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  1. Pan_Shaman

    Health #76617 I don't want to go on pills...

    Ok, so. Yes, (I am bipolar) you could take lamotrigine which has the lowest side effects, however, yes, it is a pill you have to take every day, and we don't want that since you never took pills before. However, I researched quite a lot about bipolar and apparently, the best diet there is out...
  2. Pan_Shaman

    Solar return

    Thank you for the info it certainly will take some to read however i m sure it will be worthwhile. Meanwhile, your cheesecake sire 👨🏻‍🍳🍰
  3. Pan_Shaman

    Helping Others, Helps You

    Yes, if you don't give you can't take!
  4. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding advancing in Satanism

    Whats a pity is that most of the amazing musicians of the rock/metal genre were deep into drugs and booze, thats what got me into it along with, "being cool". (Damn, and the music is so solid you know, like, having a lot of classical music elements). She is, I remember one time i was without...
  5. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding advancing in Satanism

    Yeah that sounds like a typical premanic symptom and it climaxes needing strong pills and hospitalization. And then you jump into depression which can take even years. I was also into weed a lot before JoS and alcohol took me some time to completely get rid of it. I agree with what you are...
  6. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding advancing in Satanism

    Wow thats a lot of intel thank you! I have recently started opening the soul again so i guess thats a good thing. I can confirm yoga makes you feel more stable from my experience and it does empower in generally. Never thought of adding black into void so thats a great hint. This is great...
  7. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding advancing in Satanism

    I hope so brother. What type of chaos is there in your life? Yes i have consulted in the past. I guess having a lack of faith and doubts is what kept me from advancing as well. However, like i said i do have hope now and i all I have to do is have more faith, hope, and believe in the power...
  8. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding advancing in Satanism

    I ll just point out the fact that pre my huge manic episodes in 2020 and in 2021 i was meditating daily for 4 years and it climaxed with workings yoga and casual meditation for around 2-3 hrs a day. Now that I look back into that era i didnt have any success with kundalini or with connecting wth...
  9. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding advancing in Satanism

    Greetings everyone. So yeah, I have this thing I feel for like, 9 years now since I joined satanism. Ok, I just have to say i did it just so you can understand how things aren't linear. I have read over all these years about members advancing, talking to their GD etc. etc. I m not advanced...
  10. Pan_Shaman

    Back in Track

    Back in Track
  11. Pan_Shaman

    Planet positions

    I have read in the azazels astrology index for satanists about only positions regarding conjuction to chart ruler. However, what happens with the rest, i.e. inconjuct, square, trident hexagone etc. do I assume that their influence is similar to the conjuction or diferent each according to the...
  12. Pan_Shaman

    Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

    Change is pivotal in order for any organization to move forward and to succeed. Dont be resistant to change. Zeus as clarified by HPHC if you read his sermons is the name of the highest god. Also i dont see any reason why Baalzebub is not a god, merely his name is strongy connected to Satan...
  13. Pan_Shaman

    Temple Of Zeus Is Now Live

    Congratulations HP HoodedCobra666 , this is a well made video, a tutorial per se to the un initiated. And easy to share to people around the globe who are waking up. I feel like I owe you an apology for having defamed some of your writings, which I decided to type online instead of sending you...
  14. Pan_Shaman

    Chronic migrane along with fatigue

    Greetings family Anyone has any suggestion on how to heal a person with chronic migranes? Or any medical suggestion would be highly appreciated. I m trying to get this person to do meditation which i head helps. She is an atheist but you never know. Thank you in advance!
  15. Pan_Shaman

    The Case for the Carnivore Diet: Why I believe it's most optimal

    I am on cetogenic diet currently. Dont plan on going carnivore, cetogenic diet is 25-40grs of carbs max and it works for me. Its also a treatment to diabetes and multiple chronic psychiatric conditions, such as bipolar, epilepsy etc. its emerging and i think it can be useful to people, such as...
  16. Pan_Shaman

    Solar return

    If anyone has the time or energy to let me now a few basics on where I could look I would really appreciate it and I'd give him a slice of the Cheesecake I made 🫶 (Well, basically my question is, since we cast a chart for the whole year, do I check certain events? Or do I check synastries? )
  17. Pan_Shaman

    Musk Zionist

    Why are we using X? Musk is open pro Israeli
  18. Pan_Shaman

    Καλή Χρονιά!

