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Winning Or Losing?

"People like me, other advanced Satanists, or people like Tesla or Hitler, we are frequently chased out of the world, we have to live as renegades, and we receive overwhelming attacks. The same goes to other people who try to do something better to save this cattle out of it's worthless fate with it's slavers. Alas, the results of this, if we don't overcome the enemy pressure, is that this world continues in the worthless path that has been set by the enemy. Which is nothing sort of "new" for it."

Me I just want this to end so i can have a life worth living. I am sure many people on here have felt the same way.

This is the reason and motivation to fight. Cause it adds meaning to an otherwise bleak and dark existence that is like a nightmare you can't wake up from. This is the point of life at this point cause not much else has any real deep meaning in today's society.

To realize your forced to be on a planet that is not home to you and you can't relate to in a way is scary yet i am stuck here and forced to be here it kind of sucks.

That is my way of looking at it. .

To realize there are so few who truly deeply care about something better that you know is sad. You want a deep and meaningful existence but almost no one else does.

To realize that even faced with the truth many would reject it in favor of a life of emptiness and boring monotony makes you not want to fight for this place or try to save it. But then your realize they won't be around that much longer in the scheme of things and you have to fight in this eternal struggle if you want to survive gives you the motivation to do so. Like the quote in my signature. That really is words I live by.

To realize most the world would hate you if they truly knew you even if it wasn't for Satanism but just because of who you are yet you would not wish ill on them that much you want to help and save them you feel sad for them and hate the fact they have to suffer.

Kind of not fair to be honest.

I have not the Slightest doubt or worry of The Enemy Loosing. I can clearly see it in my life. I am everyday winning and it is INCREASING. Hence the pagan society around is also winning. We are winning.

I have been around enough to know how energy works. Energy Slowly but surely compounds and so the enemy is Actually really loosing.

It is actually really visible. You can sense their desparation from their pathetic disgusting energy.

Affirmations or Energy working is always at its best if its left to occur in its best possible way. Being very specific is actually at times detrimental to the best possible outcome.

“I want that car, that partner, that house, that job, “that president” .....etc”... HOW sure are u that that spefic thing/person/event would yield the most profound, beneficial and highest possible satifaction of your reality and nature?

Guiding the Energy to provide the best possible situation is what is required. As much as it is very desirable to have Satanic-concious Pagan Leaders; No matter what leaders choosen, ENERGY will do what it is supposed to do. Only Time , patience and persistence are Needed.

The Final RTR is reversing all Enemy curses placed on the Earth and its people. And as time progresses, with the help of the Gods, we will seal the Deal and the enemy will be no more.

Chaos happens and will happen. But being a Magician one really should be aware of the workings of chaos, that it usually manifests before good outcomes occur. Magick literally lets you experience this)

We should be Never be Worried. Look at things with your Satanic Third Eye)
HPS Shannon said:
The only thing we really need to be ready for is when they roll in the mandatory vaccines. This is a problem. If anyone has been paying attention to the news and alternative news outlets, they are getting ready to implement laws and rules that if one does not get the vaccine, they will not be able to interact in society. That means no travel, not being able to work, no going to many places like some stores, government buildings, no access to medical care and no government benefits that poor people need, if you do not get their poisoned needle. I'm not trying to fear monger but this is truth and they are not hiding it anymore.

People in other places in the world will more than likely will be forced to get the vaccine from what I am seeing, but in America, there is still some chance to fight it as 50 percent of Americans said they will not take the vaccine. We'll see. The enemy is obsessed with everyone on this planet getting this vaccine for a reason because it is probably important for their goal to usher in their NWO, or get people pretty sick. This will be done under Biden.

Things are not looking good as far as the courts with the voter fraud case, and with the planets, so it appears the chinese puppet Biden will be president. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden dies all of a sudden so that Kamala Harris takes the presidency...I hope not but 2021 and 2022 overall looks like it will especially be hard for us all. The only true hope is us having the gods with us, which is a major blessing. It also appears there will be a civil war in 2021. I remember this based on Maxine's chart prediction for the USA. War will likely happen because of the communizing of America. Many patriots and those who value their freedoms will not allow their guns and constitutional rights taken away without fighting. The enemy knows that.

We have to be prepared for what is going to happen in these next 2-3 years.
Stock up on food, essentials and other things like that because it won't look good, as far as society functioning in the future. Not because of the "plan-demic" but because of the effects of what this whole thing has caused. These stored items will be important in the not so distant future. There was no need to use your food and items that you stocked up on earlier this year.

I have said this before, but I really hope all of you are staying inspired and really keeping up with the RTRs and working with your souls to activate and raise your kundalini. As far as I can see, the only way we will really take power is when that happens which is why the gods want us to really come into this power. When Pluto goes into Aquarius in about 3-4 years, this not only signifies positive change for humanity but because of us and the effects of us coming into true power. Imagine what 4 more years of final RTR will do for us all. I am very positive that many of us will have our serpents raised or near raised by that time based on what I have observed. Look at your astrology charts, planets and solar return chart for the next 3-4 years, it usually can show spiritual change of some way, indicating some kind of evolution.

These RTRs are very powerful and will unbid the jewish curses on our serpents, as you all know. Then we will really be able to start shaping this world in the way that is should be. Don't be afraid to do as many RTRs in a day as possible. Of course be safe abut it and pay attention to your energy levels. I am at the point where 9 RTRs a day is my minimum goal, and the effects feel wonderful. Vibrate it into your soul with intent. The RTRs still work to destroy the enemy.

Be safe everyone.

Thank You Shannon. This is very similar to almost the same as what I sensed about the future. I think your right.
Yeah, after further investigation, I don't think we'll lose, but we'll see. The system may be more corrupt than I technically than I mentally conceive. Inferentially, the lugenpresse is so quick to coronate Biden because they're just afraid.

Larissa666 said:
Wildfire said:
I felt like this too but I turned by bitchy tears into rtring like a psychopath. Up to now, I am just as mad as this guy is: https://youtu.be/3Q2buuDfGxQ
That’s what I am doing too. It’s the best way.

For you larissa :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6ENAumWhMY
This is war. Shit is gunna happen and there will be elements of fear and chaos. Thanks HP, i think alot needed this. There are people scared shitless of lockdown, that they will starve and even that the world will end..in the actuallend we already know it will...for THEM not US. Pyschological warfare is one of the worst types and most crippling especially for people like us. There is aspects of war especially spiritual warfare that are harsher than violence and more effective. We just have to keep going until their system comes crashing down. Then we start over and rebuild! enemies heads on pikes :twisted:
Ramier108666 said:
Larissa666 said:
It is very comprehensive reply, and I agree with everything written here.

As for “what Trump did for us”, no one excepted Trump to be second Hitler. What he did is in contrast what many before him did. Mainly: exposing the hypocrisy and dangerous agenda of the left, anti globalism and trying to restore nationalism. Also, exposing “critical race theory”. Children in school are taught that being white is bad, that white people are evil, and he wanted to stop this. Which president in the past several decades even bothered to do anything?

If he got second term, he would double down on this, as he would have nothing to lose.

What will happen remains to be seen. I guess we will have to keep doing what we are doing. When I said “I am demoralized” I didn’t mean “oh, it’s over, guess fight is useless”. All of this is temporary. I will never stop fighting.

I'm not even fazed now. I laugh at the hypocrisy and lies the media has shown in the past week. It's utterly hilarious. I did understand what you felt in being demoralized. I did have it too at one point.

I said it to another SS that I would keep fighting until my dying breath should it ever come to that( I know a little morbid, but my feelings nevertheless.). I want these creatures gone from existence. I know your pretty pissed. So like I said to Blackdragon666, I challenge you to achieve the godhead before he or I do. Since the enemy fears our advancement, why don't we show them Advancement.

Are you game Larissa?

When you trip over, you rise up, clean up the dust from your legs and move on. I hope my example will help many.

I should have known such feeling would be temporary. Oh well...

