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Winning Or Losing?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Larissa666 said:
I have to admit that I am feeling a little bit demoralized by what happened in the past two weeks. Trump lost, no one can seem to stand in China’s way now, communists are gonna keep pushing their agenda forward...

I guess I’ll have to clear my mind and find new angle of attack, otherwise I am gonna surrender completely. I do not want to do that. I want to see us win.

We all knew since the beginning what was going to happen, and years ago, what is going to happen through these years. We know also, there will be more.

The mindset to have is start preparing, and doing what is best for yourself, family, and then, our side. Many sad and worthless things will be heaped onto the world, and the fact that humans are paving this way for themselves, while the enemy wants that too, is not helping.

When Democrats lost in 2016, people were whinning, "Oy vey, we are going to concetration camps now, evil Hitler Trump will kill us all, he is such a Nazi", and other bullshit. Their worst fears were never really realized of course. They just had to whine about it.

Now, in 2020, people who presently lost this election, are likewise worried [and more substantially so in this case] that the world will go to collapse entirely, simply because Trump is not in office. This is called in short, being naive.

People then in the US whined about China. All of it is true, the Chinese model is highly disturbing and disgusting. "China buys us all, and Communizes us". Sure. Have you ever been to the Dollar Shop? Well, all of this is China. Were it not for Chinese people to have been working their asses, you would never have a dollar store. How many millions in the United States are living out of these stores? This is required because many people have to live in a strangely, and impossible to maintain, stranded economy.

Are people out in the streets or extremely agitated about this? Somehow, thank benzos, weed, and other forms of control, this is not yet the case. Will the people NEVER decide, or be forced to decide, to change this? If not, then the situation will persist. Did 1 Dollar stores close under Trump? Did Apple move out of China? Clearly, not. Have the people decided yet it's time to stop this and redefine the world in a sense? No. Therefore, this insanity will prolong itself and continue.

Life and the world will have to live this through, too. It's not the first time a population of suckers and idiots denies their own rights, or in essence, tries to destroy the people which try to save it's ass, or murder it's best ideals. We have had enough of this in the last 21 centuries, and I am certainly emotionally geared to expect more of this.

People like me, other advanced Satanists, or people like Tesla or Hitler, we are frequently chased out of the world, we have to live as renegades, and we receive overwhelming attacks. The same goes to other people who try to do something better to save this cattle out of it's worthless fate with it's slavers. Alas, the results of this, if we don't overcome the enemy pressure, is that this world continues in the worthless path that has been set by the enemy. Which is nothing sort of "new" for it.

No matter what happens, and even if this world or part of it goes down the drain, there will always be places of safety, comfort, and power, which will emerge after the declining places have collapsed. To put this in other words, if a people collapses it's Nation because they make stupid decisions and so forth, by the time the situation worsens, the stronger, the richer, the powerful - or simply those who want to be free, such as happened in the founding of the US - will already have assembled and worked their fortress elsewhere.

In every revolutionary war, or in every massive change, people always ask themselves "Is it possible?", "What if?", "Is it of any reason to fight this through?"

The answer here is definitely YES.

Also, people are deceived we have a choice in this, but we do not have a choice to quit it. Technically, one can cower the front, but in the end of the so called war, we all end up as slaves. Those who fought and those who didn't, in the scenario of failure, all end up in the same gulag. This is why I frequently get disturbed by the short nearsightedness of specific individuals, such as those who whine about races here more than what we already know. Or those who for example falter too quickly and at the first actual boom they hear, they go into hiding.

Freedom comes with pain, sacrifice, inconveniences, even blood involved. The United States was not founded on happy peace, evergrowing fake victories that involved no war or fundamental change, or other pipe-dreams. It was founded out of hardship, bloodshed, suppression, and because many people were at their wits end with the religious enslavement in Europe.

As distress arises, one should instead, look that actually, people will be forced to react. This is why every fundamentally good thing, or change, has come out of perilous situations, and not out of "comfort". Difficult, overwhelming, or negative circumstances, should not put someone in fear. Rather, they should act as a motivator for those who will to live to push forward.

The enemy fights a war with illusory means and they attempt their earnest to project that they are more powerful than they are. Everytime they make a move, they pretend everything is over and that the over party is simply gone and devastated. Clearly, this remains a mental thought without any merit.

This frequent mental terrorism is how they make their enemies quit, and how they subvert them. They oversize themselves and pretend they are so far more powerful than they are. Then, the moment the enemy loses, they project this even more powerfully, to pretend that they are winning. These are all basic tactics.

Instead, one looks at reality, and realizes the enemy, their JWO agenda, and pretty much all that they are building, is right now on the height of exposure and danger. It has never been worse for them with civil disobedience, lack of faith in them, and worldwide exposure. The situation is also reaching a level where people are reacting physically. In many countries, there are violent protests about the so called "Co-Vid" measures, and other forms of modern enslavement.

As time progresses, there will be terrifying things that people are going to see. Events that cowards of the present century are not used in living at, at all. The weak will go into hiding, quit, and generally, throw the weapon and just go.

The actual reality of this is that everything this "World" is undergoing now is far softer than revolutions, violence, and other things based on last centuries. Imagine if Alchemists who were entirely physically defeated, just "Gave up" and became demoralized because X cunt whatever king was not on their side.

OF COURSE these people are not on our side. The fact they may act, due to overwhelming force, to our side's benefit, once every couple of months, does not make these people our allies, "ours", or even good candidates to be our servants. What's new?

Years ago, all this "War" wasn't reaching the spear head. "Leading" was easier, attacks were smaller, and not many heard the sound of bombs. Now that the enemy understands that they are being dragged away from the throne, is when one has to face the actual consequences and risks of war.

A couple of questions are important here: What about the enemy though, how demoralized are they instead? How do these cockroaches feel that their kingdom is in fast forward collapse, to the point they have to behave like apes in panic mode in trying to control humanity again?

The enemy is currently utilizing their worst of the worst, and "Centuries haven't used because the Demons can destroy us entirely if we fail at the use of this", spiritual technology. These shouldn't be looked as demoralizing events, as these were bound to happen anyway and anyhow with how the enemy has been going.

On the other hand, most of this, is just reactionary attacks from the enemy. In other words, they are afraid they will lose their plan. For the most part, it's already the case.

