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  1. NinRick

    Returning curses

    Yeah keep it up!! :D
  2. NinRick

    Returning curses

    This is a funny observation, and makes sense. This is proof of your attained powers and ability to influence your Environment with your abilities! Good job! Btw, are you Cynthia?
  3. NinRick

    Hi I'm sad

    Everyone who is a Satanist, and wants to advance and grow closer to the Gods is welcomed here. However, Humans need friends in real life and social interactions. So you should long for friends in real life. Also, the true Satanism here on the Joy of Satan, is actually, very Similar to the...
  4. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    Also, what I would do in your situation is to prepare myself, and select a good date for the healing. Others can help you with this. And I would consult my doctor, if it is okay if we decrease the amount of insulin each shot. So the pancreas are encouraged to start working themself step by step...
  5. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    Also what I advise you for the future is stress management. The body does not differentiate between emotinal, psychologial or physical stress. Meditation and yoga are very potent to prevent stress from building up and releasing it, as well as grounding yourself. At some point you will be...
  6. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    Hi, sorry for the super late reply, I was busy with life :/ Auto Immune diseases come in any shape and form. This is when the body decides to destruct it self in any shape and form. Something inside the body is out of whack, and the body is going wild. 90% of the disease in the US are stress...
  7. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    Let me just think loudly okay? This type 1 Diabetes just appeared out of the blue, and you got the diagnosis mid 2023? So there must be a „trigger“ of some sort for this, right? There is a theory, which I believe to be true, at least to large degree, which says following: To develop...
  8. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    Good luck with your healing!
  9. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    Here is a quote from me, that I posted a time ago. „Human beings are hormonally driven. Whenever you eat, your pancreas detect blood sugar / glucose and excrete insulin. The worse your metabolism, the more insulin restiant your cells become, and the more insulin your pancreas need to flush...
  10. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    This was for DarkAries specifically, as I have already mentioned those practices multiple times here. listening and engaging in this topic will reap much more benefit for him, than me just commenting some benefit practices.
  11. NinRick

    Diabetes and my near death experience

    If you want to reverse the diabetes watch those and apply the knowledge. Knowledge is power. You don’t have to experience anything like that ever again.
  12. NinRick

    Placebo effect

    This is right, and applies for everything in life. Even if you want to build muscles, and look in the mirror, think you are already very muscular and will build more muscles. On the other hand, this can be used for the worse. When old people start to forget things, and their partners point out...
  13. NinRick

    Symbols in dreams

    *Whispers* Work less
  14. NinRick

    Symbols in dreams

    I saw multiple 4 Pointed Squares, that appeared and disappeared, switching in all colours, and spiralig around the middle point, while doing the Ritual for Lady Lilith. When I said the phrase „… In this world, and all worlds..“ if I remember correctly. Maybe just google for Dream...
  15. NinRick

    How to direct energy to the lower Chakras

    And after 2 Weeks you go to the next chakra and so on. Also work on the pillars of the soul. Thurisaz works wonders for the crown as well.
  16. NinRick

    How to direct energy to the lower Chakras

    Idk, my 6th used to be the weakest I believe when I started. I just focused on this especially and it is now the strongest. Maybe just try to work on the base for example, for like 2 Weeks much more than you used to? And after 2 weeks compare the results. I personally find, doing the full...
  17. NinRick

    What has being SS changed in your life

    Yeah same. This is called nihilism. Everything means nothing without the purpose of the spiritual path.
  18. NinRick

    What has being SS changed in your life

    When you join the Path of Spiritual Satanism, your entire life gets better with every aspect of life. This is because you advance as a person, you grow in inner strength, calmness, understanding and are on a higher evolutionary standpoint, than before. This also gives your life and existence...
  19. NinRick

    Problems with forums

    I have the issue on my phone that the forums load for a long time, at some days. And this as well
  20. NinRick

    Translators Still Active - Please Reply Here

    Hi I am still active for German
  21. NinRick

    lend spiritual power to someone?

    Oh sorr I just came from a 12hrs shift and from being on the go for 16hrs. I misunderstood you. It’s still best to let the Gods handle this. The best and most productive way of helping someone is by leading them to the Demons. They are the best teachers, and bestow great gifts.
  22. NinRick

    lend spiritual power to someone?

    Why would you even consider something like this? What we do is something very sacred. What we do is a SERIOUS LIFE TIME COMMITMENT! How do you think you will help anyone, by trying this? You are just wasting your own life on this. With no results.
  23. NinRick


    When you experiences attacks quite often you can ask Father Satan if you feel overwhelmed. Also, what is VERY important is to clean your soul and do the Aura of protection meditation. This is VERY effective from keeping the enemy away from you. You won’t experience attacks like this anymore.
  24. NinRick

    Question on spiritual books

    Sounds like a kike who wants to make money. What I can recommend you doing is to buy old book. You can either buy them online or go to a antique shop. I‘ve made very positive experiences with old books regarding astrology and daoism. I personally do not trust modern authors as a default.
  25. NinRick


