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Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
Hail Lady Astarte!!!! We Cherished and honour you forever.
Thank you for your beautiful words! I am so happy you wrote about gardening, I feel gardening is so good for the soul, especially growing vegetables. Squatting bare feet tending to plants is such a great way to fill up your lower dantien with earth energy.

I made some art for Asarte, attached below. The drawing isn’t finished yet, but I felt it was time to share it today. I shared it with family and friends lol.

Feeling brave and courageous.
Happy Spring Equinox everyone



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Something Lady Astarte wished to convey to me on Equinox was that jewish psychologists encourage young Gentiles to cut anyone off over certain problems, people that can actually help them grow at some point or another. She directed me to some thread speaking about jews and how they have enabled this.

One's family, one's friends, one's lover who isn't 'satisfying' enough over some minor issue, everything else. They invent labels like 'narcissistic personality' and push these onto Gentiles at young ages to encourage them to break away from a parent who issues discipline.

Complicating this matter is that many Gentiles are not perfect and their ability to be 'perfect' family people has been shattered by the enemy.


Note who came up with this term:

Otto Friedmann Kernberg✡️ (born 10 September 1928) is an Austrian-born American psychoanalyst and professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine. He is most widely known for his psychoanalytic theories on borderline personality organization and narcissistic pathology.

Shmuel "Sam" Vaknin✡️ (born April 21, 1961) is an Israeli writer and professor of psychology. He is the author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited (1999), was the last editor-in-chief of the now-defunct political news website Global Politician, and runs a private website about narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

Narcissistic personality was first described by the psychoanalyst Robert Waelder✡️ in 1925. The term narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) was coined by Heinz Kohut✡️ in 1968. Waelder's initial study has been influential in the way narcissism and the clinical disorder Narcissistic personality disorder are defined today.

Narcissistic supply was a concept introduced by Otto Fenichel✡️in 1938, to describe a type of admiration, interpersonal support, or sustenance drawn by an individual from his or her environment and essential to their self-esteem. The term is typically used in a negative sense, describing a pathological or excessive need for attention or admiration that does not take into account the feelings, opinions, or preferences of other people.

Narcissism, according to the Kleinian approach, is a pathologic defense against the pain caused by the first primitive object relationship: that to the mother breast as described by Klein. Melanie Klein✡️ was born into a Jewish family and spent most of her early life in Vienna.

Did you know that in jewish areas, there are close to zero diagnoses of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? In the third world, 'disorders' such as these are also somehow far less prevalent in diagnosis than with white Westerners, even though these are violent countries with typical patterns of zero societal trust and widespread physical and sexual abuse, for one.

From what I gathered with the research that I did, the term narcissism (actually more NPD) is not used to describe the typical self-centered workaholic. But in a social sphere is to describe the person that by what they say tears another person down into nothingless and behaves like a baby. Yet they go around making themselves like it is either all about them or in some way makes it put them in the spotlight. When this person is met by any resistance, they RAGE.
As for relationships, those are also described as the people that would cheat or leave you for another partner, like you meant absolutely nothing to them.

It is like you are dealing with an overgrown toddler. Dealing with someone that has not learnt any empathy.
And NO it is NOT okay to tear anyone down for whatever reason. Lack of support is one thing, but to do the opposite is like having a destructive force going around. You don't need those in your household, in your job, or anyone else for that matter. Having a fault pointed out at you is the exact opposite of having someone tell you you can't do x/y/z because of some self made up image of you that they have put in their heads. The latter I would (also) describe as a form of bullying.

NPD is described in the quote that you posted, but you have to extend the quote.
However I do want to point out here, that these shallow people actually excist. What you posted comes across as if its totally fictional.

The fact that they don't give that label out to themselves could either be because 1 it is rampant and pointless and they don't want to acknowledge it or 2 they actually fucked up gentile society so much, on purpose, that they shield their own family from forming this destructive behaviour in the first place.

I do want to voice here, that I think, that if the aspects are managed properly, that cause things that are said to be 'ego centric' 'arrogant' etc are managed properly, one does not have to come across as a total self centered entitled asshole. This is however up to the individual to handle and figure out.
Thank you for the post. Can I ask, Is the information about temple prostitution associated with Astarte on the internet, all slander? Or is it some sort of sacred sexual healing?
Prostitution wasn't what it is today, with STD-infected street hookers on meth etc. And the translation was likely off, as we have negative connotations associated with prostitution so there should be a different name for what it was.