I’ve gained new insights in the past few days. Even if Biden gets sworn into office, this will be Pyrrhic victory for them. They pissed off so much people. Enemy is just digging its own grave at this point.
Larissa666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Larissa666 said:


Are you game Larissa?

When you trip over, you rise up, clean up the dust from your legs and move on. I hope my example will help many.

I should have known such feeling would be temporary. Oh well...

I’ve gained new insights in the past few days. Even if Biden gets sworn into office, this will be Pyrrhic victory for them. They pissed off so much people. Enemy is just digging its own grave at this point.

Exactly and also, this is war. Everyone gets tired and so forth. Nothing abnormal.

Do not look down on yourself or anything. Nobody doubted you.

Stay strong and firm. The enemy is also doing major spiritual counter-attack.

We will likewise do the same.
slyscorpion said:
luis said:
SATchives said:
I kinda feel the opposite, I feel like it could have been a lot worse than it is right now, and It is truly the effect of our RTR's fucking them up at ever advance that they make. I will continue to do the FRTR everyday multiple times with no fear, because I know we will win this war. I also look forward to our next schedule. Even if this war takes on another 5, 10 years or even longer, I'll still be fighting like I am today, or even stronger as I advance everyday with No fear, knowing that if we do our part, at 100%, then Satan, and the Demons of Hell will be able to do their part 100%. and together we will usher in the next Age of Truth. and be rid of this Jewish menace for once and for all.

Their 'season' is almost to an end. and they are scared shitless because of it.
This is true. Without our Rtr it could have been much worse. We have all lived times where Spiritual Satanism did not even exist and we where all fine. We only started to seriously attack the enemy with Rtr from 2014, before we just did curses and we where all fine, yes bad things did happen but overall we were not and we are not in the middle age.

Think about it we SS with our power can protect ourselves quite well and the God's already said we are going to win if we keep fighting them like we are doing, its just going to take some time.

Satanism did never not exist in the middle ages or at any time it was just underground. In fact we had more people on our side then than we have now. The reason is xtianity had more just started to conquer many places. There were pagans who at that time worshipped in the more original ways (Spiritual Satanism) they just were not open about it.

The closest we came to Spiritual Satanism not existing at all was the 60s through early 90s after the fall of Nazi germany but there were always people who believed in secret.

If we ever had a time where it didn't exist at all for an entire generation like Cobra said in a recent sermon that would be the end of it and this world would be conquered. There were always people fighting for our side and believing.
What I was trying to say is that we all lived in a time where we did not do the Rtrs and the enemy had a lot of power and we where all fine. We SS should not be scared of the future because we have the power to protect ourselves.
Shadowcat said:
For you larissa :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6ENAumWhMY

grandfitzpoobah666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
The only thing we really need to be ready for is when they roll in the mandatory vaccines. This is a problem. If anyone has been paying attention to the news and alternative news outlets, they are getting ready to implement laws and rules that if one does not get the vaccine, they will not be able to interact in society. That means no travel, not being able to work, no going to many places like some stores, government buildings, no access to medical care and no government benefits that poor people need, if you do not get their poisoned needle. I'm not trying to fear monger but this is truth and they are not hiding it anymore.

People in other places in the world will more than likely will be forced to get the vaccine from what I am seeing, but in America, there is still some chance to fight it as 50 percent of Americans said they will not take the vaccine. We'll see. The enemy is obsessed with everyone on this planet getting this vaccine for a reason because it is probably important for their goal to usher in their NWO, or get people pretty sick. This will be done under Biden.

Things are not looking good as far as the courts with the voter fraud case, and with the planets, so it appears the chinese puppet Biden will be president. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden dies all of a sudden so that Kamala Harris takes the presidency...I hope not but 2021 and 2022 overall looks like it will especially be hard for us all. The only true hope is us having the gods with us, which is a major blessing. It also appears there will be a civil war in 2021. I remember this based on Maxine's chart prediction for the USA. War will likely happen because of the communizing of America. Many patriots and those who value their freedoms will not allow their guns and constitutional rights taken away without fighting. The enemy knows that.

We have to be prepared for what is going to happen in these next 2-3 years.
Stock up on food, essentials and other things like that because it won't look good, as far as society functioning in the future. Not because of the "plan-demic" but because of the effects of what this whole thing has caused. These stored items will be important in the not so distant future. There was no need to use your food and items that you stocked up on earlier this year.

I have said this before, but I really hope all of you are staying inspired and really keeping up with the RTRs and working with your souls to activate and raise your kundalini. As far as I can see, the only way we will really take power is when that happens which is why the gods want us to really come into this power. When Pluto goes into Aquarius in about 3-4 years, this not only signifies positive change for humanity but because of us and the effects of us coming into true power. Imagine what 4 more years of final RTR will do for us all. I am very positive that many of us will have our serpents raised or near raised by that time based on what I have observed. Look at your astrology charts, planets and solar return chart for the next 3-4 years, it usually can show spiritual change of some way, indicating some kind of evolution.

These RTRs are very powerful and will unbid the jewish curses on our serpents, as you all know. Then we will really be able to start shaping this world in the way that is should be. Don't be afraid to do as many RTRs in a day as possible. Of course be safe abut it and pay attention to your energy levels. I am at the point where 9 RTRs a day is my minimum goal, and the effects feel wonderful. Vibrate it into your soul with intent. The RTRs still work to destroy the enemy.

Be safe everyone.

do you vibrate it with your entire merkaba field aswell? i find this very tough to do in less than 45 minutes i cant believe you really do it 9 times a day.

any tips?

I just vibrate it into my soul. I do 18 reps in one sitting instead of 9 reps, etc. When you get used to it, doing many RTRs a days isn't hard. It's like training. Once you get past doing a certain amount, its not bad at all. it takes me 28 mins to do 18 reps in one sitting instead of the standard 9.
luis said:
slyscorpion said:
luis said:
This is true. Without our Rtr it could have been much worse. We have all lived times where Spiritual Satanism did not even exist and we where all fine. We only started to seriously attack the enemy with Rtr from 2014, before we just did curses and we where all fine, yes bad things did happen but overall we were not and we are not in the middle age.

Think about it we SS with our power can protect ourselves quite well and the God's already said we are going to win if we keep fighting them like we are doing, its just going to take some time.

Satanism did never not exist in the middle ages or at any time it was just underground. In fact we had more people on our side then than we have now. The reason is xtianity had more just started to conquer many places. There were pagans who at that time worshipped in the more original ways (Spiritual Satanism) they just were not open about it.

The closest we came to Spiritual Satanism not existing at all was the 60s through early 90s after the fall of Nazi germany but there were always people who believed in secret.

If we ever had a time where it didn't exist at all for an entire generation like Cobra said in a recent sermon that would be the end of it and this world would be conquered. There were always people fighting for our side and believing.
What I was trying to say is that we all lived in a time where we did not do the Rtrs and the enemy had a lot of power and we where all fine. We SS should not be scared of the future because we have the power to protect ourselves.

Ok got you. I agree with that. Wasn't sure what you were saying that was all.
Gearhead said:
I know this is beside the point, but can we stop acting like Biden's already won? The results of the election are yet to be certified, the electors have yet to cast their votes, and there's still plenty of ongoing legal action, recounts, and audits underway, all of which are inexorably shrinking Biden's lead; it's just not being talked about because (((the powers that be))) want you to accept and submit to (((their))) chosen candidate, which is why they're pushing the "President-Elect Biden" meme (which he isn't) so goddamn hard. Based on the Biden camp's recent actions, they're fucked and they know it--they've already pivoted to pushing a "possible Trump coup" narrative, and they just started begging for funds to fight Trump's litigation. (article here: https://archive.vn/O2vcu )

I understand the original message does not change regardless of who sits in the White House, but "President-Elect Biden" is a psyop and should be treated as such.

It is beside the point, but nobody has said, especially not I, that Biden has won or anything of the sort.