    Yes, it was a trap. And I actually have no idea why those fuckers tell their actual names.. I guess they have no other choice as to do so. Angels only want to bleed humans dry for their energy. They have different approaches with people, but in the core they just want to bleed people dry of...
  26. NinRick


    Z his could have been angels or the enemy that didn’t want you to go to Satan. Esreal or something like that, came to my sister at night in her dream. And told her that she will regret going to Satan, and that your brother wants you dead. They also wanted to bind her in a circle. But she...
  27. NinRick

    Happy Walpurgisnacht

    Yeah true, in the Southern Part we have much more! Feier auch schön Bruder!
  28. NinRick

    Happy Walpurgisnacht

    I wish you a nice celebration as well! In Germany we celebrate the Walpurgisnacht, or Beltane on Mountains with bonfires. Hope you also get a chance to celebrate with your community!
  29. NinRick

    Lack of drive, binge eating, low testosterone.

    Meditation and Workings is like the wind of life that you are channeling, where you want to go. But you still need to stir your boat into the right direction and allign your sails. Meaning, honey is great… If you eat it occasionally, have otherwise a healthy life style, move your body a lot...
  30. NinRick

    Lack of drive, binge eating, low testosterone.

    Oh fuck. You probably have a severe addiction problem, that is coming from certain areas of life and spreading into different aspects of your life. You need to identify them and try to fix those addictions.
  31. NinRick

    Lack of drive, binge eating, low testosterone.

    I don't know how bad your situation is with this eating disorder. Are you really having episodes of uncontrolled eating? Like much food? Or just some junk food here and there? Many people tend to eat junk food, sweets or chocolate when they are stressed out, and or had a bad day. We know that...
  32. NinRick

    Will I reincarnate with the same ethnicity, hair and eye color?

    Not related to this post, but just in general. I really appreciate your input!
  33. NinRick

    Does this man look like a jew to you?

    his nose is not jewish. How do I explain it... You think his nose is jewish, because of his pronounced nasal bone right? Jews have a crooked nose from the part from the nasal bone, to the tip of the nose. His nose is not crooked, so this is not a jewish feature. I think this is more an arabic...
  34. NinRick

    What banned science shows the detrimental effects of race-mixing?

    I am also kinda mixed. My dad is a German and my mom is Russian, however, some Russians have some Asian features. I'm very white, but also have some subtle Asian features. So the best thing for me is to find a woman who look like me. And for you, this is the same. Look at yourself, your family...
  35. NinRick

    What banned science shows the detrimental effects of race-mixing?

    Race mixing is bad, as each individual needs to preserve their own blood line and race. It's as simple as that. The white race is the race of direct descendants of Satan and the Demons. This race is also the minority globally speaking, regardless the narrative, that everyon except the white...
  36. NinRick

    IMPORTANT: Changes to New Accounts and Private Messages

    Nobody has an interest in viewing your personal messages, and not even the mods can do so. It's only possible to read a message if your conversation partner klicks on the "report" button a page. I am sure that secret services, however, will be able to read any message here.
  37. NinRick

    Lack of drive, binge eating, low testosterone.

    Unfortunately this is not quite how it works. Whenever you fry foods, you have carbs, which is just a chain of glucose molecules, and also hot fats. There are some hall marks of ageing, for example one is shortened talomeres, they are the protective end caps on the chromosomes. Then you also...
  38. NinRick

    Lack of drive, binge eating, low testosterone.

    What is increasing Testosterone is for example. - Working on your big muscles, like your legs and Back. - Do 6 Sets, 10 reps each, but only 90 Secs of rest in between. This is increasing your Testosterone the most. -Intermitten Fasting and also periodic prolonged fasting (48hrs, 72hrs for...
  39. NinRick

    Does this man look like a jew to you?

    Jews look like rats. He does not look like a rat. Also his nose is not jewish.
  40. NinRick

    Knowing this, who dares to not worship? — quret al yezid

    I love you so much brother!
  41. NinRick

    More doubt

    Maybe try to research this topic yourself? You can even read on the forums about this. And after you have done some research, and are still not quite satisfied, you can have a more informed discussion with people here. This will offer people more ground than just "tell me about the new era".
  42. NinRick

    About the spiritual path

    By experience in those fields. It is as simple as that. By exposing yourself to situations you want to be good at, and giving the effort of trying to Advance there.
  43. NinRick

    About the spiritual path

    This issue is arising for quite some people, esp for those who have a 12th house, Pisces or Neptune emphasis in their chart. Those people a prone to isolation, delusions but also the occult. Nobody will give you a gf, if you just sit down home alone and meditate. you need to actively go out and...
  44. NinRick

    About the spiritual path

    This is not true. Many people will actually respect your calmness, strength, wisdom and insight on many subjects, when you reach this point.
  45. NinRick

    Come home after work, bored...

    How about, for example, each tuesday and thursday for example, you reach out to your collegues who you are good with, to go out after work for Dinner and maybe some drinks? I always just drink water, it just the human connection that matters.
  46. NinRick

    Come home after work, bored...