Sex is important, and not everyone was meant to get married, or were widowed and not wanting to remarry, and so on. Some people for work reasons or whatever shouldn't have to sacrifice the time to go through courtship and marriage just to have sex. Lack of sex can drive many people to forms of neurosis and mental instability.

Sex, when done correctly with someone who knows what they are doing, can heal and advance a person.
I think I fell in love with a goddess. Does she have a husband? Do I have a chance?
She does have a husband, but hopefully you can find a wife who looks up to Astarte as a role model :)
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]

That's a wonderful thread. I love the analogy you made to the world of plants. There is deep wisdom in these words.

Glory and Triumph be unto Astarte.
She does have a husband, but hopefully you can find a wife who looks up to Astarte as a role model :)

Her husband must be Osiris/Adonis
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
Thank you for this beautiful, wonderful message
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]

Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman myth as Venus and Greek myth as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]
Thank you for this very informative and motivating message! Satanic blessings to you!🤘🖤
I think I fell in love with a goddess. Does she have a husband? Do I have a chance?

Love doesn't have to be sexual or romantic. You can still be profoundly in love with her like in Azazel's parable about the two friends (click here), or the love of a pupil for their teacher, or of a child to their parents. The meaning of love has been disturbed and conflated in modern society that sexualized everything, but all doesn't have to be one and the same thing as there are many forms of love.
Beautiful post.

Hail Queen Astarte! One of the greatest Mothers!
Thank you, Lydia, for this.Astarte's first virtue, love, had me crying like many here. I never felt the love of a parent. Astarte loves me out of all the people besides my husband who love me. I've been so blind to realize that I couldn't see she has always been there with me since being abandoned by my birth mother to being adopted and nearly 12 and seeing my grandfather in a casket to being left homeless at 20 . Then, getting married, I thought I was a motherless child, but I am wrong."

Astarte has been that tiny voice inside me and I wasn't open enough to see it
Praise Astarte /freya
But my feelings still won't be mutual. Even if she wants to be friends with me, I'll still refuse
Mate, you didn't fell in love with a Goddess but with your own delusion, we are talking here about a being thousands years old and more powerful than you can ever imagine, if she would stand near you like any other human your soul and body would literally explode like a bomb for not being able to support the amount of energy she emits + the Gods are a species of near 3 meters humanoids so I would doubt a normal relationship would be possible.
Move on and focus on advancement please.
No, you don't understand, I can withstand a huge amount of energy, I was on the surface of the sun at the moment of the flash, but only with an astral body, so I believe that a relationship with the goddess is possible. You're just jealous of my perseverance
Mate, you didn't fell in love with a Goddess but with your own delusion, we are talking here about a being thousands years old and more powerful than you can ever imagine, if she would stand near you like any other human your soul and body would literally explode like a bomb for not being able to support the amount of energy she emits + the Gods are a species of near 3 meters humanoids so I would doubt a normal relationship would be possible.
Move on and focus on advancement please.
No, you don't understand, I can withstand a huge amount of energy, I was on the surface of the sun at the moment of the flash, but only with an astral body, so I believe that a relationship with the goddess is possible. You're just jealous of my perseverance
Any relationships with Gods are organized by them and with lower ranking Demons who agree to this. It is not something you just stumble upon. Also, you may be strong, but not at the level of surviving the Sun or full force of a God's energy. Please, for your own sake, don't let yourself believe such unrealistic ideas, as this can cause difficulty later.
Any relationships with Gods are organized by them and with lower ranking Demons who agree to this. It is not something you just stumble upon. Also, you may be strong, but not at the level of surviving the Sun or full force of a God's energy. Please, for your own sake, don't let yourself believe such unrealistic ideas, as this can cause difficulty later.
If I am right I think she might be married already and that person who is saying that is a child
I’ll clarify what I said, my astral body is able to withstand any physical impat"How dare you think you h

I’ll clarify what I said, my astral body is able to withstand any physical impact
I highly doubt you can, unless you're saying you are greater than the gods themselves. And if I'm correct, I think Freya is married, so you'd be attempting to take a god's wife... According to the mythology, that doesn't bode well for someone who tries to take a goddess from her god."

"How dare you think you have a chance with the mother Freya? It's downright insulting to entertain such thoughts about her.I'm furious at the audacity of your actions and words towards my main goddess whom I worship. She has protected me all my life, and I will not stand by and let you do this. I am taking this matter to HP Lydia."
I highly doubt you can, unless you're saying you are greater than the gods themselves. And if I'm correct, I think Freya is married, so you'd be attempting to take a god's wife... According to the mythology, that doesn't bode well for someone who tries to take a goddess from her god."