You are putting too much misplaced faith on random individuals and forgetting the greater picture. What good did Trump do for us, specifically? Such as, we Satanists? Nothing at all. Did he give us any grants, or freedoms, that we have been unaware about? For all intents and purposes, when it came to our interests, he did not do much.

In fact, all the purging of our side happened during Trump, and he allowed the internet to slide into total damnation, to where he failed that bad that even the US President now can become Twitter's whore due to the heavy inaction he fell victim to because of ignoring the matter. He was watching and defending everyone only verbally. "There were good people on both sides" and other words were said, but no action has been taken to seriously safeguard online interests. He paid the price with this through the elections, and they moved him to the losing position.

As I said in the original post, many people are pointlessly worrying. China buys all of the United States next morning? No wait, this has already happened for the most part, in the last 40 years, globally. It didn't change today or yesterday. As one understands, the framework for major fuckups have already been laid.

Our mission here for the time being, is not to intend their full and fast reversal, which is rather impossible, but steer the ship so that it avoids straight wreckage. The ship is however already getting water in, and has numerous other malfunctions, that could never be solved in 4 years, let alone under the circumstances of an enemy that is very able to steer it away.

One needs to stop deluding themselves that any politician currently is oh so important for us that we have to put faith in them, or that they will save us from anything. Maybe they are important to the social aspect of things, or where they turn a wave, but in the end of this, it always comes down to what energies take over and what ones do fail.

Lastly, I have to share something else unpleasant. Most people here know what at some point, there will be ranging amounts of intervention from the Gods. For whatever reason, people assumed that the worldwide system will just change out of the blue, and that there will be no suffering involved. There will be riots, pandemics, and all sorts of other things.

In the next years, financial rivalry and warfare between this and new systems will also arise. Turmoil and other events have already been triggered by the "Pandemic" situation. The world will never be devoid of conflicts and/or changes. As the enemy agenda intensifies, there will be things that will be very upsetting to many people. This is however not only the case now, but has been the case before.

People and ladies here need to toughen up, and man up, and buckle your seat belts, because Dorothy, it's not going to be only fun and perceptive wins, but actual wars and actual wins from now on. The clock has stopped ticking on the preparation time, we are now in the starting times of an actual, full on, war, in which our side and the enemy are putting their earnest into. This isn't 2010.

Most people out there have nothing, know nothing, and understand nothing. They will be caught in their sleep. These people should rightfully so, be terrified, and at the same time, this terror will force out their necessary reactions.

In regards to us, Satan has given us all the means and guidance to be on the correct place internally and externally for these things. One must instead focus there and where the power and hope really is and focus on what they have chosen and been given - this is the path to victory and sustenance of life, which in turn promotes general victory.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Speaking about China, most people despairing and complaining about how 2020 as "the worst year ever" are from world countries. I don't see that behavior from people with who endure a harder lifestyle. This isn't even the Middle Ages to be this nihilistic.

This Chinese woman gives a lesson on humanity (and real "femininity") in the Eye of the Jewrricane:

Does anyone knows if this is propaganda?

And my favorite, from that weird Greek director, song of the sleepy goyim on rebotic mode getting the cold water bucket in 2020 and the years and sacrifices to come sums up it all:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Freedom comes with pain, sacrifice, inconveniences, even blood involved. The United States was not founded on happy peace, evergrowing fake victories that involved no war or fundamental change, or other pipe-dreams. It was founded out of hardship, bloodshed, suppression, and because many people were at their wits end with the religious enslavement in Europe.

Many people haven’t realized this yet. It is very obvious the enemy will NOT surrender their power peacefully once they have been fully exposed and defeated. I am certain people from all over the world will need to take up armed struggle against their “rulers” just as people throughout the world have done all throughout history, The time for trying to play ball and be fair with jews is over. They would kill everyone on earth with the push of a button if they could.

We may have to endure communism for a short time, and general hard times that the west hasn’t experienced since WW2. But it is for the better.
It feels weird that what all of us have seen is already here.
Jack said:
It feels weird that what all of us have seen is already here.

We must always abide by the words and knowledge of the Gods and we will all be fine.

By staying focused and doing what is necessary, we will prevail.

The enemy will fight to the end, brutally, and for as long as they can.

As it has been said by Satan Himself, we have Won.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
It feels weird that what all of us have seen is already here.

We must always abide by the words and knowledge of the Gods and we will all be fine.

By staying focused and doing what is necessary, we will prevail.

The enemy will fight to the end, brutally, and for as long as they can.

As it has been said by Satan Himself, we have Won.
Sieg Heil!!!!
I know this is beside the point, but can we stop acting like Biden's already won? The results of the election are yet to be certified, the electors have yet to cast their votes, and there's still plenty of ongoing legal action, recounts, and audits underway, all of which are inexorably shrinking Biden's lead; it's just not being talked about because (((the powers that be))) want you to accept and submit to (((their))) chosen candidate, which is why they're pushing the "President-Elect Biden" meme (which he isn't) so goddamn hard. Based on the Biden camp's recent actions, they're fucked and they know it--they've already pivoted to pushing a "possible Trump coup" narrative, and they just started begging for funds to fight Trump's litigation. (article here: https://archive.vn/O2vcu )

I understand the original message does not change regardless of who sits in the White House, but "President-Elect Biden" is a psyop and should be treated as such.
I felt like this too but I turned by bitchy tears into rtring like a psychopath. Up to now, I am just as mad as this guy is: https://youtu.be/3Q2buuDfGxQ
I myself dont "give a shit" EVEN if there would be 0.00001% of a chance of Us losing, as LONG as i can die, while giving the Enemy a REEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYY good OBLITERATING, i know ill just be making a favour for the Universe.

And as HP HC said, that Father Satan has said: We Have Won.
The ONLY thing We need to do, is MAKE IT HAPPEN!
We HAVE won in a sense, that if we JUST keep these rituals up, We WILL FUCKING WIN!
If you see some Brother or Sister posting some "shit" here like this, that "what if we lose in the end", ask them this: Wait... Are you doubting FATHER SATAN HIMSELF????? :shock: :eek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As it has been said by Satan Himself, we have Won.

This sermon is excellent and a great overview of what is happening.