    Sounds like you are missing a basic need of yours, that does not make you feel whole. Maybe you are not spending time with people enough? How about, after work, you don't go home, but you meet up with a couple friends? And when you get home, make sure you still have a good time to calm down...
  47. NinRick

    Scorpio full moon

    If you want to end things permanently, ending this while moon is in Scorpio and it's a new moon is the best. If you trying to overwrite habits, try to keep the working up for 40 Days, or even 90 Days for more severe issues/addictions. But even just new moon in Scorpio is very powerful on it's...
  48. NinRick

    To HPS Lydia please

    This theoretic questions are futile. Meditations is something very practical. Spirituality is you experiencing, feeling and understanding the higher world and yourself. You can not expect a human to give you this answers, as this is just very foolish. You need to meditate more and grow in your...
  49. NinRick

    To HPS Lydia please

    What is accelerating aging is an unhealthy lifestyle, having a sick metabolism , eating wrong foods at the wrong time, bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol for example. Moving too little and not working out. Experiencing chronic stress... All of this will make you age faster. Meditation...
  50. NinRick

    To HPS Lydia please

    Ancient Sages in China for example dedicated their lives to the advancement of the soul to attain longevity, youthfulness and even immortality. You can't just ask for a quick fix. This takes serious dedication, as you main goal in life.
  51. NinRick

    Scorpio full moon

    New moon would be better for this.
  52. NinRick

    weird question

    Kikes rape goats. You can ask them.
  53. NinRick

    The Soul

    they have different Genes. You can tell from the Genes who is a jew and not.
  54. NinRick

    Black Magic Picture

    You dont even need a picture for this. Even through the Forums it is possible, if you came to attention of someone.
  55. NinRick

    About breathing exercises

    If you mean, that you feel like your body is waving back and forth, when you meditate and your eyes are closed for example. This most likely means, that energy is raised and tries to flow, but can't flow freely. In this process pathways are opening up, and the energy can flow how it is supposed...
  56. NinRick

    Days are becoming INCREDIBLY fast

    You could as well ask "When I was a child everything was so HUGE! And now everything that used to huge, got so tiny!?" Everything you experience is simply subjective.
  57. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    apparently. You ignore him. All he wants is a reaction from you. If you give him nothing, all he is doing is wasting his life and time. as well as attracting negativity of Satanists. Which is nothing anyone wants to attract.
  58. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Yes everybody has their own path, and dwelling onto negative emotions and experiences will only enhace them. You gain nothing of selfpity or anything of this kind. You need to move on. And with your next partner, all you need to do is to pick the next girl more carefully.
  59. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    The total insane women, who I encountered who were possesed by angels, were saying the same thing. You really need a reality check, as you are on the same level of delusions as by angels possessed people.
  60. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I believe this dude is OfficerAngelo. Or what ever his name is. He is a drug addict with ego problems, who can’t even accept himself. He is so insecure that he gets violent and tries to get everybody to acknowledge him. He is insane. Just ignore him.
  61. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    The dude I was Talking about is „dfer1234“. Is it the same Account that messaged u?
  62. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I have also received such a message a couple days ago. It’s best just to ignore them. Just Report them and go on. This is most likely a jew and nothing to invest energy into. Just laugh it off.
  63. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Sounds like you feel betrayed by her, because she is a SS and left you, as you said "She claims to be SS". Just so you know, her being an SS has absolutely nothing to do with you. Her leaving you, has absolutely nothing to do with Satan, the Demons, or Being a SS.
  64. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I don't think you can state that it is always better to have SS Parents as a child. This matter is highly complex and not so trivial.
  65. NinRick

    How to lose weight?

    u can just buy a device to measure your ketones, like that from Keto Mojo. As long as your Ketones are above around 0.5 or 0.6 mMol/L you're burning fat.
  66. NinRick

    Christ get out of here

    People who tie into Christianity, especially when they are open to the Astral, get exploited the most. Those people end up as a wrecks as time goes on and on. Much misery, and hardships. Be it own health, Strikes of Fate, or family member issues. You should try to show her the way out of it...
  67. NinRick

    Lu Sho Magic Square in DAOISM

    I don't know what Lu Sho magick is, but I am more than open to discuss with you it. You can shoot me a DM. In fact those squares do originate from the far east, and yes, from Daoism. I have also a German book where the Squares are found, that are on the JoS, and the author took it from...
  68. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Again, don't take this personal. This is just a detached view and approach of a fellow Brother. If this doesn't apply to you, you can simply just let it slide, as this has no truth in it. However, if you react negatively towards this, this should be reason enough to meditate upon it, and find...
  69. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    If I was in my 40's I would definetly want a Girl in their late 20's to be quite honest. This is basical nature playing here, and most men, me included, are like this. Why would you want to have an old Girl? Who is in her 40's, has probably children, and severe Trauma of being single and out in...
  70. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    It's quite easy on this path to overdo it and end up in isolation. Esp with a pronounced 12th house. Social contact, talking, touching, romance, sex are very important for the well being of us all. Do it for yourself, in the end you will be much happier, and you will also advance better...
  71. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    I can to some degree understand what your issue with non-spiritual shallow people is. However, can we try to re-phrase it or to look from another angle at it? How about, you find a girl, who can be actually 13 years younger than you, who is also open for spirituality and generally open minded...
  72. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Also, when you start talking to someone here, you are probably entering a delusional long distance relationship which is just fked up.
  73. NinRick