The Internet is being razed by the enemy. Sure, Biden may do way worse, but Trump really did nothing at all to secure or try to protect from the impending doom, or even, to safeguard his election in the very least. His followers all went in persecution, had all their websites purged, and he sat by watching them.

Then, he questions [despite the fraud which was insane] why his votes are so much way lower. I wonder why, maybe because he lost millions of votes by having every so called "Pro Trump" site completely deplatformed? In 2017 and onwards, everyone got massacred, and people sent him mails and even his advisers told him to do something.

Had he put effort to safeguard the Internet [which elected him in the 2016 "meme wars"], he would have so many votes, that even fraud of the millions wouldn't be able to deposition him.

We are talking the whole line from Icke to Jones has been removed from the net except on their native websites. This includes numerous republicans, even kids like Fuentes, who have been running across all platforms to maintain their audience and livelihood. Thousands and thousands on Youtube also got purged, the majority of which also, Republicans.

While this does not discredit other things he has done [and things he has not done which were fine], which is the reason we talked about this in previous topics, this again means nothing for us specifically.

This will finish in the courts as it looks like, but the situation is hard for Trump right now. One of the reasons why is what has been stated above. He literally got all his base censored, then plus everything else, the results are what we all see.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
It feels weird that what all of us have seen is already here.

We must always abide by the words and knowledge of the Gods and we will all be fine.

By staying focused and doing what is necessary, we will prevail.

The enemy will fight to the end, brutally, and for as long as they can.

As it has been said by Satan Himself, we have Won.

I am afraid but the war is very far from being over. We shouldn't be collected, drop the towel, throw ourselves on the grass while scratching our groins, and stop fighting since we are one hundred percent sure our side has totally won. As you wonderfully said in one of your sermons RTRs are a MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, right??? It is not time to give up but rather to enhance the attacks and to be bolder, stronger, prouder, more aggressive more determined, more vicious and more combative than ever ever before. In brief, to be REAL BERSERKERS OF SATAN AND OF THE GODS.
He who doesn't have the guts to stand up and strife to all the mayhem and forthcoming chaos of the kikes, the greys, their hoodlums and all other shit that is in the astral for the Golden Age of Satan doesn't deserve to be called a worthy son of Satan. It is time to act whether on an occult level and on material level like keep spreading the truth to those who in spite of all that is taking place are still deluded by the lies of the jews. Especially to those ignorants that believe jewsus will be coming soon to save them.
That filthy jewish maggot won't return for he never existed. If he existed and cared about the idiots who defend and feed him with their energy so relentlessly, he would have stopped all the disasters that have been taking place for centuries, yet these idiots are still sleeping and unable to see beyond the veil of ignorance. It is high time humanity woke up once and for all.

Not only that but also, we are bound to descend upon the darkest times in the entire history of humankind even darker than the times during the inquisition or when planet Earth was invaded by the reptilians since we are in the last part of the kaliyuga. It is shown in astrology as Uranus the most important planet of Satan is posited in its sign of fall Taurus and in 33 days will begin to SQUARE Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius which will be in conjunct to each other and then by the end of January 21 Mars will be joining this mess. Not to mention the forthcoming upheaval produced by the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in 2022 and then between Saturn and Neptune in PISCES.

On a side note, I want to add something here. Neither Donald Trump nor Hitler are the saviours of Humanity since they are mere humans like all of us who write here. The only saviour of Humanity is Satan and the gallant troops of the Orion Army whose commander in chief is Lord Enlil. Nevertheless, it is us and only us who save ourselves by working on the powers of the mind and soul through the holy guidance of Satan the our Guardian Demons. No one else can save us but ourselves. Expecting a human to be your saviour or expecting other being to save you while you do nothing but sitting on the grass while smoking pot and listening to the fucking filthy music of the commie beatles is the kind of mindset a christian has. Never the one of a true Satanic Warrior. Human beings can be looked up to, honored and respect for their endeavours but never worshipped since they aren't Gods. Any human deserves such a level of worship. Worship is for the Gods. In addition to that, I NEVER saw a video of Hitler demanding Germans to chant "Heil Hitler" as he always asked people to chant "Heil Deutschland" or "Heil das deutsche Volk". Sane people don't want to be revered.

In order to prove ourselves worthy of Satan we will have to show our integrity, bravery, our courage, our loyalty to his values and principles and to never yield to infamy or to difficulties. Satan never yold even in the darkest hours of the history of the Humankind He created. He never conceded the loss as he was determined on saving and aiding the humans. Despite having been betrayed and infiltrated he stood proud, strong, determined and ready to help his worthy disciples. We must follow his example and never let fears, doubts or lies to dupe us and deter us from attaining VICTORY.
If we are to do this then VICTORY for us will be ensued.
I hope it is clear now


This is a good post and i feel the same way about attacking the enemy.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
I am afraid but the war is very far from being over. We shouldn't be collected, drop the towel, throw ourselves on the grass while scratching our groins, and stop fighting since we are one hundred percent sure our side has totally won. As you wonderfully said in one of your sermons RTRs are a MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, right??? It is not time to give up but rather to enhance the attacks and to be bolder, stronger, prouder, more aggressive more determined, more vicious and more combative than ever ever before. In brief, to be REAL BERSERKERS OF SATAN AND OF THE GODS.
He who doesn't have the guts to stand up and strife to all the mayhem and forthcoming chaos of the kikes, the greys, their hoodlums and all other shit that is in the astral for the Golden Age of Satan doesn't deserve to be called a worthy son of Satan. It is time to act whether on an occult level and on material level like keep spreading the truth to those who in spite of all that is taking place are still deluded by the lies of the jews. Especially to those ignorants that believe jewsus will be coming soon to save them.
That filthy jewish maggot won't return for he never existed. If he existed and cared about the idiots who defend and feed him with their energy so relentlessly, he would have stopped all the disasters that have been taking place for centuries, yet these idiots are still sleeping and unable to see beyond the veil of ignorance. It is high time humanity woke up once and for all.

Not only that but also, we are bound to descend upon the darkest times in the entire history of humankind even darker than the times during the inquisition or when planet Earth was invaded by the reptilians since we are in the last part of the kaliyuga. It is shown in astrology as Uranus the most important planet of Satan is posited in its sign of fall Taurus and in 33 days will begin to SQUARE Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius which will be in conjunct to each other and then by the end of January 21 Mars will be joining this mess. Not to mention the forthcoming upheaval produced by the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in 2022 and then between Saturn and Neptune in PISCES.

On a side note, I want to add something here. Neither Donald Trump nor Hitler are the saviours of Humanity since they are mere humans like all of us who write here. The only saviour of Humanity is Satan and the gallant troops of the Orion Army whose commander in chief is Lord Enlil. Nevertheless, it is us and only us who save ourselves by working on the powers of the mind and soul through the holy guidance of Satan the our Guardian Demons. No one else can save us but ourselves. Expecting a human to be your saviour or expecting other being to save you while you do nothing but sitting on the grass while smoking pot and listening to the fucking filthy music of the commie beatles is the kind of mindset a christian has. Never the one of a true Satanic Warrior. Human beings can be looked up to, honored and respect for their endeavours but never worshipped since they aren't Gods. Any human deserves such a level of worship. Worship is for the Gods. In addition to that, I NEVER saw a video of Hitler demanding Germans to chant "Heil Hitler" as he always asked people to chant "Heil Deutschland" or "Heil das deutsche Volk". Sane people don't want to be revered.

