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Yoga: Sacral issues

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
The asanas here can be used along with a working for the Sacral chakra. This helps with sexual repression, sex addiction, low sex drive, reproductive issues, or to heal sexual traumas. In addition to the mantras given on the JoS for this chakra, Bjarkan rune is great for women for balancing and healing this chakra, credit to HP HoodedCobra for that info.

If anyone needs help with a working or an affirmation for a working, feel free to comment asking, and myself or someone else will assist you :)

-Tuesday the 22, or even this coming Tuesday, are good dates to begin workings for the Sacral chakra, as its ruler Mars is in home sign Aries. To strengthen this chakra, as an example.

-Tuesday the 29, Full Moon in Cancer with Mars in Aries is a good time to begin a fertility working.

-Thursday January 7, waning Moon in Scorpio is a good date to begin a working to remove any issues regarding sexuality, such as trauma, or a hatred or disgust of sex due to repression etc.

The following are some asanas that specifically target the sacral chakra. Focus on your sacral chakra while in each pose (or general vicinity if you can’t feel your chakras yet). You can breath bright orange light into the chakra, and even do vibrations while in the pose.

Please note that all asanas I post, are through my own personal experience over many years of practice, in noting that they are indeed effective. Many asanas posted online that claim to be good for this chakra are simply not effective; they think that just because an asana opens the groin area that it works for the sacral chakra, but it does not actually target the chakra itself. These do. If anyone here knows of any I missed that are effective, feel free to reply to this thread :)

(It would be best to consult a yoga instructor if you have any difficulties or injuries.)

Swastikasana. (Do on both sides.) This one seems to flood the sacral chakra with energy, when aligned properly in the pose. Ironically, the only picture I could get of this is demonstrated by a jewess, this asana has been purged from the internet. I had to manually find, screenshot, and upload this.

Have your knees bent so your thighs and calves are at 90 degree angles (like a Swastika), lean back and around as demonstrated, and hold for as long as is comfortable. Don’t worry if you can’t get into the torso twist as well as in the picture, never strain with poses. Ease into it gently, but try to get at least a bit of a torso twist, as this is where the magick happens with this pose.


Butterfly pose. A similar one, with the torso straight up, is for the Base chakra. Leaning forward stimulates the Sacral.

To avoid strain on the knees: while in this pose use your thumbs to hold your feet under the big toe mount on the soles and turn the inside of the feet outwards, so the outer edges, heels, and pinky toes are still touching but there is a gap between the soles and big toes. This may sound weird but it works.

Goddess pose. Not as effective as the previous 2, but easier. Keep your back straight, feel openness in your shoulders and hips.

Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana). (Do on both sides.) One of the most difficult here to perform, so skip it if you are not comfortable doing it. If you want to try it, have a chair or wall near you to hold onto for support.

For those with a low libido or trying to concieve, Eagle pose stimulates the sex organs directly, as it gathers blood flow to the sex organs.
That swastikasana feels SO good. I needed that. Thank Gods. And thanks again.
Lydia said:
Swastikasana. (Do on both sides.) This one seems to flood the sacral chakra with energy, when aligned properly in the pose. Ironically, the only picture I could get of this is demonstrated by a jewess, this asana has been purged from the internet. I had to manually find, screenshot, and upload this.

Have your knees bent so your thighs and calves are at 90 degree angles (like a Swastika), lean back and around as demonstrated, and hold for as long as is comfortable. Don’t worry if you can’t get into the torso twist as well as in the picture, never strain with poses. Ease into it gently, but try to get at least a bit of a torso twist, as this is where the magick happens with this pose.

Are you absolutely sure that is the Swastikasana? A lying pose rather than a upright pose?

I thought the Swastikasana is a pose whereby you look like a Swastika while kneeling on one leg. In other words you kneel down on one knee, you keep the other knee standing bent at the knee. You place one arm behind you facing down and the other arm facing up. So you end up looking like a swastika minus the head obviously. If you wish to switch sides, switch your arms and knees and do it on the other side.

As a matter of fact someone either on old ProPHP forums or current A-Forums put an old picture of a Yogi doing Swastikasana.

Are you absolutely sure the Swastikasana is that?

