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For Male SS, must watch videos! Improve your life!


Dec 26, 2022
I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I highly recommend watching this video.

Disclaimer, his videos are oriented toward the male audience and speaks a bit harsh at times in regard to women. But the truth is that the enemy agenda has shifted society in favor of women, it's just reality. Also, this guy has been demonized by youtube and had many videos deleted, so trust me when I say he really speaks for his values.

The GREATEST Masculine Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You

8 Life Lessons Every Man NEEDS - The Art Of War ( Sun Tzu )

7 POWERFUL Masculine Traits for SUCCESS in Life

NOFAP Makes You BETTER Than 99% Of Men

In this world, there is a scarcity of masculine men and actual male role models. There are too many who submit under pressure to the woke agenda and can't grow a pair to stand for their values.

Or some who preach certain values but bend their ass and do otherwise. Just for the sake of maintaining a facade, while some get harmed in the process.
[HPS said:
Of what this channel says about women and their unconscious ways, how much is true? It leaves me confused, and it is dehumanising, but maybe there is some truth in it.

I ask you who are the female reference figure here at JoS.
Can you make a list of what women really desire in men? Or how a male can make himself more attractive or similar?

Usually it's always a male who talks about it.
Vira_ said:
[HPS said:
Of what this channel says about women and their unconscious ways, how much is true? It leaves me confused, and it is dehumanising, but maybe there is some truth in it.

I ask you who are the female reference figure here at JoS.
Can you make a list of what women really desire in men? Or how a male can make himself more attractive or similar?

Usually it's always a male who talks about it.

I'll look into these videos soon. It's a good point, about how it's always men who tell men what women want, yet they don't think to ask women what we want, lol.

I've already had it in mind to make a post about this topic.
This channel doesn't seem so good to me, a guy who uses pictures of 'kratos' with a modified voice calling you pathetic if you don't follow his ideas.

Then he exposes his ideas by telling you they are scientific facts and that there is no other truth, but he doesn't deign to provide any data on any studies, but rather images from movies and video games.

Not to mention nofap, they don't understand that masturbation is not the same thing as watching porn. Porn is harmful, but healthy sexual activity done intelligently is not.
Abstinence leads to blockages and other problems.

What I mean is that we need better reference and motivational figures. Take Tate as an example, what he is trying to get across to you is that you are nothing if you are not like him.

That kind of thing doesn't make you learn anything, it doesn't give you any superior understanding of why men function in a certain way and women in another.

If I look at the posts of the High Priest Hooded Cobra or even other SS, I can understand why certain things happen or why we have to develop X characteristics.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473092 time=1700286862 user_id=57]

I wonder what the owls I see in your profile mean to you?
I love animals. I'd like to have a snake in the future, but I'd also like a cat.

I look forward to reading all your articles, High Priestess Lydia.

Those videos are kind of a joke, I just skimmed them now. The guy is twisting some things, like yes people notice women more and are more willing to help a woman, but it does not mean nobody cares about men.

And just because a man can build more muscle, does not mean he has more potential overall. Mentally, artistically, culturally, mathematically, etc, there have been women who made some of the biggest breakthroughs.

Women also don't have good role models though. It's all jewish female celebrities and so on. There are very few healthy examples of men and women for role models. Look to the Gods and Goddesses instead, is what I always say.

Anyway, I got a lot of ideas coming in my mind earlier so I wrote a lot on this topic. I'll post it within a few days.
Satan's Crow said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473092 time=1700286862 user_id=57]

I wonder what the owls I see in your profile mean to you?
I love animals. I'd like to have a snake in the future, but I'd also like a cat.

I look forward to reading all your articles, High Priestess Lydia.

You can love, respect and appreciate animals like snakes without having one as a pet.

Snakes don’t make good pets, you have high costs to maintain them, most don’t bind to their owners, and I don’t think they‘d be happy in a plastic environment.
Snakes have much primal energy, I believe they belong in nature and need to strive.

But you can get a pet cat. (Just let her go outside :p )
Satan's Crow said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473092 time=1700286862 user_id=57]

I wonder what the owls I see in your profile mean to you?
I love animals. I'd like to have a snake in the future, but I'd also like a cat.

I look forward to reading all your articles, High Priestess Lydia.

That Owl in her Profile Picture literally is Lydia! She‘s one of Satan‘s wise owls!
U-hu! :p

I have seen some of those video's myself some time ago, they are quite alright. That guy is a bit intense though, there are some flaws here and there, but it can be nice to watch for sure. About the nofap.... This is one extreme opposed to the other extreme, on one side its overindulgence in sexual pleasure / porn, on the other its become a monk for a month. Both are equally bad for you, you gotta find a fine line in the middle.