    Procreate is a must, Spiritual Satanists need to marry and have children and raise them in this path

    Bad idea. People on the internet can be anyone. it's best to go out and LIVE your life, meet people and enjoy your life. You can also find someone irl. Then you can pick someone who you like, who is handsome and is open for the spiritual Path of Satanism.
  74. NinRick

    Christ get out of here

    the best thing is to move out if you are old enough to do so and can afford it.
  75. NinRick

    Erectile dysfunction

    Yes, the intensity and degree is different for every individual, however, music affects us on a subconscious level and is programming us mentally and also energetically.
  76. NinRick

    Erectile dysfunction

    You already have a bad mindset, which is reflecting your character. By working on your outlook, mindset and character, many issues will be fixed, and it is much more realistic to cure yourself. Father Satan wants us to live, so LIVE! Even normal people, who are not spiritual at all, can cure...
  77. NinRick

    need solutions

    for my dedication ritual I just used the pen up, until it was kinda dry. When I signed the paper in my blood, however, the blood mixed with ink, my first name was blood red, and my last name was half blue lol
  78. NinRick

    Seeing spirit beings

    I doubt she will post something like this on Facebook. This Forum is here to share spiritual guidance and support. You do not talk about such topics to every person you meet. So everything is fine.
  79. NinRick

    Cleanliness of the Home

    Once a week, preferably during the week end, and preferably on a fixed time, do cleaning of the house. This usually doesn’t take a lot of time, when you do it regularly. Then, after you eat something, just clean up right after you are done. When you keep it clean, it won’t get so dirty, and it...
  80. NinRick

    Seeing spirit beings

    Yes of course. And such a thing does not happen over night from my understanding, this is years of „work“. But the outcome is horrible. Those people trusted the angels deeply, but when the connection is too strong and they suffer immensly, they know that those beings are nasty filthy, but they...
  81. NinRick

    Seeing spirit beings

    Angels only seek to suck you dry. They attach them to their victims, and over time the Connection grows stronger and stronger, the more the victim tunes into it. After a long time, the result is total insanity. I have witnessed this 2 times. Those people are beyond any realistic help and...
  82. NinRick

    How many Satanists are there in the world?

    Why would you call yourself the „inquisitor“?
  83. NinRick

    Satanism and social life

    If you go down that path of believing everything you desire is just falling into your lap when you meditate, you are down for a really depressed time. Meditation is very important as this is literal evolution of man kind and yourself. However, we still need to strive for what we desire.
  84. NinRick

    Sunrise & Sunset

    It doesn’t have to be sunshine outside to set your inner clock. It is still beneficial to See Natural light outside after you have woken up. Even at a cloudy day. People who live on the very north of the earth, where nights are very long, couple weeks to months, use light therapy lights in the...
  85. NinRick

    Sunrise & Sunset

    Sunrise is the best time for meditations, working and working on siddhis. This is very true. The circadian cycle is responding to sun rise and set. When we wake up, we need to see natural light, to set our inner clock right. It needs calibration. This way also positive genes are being...
  86. NinRick

    Does a man ask the woman out?

    This is not „stereotypical“ at all, but just natural. This is part of intrinsic characteristics of femininity and masculinity and is true for most cases. This is how nature is. Work on yourself. It will give you a huge amount of self worth, when you show that you have balls and a penis for a...
  87. NinRick

    Does a man ask the woman out?

    You are a man. You need the balls to make the first move and if she rejects you, grow with it. Rejections make u strong. There is no issue with showing your desires. Desire is life and a turn on.
  88. NinRick

    Does a man ask the woman out?

    I fully agree. I didn’t want to kill the mood here tho. I would not even want a girl to ask me out, very wrong dynamic. Love is a hunt for the man. He needs to hunt to seek the Prize, or it is not a prize. Also, do women really want a man, who is afraid of even women? Who cant make the first...
  89. NinRick


    Good job! This is really great. In my opinion tea is more than fine.
  90. NinRick


    Alcohol is also very bad btw. Nobody should smoke and drink alcohol. Alcohol maybe on very rare and Special occasions. But never chronically to relieve stress for example.
  91. NinRick


    Smoking is very nasty and horrible. It has 70 Chemicals that cause cancer, fucks your body system of angiogenesis, fucks with your stemcells, sperms, epigenetics, bone marrow and immunesystem. I don’t even stand in the smoke of others.
  92. NinRick

    help me

    (Healthy blood sugar lvl doesn‘t mean, that you have much blood sugar, as some people believe btw) you have more energy when Bloodsugar is not high, but stable.
  93. NinRick

    help me

    Also, make sure to sleep well. The Human body gets a rush of glucose, Cortisol and growth Homones when sleeping. This is to get you ready to wake up and kickstart you. So sleeping is important for growth. Also, try to avoid food within the first waking hour, and when you habe breakfast, make...
  94. NinRick

    help me

    I only stopped growing at around 21. Program your mind in trance that you know that you are going to be tall. Also, love yourself, and be full of bliss that you are beautiful and tall. You really need to feel it, be already thankful for this. I gained within 10months or so 26kgs and went from...
  95. NinRick

    Did I ruin my square?