In order to prove ourselves worthy of Satan we will have to show our integrity, bravery, our courage, our loyalty to his values and principles and to never yield to infamy or to difficulties. Satan never yold even in the darkest hours of the history of the Humankind He created. He never conceded the loss as he was determined on saving and aiding the humans. Despite having been betrayed and infiltrated he stood proud, strong, determined and ready to help his worthy disciples. We must follow his example and never let fears, doubts or lies to dupe us and deter us from attaining VICTORY.
If we are to do this then VICTORY for us will be ensued.
I hope it is clear now


This is a good post and i feel the same way about attacking the enemy.
It's not a good post. It ignores the fact that Hitler reached Magnum Opus.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gearhead said:
I know this is beside the point, but can we stop acting like Biden's already won? The results of the election are yet to be certified, the electors have yet to cast their votes, and there's still plenty of ongoing legal action, recounts, and audits underway, all of which are inexorably shrinking Biden's lead; it's just not being talked about because (((the powers that be))) want you to accept and submit to (((their))) chosen candidate, which is why they're pushing the "President-Elect Biden" meme (which he isn't) so goddamn hard. Based on the Biden camp's recent actions, they're fucked and they know it--they've already pivoted to pushing a "possible Trump coup" narrative, and they just started begging for funds to fight Trump's litigation. (article here: https://archive.vn/O2vcu )

I understand the original message does not change regardless of who sits in the White House, but "President-Elect Biden" is a psyop and should be treated as such.

It is beside the point, but nobody has said, especially not I, that Biden has won or anything of the sort.

The Internet is being razed by the enemy. Sure, Biden may do way worse, but Trump really did nothing at all to secure or try to protect from the impending doom, or even, to safeguard his election in the very least. His followers all went in persecution, had all their websites purged, and he sat by watching them.

Then, he questions [despite the fraud which was insane] why his votes are so much way lower. I wonder why, maybe because he lost millions of votes by having every so called "Pro Trump" site completely deplatformed? In 2017 and onwards, everyone got massacred, and people sent him mails and even his advisers told him to do something.

Had he put effort to safeguard the Internet [which elected him in the 2016 "meme wars"], he would have so many votes, that even fraud of the millions wouldn't be able to deposition him.

We are talking the whole line from Icke to Jones has been removed from the net except on their native websites. This includes numerous republicans, even kids like Fuentes, who have been running across all platforms to maintain their audience and livelihood. Thousands and thousands on Youtube also got purged, the majority of which also, Republicans.

While this does not discredit other things he has done [and things he has not done which were fine], which is the reason we talked about this in previous topics, this again means nothing for us specifically.

This will finish in the courts as it looks like, but the situation is hard for Trump right now. One of the reasons why is what has been stated above. He literally got all his base censored, then plus everything else, the results are what we all see.

I wish I would've saved a right wing two panel meme I recently saw which perfectly describe what you said. It was a Roman or Greek like warrior fighting two other individuals that represented big tech and antifa and looking back to his emperor saying something along the lines "emperor we are being overrun. We need your help" and the second panel is the emperor with Trump's hair laying on his golden thrown eating grapes saying "I am monitoring the situation".

I 100% agree with your reply here and I've been telling this to Trump supporters. I'm still hoping he pulls through this but man could he have made this way easier. Sure he had both most of the Republican party and the democrat party against him but I still feel he had a lot of chances to help out his base.
No one said that our victory depends on a president. I get attacked and then I wake up more motivated next morning. We are fighting this war because we must win it. Satan has defeated the enemy at the deepest level, deeper than they, the enemy can understand. Just as our Gods have won, so must we fight and manifest that victory here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, in 2020, people who presently lost this election, are likewise worried [and more substantially so in this case] that the world will go to collapse entirely, simply because Trump is not in office. This is called in short, being naive.
I don't get why is Trump's presidency so important. The agenda is going forward irrespective of who is the US president, who is just a puppet in the hands of the jewish elites, and Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition. If anything, he will delay the future events but he won't be able to completely stop them because he will be risking his freedom and eventually his life (US has 4 assassinated presidents already). Even if he has good intentions he cannot fight against these powerful elites. He stated that he will use the army to vaccinate the US population but let's say that this statement was only meant to assure his bosses that he doesn't deviated from their agenda. Biden will throw US straight in the new world order but this is about to happen anyway even if Trump was in office.

More important than Trump's presidency at this moment is to awake the masses to the matter of mandatory vaccination. There are hundreds of millions of dump cattle who will rather choose to vaccinate than get the covid flu and these are bad and alarming news. Once people accept the mandatory vaccine, let's just say that is going to be far more difficult for us to fight against this new world order. After people get vaccinated, tracking technology will be put in place mostly everywhere, those who don't vaccinate will be ostracized and eventually removed from the society they will lose their jobs and so on. Basically what is happening now with face masks will happen in the close future with the covid vaccine and everybody can figure out very well what will happen. Everybody must be aware of the dangers of this vaccine, which may indeed contain nanoparticles, destroy the fertility so people won't reproduce anymore and so on (nothing new in this, such vaccines exist already for years and they caused national scandals in some countries). I'm really curious what you all think about the covid vaccine and if you would take it if you had no choice. Is just a matter of time (around one year I would say) until we get there. If enough people will be woken by the time there might be enough civil opposition to mandatory vaccination laws so they won't get passed anymore and this will tremendously affect their plans.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Now, in 2020, people who presently lost this election, are likewise worried [and more substantially so in this case] that the world will go to collapse entirely, simply because Trump is not in office. This is called in short, being naive.
I don't get why is Trump's presidency so important. The agenda is going forward irrespective of who is the US president, who is just a puppet in the hands of the jewish elites, and Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition. If anything, he will delay the future events but he won't be able to completely stop them because he will be risking his freedom and eventually his life (US has 4 assassinated presidents already). Even if he has good intentions he cannot fight against these powerful elites. He stated that he will use the army to vaccinate the US population but let's say that this statement was only meant to assure his bosses that he doesn't deviated from their agenda. Biden will throw US straight in the new world order but this is about to happen anyway even if Trump was in office.

More important than Trump's presidency at this moment is to awake the masses to the matter of mandatory vaccination. There are hundreds of millions of dump cattle who will rather choose to vaccinate than get the covid flu and these are bad and alarming news. Once people accept the mandatory vaccine, let's just say that is going to be far more difficult for us to fight against this new world order. After people get vaccinated, tracking technology will be put in place mostly everywhere, those who don't vaccinate will be ostracized and eventually removed from the society they will lose their jobs and so on. Basically what is happening now with face masks will happen in the close future with the covid vaccine and everybody can figure out very well what will happen. Everybody must be aware of the dangers of this vaccine, which may indeed contain nanoparticles, destroy the fertility so people won't reproduce anymore and so on (nothing new in this, such vaccines exist already for years and they caused national scandals in some countries). I'm really curious what you all think about the covid vaccine and if you would take it if you had no choice. Is just a matter of time (around one year I would say) until we get there. If enough people will be woken by the time there might be enough civil opposition to mandatory vaccination laws so they won't get passed anymore and this will tremendously affect their plans.

Biden being president looks like an even worse case, Kamala is even scarier. This is why I think Trump has to win until something else very significant for us can be done, in which he is no longer needed.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We must always abide by the words and knowledge of the Gods and we will all be fine.

By staying focused and doing what is necessary, we will prevail.

The enemy will fight to the end, brutally, and for as long as they can.

As it has been said by Satan Himself, we have Won.

I am afraid but the war is very far from being over. We shouldn't be collected, drop the towel, throw ourselves on the grass while scratching our groins, and stop fighting since we are one hundred percent sure our side has totally won. As you wonderfully said in one of your sermons RTRs are a MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, right??? It is not time to give up but rather to enhance the attacks and to be bolder, stronger, prouder, more aggressive more determined, more vicious and more combative than ever ever before. In brief, to be REAL BERSERKERS OF SATAN AND OF THE GODS.
He who doesn't have the guts to stand up and strife to all the mayhem and forthcoming chaos of the kikes, the greys, their hoodlums and all other shit that is in the astral for the Golden Age of Satan doesn't deserve to be called a worthy son of Satan. It is time to act whether on an occult level and on material level like keep spreading the truth to those who in spite of all that is taking place are still deluded by the lies of the jews. Especially to those ignorants that believe jewsus will be coming soon to save them.
That filthy jewish maggot won't return for he never existed. If he existed and cared about the idiots who defend and feed him with their energy so relentlessly, he would have stopped all the disasters that have been taking place for centuries, yet these idiots are still sleeping and unable to see beyond the veil of ignorance. It is high time humanity woke up once and for all.

