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Happy Mistakes - About Rituals and Meditations

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Generally it appears a lot of SS are encountering an issue where they are worried about doing vibrations and so on in the perfect manner, and all the spiritual disciplines. This also includes about the latest Rituals and so on. So let me clarify.

Perfection will come with knowledge, training, time and experience. One must not worry about this too much, but try to be within the "correct" region of the techniques as these are described. This region is large and there is a lot of tolerance, especially when it comes to personal meditations.

So unless you are doing something like entirely wrong, then you are not doing anything bad or that is too negative.

The most correct thing is to have a relaxed mindset when one meditates. You are learning a new skill. As you do not demand from yourself to play Beethoven the first day you start music, so one has to allow patience and acceptance of the practice to take place, and enjoy all the levels of meditation as they unfold.

Desire, fear, too many cluttered thoughts, can make meditation look like it's a chore. If you do this pathologically only to force yourself, that is a wrong approach. This will later on bring a situation where you might experience self hate or feelings of failure simply because of having wrong anticipated results.

Instead, one should allow themselves to experience what one will and allow the meditation to happen.

The moment one starts obsessing over the correctness of something to a crazy extent, or tries to force things too far, doubt and other mental loops of the left brain can kick in too strongly. This will therefore take you beyond the aim of your meditation session.

If these go too far, these can pull necessary attention energy from the meditation itself, which is the point. The point is not to obsess over the very small details when you meditate. This will come with time. You can meditate for 10 years and this can still occur. So learn to be relaxed about this.

The other side of this is being too sloppy. As one can understand, being extremely sloppy is not called meditation, as the mind is not focused at all. At this state one is not really paying attention, therefore, meditation does not occur.

Approaching this matter like this is so important, that even if you have a totally perfect "technique", but you obsess over these details, you might derail the working.

This level of perfectionism is necessary only on the most advanced things, and one should gradually train at this, until it has become "effortless". Like all arts, this is also the case with meditation.

For any skill to reach "effortless" levels, we have to train and commit many "happy mistakes" until we are there. So one should not worry too much, but one should put the necessary meditation on the practice and allow one's self to grow.

As one dude named Bob Ross said, "happy accidents" is basically how this unfolds. Bob Ross for those who do not know is a legendary painter from TV, one of the best shows about painting in history. He coined the term "Happy Accidents" because there are indeed no real accidents in painting, you just learn and keep learning.

Likewise, we have the situation here with meditation.

You will fail and have many failures until you become very advanced in all of this, but what is new? That is also very good news in that you are doing progress. Sometimes you might fail more, others less, at other times execution will be perfect.

But what is important is to keep going and allow yourself to make the happy mistakes until success has set in on the highest levels. Then you correct these and move on.

One must also keep in mind that especially in beginner and intermediary stages, there are few things that can go wrong and that cannot be literally corrected just by correct attention and a single repeat. Therefore, one rarely has something to worry about.

Just relax and meditate, nothing can go wrong. Just keep up and think to yourself how great you are advancing, step by step, gradually and upwards.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you, this is what I needed at now really really.
Again a new topic with exactly a prediction of less than a week and the one subject in my life that i've been working on...
Thanks for posting this, one of the things that has repeatedly kept me back is an obsession with perfection, failing and then stopping for long periods of time. Keep hitting this wall and ruining my mentality over what i "should" and "shouldn't" be doing based on an unreasonable strictness with myself.
Commander sir, I learnt Meditation from Quantum Center courses. I am really happy that I do meditation. Meditation is one thing that gives inner peace and relax to me . I have a problem. When I was learning meditation in Quantum Center and when the guru was teaching us Affirmation , Gurus maximum affirmation sentences were future tense . Examples:
"I will be more attentive in my meditation. THE MORE I WILL BE ATTENTIVE , The more I will go to my trance state. "

If I say affirmation or autosuggestion in future tense, are my affirmation valid sir?

Hail Satan
Yes!!❤ Thank you for sharing!
This is me with pronouncing mantras that I am unsure of. For example, I have never found a satisfyingly answer on how to pronounce the S in Satanama so I tried both but I overthink it the entire time either way lol.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Generally it appears a lot of SS are encountering

Wonderful post as always.

