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Is This War All About Hate?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes the enemy says something which is a complete lie about their enemies: That their enemies are motivated by "hate". This slang goes into many places: "Hate Speech" and so forth. We see this everyday.

It is true, that there is hate. However, for all of this, hate is not the sole motivating factor. Actually, hate comprises a part only of why this whole war is happening. After one understands the wrongs, one will see hate, but the focus is not this. The focus is in what would have been better and more right were it not of the interference of the enemy.

The enemy was borne out of a low, but severe level of hatred. Just read the words of Rabbis, or the Bible. These systems are only reactions out of petty jealousy, hatred, and blind schizophrenic egomaniacs who were out of control. Jews frequently describe looking at the worlds of the Gentiles with hatred, jealousy, and wanting to take them down. Some jews go as far to describe, that they attacked our world because it was beautiful, noble, and spiritual. As history proves, none of this happens even for themselves for the most part. It's just sheer hatred and a few other related emotions.

Their psychology is all about a hateful reaction towards what was more beautiful and more perfect than them. Their psychology has been analyzed by Nietzsche to a great extent. Yes, they are definitely resilient, but cockroaches are also resilient, and without particular purpose in existence. The yids sat on stones in Egypt, looking at Egypt and hating it, because they were useless desert dwellers and rats who had corroded dreams.

They hated what they could not reach and achieve, and they were not the types of people to actually want to advance or make friendships, or advance in a higher path. They wanted to destroy. All of the Bible is nothing but a jewish rant about how much better Pagans were, and how the slimy jew conspired to cause them mental illness, spiritual illness, and physical destruction out of hate.

This hatred almost collapsed all of human history not that long ago, such as in the Middle Ages. Some of their major enemy figures call themselves "The destroyers", like Eli Ravage. Observed from another point, jews are definitely a defunct people, but very strong in hatred, deception, and doing all sorts of other abominations to humanity.

Sure, the power of hate is great, and it is to be respected. We respect hate and we are free to hate. But hate in this case does not create a thing.

Our side is entirely different than them. Certainly so, we can have unrelenting hatred, that can melt steel, last centuries if required. Yet, observe how Gentiles behave. Gentiles have been abused for centuries by the Jews, yet every so often, we collectively "forget", we issue "apologies" and we move past this mentality. People always try to evolve, and some went even as far as to try to make the jews stop hating them, a thing which resulted always in the enemy hatred multiplying and abusing this forgiveness to abuse further.

Why this is the case, is because we were not made to be ghouls of hate and goblins like the jews. There are purposes that expand further than this, and a species needs in this case to forget, and be able to advance and let some things go. For a species that is necessary to advance and has a great future ahead of it, it cannot behave like a destructive parasite all day long dwelling only on one side of the natural force.

Jews supposedly claim to hate the whole planet over things happened to them immeasurable time ago, but that is an excuse. Gentiles have had the worst of the worst heaped upon by jews directly or indirectly by the use of others, but we tend to be "forgiving". This is because life moves on. We are made to create and to destroy, not one of the two.

On the contrary, Gentiles are arising against the enemy now, because of a necessity. Were Gentiles such haters, we would never have the problems we experience today. It takes to reach literally one step before collective enslavement and death, that Gentiles managed to react to anything and fight back. It took for Gentiles a literal knife to close on their throat, to even have a reaction. It took mass enslavement attempts so that even some Gentiles started to CONSIDER that something terrible was going to happen to them by the enemy. Needless to say, Gentiles, and Whites in particular, are definitely not haters.

Gentiles are builders and builders in general, contrary to parasites, are beings that look after their own work and creation. We don't live to destroy others, but to advance. And insofar this is attacked, then this is when we will react.

This war, on our end, is not based on the sole emotion of hate. It's about innocent species that try to advance, and expand their life and live on. We fight for things we cherish. Contrary to what everyone believes, we don't dwell in hatred all day. Personally, the more I follow this path, I see positivity, light and hope, more than I see war and hate - these forces balance out in someone and one is at ease. This allows for maximum hatred, but also of kindness, if necessary for such.

Yet, when these states of advancement and purity are confronted by parasites, a spirit of war and hate is necessary to defend what one loves. In this case, loved ones, this world, and the future of this world is not to be conversed about it, and if necessary, we will fight tooth and nail over this.