There is this other channel that i like to watch, Gravemind. Maybe give it a try.
Satan's Crow said:

She taught me a lot. I have great respect for her.

Yes, Lydia is very great. Also when I was new her words helped me a lot in making the decision in dedicating and opening my mind to Father Satan.
NinRick said:
Satan's Crow said:

She taught me a lot. I have great respect for her.

Yes, Lydia is very great. Also when I was new her words helped me a lot in making the decision in dedicating and opening my mind to Father Satan.

She said something along the lines [when Dedicting your soul to Satan, he takes you into his loving Family]
To some maybe this doesn’t sound like something game changing, but to me at that time, it was a sealed deal.
When it comes to watching videos like these, always take everything with a grain of salt. There's so much poison from the jews trying to cause "gender wars" to break down civilization. The Gods push us to work together, as that is the only way civilization will heal and advance.

NinRick said:
Satan's Crow said:
I wonder what the owls I see in your profile mean to you?

That Owl in her Profile Picture literally is Lydia! She‘s one of Satan‘s wise owls!
U-hu! :p

Lol yes, I am actually an owl. :p

And I'm glad I was able to help you with dedicating, NinRick :)
No fap guys make me cringe. Its about moderation.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473130 time=1700316446 user_id=57]
When it comes to watching videos like these, always take everything with a grain of salt. There's so much poison from the jews trying to cause "gender wars" to break down civilization. The Gods push us to work together, as that is the only way civilization will heal and advance.

NinRick said:
Satan's Crow said:
I wonder what the owls I see in your profile mean to you?

That Owl in her Profile Picture literally is Lydia! She‘s one of Satan‘s wise owls!
U-hu! :p

Lol yes, I am actually an owl. :p

And I'm glad I was able to help you with dedicating, NinRick :)

These videos are full of Redpill nonsense, you just have to see the NOFAP thing.
Andrew Tate and the like are only clowns, not a model to follow for men.
Samkara said:
I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I highly recommend watching this video.

Disclaimer, his videos are oriented toward the male audience and speaks a bit harsh at times in regard to women. But the truth is that the enemy agenda has shifted society in favor of women, it's just reality. Also, this guy has been demonized by youtube and had many videos deleted, so trust me when I say he really speaks for his values.

The GREATEST Masculine Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You

8 Life Lessons Every Man NEEDS - The Art Of War ( Sun Tzu )

7 POWERFUL Masculine Traits for SUCCESS in Life

NOFAP Makes You BETTER Than 99% Of Men

In this world, there is a scarcity of masculine men and actual male role models. There are too many who submit under pressure to the woke agenda and can't grow a pair to stand for their values.

Or some who preach certain values but bend their ass and do otherwise. Just for the sake of maintaining a facade, while some get harmed in the process.
This dude's channel is lame, it's all (((meninist))) pop psych motivationals for incels with daddy issues & sigma grindset larpers.

He wasn't "demonized by youtube", his videos are made up of copyrighted content and memes, none of it is original besides the audio. He doesn't even have an original avatar. That's why, if they were removed, it was for using copyrighted material, and there are automated systems for that.

Furthermore, these videos are designed for nothing more than to keep you hooked and perpetually consuming content so that the creator can make money and manipulate you into buying his meme "testosterone tripler" course for the low, low reduced price of 120$(but only if you act now!). He's definitely a marketer, if not a straight up kike. The line is often blurred.

Would you adopt the worldview of an anonymous nobody who doesn't show his face or lifestyle but instead hides behind an exaggeratedly masculine video game avatar and dubs shallow platitudes over anime fight scenes? Would you pay for it?

The only creator in the redpill/manosphere/manoswamp worth listening to is Richard Cooper AKA Entrepreneurs in Cars. You can see that he is a successful man, he doesn't hide behind an avatar on a screen. He is rational, redpilled and doesn't push delusional woman hating/blackpilled agendas, tries to increase understanding of the nature of the sexes and teaches men to make the most of themselves in a dysfunctional world.

I would place him among the likes of Robert Kiyosaki, Jack Donovan and MJ DeMarco. He is authentic, and his book and podcasts are very educational and interesting. Like with anything else, take the good and leave the bad, but his channel is the absolute best in the genre for men's self improvement.