I would also like to talk about something related to this.

Many people tend to do hundreds of repetitions with hasty vibrations.

Sometimes they start a job with a lot of repetitions and the first days they do it well then for lack of time, they get used to vibrating hastily.

This habit can remain "memorized" and it comes naturally to vibrate hastily.

At least for me it is better to do fewer repetitions but well.

It can happen that when you advance you tend to neglect the basics.

It may seem trivial to say that more light and soul energy means more power, but it seems that sometimes someone can forget it.

LIGHT IS THE KEY TO POWER and vibrations are one of the ways of reaching this light.
Thank you for the clarification Commander. One question, what do you think of the lying position for meditating? Is it good for all meditations? It is my favourite, I only fall asleep in this position when I am tired. I can stay in this position motionless for two hours.
HP HoodedCobra666 your awesome!!!💯%🖤 I just want you to know.. That I enjoy your sermons and your lessons! I think you are a very intelligent person and you are very helpful! And I can see that you have helped many people on here! Because you have helped me in many ways!❤ and I appreciate you and all that you do!🐲 I know that I get on here? And post things and sometimes I come across as an ass on here showing off! Or saying things are doing things without a question? I don't mean to give people that impression!❤ and sometimes I don't take the time to type things out properly! And sometimes a lot of the things I post are a mere run on!. And that's because I am at work! And typing things out on a job site? Whether to be on my break or in the middle of working! I don't get the time to correct my punctuation or any of my spelling.. and to make authorizations to the point where things are easy to read and follow. And I apologize about that! And when I say that I am going to make a donation and help out the community :) I mean it! I am not into playing games!⚡ I am an honest person and I tell it like it is. And I do the best I can, like every one else.
And I try to take my time to type things out and make things more readable.
And I don't want to make a fool of myself! And I apologize if I ever did! But I want to let the teachers know on here that they are doing a wonderful job!.
And therefore I want to take my time and TELL YOU how much I appreciate you. ❤ for your time and your patience! And to tell you how much I enjoy reading your sermons. And how much they have helped me!🔥 Thank you for being here. And thank you for being who you are. ❤ and thank you for being my teacher!. And for the lessons. Hail Satan!!!🖤🔥
I had this issue since I dedicated. I always obsessed over my meditations or workings being perfect. As time passed, I did manage to overcome those things to some extent, but only a little.

This sermon has helped me a lot. Thank you HP Cobra.

Btw I love how frequent new sermons are being posted. I'm learning and understanding so much. I cannot thank you enough for all that you do for us HP Cobra.
This is a great reminder, one I really needed. Perfection is something we strive for but isn't always the outcome.

We can make the goal to jump for the moon but, try as we might, we cannot make this a reality. However, with practice and diligence, we can reach heights we could not before.
this post give me gold vibes

I feel relieved
For what it's worth -
I can attest to some of this. It takes me a few vibrations, even still after a few weeks, to vibrate the Word of Power I am using more correctly, in each session every day. There has been definite variation in how I vibrate - more smoothly, less smoothly, longer vibrations, shorter vibrations - including in the very same session. Even with only 40 vibrations once per day, including these variations, and for merely 3 weeks, it has still helped me. Part of what I would worry about is trying to do things perfectly or trying to be too exact. I think in this, I can learn to relax and be calm with things.

This was great timing, for you to post this, HP. I was considering for a few days doing a bit of an update on my progress so far, but here is a good thread to post some of it in.

The most correct thing is to have a relaxed mindset when one meditates. You are learning a new skill. As you do not demand from yourself to play Beethoven the first day you start music, so one has to allow patience and acceptance of the practice to take place, and enjoy all the levels of meditation as they unfold.
I started at the beginning of this part of your reply in total agreement, then smiling, then virtually grinning and I let out a little chuckle by the end. It is just great timing that you post this, at least for me.

The moment one starts obsessing over the correctness of something to a crazy extent, or tries to force things too far, doubt and other mental loops of the left brain can kick in too strongly. This will therefore take you beyond the aim of your meditation session.

I wouldn't believe you if you said that this was not (at least partly) aimed at me (regarding myself as of recent)! Despite crap and things, things seem slightly smoother now. I still have coincidences, gypsies are dirty and retarded, but a bit of a thing I have been doing - the working since 13th August - is well. (Doubt tries to creep in, but meh to it.)

