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Happy Ostara To Every Spiritual Satanist - 3 Day Homage To Astarte

HP thank you for your time and all the information you share with people here.Dont listen to that motherfucker.Please ban that idiot who is mocking you.He has been such a problem for a while now. I really hate him.I know we have freedom of speech but please ban him for our peace of mind
Yes!! I've been waiting for this one :D
Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra666

Hail Queen ASTARTE!! Queen of the Heaven's

Hail Queen ASTARTE
Personal Growth said:
To be honest it's actually taken me a while to really absorb the gravity of our Gods.

I mean with all of the talk of us being "Family", with the Gods. I tended to associate them more casually as one would associate with a family member.

But looking at their Hieretic information it dawns that they had palaces and were worshipped. That they are not to be casually thought of.

They are Gods and not mere mortals, we are so fortunate that they look kindly upon us fools.

I love Astartee. And have so long during the winter been looking forward to the new life of Spring.

Bring on more sun and a rebirth of nature.

Hail Venus the Godess of the Spring.

Correct. We are actually on the baby levels of this family as human beings on our current state. But we are growing there. Eventually, our mind will start fitting more and more of what the Gods "are". This takes layers and layers of initiation and progress to understand.

In the first stages people always tend to look at this in a simpler way, then the mind keeps expanding, to where one eventually understands the grace of it all.

We are very lucky to have been built in this way, received all this gifts, to exist in this universe, and to be who we are with the knowledge that we are. But limited perception can throw a veil on this. The veil is removed by spiritual growth and spiritual knowledge, but also progress in existence. When one comprehends this, one grows and keeps growing.

Lightning-Wings said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, why are these idiots allowed to post here?

My apologies, this was because I misapproved their message. That's a crazy dude who constantly writes me all the dross in the world because he thinks I am a Polish old Metalhead that is generally the worst things in the planet. They know I am not but their reasons remain basically to slander for no reason.

Vira_ said:
I'm in!

I was outside looking around reflecting on the various elements of nature, at that moment I was under the Sun and felt a certain energy, so I thought:
Astarte is the Goddess of Nature, so it would be nice to gather energy from a natural and strong source, the Sun, and give it to her.

I would propose these days to collect natural energy from the Sun during the Sun hours, make a sphere and give it to Astarte.

I think it is an appreciated gift.
Do you like the idea?

I will do it anyway.

Of course, you can be creative. A traditional way to honor Astarte is to get flowers from the spring, and hang them on your door in the form of a circle. This is to show the perpetual circle of nature. All of this is symbolism, and is meant to remind us and make us ponder the Gods.
Hail Astarte, Mother Earth Goddess Demeter

Blessing to all spiritual Satanists
let me know what you think, I should of added more pictures and frames but due to limited time this is the first draft, I'm sure i'll get better and make better videos in the future.

Our Gods and Godesses are one thing the other lots rip off gods arn't. And that's...


It's so refreshing to feel real tender kindness.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mgUMgUvepE :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi I'm fairly new to SS but do believe Astarte is my GD. Even more so now as I began collecting items to make my altar and I actually set it up the eve before. I feel so much closer to her now, as I've been receiving signs from her all week! I have a question, how can I add my pictures on my profile or if I post?

Ave Satanas
Hail Queen Astarte
Happy Ostara to all!

Excuse me, could you post this kind of article earlier next time?

Because I was already at work.
But I had a feeling that I had to do Astarte's ritual, so I did it during the break.
I was lucky.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP, why are these idiots allowed to post here?

My apologies, this was because I misapproved their message. That's a crazy dude who constantly writes me all the dross in the world because he thinks I am a Polish old Metalhead that is generally the worst things in the planet. They know I am not but their reasons remain basically to slander for no reason.

No need to apologise, HP!! It is alright.

I am sorry to hear that you're experiencing such slander tho. :(
I hope they get punished for that. :mad:

As for you, HP, I hope the Gods bless you!! You're an amazing HP!! We're very fortunate to have you with us all!! :)

SATchives said:
let me know what you think, I should of added more pictures and frames but due to limited time this is the first draft, I'm sure i'll get better and make better videos in the future.


Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?
How weird. Yesterday I felt the strange need to get out of the house, to get in touch with Nature again.

Now I see why.

