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Seeing spirit beings


Mar 9, 2024
Hello to my SS family
I just want to share an experience I had before I came to Satanism,
I encountered two beings, first being was a female she was a dark looking spirit it was in the room so I saw her because there was a light coming through the window, she could be about my height 5’7 or maybe a little taller she had shoulder length hair, she had two little horns on her head, her arms crossed at her chest and she looked at me with a smile smirk look on her face, because at that time I had become a rebel, before I was an obedient person obedient to parents family and always did what I was told to do, but I got to the stage where I was sick of being used and abused to the point I rebelled and started doing things I always wanted to do that was to be free from strictness and do what I wanted, so anyways she appeared to me like she was impressed with my behaviour as in not to take crap from people, anyways I was scared of her so I screamed, I was at a friends place sleeping over, this happened in 2002

I think 3 or 4 years later this time in my room another being appeared to me this was a male he had short hair beard he wore a white gown like the one jewsus wears in those pictures, and he was white bright light and because I turned my back on him, my blanket was pulled to the side and then I was pinned to my bed arms open and I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak and couldn’t breathe, this spirit went into my body I could feel him in my arms moving and he held my throat so I couldn’t breathe or talk and I wanted to say help me God, but I couldn’t, so I said it with my mind and pushed with my chest and with my strength which I must have mustered it up and the spirit left and I started grasping for air.

I believe the female one I saw was a demoness and the white being was an angel because he tried to choke me and probably wanted to kill me! But I haven’t seen anything or heard anything ever since, and then 11 years later I find JoS and the following year I dedicated myself to Father Satan
I just wanted to share this and if anyone else has had a similar experience like this
Thank you

Hail Father Satan ❤️
Hail to the Gods and Goddesses ❤️
Once I have waken up from a dream, laying in my bed but couldn't move, like during sleep paralysis. I was feeling great fear and that dark (almost black), faceless, hooded being was standing next to me inciting even more fear. Desperately I was trying to get myself out of the bed, and the best I could do was to crawl across the hallway to my parents' bedroom, only to see them with the cut throats and blood flowing on the floor, like pigs in a slaughterhouse. Suddenly I was grabbed by that being and dragged back to my bed. I don't remember well, but the last encounter gave the feeling of threatening, like that would be a message. And then I have waken up, but this time for real, and sun was already raising. I remember I was feeling completely drained from the life energy like I wouldn't rest at all.

It happened years ago, I think after I discovered JoS but before I dedicated myself.
Demons are known for attracting people with potential to the JoS. Angels do quite the opposite. But once you're dedicated, most attacks can not even reach you.
Angels only seek to suck you dry. They attach them to their victims, and over time the Connection grows stronger and stronger, the more the victim tunes into it.

After a long time, the result is total insanity. I have witnessed this 2 times. Those people are beyond any realistic help and utterly lost cases. They are basically possessed.
Once I have waken up from a dream, laying in my bed but couldn't move, like during sleep paralysis. I was feeling great fear and that dark (almost black), faceless, hooded being was standing next to me inciting even more fear. Desperately I was trying to get myself out of the bed, and the best I could do was to crawl across the hallway to my parents' bedroom, only to see them with the cut throats and blood flowing on the floor, like pigs in a slaughterhouse. Suddenly I was grabbed by that being and dragged back to my bed. I don't remember well, but the last encounter gave the feeling of threatening, like that would be a message. And then I have waken up, but this time for real, and sun was already raising. I remember I was feeling completely drained from the life energy like I wouldn't rest at all.

It happened years ago, I think after I discovered JoS but before I dedicated myself.
I haven’t seen anything or experienced anything like this again after dedicating myself to Satanism JoS as well
Angels only seek to suck you dry. They attach them to their victims, and over time the Connection grows stronger and stronger, the more the victim tunes into it.

After a long time, the result is total insanity. I have witnessed this 2 times. Those people are beyond any realistic help and utterly lost cases. They are basically possessed
Im dedicated to Satanism JoS so I’m fine and safe now

Im dedicated to Satanism JoS so I’m fine and safe now
Yes of course.
And such a thing does not happen over night from my understanding, this is years of „work“. But the outcome is horrible.
Those people trusted the angels deeply, but when the connection is too strong and they suffer immensly, they know that those beings are nasty filthy, but they can not do anything against it. They can’t even ask for help, and I am sure not even really „openly“ think about them for themselves.

When we are with Satan, nothing will seriously affect us, as Father and the Demons take care of us.
We can still experience attacks from time to time tho. But we are Never alone, and When anything feels too much for us, we can always ask Father Satan for Help.
It is always interesting to read such stories. But I would like to warn you, because by telling the same stories on the forum and in real life, you open up a path by which you can be recognized.

Now you can think that you are just a small account that no one needs, but no one knows what will happen to each of us tomorrow. And what will happen in 10 years?

Please, talk wisely about EVERY topic that can reveal your identity.
It is always interesting to read such stories. But I would like to warn you, because by telling the same stories on the forum and in real life, you open up a path by which you can be recognized.

Now you can think that you are just a small account that no one needs, but no one knows what will happen to each of us tomorrow. And what will happen in 10 years?

Please, talk wisely about EVERY topic that can reveal your identity.
I doubt she will post something like this on Facebook. This Forum is here to share spiritual guidance and support.

You do not talk about such topics to every person you meet. So everything is fine.
It is always interesting to read such stories. But I would like to warn you, because by telling the same stories on the forum and in real life, you open up a path by which you can be recognized.

Now you can think that you are just a small account that no one needs, but no one knows what will happen to each of us tomorrow. And what will happen in 10 years?

Please, talk wisely about EVERY topic that can reveal your identity.thanks
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, I sure will be careful next time not to reveal things
Demons are known for attracting people with potential to the JoS. Angels do quite the opposite. But once you're dedicated, most attacks can not even reach you.
I remember the reason why I was guided here I think, was because I did a ritual to Vapula, which I got from a Goetia book that had the list of Goetic Demons in it. The book instructed to look at the sigil ( of course, the sigils of the Demons were in circles...), and while focusing on the sigil, to try to imagine different types of sensations, i.e. a particular taste, smell, or touch or sound... I needed help with something that I thought I needed help for ( I didn't), and only about one or two weeks later, I was led here. this was two years ago I think.
I remember the reason why I was guided here I think, was because I did a ritual to Vapula, which I got from a Goetia book that had the list of Goetic Demons in it. The book instructed to look at the sigil ( of course, the sigils of the Demons were in circles...), and while focusing on the sigil, to try to imagine different types of sensations, i.e. a particular taste, smell, or touch or sound... I needed help with something that I thought I needed help for ( I didn't), and only about one or two weeks later, I was led here. this was two years ago I think.
I love how everyone has their own unique story of how they came to the Joy of Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