Not only that but also, we are bound to descend upon the darkest times in the entire history of humankind even darker than the times during the inquisition or when planet Earth was invaded by the reptilians since we are in the last part of the kaliyuga. It is shown in astrology as Uranus the most important planet of Satan is posited in its sign of fall Taurus and in 33 days will begin to SQUARE Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius which will be in conjunct to each other and then by the end of January 21 Mars will be joining this mess. Not to mention the forthcoming upheaval produced by the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in 2022 and then between Saturn and Neptune in PISCES.

On a side note, I want to add something here. Neither Donald Trump nor Hitler are the saviours of Humanity since they are mere humans like all of us who write here. The only saviour of Humanity is Satan and the gallant troops of the Orion Army whose commander in chief is Lord Enlil. Nevertheless, it is us and only us who save ourselves by working on the powers of the mind and soul through the holy guidance of Satan the our Guardian Demons. No one else can save us but ourselves. Expecting a human to be your saviour or expecting other being to save you while you do nothing but sitting on the grass while smoking pot and listening to the fucking filthy music of the commie beatles is the kind of mindset a christian has. Never the one of a true Satanic Warrior. Human beings can be looked up to, honored and respect for their endeavours but never worshipped since they aren't Gods. Any human deserves such a level of worship. Worship is for the Gods. In addition to that, I NEVER saw a video of Hitler demanding Germans to chant "Heil Hitler" as he always asked people to chant "Heil Deutschland" or "Heil das deutsche Volk". Sane people don't want to be revered.

In order to prove ourselves worthy of Satan we will have to show our integrity, bravery, our courage, our loyalty to his values and principles and to never yield to infamy or to difficulties. Satan never yold even in the darkest hours of the history of the Humankind He created. He never conceded the loss as he was determined on saving and aiding the humans. Despite having been betrayed and infiltrated he stood proud, strong, determined and ready to help his worthy disciples. We must follow his example and never let fears, doubts or lies to dupe us and deter us from attaining VICTORY.
If we are to do this then VICTORY for us will be ensued.
I hope it is clear now


This is a good post and i feel the same way about attacking the enemy.

Glad you like it, pal. A couple of my messages seek to encourage Satanists to become fully and truly Berserker Warriors which is the ultimate goal of Satan who's bestowed us with the necessary knowledge to achieve kundalini and then the Magnum Opus. In order for someone to become a human God it is essential to be a warrior thus having a warrior and foolhardy mindset is the first stept into raising one's serpent.

I love giving peptalks to my satanic mates on here. I think, albeit still remaining unbeknownst to me, Satan's misson for me is to help people at realising things they tend to forget or things they fail to see.
Henu the Great said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
I am afraid but the war is very far from being over. We shouldn't be collected, drop the towel, throw ourselves on the grass while scratching our groins, and stop fighting since we are one hundred percent sure our side has totally won. As you wonderfully said in one of your sermons RTRs are a MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH, right??? It is not time to give up but rather to enhance the attacks and to be bolder, stronger, prouder, more aggressive more determined, more vicious and more combative than ever ever before. In brief, to be REAL BERSERKERS OF SATAN AND OF THE GODS.
He who doesn't have the guts to stand up and strife to all the mayhem and forthcoming chaos of the kikes, the greys, their hoodlums and all other shit that is in the astral for the Golden Age of Satan doesn't deserve to be called a worthy son of Satan. It is time to act whether on an occult level and on material level like keep spreading the truth to those who in spite of all that is taking place are still deluded by the lies of the jews. Especially to those ignorants that believe jewsus will be coming soon to save them.
That filthy jewish maggot won't return for he never existed. If he existed and cared about the idiots who defend and feed him with their energy so relentlessly, he would have stopped all the disasters that have been taking place for centuries, yet these idiots are still sleeping and unable to see beyond the veil of ignorance. It is high time humanity woke up once and for all.

Not only that but also, we are bound to descend upon the darkest times in the entire history of humankind even darker than the times during the inquisition or when planet Earth was invaded by the reptilians since we are in the last part of the kaliyuga. It is shown in astrology as Uranus the most important planet of Satan is posited in its sign of fall Taurus and in 33 days will begin to SQUARE Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius which will be in conjunct to each other and then by the end of January 21 Mars will be joining this mess. Not to mention the forthcoming upheaval produced by the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in 2022 and then between Saturn and Neptune in PISCES.

On a side note, I want to add something here. Neither Donald Trump nor Hitler are the saviours of Humanity since they are mere humans like all of us who write here. The only saviour of Humanity is Satan and the gallant troops of the Orion Army whose commander in chief is Lord Enlil. Nevertheless, it is us and only us who save ourselves by working on the powers of the mind and soul through the holy guidance of Satan the our Guardian Demons. No one else can save us but ourselves. Expecting a human to be your saviour or expecting other being to save you while you do nothing but sitting on the grass while smoking pot and listening to the fucking filthy music of the commie beatles is the kind of mindset a christian has. Never the one of a true Satanic Warrior. Human beings can be looked up to, honored and respect for their endeavours but never worshipped since they aren't Gods. Any human deserves such a level of worship. Worship is for the Gods. In addition to that, I NEVER saw a video of Hitler demanding Germans to chant "Heil Hitler" as he always asked people to chant "Heil Deutschland" or "Heil das deutsche Volk". Sane people don't want to be revered.

In order to prove ourselves worthy of Satan we will have to show our integrity, bravery, our courage, our loyalty to his values and principles and to never yield to infamy or to difficulties. Satan never yold even in the darkest hours of the history of the Humankind He created. He never conceded the loss as he was determined on saving and aiding the humans. Despite having been betrayed and infiltrated he stood proud, strong, determined and ready to help his worthy disciples. We must follow his example and never let fears, doubts or lies to dupe us and deter us from attaining VICTORY.
If we are to do this then VICTORY for us will be ensued.
I hope it is clear now


This is a good post and i feel the same way about attacking the enemy.
It's not a good post. It ignores the fact that Hitler reached Magnum Opus.

I don't know what seeths me the most of your stupid comment if your ineptitude and incompetence for understanding a simple message written in a correct and understandable English, or your ignorance or your jealousy which makes you criticize for the sake of criticize as you seem to have a lot of time to spare.

Anyway, let me remind you something you seem to not have understood fully. A few weeks ago Commander posted a great Sermon concerning what I am about to tell you here. I won't repeat all he stated because I want to keep it short
and straight to the point.

One of the most important things in Satanism is HIERARCHY. No God is above Satan let alone a person. No matter if that person achieved or not the Magnum Opus or if he simply managed to raise his serpent. Therefore, neither Berith nor Asmodeus nor Agares are above Satan much less Hitler who was a mere human. Men and women who achieved Magnum Opus are in Orion and are Human Gods. As Maxine mentions in JOS main page God Pazuzu belongs to another different race to Satan's hence he is in a lower position due to belonging to an inferior race than the Annunaki. As a matter of fact, no God is above the Four Crowned Princes of Hell and even inside this category there is HIERARCHY since Satan is the Supreme God followed by Enlil in the second place and then Isis and Azazel. After them, we have the High Ranking Gods of Hell among which we find the three time wise God Thoth. After them we have other Demons of high importance such as Sorath who was Hitler's Guardian Demon. Then come all the rest of the Gods. After them, the Gods who are of other races. Finally men and women who became Gods.

Besides Hitler achieved Godhead when he was repatriated to Orion when he lost the war. If he had reached Magnum Opus during the years of the war or previous, he would have never LOST the war and would have done what the kikes accuse him of having done i.e. *****

If we are alive and still fighting and with the war "won" up to a certain extent is thanks to SATAN'S relentless efforts along with his Army.