Maybe there are two swastikasanas a Upright pose and Lying pose? Are you sure you studied correctly?

And yes your right I can't seem to find the pose you mention looked at bing, google, and even dogpile and nothing just pictures and spam of other asanas particularly sitting asanas.
Henu the Great said:
Thank you. This will be converted to a pdf and added to my routine.
For anyone who wants these yoga routines in PDF you can look on Google for "HTML to PDF". There are many sites, choose the one you like.

Lydia, you took your time to learn and try these Asanas and share it with us, thank you.
Apologies for not making this an announcement earlier. This is an awesome post. Thanks Lydia.
Hey everybody.

Maybe somebody can help me to make a good working for my specific case or any helpful information would be appreciated.
 So I've made a topic some time ago about sexual hangups and my porn addiction.Some members told me useful information and told me to do rune working. I would love to do that.. But since covid hit I came back to live with my parents (I  found a job and saving money, definitely I will move out when everything will calm down and then do rune working on my sexual problems) I don't have almost any privacy and so on but I'm still doing the best that I can..

So you know a little bit what the deal is and my question would be:
Can I start this tuesday working to strengthen my sacral chakra and later on do on jan 7 do the next one to remove any trauma (But idk if very silent affirmation could work?? )
Also when I'm masturbating only with feeling sensation (no porn,no pictures just me and my hand) I was trying to do sex magick and at the second before realese imagining white energy from orgarsm going to 2nd chakra.. is it useful or some affirmation must be added for strenghten chakra with my own orgasm..?

I'm very thankful for any useful tips and etc.. I'm tired of erectile dysfunction and other problems related to sex... I just want to have fulfilling sexual life..

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apologies for not making this an announcement earlier. This is an awesome post. Thanks Lydia.
HP and Lydia what would be a good mantra/rune to help with unblocking the sacral chakra and to remove/heal sexual hung-ups while doing the Asana's and/or after it? We know everyone has blocks there because its a Granthi so I guess this would help everyone too.
Lydia said:

-Thursday January 7, waning Moon in Scorpio is a good date to begin a working to remove any issues regarding sexuality, such as trauma, or a hatred or disgust of sex due to repression etc.


Regarding this, I recently completed a 90 days working to remove any negative karma from my chakras and their extensions; I still feel problems in this area of my life, and yet it feels I'm making progress. Would a working help or should I wait?

In the meantime, I am doing affirmations to accept I'm worthy of happiness and success, which I didn't do before but felt needed.
I was looking forward to this one specifically, thank you Lydia. I had a nasty experience with a couple of new-age shamans over the internet, and I believe one of them ripped directly from my sacral. I felt tremendous pain right between my pelvis and my belly (right at the waist + into the bottom of my belly). I didn't know any better back then, and I wish I never trusted them. For years my sex drive has been nothing like it was, I have almost zero attraction to people, and I get erect way too easily without any feeling, no experienced arousal, and the penis feels incredibly stiff and hard like a literal bone. It's been a nightmare not knowing what's wrong with my body, and now I'm excited to try these asanas. So again thank you.
luis said:
Henu the Great said:
Thank you. This will be converted to a pdf and added to my routine.
For anyone who wants these yoga routines in PDF you can look on Google for "HTML to PDF". There are many sites, choose the one you like.

Lydia, you took your time to learn and try these Asanas and share it with us, thank you.
Okay, good tip.

Me personally I like to edit it the way I like it and so I use LibreOffice Draw and then save the odf file for possible later editing on computer. Then I export it as pdf file to be read and perhaps printed later on. More work, but I get it designed excactly the way I want. Mainly I just quickly change the font size and make a clickable link (possible youtube links) on the pdf with pics streched to fit the page size.
Another nice series, thank you so much and looking forward for the next! Allready seeing anger issues improvment with the Base Chakra one!
Your affirmations are legendary, Lydia. I remember from I got on these forums, from the Square affirmations, all the way up to the last one in the Base: Yoga, Repressed Anger affirmation.

They are basically the starting point of my own, with a "now" added at the end.

I'm not requesting any now, but if you post any to someone who do, I'll definitely copy-paste and keep it for later.