Gender & identity politics is a waste of time and energy, just focus on increasing your understanding of the world and improve yourself.
Oh boy, where do I even get started?
It's bad enough that the first image I see when I click on that video is Kratos from the blasphemous Sony Cinematic Woke Goyslop (((God of War))) series.
But then, my annoyance swelled further still once I heard the all too familiar (and possibly pitched down by Audacity™) voice of that red pill nonsense spewing imbecile known as "FarFromWeak"

You don't "self improve" to hopefully attract women to you by lifting some manmade metal objects in a room full of sweaty steroid abusing gymbros. You either are attractive to women or you aren't. And NoFap? Oy vey goyim, be a good chaste christian and refrain from the sinful pleasures of the earth, because some stupid dead faggot jew on a stick with no foreskin said so.

If you're a lurker reading this post, then I'm going to give you a free tip that's going to save you endless hours of time and money that you would have lost giving those scamming shitbag pick up artists, "self help red pill" youtubers like Hamza (more like Scamza, amirite?) or worse yet, the fraudulent "Hustler's University" created by the Scamdrew Rapist- erm, I mean, Andrew Tate! The human trafficking, woman hating, blasphemer muzzie, who can't wait to die (and die horrifically he should) so he attempts to manifest his 72 virgins and his paradise that Pisslam promised him, onto this earth so he can have it now.

Oh how I've gotten ahead of myself. Anyway, here's my free tip to anyone lurking who may be wondering why it's so difficult to get a girlfriend: Looks matter. Primarily, your face is what matters most. Your face is the first thing people see when they meet you. Your face is what people are going to judge you on. Your face, the thing you were born with and probably won't be able to change on your own without plastic surgery or biokinesis which is extremely advanced magic that's basically a Magum Opus Siddhi. Everything else is secondary.

If a woman is attracted to you, it's because she likes what she sees. It doesn't matter how long you can go without touching your cock, or how much you can bench, or how much "game" you have. If she's not attracted to you, you're just wasting your time. You could be a basement dwelling nerd who plays video games all day, and if by some stroke of Astrological and Karmic factors, you end up meeting a girl who is attracted to you, then you're already way ahead of the curve than some poor sap with a receded chin, a cleft lip and bulging eyeballs who thinks that if he works out at the gym for one more year and put on just 10 more pounds of muscle, women will be drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Not gonna happen, buddy.

If you have an ugly face, then do money spells and mantras to help you find a job or other source so you can save up and get plastic surgery to repair the damages done to you by mouth breathing or whatever caused you to be ugly.

There is a way out of inceldom. But the redpill just isn't it.
View of Innocence said:
No fap guys make me cringe. Its about moderation.
This is the state of the world I guess. Where people arent ashamed to make content telling men not to masturbate. The ball is so low.
Samkara said:
I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I highly recommend watching this video.

Disclaimer, his videos are oriented toward the male audience and speaks a bit harsh at times in regard to women. But the truth is that the enemy agenda has shifted society in favor of women, it's just reality. Also, this guy has been demonized by youtube and had many videos deleted, so trust me when I say he really speaks for his values.

The GREATEST Masculine Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You

8 Life Lessons Every Man NEEDS - The Art Of War ( Sun Tzu )

7 POWERFUL Masculine Traits for SUCCESS in Life

NOFAP Makes You BETTER Than 99% Of Men

In this world, there is a scarcity of masculine men and actual male role models. There are too many who submit under pressure to the woke agenda and can't grow a pair to stand for their values.

Or some who preach certain values but bend their ass and do otherwise. Just for the sake of maintaining a facade, while some get harmed in the process.

This gentleman has some good content that is presented in a more mature way and is more intellectually stimulating then what you posted. It's good advice for men so if you're interested in that topic watch him next.


The GREATEST Masculine Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You
This is actually the wrong video that I mistook for another one, my bad. The video I wanted to share is this one that anyone, regardless of gender, can learn a lot from.

The BEST Life Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You (Might hurt your feelings)

Since some are easily put off with misperceived impressions, some solid points:
The real education in life begins after school.
If you are aren’t willing to sacrifice for your goals, then the goals become the sacrifice.

I'll put it in my signature instead of the links from now on.

Vira_ said:
[HPS said:
Of what this channel says about women and their unconscious ways, how much is true? It leaves me confused, and it is dehumanising, but maybe there is some truth in it.

I ask you who are the female reference figure here at JoS.
Can you make a list of what women really desire in men? Or how a male can make himself more attractive or similar?

Usually it's always a male who talks about it.
[HPS said:
I'll look into these videos soon. It's a good point, about how it's always men who tell men what women want, yet they don't think to ask women what we want, lol.

I've already had it in mind to make a post about this topic.