The enemy may have principalities, kingdoms, weapons, and everything else, but the enemy solely fights on command of hate and nothing else. They are drones and not beings of actual free will that ever had a choice. It's as if, like the greys, they were created solely to hate, and attack our "Natural World", which they go in great detail in their disgusting writings about. They made a so called "Religion" only to destroy the beauty of all the Gentile ones, and for no other reason in itself.

Lions can exist without ticks and fleas, but ticks define their existence over the existence of how many lions they can eat alive.

Jews without any other Gentiles in this world would be worms that have created nothing and have nothing to feast upon and to hate. They would have no purpose as their purpose was since the beginning to be intruders and slavers to this world.

When you meet our Gods and advance in this path alongside them, you will see, while their hate can be bottomless, they do not do all of this merely out of a desire to dwell on hatred. They have other and higher goals in mind. They will humble and put you in awe at the same time with their wisdom and kindness. Most of the enemy stands way below Satan, and they have invited His Hate, but the purpose of all of this is far higher.

The enemy is a corny liar that preaches ultimate hatred into their own midst, predatory destruction of anyone and anything, and preaches foolish fake light to their enemies, lies that paralyze their enemies and nothing else. These extremes are dysfunctional in this case, and only a war plan by the enemy.

If one wants freedom and peace, one must be ready to fight for it. Ready does not mean one will engage, but readiness is important. If necessary, one might have to fight to the end, however. Now, Gentiles have to fight this spiritual war, and we are here in the first place because of centuries of people not fighting through this war or being unable to do so. And for this reason, more force will be required to finish this parasitical aggression. Eventually, the sky will clear out.

Praised be the Spiritual Warriors of our Gods, because we are the bringers and guardians of peace, and protectors which will impede the worst from happening.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Just a couple of days ago a jew was emailing me, asking me why I hate him so much. I deleted the email. After a few minutes pass, another email was sent at me with 10 pictures of Hebrew magic and curses attached to them, some which can't even be found online. Quite powerful I'm not even gonna lie. But this jew as well as another one some weeks ago didn't knew I beforehand was told what was to happen. :lol: I wonder why this "hate" exists.
We’re here to create a better world and to destroy what’s holding it back, but creation should not be forgotten about and I believe it is the highest principle in life. We should all create ourselves the most enemy free life we can, create new paths for our lives and futures, develop talents. These things carry over into the next life and are necessities for higher survival/thriving.
NakedPluto said:
Just a couple of days ago a jew was emailing me, asking me why I hate him so much. I deleted the email. After a few minutes pass, another email was sent at me with 10 pictures of Hebrew magic and curses attached to them, some which can't even be found online. Quite powerful I'm not even gonna lie. But this jew as well as another one some weeks ago didn't knew I beforehand was told what was to happen. :lol: I wonder why this "hate" exists.

I remember something like that arguing with someone online who claimed that they were not a Jew over and over but was sending me emails trying to get me to take something down I posted somewhere. Than all of a sudden they sent me pages and pages of stuff in Hebrew with some title in eglish at the top like "You die" or something that had a really powerful bad energy had to cleanse my aura for a bit. That was in 2019 so it had a little more power then.
Another principle I’ve always lived by is that the best revenge I could possibly get would be to fully capture the life that the jews do not want gentiles to have, and to fully create. These things have been taken from us and we are here to bring that back. Hatred is good to release and destroy but it doesn’t finish off what’s been done to ourselves.
slyscorpion said:
NakedPluto said:
Just a couple of days ago a jew was emailing me, asking me why I hate him so much. I deleted the email. After a few minutes pass, another email was sent at me with 10 pictures of Hebrew magic and curses attached to them, some which can't even be found online. Quite powerful I'm not even gonna lie. But this jew as well as another one some weeks ago didn't knew I beforehand was told what was to happen. :lol: I wonder why this "hate" exists.

I remember something like that arguing with someone online who claimed that they were not a Jew over and over but was sending me emails trying to get me to take something down I posted somewhere. Than all of a sudden they sent me pages and pages of stuff in Hebrew with some title in eglish at the top like "You die" or something that had a really powerful bad energy had to cleanse my aura for a bit. That was in 2019 so it had a little more power then.