Thank you for this Sacral post. I tried briefly searching for some Swastikasana videos, but couldn't find any. So very happy for the pic.
Gear88 said:
Are you absolutely sure that is the Swastikasana? A lying pose rather than a upright pose?

I thought the Swastikasana is a pose whereby you look like a Swastika while kneeling on one leg. In other words you kneel down on one knee, you keep the other knee standing bent at the knee. You place one arm behind you facing down and the other arm facing up. So you end up looking like a swastika minus the head obviously. If you wish to switch sides, switch your arms and knees and do it on the other side.

Some sources claim there are approximately one hundred thousand asanas, others claim over a million. Not all can have individual names, and they are named in groups based on similarities, such as the same name but with A, B, etc added to each variation.

Also, the one you mention, is not technically an asana. I can't remember the sanskrit term, but when you shape your body into a symbol, such as the swastika like that, or a rune, it is not an asana per se. It can definitely help a person get in the mindset of the symbol, sort of like a mantra and yantra, but it does not do the same things to the body as an asana. Still important to know though. If you try both versions, you will note a difference.

luis said:
Thank you Luis, I just want to fast-track people here, as I've been doing yoga for a long time and not everyone has the time to learn everything, whereas a lot of these I have known for years so I might as well post them.

For your second post, Uruz or Ansuz, like the freeing soul workings. Uruz might make your sex drive over-active though, so perhaps HP Cobra can advise better. Even the Watchtower meditation will make a difference though. The key is to work on the chakras consistently. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Opening_Watchtowers.html

Shadowcat said:
Waning or waxing will help, as yoga itself helps with PMS. You can make it a more generic affirmation not necessarily relating to decreasing pms, such as just making your menstruation cycle healthier. Moon is starting to wax now so you would have to wait 2 more weeks before it wanes again. Btw HPS Shannon has made posts in the Satanic Health forum relating to menstruation, if you have not seen already, just use the search function.

Taio said:
Affirmations can be done silently in your mind. HPS Maxine has stated in her sermons that you can just state an affirmation mentally 20-30 times before falling asleep at night and they will have an effect. If you can't make any sounds, do the asanas, breath in bright orange energy into your sacral chakra, and then state the affirmation in your mind. Once you get your own place you will be able to do vibrations for a larger effect.

As for orgasm, even stating an affirmation a few times will increase the effect, such as "my orgasm energy is strengthening and purifying my sacral chakra". I would advise against white energy though, as white can destroy the sex drive, which is why the enemy promotes it so much. Try to make it white-gold like the sun, if not orange.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Candle.html (go to the section on White)

SonOfSatan666 said:
If you feel a working is needed then try it, but even working on the chakra itself will show benefits, if you would rather wait after doing the long working that you just completed. Sometimes it's best to have some time between large workings.

jrvan said:
Have you done vibrations for your sacral as well? Vaum, or others on the JoS. It definitely sounds like you need to work on it, but fortunately with Satan we have the knowledge to fix ourselves :)
Thanks you Lydia.

Do you have any magic to get rid of the laziness?

Sorry for my bad English.
jrvan said:
Lydia said:
Have you done vibrations for your sacral as well? Vaum, or others on the JoS. It definitely sounds like you need to work on it, but fortunately with Satan we have the knowledge to fix ourselves :)

Yeah, I've been vibrating Vaum, but I recently took a break after overdoing it because I was getting too thirsty in the nights. I'm going to try it again soon for a longer period of time with less vibrations than before, probably just around 10 times.

I tried the first two asanas posted here (swastikasana, butterfly), and I didn't feel much at first, but my wife noticed bad energy coming out as good energy was flooding up through my feet towards my sacral. So I think that's a great sign, and I'm going to keep this in my regular yoga routine because I really like it. 5 minutes of swastikasana on each side felt just right.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Thanks you Lydia.

Do you have any magic to get rid of the laziness?

Sorry for my bad English.
A working with runes would be effective. Look up Uruz, Ansuz, Raidho, Jera, Sowilo, and see what stands out to you as a good choice to use :)

Lydia said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Thanks you Lydia.

Do you have any magic to get rid of the laziness?