"How dare you think you have a chance with the mother Freya? It's downright insulting to entertain such thoughts about her.I'm furious at the audacity of your actions and words towards my main goddess whom I worship. She has protected me all my life, and I will not stand by and let you do this. I am taking this matter to HP Lydia."
Re-read my answers, rage has clouded your mind
Re-read my answers, rage has clouded your mind
No you're stupidity , not listening ,and the dis respect is what is making me upset. People have told countless of times and you refuse to listen.

Fuck around and find out and maybe you will listen their are consequences for not heading the words of others.

You really need to take the advice of others in account because once the gods get involved it my be too late
Thank you.

Happy Spring Equinox to everyone in hindsight.

Very nice article, thank you.

I had very little time, only the next day I could do Astarte's ritual and light a candle.
This makes me a little sad.

Hail Astarte!
Hi HPS Lydia, I have a question I wish you would reply to me.
My question is that in this Sermon You wrote that Astarte's Element is Water. But in the JOS it is written that her element is Earth. I humbly ask if you could clarify this.
Also I love your Sermons.
Hi HPS Lydia, I have a question I wish you would reply to me.
My question is that in this Sermon You wrote that Astarte's Element is Water. But in the JOS it is written that her element is Earth. I humbly ask if you could clarify this.
Also I love your Sermons.
Hello :)

It's possible both are Her elements. Her direction is West which is correlated with Water, and in some sources Water is her element whereas in others it's Earth. And in some sources Beelzebul is associated with Earth (and His direction in North which is associated with Earth), yet in others, Fire.
Earth, the lush garden planet. Hundreds of thousands of different types of plants, most of which produce flowers. Our planet, even with all the pollution and destruction, still fights to vibrantly grow in any way it can.


Astarte’s element is Water, and in Roman mythology as Venus and Greek mythology as Aphrodite, she came from the sea. Water is essential for plant life to grow.


[Birth of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel, 1863]

Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Venus, Freya, all her names in all cultures, She is associated with love, desire, charm, seduction, sexuality, fertility. While a lot of people these days have bad connotations regarding these, in a pure mind, these are essential for life to form and flourish. Growth is an aim of life. We are to grow to our fullest potential, and to create and cause growth. Love helps others to grow and flourish, and we in turn grow and flourish.

The highest and healthiest form of growth is with prosperity and luxury. Walk into the most beautiful garden, forest, or meadow, there will be growth of all kinds, colors, life, prana everywhere. Health and beauty go hand-in-hand. The mind becomes at ease, the heart softens, the soul is nourished. We are one with nature. And when we take part in helping nature grow, we heal. Higher and more evolved beings help other people, and nature, grow.

This is why Astarte is associated with gardens and nature in its most luxurious form. She helps us grow. Astarte, along with all of our Gods and Goddesses, want us each to fulfill our highest potential, to grow eternally to the best and healthiest version of ourselves. With this naturally comes happiness and inner peace.

She has always been associated with common ordinary people, and was a deity of magickal spells of love and healing for ordinary people. This is because She sees their potential to become higher and more evolved beings. She never scorned the commoner, but helped raise them up. Even with all her power, she cares for each of us.

Love. A lot of people dismiss love, because you were rejected or neglected. First by your parents, then perhaps by a girlfriend or boyfriend. This is sad but it’s a part of life, and you must learn from it, heal, and move on. In order to grow to your highest potential you must love... and accept love. Be loved. Allow yourself to feel loved and grow from it. If you currently do not have love in your life, you can find it. Astarte’s ritual and other magick workings can help bring love to you.

Fertility. The womb has water, and the warmth of life growing is fire. Water and Fire in balance and harmony are essential for life to form. You cannot exist just by yourself, you came from man (fire) and woman (water). Nature is fertile and is always trying to procreate.

Charm. Pleasing to the senses, attractive, appealing, delightful. Everyone wants to be charmed, it inspires, gives hope, and creates harmony and beauty.

Desire. When practicing magick, you must desire what it is you wish to manifest. Desire is attractive, magnetic, longing.

Seduction. Fully giving in to desire and passion, an altered state of mind, persuasion to get what you want. Creative energy comes from this, as the power of the right side of the mind is released. Two people in full enjoyment of each other, lost in each other, found in each other. (This is not about having random drunken one-night stands; understand the correct connotation here.)

