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LGB groups are actively agitating to 'break away' from trans and queer association


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017


What's the difference between christianity preying on Children, and politics/government/"authourity", the establishment... preying on Children? All of these supposedly-different same TPTBs do it. There must be an agenda with many seemingly-different facets...

That gender activist or whatever it is supposed to be, said at 02:48 "we've learnt". Yes, christians also learnt that "jesus" exists, and many people learnt that Earth was the centre of the Universe and that the Sun revolved around us... Learning doesn't mean knowing. It means being given information that you go with. Like in a story.

TEACHER: Men do not menstruate. Only Women menstruate.
TRANS ACTIVIST: Cis-men don't menstruate.
FANCYMANCY: Is that like... sis Men? Sissy Men?
TRANS ACTIVIST: No. It means if you were assigned a Man at birth.
FANCYMANCY: I wasn't assigned a Man at birth. I was assigned a Boy at birth.
TRANS ACTIVIST: Well, it means Male.
FANCYMANY: Eurgh, make your mind up. You're as bad as christians.
So with this "cis" stuff, what about... going to be... a dog or a cat? What about that? Some are cis-Humans while others are trans-dogs and trans-cats - or would it be trans-Human? Do dogs and cats want to be trans-Human?
TRANS ACTIVIST: No, that's silly.
FANCYMANCY: Oh, so there's a line, then?

Sky News Australia's 'Outsiders' broadcaster -
This is how insane this ideology has become. This is what happens when you allow Children to be educated by political activists - they live in a fantasy world devoid of any sound basis in reality...

I have been wanting to make a thread about christianity regarding the Watsonian v Doylist/Doylean understanding. It refers to arguments and understandings of pieces of work and trying to state or figure out things between in-universe and real-life explanations and problems. Watsonian would be something like Watson never flying in a time machine or a space ship - that simply would not fit in that universe; whereas Doylist/Doylean could be Watson flying in a time machine or a space ship if Doyle had decided to create a modern/futuristic version of the stories. The thread I wanted to make was basically this - christians confuse in-universe/lore/canon with real-life. I think I'll just leave it here.

This news/topical broadcaster here said Children "live in a fantasy world devoid of any sound basis in reality". It's OK to argue with Kirk or Picard being the better captain - but you would have to take in to account Shatner and Stewart. Taking Sisko, as an example, was difficult for me to tell, because Brooks is/was not a good actor.

Along these lines - and I can't help but see it as a reflection of christianity; therefore, surely it being jewish agenda - I notice some similarities in christians, in geeks/nerds of series/stories, and in veganism and - now - in this brainwashing nonsense of fake sexuality and plurality; I don't think many realise it's not vegans being stupid, christians being stupid, trans activists being stupid... It's all the same nonsense just wearing different cloaks for different things. There are multiple things.

When the 'Outsiders' broadcaster said,
...and just watch the look of incomprehension on their faces when presented with reality! It's like they've never heard of it before, I can't help but think of


TEACHER: Tell me what a Man is.
ACTIVIST: W-well, what's a Man to you? You define a Man for me.

Typical avoidance of answering.

TEACHER: You have chromosomes that are X and Y. That's what a Man is.
ACTIVIST: So why are we just looking at the... the... the--the "science" of this...?

Erm... Because Science is testable, observable, repeatable and demonstrable. The term "cis" was invented or used after "Man" and "Women", "Boy" and "Girl", "Male" and "Female" had been established for many, many thousands upon thousands of years. Shall I mention "the jew dissimilates" again?

ACTIVIST: So why are we just looking at the... the... the--the "science" of this...
TEACHER: "'The science'."
ACTIVIST: [getting angry] ...as an example, when--when we've learnt sex and gender identity are two very err-- they're completely different things?
TEACHER: They're not completely different things.
ACTIVIST: They are completely different.

CHILD 1: Is not!
CHILD 2: Is so!
CHILD 1: Is not!
CHILD 2: Is so!

TEACHER: They're completely different words!
ACTIVIST 2: The sex is what you're born with, the sexual reproductive organs you have; gender is what you identify with. They're just completely different things.
TEACHER: Well, I don't accept that distinction - you have to argue for it; you're just giving a conclusion. You're-- you're just making it up!
ACTIVIST: (NUH-UHH!!) :evil:

As is known, I focus on christianity and christians. I have, however, seen it in muslims before, as well, but I don't have any pictures or videos of that to share, as examples. That being said, regarding the muslims who were chanting, "Not your Children! Protect our Children!", who - according to the broadcaster - were confronting LGBT activists, I have these to share -





Regarding the bit in the news/topic broadcast, where it looked like a Boy had balloons in his top, pretending to have big boobs - that is something some Boys do anyway. That, in and of itself, is not sexualisation, per se. I am sure I've upset some readers now by saying that, but Children play and be silly. Even at the church I went to, for a bit of an event which I think was maybe outreach or something, Men - who were christians - dressed-up in hula/grass skirts in service. Putting balloons down your top and pretending to have big knockers is a silly, playful thing and is fine in the privacy of the home; having it like in this video in the midst of drag queens and all the indoctrination, brainwashing and mind-raping of Children obviously is not OK. With the Girl or Woman dressed in a sequined/shiny dress and doing dance moves and a backwards split in a performance is a public spectacle, but then if a Boy was trained as a dancer from 3 years old and he could move like that and was very flexible and did splits while wearing a suit with dance trousers or shorts, would that be OK, e.g. in a Child's dance competition, perhaps on TV? It's a fine line. Needless to say, it has been a slow but steady advancement towards what we are in today, and to what we will or will not be in tomorrow.

"There are two genders", said a student; his teacher kicked him out of the classroom


re: "There are two genders", said student; teacher kicked him out classroom


As can be seen in the second video about this Boy saying that there are two genders,

Canadian teacher shocks class with huge prosthetic breasts
archive.is is not showing the page properly.




I'm not certain who said this first, but I'm crediting

HP. Hoodedcobra666 ft. Gary Jules
It's a very, very clown world, clown world
You know it's the jews who spread this shit.
So either these people which you posted are sick- / homosexual/ gender dysphoria, or they are jews.
Jews also promote "#JewsForRefugees" in Europe, while having closed borders in Israel.
They have laws to only let jews marry eachother in Israel, to secure "racial purity" which is weird because they are mixed.
What they mean is: "only the chosen/ superior/ jews are to marry eachother, because this is our ethnostate now, no longer the need to intermix/ assimilate with the beast".
Superb post, very informative! Hail Satan! Next time I get into an argument with an Xian I’m gonna show them that quote, and be like “bitch even the Bible says Satan is your real God!”
LGB is a good start for homosexuals to separate themselves from this LGBT Jewish sect

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