Sorry for my bad English.
A working with runes would be effective. Look up Uruz, Ansuz, Raidho, Jera, Sowilo, and see what stands out to you as a good choice to use :)

Thanks you so much.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Thanks you Lydia.

Do you have any magic to get rid of the laziness?

Sorry for my bad English.

Sowilo worked really well for me. Consider specifying the affirmation towards Satanic spiritual activities and meditations, because usually this takes the most willpower, compared to chores and day jobs. I say this because void meditation can provide the willpower for simpler tasks. Programming sowilo energy to make you do more void meditation, along with other Satanic activities, will really get the ball rolling as well.

Also, you should restrict powerful distractions, such as porn, video games, phone apps, youtube, TV. There are many software filters you can use. I restrict myself to 1 hour of youtube/phone apps per day in the evening. This prevents your brain from getting bored from less stimulating stuff, whether it is normal chores and work or meditations. Doing void meditation is basically detoxing your brain from these distractions anyway.

In addition, increase your void meditation. What I like doing, instead of super long sessions of VM, is doing small and intense chunks. For example, 5 minutes x 3 reps, with like a minute or two between them. After doing this you will definitely feel your emotions under control and able to do other things.

Lastly, if you feel tired or lazy after doing some work, especially psychic work, make sure you aren't draining yourself. Doing energy breathing as an exercise or before/after long psychic work will prevent this by restoring or giving you the energy for more work.
Lydia said:
SonOfSatan666 said:
If you feel a working is needed then try it, but even working on the chakra itself will show benefits, if you would rather wait after doing the long working that you just completed. Sometimes it's best to have some time between large workings.

Thanks for the advice. For now, I'll simply work on my chakras, which I feel I neglected, and maybe focus more on the sacral one. I do need some time to rest :lol:
thank you, i personally need extra attention to my sacral, i will be doing this.

if i had to apply this to the regular yoga routine that has been shared on this site, at what point would i insert it or does it matter?
Blitzkreig said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Thanks you Lydia.

Do you have any magic to get rid of the laziness?

Sorry for my bad English.

Sowilo worked really well for me. Consider specifying the affirmation towards Satanic spiritual activities and meditations, because usually this takes the most willpower, compared to chores and day jobs. I say this because void meditation can provide the willpower for simpler tasks. Programming sowilo energy to make you do more void meditation, along with other Satanic activities, will really get the ball rolling as well.

Also, you should restrict powerful distractions, such as porn, video games, phone apps, youtube, TV. There are many software filters you can use. I restrict myself to 1 hour of youtube/phone apps per day in the evening. This prevents your brain from getting bored from less stimulating stuff, whether it is normal chores and work or meditations. Doing void meditation is basically detoxing your brain from these distractions anyway.

In addition, increase your void meditation. What I like doing, instead of super long sessions of VM, is doing small and intense chunks. For example, 5 minutes x 3 reps, with like a minute or two between them. After doing this you will definitely feel your emotions under control and able to do other things.

Lastly, if you feel tired or lazy after doing some work, especially psychic work, make sure you aren't draining yourself. Doing energy breathing as an exercise or before/after long psychic work will prevent this by restoring or giving you the energy for more work.

My English is bad so some words/sentence may be not understand. So sorry.

Yeah, I watch porn, but I've reduced it a lot. I don't do 1 or none a week. Yeah, I know these. But we are in quarantine and I'm bored, what do? If I dont play game, youtube, tv or etc I think don't good for me.

Yeah, I do the void meditation, it isn't problem.

Thanks for all.
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Yeah, I watch porn, but I've reduced it a lot. I don't do 1 or none a week. Yeah, I know these. But we are in quarantine and I'm bored, what do? If I dont play game, youtube, tv or etc I think don't good for me.

Your brain will get used to whatever activities that you do. When people only had a radio to listen to, they did not go crazy. This is because their brain was adapted to it. If you stop video games and porn, your brain will get used to it in 3-5 days and stop thinking about it. Then, everything else will feel much easier to do and you won't be bored.

I personally just listen to music and read during my breaks. I set a 1 hour period per day where I can watch youtube. I used to play video games on the weekend only, but I would have a hard time stopping and got frustrated with that. I then uninstalled all my games and declared video games as unsafe entertainment.