    Καλη χρονια σε όλους, με υγεια, τυχη επιτυχίες και ευλογιες!
  19. Pan_Shaman

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Happy new year dear family. Lots of love, health, luck and successes in all the fields to all
  20. Pan_Shaman

    keep calm and Hail Satan

    keep calm and Hail Satan
  21. Pan_Shaman


    Το ακουω αυτό που λες, αλλά να διαχωρίσουμε το adhd το οποίο είναι όντως μεγάλη απάτη σε σχέση με ψυχιατρικά προβληματα τυπου σχιζοφρενειας / διπολικής διαταραχής, χρονιάς κατάθλιψης κλπ. Σίγουρα αυτό που λες είναι το ιδανικο, εάν μπορείς να βρεις την ισσοροπια και να εξισοροπησεις τον ψυχισμό...
  22. Pan_Shaman


    Χμμμ κοίτα, δεν είμαι φαν των γιατρών... Αλλά έχω διαγνωστεί με διπολική διαταραχή και παίρνω αγωγή 15 χρόνια τώρα. Έχω νοσηλευτεί και δύο φορές για κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα. (Ιτς οκ, χρειάζεται και η Ιατρική, δεν είναι όλοι κακοί Εβραίοι.) Απλώς εαν δεις μετά από καιρό να εμμένουν τα...
  23. Pan_Shaman


    Έχεις διαγνωστεί με αγχώδη διαταραχή ή κάτι συναφές; Ή απλά έχεις ανεξήγητο άγχος κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας ;
  24. Pan_Shaman

    Ancient Greek, a Language of the Gods

    The above is the greek alphabet in the way it was conceived. The whole alphabet taken in literallity as words is a hymn. Which in translation means AL, you who are the light, come to the earth. And you EL shine your rays at the matter who is in turmoil Let's be a settle so that the I can...
  25. Pan_Shaman


    Πολυ ακριβές κείμενο και υποστηρίζει σε ακόμη μεγαλυτερο βαθμό τις άγνωστες πτυχες της γενοκτονίας των Ελλήνων. Είναι πολυ κρίμα που οι συγχρονοι "Έλληνες" Θεωρουν το μεσαιωνικό βυζαν τη συνέχεια του ελληνικου πολιτισμου..
  26. Pan_Shaman

    Hi i just did the dedication 5 mins ago ✌🏻

    Congratulations and welcome!
  27. Pan_Shaman

    What if I told you...

    Laws should exist however we are living in a state where some laws follow the dogma of those in power to sustain their influence
  28. Pan_Shaman

    What Is The Point Of The Dedication Ritual?

    It took me around one year to do the dedication ritual since I was into satanism and during all this time I was doing some of the meditations here, especially trying to get into a trance.. However I would get some weird feelings and I was feeling insecure. I sent a message at the Yahoo groups...
  29. Pan_Shaman

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course

    I have asked for help from the gods a couple times when I was feeling really low and life would hit me hard. But I dunno if I received their touch or they reached out to me.. I d like to think they did but most of the times I would either curl from the hole I was into myself or eventually since...
  30. Pan_Shaman

    Mentorship & Knowing To Teach

    Also to add Practice what you preach Don't always say what you know, but know what you say Better to not know something than know it in half (it's a Greek proverb that means how dangerous it can be the half knowledge in something)
  31. Pan_Shaman