    Hi Minze, You didn‘t mess up your square. I‘d resort tonthe amount of affirmations, and the same affirmations from the first day though.
  96. NinRick

    Book material for Dao, yin, neidan?

    I‘ve also stumbled across Damo, but I was not very appealed by the „hype“ around him. I was looking for older texts maybe. I should try it, thank you for the Suggestion!
  97. NinRick

    Is Using THURISAZ for opening stubborn chakras effective?

    I dont count, I just vibrate it until I am satisfied with the empowerment. Don‘t do too many reps first, just to be safe.
  98. NinRick

    Book material for Dao, yin, neidan?

    Hi guys, Does anyone here know about some book material or sites where to find Information about Daoism, yin/yang, nei Kung / Gong, Neidan? If you know anything that could help me, I‘d appreciate that very much.
  99. NinRick

    How to active mantra?

    Mantras are words of power that need to be vibrated. By vibrating and tuning certain parts of the soul into the vibration, like a tuning fork, we can empower them. On www.JoyOfSatan.org you will find some examples.
  100. NinRick

    Is Using THURISAZ for opening stubborn chakras effective?

    This rune is really wonderful in power! However, you really need to Program the energies. I got a nasty injury because I didnt „tame“ these energies. Apart from that, it is very powerful and useful.
  101. NinRick

    Seeking a Reality Check

    Okay, take a deep breath in, hold in for a moment and a deep breath out. Relax. Often when we are stressed out in life, and keep pushing in meditations, the symptoms of shakiness, restlessness, and so can amplify. Are you open to share somethings about your life and routine? Also, are you...
  102. NinRick

    Looking for the best book to learn Tantra.

    😂😂😂😂😂 For a weird reason I find this very funny😂 Jack is General Jeager :D
  103. NinRick

    Is there a meditation I can do to make my hair grow faster?

    In addition, do some research about „Glycine“. Most people dont get enough of this. You might want to supplement this.
  104. NinRick

    A Psychopath is Harassing my Family

    I strongly suggest you dedicate your soul to Satan. By doing so, Father Satan is taking yoi into his loving family. You receive more guidance and protection. With the Guidance of Satan and his Demons we advance much more quickly and stronger. You don‘t agree 100% with the JoS? Who cares? When...
  105. NinRick

    I'm scared

    Usually when people of Satan interact with the Demons like mentioned here, they get a rush of Energy, which is very blissful and calming. However, some people can just freak out when they experience anything „supernatural“ out of the blue, or even willingly. This means while he is blissed with...
  106. NinRick

    Seeking a Reality Check

    If you are just having insecurities with the Problem and no acute issues, then working on the lower chakras can really help here, esp the base. Good reply.
  107. NinRick

    Seeking a Reality Check

    can you elaborate more? I dont quite understand the issue at hand I believe. It is very important to listen to your mind, body and soul. When you do not feel comfortable and over stimulated, it is a good idea to step back a bit, and turn down the volume of your meditations. Sometimes, when you...
  108. NinRick

    About protection physical / spiritual

    Consistent meditation has excatly this side effect. You grow in understanding, you become grounded, you keep your cool even in the most hectic Situations. When you are on this level/mode, you will not be fazed by negative people and you will not resonate with them. Everything has to do with...
  109. NinRick

    How to lose weight?

    I can explain you how to shed excess fat, it is actully quite simple. Human beings are hormonally driven. Whenever you eat, your pancreas detect blood sugar / glucose and excrete insulin. The worse your metabolism, the more insulin restiant your cells become, and the more insulin your pancreas...
  110. NinRick

    I started Venus Square in a different planetary hour, is it ok?

    It‘s alright, you are fine. I have done them like this as well, and they have worked. Never doubt your skills.
  111. NinRick

    My wife cheated on me

    Damn boy. When it comes to sex, even if you have a small penis, you can stimulate the woman with oral sex and with your fingers. You can make her climax, this way, and she will enjoy it very much. After you excited her with this, it is much easier to make her climax again, using your penis. My...
  112. NinRick

    New member need help

    read this post, if you haven’t yet. https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/how-to-talk-to-satan.93130/
  113. NinRick

    How To Talk To Satan?

    The ability to talk to Father Satan, is nothing that depends on your own abilities. Father Satan is extremely advanced and powerful, he knows EVERYTHING about you, at all times. Take your time and talk to Satan, meditate on him and strengthen the Connection between you. You can also do a spell...
  114. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    thank you very much for your reply! :)
  115. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    When doing a working. Is it better to finish the working after 40 days? Or is it better to keep it for 50 to 60ish days for more power? (Cba to make it 80 days)
  116. NinRick

    Do lab-grown crystals work in a magical sense?