Porn is definitely the worst of all of them and should be avoided entirely. It is hard because it is addicting and can be tied to your sexuality. It can be easier to stop video games because you don't need them, but with porn, you may think about it every time you get sexual urges. You will likely want to use a spiritual working with Munka or Uruz to fix this. Here is one thread on that.

Good luck.
Blitzkreig said:
SatanicMonarch666 said:
Yeah, I watch porn, but I've reduced it a lot. I don't do 1 or none a week. Yeah, I know these. But we are in quarantine and I'm bored, what do? If I dont play game, youtube, tv or etc I think don't good for me.
Porn is definitely the worst of all of them and should be avoided entirely. It is hard because it is addicting and can be tied to your sexuality. It can be easier to stop video games because you don't need them, but with porn, you may think about it every time you get sexual urges. You will likely want to use a spiritual working with Munka or Uruz to fix this. Here is one thread on that.

Good luck.

Thanks for magick.

I did see my birth chart and I did read. I'm extremely interested in sexuality, it's because of my birth schedule. I'll work on breaking negative karma.
Black Matabele said:
Which are the best asanas to stay young, I want my body to look young and fit.

Yoga and health are holistic in the sense that everything helps. Preventing major imbalances should be the primary goal, because then this will drag down the rest of the body exponentially quicker.

I wouldn't worry too much about doing specific asanas as opposed to just doing enough to advance you consistently. I would recommend the SaTaNaMa mantra, however, as this fixes imbalances and genetic damage entirely. You can do 5-10 minutes of chanting it per day. Combined with your normal schedule, extrapolate this over a year and I cannot imagine what sort of ageing could take place. Here is the associated mudra.

As your power grows, your body will age less and less. At a certain point, you will hit the Magnum Opus and become young and immortal again. In this sense, do not focus on ageing as whole, just focus on correcting imbalances and consistenly advancing.
Black Matabele said:
Which are the best asanas to stay young, I want my body to look young and fit.
Consider what Blitzkreig posted, and doing Five Tibetian Rites every morning you wake up.

Generally doing yoga every day is an immense help. Don't worry about specific stuff too much, at least not at the beginning. Once you grow in knowledge you can perhaps start considering more specific approaches to things.
Lydia said:

Lydia said:

Thanks so much for this, Lydia! Started with the base routine today, and felt great!

Funny that you mention Swastikasana in this, and Gear88's mention as well. I took a yoga workshop in Rishikesh at what is considered the top Iyengar Yoga ashram in the world, and was taught Swastikasana as a sitting pose where you cross the legs at the half way point of the shins, rather than at the ankles (like you would in easy pose). Was not taught the variations you or Gear88 mentioned. Excited to give it a try and see what benefits it might have. Just goes to show that even the "world's best" still has flaws (the yoga was great, but don't even get me started on the philosophy they tried spouting there...)

As for affirmations I could use, and with Jan 7th coming up, I've used Jack's love/relationship/getting laid (for men) recommendations and did already one 90 day working for removing "any and all unattractive and repulsive behaviors like fear, anxiety or awkwardness." I didn't notice too much of a difference, but perhaps a little - not so sure. I also haven't had the chance to really get out much and practice approaching women in public since the lockdowns have really put a massive hamper on that. Despite that, I guess I've been on the most dates I've ever been on in such a short timeframe, but dating women online is just so *pukes in mouth*. Just entered full-on double lockdown now, so will likely be even harder to meet/find someone since you really can't go anywhere except being in the cold. Regardless, since I still do experience and feel some fear approaching women in public, would Jan 7th be a good time for a different approach/method/affirmation, or would it be beneficial to do another 90 day working on the same one until I feel every last ounce of fear has been removed? Or should I just roll on to step #2 of Jack's working to begin the attraction phase? "In a healthy and positive manner I am permanently and completely calm, confident, charismatic and courageous. Everyone likes and respects me at all times." It's been a few months since I finished the 90 day on removing the fear/anxiety/awkwardness working. Not sure how long it might take for such a thing to take effect.