You will fail and have many failures until you become very advanced in all of this, but what is new? That is also very good news in that you are doing progress. Sometimes you might fail more, others less, at other times execution will be perfect.
It's not a failure; I just found 10 000 ways that won't work!
Something I did when I started out on this path was go straight for the advanced meditations, I understood them, I knew what they were about and how they worked, I performed them, and it was a mess. Understanding alone is not enough without a strong foundation and experience. I still see new SS complain that they dont get results. How can they? When you're juggling visualizations, vibrations, mudras, your mind is scattered, whatever it is you're working on, without having built up to that level, without most of it happening almost automatically from you having done it for so long and achieved mastery, chances are its going to be a weak working at best.

You don't think which foot you're going to take your next step with, but you did at one point. So why do you try to run before you can walk?

Im a perfectionist, or I try to be anyway, and one thing i can say is, master the basics first. Void meditation especially, its not the "sexiest" of meditations, its not setting a building on fire, but it is absolutely essential. Any Satanist can grow in power performing their meditations in a mediocre way(given enough time), but without having mastered their mind first they will find that their thoughts do have power, and that they can indeed influence the world around them far more than they realize. I certainly neglected void meditation for a long time and came to regret it.

Do the small things first in a great way, move on to bigger and bigger things with your new found power and firmly planted foundation and soon enough everything just falls into place.
Sunny said:
Thank you for the clarification Commander. One question, what do you think of the lying position for meditating? Is it good for all meditations? It is my favourite, I only fall asleep in this position when I am tired. I can stay in this position motionless for two hours.

Any position that has your back straight and is comfortable, is a great position. Also, where you are relaxed but not asleep.

Certain more advanced meditators are also testing themselves with uneasy Asanas held for a long time, but testing the mind anyway to calm it down. This is not related to your question but I mention this to highlight the method.
Greetings to all SS!
Every day, or almost every day, I read this site through an Internet translator, also write, because I do not speak grammatical English and I do not know conversational English well enough. I have just signed up to this site, but for the past two years I have felt confidently part of the Joy of Satan, as I have been practicing power meditation and RTR for about two years.
I am very grateful for everything HR Maxin and HR Cobra do for pagans and satanists all over the world!
Currently, I see that Joy of Satan is the only true community of pagans and satanists that directly does the will of the Gods!
I don't know what is better write in the first message, because I'm not the most sociable person by its nature, I don't even use social networks, except for WhatsApp for work and I don't have much experience in communication (not related to my profession) unlike some of my acquaintances.
I really liked the last post of HR Cobra, I just caught myself at the moment when on this day you want to get answers to questions that arise, some of which you ask the Gods (in prayer, or just thoughts) to get answers to these questions, and on the next the day HR Cobra publishes post, in which i get all the answers to my questions, for two years I caught myself a lot on such moments, it's always very nice and it's just fantastic!
I sometimes re-read all the translations of HR Maxin in my native language and collections of other JoS authors, I understand that I still have questions regarding the spiritual world, reincarnation, certain details, and I understand that, like any person, I still have a lot to learn, a lot to understand, to achieve a lot, but I am sure that I will be able to get everything that I need to get in my life.
I am glad that the Gods brought me here to this place, that they showed me the way and that I am firmly on this path, and I believe that in the 21st century the soul of every pagan will find its way here and get to know Joy of Satan!
I want JoS to gain the status of the state religion all over the world one day, and all jews would die the most terrible death and feel the full power of the Super-dictatorship, which would be a Dictatorship only for jews, and after their death, all the souls of jews would fall into a Special Hell that Satan has prepared for them, I think it would be very justly!
Hail Satan! Hail Perun! Hail Lilith!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sunny said:
Thank you for the clarification Commander. One question, what do you think of the lying position for meditating? Is it good for all meditations? It is my favourite, I only fall asleep in this position when I am tired. I can stay in this position motionless for two hours.

Any position that has your back straight and is comfortable, is a great position. Also, where you are relaxed but not asleep.