    No I do mean yin. But as I said, I have no clue about this topic, and only know a few things from books. (which can be wrong information) Btw, canyou maybe explain me how to discern Yin from Yang in the body? (if ur not allowed to do so, then it’s fine as well)
  117. NinRick

    Asking For More

    Thank you for sharing your story and situation! congratulations on getting this far, and thank you for showing us the possibilities this path brings along! Hail Satan!
  118. NinRick

    Do lab-grown crystals work in a magical sense?

    I am not a pro with gems etc. But I highly doubt that you can get the same results with plastic gems, compared to natural gems. The earth is full of yin energy that is flowing through nature, just as space is. So Gems formed in the universe and inside the earth are packed with yin. You can buy...
  119. NinRick

    Would learning ancient Greek and Sanskirt be useful to the JOS?

    studying certain scriptures, sourcing it scientifically, and posting what you found out in your studies is a help. Yes. Putting the time and effort in studying texts, you can understand right now, is probably a better investment before learning a new language. Especially, since some people here...
  120. NinRick

    Thoughts in the head

    Most likely this is your own intuition, as other people have stated already.
  121. NinRick

    Question on Balzebul

    yes of course! do this! Praise him with all of your heart and soul!
  122. NinRick

    Happy Yule!

    Happy Yule to all of my beautiful Brothers and Sisters in Satan! :) hahaha the Song „O Tannenbaum“ is still very popular in Germany, when I was a kid, I was singing this song non-stop during the Yule season! :D I was 4 years old and thought the name of the fir tree was Otannenbaum :P But the...
  123. NinRick

    Strange feeling in lower area after doing F.C.M

    great to see you again!
  124. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Non masculine trait*
  125. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Less talk and more action. This is a very feminine trait you have.
  126. NinRick

    chronic illness, employment struggles, mental breakdown.

    try intermittedfasting, eat for a window of 7 hrs a day. breakfast at least 1hr after waking up, with lots of protein. Last meal at least 4hrs before going to bed. You don’t have to follow a certain diet, just cut out any and all processed foods, like sugar, Candy, pesto, and everything that was...
  127. NinRick

    New member

    Hello and welcome to the forums. We do not promote meeting people irl and do not provide such a service here. It’s best to be careful with sharing any personal information online.
  128. NinRick

    Third eye question

    It’s both. The Chakra in the middle of your forehead. After doing the vibrations, meditate on it for some time.
  129. NinRick

    Hi guys! just wanted to ask, which element is a burning bowl?

    Well, you use fire energy to burn it, Air is the medium. I guess Air and Fire then? (Just jumping to assumptions here)
  130. NinRick

    Shoutout to every Satanist!

    Each and everyone of Satanists here.. all of you are EPIC! You are all on the path to betterment, as a person and in all areas in life. Father Satan and the Demons guide you, you are never alone! Stand tall proudly, pat your own back with approval, and be courageous in pursuing all that you...
  131. NinRick

    Why I draw (Short rant)

    I like the way that you appear to be very authentic. This shows that you have little to no hang ups! Keep it up! :D
  132. NinRick

    Joy of Satan NEW Guardians: Announcement

    Congratulations to the JGs! :))
  133. NinRick

    My half sister doesn't want a relationship - help

    Oh, using the method I shared with you, this will not take much energy, and you should see results pretty fast. At least this has been the case for me.
  134. NinRick

    Getting things resolved

    I really wished we were friends irl my brother.
  135. NinRick

    So i was and officialy still am an jehova witness but i need help because i dont know what to do.;-;

    Since coming to Satan, I have seen 2 Women who are possessed by Angels. They tell them that they are Gods already, and inflict a vast amount of suffering, and insanity upon their victims. You need to leave that asap.
  136. NinRick

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    I will definitely keep doing the ritual for now :)
  137. NinRick

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    Greetings, first I want to thank you for this great ritual to Lord Amun! In ancient egypt there was a Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. I heard about him, and ancient egypt, frequently when I was a child. His name kelt ringing in my mind recently. So his name is: Tut-Ankh-Amun. Tut in common translations...
  138. NinRick


    I received one time such an attack as well, and then never again. All I said was „Leave me tf alone, I need to work tomorrow!“ I turned around and continued my sleep, slightly angered. they just want to play your emotions. They can’t do nothing with this. Keep your AoP strong, clean yourself...
  139. NinRick

    My half sister doesn't want a relationship - help

    Well, Meditate in the evening/night, do your cleaning and yoga.. just do your regular spiritual exercises in the evening/night, so you have a powerful boost when you are about to go to bed. Instead of going to bed, after Meditating, do a spell on her. Go into a light trance, pull her light...
  140. NinRick

    just venting here (long post)

    Well, they are still Spiritual Satanists, as Satan alone decides who is a Satanist, and who is not. I‘d say that those people are just weak.
  141. NinRick

    just venting here (long post)