Sorry, but in which part of this post did I ever mention that any of this contents were in regard to what women want? This doesn't concern what women want, but what MEN need to do in life. In fact, in some videos he puts emphasis on removing girls as a priority and putting ones goals first.

Yes there are some videos in his channel that are a bit redundant, and some that are a bit nonsense, but a few of his videos are on point.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473117 time=1700310929 user_id=57]
Those videos are kind of a joke, I just skimmed them now. The guy is twisting some things, like yes people notice women more and are more willing to help a woman, but it does not mean nobody cares about men.

And just because a man can build more muscle, does not mean he has more potential overall. Mentally, artistically, culturally, mathematically, etc, there have been women who made some of the biggest breakthroughs.

Women also don't have good role models though. It's all jewish female celebrities and so on. There are very few healthy examples of men and women for role models. Look to the Gods and Goddesses instead, is what I always say.

Anyway, I got a lot of ideas coming in my mind earlier so I wrote a lot on this topic. I'll post it within a few days.

Disregard the first one, his other videos offer solid advice that I'm sure many can relate in regards to the real world. Yeah women are also lacking the appropriate models to follow, lots of garbage. The worst I can think of is Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga :x

Forgot the name, but there was this one right wing female political figure that 4chan is all over.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473130 time=1700316446 user_id=57]
When it comes to watching videos like these, always take everything with a grain of salt. There's so much poison from the jews trying to cause "gender wars" to break down civilization. The Gods push us to work together, as that is the only way civilization will heal and advance.

Again, disregarding the 1st one, the others are on point. But yes we must take everything with a grain of salt.

And also most importantly, take everything in a spiritualized mindset. Take it as raw information and refine it as you will, go with your gut feeling. There are truths are errors here and there. The deprivation of spiritual awareness and knowledge has brought out the worst in society that the jews exploit endlessly.

View of Innocence said:
No fap guys make me cringe. Its about moderation.

Wotanwarrior said:
These videos are full of Redpill nonsense, you just have to see the NOFAP thing.

Honestly, it varies from person to person. The whole point of nofap is so that the brain can rewire itself and heal. Some have it worse and some don't. As what is taught in the JoS, everyone is developed differently. It also depends how burned ones dopamine receptors are.

Try it and see how it works, some can benefit tremendously after one week, others months and so on. I mean, we can't just keep dating our hands for the rest our lives either ;)

But personally, I don't ever see myself getting seriously involved in dating. I'm surrounded by stories from friends and relatives of divorce rape, being used/manipulated. A co-worker of mine spent over 5k dating a girl and never had sex (Dumped after he realized she was using him).

But if things happen they happen, nothing more to it. But some may be inclined to pursue relationships for various reasons.

But ideally it would be an SS partner, or someone willing to acknowledge your beliefs and respect it. Which nowadays is like trying to win the lottery twice.

As what is said in these videos, our goals are our foundation in life that we must stick to accordingly.

Atleast he's not using some kind of bionicle action figure as his avatar :roll:

Again, misunderstanding the impression here. I thought we were better than this.

Havoc said:


Basically commentary and paraphrasing of some very influential books in regard to other topics, just like Styxhexenhammer666. But yeah, sure I'll give them a watch.
Samkara said:
You will realise that the only 'positive' things he said in the videos are things that vary from person to person and are not self-evident truths.

For example, it is not true that education starts after school.

He must have stolen these positive things from someone and edited them into his video. Why would you listen to such a person? It is evident that the only experience he has gained is that of editing a video, and not of personal growth as a man.

In my opinion we need to create our own motivational videos here at JoS.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=473651 time=1700548960 user_id=57]
I watched other videos by the same guy, where the agoment was women, what they desire and how they are unconsciously made.

But in general other 'motivational videos' say the same things about women.

Test NOFAP? No thanks, this is total garbage created by the enemy to cause blockages in your lower chakras and your Kundalini.
When I was a teenager and until the age of 20 I had a very repressed sexuality and spent long periods of time without masturbating, the result was that when I started to meditate and then later my Kundalini woke up, I had a lot of blockages in the base chakra, Sacred chakra and chakras from the hips, the energy was stagnant down causing a great number of problems.
The real problem is porn and addiction that creates, not masturbation.
Vira_ said:
Samkara said:
For example, it is not true that education starts after school.

You don't know what you're talking about, there's a lot of things they don't teach that you only learn later on. Much of it is a trial by experience sort of thing but everyone knows in the corporate world it's pretty much one trying to get over the other to climb up.

Fuck up? "it's his fault not mine". That kind of thing. Some people are stuck in the unicorn world mentality until life hits them hard.