Certain more advanced meditators are also testing themselves with uneasy Asanas held for a long time, but testing the mind anyway to calm it down. This is not related to your question but I mention this to highlight the method.

All right, thank you.
AristocraticDragon666 said:
Greetings to all SS!
Every day, or almost every day, I read this site through an Internet translator, also write, because I do not speak grammatical English and I do not know conversational English well enough. I have just signed up to this site, but for the past two years I have felt confidently part of the Joy of Satan, as I have been practicing power meditation and RTR for about two years.
I am very grateful for everything HR Maxin and HR Cobra do for pagans and satanists all over the world!
Currently, I see that Joy of Satan is the only true community of pagans and satanists that directly does the will of the Gods!
I don't know what is better write in the first message, because I'm not the most sociable person by its nature, I don't even use social networks, except for WhatsApp for work and I don't have much experience in communication (not related to my profession) unlike some of my acquaintances.
I really liked the last post of HR Cobra, I just caught myself at the moment when on this day you want to get answers to questions that arise, some of which you ask the Gods (in prayer, or just thoughts) to get answers to these questions, and on the next the day HR Cobra publishes post, in which i get all the answers to my questions, for two years I caught myself a lot on such moments, it's always very nice and it's just fantastic!
I sometimes re-read all the translations of HR Maxin in my native language and collections of other JoS authors, I understand that I still have questions regarding the spiritual world, reincarnation, certain details, and I understand that, like any person, I still have a lot to learn, a lot to understand, to achieve a lot, but I am sure that I will be able to get everything that I need to get in my life.
I am glad that the Gods brought me here to this place, that they showed me the way and that I am firmly on this path, and I believe that in the 21st century the soul of every pagan will find its way here and get to know Joy of Satan!
I want JoS to gain the status of the state religion all over the world one day, and all jews would die the most terrible death and feel the full power of the Super-dictatorship, which would be a Dictatorship only for jews, and after their death, all the souls of jews would fall into a Special Hell that Satan has prepared for them, I think it would be very justly!
Hail Satan! Hail Perun! Hail Lilith!

Welcome and Good Luck!
Indeed well said cobra the main part of magic or spiritual workings is the intention and focus as long as you do these two things you will chip away at all obstacles that stand before you eventually you will find that certain sounds just resonate better to what you are trying to achieve so this might work better for you also i tend to find on the topic of runes i prefer the German pronunciation a lot better and easier then that of icelandic but this is just me personally and you will know when you get it right as not just your throat will vibrate but all of you will including the soul and even the aura will vibrate to a powerful frequency i got quite good at this by messing around on the game skyrim like a knob head but some of the thuum shouts on that game are actually the proper way you are supposed to say the runes not all but some are it helped me a lot with some of the letters just drag out the way its said dont say it as fast as what the dragon born does and you will do well i usually try to copy maxine in a short version then drag it out more and more and if you visualize the rune in question shaking to the power of your voice and that energy shakes out of it and then comes down to you and infuses into your workings this is very good.

As you get even better at visualization you will see the sacred geometry of all these things very cool and the colors are very cool too starts to make you realize how good of a scientist Nikola Tesla really was.
Out of interest when or how often do you do rituals. When I first started i did one a week. More as gratitude for finding this path.

Now im sure I read HPS Maxine saying you dont have to do a ritual every week we already have power and can direct it with our own will.

I havent done one in years.

It was all very relaxing and empowering though.
Shiva666 said:
Commander sir, I learnt Meditation from Quantum Center courses. I am really happy that I do meditation. Meditation is one thing that gives inner peace and relax to me . I have a problem. When I was learning meditation in Quantum Center and when the guru was teaching us Affirmation , Gurus maximum affirmation sentences were future tense . Examples:
"I will be more attentive in my meditation. THE MORE I WILL BE ATTENTIVE , The more I will go to my trance state. "

If I say affirmation or autosuggestion in future tense, are my affirmation valid sir?

Hail Satan
Present tense for affirmations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Generally it appears a lot of SS are encountering an issue where they are worried about doing vibrations and so on in the perfect manner, and all the spiritual disciplines. This also includes about the latest Rituals and so on. So let me clarify.

Perfection will come with knowledge, training, time and experience. One must not worry about this too much, but try to be within the "correct" region of the techniques as these are described. This region is large and there is a lot of tolerance, especially when it comes to personal meditations.