Another thing I'm unsure of exactly how to fix is that when I feel extreme loneliness (either because I really want to simply just have sex with someone... even it's just a one time thing to just get release with another human, or if I'm feeling a strong desire to actually be in a relationship with a girl) I will get a sharp pain in the lower parts of my pointer and middle finger on my hand, spanning from the finger knuckle to the knuckle, and a bit below the knuckle (but more on the top of my hand). Also experienced this nearing the end of my previous relationship which wasn't fulfilling enough, and would feel the same pain in my hand when I'd have intense thoughts of wanting to be with someone else. Any suggestions around this block/hangup would also be greatly appreciated!
Hearsync said:
Something seems off about the working. I think they are based on theory and not long-term experience, as some workings posted to the forums are... theory.

I'm not going to comment much on someone else's workings. I have been practicing magick literally all my life, I know what works for me, so I will leave other people's workings to them.

One thing I will add though, is the importance of energy. Bright light, of the color corresponding to the working. You didn't mention it so I don't know if it's in the working. I never saw the post as I don't look through the forums much, and I only read what stands out to me.
Lydia said:
Hearsync said:
Something seems off about the working. I think they are based on theory and not long-term experience, as some workings posted to the forums are... theory.

I'm not going to comment much on someone else's workings. I have been practicing magick literally all my life, I know what works for me, so I will leave other people's workings to them.

One thing I will add though, is the importance of energy. Bright light, of the color corresponding to the working. You didn't mention it so I don't know if it's in the working. I never saw the post as I don't look through the forums much, and I only read what stands out to me.

I'll explain something relating to this. Fear, in itself, is not a thing. It is a lack of awareness, understanding, and knowledge. You do not "get rid" of it, you replace it. Sort of like filling a hole, a void. You don't empty the void as there is nothing to empty. You fill it. So, a working to get rid of fear, is not the route to take.

Issues relating to men not being able to associate with women, is not necessarily something to get rid of in itself, as outlined in the working you mentioned. It is merely a lack of experience. And workings only go so far... you need experience, observation, etc.

Working on chakras goes a long way. Sacral, Solar, Throat tie in with this. Also look at the page on colors on the JoS, see what to breathe into your aura, and program it.

I'm not going to explain much here, as that isn't my role here, but when it comes to doing massive workings to change your life, always make sure it applies to you. Change any part of a working you need to, and apply what you have learned from the JoS to other people's workings.

As for your hand/finger thing, do you clean your hand chakras? I have no idea what could have cause loneliness to make your hand/finger hurt. Perhaps something in a past life, lots of strange things have past-life explanations.
Lydia said:
Lydia said:
Hearsync said:
Something seems off about the working. I think they are based on theory and not long-term experience, as some workings posted to the forums are... theory.

I'm not going to comment much on someone else's workings. I have been practicing magick literally all my life, I know what works for me, so I will leave other people's workings to them.

One thing I will add though, is the importance of energy. Bright light, of the color corresponding to the working. You didn't mention it so I don't know if it's in the working. I never saw the post as I don't look through the forums much, and I only read what stands out to me.

I'll explain something relating to this. Fear, in itself, is not a thing. It is a lack of awareness, understanding, and knowledge. You do not "get rid" of it, you replace it. Sort of like filling a hole, a void. You don't empty the void as there is nothing to empty. You fill it. So, a working to get rid of fear, is not the route to take.

Issues relating to men not being able to associate with women, is not necessarily something to get rid of in itself, as outlined in the working you mentioned. It is merely a lack of experience. And workings only go so far... you need experience, observation, etc.

Working on chakras goes a long way. Sacral, Solar, Throat tie in with this. Also look at the page on colors on the JoS, see what to breathe into your aura, and program it.

I'm not going to explain much here, as that isn't my role here, but when it comes to doing massive workings to change your life, always make sure it applies to you. Change any part of a working you need to, and apply what you have learned from the JoS to other people's workings.

As for your hand/finger thing, do you clean your hand chakras? I have no idea what could have cause loneliness to make your hand/finger hurt. Perhaps something in a past life, lots of strange things have past-life explanations.

Wow thank you Lydia!

This helped me a lot! <3

And this probably helps a lot of people as well ^^

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