My perception and intuition is that the enemy is going to try to use psychological and peer-oriented terror using novel methods, including elaborating on 'distancing', lockdowns and curfew, disease and plague, 'permitted' riots and atrocities, food shortages and wholly inadequate diets becoming more 'the norm', spreading more crime and poverty everywhere, paywalling everything, bio-technology and then this will ramp up in intensity with newer even weirder things coming into play. The middle shall not hold. People here need to be prepared for this and keep up strong cleansing routines and auras of protection.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I have to admit that I am feeling a little bit demoralized by what happened in the past two weeks. Trump lost, no one can seem to stand in China’s way now, communists are gonna keep pushing their agenda forward...
It's incredibly cringy for me to see supposed "SS" here eating out of the ass of the mainstream media and believing what they say. Despite what they may tell you, Trump hasn't lost at all yet. None of the states have certified their elections so far and widespread fraud has already provably been found. The media has been exposed for their lies more than in the past 20 years combined. New gentile-owned media has increased in viewership by record numbers, while outlets like Fox News have lost a huge percentage of their viewership. Trump is on the road to victory, and what follows after that is the systematic changing of the legal system to allow the US to hold big media and big tech accountable legally, for their blatant lying, censoring, and spreading of misinformation.

So far we have been winning tremendously. How anyone can see the events of the past weeks and see it as a loss, and become worried or sad, is a mystery to me. It's nothing more than letting childish stupidity make you believe the mainstream media's agenda. As "SS", you should know to be better than that. Larissa, and all the others who have been acting like this lately, you should seriously start to grow up and act like an SS instead of just claiming to be one.

Seeing these pathetic displays on here makes me cringe very hard. It's about time you opened your eyes for real and grow some backbone.
I did find there was always a strange degree of affection for Trump here. Now, don't get me wrong, in both elections he was by far the superior candidate, against both Hillary and Biden. Given how corrupt the Democrats are, I don't even need to specify why to anyone here.

In the same breath, people began to overstate how important he was, and people were beginning to act like he was almost somehow a Satanic leader, which was baffling. Much of Trump's personal life and dealings was with Jews like Kushner. Ultimately, yes, Trump ended up being a decent obstacle against the enemy's movements, and the media despised him for it, but he was hardly the single worldly dam holding back the flood of the Jewish NWO.

We are.

Yes, some world leaders are going to be favorable over others, but if you consider the logistics of what it takes to even be someone who can be nominated in the current era, even the best modern politicians are usually going to have corrupt dealings. This is the current reality of the situation. Every President swears on a Bible and has to verbally fellate Israel's nutsack. Trump did this too. Sure, he did less for Israel than what many others did, but the reality remains the same. Does anyone really think the current world order would allow for a truly Satanic leader? Not as of yet, things are going to have to change significantly before such a thing is possible.

With this said, most people here are acutely aware of the leftist, marxist poison many western societies are dealing with at the moment. But fetishizing the modern rightwing too much would be equally foolish. Speaking as an Australian, foreign immigration here only grew under the right after we voted out the left, and our so-called "Nationalist" party was selling our farmland to China.

Yes, many people can and should vote right when given the chance, in the situation racial survival is at the stake. But deluding yourself into thinking the modern right is often anything other than the same Xian abomination it has been for a long time is a mistake. If anything, people should be cautious about praising the modern right to any great capacity, when one can consider how many disturbed, degenerative Xian movements are still active in global politics, and the end result of these is really the same as if leftist marxism takes hold. Take Putin for instance, many of his authoritarian goals are being institutionalized under the veil of conservative orthodoxy Xianism.

Point is, the current state of the world is a mess. Placing too much hope in corrupt world leaders is only going to score you disappointment, when instead your hope and morale should be concentrated here, in our work and the Gods. Hoping for better world leaders isn't wrong, but being naïve is.

Trump's loss, more than anything else, is simply just a sign of the times. Even with as minimal of an obstacle as he was, he still caused the enemy to drop all facades and push a rigged election out into the open. This shows desperation, more than anything.

So, keep your heads pulled in. The sky isn't going to fall every time someone gets elected or re-elected, and over emphasizing establishment politics and left vs right dichotomies isn't going to serve your morale in the long run.
It is very comprehensive reply, and I agree with everything written here.

As for “what Trump did for us”, no one excepted Trump to be second Hitler. What he did is in contrast what many before him did. Mainly: exposing the hypocrisy and dangerous agenda of the left, anti globalism and trying to restore nationalism. Also, exposing “critical race theory”. Children in school are taught that being white is bad, that white people are evil, and he wanted to stop this. Which president in the past several decades even bothered to do anything?

If he got second term, he would double down on this, as he would have nothing to lose.

What will happen remains to be seen. I guess we will have to keep doing what we are doing. When I said “I am demoralized” I didn’t mean “oh, it’s over, guess fight is useless”. All of this is temporary. I will never stop fighting.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Freedom comes with pain, sacrifice, inconveniences, even blood involved. The United States was not founded on happy peace, evergrowing fake victories that involved no war or fundamental change, or other pipe-dreams. It was founded out of hardship, bloodshed, suppression, and because many people were at their wits end with the religious enslavement in Europe.

Many people haven’t realized this yet. It is very obvious the enemy will NOT surrender their power peacefully once they have been fully exposed and defeated. I am certain people from all over the world will need to take up armed struggle against their “rulers” just as people throughout the world have done all throughout history, The time for trying to play ball and be fair with jews is over. They would kill everyone on earth with the push of a button if they could.

We may have to endure communism for a short time, and general hard times that the west hasn’t experienced since WW2. But it is for the better.

On 2020 spring when I become Satanist, I was very optimistic and naive. I believed that mainstream nationalists politicians can save white race. but it is not so, like Orban in Hungary who can change every time constitution to push there anti LGBT laws, but he don´t do nothing to but into constitution laws that protect white race. Or like Wilders in Holland, who is officali jew. Or like Estonian finance minister ant nationalist leader Martin Helme who speak "I want keep Estonia white", but when he came in our school to give lecture about economy, he stand 2 meters away from me and I felt his jewish aura.

So, only pure national-socialism can save us.