How can you have the nerve to equate a mere man to one of the Gods???? You are out of your depth and don't seem to have any clue why you are here.

Concerning Trump who lacks of Hitler's abilities the only thing he can do if he is to be relected is to hinder the kikes for four years more. No more no less. Besides, he unfollowed nethanyahu a weeks ago thus things can get interesting if he keeps the power. Having said that, not until I see him signing the oath of power on January 17th 2021 will I be collected and will we be able to assert he won the elections. He is experimenting severe and hard planet transits at current time. He can die at any given time by anything. Attacks, murder attempts accidents...
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Henu the Great said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
This is a good post and i feel the same way about attacking the enemy.
It's not a good post. It ignores the fact that Hitler reached Magnum Opus.


Thank Hitler if you're not in a fucking gulag starving and dying of cold, Hitler was a demi god, and the way you're speaking about him is the same other degenerates with an inferiority complex do. You're literally nothing compared to Hitler, compared to now and compared to when he was in Germany. Don't think of yourself so highly if you don't understand this. You just make a fool out of yourself.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
I don't know what seeths me the most of your stupid comment if your ineptitude and incompetence for understanding a simple message written in a correct and understandable English, or your ignorance or your jealousy which makes you criticize for the sake of criticize as you seem to have a lot of time to spare.
Yeah, I do have time to write and read on these forums. Jelly much? :D

One of the most important things in Satanism is HIERARCHY. No God is above Satan let alone a person. No matter if that person achieved or not the Magnum Opus or if he simply managed to raise his serpent. Therefore, neither Berith nor Asmodeus nor Agares are above Satan much less Hitler who was a mere human. Men and women who achieved Magnum Opus are in Orion and are Human Gods. As Maxine mentions in JOS main page God Pazuzu belongs to another different race to Satan's hence he is in a lower position due to belonging to an inferior race than the Annunaki. As a matter of fact, no God is above the Four Crowned Princes of Hell and even inside this category there is HIERARCHY since Satan is the Supreme God followed by Enlil in the second place and then Isis and Azazel. After them, we have the High Ranking Gods of Hell among which we find the three time wise God Thoth. After them we have other Demons of high importance such as Sorath who was Hitler's Guardian Demon. Then come all the rest of the Gods. After them, the Gods who are of other races. Finally men and women who became Gods.

Besides Hitler achieved Godhead when he was repatriated to Orion when he lost the war. If he had reached Magnum Opus during the years of the war or previous, he would have never LOST the war and would have done what the kikes accuse him of having done i.e. *****

If we are alive and still fighting and with the war "won" up to a certain extent is thanks to SATAN'S relentless efforts along with his Army.
I am well aware of the hierarchy, but thanks anyway since you seem to enjoy the lecturing. :D

How can you have the nerve to equate a mere man to one of the Gods???? You are out of your depth and don't seem to have any clue why you are here.
Lol. A mere man? Hitler is a God. He was Human, and now he is a God, among other Gods.
The Alchemist7 said:
I don't get why is Trump's presidency so important.
The reason you don't get this, as well as your other strange misconceptions, is because you have been faithfully listening to the jew media in regards to Trump and his agenda. Just to make one example, this claim that he would be for forceful vaccination, is simply a word-twisting done by the enemy when he said he'll use the military to distribute the vaccine, i.e. to make it available to people. You'd have to be insane if you think Trump would be behind forceful vaccination in this manner.

Anyone with half a brain will see that Trump winning here will be by far the biggest win we can get. What point is there in glorifying Biden becoming the president, for the off-chance of it waking up even more people without much negatives? That scenario is as likely as the top rabbis all dropping dead tomorrow. Biden getting away with this would certainly slow down the victories we are achieving. Sure, we would still win regardless, but in a much more bloody and shitty way than otherwise.

As for the even more stupid claim of Trump being willing to bow down to the enemy's commands - if he was like that, he would already have conceded like the rabbis want him to. To a degree he has to be lenient to them and listen, simply because if he were to make one act of deviance that goes truly bad, he would be kicked from office by the enemy in one way or another. The mistakes he has made so far, he has learned from quite nicely. One example is the actions he has taken regarding the WHO, after what they have done to allow the virus to spread like it has. It may go beyond the head of many people just how hard it can be to fulfill the role of president. Even if you know about the jews, you cant just reject them fully from the get-go unless you really have a good plan and setup. Otherwise, you will get assassinated before you can actually do much against the enemy at all.

As far as I'm concerned, Trump has done an amazing job and truly deserves his second term. 80 million Americans seem to think the same.
Shael said:
The reason you don't get this, as well as your other strange misconceptions, is because you have been faithfully listening to the jew media
Shael said:
Just to make one example, this claim that he would be for forceful vaccination, is simply a word-twisting done by the enemy when he said he'll use the military to distribute the vaccine, i.e. to make it available to people.
So he will use the army to distribute the vaccine but is not part of this vaccination agenda? If he wasn't part of this he wouldn't even have made this statement, let alone actually oppose vaccination. But read carefully what I said, let's say that this statement was only meant to assure his bosses that he doesn't deviated from their agenda
So if Trump doesn't bow down to their agenda and what I said above is true, he will not use any army to distribute any vaccine and will not mandate any vaccination laws, but to be honest I don't think is going to happen if he remains president. The jew agenda is the following, they want to force everybody (directly or indirectly) to vaccinate against covid. Who will refuse to take the vaccine will be kicked out from his job, won't be allowed to enter a supermarket anymore, won't be allowed to leave his country (Covi-Pass if you know about it). What do you think, will he oppose this agenda of forced vaccination if he remains president? I would say no unfortunately because this can bring his life imprisonment or even death, this is why is way more important to get the masses educated about the dangers of this vaccine. What needs to be understood is that jews don't own Donald Trump, they own the president of Unites States, whoever it is. The president of Unites States cannot do nothing to oppose their plans. Yes during Trump's presidency soldiers sent by jews to steal petrol and opium for Rothschld and Rockefeller have been brought home from middle east, LGBT parades were as limited as possible, but these are small things and minor changes compared to what will be coming next.

Shael said:
What point is there in glorifying Biden becoming the president, for the off-chance of it waking up even more people without much negatives?
Talking about misconceptions. If this question was adressed to me, show me in my response above where I even indirectly suggested to glorify Biden? Is pointless even to discuss about him because we are all aware of his degrading mental state, his pedophilic behaviour and the neomarxists behind the Democratic Party (is not like Republicans are far away, the jews run both parties as always). This democratic system allows people like him to become president instead of patient in a mental hospital, I know very well how it is from my country. I would rather ask, how retarted and stupid could be tens of millions of people to vote for him? This is alarming in my opinion and is a matter that must be adressed because clearly if those people are `smart` enough to vote a senile pedophile as president of their nation, they are probably as `smart` to accept vaccines, microchipes and the jew world order in general. The fact is, many voted for him because they were brainwashed by media to hate Trump. But If i hated Trump and had to vote between him and Biden, I wouldn't vote at all. The blatant frauds that happened against Trump wouldn't have been possible if people woulnd't have voted massively for Biden.

Shael said:
To a degree he has to be lenient to them and listen, simply because if he were to make one act of deviance that goes truly bad, he would be kicked from office by the enemy in one way or another.
Trump quite put a little brake to their plans for sure, but look at this situation, he hasn't done major things against their agenda and yet they are still kicking him out from office by frauding the elections against him. Also someone here said courts are rejecting any cases started by republicans for voting frauds. This was clearly an electoral coup to replace Trump with Biden, even if Trump hasn't blatantly opposed the jews. You can imagine therefore what jews will do when Trump will actually do something major against them.