    And also, we jumped from 1 Billion 100 years ago, to 8 Billion people in global population. So of course most people are lower than in ancient times, when you consider that over 82.5% are living their very first life right now. The average understanding of the most basic things in human nature...
  142. NinRick

    just venting here (long post)

    and fuck around
  143. NinRick

    Limb regeneration

    I am actually sure at least someone on earth could do this. There are some people from powerful lineages that live in very remote areas and have been practicing for many lifetimes, same goes with family lines.
  144. NinRick

    Absorbing Greys Question

    When you see those fuckers, call for your GD, clean yourself and put an AoP around you. Those fuckers are not joke around for. One time they made me severely mentally ill.
  145. NinRick

    Limb regeneration

    Do also some research on „NMN“ and what role it played in the human body and cellular processes.
  146. NinRick

    Limb regeneration

    This is not punishment, this is just life. People who don’t meditate and don’t evolve, are doomed to make the same mistakes and attract the same things over and over again. They are like playing balls in life. In truth we need to meditate to secure our own survival of the soul in the game of...
  147. NinRick

    Masculine women and feminine men

    sounds like a lie to me, where you try to dind excuses. A warrior has no hangups with women, and is able to get many he desires.
  148. NinRick

    Effects of meditation

    When I get into meditation, I always want to meditate for an hour at least haha
  149. NinRick

    Limb regeneration

    Well, good luck on your path! Limb regeneration is possible, but this is extremely advanced. This would be possible, if you instructed your epigenetics to repair the arm fully, like Lizard. In any case, this path is very beneficial for you, whether or not you will reach that level. At least...
  150. NinRick

    Effects of meditation

    Thank you for your input my dear Sister! :) I was just wondering what the reason would be for this. But this is probably something highly practical and not theoretical. And probably also different to an extent for each individual. I agree with both of you. When I was meditating a lot a day...
  151. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Satan is the God we devouted our lifes and souls to. We Dedicated to Father Satan. We ride together, we die together. No matter what other Beings are out there.
  152. NinRick

    Hello! Joined here

    Falls du irgendwelche fragen hast, kannst du mich gerne über Email erreichen. Ich bin mehr als glücklich dir zu helfen.
  153. NinRick

    Hello! Joined here

    Darf ich dich mal fragen wie du die JoyOfSatan gefunden hast? Über die Englische Page oder über die Deutsche?
  154. NinRick

    Effects of meditation

    Well, yeah you don’t go ALL the way back of course. But to me the difference of consistent meditation (there are times where I meditate for (5-6hrs a day for a very good amount of time) to no little to no meditation, is very immense. when I can feel my aura powerfully just sitting and talking...
  155. NinRick

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Ohh good idea! I will keep a journal and document everything!
  156. NinRick

    Effects of meditation

    Can you give us some insight towards this topic, please?
  157. NinRick

    Effects of meditation

    I have a question regarding advancement through meditation. When you meditate constantly, you can really feel the effects. Not only on the energy levels, aura, your chakras and so on, but on the effects of meditation on your psyche and character. You become emotionally more stable, stay calm...
  158. NinRick

    Hello! Joined here

    Herzlich Willkommen! Viel Erfolg auf deinem Weg in Satan!
  159. NinRick

    Thank you HoodedCobra⚡

    ofc, You‘re a hard working Satanist, and well respected!
  160. NinRick

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Thank you for your input. I‘ve prepared a working and I also use the Nauthiz Rune for this purpose. Just clarify something, I do not seek hardships and suffering. I choose the hard and rewarding path, which is not suffering in my case. I just need to grow as a man. Doing it the proper way...
  161. NinRick


    Cobra for President, the one and only I trust. (And Son Goku, but let’s not dream too much)
  162. NinRick

    Ganesha - Powerful Mantra

    Hi Pluto! Can you also use this mantra to develop a strong character and exposing onesself into situations that you are uncomfortable with have anxieties about? I am looking for a mantra to develop a strong character, the fastest and hardest way possible.
  163. NinRick

    With antisemitic tweet, Elon Musk reveals "the" ‘actual truth’

    the name „Elon“ also sounds very jewish to me.
  164. NinRick

    Thank you HoodedCobra⚡

    That you are always so calm and composed is a very strong sign that you‘ve advanced a lot in spiritual Satanism and as a person!
  165. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    it stopped 😂 phew
  166. NinRick

    Colours that aid learning?

    What do you want to learn? or get the hang of? Yellow is for logical learning, as it rules intellect.
  167. NinRick

    Does Uranus or Sun rule bioelectricity

    Experience is the greatest teacher, as this generates understanding. Input from other people can generate knowledge. But also lies, misinformation and delusion. Understanding is more powerful than knowledge.
  168. NinRick

    Is Praise Satan a balancing mantra

    Yeah, I just wanted to share awareness onto that :P
  169. NinRick

    Does Uranus or Sun rule bioelectricity

    As I understand it Mercury rules the more electric aspect of your soul, and Uranus the magnetic aspects. Sun rules overall vitality, strength and power.
  170. NinRick

    Is Praise Satan a balancing mantra

    Praising Satan from the deepest of your heart is very powerful tho.
  171. NinRick

    Why do people fail/mistakes in Satanism

    1. Read everything on the site, it’s also a good idea to read it multiple times, like twice a year. You will find that you forgot many things when reading only once. 2. Keep pushing, you haven’t failed until you have given up. You haven’t meditated for 2 years? Who cares, start now again, and...
  172. NinRick

    An Idea for November

    The souls of Satan are already taken care of by Satan and his Demons.
  173. NinRick

    It was finally time to dedicate myself...