These are agencies. I know for sure that fact and as well they operate with the help of intelligence services. Good thing we still have gentiles in powerful positions. If you were to met jews in real life, you'll be shocked how much open to spiritual they are. I have a lot of circumstances where entities told jews to attack and confront me openly. Last occurrence was a high level rabbi who tried play with me a game of power and try to subdue me. Long story short, they tried bargain an extremely rich life vs being attacked and put down. They couldn't accomplish too much. As well as secret groups of influential people couldn't accomplish much. We have the Gods protecting us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When you meet our Gods and advance in this path alongside them, you will see, while their hate can be bottomless, they do not do all of this merely out of a desire to dwell on hatred. They have other and higher goals in mind. They will humble and put you in awe at the same time with their wisdom and kindness. Most of the enemy stands way below Satan, and they have invited His Hate, but the purpose of all of this is far higher.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Beautiful post Commander!

This has always been my experience. I always expected a strong stiff neck Commander that would demand you to be ready to kill mercilessly.

Instead I've always gotten a calm unsuspecting character, that was like someone need a hug? Come here, dont you run away from me!

Gotcha. Accept my loves!

You're a Demon of Hell! No!!

That's less scary then you think.....
We love you Aldrick! Continues to hold.

Damnit the feels!

Tosses a bunch of worries and fears in the trash. Brushes of hands in clapping motion. You're doing great! You're such a wonderful person! You worry cuz you care too much, which I like about you. Till next time.

Stands in room.... What da fuck just happened?
Very few here understand how unbelievable it is to truly stand before the presence of one of the gods, and I mean for real in that true connective sense. And for the longest time I had no clue either, living in my head in a blur for too long unable to apply the realness of reality all these years. I only experienced this briefly for the first time in a real connection resonating on the actual material plane a couple of days ago with one demon who was there to help me cure something many months ago, to which his help was a blessing however small some might see it.

To actually feel that presence as if you were physically standing before them, to recognize the true reality like that, to be before an actual tens and tens of thousands of year old god right there 'next' to you, that is a feeling I literally cannot describe in mere words here. It is like an empowered tower of gold standing before you reaching beyond the sky in all it's incredible awe and glory, their presence alone simply demands respect and you legit cannot help but give it, and that was just one of the demons, I don't even think I could handle Satan's presence. Many can joke the prospect of 'meeting your maker' but I assure you that is an incredibly indescribable feeling literally out of this world when it actually happens.

My human mind in everything I knew all my life could not comprehend simply connecting with Buer like that or even explain that feeling, it was more real than I ever thought I could handle, it's very overwhelming, emotionally too to realize in such truth that such vast and amazing beings are there to help us, that they are real and have been watching over us like parents for thousands of years. Their love and affection regardless of all the fuckups we do, all the mistakes we make or ever did make is something I simply cannot fathom and likely won't for many ages to come.

They stand as a prime example of strength and determination of the self, their power is ceaseless in standing to defend, protect and fight for what you cherish and own, including your own soul and being.
Our hatred is pure, primal and ancient, so is our love.

"Do not be afraid to destroy. Do not be afraid to create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your being. You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be destroyed by destroying. Are you more created now? Are you here or are you destroyed? You are here. You will be here as long as I am here and that is forever."

Thank you for the sermon HP Cobra.

Hail Satan!
Great writing, it is peculiar that Gentile humanity can feel the same intensity of Hatred as the kikes yet we always swing equally back to the same intensity of Love when so desired, like love of our gods and earth. The Jews seems to perpetually swing towards hatred and never does it swing back, even for their own whom they will disregard as well.

Hail Satan
Hail Agares
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You probably have been through a lot of hatred in your life for I am somehow feeling a lot of hatred at times, but I feel like I am advancing towards the direction you are pinpointing, that of Creation Peace and Prosperity. But like you told me once in my astro chart and what you have said here before, hatred is a tool and can be used to achieve things.

Personally I feel hatred is like a mass of energy that we have kept inside but aren't using it properly. Like a pot let's say that's boiling and which can explode, basically, killing the pot itself hahaha...

Well, regardless, what I came to realise, is that sports (obviously martial arts) and kind masculine strength is how you use your "hatred" in a proper manner, which for it to be maximized requires an equal ammount of feminine loving nurturing energy. Sort of a yin and yang thing.

Shiva the Creator god, and the Destructor god.

Of course, tell that to a jew... His yin is eating other people fetus and his Yang is eating other people's blood.
Fucking Greys...
Everything that they accuse, label & claim on to others is in truth what they are, proven, and a projection of their consciousness filled only with ill intent that has no boundaries.

