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HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Prana is defined as “that which moves inward”. It includes: Inhalation, eating, receiving mental and sensory stimulation. [1]

If you notice most people today, they neglect the first (pranayama; breathing exercises), which leads to going overboard on the others. Many people act like they are trying to cram as much mental and/or sensory stimulation into their minds as possible. Many people are addicted to youtube videos, social media, video games, random useless information online or on TV, just for the sake of mental/sensory stimulation.

If you notice the same in yourself, especially if you feel lethargic, try focusing more on pranayama. Try going for 15 minutes a day, focusing on your breath. Alternate nostril breathing to start, then switch to a triangle* or square* breath (described at the end). Finish by simply observing your normal breathing pattern without judgment, don’t try to force anything, simply observe it. This is also a form of Void meditation, so you will have the additional benefits.

While doing pranayama, know that you are receiving and filling your body with prana.

In Yoga, backbends (spinal extension) help to stimulate the pranic pattern [2]. Any asana involving a backbend, focus on the breath and the prana filling the lungs, easily and comfortably, yet as fully as possible.

Over-activating prana relates to megalomania, mania, overstretching (leading to injury), and an inability to say no and set boundaries [3]. You see this a lot with people who use too much social media and watch constant videos online. Therefore, a daily practice of yoga, as well as pranayama while voiding one's thoughts can be the key to fixing these issues.

Apana is the opposite direction in the body. Pranic is going upwards and out, apanic is down, elimination (ruling bodily excretion and ejaculation). Over-activation of apana is shown by an inability to let go of the past, emotional shutdown, fears, and being over-protective of oneself [4].

The way to manage and balance apana is by doing yoga asanas that involve spinal flexion: forward bends.

A complete and full yoga practice, maintained daily (or near-daily), can solve all the problems in the mind, body, and soul. Pranayama adds to this, and helps to keep spiritual energy high through the day.

*Triangle breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, repeat. Or, inhale, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4.
*Square breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4-4.

Kino MacGregor, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga 2 (for the info on prana and apana)
Thank you Lydia!
This is a great post and taught me new things! :)
NinRick said:
Thank you Lydia!
This is a great post and taught me new things! :)

I'm glad :)
Thank you for posting this; perfect timing! I've been slowly changing my routine to include yoga practices for the last 5 weeks. My wife has been after me for years to do so, lol!
You can activate sexual energy through pranayama - That energy flows through IDA nadi to the right side of your brain and Face through Nadis and is connected to Sushumna nadi.

To verify yourself do this-

Calm down and focus on the area - ( Middle and Right area of Lower Stomach and above Sacral )
Then breathe focusing on that area.

Things you'll notice -
1. Energy will come up from the right side of your through Sacral to Right side of the stomach to Right Side of Chest (It will burn in starting if the flow of energy is not regular and/or a lot of sexual energy is wasted rather than being sent to brain)

2. It will circulate and you'll see your body will become wet - The parts wherever the energy went. It will also go to your head.

What I think: If science tell you that sexual energy is connected to the brain and MAYBE when the flow of this energy is stopped then Dandruff is noticed, ( I've been doing this since last year and I'm certain sexual energy blockage leads to dandruff )

... Is there any way to Boost this process to the point where it's infinite. I used to go insane with the sexual arousal I had when I sent - serpent or energy- into IDA nadi unknowing.

My experience -

Once the sexual energy is at its peak then the serpent can move freely through the Lubrication it provides to it.
So this energy must be learned to be focused inward rather than wasting it - I think it's somehow related to SHIVA - LINGA
LINGA means sexual organ.
JeraOpus said:
You can activate sexual energy through pranayama - That energy flows through IDA nadi to the right side of your brain and Face through Nadis and is connected to Sushumna nadi.

To verify yourself do this-

Calm down and focus on the area - ( Middle and Right area of Lower Stomach and above Sacral )
Then breathe focusing on that area.

Things you'll notice -
1. Energy will come up from the right side of your through Sacral to Right side of the stomach to Right Side of Chest (It will burn in starting if the flow of energy is not regular and/or a lot of sexual energy is wasted rather than being sent to brain)

2. It will circulate and you'll see your body will become wet - The parts wherever the energy went. It will also go to your head.