The point is, everyone learns from each other. Regardless of who they may have took it from or whatever claims. The only thing is, these people live in an unspiritual state and are clueless to this knowledge. I guess it would have been better if I made a post through interpretation taken from this material. :?

Wotanwarrior said:

Test NOFAP? No thanks, this is total garbage created by the enemy to cause blockages in your lower chakras and your Kundalini.
When I was a teenager and until the age of 20 I had a very repressed sexuality and spent long periods of time without masturbating, the result was that when I started to meditate and then later my Kundalini woke up, I had a lot of blockages in the base chakra, Sacred chakra and chakras from the hips, the energy was stagnant down causing a great number of problems.
The real problem is porn and addiction that creates, not masturbation.

Well I'm not forcing it on anyone. Though I use to be heavily addicted to that, it caused me a B12 deficiency which in turn caused a whole array of other health problems. I asked my doctor on the possible causes and he straight up told me to stop jerking off lol.

Anyways I'm taking vitamin pills and getting out of the habit but some people are just drowning in their own water and others not.
I remembered something just by reading the discussion of this thread. I read a lot of these "advise" books for men. And generally its all regurgitated drivel all the same. If you've read one you've probably read it all. There's not much spiritual depth or any kind of depth in general , and everything always circles back to man's social role or their place in the world. They never implore Men to go beyond their selves and seek out Higher Consciousness. Although that's probably asking too much.

Anyway I remember reading books about what Women want and How to be a Man and all that bullshit. And one of the best books was from this obscure writer called Frank Kermit who no one knows about. That was probably the last book i ever read ,because the Information was just precise and concise. And also because i didn't want to waste my time thinking about anything related to that topic anymore.

As a Young Man ,you'll change many a times in the future. But if anyone wants some good 'Foundational' advice on how to relate to Women as a Man , you should read Frank Kermits two books. And never read another book again related to this because its probably one of the most worthless uses of your time. But go out in the real world and interact with women. And use your spiritual power to find a good one.

Im a Man Thats My Job
Everything out of her Mouth is a test A Mans guide to satisfying the emotional needs of women
Yurei said:
If you have an ugly face, then do money spells and mantras to help you find a job or other source so you can save up and get plastic surgery to repair the damages done to you by mouth breathing or whatever caused you to be ugly.

There is a way out of inceldom. But the redpill just isn't it.

You say redpill is bad and proceed to give blackpill incel knowledge that all women exclusively only look for face looks and that's the only thing it matter.
Are you even a male? Did you ever assisted at how much a man can change without plastic surgery?
For the majority, just putting on muscle and getting lean is a major step up, hairstyle can change a lot too. One can take more care of their skin, their health, their attitude, mental health, social status, social skills, fashion, and wealth.
There is a lot that men can do to look more attractive and charming, plastic surgery can be an option in particular cases but it's not what men should be focused on.
Hamza is one of the best self improvement channels on yt.
Andrew Tate and his brother are good men and they talk a lot about how men have to go through hardships to become better, and about male - female dynamic and how men should provide, protect, and to not be weak. Since he says good stuff for men and jews have a full blown campaign to make men more feminine, they orchestrated a court case to put them in jail. But they are innocent and are now free after months of defending themselves against falsified informations. You are being manipulated by the jewish propaganda without knowing.
Vira_ said:
Samkara said:
You will realise that the only 'positive' things he said in the videos are things that vary from person to person and are not self-evident truths.

For example, it is not true that education starts after school.

He must have stolen these positive things from someone and edited them into his video. Why would you listen to such a person? It is evident that the only experience he has gained is that of editing a video, and not of personal growth as a man.

In my opinion we need to create our own motivational videos here at JoS.

That would be soo cool. Anyway we can get someone to approve this project?
Achemedai said:
Yurei said:
If you have an ugly face, then do money spells and mantras to help you find a job or other source so you can save up and get plastic surgery to repair the damages done to you by mouth breathing or whatever caused you to be ugly.

There is a way out of inceldom. But the redpill just isn't it.