    I don’t think that the Ritual isn’t valid. While I was thinking about dedicating myself, Demons were visiting me, giving me strong signs, like Telekinesis, very powerful dreams with messages and so on. This means that Father Satan and his Demons are very aware of what people are doing, even...
  174. NinRick

    Thank you HoodedCobra⚡

    idc about political stuff, I just care that he helped me to become a stronger man. this is most important to me.
  175. NinRick

    Thank you HoodedCobra⚡

    Thank u for sharing this! It is important to show people the impact that Great People of Satan have onto their own People! :) Most Leaders don‘t care about their People at all, and just abuse their power and bleed their own people dry. In True Satanism this is something very different, where...
  176. NinRick

    Thank you HoodedCobra⚡

    We all owe High Priest HoodedCobra alot for guidong us all those years towards wisdom, betterment, advancement and most importantly towards Father Satan and the Gods - Which ultimately leads towards a deeper bond with Father Satan and betterment on all aspects of life. You comment is very...
  177. NinRick

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    recently I noticed that my feet chakras appear to get really warm when laying down in bed. I touched my feet and they are neither hot or cold. Does anybody know what this is signifying?
  178. NinRick

    Colours that aid learning?

    [url:“www.MyDummyURL.com“] Your text here [/url] replace url: with url=
  179. NinRick

    Does simply invoking energies increase its presence in your soul

    When you work mostly with one type of energy, you become more adept with that and can handle it better for sure. But I don’t think it behaves as linearly as you described.
  180. NinRick

    Does simply invoking energies increase its presence in your soul

    I vibrated thurisaz in my soul without a vibration for a couplen of days into my soul and a Blood stone and broken my knee. Don’t play around like me, don’t let those energies run wild lol
  181. NinRick

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    She said something along the lines [when Dedicting your soul to Satan, he takes you into his loving Family] To some maybe this doesn’t sound like something game changing, but to me at that time, it was a sealed deal.
  182. NinRick

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    Yes, Lydia is very great. Also when I was new her words helped me a lot in making the decision in dedicating and opening my mind to Father Satan.
  183. NinRick

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    That Owl in her Profile Picture literally is Lydia! She‘s one of Satan‘s wise owls! U-hu! :P
  184. NinRick

    For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!

    You can love, respect and appreciate animals like snakes without having one as a pet. Snakes don’t make good pets, you have high costs to maintain them, most don’t bind to their owners, and I don’t think they‘d be happy in a plastic environment. Snakes have much primal energy, I believe they...
  185. NinRick

    About self confidence / brain strengthening / Social Skills

    you need to read the www.JoyOfSatan.org and not be asking for links to everything.
  186. NinRick

    Colours that aid learning?

    I‘d say this depends on *how* you wish to aquire said knowledge. If you just read books and wish to learn straightforward things, like physics, a language or laws etc. I‘d say yellow is best. If you wish to gather knowledge that is hidden, and want to access this by your intuition through the...
  187. NinRick

    I need help with magick for social anxiety

    FYI don’t do too many workings at the same time. Its best when you do just one working at a time. If you do multiple, try to spread them out during the day.
  188. NinRick

    I do not feel lower chakras...

    I used to have issues with my 6th and now it’s my strongest. Just keep working on them. If you habe issues with the lower chakras, work more on them.
  189. NinRick

    I need help with magick for social anxiety

    yes, this path is all about self-empowerment. Fear is not a part of Satanism. We need to work on ourselves, go out and talk to people, women, etc. Ancient Egypts went for a dive with crocodiles, to work on overcoming their fears. We can do at least this.
  190. NinRick

    Living in here and now

    yeah what Nero said. Don’t think too much, and just try to live by your impulse. Just do it. *insert Nike logo here*
  191. NinRick

    Binding an SS?

    we need a like button here😂
  192. NinRick

    Improving As A Man

    That we have a feminine HPS for the more emotional and nurturing needs of people, and also a very masculine High Priest that gets things done and shows men the right path, is an evidence that the Joy of Satan is the real deal.
  193. NinRick

    Improving As A Man

    Thank you for this Sermon!
  194. NinRick

    About children

    My honest opinion about this is, that you are not ready to have kids yet. If you are trying to become a Dad.
  195. NinRick

    Binding an SS?

    And you would want to do that, exactly why? If there are any issues between SS, both parties, or the „victim“ should go with all honesty to Lord Baal-Zebulon. Satan doesn’t tolerate when SS throw curses at each other, and Baal-Zebulon is in charge with establishing Father Satan‘s will...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