    Γειά σας

    Καλώς ήρθες whiteshark! Συμφωνώ με όλα τα ανωτέρω, γενικά αυτό που χρειάζεται είναι πολύ διάβασμα, υπομονή και πίστη στις δυνατότητές σου! Θα είναι ένα δύσκολο και μοναχικό μονοπάτι όπου θα έρθεις σε σύγκρουση με τον εαυτό σου και τους γύρω σου (ειδικά το τελευταίο προσπάθησε να το αποφύγεις...
  32. Pan_Shaman

    Bridge of death :rolleyes:

    Bridge of death :rolleyes:
  33. Pan_Shaman

    Just a few concerns

    How can you say when you don't know whether I have put work for satanism... I did around 100 translations for the Greek page and was everyday doing rtr for 5 years ever since I joined satanism... Plus the arguments with people who aren't even into satanism all these years. I do my part for as...
  34. Pan_Shaman

    Just a few concerns

    I hear what you say. I do know he is not a random guy and I am very aware of the work he has put through all these years. My post is merely a subjective belief that things can be even better. Thank you for your input and care
  35. Pan_Shaman

    Just a few concerns

    Thank you for your kind words
  36. Pan_Shaman

    Just a few concerns

    That's not what I meant.... I highly respect the work he has done, I m merely pointing out the fact I pointed in what I wrote...
  37. Pan_Shaman

    Just a few concerns

    Hello dear reader. I am kinda comming out of a two-three year depression. Ihave been quite less active than the previous years I was not. However during this... Gloomy period I did reach to some objective realizations (this thread is only my opinion and I will try to treat whoever it applies...
  38. Pan_Shaman


    Hadn't even realized you pulled a book together and in the progress of another one. Congratulations brother, keep it up, this is really inspiring
  39. Pan_Shaman

    AMON RA DEMON POWER RITUAL NOW LIVE! - Dec 2 to Dec 6 2023

    I don't think he meant to be insulting in any way.. It's obvious his native language isn't english and from his messages he doesn't mean any ill harm, there is no reason to jump the gun and make all these strong accusitions and being insulting, he is a new member and he will learn. I don't see...
  40. Pan_Shaman

    Improving As A Man

    Tell me about it... Been doing terrible that past 5-6 months, am starting to get back on my feet. Being 35 all I can say is neglecting responsibilities and facing your challenges is really challenging in your road of getting better and stronger. Also putting the blame on others or outside of...
  41. Pan_Shaman

    The importance of mantras

    You were very explanatory, thank you for your response!
  42. Pan_Shaman

    The importance of mantras

    Hello dear family, I would ideally like a response from Hp Cobra or Hps Lydia on this matter as it is kinda, imo, complex, or of any member with a lot of deep experience in meditation. I mean practical not theoretical knowledge on the meditations on mantras. My question is: What is the...
  43. Pan_Shaman

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    What is good about your apoitmment, is that you've always been a positive, contributing, active voice in the community! I sincerely hope that you will get even better with time and wish you all the best! For you, and for JoS! Hail Satan
  44. Pan_Shaman

    Joy of Satan Anthem – Directions For Creation Of Our Noble Anthem

    HP common... We know you are a Manowar fan! Don't let your brother's in metal down and add some FREAKING AWSOME MANOWAR METAL in the mix!!!!! Hail Satan!!
  45. Pan_Shaman

    Joy of Satan Anthem – Directions For Creation Of Our Noble Anthem

    Pretty good for a manowar song if u ask me \m/
  46. Pan_Shaman

    The Absolute State Of The United States - Going Into 2024

    I sincerelly believe people are waking up, in my own country people are getting sick of the old regime, and the new right is going to thrive in the future. I only see a beautifull future with Satanism as core of the society. Yes, we WILL and MUST survive what is to come and the gods will and do...
  47. Pan_Shaman

    Happy Ostara To Every Spiritual Satanist - 3 Day Homage To Astarte

    The most weird thing happened after doing the ritual for our Queen Astarte. So, my mother has passed away 4 years ago, and there was a photo of her right above me as usual, but today when i came back from work I saw it on my desk. I immidiately started feeling really sad and could picture my...
  48. Pan_Shaman

    Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

    I m so fucking happy there are people like you out there! Hail Satan!
  49. Pan_Shaman

    More High Priests?