Spring Equinox is in honor of Astarte. The equinox (Latin, meaning “equal night”) is when night (Water) and day (Fire) are the exact same length, and halfway between Winter Solstice (Water) and Summer Solstice (Fire). Fire and Water are in perfect balance, as are Air (which comes from Fire) and Earth (which comes from Water).

Spring is when we come out of Winter hibernation and can expand more in the day and do more outdoors. The light is longer and brighter, and crops will now grow. Astarte is also Demeter, the Goddess of harvest, agriculture, crops, grains, and food.


[Demeter by Gwendolyn Malfoy]

Celebrate, honor life and love and growth. Honor Her, because she wants you to be loved. She wants you to heal and grow as much as you are capable. Live as much as you are capable of living. Don’t stagnate; plants never stagnate unless they are on the brink of death and decay. And plants always grow upwards. They never grow sideways unless something is pressing them down; and then, the very moment they are able to, they grow upwards again.

Plants have "indeterminate growth”, meaning they keep growing with almost no limitations, so long as the conditions are right. There are plants and trees that go through periods of hibernation such as in winter or in drought, but these periods end and they grow again. Be like a plant: Steady your roots, and grow indefinitely.

Times when plants may not grow: (representing, your own self-growth)

-Planting them in the wrong season and location: Start your magickal workings and life goals/achievements at the correct times, work in harmony with the energy of astrological transits and the natural phases of your life.

-Poor soil conditions: Pay attention to your foundation and what can help support and feed your growth.

-Incorrect watering: Take care of your emotional needs and nourishment.

-Incorrect lighting: The soul is made of light, use light to clean and purify your soul; but don’t burn yourself out.

-Fertilization: We need to put the needs of our children first, and make sacrifices for their sake, but it all comes back to us in the end. Growing children helps to fuel our own growth.

-Pests: Eliminate pests, detach from toxic people in your life.

-Diseases: Remove and prevent disease, do health workings, and take care of your health.

-Transplant shock: Shock happens during times of change, spend this time nurturing yourself (self-care) and learning to adapt in order to further your growth again.

Humans are like plants. This is why our planet Earth is perfect for us and our full, well-rounded evolution. We are not borgs, we are children of the Gods and this is the planet they created us on. And Astarte/ Inanna/ Isis/ Aphrodite/ Venus/ Demeter/ Freya was always one of the most important Goddesses, the one who nurtures us, feeds us, cares for us, and helps us grow.

Happy Ostara, Happy Spring. May you all move forward and upward in your life, to fulfillment and prosperity! :)

As the Spring arrives after the death of nature, so can the Godhead arrive for humans who seek it after a period of desolation and ignorance. Astarte oversees this transformation.” “[…] she is a motherly figure that supplies human beings with whatever they require for life.”
-Astarte’s page: https://satanisgod.org/AstarteHC.html

Hail Astarte!


[Freyja and the Necklace by James Doyle Penrose, 1890]

Seduction is very important yes, but should be done in a classy, magical, ritualistic, feminine, and mystical way, teamed with the heart and beauty. Rather than the trashy type of dominatrix, school girl, bondage, perversions that we see so much of today.
Your answer broke my heart. I don't want a girl who isn't even a goddess. Now I want a goddess who doesn't look like Astarte. Do you have the contact details of the goddesses who will heal my heart?
If you want a goddess as your wife then you should first become a god yourself. Then you will find such a wife.
How to heal? I hate love.😕
By it's nature, love is reciprocal, therefore it is more about finding the right match for you, as well as continuing to develop with them, even with energy work, to enhance this. This is how you can start to release subconscious beliefs that it is inherently harmful to you.

Also try to look at the positive sides to any hard aspects to Venus. For example, with Saturn, you can link the person to career growth and here both parties have an anchor point. With Pluto, transformation and regeneration should be the focus, as opposed to degeneration or loss which can manifest in the lower expressions.
By it's nature, love is reciprocal, therefore it is more about finding the right match for you, as well as continuing to develop with them, even with energy work, to enhance this. This is how you can start to release subconscious beliefs that it is inherently harmful to you.

Also try to look at the positive sides to any hard aspects to Venus. For example, with Saturn, you can link the person to career growth and here both parties have an anchor point. With Pluto, transformation and regeneration should be the focus, as opposed to degeneration or loss which can manifest in the lower expressions.
Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