Gentiles by nature coincide with the positive octaves of life, it's in our soul. Justice for example invokes hatred in the purest form, this is what it's always been about.
Our hate is born out of a desire to protect that which we love.
slyscorpion said:
NakedPluto said:
Just a couple of days ago a jew was emailing me, asking me why I hate him so much. I deleted the email. After a few minutes pass, another email was sent at me with 10 pictures of Hebrew magic and curses attached to them, some which can't even be found online. Quite powerful I'm not even gonna lie. But this jew as well as another one some weeks ago didn't knew I beforehand was told what was to happen. :lol: I wonder why this "hate" exists.

I remember something like that arguing with someone online who claimed that they were not a Jew over and over but was sending me emails trying to get me to take something down I posted somewhere. Than all of a sudden they sent me pages and pages of stuff in Hebrew with some title in eglish at the top like "You die" or something that had a really powerful bad energy had to cleanse my aura for a bit. That was in 2019 so it had a little more power then.

Wait.. so is it a jewish thing to send curses over the internet? In audio as well?
I remember years ago before I found this place I was talking to someone that first cussed me out, then in private with one of his friends, I told them that I was into witchcraft.
Because one of his friends seemed to be alright.

Then this dude just said to listen to an entire audiofile of about 20-30 mins long in a language that I do not even know, they said it was islamic but now I do not think so. I only listened to about the first 10 minutes.

I got pissed at them and just send my own anger his way, and I think the one who I had spoken with in private later said something really bad happened and it scared him so much that he left their group.

Also for some reason they said or believed that autistic people are easier to curse? or itd misdirect curses to autistic people or something.
Could have been a lie too. Ive never done anything with that info.
Yes but i still hate the Jews! until they are all dead i cannot hate them less..
If i could i would gas them in chamebers and torture them. They lied about the holocast and so many other things and i hope that it really happens to all of them this time. I really will kill them for sport,i doen't care who sais what they caused me a lot of pain and suffering! I have revenge on them and my children and their children and their childrens children... !

Ghost in the Machine said:
Very few here understand how unbelievable it is to truly stand before the presence of one of the gods, and I mean for real in that true connective sense. And for the longest time I had no clue either, living in my head in a blur for too long unable to apply the realness of reality all these years. I only experienced this briefly for the first time in a real connection resonating on the actual material plane a couple of days ago with one demon who was there to help me cure something many months ago, to which his help was a blessing however small some might see it.

To actually feel that presence as if you were physically standing before them, to recognize the true reality like that, to be before an actual tens and tens of thousands of year old god right there 'next' to you, that is a feeling I literally cannot describe in mere words here. It is like an empowered tower of gold standing before you reaching beyond the sky in all it's incredible awe and glory, their presence alone simply demands respect and you legit cannot help but give it, and that was just one of the demons, I don't even think I could handle Satan's presence. Many can joke the prospect of 'meeting your maker' but I assure you that is an incredibly indescribable feeling literally out of this world when it actually happens.

My human mind in everything I knew all my life could not comprehend simply connecting with Buer like that or even explain that feeling, it was more real than I ever thought I could handle, it's very overwhelming, emotionally too to realize in such truth that such vast and amazing beings are there to help us, that they are real and have been watching over us like parents for thousands of years. Their love and affection regardless of all the fuckups we do, all the mistakes we make or ever did make is something I simply cannot fathom and likely won't for many ages to come.

They stand as a prime example of strength and determination of the self, their power is ceaseless in standing to defend, protect and fight for what you cherish and own, including your own soul and being.

This really resonated with me emotionally. I have never experienced what you described except for fractions of it on other planes. I can sense when I am being watched or assisted but I do not know who all the time. I know my Guardian Demoness is Agares, it took a while for me to find this out but I am confident in that.

I have been on these forums since 2017 and you have answered a plethora of my questions without me having to even ask. I appreciate these words as they come from the soul itself, I too have experienced feelings that I can't intellectualize. Thanks for this particular writing !
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Wait.. so is it a jewish thing to send curses over the internet? In audio as well?
I remember years ago before I found this place I was talking to someone that first cussed me out, then in private with one of his friends, I told them that I was into witchcraft.
Because one of his friends seemed to be alright.