    The theme of my post was not intending to become a troll meme. I merely wish that JoS advances and we become more global.
  50. Pan_Shaman

    Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

    I want to see more messages from the clergy. Frankly where is the rest of the clergy? I would like that the gods are more active and that JoS becomes more and more spiritual and physical and we bring more VIP people to our side, this I don't know how but we should reach out and find those...
  51. Pan_Shaman

    "Sorry for Ruining Economies and Lives Over a Fake Pandemic; Let's Forgive Each Other and Move On"

    It's not like they aren't exposed, they are, there has been a tremendous amount of disbelief of the common folk (unfortunately a lot is due to the Christian Church naming that the evil (((satanists))) are in charge) (This meme of (((satanists))) is a joke on its own) But we are moving...
  52. Pan_Shaman

    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 1: The Celestial Sphere

    This is also a great answer to all those who defy astrology because they believe that in the past 10000 years the earth tilted and that each zodiac sign has moved one month, therefore, calling astrologers a fake, which is not the case, astrologers know astronomy and how it all works
  53. Pan_Shaman

    Why I Trust Only In Joy of Satan and Satan Himself, and the Gods, Brothers and Sisters

    Don't regret your life before coming to satanism! It all makes sense if u add things up ! This is a beautifull post , another one of HP, I m so glad to have you as our JOS Guardian HPHC! I want to add, that we should write at the titles not only Gods but Goddesses as well! also whatever...
  54. Pan_Shaman

    Career Working

    Since moon is hitting Capricorn often the past couple and future months, I'd like to know which types of runes is best to use to get a social standing/authoritarian career and the like I already found a job with Fehu,Sowillo,Wunjo but now I want to advance more. Are the runes above the best to...
  55. Pan_Shaman

    What good did you do for yourself today?

    I got a job! ! ! Now I can donate to Jos too !
  56. Pan_Shaman

    What good did you do for yourself today?

    I cooked myself some yummy pasty with tomato sauce =)
  57. Pan_Shaman

    What good did you do for yourself today?

    Hello everyone, I had this idea of creating a thread where we could put some feedback with little things we did in our day that mattered. How I see it, writing it down fills it with conscience and it's something we'd like to share with everyone in our family! Example, Today I took a walk...
  58. Pan_Shaman

    The Divine Mother & Divine Father: Our Gods

    Why is it important... I also would like to know but i m not going to demand an answer from HP.. He obviously had physical parents since it's been written that he is the age of 500,000 (i remember seeing it somewhere written), and he transcended by doing the magnum opus most likely... Father...
  59. Pan_Shaman

    How To Be A Man? - It's Actually Rather Simple [Update: Working Out?]

    Being a proper man is always in my mind. I often consider myself not a man because of failures I had in life but I always persevere. It's really hard being a man nowadays to be fair, but "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" Jokes aside, this post is quite explenatory and pretty useful if u...
  60. Pan_Shaman

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    It did it btw I forgot to thank you. Nor just for me, I bought it for my father, he read it in one day and he quit smoking too. What a jewel, thanks so much brother
  61. Pan_Shaman

    The 666, The WWW, Saturday, And Hexagram

    What a mind opening and clarifying sermon. You have gotten so much better HP
  62. Pan_Shaman

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    Thank you so much dear
  63. Pan_Shaman

    Spiritual Support Thread - Never Give Up!

    I don't like that I am smoking addicted, I suffer from bipolar disorder and I am also having low self esteem issues. I am also very lonely since I don't have any friends from satan in real life, but reading posts like this make me happy. I am doing a venus square working now to attract a woman...
  64. Pan_Shaman

    Stop Hating Yourself!