But so much people are sleeping, in Sweden national-socialist Nordic Resistance Movement get only 2106 votes in election. And I do not understand why in every country is so much white teachers who are so fucking anti-white retards. In my school teachers who are 100% white gentiles speak all time:" tolerance, tolerance, tolerance, white power bad, Hitler bad aaaaaaaaah"

And when I argue my father, he speak that all jews are not so bad as Karl Marx and he to not like mass immigration, but world has always changed and we can not change it bla bla bla...
Until recently, I was constantly despairing because I was aware of the jewish communist plans on a basic level, and I saw myself surrounded on all sides in the northeast. Commie Canada to the North, Commie New England all around me, Commiefornia to the West, Commies in my government, Commies across the sea, in the air, freaking everywhere. I felt trapped, boxed in. I saw no way out, and all the wild places of the world owned with surveillance, I wasn't allowed to live in the wild legally even if I had the skillset to do so. I didn't know what to do so I just trained my body as much as I could to ready myself. This was all before I found the JoS. That was all BEFORE I found out about the RTR. Now I actually have a weapon. I can actually do something about it like I always wanted to. Seriously, just 20 minutes out of my day each day to smite the enemy. I'm worried about my people, sure, but I'm not panicking like I was back then. We fight until it's finished - it's that simple.
We will Stick with spirituality, and continue the SS battalion .
True presidents expose the Jews all day all night
Trump could have stand up on stage "for once "and give speech "dear Americans The Jews are behind everything BLM Corona Wars economy crimes Antifa rape the Jews are planning for white genocide. " *End of story
Jews again won the war because trump wasted 4 years.

BLM is a clear Message for all whites
prepare yourself for the worst The Antifa is coming and with jewbiden he will make sure that all whites are enslaved & under control
It becomes more and more apparent to me, the harder we strike and wreck the enemy in the battle, their natural response is to then knuckle down with a counter attack.

Being discouraged or afraid is not what we should do, as compared to other periods in history, most of these attacks are like a cake walk, to having to deal with the spanish inquisition, akhenatons rebel rule in egypt, and various other examples that were blatantly much worse then what we experience now.

The more giant, heavily impactful bombs go off in our backyard, the more people need to crack the lightning bolts out at the enemy, wounding them even more, and going for the fatal blows that much more.

Another thing is the situation of the united states, in the event of an economic collapse, or total collapse, is we should be thankful, we at least have the knowledge of this grim possibility, that we may have to face this in the future.

Which means we the gods will regardless, keep us safe, and we can prevail.

The fall of the united states as tragic and horrific as it would be to witness, i fully agree in that another free country would emerge, and grow in power to take its place.

But hopefully the fall of america, the wests great satan is avoided.
I am wondering about India and Japan's role and what their say is to the China "terror" everyone is so concerned about. India is a slave country obviously, but their people have a lot of Satanism within them, so do Japanese. I admire Japanese, they are my favorite Eastern country.

This is World War 3 in my opinion and the vaccine that comes soon (in Us it's almost 80% complete) is totally gonna stir things up. People here (US), liberal or not, are starting to get their flu shots already. And most definitely will get the vaccine when it is out.

Frankly the only fear I have is the Samson option, which ok, if you fear something you ll end up materializing it, so I should have that also in my mind during my RtR.

The Jews are scared and are in panic, tell them anything non goyish and they ll pee in their pants. But it's a wonder how Americans are going to wake up. Frankly most people here aren't antisimetic and it pisses me off, at least in Europe everyone apart from Germans (as a mass) is.

And also something conflicting to the post of HPHC, I believe having Trump in power was way more good than bad. Globally, everyone now hates China, everyone, well, ok, a Lot of people have realized how twitter and social media works, even banning a president, so he DID expose the jewish media.

He did play a double agent thing imo, he killed a potential huge threat and put the Iranis in their place. And of course with Uranus in Taurus a lot of stuff happened, but he Utterly did his best to Stop a warm WW3.

So I think, that he did know what he was doing and he is not the narcist person the media are posing over and over. And also, he did give a lot of jobs to American, he literally made America the richest nation by far in the world in History for the past 100 years or so.

Also, he gave a voice to the people of the far right (which is basically the far left, nazism on its own). Well, I don't know, I am not American myself, but from American nationalists and from my countries media I do realize that in a 4 year span he did many great things.

Heck, going against CNN takes ball of steel

I am not idolizing him, don't get me wrong

Obviously the worst thing that happened was the internet censorship. There were literally tons of videos out there about people who were debating about the holocaust and even had committees that unfortunately now are down. But in any case,
Yes, we won the war. Frankly, the Gods did, we didn't really do much ourselves apart from being the bridge that connected them to our realm and we created ourselves JoyofSatan (not me myself personally I am only here for 4 years obviously).

But the material world is in the jews hands. So right now we are literally hanging from a thread, I do think we will not have a holocaust from nuclear warfare but it will still be a spiritual, frankly, I believe the Muslim people that are neighbouring Israel one day will start waking up and realize they are being played. The Muslims here in America for example are anti semitic, however they are a threat to white Americans themselves.

In the end we will win. The gods wouldn't never allow us to not

Restore Satan's Kingdom
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:

These are all good points. As Satanists, we are in a better position than ever. As long as we stay incognito, we will survive, and much better than regular civilians can. They cannot stop a hidden person in a crowd who blasts away RTR's all day.

As far as Trump goes, do not give up hope yet. He has not lost yet: it is up to the courts to declare him the winner, and this doesn't happen whilst recounts and other legal battles are happening. Rather, the media "projected" Biden the winner, which will no doubt cause chaos if Trump wins his legal fight. I think he has the evidence to pull this off, and hopefully we gave him the energetic environment to achieve victory.

Trump may not be doing that great on religion-specific matters, as I don't think he really knows better, but he has rallied the common man against the growing Marxist threat. If he stands firm against further economic shutdown, he will put a giant hole in their "Great Reset" plan. Like I've mentioned before, I think he is not perfect, but he is just trying to apply basic common sense, which is not good for those purposely trying to corrupt something.
The only thing we really need to be ready for is when they roll in the mandatory vaccines. This is a problem. If anyone has been paying attention to the news and alternative news outlets, they are getting ready to implement laws and rules that if one does not get the vaccine, they will not be able to interact in society. That means no travel, not being able to work, no going to many places like some stores, government buildings, no access to medical care and no government benefits that poor people need, if you do not get their poisoned needle. I'm not trying to fear monger but this is truth and they are not hiding it anymore.

People in other places in the world will more than likely will be forced to get the vaccine from what I am seeing, but in America, there is still some chance to fight it as 50 percent of Americans said they will not take the vaccine. We'll see. The enemy is obsessed with everyone on this planet getting this vaccine for a reason because it is probably important for their goal to usher in their NWO, or get people pretty sick. This will be done under Biden.