What I think: If science tell you that sexual energy is connected to the brain and MAYBE when the flow of this energy is stopped then Dandruff is noticed, ( I've been doing this since last year and I'm certain sexual energy blockage leads to dandruff )

... Is there any way to Boost this process to the point where it's infinite. I used to go insane with the sexual arousal I had when I sent - serpent or energy- into IDA nadi unknowing.

My experience -

Once the sexual energy is at its peak then the serpent can move freely through the Lubrication it provides to it.
So this energy must be learned to be focused inward rather than wasting it - I think it's somehow related to SHIVA - LINGA
LINGA means sexual organ.

very helpful for me, thank you dearly

have a good day.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316241 time=1642354003 user_id=57]

*Triangle breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, repeat. Or, inhale, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4.
*Square breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4-4.

Kino MacGregor, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga 2 (for the info on prana and apana)

just for clarification Triangle breath is Prana and the square breath is Apana right?
Mmmm 🔥 Thank you for sharing that!
Thanks for this, I've wanted to incorporate breathing exercises into my routine but wasnt sure which to do. This sounds like exactly what i need
Thank you Lydia this is very good to know :)
ChaosBringer666 said:
just for clarification Triangle breath is Prana and the square breath is Apana right?

No. All breathing increases prana, and can balance prana and apana.
Fanboy said:
Reading this and then proof reading my knee-jerk responses just kills me.

There's 2 reasons why what you said is wrong and 2 reasons why it's right. I've never felt some things like the upward force or the downward force.

And the prana is just what I'm like when I'm pure, and careless and the Apna is just what I'm like when I'm corrupted and short fused

I'm not sure I really understand everything you wrote here but this is definitely some thought provoking stuff

Sounds more like samskaras and vasanas, not apana, what you are referring to. And people don't necessarily feel the upward and downward forces.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316485 time=1642405576 user_id=57]
Fanboy said:
Reading this and then proof reading my knee-jerk responses just kills me.

There's 2 reasons why what you said is wrong and 2 reasons why it's right. I've never felt some things like the upward force or the downward force.

And the prana is just what I'm like when I'm pure, and careless and the Apna is just what I'm like when I'm corrupted and short fused

I'm not sure I really understand everything you wrote here but this is definitely some thought provoking stuff

Sounds more like samskaras and vasanas, not apana, what you are referring to. And people don't necessarily feel the upward and downward forces.

Please can you post a few series of asanas that includes forward bends and backward bends. Thank you. You are doing a great job for us.
Secondly is there any difference between prana and vril?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316482 time=1642405259 user_id=57]
ChaosBringer666 said:
just for clarification Triangle breath is Prana and the square breath is Apana right?

No. All breathing increases prana, and can balance prana and apana.

So can apana be increased?
Fanboy said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316241 time=1642354003 user_id=57]

Reading this and then proof reading my knee-jerk responses just kills me.

There's 2 reasons why what you said is wrong and 2 reasons why it's right. I've never felt some things like the upward force or the downward force.

And the prana is just what I'm like when I'm pure, and careless and the Apna is just what I'm like when I'm corrupted and short fused

I'm not sure I really understand everything you wrote here but this is definitely some thought provoking stuff

:roll: nothing here is wrong. You do not know, just admit it and learn, the rest of the things you wrote, just pissed my brain off, maybe I'm not that intelligent but I know when I read rubbish.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316241 time=1642354003 user_id=57]

*Triangle breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, repeat. Or, inhale, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4.
*Square breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4-4.

Kino MacGregor, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga 2 (for the info on prana and apana)

just for clarification Triangle breath is Prana and the square breath is Apana right?
Also, you can to do this meditations, for Prana and Apana, posted by Savitar:
Lydia please what about people who can't control their minds , like day dreaming , and talking with your self in the mind and all those kind of fantacy in mind , can this help or you have another remedies for this .
I would like to add that you can "inhale more prana" by doing these exercises in an area with fresh, circulating air...preferably outdoors or in a semi-outdoor area like a covered patio if that's available. And you can "inhale more prana" in general by keeping your windows open when you can, being outdoors more, going into areas with more nature and less pollution, and preferably where the air is moving more (like by the ocean etc)

When a person wears a mask, especially a stronger mask with more filters, they are creating a breathing environment that offers their lungs much less prana and apana. The decreased air circulation from mask usage gives a person less CO2 exhalation and less O2 inhalation.. There are people who have been wearing masks for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for the past 2 years. The stunted O2 inhalation and CO2 exhalation (and reduction of prana inhalation) must be incredibly damaging to their well-being, all of the body's processes rely on fresh oxygenated blood, not acidic blood which is what prolonged mask usage will cause. Yes, it will change the pH of your blood. And it will make it easier for microorganisms to live in these acidic environments.