Shael said:
One example is the actions he has taken regarding the WHO, after what they have done to allow the virus to spread like it has.
Yes he took US out of WHO and then donated over $1 Billion to GAVI, what is the difference? He screwed a very good decision with a very bad one. Of course Bill Gates was not relying on 1 Billion donation from US but still what was the point of this donation to someone who wants to depopulate the planet by vaccines? As about the spread of coronahoax, it's obviously all a mainstream threatre. They fake deaths, they fake number of cases, they fake statistics, they are deliberately killing people in hospitals with vents like numerous doctors have exposed, they forced people to wear face masks when most face masks have been proven by tens of studies to be useless at preventing viruses, the tests they are using to detect covid are totally unreliable and predisposed to errors like the PCR test which wasn''t even created to detect viruses. Politicians supporting these lies are nothing more than puppets and obviously the vast majority of politicians all over the world are just the puppets of the jewish elites.

Shael said:
Biden getting away with this would certainly slow down the victories we are achieving. Sure, we would still win regardless, but in a much more bloody and shitty way than otherwise.
So if Biden is president, we will go through a bloody and shitty road so to say to our victory, I totally agree because as I said Biden will throw US straight into the new world order and this will create a lot chaos and anarchy, but I guess you are aware that if Trump is finally president, there will be a massive civil war in US. The terrorist communist groups Antifa an BLM supported by Soros and the other jews will instaurate total anarchy. To support this statement, here's what Trump has done right after the elections, he fired Mark Esper, theSecretary of Defense (who was planted to him by jews) and other officials and put in place `loyalists` to him as media calls them. When you are not 100% sure that you will still be president, what is the point of putting `loyalists` to the head of the US army? Because he knows very well that if he remains president, he will need the army to counter and face this civil war funded by jews using BLM and Antifa against him. Unfortunately there won't be victory without bloodbath, irrespective of who is president. If Trump is president, there will be civil war right after this is officially announced. If Biden is president, there might still be massive protests from Trump's followers but the real bloodbath will be coming when Biden will bring the population to the limits of tolerance. LGBT+ (pedophiles as well) will have full rights like any other person, there will be attempts to take away people's guns (false flags, shootings etc, like in New Zeeland with that Christchurch case), covid dictatorship will greatly intensify comparing to Trump administration and so on.

Wildfire said:
Biden being president looks like an even worse case, Kamala is even scarier. This is why I think Trump has to win until something else very significant for us can be done, in which he is no longer needed.
Completely agree, but It seems like we put too much attention on who is the US president while equally important things are not adressed and ignored. Regarding what I said about vaccination, we should make an online activism plan to try to reach as many people as possible to show them the dangers of this covid vaccine because apparently most people are brainwashed by media and ready to accept it even since that communist WHO head chief stated that mass vaccination won't end the covid restrictions and these dump `measures` will still be in place even after everybody has vaccinated. Trump is not going to do this for us if he remains president. We cannot rely on any political support. As I said, if enough people are educated regarding this, there might be enough civil opposition to prevent any vaccination laws from being implemented, as it happened recently in Denmark.
This is what must be achieved everywhere. It is part of the jewish agenda to vaccinate everybody as part of the depopulation process. Mass protests leading to these laws being abandoned are putting a massive brake to the jew world order. Sure we fight spiritually by doing RTRs but if there are physical means to do something we should exploit them as efficient as possible because the danger of mandatory vaccination is months away from us. Worrying that Trump is not president doesn't help too much because he won't be able to do big deal against these plans. As in Denmark is the mass of people bringing major changes not the politicians because they all obey the jews and who doesn't is easily removed from his power position.
Without a base [which he should protect like super hard], there will be no people left and supporters to back him up in public debate. He has almost nobody in the media. Even Fox didn't really back him up when shit hit the fan, Fox is mainstream media. It has a few commentators but that is it. He had true people who were honest in the Internet. He did not stand up for them and their platforms. And now he has serious issues.

The only good news is that people who are smart are moving away from Twitter and all this stuff. This is the only good news out of this mess. In due time, there will be other platforms to host individuals.

Although, seeing some shitmail from Gab in my box [I never use Gab, just have a backup account there which is stagnant], the owner is just a "Soldier of Christ" who will essentially, if he gets a little powerful, probably behave in the same way as Dorsey and others behave, only, in "Christs behalf".

Trump had a Chabad Jew for adviser, and probably even worse, and these idiots dug his hole. His son Eric and others picked up on what was going on, and went INTERNET mode, but it was a little late when they joined the train. They couldn't do it alone.

hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gearhead said:
I know this is beside the point, but can we stop acting like Biden's already won? The results of the election are yet to be certified, the electors have yet to cast their votes, and there's still plenty of ongoing legal action, recounts, and audits underway, all of which are inexorably shrinking Biden's lead; it's just not being talked about because (((the powers that be))) want you to accept and submit to (((their))) chosen candidate, which is why they're pushing the "President-Elect Biden" meme (which he isn't) so goddamn hard. Based on the Biden camp's recent actions, they're fucked and they know it--they've already pivoted to pushing a "possible Trump coup" narrative, and they just started begging for funds to fight Trump's litigation. (article here: https://archive.vn/O2vcu )

I understand the original message does not change regardless of who sits in the White House, but "President-Elect Biden" is a psyop and should be treated as such.

It is beside the point, but nobody has said, especially not I, that Biden has won or anything of the sort.

The Internet is being razed by the enemy. Sure, Biden may do way worse, but Trump really did nothing at all to secure or try to protect from the impending doom, or even, to safeguard his election in the very least. His followers all went in persecution, had all their websites purged, and he sat by watching them.

Then, he questions [despite the fraud which was insane] why his votes are so much way lower. I wonder why, maybe because he lost millions of votes by having every so called "Pro Trump" site completely deplatformed? In 2017 and onwards, everyone got massacred, and people sent him mails and even his advisers told him to do something.

Had he put effort to safeguard the Internet [which elected him in the 2016 "meme wars"], he would have so many votes, that even fraud of the millions wouldn't be able to deposition him.

We are talking the whole line from Icke to Jones has been removed from the net except on their native websites. This includes numerous republicans, even kids like Fuentes, who have been running across all platforms to maintain their audience and livelihood. Thousands and thousands on Youtube also got purged, the majority of which also, Republicans.

While this does not discredit other things he has done [and things he has not done which were fine], which is the reason we talked about this in previous topics, this again means nothing for us specifically.

This will finish in the courts as it looks like, but the situation is hard for Trump right now. One of the reasons why is what has been stated above. He literally got all his base censored, then plus everything else, the results are what we all see.

I wish I would've saved a right wing two panel meme I recently saw which perfectly describe what you said. It was a Roman or Greek like warrior fighting two other individuals that represented big tech and antifa and looking back to his emperor saying something along the lines "emperor we are being overrun. We need your help" and the second panel is the emperor with Trump's hair laying on his golden thrown eating grapes saying "I am monitoring the situation".

I 100% agree with your reply here and I've been telling this to Trump supporters. I'm still hoping he pulls through this but man could he have made this way easier. Sure he had both most of the Republican party and the democrat party against him but I still feel he had a lot of chances to help out his base.

Hello guys can someone please tell me if im doing this warfare correctly?
I not sure if im getting through to people.
If its fine i will carry on like this but if not please tell me so i van use another tactic
One Wire Phenomenon said:

Hello guys can someone please tell me if im doing this warfare correctly?
I not sure if im getting through to people.
If its fine i will carry on like this but if not please tell me so i van use another tactic

Your better off asking in the internet activism group. Seems fine to me the video in the parts I saw. I dont know anything about the site you'd have to ask someone who knows about it if its a good place to put this. It may be the reason not many are seeing it. Keep up the good work i would save that and try uploading it to other places too.
slyscorpion said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

Hello guys can someone please tell me if im doing this warfare correctly?
I not sure if im getting through to people.
If its fine i will carry on like this but if not please tell me so i van use another tactic

Your better off asking in the internet activism group. Seems fine to me the video in the parts I saw. I dont know anything about the site you'd have to ask someone who knows about it if its a good place to put this. It may be the reason not many are seeing it. Keep up the good work i would save that and try uploading it to other places too.