Things are not looking good as far as the courts with the voter fraud case, and with the planets, so it appears the chinese puppet Biden will be president. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden dies all of a sudden so that Kamala Harris takes the presidency...I hope not but 2021 and 2022 overall looks like it will especially be hard for us all. The only true hope is us having the gods with us, which is a major blessing. It also appears there will be a civil war in 2021. I remember this based on Maxine's chart prediction for the USA. War will likely happen because of the communizing of America. Many patriots and those who value their freedoms will not allow their guns and constitutional rights taken away without fighting. The enemy knows that.

We have to be prepared for what is going to happen in these next 2-3 years.
Stock up on food, essentials and other things like that because it won't look good, as far as society functioning in the future. Not because of the "plan-demic" but because of the effects of what this whole thing has caused. These stored items will be important in the not so distant future. There was no need to use your food and items that you stocked up on earlier this year.

I have said this before, but I really hope all of you are staying inspired and really keeping up with the RTRs and working with your souls to activate and raise your kundalini. As far as I can see, the only way we will really take power is when that happens which is why the gods want us to really come into this power. When Pluto goes into Aquarius in about 3-4 years, this not only signifies positive change for humanity but because of us and the effects of us coming into true power. Imagine what 4 more years of final RTR will do for us all. I am very positive that many of us will have our serpents raised or near raised by that time based on what I have observed. Look at your astrology charts, planets and solar return chart for the next 3-4 years, it usually can show spiritual change of some way, indicating some kind of evolution.

These RTRs are very powerful and will unbid the jewish curses on our serpents, as you all know. Then we will really be able to start shaping this world in the way that is should be. Don't be afraid to do as many RTRs in a day as possible. Of course be safe abut it and pay attention to your energy levels. I am at the point where 9 RTRs a day is my minimum goal, and the effects feel wonderful. Vibrate it into your soul with intent. The RTRs still work to destroy the enemy.

Be safe everyone.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I have to admit that I am feeling a little bit demoralized by what happened in the past two weeks. Trump lost, no one can seem to stand in China’s way now, communists are gonna keep pushing their agenda forward...
It's incredibly cringy for me to see supposed "SS" here eating out of the ass of the mainstream media and believing what they say. Despite what they may tell you, Trump hasn't lost at all yet. None of the states have certified their elections so far and widespread fraud has already provably been found. The media has been exposed for their lies more than in the past 20 years combined. New gentile-owned media has increased in viewership by record numbers, while outlets like Fox News have lost a huge percentage of their viewership. Trump is on the road to victory, and what follows after that is the systematic changing of the legal system to allow the US to hold big media and big tech accountable legally, for their blatant lying, censoring, and spreading of misinformation.

So far we have been winning tremendously. How anyone can see the events of the past weeks and see it as a loss, and become worried or sad, is a mystery to me. It's nothing more than letting childish stupidity make you believe the mainstream media's agenda. As "SS", you should know to be better than that. Larissa, and all the others who have been acting like this lately, you should seriously start to grow up and act like an SS instead of just claiming to be one.

Seeing these pathetic displays on here makes me cringe very hard. It's about time you opened your eyes for real and grow some backbone.

I could give a less damn about your “disappointment” in my outlook on current situation.

As for MSM, I don’t even watch those. Do you realize that courts are filled with Democrats at every battleground state (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona) and that they immediately reject anything Republicans represent to court.

I really hoped that Trump and his legal team will come up with some evidence that will shut anyone’s mouths, but so far nothing. If they have smoking gun, what are they waiting for?
Wildfire said:
I felt like this too but I turned by bitchy tears into rtring like a psychopath. Up to now, I am just as mad as this guy is: https://youtu.be/3Q2buuDfGxQ
That’s what I am doing too. It’s the best way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What good did Trump do for us, specifically? Such as, we Satanists? Nothing at all. Did he give us any grants, or freedoms, that we have been unaware about? For all intents and purposes, when it came to our interests, he did not do much.
One of the best points in favor of Trump is not what he did, but rather what he didn't do. Hilary the jewess was ready to go full speed into enslavement and virtual-digitalize everything, turning people into greys in 4 years. In contrast, Trump brought their agenda to a crawl, and nothing much has happened in these 4 years. Although the Internet has become more censored, a growing number of people are now aware of the jewish problem. The fact that the jews worked so hard to make Trump lose re-election is proof that he was hindering their plans, which is good for us.
I predict that within a months time, definitely by Yule, there will be a reversal and it will be clear that Trump is actually the president for another 4 years. That won't negate the fact that shit is hitting the fan and only getting worse for a few years.
Be prepared.
Disclaimer: We are not medical professionals and we don't advise people to take any specific decision here about "vaccination". Make your own research online.

The above, just in case.

There will be issues with this in the future. One of these issues is this. Mandatory vaccination is unconstitutional in most if not all countries. They are trying to definitely pull up the vaccination / identification agenda for other nefarious purposes. It's a drill to see if we will all bend over and just obey them.

Most places the people who are refusing it's over 50%. So they will probably fail on the implementation of this. This is good news. Nobody should be in the position they are forced under a questionable, experimental injection. Let alone, even the scientific community, says it will not stop the so called "CoVid" with this vaccine, and that the virus will keep mutating "Anyway". So from the horses mouth, this is not a solution to anything really, it's just fake marketing.

At least 5 to 10 years are needed to produce something at least sufficiently checked. It's only been some laughable 6 months. And yet, it is all "ready" and about to launch on January. Less than a year.

People may be forced to sign papers that remove their rights to question damage or illnesses or side effects that might get caused out of this. There is no way in such short time any negative side effects are actually observed in any serious manner.

This is anything but "Democratic", "Constitutional", or anything else. But they will most definitely try it and push it regardless. They are hellbent on trying to get this through. It's a domination exercise for them.

The vaccine is questioned by many professionals as dangerous, experimental, not 100% efficient, has not been through all the necessary testing, and they are mad about injecting this on everyone. It is passed on as the "Salvation" from all of this, and the "End" of this "situation".

This by itself has unveiled the reasons why people must strongly insist on their present stance on dissent.

The situation will probably turn better than that, but we have to be prepared for all that might arise. The more the enemy pushes, the more the people wake up.

