The asanas here can be used along with a working for the Sacral chakra. This helps with sexual repression, sex addiction, low sex drive, reproductive issues, or to heal sexual traumas. In addition to the mantras given on the JoS for this chakra, Bjarkan rune is great for women for balancing and healing this chakra, credit to HP HoodedCobra for that info.
If anyone needs help with a working or an affirmation for a working, feel free to comment asking, and myself or someone else will assist you
-Tuesday the 22, or even this coming Tuesday, are good dates to begin workings for the Sacral chakra, as its ruler Mars is in home sign Aries. To strengthen this chakra, as an example.
-Tuesday the 29, Full Moon in Cancer with Mars in Aries is a good time to begin a fertility working.
-Thursday January 7, waning Moon in Scorpio is a good date to begin a working to remove any issues regarding sexuality, such as trauma, or a hatred or disgust of sex due to repression etc.
The following are some asanas that specifically target the sacral chakra. Focus on your sacral chakra while in each pose (or general vicinity if you can’t feel your chakras yet). You can breath bright orange light into the chakra, and even do vibrations while in the pose.
Please note that all asanas I post, are through my own personal experience over many years of practice, in noting that they are indeed effective. Many asanas posted online that claim to be good for this chakra are simply not effective; they think that just because an asana opens the groin area that it works for the sacral chakra, but it does not actually target the chakra itself. These do. If anyone here knows of any I missed that are effective, feel free to reply to this thread
(It would be best to consult a yoga instructor if you have any difficulties or injuries.)
Swastikasana. (Do on both sides.) This one seems to flood the sacral chakra with energy, when aligned properly in the pose. Ironically, the only picture I could get of this is demonstrated by a jewess, this asana has been purged from the internet. I had to manually find, screenshot, and upload this.
Have your knees bent so your thighs and calves are at 90 degree angles (like a Swastika), lean back and around as demonstrated, and hold for as long as is comfortable. Don’t worry if you can’t get into the torso twist as well as in the picture, never strain with poses. Ease into it gently, but try to get at least a bit of a torso twist, as this is where the magick happens with this pose.
Butterfly pose. A similar one, with the torso straight up, is for the Base chakra. Leaning forward stimulates the Sacral.
To avoid strain on the knees: while in this pose use your thumbs to hold your feet under the big toe mount on the soles and turn the inside of the feet outwards, so the outer edges, heels, and pinky toes are still touching but there is a gap between the soles and big toes. This may sound weird but it works.
Goddess pose. Not as effective as the previous 2, but easier. Keep your back straight, feel openness in your shoulders and hips.
Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana). (Do on both sides.) One of the most difficult here to perform, so skip it if you are not comfortable doing it. If you want to try it, have a chair or wall near you to hold onto for support.
For those with a low libido or trying to concieve, Eagle pose stimulates the sex organs directly, as it gathers blood flow to the sex organs.
If anyone needs help with a working or an affirmation for a working, feel free to comment asking, and myself or someone else will assist you
-Tuesday the 22, or even this coming Tuesday, are good dates to begin workings for the Sacral chakra, as its ruler Mars is in home sign Aries. To strengthen this chakra, as an example.
-Tuesday the 29, Full Moon in Cancer with Mars in Aries is a good time to begin a fertility working.
-Thursday January 7, waning Moon in Scorpio is a good date to begin a working to remove any issues regarding sexuality, such as trauma, or a hatred or disgust of sex due to repression etc.
The following are some asanas that specifically target the sacral chakra. Focus on your sacral chakra while in each pose (or general vicinity if you can’t feel your chakras yet). You can breath bright orange light into the chakra, and even do vibrations while in the pose.
Please note that all asanas I post, are through my own personal experience over many years of practice, in noting that they are indeed effective. Many asanas posted online that claim to be good for this chakra are simply not effective; they think that just because an asana opens the groin area that it works for the sacral chakra, but it does not actually target the chakra itself. These do. If anyone here knows of any I missed that are effective, feel free to reply to this thread
(It would be best to consult a yoga instructor if you have any difficulties or injuries.)
Swastikasana. (Do on both sides.) This one seems to flood the sacral chakra with energy, when aligned properly in the pose. Ironically, the only picture I could get of this is demonstrated by a jewess, this asana has been purged from the internet. I had to manually find, screenshot, and upload this.
Have your knees bent so your thighs and calves are at 90 degree angles (like a Swastika), lean back and around as demonstrated, and hold for as long as is comfortable. Don’t worry if you can’t get into the torso twist as well as in the picture, never strain with poses. Ease into it gently, but try to get at least a bit of a torso twist, as this is where the magick happens with this pose.

Butterfly pose. A similar one, with the torso straight up, is for the Base chakra. Leaning forward stimulates the Sacral.
To avoid strain on the knees: while in this pose use your thumbs to hold your feet under the big toe mount on the soles and turn the inside of the feet outwards, so the outer edges, heels, and pinky toes are still touching but there is a gap between the soles and big toes. This may sound weird but it works.

Goddess pose. Not as effective as the previous 2, but easier. Keep your back straight, feel openness in your shoulders and hips.

Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana). (Do on both sides.) One of the most difficult here to perform, so skip it if you are not comfortable doing it. If you want to try it, have a chair or wall near you to hold onto for support.

For those with a low libido or trying to concieve, Eagle pose stimulates the sex organs directly, as it gathers blood flow to the sex organs.