So unless you are doing something like entirely wrong, then you are not doing anything bad or that is too negative.

The most correct thing is to have a relaxed mindset when one meditates. You are learning a new skill. As you do not demand from yourself to play Beethoven the first day you start music, so one has to allow patience and acceptance of the practice to take place, and enjoy all the levels of meditation as they unfold.

Desire, fear, too many cluttered thoughts, can make meditation look like it's a chore. If you do this pathologically only to force yourself, that is a wrong approach. This will later on bring a situation where you might experience self hate or feelings of failure simply because of having wrong anticipated results.

Instead, one should allow themselves to experience what one will and allow the meditation to happen.

The moment one starts obsessing over the correctness of something to a crazy extent, or tries to force things too far, doubt and other mental loops of the left brain can kick in too strongly. This will therefore take you beyond the aim of your meditation session.

If these go too far, these can pull necessary attention energy from the meditation itself, which is the point. The point is not to obsess over the very small details when you meditate. This will come with time. You can meditate for 10 years and this can still occur. So learn to be relaxed about this.

The other side of this is being too sloppy. As one can understand, being extremely sloppy is not called meditation, as the mind is not focused at all. At this state one is not really paying attention, therefore, meditation does not occur.

Approaching this matter like this is so important, that even if you have a totally perfect "technique", but you obsess over these details, you might derail the working.

This level of perfectionism is necessary only on the most advanced things, and one should gradually train at this, until it has become "effortless". Like all arts, this is also the case with meditation.

For any skill to reach "effortless" levels, we have to train and commit many "happy mistakes" until we are there. So one should not worry too much, but one should put the necessary meditation on the practice and allow one's self to grow.

As one dude named Bob Ross said, "happy accidents" is basically how this unfolds. Bob Ross for those who do not know is a legendary painter from TV, one of the best shows about painting in history. He coined the term "Happy Accidents" because there are indeed no real accidents in painting, you just learn and keep learning.

Likewise, we have the situation here with meditation.

You will fail and have many failures until you become very advanced in all of this, but what is new? That is also very good news in that you are doing progress. Sometimes you might fail more, others less, at other times execution will be perfect.

But what is important is to keep going and allow yourself to make the happy mistakes until success has set in on the highest levels. Then you correct these and move on.

One must also keep in mind that especially in beginner and intermediary stages, there are few things that can go wrong and that cannot be literally corrected just by correct attention and a single repeat. Therefore, one rarely has something to worry about.

Just relax and meditate, nothing can go wrong. Just keep up and think to yourself how great you are advancing, step by step, gradually and upwards.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I know keeping a blood pact fresh keeps it flowing sort of speek like exercise. That being said when you are in the public eye it's hard to conduct rituals and also when you live on a property your family lives on that have no idea about spiritual equations aka vibrations, and even Jewish programing in which reptiles are in every race and country.. remember. The victor writes history. Always keep the world 🌎 evolving.
Yeah. Falling 1,2,3,5,10,1000 times don't is important in the satanism or in other things. The important are can u continue to get up to figth u battle can be anything: Finding a partner,a better job,finally had Holyday in the hawaii? With the hard work u reach the "perfection" and the experience for reach u goals!
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
I can accept failure,but I cannot accept resignation.

No one should accept the second, no one who cares about himself.
Henu the Great said:
Shiva666 said:
Commander sir, I learnt Meditation from Quantum Center courses. I am really happy that I do meditation. Meditation is one thing that gives inner peace and relax to me . I have a problem. When I was learning meditation in Quantum Center and when the guru was teaching us Affirmation , Gurus maximum affirmation sentences were future tense . Examples:
"I will be more attentive in my meditation. THE MORE I WILL BE ATTENTIVE , The more I will go to my trance state. "

If I say affirmation or autosuggestion in future tense, are my affirmation valid sir?

Hail Satan
Present tense for affirmations.

Not sure Henu but at least its advice.