HPS Shannon said:
The only thing we really need to be ready for is when they roll in the mandatory vaccines. This is a problem. If anyone has been paying attention to the news and alternative news outlets, they are getting ready to implement laws and rules that if one does not get the vaccine, they will not be able to interact in society. That means no travel, not being able to work, no going to many places like some stores, government buildings, no access to medical care and no government benefits that poor people need, if you do not get their poisoned needle. I'm not trying to fear monger but this is truth and they are not hiding it anymore.

People in other places in the world will more than likely will be forced to get the vaccine from what I am seeing, but in America, there is still some chance to fight it as 50 percent of Americans said they will not take the vaccine. We'll see. The enemy is obsessed with everyone on this planet getting this vaccine for a reason because it is probably important for their goal to usher in their NWO, or get people pretty sick. This will be done under Biden.

Things are not looking good as far as the courts with the voter fraud case, and with the planets, so it appears the chinese puppet Biden will be president. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden dies all of a sudden so that Kamala Harris takes the presidency...I hope not but 2021 and 2022 overall looks like it will especially be hard for us all. The only true hope is us having the gods with us, which is a major blessing. It also appears there will be a civil war in 2021. I remember this based on Maxine's chart prediction for the USA. War will likely happen because of the communizing of America. Many patriots and those who value their freedoms will not allow their guns and constitutional rights taken away without fighting. The enemy knows that.

We have to be prepared for what is going to happen in these next 2-3 years.
Stock up on food, essentials and other things like that because it won't look good, as far as society functioning in the future. Not because of the "plan-demic" but because of the effects of what this whole thing has caused. These stored items will be important in the not so distant future. There was no need to use your food and items that you stocked up on earlier this year.

I have said this before, but I really hope all of you are staying inspired and really keeping up with the RTRs and working with your souls to activate and raise your kundalini. As far as I can see, the only way we will really take power is when that happens which is why the gods want us to really come into this power. When Pluto goes into Aquarius in about 3-4 years, this not only signifies positive change for humanity but because of us and the effects of us coming into true power. Imagine what 4 more years of final RTR will do for us all. I am very positive that many of us will have our serpents raised or near raised by that time based on what I have observed. Look at your astrology charts, planets and solar return chart for the next 3-4 years, it usually can show spiritual change of some way, indicating some kind of evolution.

These RTRs are very powerful and will unbid the jewish curses on our serpents, as you all know. Then we will really be able to start shaping this world in the way that is should be. Don't be afraid to do as many RTRs in a day as possible. Of course be safe abut it and pay attention to your energy levels. I am at the point where 9 RTRs a day is my minimum goal, and the effects feel wonderful. Vibrate it into your soul with intent. The RTRs still work to destroy the enemy.

Be safe everyone.
I kinda feel the opposite, I feel like it could have been a lot worse than it is right now, and It is truly the effect of our RTR's fucking them up at ever advance that they make. I will continue to do the FRTR everyday multiple times with no fear, because I know we will win this war. I also look forward to our next schedule. Even if this war takes on another 5, 10 years or even longer, I'll still be fighting like I am today, or even stronger as I advance everyday with No fear, knowing that if we do our part, at 100%, then Satan, and the Demons of Hell will be able to do their part 100%. and together we will usher in the next Age of Truth. and be rid of this Jewish menace for once and for all.

Their 'season' is almost to an end. and they are scared shitless because of it.
HPS Shannon said:
That is a big tragedy ,if we refuse the vaccination we will not be accepted in the society! Which means that we will suffer from poverty .

how far they can go ? no one is stopping them, even trump wasted 4 years he could have stopped the them in many ways..
SATchives said:
I kinda feel the opposite, I feel like it could have been a lot worse than it is right now, and It is truly the effect of our RTR's fucking them up at ever advance that they make. I will continue to do the FRTR everyday multiple times with no fear, because I know we will win this war. I also look forward to our next schedule. Even if this war takes on another 5, 10 years or even longer, I'll still be fighting like I am today, or even stronger as I advance everyday with No fear, knowing that if we do our part, at 100%, then Satan, and the Demons of Hell will be able to do their part 100%. and together we will usher in the next Age of Truth. and be rid of this Jewish menace for once and for all.

Their 'season' is almost to an end. and they are scared shitless because of it.
This is true. Without our Rtr it could have been much worse. We have all lived times where Spiritual Satanism did not even exist and we where all fine. We only started to seriously attack the enemy with Rtr from 2014, before we just did curses and we where all fine, yes bad things did happen but overall we were not and we are not in the middle age.

Think about it we SS with our power can protect ourselves quite well and the God's already said we are going to win if we keep fighting them like we are doing, its just going to take some time.
Larissa666 said:
It is very comprehensive reply, and I agree with everything written here.

As for “what Trump did for us”, no one excepted Trump to be second Hitler. What he did is in contrast what many before him did. Mainly: exposing the hypocrisy and dangerous agenda of the left, anti globalism and trying to restore nationalism. Also, exposing “critical race theory”. Children in school are taught that being white is bad, that white people are evil, and he wanted to stop this. Which president in the past several decades even bothered to do anything?

If he got second term, he would double down on this, as he would have nothing to lose.

What will happen remains to be seen. I guess we will have to keep doing what we are doing. When I said “I am demoralized” I didn’t mean “oh, it’s over, guess fight is useless”. All of this is temporary. I will never stop fighting.

I'm not even fazed now. I laugh at the hypocrisy and lies the media has shown in the past week. It's utterly hilarious. I did understand what you felt in being demoralized. I did have it too at one point.

I said it to another SS that I would keep fighting until my dying breath should it ever come to that( I know a little morbid, but my feelings nevertheless.). I want these creatures gone from existence. I know your pretty pissed. So like I said to Blackdragon666, I challenge you to achieve the godhead before he or I do. Since the enemy fears our advancement, why don't we show them Advancement.

Are you game Larissa?
Don't worry guys there are lots of great "leaders" waiting for their time behind keyboards who criticize Hitlers actions as stupid, because he didn't do X thing at X time and how he could've easily won war if he wasn't so "stupid". :roll: :lol:
I personally can't wait to see actions that these "great" people will take now that shit is hitting the fan. :lol: :lol: :lol:
This quick response of panic and fear to any slight 'boom' upon any given Satanist advancing on this path is not just some flaw of the individual themselves apparently. If it's something that occurs very frequently far too often when one experiences such dangers and threats in a grounded mind then it's a sign of a deeper possible spiritual issue regarding granthis (Or a personal hangup, deduce which is which). One too in tuned to the astral in imbalance or psychically inclined in fantasy can have this overruled by 'hazy emotional detachment' from the lower chakras where this manifests, so they can become blind to this problem in their soul until 'reality' actually hits them every time they try to ground themselves and then something real and threatening happens.

