythology. People cannot, in a sense, make the switch to the correct direction. So, in honor of our past and what we have been before, in our essence nothing changes. We still follow the same Gods, we still do the rituals to the same Gods, we still follow everything that we followed from day one in this place, we still do the same meditations and we still are essentially, the same people.

However, something changes for us from now on, we are going to change this false misperception that people have about us in the world. And by changing that misperception and this falsehood, we are also removing from ourselves our last impediment in actually moving forward in this world and teaching the people what they need to be taught and showing the people, the path and the way that they want to follow.

So from now on, I very proudly declare to everyone that our name and how we present ourselves to the world, while of course we maintain the very same essence and in fact, we are going to go way deeper into that essence, is going to be, that the Joy of Satan is getting transformed and advanced into and elevated once again, into be called Temple of Zeus! and I have to say that, I feel excellent right now and I feel very happy and I feel that, we are doing a favor to history for actually lifting our Gods from the Last Frontier of ruins and from the last room of mirrors and masks and we are going to show them proudly and openly to the world, exactly as our ancestors and Ancient Gentile people did, without guilt, without the need to lie, without the need to mix any information and above all, without having to answer to any Jews!

By this move, I declare and I render their spiritual, religious and any other form of authority void! They are no longer those, that will declare to humanity how to think and how to behave and how to believe in God! And with this move, we are taking back what is ours, the birthright of the people, that guide other people to the Gods, belonged to the Gentile people since the beginning of time and we are reclaiming this back, from a foul race and a foul sacrilegious people that have especially, in all their history proven to be highly incompetent and dangerous to do that. Dangerous for the world, dangerous for all the other people, the other Gentiles, that have had the misfortune of falling victims to their psychopathy. And, we are moving away from their context, and we, re-instate ourselves in the Ancient and Old Thrones of the Gods, in their assembly, in their knowledge!

And now, of course, some of you are going to ask me: "But, do we have all the information that we need, in order to re-build the mega culture of the past, the culture of the Library of Alexandria, where the Scrolls of Ancient Egypt were and the Scrolls of the Ancient Greeks were and the Ancient Sanskrit Scrolls were and where the Romans, when they arrived, they marveled when they saw them. Do we have the knowledge?"

And I'm going to answer you with high certainty that yes, we do. We don't have all the knowledge unfortunately because the thieves and the abominations, that have destroyed that knowledge, have made sure that a lot of that is inaccessible to mankind and they have done that, because they want to keep humanity enslaved and shrunk. Our mission therefore, is not only to re-instate ourselves and to make any large idea of ourselves, but at the same time is to continue and help humanity continue with all the scientific, spiritual, intellectual, technological and any other form of development. Through that process, eventually, everything will be re-discovered and of course, the people of the Gods, we have a very pivotal role to play in this process.

So, with open arms, with open heart and with open spirit; I welcome everyone to a new era! The era of the Temple of Zeus! In that era, we will vindicate our leader and the mother of the Joy of Satan, which is High Priestess Maxine and manifest her goal and her dream of creating a world, where the people can approach the Gods directly and clearly, and they can learn spiritual knowledge from the Gods and from the people of the Gods.

I want to thank everyone for hearing to this audio and of course, the reason that this audio was done; was because, at such a large and important change, I want to be here in front of you, talking to you about it, and being very open, and very honest about it.

So thank you so much and let's move into a new era!
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hail Zeus!
Hail Temple of Zeus!

Satanic «Digital Art»👑

Not a coincidence this has been put on and changed and released on a full moon in Lion.

Will the video ever go public or it's just for us? As it seems the video is 'unlisted' .

Anyways it looks and sounds great. The enemy is quite fucked with this now.
You know, I wanted to note it too, but I was afraid then my reply would come too long and clog up too much space hahaha. Yes, it's absurd. We don't have too many means, but it came out EXTREMELY better than what you can find on television....

While money absolutely goes into the tools we use, yes, it is astounding what level of quality can be reached with such little means in comparison to the mainstream "religions".

This was a project done by a wing of the Outreach team, including myself, and it is insane how well we were able to get together and make this video as good as it turned out.
Of course, we only did a "slice" of what was truly needed, gathering or generating materials.
For the editing work and the effort to lead our team, @Alexandros Iowno [JG] should get a lot of the praise.