Hard to get questions flowing when it takes so long to get through, then a day to reply etc. Time zones I think HPHC might need help with this. Got to be other mods on here than just our HPHC he will be just far too busy.
Hello brothers and sisters, I am new here and am really grateful because I got this link from someone's comment on bitchute and really glad that I clicked on it.
I am reading from the beginning there is so much information on JOS, yesterday I listened to H.P Maxine Dietrich and all her audio sermons. And wow just wow.
I'm 60 and just now discovering what a bunch of lies and filth that was shoved down my throat.
I am still reading articles from the beginning on J OS website. I'm going to mention my age again but I am not ashamed of it either..
Tuesday I am commiting to the one true astral, Creator, Father Satan. If any one has advice please let me know.

piss on the nazarene
During my early days doing the RTRs, I used to get so panicky if I didn't remember how many times I did the repetitions, sometimes I'd throw in an extra repetition just as an "insurance".

This is relieving to hear!
EnkiUK55 said:
Henu the Great said:
Shiva666 said:
Commander sir, I learnt Meditation from Quantum Center courses. I am really happy that I do meditation. Meditation is one thing that gives inner peace and relax to me . I have a problem. When I was learning meditation in Quantum Center and when the guru was teaching us Affirmation , Gurus maximum affirmation sentences were future tense . Examples:
"I will be more attentive in my meditation. THE MORE I WILL BE ATTENTIVE , The more I will go to my trance state. "

If I say affirmation or autosuggestion in future tense, are my affirmation valid sir?

Hail Satan
Present tense for affirmations.
Not sure Henu but at least its advice.

Hard to get questions flowing when it takes so long to get through, then a day to reply etc. Time zones I think HPHC might need help with this. Got to be other mods on here than just our HPHC he will be just far too busy.
Literally reads on JoS. Plus you can experiment.

Posts can take long time to get approved due to busy moderators and admins / the workload is high for such small staff.
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Henu the Great said:
Present tense for affirmations.
Not sure Henu but at least its advice.

Hard to get questions flowing when it takes so long to get through, then a day to reply etc. Time zones I think HPHC might need help with this. Got to be other mods on here than just our HPHC he will be just far too busy.
Literally reads on JoS. Plus you can experiment.

Posts can take long time to get approved due to busy moderators and admins / the workload is high for such small staff.

No it wasnt meant as against your"e advice pal i meant at least you give it out :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah its a big time difference though I have obviously noticed a pattern.
paul_691 said:
Hello brothers and sisters, I am new here and am really grateful because I got this link from someone's comment on bitchute and really glad that I clicked on it.
I am reading from the beginning there is so much information on JOS, yesterday I listened to H.P Maxine Dietrich and all her audio sermons. And wow just wow.
I'm 60 and just now discovering what a bunch of lies and filth that was shoved down my throat.
I am still reading articles from the beginning on J OS website. I'm going to mention my age again but I am not ashamed of it either..
Tuesday I am commiting to the one true astral, Creator, Father Satan. If any one has advice please let me know.

piss on the nazarene

Greetings Brother & Sisters I have been away for sometime and I am looking to rejoin the forum, however I have noticed the yahoo groups are no longer available. Please forgive me in advance if I am posting this in the wrong section of the forum. Any tips on navigation of this forum would be greatly appreciated. I hope you are all doing well, and prospering wherever you may be. Also thank you very much for this deeply inspiring sermon HP Hooded Cobra, it is very much valued and appreciated. Funny enough it was the first forum I happened to stumble across when I signed in here.

Many Satanic Blessings To You All

Heil To The Infernal Gods
Heil To Viktory!
DiabloSatanas666 said:
Greetings Brother & Sisters I have been away for sometime and I am looking to rejoin the forum, however I have noticed the yahoo groups are no longer available. Please forgive me in advance if I am posting this in the wrong section of the forum. Any tips on navigation of this forum would be greatly appreciated. I hope you are all doing well, and prospering wherever you may be. Also thank you very much for this deeply inspiring sermon HP Hooded Cobra, it is very much valued and appreciated. Funny enough it was the first forum I happened to stumble across when I signed in here.

Many Satanic Blessings To You All

Heil To The Infernal Gods
Heil To Viktory!

Yahoo was about 20 years ago bro this is where it is now.....
im having trouble copying and pasting the focus sigil of the shen ring for the valefor ritual, could someone post it on here for me to copy and paste?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