    Thank you for the post. I can't say i m so messed up or hate myself but this was an entiresting and empowring read. Now of to read your other posts :D :D :D
  65. Pan_Shaman

    Next Steps In This Russia/Ukraine War: THE LIKELY OUTCOMES OF THIS WAR [Updated 21 April 2022]

    I suppose our incomes arrested going to drop, the prices get higher and higher, here it's almost impossible to live and this was prempeted as a plan to get the people in a state of fear of poverty and his personal securities. I hope we can avert the other scenarios but since you need break...
  66. Pan_Shaman

    Do NOT Overthink it! Just read this...

    Wisely said comrade Hail Satan!!
  67. Pan_Shaman

    RUSSIA INVADES UKRAINE WITH MILITARY - War At Almost Certain Possibility

    Do you feel that the outcome of this war will be beneficial to our cause?
  68. Pan_Shaman

    When The Joy Of Satan Is Always Right, Maybe It's Time To Listen...

    Hail Satan! Hail JoS! Hail all the goddesses and gods of Hell!
  69. Pan_Shaman

    It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

    Indubitably life -with some help of the enemy ofcourse- will try to throw you under the bus but we must persevere, Thank you for this poetic post HP Cobra it comes in the perfect timing for me personally where i go through life changes and what not, the Gods are always there and will always...
  70. Pan_Shaman

    Receiving Help From The Gods: Is It An Exchange?

    The way I see it, we are all volunteers here Even the ranks and economic growth of said members, everyone is hear following his passion while serving humanity and the Gods, in a sense, and ultimately himself.
  71. Pan_Shaman

    TAKING OUR COUNTRIES BACK FROM THE CONSPIRACY: Time To Deliver Punishments - RTRS for Jan 20th to Jan 30th

    Well let's hope this working averts the situation. Russia is moving once again to expand it's territory, which is kinda justified since NATO choses to shut em down. But let's keep up the working and see what happens, this isn't the first time Russia advances against Ukraine anyway
  72. Pan_Shaman

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    Life troubles made me take many steps back but this is one great opportunity to get back in track is what I mean, by keeping consistent in these type of meditations which can make life changing events come to pass
  73. Pan_Shaman


    Thank you for this wonderful post and breathing exercises dear guardian Lydia Have you got any way to raise apana? Is the yoga for the 6th chakra the best solution? I have realised that pranayama helps you sustain a more into the earth and staying in the moment existence, however it still is...
  74. Pan_Shaman

    Just talk to Satan

    I hope this is all so true and I can achieve a good level relationship with Satan himself. In the end, faith takes courage, sustain, and progress shall be made, at least that's how I feel. Obviously I should stop whining all the time to him about how my life got ruined cause "this, that...
  75. Pan_Shaman

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    Excited to begin, just finished my 3rd eye and I can feel a twitch. I am not a "pro" in meditations and my energy levels have been really low (I m reseting my life...). But I am glad I am making progress. I ll try to be more active in the forums and make more friends and be much more...
  76. Pan_Shaman

    Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians [First Announcement Made]

    Congratulations! This is all so exciting, just a while ago I was thinking how one person (HPMaxine) Started a site, then with the help of the Gods/Godesses it all started comming to fruition, and now we are making such progress with creating a socialistic Pyramid type of Politics. I am glad...
  77. Pan_Shaman

    Predictive Programming & Movies

    Pan's Labyrinth, The Matrix, Insteresting enemy films, but with a lot of ancient subliminals. Pan, well.. Is Satan And the Matrix, well, it's a kinda zionistic twist of Plato Cave (if u don't know what Platos cave is, I suggest you research it) Also ancient Hellenes had pretty much...
  78. Pan_Shaman

    Satanism in Rock n Roll/Popular Music

    https://listverse.com/2017/07/17/10-musicians-or-bands-that-flirted-with-nazism/#:~:text=%2010%20Musicians%20Or%20Bands%20That%20Flirted%20With,like%20Rammstein%2C%20have%20been%20very%20vocal...%20More%20 Good day everyone This is an interesting article i saw online which I wasn't expecting a...
  79. Pan_Shaman

    The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forums. I have the happiness to express my admiration towards the gods. I agree with all the above as stated. I wish everyone of us fullfils his duty as a warrior of Satan and of the Gods and Godesses of Hell. May we grow as a united Universal force and cast...
  80. Pan_Shaman