Then this dude just said to listen to an entire audiofile of about 20-30 mins long in a language that I do not even know, they said it was islamic but now I do not think so. I only listened to about the first 10 minutes.

I got pissed at them and just send my own anger his way, and I think the one who I had spoken with in private later said something really bad happened and it scared him so much that he left their group.

Also for some reason they said or believed that autistic people are easier to curse? or itd misdirect curses to autistic people or something.
Could have been a lie too. Ive never done anything with that info.

I know for sure you can attach energy to images and symbols. The energy discharges upon being activated"" and focused by the individual to the individual. For example, a picture of a person is a direct link to the person in cause from my own expert ience, by focusing on a person's picture or only by the attention you can connect with him.

If I am for example to charge and create a sigil with a specific energy for a year everyday, keeping this sigil secret, upon revealing it for example as a profile picture, everybody focusing upon the sigil would connect with the energy I programmed to the unique geometry and if I'm powerful enough only by interacting with me on the forum the energy would attach. But the energy if little can be spent only on one person and the sigil would be blank as before. Correct me if I'm wrong.
You don't have to hate a man to kill him, but it certainly helps.

I can't even describe what I'd do to the enemy once I'm in the position to do so, because Cobra would probably block it. Let's just say I'd singlehandedly turn the Geneva Conventions into the Geneva Suggestions.
ShadowTheRaven said:
You don't have to hate a man to kill him, but it certainly helps.

I can't even describe what I'd do to the enemy once I'm in the position to do so, because Cobra would probably block it. Let's just say I'd singlehandedly turn the Geneva Conventions into the Geneva Suggestions.
Luger 9mm
A joo

Is that too over the top?
Jack said:
Our hate is born out of a desire to protect that which we love.
Agreed. I love what humans can become and how wonderful the world is when they are allowed to fulfill their dreams. It's the same reason I hate those that would keep us down and that's why I work to remove anyone who would stand in our way.

In this life I've consistently balanced on the line between love and hate and have almost made a permanent place there with nothing else existing but the those two emotions. It's probably not the healthiest state of mind but it's fueled my RTRs at least.
Henu the Great said:
Luger 9mm
A joo

Is that too over the top?

I was thinking Blood Eagle, The Belfast Six Pack, Sarin Gas, Water Torture, whipping with chains, Anthrax, Mustard Gas, mass starvation, cannibalism amongst themselves, execution by chainsaw, dismemberment with a glowing hot knife, the breast ripper, car battery to the nipples, hammer to the nuts, and sensory deprivation to the point of insanity

And that's just off the top of my head.
Is this war all about hate?

For me it is.

I hate the enemy. I hate other people. I hate getting up early. I hate playing like shit in a video game. I listen to hateful sounding music. What would I be without Hate?

I do have positive emotions but for me it’s 10% love 90% hate and that love is reserved for my grandmothers and dogs. No one else is allowed to get close to me.
NakedPluto said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Wait.. so is it a jewish thing to send curses over the internet? In audio as well?
I remember years ago before I found this place I was talking to someone that first cussed me out, then in private with one of his friends, I told them that I was into witchcraft.
Because one of his friends seemed to be alright.

Then this dude just said to listen to an entire audiofile of about 20-30 mins long in a language that I do not even know, they said it was islamic but now I do not think so. I only listened to about the first 10 minutes.

I got pissed at them and just send my own anger his way, and I think the one who I had spoken with in private later said something really bad happened and it scared him so much that he left their group.

Also for some reason they said or believed that autistic people are easier to curse? or itd misdirect curses to autistic people or something.
Could have been a lie too. Ive never done anything with that info.

I know for sure you can attach energy to images and symbols. The energy discharges upon being activated"" and focused by the individual to the individual. For example, a picture of a person is a direct link to the person in cause from my own expert ience, by focusing on a person's picture or only by the attention you can connect with him.

If I am for example to charge and create a sigil with a specific energy for a year everyday, keeping this sigil secret, upon revealing it for example as a profile picture, everybody focusing upon the sigil would connect with the energy I programmed to the unique geometry and if I'm powerful enough only by interacting with me on the forum the energy would attach. But the energy if little can be spent only on one person and the sigil would be blank as before. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes any symbol or sigil can have energy attached to it. The enemy has done this with symbols such as the cross or the hammer and sickle thing. Those symbols most likely originally had no real energy to them. Just an example there are a few other things both good and bad. The Swastika is a symbol with a lot of positive energy attached to it from our side. It probably was charged in ww2 by people too I am guessing.