Hail beautiful Astarte!
666S666 said:
I have some questions:

1. What if I don't do the Rituals( I very love to perform the rituals of Four crowned prince and princess of the Hell and for Demons , but I can't do it because of the some circumstances that are going in my life, like not having privacy and things like that ). I'm doing my best to solve it.
You can still perform the ritual in your astral temple if you can get away long enough to do it. Silently, but perform the ritual in the astral.
That's one possibility.
If that's impossible, then you may mediate on Astarte's Sigil or image in your mind and send Her your love and positive energies. Perhaps as you lie down to bed while everyone thinks you are sleeping? High Priest created this for Astarte's holiday Ostara to show Her our appreciation and love. Your choices to participate in any rituals are up to you as our Gods and Goddesses leave us our free will. I find the astral temple method very useful in privacy situations. I hope you get to feel the loving energies of our beloved Astarte.
Astral temple link:
SATchives said:
SATchives said:
let me know what you think, I should of added more pictures and frames but due to limited time this is the first draft, I'm sure i'll get better and make better videos in the future.


Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

I have one that I drew recently!! Tho it's digital.
The light of the sun ☀️ said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sobering up.. (no liquor).. for rn... I need to keep communication with Satan and his demons open for friendship, guidance , and ultimately superior abilities in exchange to spread the satanic kingdom.

Stay close to the Gods and they will show you the way.

That is a commendable action. Try to stay sober. I am glad if I have somehow helped. Many have won against severe addictions and found way more beauty past them. Just keep applying the knowledge of the Gods, and you will be free from this chain. All the best to you.

Ara666 said:
How weird. Yesterday I felt the strange need to get out of the house, to get in touch with Nature again.

Now I see why.

Hail beautiful Astarte!

Absolutely, that will be extremely beautiful. If you have nature nearby, relish in it.

Lightning-Wings said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:

No need to apologise, HP!! It is alright.

I am sorry to hear that you're experiencing such slander tho. :(
I hope they get punished for that. :mad:

As for you, HP, I hope the Gods bless you!! You're an amazing HP!! We're very fortunate to have you with us all!! :)


I'll do my best to become better. This doesn't change that fact however. It is what it is. Thanks for the kind message.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

No need to apologise, HP!! It is alright.

I am sorry to hear that you're experiencing such slander tho. :(
I hope they get punished for that. :mad:

As for you, HP, I hope the Gods bless you!! You're an amazing HP!! We're very fortunate to have you with us all!! :)


I'll do my best to become better. This doesn't change that fact however. It is what it is. Thanks for the kind message.

HP!! You already are better, at least in my eyes.

Don't let those without discourage you or hurt you, they are not worth your time.

You are a great Man, a wonderful Brother in Satan and an excellent High Priest!! :)

We, SS, appreciate you dearly!!! :)
Lightning-Wings said:
SATchives said:
SATchives said:
let me know what you think, I should of added more pictures and frames but due to limited time this is the first draft, I'm sure i'll get better and make better videos in the future.


Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

I have one that I drew recently!! Tho it's digital.

thanks once I get a few more pictures together, remake the video
SATchives said:
SATchives said:
let me know what you think, I should of added more pictures and frames but due to limited time this is the first draft, I'm sure i'll get better and make better videos in the future.


Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

Hi, I do have some of Astarte and her sigil. I don't know how to attach it on here. You can email me and I'll attach them there if you like, let me know.

Ave Satanas
Hail Astarte
Hail Azazel
I made this cake last year in celebration for Ostara, it was a custom cake by me to symbolise the Spring equinox. If I could, I would certainly give a slice to all SS family here. But I guess you can take one astrally. It was a delicious magic cake :D

Also showing off my crystals and tarot cards :cool:


This cake is dedicated to the goddess Astarte/Isis/Inanna

Happy Ostara!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!
Hail the ancient gods!
With the three days of rituals fulfilled, I'd like to join the chorus and give my love to Astarte as well. She's been my Guardian throughout it all, my best, and my worst alike. Ever patient, ever compassionate, and I've been blessed to have Her guiding me ever onwards. The few times I've been fortunate enough, to be blessed enough to behold Her astral self, were experiences I'd never forget, and unlike anything I could ever relate to someone without spiritual practice. She is everything the JoS says and somehow more.

Hail Astarte forever.
SATchives said:
Lightning-Wings said:
SATchives said:
Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

I have one that I drew recently!! Tho it's digital.

thanks once I get a few more pictures together, remake the video


Are you making a video to share on jewtube or for a sermon?
Samkara said:
I made this cake last year in celebration for Ostara, it was a custom cake by me to symbolise the Spring equinox. If I could, I would certainly give a slice to all SS family here. But I guess you can take one astrally. It was a delicious magic cake :D

Also showing off my crystals and tarot cards :cool:


This cake is dedicated to the goddess Astarte/Isis/Inanna

Happy Ostara!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Satan!
Hail the ancient gods!