    I agree most def. Probably in the future when we know what's what we'll have all the info necessary. And it's undeniable that the only real way forward is through meditation and physical perfection through yoga. (Merely posted some benefits that could be used for medicinal purposes, for which...
  81. Pan_Shaman


    Because it's a cultural sublimilan blinded with adulthood for males and social liberation for women. The jews are behind it. It used to be a high society thing apparently cause the high society had to distance themselves from the poor. But in the end, use of substances it's inherent to humen...
  82. Pan_Shaman


    Been a smoker for more than 13 years, I personally decided to stop it, one of the main reasons was the guilt I would have of the "what if" it opens holes in my aura etc (no, I am not an easy believer of everything I read, even here). I am talking about manufactored tobacco in packets or plain...
  83. Pan_Shaman

    Ancient Greek Quotes to Strengthen Your Character

    The 3 main quotes of ancient Greece "Know thyself" (written on Delfi) - Γνώθι σ'αυτόν "Everything in moderation" (altho some scholars say the use of everything isnt' a moderation, hehe) - (Πάν)Μέτρον άριστον "Don't exaggerate" - Μηδέν άγαν Sorry, couldn't resist :)
  84. Pan_Shaman

    It's over for white people in the US

    I m still being looked upon as an extremist when I talk about Hitler or about satanism to the same people for 5 years now of an age of 30ish. And basically ever since i joined and have spoken to people about JOS or Hitler I always get the same responses in all these 5 years. . So yeah... I also...
  85. Pan_Shaman

    A proposal for the Clergy and everyone: "Necromancy 2.0"

    Dude... I mean, Lol... Nice one there Well, everyone has his own choices, I m merely posting that to me it worked, also for another SS that I know, nothing happened to our lifes in a negative way. That's all I said. Obviously, any Satanist would listen to HPMaxine first and my opinion is less...
  86. Pan_Shaman

    A proposal for the Clergy and everyone: "Necromancy 2.0"

    Watch your mouth. You don't know me so don't try to shut me down, we are all Satanists here, free to type our own opinions in everything as long as we adhere by the rules. I didn't insult you, neither you have the right to jump the gun. Period.
  87. Pan_Shaman

    A proposal for the Clergy and everyone: "Necromancy 2.0"

    When you log in after a month to read love texts Well, tbh, I was still after my manic state so yeah, most of the stuff there was my delusion speaking. So yeah, I can't really speak with the dead, why bother anyway. But really.... Whoever wants to do Saturn square go ahead and do them.... You...
  88. Pan_Shaman

    Can you delete my acc?

    Mercury retrograde everyone.
  89. Pan_Shaman

    SS Testimonials

    Just writing to add my voice to you all I was a drug abuser four years before Satanism and looking for a meaning in my life for a 3d time. Luckily this time it wasn't a theosophical cult but the real thing. Hail Satan May we grow more and become even stronger
  90. Pan_Shaman

    Yule Season, Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction, And Happy Holiday Wishes!

    Happy Yuletide everyone and hope you get nice spirituals gifts! One question on the chart of the current time. What is your opinion on Uranus retrogade at Taurus (which basically when Uranus went in Taurus war started in Syria again etc. etc.) Both Jupiter and Saturn are Square Uranus which is...
  91. Pan_Shaman

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    same here the Tetragrammaton gets vizual destoyed especially like a breeze :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  92. Pan_Shaman

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Working as in doing something in the material, no, I'm working on it with h healing workings and so on like I said. And eventually it will materialize like anything. Just have faith and don't fall off! And Munka is a rune just not from the Futhark (well, we just call it Munka rune here for as...
  93. Pan_Shaman

    Is This War All About Hate?