You say redpill is bad and proceed to give blackpill incel knowledge that all women exclusively only look for face looks and that's the only thing it matter.
Are you even a male? Did you ever assisted at how much a man can change without plastic surgery?
For the majority, just putting on muscle and getting lean is a major step up, hairstyle can change a lot too. One can take more care of their skin, their health, their attitude, mental health, social status, social skills, fashion, and wealth.
There is a lot that men can do to look more attractive and charming, plastic surgery can be an option in particular cases but it's not what men should be focused on.
Hamza is one of the best self improvement channels on yt.
Andrew Tate and his brother are good men and they talk a lot about how men have to go through hardships to become better, and about male - female dynamic and how men should provide, protect, and to not be weak. Since he says good stuff for men and jews have a full blown campaign to make men more feminine, they orchestrated a court case to put them in jail. But they are innocent and are now free after months of defending themselves against falsified informations. You are being manipulated by the jewish propaganda without knowing.
-You face is a representation of your soul, of who you are inside. Of course your face in the primary attractor.
-None of those things are going to fix a receded chin or a weak jawline or a receded hairline.
-The red pill that Hamza promotes is actually the real blue pill. While self care and lifting and whatnot can improve your life, the fact is if a girl is not attracted to you, no amount of "game" will change that.
-Andrew Tate is a muslim scumbag who rapes and traffics white women and blasphemes against Satan. You don't even need an open third eye to see this. Watch Piers Morgan rip him a new one. Also, Andrew Tate claimed that all incels are white males with small dicks, even though in reality the majority of incels are of middle eastern and south asian ethnicity.
Him being arrested for being a vile rapist and human trafficker is not some jewish plot.
Yurei said:
Oh how I've gotten ahead of myself. Anyway, here's my free tip to anyone lurking who may be wondering why it's so difficult to get a girlfriend: Looks matter. Primarily, your face is what matters most. Your face is the first thing people see when they meet you. Your face is what people are going to judge you on. Your face, the thing you were born with and probably won't be able to change on your own without plastic surgery or biokinesis which is extremely advanced magic that's basically a Magum Opus Siddhi. Everything else is secondary.

If a woman is attracted to you, it's because she likes what she sees. It doesn't matter how long you can go without touching your cock, or how much you can bench, or how much "game" you have. If she's not attracted to you, you're just wasting your time. You could be a basement dwelling nerd who plays video games all day, and if by some stroke of Astrological and Karmic factors, you end up meeting a girl who is attracted to you, then you're already way ahead of the curve than some poor sap with a receded chin, a cleft lip and bulging eyeballs who thinks that if he works out at the gym for one more year and put on just 10 more pounds of muscle, women will be drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Not gonna happen, buddy.

If you have an ugly face, then do money spells and mantras to help you find a job or other source so you can save up and get plastic surgery to repair the damages done to you by mouth breathing or whatever caused you to be ugly.
This has to be the worst advice possible. It’s so bad that it looks like you’re trolling.

If you’re not, then I don’t know what to even tell you. But you are way off.
mercury_wisdom said:
Yurei said:
Oh how I've gotten ahead of myself. Anyway, here's my free tip to anyone lurking who may be wondering why it's so difficult to get a girlfriend: Looks matter. Primarily, your face is what matters most. Your face is the first thing people see when they meet you. Your face is what people are going to judge you on. Your face, the thing you were born with and probably won't be able to change on your own without plastic surgery or biokinesis which is extremely advanced magic that's basically a Magum Opus Siddhi. Everything else is secondary.

If a woman is attracted to you, it's because she likes what she sees. It doesn't matter how long you can go without touching your cock, or how much you can bench, or how much "game" you have. If she's not attracted to you, you're just wasting your time. You could be a basement dwelling nerd who plays video games all day, and if by some stroke of Astrological and Karmic factors, you end up meeting a girl who is attracted to you, then you're already way ahead of the curve than some poor sap with a receded chin, a cleft lip and bulging eyeballs who thinks that if he works out at the gym for one more year and put on just 10 more pounds of muscle, women will be drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Not gonna happen, buddy.

If you have an ugly face, then do money spells and mantras to help you find a job or other source so you can save up and get plastic surgery to repair the damages done to you by mouth breathing or whatever caused you to be ugly.
This has to be the worst advice possible. It’s so bad that it looks like you’re trolling.

If you’re not, then I don’t know what to even tell you. But you are way off.

I agree. I also think all the advice from Archemedai about self-care is important. It's the bare minimum expected by a man when they are mature enough to have mastered the earth element. That is the bare minimum that is expected of a true man; then one should also take into account that a clean soul makes you more attractive to people and a strong aura can overcome any weaker person and make them more attracted to you.

Facial is surgery is never needed, except in the case of some war injuries or serious accidents. Even then, when you're strong enough, you can simply heal yourself and use supporting medical devices such as those of vibrational medicine, which are a better investment than cosmetic surgery.