Yes no it seems i got a lot of views now,the time i asked was it was only s few
One Wire Phenomenon said:
slyscorpion said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

Hello guys can someone please tell me if im doing this warfare correctly?
I not sure if im getting through to people.
If its fine i will carry on like this but if not please tell me so i van use another tactic

Your better off asking in the internet activism group. Seems fine to me the video in the parts I saw. I dont know anything about the site you'd have to ask someone who knows about it if its a good place to put this. It may be the reason not many are seeing it. Keep up the good work i would save that and try uploading it to other places too.

Yes no it seems i got a lot of views now,the time i asked was it was only s few

That was probably mostly people coming from this thread. If you want more gentiles to see this who dont know the truth maybe spread links to the videos you make around various places on the internet.
HPS Shannon said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
The only thing we really need to be ready for is when they roll in the mandatory vaccines. This is a problem. If anyone has been paying attention to the news and alternative news outlets, they are getting ready to implement laws and rules that if one does not get the vaccine, they will not be able to interact in society. That means no travel, not being able to work, no going to many places like some stores, government buildings, no access to medical care and no government benefits that poor people need, if you do not get their poisoned needle. I'm not trying to fear monger but this is truth and they are not hiding it anymore.

People in other places in the world will more than likely will be forced to get the vaccine from what I am seeing, but in America, there is still some chance to fight it as 50 percent of Americans said they will not take the vaccine. We'll see. The enemy is obsessed with everyone on this planet getting this vaccine for a reason because it is probably important for their goal to usher in their NWO, or get people pretty sick. This will be done under Biden.

Things are not looking good as far as the courts with the voter fraud case, and with the planets, so it appears the chinese puppet Biden will be president. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden dies all of a sudden so that Kamala Harris takes the presidency...I hope not but 2021 and 2022 overall looks like it will especially be hard for us all. The only true hope is us having the gods with us, which is a major blessing. It also appears there will be a civil war in 2021. I remember this based on Maxine's chart prediction for the USA. War will likely happen because of the communizing of America. Many patriots and those who value their freedoms will not allow their guns and constitutional rights taken away without fighting. The enemy knows that.

We have to be prepared for what is going to happen in these next 2-3 years.
Stock up on food, essentials and other things like that because it won't look good, as far as society functioning in the future. Not because of the "plan-demic" but because of the effects of what this whole thing has caused. These stored items will be important in the not so distant future. There was no need to use your food and items that you stocked up on earlier this year.

I have said this before, but I really hope all of you are staying inspired and really keeping up with the RTRs and working with your souls to activate and raise your kundalini. As far as I can see, the only way we will really take power is when that happens which is why the gods want us to really come into this power. When Pluto goes into Aquarius in about 3-4 years, this not only signifies positive change for humanity but because of us and the effects of us coming into true power. Imagine what 4 more years of final RTR will do for us all. I am very positive that many of us will have our serpents raised or near raised by that time based on what I have observed. Look at your astrology charts, planets and solar return chart for the next 3-4 years, it usually can show spiritual change of some way, indicating some kind of evolution.

These RTRs are very powerful and will unbid the jewish curses on our serpents, as you all know. Then we will really be able to start shaping this world in the way that is should be. Don't be afraid to do as many RTRs in a day as possible. Of course be safe abut it and pay attention to your energy levels. I am at the point where 9 RTRs a day is my minimum goal, and the effects feel wonderful. Vibrate it into your soul with intent. The RTRs still work to destroy the enemy.

Be safe everyone.

do you vibrate it with your entire merkaba field aswell? i find this very tough to do in less than 45 minutes i cant believe you really do it 9 times a day.

any tips?

I just vibrate it into my soul. I do 18 reps in one sitting instead of 9 reps, etc. When you get used to it, doing many RTRs a days isn't hard. It's like training. Once you get past doing a certain amount, its not bad at all. it takes me 28 mins to do 18 reps in one sitting instead of the standard 9.
Viene anche a me un pó difficile credere quello che scrivi. Io per un RTR-F completo ci impiego tra 45-50 minuti.

Ho fatto un lavoro di 40 giorni con RTR-F. La mia soddisfazione e stata molto grande quando sono riuscito a completare il lavoro. Peró é stato molto duro per me. E io non mi piego facilmente e porto sempre a termine quello che inizio. Ho avuto bisogno di molto equilibrio mentale e energia fisica negli ultimi giorni del lavoro.

Tu dai molte informazioni utili HPs Shannon e te ne sono grato. Peró io ormai sono scettico su tutto e cerco solo di capire a chi vuole solo giocare a fare il grande guerriero e sapientone.

Il mio Serpente non é asceso, peró ormai io sono ad un punto spirituale dove non mi ci si puó confondere "quasi" piú. Io do tutto me stesso e non mi tiro mai indietro da niente, andando sempre oltre ai miei limiti spirituali e fisici. Non ho tutta questa istruzione. Non si puó sapere tutto. Peró il mio intuito si é molto sviluppato. E adesso comincio anche a capire perchè molti HP si sono persi nel vortice della droga.

Il progresso spirituale non é uno scherzo. E se non hai la forza e l'equilibrio mentale stabile e forte ti perdi nell'immoralitá entrando nel vortice del nemico che ti inghiotta pian piano fino alla tua fine.

Io cerco solo di capire chi cerca di guadagnarsi solo la fiducia degli altri.

Ormai questa é una guerra a tutte le direzioni e tutti devono sempre valutare tutto a 360 °. Quá su internet chiunque puó essere tutto.

Non sentirti attacato da me. Grazie!
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TheOldOne said:
The Old Gods ask for nothing other then we do our best go down swinging or rise victorious do your maker proud like we already are we are made in his image and I didn't hang around on this planet all this time fighting throughout the centuries to see some long-nosed rats ruin the lot.

I had a very powerful spiritual experience I escaped the box and I saw not only the reptilians but other alien trash buying up human souls like an auction naturally I went mental on them but now I see why the commander's name is hooded cobra indeed the rather large snake hood you feel like your wearing on your head is a very powerful experience one does not have to wonder why the pharaohs had such inspiration to make the amazing headdresses they did.

take it from me they are weak and so are all the other alien trash that pilfer our planet they had best live it up now because the way we humans do warfare is far more direct we require no dirty tricks or bribery we require nothing short of a sharp stick to deliver our desired result for one day it will be us upon their worlds.

We can't loose and We Won't
It is rather refreshing to see someone first post truth like this.
Egon said:
Speaking about China, most people despairing and complaining about how 2020 as "the worst year ever" are from world countries. I don't see that behavior from people with who endure a harder lifestyle. This isn't even the Middle Ages to be this nihilistic.

This Chinese woman gives a lesson on humanity (and real "femininity") in the Eye of the Jewrricane:

Does anyone knows if this is propaganda?

And my favorite, from that weird Greek director, song of the sleepy goyim on rebotic mode getting the cold water bucket in 2020 and the years and sacrifices to come sums up it all:

People despairing is their discontent with the jewish world manifesting. This is a good thing. It's counter productive to attempt to deconstruct the discontent and frustrations of our people, these are the fuel that will set the jewish world on fire and free us all.

What you call nihilism I call a natural response given the world we live in. It's not only normal but even positive that people are this angry and bitchy with the state of things. I've always hated when people want to stop others from complaining and rousing discontent.

There is nothing to be happy with, or to be content with about the world we're living in, at least not for the working class. In my opinion, people don't complain enough. To be content with this world and it's state is to accept the jewish corruption that consumes it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I have to admit that I am feeling a little bit demoralized by what happened in the past two weeks. Trump lost, no one can seem to stand in China’s way now, communists are gonna keep pushing their agenda forward...

I guess I’ll have to clear my mind and find new angle of attack, otherwise I am gonna surrender completely. I do not want to do that. I want to see us win.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Not to mention what HP MAXINE SAID about Trump!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