In working with a demon in the past few days I've come to know very well now the significance of the Brahma Granthi, one of the three granthis (knots) in the soul that need to be undone in order for the kundalini energy/prana to flow freely up the sushumna in liberating the soul.

The Brahma Granthi is a tough knot of energy in the base chakra, this knot causes one to obsess over safety, comfort, security, matters of survival, food, shelter, it activates the most primal instincts of staying alive and causes cowardice and panic when one is in a grounded mind and faced with danger, threats or anything that unsettles the survival instinct.

The feet chakras must be opened and empowered with energy flowing up from them as best and as safely as able, and the means to overcoming this knot is the root lock, or Mula Bandha. I strongly suggest following up on Lydia's prior mentioning's of the fulfilling and satisfying means in working personally with a demon to guide anyone on this should they suspect it is a problem of theirs, try not to do this alone or without guidance from a demon or someone experenced as you're working with kundalini energy which can be volatile, the EIWAZ rune can be used for protection from such and can help as well in stimulating the kundalini, specify your intents with it as it also rules transformation: "This rune shields the soul through all kinds of hardship."

Russian vaccine is called Sputnik V which means "Satellite V" in Russian. Governor of Moscow Sobyanin tells people are going to get mass vaccinated in the end of 2020 with Moscow being first. He did not mention whether it was going to be voluntary. Right now after it was tested only on animals, it is being forced under threat of firing on medical personal in public organizations and other public personal. I know what it look like to work at public office: you are told that if "party said", you listen. It is officially called "optional" but if you refuse, you face circumstances from firing to worse. When you come to public service, you are instructed what you must and you must not do or question. Whether it is constitutional or not. They say openly in big hall if you do anything on public computer that is "not welcome" it can be used against you at any moment. And in this situation only Gods are able to help you.

Below are news with interviews with public personal. Which shows not only vaccine is tested on human beings under the threat of dismissal but there is evidence that they can die during the test, and they and their relatives know it. You imagine how much threat and unconstitutional criminal force you need to drive a needle with death poison down humans' hands without much resistance. Putin and Government pass it officially as "voluntary" but look... firing and charging you is also voluntary of your state, right?

"Forced COVID-19 vaccination in Russia: rumors or reality?

DW talked to a doctor and a lawyer to verify information on cases of forced COVID-19 vaccination in Russia.

Vaccination against COVID-19 as part of the third phase of Sputnik V vaccine research, developed by the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, started in Moscow in September. This is the crucial phase of any vaccine trial, during which it is tested on several thousand volunteers. Simultaneously, reports about cases of Russians being forced to vaccinate with the drug began to appear in social networks, as well as in some print media.

Thus, on October 11 an article was published in newspaper "Novye Izvestia" about forcing employees of Moscow city property department to make vaccinations with preparation "Sputnik V" under threat of dismissal. Soon after this information spread in social networks that those who would agree to take the vaccination were promised to execute insurance contracts under which their families would receive payments in case of death of participant of vaccination.

DW attempted to contact people who reported that they or someone they knew had encountered COVID-19 compulsory vaccination, but very few agreed to talk to the press.

Doctors' Forced COVID-19 Vaccination

this order," says Anna. - After all, in these difficult times, everyone is afraid to lose their job. "We are a state institution and are obliged to follow the orders of the department," she adds. - Those who do not follow these orders are not allowed to work".

In the hospital where Anna works, lists of employees who have to be vaccinated were drawn up and a day was set for each of them. Meanwhile, the doctors themselves, especially those with chronic diseases, were not burning with a desire to be vaccinated with a drug whose trials have not yet been completed. Some have delayed vaccination by vaccinating themselves against influenza and pneumococcus.

"The presence of antibodies is not an argument to be taken away from vaccination.

According to Anna, some of her colleagues have already suffered from coronavirus infection. However, the vaccination was prescribed even to them. Postponement was possible only for people with immunodeficiency. "They said that no antibodies produced do not matter," she recalls. In parallel, doctors were instructed to campaign for vaccination and their patients.

By mid-October in the hospital where Anna Ivanova works, just under 10 people were vaccinated but after that the process was suspended for reasons unknown to doctors.

According to the information of DW interlocutor, doctors of at least one other Moscow hospital faced coercion to vaccinate against COVID-19. At another clinic, staff were offered to be vaccinated with Sputnik V on a voluntary basis.

Compulsory Influenza Vaccination

Meanwhile, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic in some Moscow government agencies, there appears to be a problem with "voluntary forced" vaccination of employees against influenza. As one of the professors of the Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU) told DW on condition of anonymity, the administration of the university informed the employees that in case of not motivated by medical reasons they will be dismissed from work without pay from November 1.

At the same time, rumors of possible eviction from the dormitory in case of refusal of vaccination have spread among students of MSLU. "However, these rumors have not yet been confirmed by any official information," emphasizes DW, suggesting that problems are likely to arise for those who during the COVID-19 pandemic will want to move into a hostel.

In response to DW's inquiry, Moscow State Linguistic University informed that compulsory vaccination is carried out on the order of Rospotrebnadzor and in accordance with Russian legislation. The information about the alleged threats of dismissal of those who have not been vaccinated or evicted from the hostel in the educational institution was not commented."

Source: https://www.dw.com/ru/prinuditelnaja-vakcinacija-ot-covid-19-v-rossii/a-55394013

Americans, not everyone has or had such luxury as Trump. Most people live their lives without Trump on this Earth. I will not be surprised to have North Korean SS here, SA SS here, a lot of Chinese living in China and many more. Think of them when you cry about one little Trump. Do not think everything depends on a president. Presidents are nothing in most countries, probably not in yours, but in most. They get killed the next day they disobey the party. They serve only as a slave of their jewish chekist master to show to "stupid Western goy" to pass as "democracy". Democracy does not exist. Either you take your guns, or other will do it for you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
It feels weird that what all of us have seen is already here.

We must always abide by the words and knowledge of the Gods and we will all be fine.

By staying focused and doing what is necessary, we will prevail.

The enemy will fight to the end, brutally, and for as long as they can.