And, obviously, praise should also be given to HPHC, for his amazing script and great way with words. Without that, there would be no video to speak of.
I'm looking forward to the new era, where the terrible slander and blasphemy of the enemy can no longer be used to chase people off from their beautiful Gods and ancient pagan heritage. Looking at the Greek statues of the Gods and their temples fills me with great pride and joy, especially the Pergamon Altar. Let this new Temple of Zeus be the altar that will shine the light of the Gods on our brothers and sisters throughtout the earth.

Hail the Temple of Zeus!
From Joy of Satan to Joy of Satanas and now Temple of Zeus.

If it is about reaching as many people as possible, then it makes sense.
Appearance is important and also removing any correlations with supposed evil.
Nobody wants to be correlated with evil or bad things or out of the ordinary.

Zeus sounds better than Satan, i never heard any bad words about Zeus, everybody seems to like him or respect him, even muslims.
In your other post you said Zeus and Satan are kinda the same anyway, so it doesn't really matter what it's called for us who know.

Maybe the over the top, excessive Hitler things should be calmed down a bit as well, except for when it is important to highlight.
The good-hearted German Commander who had romantic visions for everything and everyone, it has become a meme.
Greetings to everyone in our family of the Gods,

With a lot of happiness I announce to you the first major step in evolving ourselves and our Gods, forward. We are moving into a new era and cycle with the JoS and we are henceforth to be named, Temple of Zeus.
Our previous domains will co-exist alongside the current one. Our new domain is https://www.templeofzeus.org

Below, a presentation about this upgrade. Enjoy the video.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So if somebody doesn't understand, yes, Satan and Baalzebul are two name for ONE entity, person, being, God. They are not two different Gods. Yes this is contradictory to what we believed until now it took me a hard minute also but JG Alexandros Iowno explained it clearly. God is one being and he is named Satan, Zeus, Beelzebul, Wotan, etc.

No allegories here, or anything, it is as said.
However, Satan and Zeus are two aspects of God, they are not separate entities but separate aspects, just as we all know well, Gods have multiple aspects in pantheons.
Now it turns out that Satan and Zeus are two aspects of one being.
Zeus represents the material world, domain. And Satan represents the ethereal world, domain.
And yes we have seperate rituals for this two aspect.
Congratulations HP HoodedCobra666 , this is a well made video, a tutorial per se to the un initiated. And easy to share to people around the globe who are waking up.

I feel like I owe you an apology for having defamed some of your writings, which I decided to type online instead of sending you an email.

I am proud of your works and I wish that we embark on this journey together as a family.

Hail Zeus (God in Latin after all)

Hail the Gods then. Let's move forward
So if somebody doesn't understand, yes, Satan and Baalzebul are two name for ONE entity, person, being, God. They are not two different Gods. Yes this is contradictory to what we believed until now it took me a hard minute also but JG Alexandros Iowno explained it clearly. God is one being and he is named Satan, Zeus, Beelzebul, Wotan, etc.

No allegories here, or anything, it is as said.
However, Satan and Zeus are two aspects of God, they are not separate entities but separate aspects, just as we all know well, Gods have multiple aspects in pantheons.
Now it turns out that Satan and Zeus are two aspects of one being.
Zeus represents the material world, domain. And Satan represents the ethereal world, domain.
And yes we have seperate rituals for this two aspect.
Zeus is the King of the Gods in the greek mythology, Indra is the King of the Gods too. Look it up, they have very similar powers and stories. It's always been there but we refused to see it (or just did not understand it).

The Jews have confused everything with the Goetia but at the same time it's always been there. A title like King of the Gods is not something gived to any God.
Personally, I thought Satanism stemmed from the mystery cults that were passed on clandestinely to the present day through various organizations such as Freemasonry before it came under attack, rather than the way you describe it, i.e. Christian priests who stepped outside official dogma.

But I agree with you that this new context is better suited to the present times. The important thing is to retain the essence of the original Satanism, namely direct contact with the gods.

I also hope that I'll soon be able to get out of my material situation and help out.
Update 1:

After the announcement, I have to give formal thanks to:

JG ThomaSS
for the amazing new website layout and design. As you can see, it's phenomenal. JG Alexandros for the video editing. A top tier, phenomenal work.
JG ApolloAbove for the technical expertise and making everything launch on time. JG BlackOnyx for the logo and other support. JG Karnonnos for the help in editorial of the texts and future updates. All other members for their support, feedback and help.

May the Gods be with us always and bless us all. THANK YOU!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