Furthermore, not everyone is supposed to have a beautiful face and beautiful proportions. There's more that goes into attraction than just your looks.
Stormblood said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Yurei said:
Oh how I've gotten ahead of myself. Anyway, here's my free tip to anyone lurking who may be wondering why it's so difficult to get a girlfriend: Looks matter. Primarily, your face is what matters most. Your face is the first thing people see when they meet you. Your face is what people are going to judge you on. Your face, the thing you were born with and probably won't be able to change on your own without plastic surgery or biokinesis which is extremely advanced magic that's basically a Magum Opus Siddhi. Everything else is secondary.

If a woman is attracted to you, it's because she likes what she sees. It doesn't matter how long you can go without touching your cock, or how much you can bench, or how much "game" you have. If she's not attracted to you, you're just wasting your time. You could be a basement dwelling nerd who plays video games all day, and if by some stroke of Astrological and Karmic factors, you end up meeting a girl who is attracted to you, then you're already way ahead of the curve than some poor sap with a receded chin, a cleft lip and bulging eyeballs who thinks that if he works out at the gym for one more year and put on just 10 more pounds of muscle, women will be drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Not gonna happen, buddy.

If you have an ugly face, then do money spells and mantras to help you find a job or other source so you can save up and get plastic surgery to repair the damages done to you by mouth breathing or whatever caused you to be ugly.
This has to be the worst advice possible. It’s so bad that it looks like you’re trolling.

If you’re not, then I don’t know what to even tell you. But you are way off.

I agree. I also think all the advice from Archemedai about self-care is important. It's the bare minimum expected by a man when they are mature enough to have mastered the earth element. That is the bare minimum that is expected of a true man; then one should also take into account that a clean soul makes you more attractive to people and a strong aura can overcome any weaker person and make them more attracted to you.

Facial is surgery is never needed, except in the case of some war injuries or serious accidents. Even then, when you're strong enough, you can simply heal yourself and use supporting medical devices such as those of vibrational medicine, which are a better investment than cosmetic surgery.

Furthermore, not everyone is supposed to have a beautiful face and beautiful proportions. There's more that goes into attraction than just your looks.
I agree.

Also, any person that goes through a “glow up” and starts having an athletic body, taking care of their hygiene, and style, has seen first hand that he starts getting approached or having attention by women more.

They might be actually surprised how he’s getting help, gifts, and approaches by more girls or women when he was invisible a while ago.

If he doesn’t have direct approaches or attention by women, when he does approach himself women and girls are more open to it or even desire it.

It’s not rocket science really and doesn’t have to be divided into “pills”.

Self-improvement is the core of the path of Satanism.

Yurei seems to have an ugly case of hangups that he will need to work on and realise.
It is a fact that most people after they get into an athletic shape, have their finances and fashion handled are going to see success with women. Thats because most people aren't extremely ugly or attractive. Most people are average by definition. And people generally tend to marry on same attractiveness level,and socio economic class. Its called assortative mating. Which is why its shocking to see a ugly guy with a hot girl. It fills men with hope but they know its rare. Where comes the term "Shes out of his league".

The men that get approached by women are attractive or they don't know they're attractive if they're fat but they may get approached if they get ripped. If you don't get approached by women, you're probably average and you'll have to put in work into doing the approaching. The women who will approach men who are attractive generally are less attractive than the man. Attractive women will seldom approach men and actually do not know how to approach because they've been approached millions of times on the internet or in person by men and have never done the approaching.

However all this is very face value and devoid of any real substance. The real facts are behind astrology and numerology. Someone with a particular astrology and numerology (number 5's- sexual energy) is naturally charismatic and funny and does really well with women being average than a tall attractive guy who is an introvert.

And another thing to note is that attracting women is seen some kind of achievement which is why Men subject themselves to try to do it en masse when they probably shouldn't. Only 20% of men and women are of a particular socio-sexual nature that propel them to have a lot of sex and be extremely extroverted. Most men and women are not supposed to be like that.

For most men and women ,long term monogamous relationships is the way. And attracting women shouldn't even be a barometer of success. It should be attracting a compatible long term partner with a goal of marriage and kids. Having casual sex is cringe and retarded. If there is no creation of children or hopes of creation of children ,its no different than masturbation and wasting useless time on random people.

Having high hopes is okay but people need to be realistic too. Its only in the internet age with so much insecurity that men think if they have a loving girlfriend who is average , that is somehow an L when they themselves are average. That notion has to go.

This idea of a Sexual Market Value has to be changed to include Volk and Nation building. The goal shouldn't be attracting women en masse but to find a compatible partner to build a family with after maximizing your potential as a man. A lot of women are without guidance and need to be saved. A lot of these women have literally never experienced a sane ,mature man who can lead them. And they are waiting.