As it has been said by Satan Himself, we have Won.

I am afraid but the war is very far from being over. We shouldn't be collected, drop the towel, throw ourselves on the grass while scratching our groins, and stop fighting since we are one hundred percent sure our side has totally won. As you wonderfully said in one of your sermons RTRs are a MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, right??? It is not time to give up but rather to enhance the attacks and to be bolder, stronger, prouder, more aggressive more determined, more vicious and more combative than ever ever before. In brief, to be REAL BERSERKERS OF SATAN AND OF THE GODS.
He who doesn't have the guts to stand up and strife to all the mayhem and forthcoming chaos of the kikes, the greys, their hoodlums and all other shit that is in the astral for the Golden Age of Satan doesn't deserve to be called a worthy son of Satan. It is time to act whether on an occult level and on material level like keep spreading the truth to those who in spite of all that is taking place are still deluded by the lies of the jews. Especially to those ignorants that believe jewsus will be coming soon to save them.
That filthy jewish maggot won't return for he never existed. If he existed and cared about the idiots who defend and feed him with their energy so relentlessly, he would have stopped all the disasters that have been taking place for centuries, yet these idiots are still sleeping and unable to see beyond the veil of ignorance. It is high time humanity woke up once and for all.

Not only that but also, we are bound to descend upon the darkest times in the entire history of humankind even darker than the times during the inquisition or when planet Earth was invaded by the reptilians since we are in the last part of the kaliyuga. It is shown in astrology as Uranus the most important planet of Satan is posited in its sign of fall Taurus and in 33 days will begin to SQUARE Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius which will be in conjunct to each other and then by the end of January 21 Mars will be joining this mess. Not to mention the forthcoming upheaval produced by the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in 2022 and then between Saturn and Neptune in PISCES.

On a side note, I want to add something here. Neither Donald Trump nor Hitler are the saviours of Humanity since they are mere humans like all of us who write here. The only saviour of Humanity is Satan and the gallant troops of the Orion Army whose commander in chief is Lord Enlil. Nevertheless, it is us and only us who save ourselves by working on the powers of the mind and soul through the holy guidance of Satan the our Guardian Demons. No one else can save us but ourselves. Expecting a human to be your saviour or expecting other being to save you while you do nothing but sitting on the grass while smoking pot and listening to the fucking filthy music of the commie beatles is the kind of mindset a christian has. Never the one of a true Satanic Warrior. Human beings can be looked up to, honored and respect for their endeavours but never worshipped since they aren't Gods. Any human deserves such a level of worship. Worship is for the Gods. In addition to that, I NEVER saw a video of Hitler demanding Germans to chant "Heil Hitler" as he always asked people to chant "Heil Deutschland" or "Heil das deutsche Volk". Sane people don't want to be revered.

In order to prove ourselves worthy of Satan we will have to show our integrity, bravery, our courage, our loyalty to his values and principles and to never yield to infamy or to difficulties. Satan never yold even in the darkest hours of the history of the Humankind He created. He never conceded the loss as he was determined on saving and aiding the humans. Despite having been betrayed and infiltrated he stood proud, strong, determined and ready to help his worthy disciples. We must follow his example and never let fears, doubts or lies to dupe us and deter us from attaining VICTORY.
If we are to do this then VICTORY for us will be ensued.
I hope it is clear now

luis said:

Hello luis
May i ask where you are from?
Are you Afrikaans because in Afrikaans Luis means flee.
I have never seen a name like that before only in Afrikaans.
Haha im just curious not attacking!

Hello luis
May i ask where you are from?
Are you Afrikaans because in Afrikaans Luis means flee or Louse,sorry i doent know how to spell louse in English
I have never seen a name like that before only in Afrikaans.
Haha im just curious not attacking!

Hello luis
May i ask where you are from?
Are you Afrikaans because in Afrikaans Luis means flee or Louse,sorry i doent know how to spell louse in English
I have never seen a name like that before only in Afrikaans.
Haha im just curious not attacking!
luis said:
SATchives said:
I kinda feel the opposite, I feel like it could have been a lot worse than it is right now, and It is truly the effect of our RTR's fucking them up at ever advance that they make. I will continue to do the FRTR everyday multiple times with no fear, because I know we will win this war. I also look forward to our next schedule. Even if this war takes on another 5, 10 years or even longer, I'll still be fighting like I am today, or even stronger as I advance everyday with No fear, knowing that if we do our part, at 100%, then Satan, and the Demons of Hell will be able to do their part 100%. and together we will usher in the next Age of Truth. and be rid of this Jewish menace for once and for all.

Their 'season' is almost to an end. and they are scared shitless because of it.
This is true. Without our Rtr it could have been much worse. We have all lived times where Spiritual Satanism did not even exist and we where all fine. We only started to seriously attack the enemy with Rtr from 2014, before we just did curses and we where all fine, yes bad things did happen but overall we were not and we are not in the middle age.

Think about it we SS with our power can protect ourselves quite well and the God's already said we are going to win if we keep fighting them like we are doing, its just going to take some time.

Satanism did never not exist in the middle ages or at any time it was just underground. In fact we had more people on our side then than we have now. The reason is xtianity had more just started to conquer many places. There were pagans who at that time worshipped in the more original ways (Spiritual Satanism) they just were not open about it.

The closest we came to Spiritual Satanism not existing at all was the 60s through early 90s after the fall of Nazi germany but there were always people who believed in secret.

If we ever had a time where it didn't exist at all for an entire generation like Cobra said in a recent sermon that would be the end of it and this world would be conquered. There were always people fighting for our side and believing.
As HP HC said, this was known several years back when we were starting the RTRs that it was going to get chaotic. Now that's it's here people are freaking out? I get its a tough. When it's in your face it's still exilirating even though you knew about it beforehand and many here even prepared. It's like a fight match. You prepare but many even professionals still get their hearts racing when it's show time.

We should be happy that those without on the right wing are finally done sitting back waiting for their corrupted judicial system and government to do something about it when it's been clearly corrupted and all they've been doing is bitching about it.

The fruit of our hard labor is laying out before us and soon it'll be even more and more blatant. It's like when we first started as SS and started cleaning our souls and auras. We mostly if not all experienced the dross and bottled up negative things come out but then we found peace and then we move on to advance. The same thing is happening to this world.

We're making it happen. Let's stay focused and strong.

Heil Victory!

Hail Satan!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