    You probably have been through a lot of hatred in your life for I am somehow feeling a lot of hatred at times, but I feel like I am advancing towards the direction you are pinpointing, that of Creation Peace and Prosperity. But like you told me once in my astro chart and what you have said here...
  94. Pan_Shaman

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    First, do many workings (I am on my 5th) to get rid of your Bipolar. It will take many years for that, since you/me are addicted to it. Munkka and especially Ansus/Thaurisaz/Wunjo and also do void meditation, alternate nostril breath, and lots of yoga. I ve been in this path for 4 years and...
  95. Pan_Shaman

    Yoga: Sacral issues

    Another nice series, thank you so much and looking forward for the next! Allready seeing anger issues improvment with the Base Chakra one!
  96. Pan_Shaman

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Visualizing this one it was like I could feel that something is comming out of me, like a beam of light and replacing the web the at exists currently, as if I lifted a dark grey web and I placed my own beam of light in it's place. Also my voice became really deep during the ritual so I suspect...
  97. Pan_Shaman

    Preparing For New RTR Schedule

    Can't wait to reverse some Greek as well :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  98. Pan_Shaman

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    I think I perfectly understand your answer. Don't feel guilt. Become an istagram influencer for all anyone cares. Just do RtR as relentlesly as living your god-damn pation!!!!!
  99. Pan_Shaman

    The Reality of loneliness in Satanism (you are not alone)

    That makes more than two of us, it's the qi/willpower we posses and also the fact that we are very sensitive as humen beings. I m really putting a lot of effort in void meditation and alternate nostril, which cleans the soul from the weird symptoms of manic/depressive (but then again, feeling...
  100. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    Heh, I'm thinking I am something like Emperor Ganishka from Berserk, stampeding on jewish heads and pasting em :lol: :lol: :lol:
  101. Pan_Shaman

    The 4 Fundamental Achievements In Satanic Life

    Well I think the most important one of them all is Energy and Will power. And War. Never stop fighting, them especially, or your internal struggles. War and Martial arts are really important, side note, and every Satanist MUST master one or many, and be a tough nut.
  102. Pan_Shaman

    The Reality of loneliness in Satanism (you are not alone)

    We are not alone in Satanism, Ever. There can't be a soul so advanced as ours that can feel lonely. At times you hurt, but you are not lonely, you have Satan and the Gods. Frankly, sometimes I am so fully circled by people, dead, or Hell, that I'd KILL to have some moments of peace hahaha But...
  103. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    Bump and Hail Satan (just hate it when I see number 222)
  104. Pan_Shaman

    A proposal for the Clergy and everyone: "Necromancy 2.0"

    I felt depressed and moody, but that's cause I am a miserable person in general. But although it caused pain, it did help me evolve... I did it in a situation where I was "fuck it all", but that's me... I don't like easy ways or what not. Plus HPMaxine never said not to do it, she warned us of...
  105. Pan_Shaman


    If you are a Satanist, dedicating, working, etc, then you ll eventually get sex from a random invididual or a prostitute in a positive way. You can always do energy workings to programm your aura , or just sexually use your power to attract a girlfriend. I am having a serious relationship with a...
  106. Pan_Shaman

    A proposal for the Clergy and everyone: "Necromancy 2.0"

    I highly doubt it. Just because we are different and we don't speak the same language Mr "aquarius" , it doesn't mean what I am saying isnt true. Have you even done a Saturn square ..
  107. Pan_Shaman

    A proposal for the Clergy and everyone: "Necromancy 2.0"

    I am personally a Necromancer myself (for all my life been talking to the dead) and although it's a hard sacred and rough path I would highly recommend it to Satanists. Those of you old enough(after 29) I suggest a Saturn square. Really pumps you up. Just be careful. I have 4 planets in my 9th...
  108. Pan_Shaman

    Traveling in Europe

    I wanted to ask all those of you who are living between USA and Europe and have interests in moving from one Continent to the other, what are your gut feelings upcoming January? My gut, tells me Beiden will be President, frankly I don't care anymore at this point, I m done, I m not USA citizen...
  109. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    This programm is incredible, especially for our newer members. I remember when I first came to Satanism four years ago and I got so hooked with RtRs I burnt my brain from over extending (I carry a lot of hate in general so I go for extreme, Pluto in Scorpio anyone, hmmm?) Well anyway, also...
  110. Pan_Shaman