An SS has the unfair advantage of magick he can use to find a compatible mate.
General Yeager said:
Having casual sex is cringe and retarded. If there is no creation of children or hopes of creation of children ,its no different than masturbation and wasting useless time on random people.

This is an opinion based on your sensibilities and a contradiction of the Satanic value of embracing sexuality for the physical and spiritual benefits it brings.

You're onto a point about misidentifying one's self and being overly preoccupied with finding sex instead of other worthwhile pursuits. But as far as what you said, I must disagree.

Child rearing is an undertaking that not every man and woman should be beholden to "just because."
It's something you must be wholly prepared to undertake and possess a strong desire for.
General Yeager said:
A lot of women are without guidance and need to be saved. A lot of these women have literally never experienced a sane ,mature man who can lead them. And they are waiting.
Yes, a lot of women (and men) are lost without a permanent stable partner. But then they find someone who just uses them, which then makes it difficult for them to trust again, which creates a downward cycle.

If men want to just sleep around they should avoid any women who want a real relationship. What you wrote about "This idea of a Sexual Market Value has to be changed to include Volk and Nation building" is very true. We all need to think of our Volk and the damage our actions may cause to others. A sweet sensitive loving woman who gets used by the wrong guy, this can damage her ability to be the best wife and mother she would be otherwise.

People get damaged easily without Satanism. Thankfully everyone here has the knowledge and ability to do magick and workings to heal ourselves and help our loved ones, but those who are without are at a loss.
Dhruv said:
General Yeager said:
Having casual sex is cringe and retarded. If there is no creation of children or hopes of creation of children ,its no different than masturbation and wasting useless time on random people.

This is an opinion based on your sensibilities and a contradiction of the Satanic value of embracing sexuality for the physical and spiritual benefits it brings.

You're onto a point about misidentifying one's self and being overly preoccupied with finding sex instead of other worthwhile pursuits. But as far as what you said, I must disagree.

Child rearing is an undertaking that not every man and woman should be beholden to "just because."
It's something you must be wholly prepared to undertake and possess a strong desire for.
What Satanic Value does having Casual Sex with random people bring into a man's life ? The only way you could "embrace" physical and spiritual benefits from the other person is in a long term relationship where you are both spiritually clean and undertaking tantric practices together. And that involves not having sex with others because that will make the sexual energies impure.

And yes, child rearing must be beholden to as a standard and must be heavily programmed as a culture in all media and academia as the greatest promotion of a Nation and a people and women need to be celebrated for this above all else. The opposite view has led to a situation where the White and Asian races are below replacement rate fertility , literally unable to replace their native population.

All this Liberal garbage about "choice" and otherwise is the primary reason. No one should be forced to do anything but it must become a cultural thing and deeply embedded within the psyche of men and women that having children is a must. And also that anything against that is antisocial.

Any person who severely dislikes having children and wants to be a genetic dead end and kill their genetic line will do that regardless. But we must not normalize that sentiment in the population as if that is normal so that others are infected with that mind virus.

Never in the History of Humanity did people think that Children are a choice and the reasons to not have them were "there's so expensive", "The Earth is dying due to climate change and so i don't want to bring kids into this world", "I value my freedom and just want to have fun so i cant have a baby because i dont want to be tied down to it."

Every single one of these sentiments goes back to Marxists feminist Brainwashing rooted in a deeply hateful and anti human praxis about the world.

The reason why there is physical pleasure in the act of sex is because it is nature's reward for the creation of children and continuation of the species. Casual sex in society wasn't even possible without birth control which is a modern invention and 99% of people never had any idea of Tantric Sex.

In all of Human History no matter the circumstance ,men and women understood that having children regardless of the situation was a must and that is what kept Humanity going even though we have had violent wars for centuries on end.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=480160 time=1703939691 user_id=57]
General Yeager said:
A lot of women are without guidance and need to be saved. A lot of these women have literally never experienced a sane ,mature man who can lead them. And they are waiting.
Yes, a lot of women (and men) are lost without a permanent stable partner. But then they find someone who just uses them, which then makes it difficult for them to trust again, which creates a downward cycle.

If men want to just sleep around they should avoid any women who want a real relationship. What you wrote about "This idea of a Sexual Market Value has to be changed to include Volk and Nation building" is very true. We all need to think of our Volk and the damage our actions may cause to others. A sweet sensitive loving woman who gets used by the wrong guy, this can damage her ability to be the best wife and mother she would be otherwise.

People get damaged easily without Satanism. Thankfully everyone here has the knowledge and ability to do magick and workings to heal ourselves and help our loved ones, but those who are without are at a loss.
Very True.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