On a more personal level if you just wanted to create a symbol with energy to it you could especially if you had a group of people working to empower it. I would say use that for positive like attracting money or protection etc. But you would need people to be empowering it sometimes in a specific way most likely a group of people the more the better. It would be great to have a personal symbol to bless and protect people or yourself. You would just have to be sure it wasn't already used before in this way for something good or bad when creating it or that would mess up the entire energy of the project possibly.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I was thinking Blood Eagle, The Belfast Six Pack, Sarin Gas, Water Torture, whipping with chains, Anthrax, Mustard Gas, mass starvation, cannibalism amongst themselves, execution by chainsaw, dismemberment with a glowing hot knife, the breast ripper, car battery to the nipples, hammer to the nuts, and sensory deprivation to the point of insanity

And that's just off the top of my head.
Oh wow. I just want to get rid of them so we can focus on more important matters than mere torture, but yeah I get that sentiment.
Henu the Great said:
Oh wow. I just want to get rid of them so we can focus on more important matters than mere torture, but yeah I get that sentiment.

"Mere" torture, lmao.

You can't regard the enemy as human. They have never been nor will they ever be considered a human being in my eyes, therefore they're not subject to the Geneva Convention and it's laws on "humane treatment of POWs" so it's completely permissible to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible in the meantime. Make them pray for death, and then prolong it as much as possible. If they attempt suicide, foil them and then inflict even more pain upon them to where even the dissipation of their soul on an atomic level is a much more preferable fate than what we shall put them through.

Don't make them regret their lives. Make them hate the very circumstances that led to their very existence on every conceivable level.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Henu the Great said:
Oh wow. I just want to get rid of them so we can focus on more important matters than mere torture, but yeah I get that sentiment.

"Mere" torture, lmao.

You can't regard the enemy as human. They have never been nor will they ever be considered a human being in my eyes, therefore they're not subject to the Geneva Convention and it's laws on "humane treatment of POWs" so it's completely permissible to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible in the meantime. Make them pray for death, and then prolong it as much as possible. If they attempt suicide, foil them and then inflict even more pain upon them to where even the dissipation of their soul on an atomic level is a much more preferable fate than what we shall put them through.

Don't make them regret their lives. Make them hate the very circumstances that led to their very existence on every conceivable level.

And I thought I was the only one who hated jews on a paroxysmal level. Some people call me a "little ruthless insane bitch", we just have to get rid of our enemies, not become as cruel as them. But I think, I decide and I feel for myself, I am conscious and perfectly assumed, for every drop of blood and tear of a shed gentile, those rubbish motherfuckers must die in atrocious torment.
ShadowTheRaven said:
"Mere" torture, lmao.

You can't regard the enemy as human. They have never been nor will they ever be considered a human being in my eyes, therefore they're not subject to the Geneva Convention and it's laws on "humane treatment of POWs" so it's completely permissible to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible in the meantime. Make them pray for death, and then prolong it as much as possible. If they attempt suicide, foil them and then inflict even more pain upon them to where even the dissipation of their soul on an atomic level is a much more preferable fate than what we shall put them through.

Don't make them regret their lives. Make them hate the very circumstances that led to their very existence on every conceivable level.
Lmao what?

I'm not afraid blood and guts, but I prefer athletics and yoga. Simple as that. :D I guess your kind is the one torturing, and my kind is the one ending the torture sessions if you get my drift.
Henu the Great said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
"Mere" torture, lmao.

You can't regard the enemy as human. They have never been nor will they ever be considered a human being in my eyes, therefore they're not subject to the Geneva Convention and it's laws on "humane treatment of POWs" so it's completely permissible to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible in the meantime. Make them pray for death, and then prolong it as much as possible. If they attempt suicide, foil them and then inflict even more pain upon them to where even the dissipation of their soul on an atomic level is a much more preferable fate than what we shall put them through.

Don't make them regret their lives. Make them hate the very circumstances that led to their very existence on every conceivable level.
Lmao what?

I'm not afraid blood and guts, but I prefer athletics and yoga. Simple as that. :D I guess your kind is the one torturing, and my kind is the one ending the torture sessions if you get my drift.
Haha i get your drift

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