    Movies, games, series

    Let me make a contribution to this forum Dota Seperates men from Boys
  111. Pan_Shaman

    Regarding Jews in music

    Ross the Boss is jewish But he got fired by Mr. God De Mayo, who Is the master troller of them jews (not white he is but WTV, we love him) cause, quote "Joey felt the band would be better without me" Well, it's not like Manowars is Behemoth or Marduk, we they are the king's of metal...
  112. Pan_Shaman

    George soros into great virtual reality funding adventures

    So here we have mister Soros trying to help his pal Bill Gates to have a better establishment on their mind tech https://www.marketwatch.com/story/soros-laments-investment-in-palantir-and-says-he-will-sell-the-rest-when-allowed-11605692099 https://www.palantir.com/ "Powered by Apollo" What a...
  113. Pan_Shaman

    The Biggest Lie That Was Said About Satan

    I agree with all that's being said and also I want to add that should be respectful and grateful to the gods for helping us. We need to be humble upon them, but not humble towards anyone else other than our brothers in Satan. Not even kundalini "masters" in the east. But always respect Earth...
  114. Pan_Shaman

    Thank you my Lord

    This post was really beautifull
  115. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    I just felt the thunder sigil the momment I read this
  116. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    On that note, when I did my saturn square, after a short period of time, my mother got cancer. So, I don't know whether I caused this, restraining between has always been a thing. I just remember when I did it I was really cruel and shitty towards her, I kinda destroyed her psyche. I did end...
  117. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    I m really sorry to hear that, the enemy always finds a way to attack us even though we are strongly protected, but the fact you and me are still here proves how strong our faith is. Let's keep it up strongly and virily! Side note, got to love when moon hits scorpio on a new moon and we get...
  118. Pan_Shaman

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    When you synch out try to move gently your fingers which lay on your knees. I ftr always sit, sometimes in the sun, I don't prefer yoga pose on this. Gently tap your knees while softly vibrating every word with each little bone of your fingers Eventually you ll get there :) Thanks for this...
  119. Pan_Shaman

    Winning Or Losing?

    I am wondering about India and Japan's role and what their say is to the China "terror" everyone is so concerned about. India is a slave country obviously, but their people have a lot of Satanism within them, so do Japanese. I admire Japanese, they are my favorite Eastern country. This is...
  120. Pan_Shaman

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    Also, this is inside information. From blacks I learned in the clinic. Allah is a codeword for "niggers" right where I leave, their "people". It's sick. I live in two houses and one is near a black ghetto, it's unfathomable how dirty the air is, everytime I leave the house I m asking the birds...
  121. Pan_Shaman

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    When I do my rtr I. Feel like I encase myself into a big hole, like a black mass of insane energy and I have memorized the all letters and I destroy them much easier this way. I tick my fingers for repetitions and I can bring them to my notice at well with ease. Ofc I have gone through ton of...
  122. Pan_Shaman

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    My bad brother, having been closed up within a Jewish psychiatric clinic and having nasty ways of being treated being the sole white soul inmate there didnt really help my sense, I read the post today and I realized it's quite dillusional, well, like I said, I was in a clinic and I am bipolar...
  123. Pan_Shaman

    After November 10 - We Continue FRTR Until New Release

    Hail Thee all, and , Let's keep it up and not cower at any moment. For those of you have not the power to follow Satan's path shall be treated with no respect Hail Thee Manowars Keep up the good work No mercy. Hell hath no Wrath for he who has no fear. Heck, I ll make this my signature...
  124. Pan_Shaman

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    Hello everyone Read a newspaper the other day in my town about 12800 this 7000 of that and one other biblical name in the clinic the enemy put me in after messing with their dead xians souls during Helloween.... That was pretty much the most funny thing i be seen in a while..... I wonder if...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