Absolutely gorgeous 😍
Arcadia said:
With the three days of rituals fulfilled, I'd like to join the chorus and give my love to Astarte as well. She's been my Guardian throughout it all, my best, and my worst alike. Ever patient, ever compassionate, and I've been blessed to have Her guiding me ever onwards. The few times I've been fortunate enough, to be blessed enough to behold Her astral self, were experiences I'd never forget, and unlike anything I could ever relate to someone without spiritual practice. She is everything the JoS says and somehow more.

Hail Astarte forever.

🖤 Astarte is my guardian demon too and just in the short time I've found her, she already has made an imprint! I can't wait to get closer to the amazing Queen Astarte and envelop all she has for me!

Ave Satanas
Hail Queen Astarte
Rhoosychik said:
SATchives said:
SATchives said:
let me know what you think, I should of added more pictures and frames but due to limited time this is the first draft, I'm sure i'll get better and make better videos in the future.


Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

Hi, I do have some of Astarte and her sigil. I don't know how to attach it on here. You can email me and I'll attach them there if you like, let me know.

Ave Satanas
Hail Astarte
Hail Azazel

you can upload to imgbb.com and share the link here, if you don't want it on the site forever you can just set it to auto delete in the future, or you can set it to never delete.
The most weird thing happened after doing the ritual for our Queen Astarte.

So, my mother has passed away 4 years ago, and there was a photo of her right above me as usual, but today when i came back from work I saw it on my desk.

I immidiately started feeling really sad and could picture my mother being alive but she aint anymore and deep sadness fell on me.

So after today's ritual I asked our Lady Astarte to keep my mother safe, while keeping my mother's photo in my hands, for a couple of minutes, while focusing on her sigil.

Then I take the picture, I put it at it's spot and all of a sudden I look down and I see another picture like that of my mother on the desk, that wasn't there.

And I m like... Huh?

Well I don't know if my faith made the two objects move but I felt like sharing it. In case Astarte listened to me, all I can say is I feel a bliss calm caretaking mother giving me hope and more faith.

Well, I don't know if any of this is my imagination but even if it is I feel so calm and serene and happy
It's amazing how reconnecting with Astarte allows us to see another part of Her. At least, that's how I experienced it this time.

I felt she is a true Mother to us. Loving, compassionate and kind. She is how a real mother should be.

It's so great to do these rituals. Not only we bless our Gods but we also bless ourselves by connecting with them. These feelings are wonderful!

Thank you.
SATchives said:
Rhoosychik said:
SATchives said:
Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

Hi, I do have some of Astarte and her sigil. I don't know how to attach it on here. You can email me and I'll attach them there if you like, let me know.

Ave Satanas
Hail Astarte
Hail Azazel

you can upload to imgbb.com and share the link here, if you don't want it on the site forever you can just set it to auto delete in the future, or you can set it to never delete.

Ok I will try it shortly.

Ave Satanas
Ave Astarte
SATchives said:
Rhoosychik said:
SATchives said:
Does anyone have any art of Inanna/Aphrodite/Astarte Our Goddess that I can use in my second draft of my video?

Hi, I do have some of Astarte and her sigil. I don't know how to attach it on here. You can email me and I'll attach them there if you like, let me know.

Ave Satanas
Hail Astarte
Hail Azazel

you can upload to imgbb.com and share the link here, if you don't want it on the site forever you can just set it to auto delete in the future, or you can set it to never delete.

Hi, so I uploaded one. Let me know if you were able to get it.

Rhoosychik said:
SATchives said:
Rhoosychik said:
Hi, I do have some of Astarte and her sigil. I don't know how to attach it on here. You can email me and I'll attach them there if you like, let me know.

Ave Satanas
Hail Astarte
Hail Azazel

you can upload to imgbb.com and share the link here, if you don't want it on the site forever you can just set it to auto delete in the future, or you can set it to never delete.

Hi, so I uploaded one. Let me know if you were able to get it.


Nice art, I got it, thanks, I've put it in the project folder and I'll use it when I get enough to remake the video, thank you
SATchives said:
Rhoosychik said:
SATchives said:
you can upload to imgbb.com and share the link here, if you don't want it on the site forever you can just set it to auto delete in the future, or you can set it to never delete.

Hi, so I uploaded one. Let me know if you were able to get it.


Nice art, I got it, thanks, I've put it in the project folder and I'll use it when I get enough to remake the video, thank you

Awesome!! 🤗💫

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