To sum it up

Prana is more present in fresh, circulating air.

Mask wearing ----> Poorer air circulation and gas exchange -------> Less Prana present -------> Less O2 inhalation and CO2 exhalation -----> exhausts your body and makes it have to work harder to get back to homeostasis
VoiceofEnki said:
Thank you for this post Lydia, your expertise on this is always extremely appreciated!

Hail Satan!

AYe bro Lydia cool very adept.

Thanks for OP too lydia not sure if i congratulated you on guardianship but here it is

Congrats :cool:
Thank you.
Do you know any exercise that has the same benefits of the alternate nostril breathing? I have sinusitis and I can't do this exercise, I can't breathe properly from the nose, the right nostril is nearly blocked most of the time. I might do the surgery some day.
Thanks for the useful information ... this article has come at the right time for me :D
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316241 time=1642354003 user_id=57]
Prana is defined as “that which moves inward”. It includes: Inhalation, eating, receiving mental and sensory stimulation. [1]

If you notice most people today, they neglect the first (pranayama; breathing exercises), which leads to going overboard on the others. Many people act like they are trying to cram as much mental and/or sensory stimulation into their minds as possible. Many people are addicted to youtube videos, social media, video games, random useless information online or on TV, just for the sake of mental/sensory stimulation.

If you notice the same in yourself, especially if you feel lethargic, try focusing more on pranayama. Try going for 15 minutes a day, focusing on your breath. Alternate nostril breathing to start, then switch to a triangle* or square* breath (described at the end). Finish by simply observing your normal breathing pattern without judgment, don’t try to force anything, simply observe it. This is also a form of Void meditation, so you will have the additional benefits.

While doing pranayama, know that you are receiving and filling your body with prana.

In Yoga, backbends (spinal extension) help to stimulate the pranic pattern [2]. Any asana involving a backbend, focus on the breath and the prana filling the lungs, easily and comfortably, yet as fully as possible.

Over-activating prana relates to megalomania, mania, overstretching (leading to injury), and an inability to say no and set boundaries [3]. You see this a lot with people who use too much social media and watch constant videos online. Therefore, a daily practice of yoga, as well as pranayama while voiding one's thoughts can be the key to fixing these issues.

Apana is the opposite direction in the body. Pranic is going upwards and out, apanic is down, elimination (ruling bodily excretion and ejaculation). Over-activation of apana is shown by an inability to let go of the past, emotional shutdown, fears, and being over-protective of oneself [4].

The way to manage and balance apana is by doing yoga asanas that involve spinal flexion: forward bends.

A complete and full yoga practice, maintained daily (or near-daily), can solve all the problems in the mind, body, and soul. Pranayama adds to this, and helps to keep spiritual energy high through the day.

*Triangle breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, repeat. Or, inhale, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4.
*Square breath: Inhale, hold, exhale, hold, repeat. Keep all the same count, for example 4-4-4-4.

Kino MacGregor, The Power of Ashtanga Yoga 2 (for the info on prana and apana)

thank you for this amazing post. a question, is prana and apana the same as ether but with different levels and intensities? or is that just my silly assumption
I am one of your fans of your posts on yoga! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I have a daily routine of Kundalini Yoga kriyas that alternating between cobra pose and triangle pose. Does this help to balance the pranic and the apanic? Or is it better to do deeper forward and backward bends?
Thank you.

Maybe this is the solution to one of my problems. I'll try it.

Is only 4-4-4 good? Or is it just as effective to count 5-5-5 or 6-6-6 with breath exercises?
Manofsatan said:
Please can you post a few series of asanas that includes forward bends and backward bends. Thank you. You are doing a great job for us.
Secondly is there any difference between prana and vril?

Well, there are a lot that can be easily found online, so I don't think there's a need for me to post any.

Vril is bioelectricity, prana is a form of vril.

I think I forgot to clarify in my OP, apana is prana too, it isn't "the opposite of prana". Just mentioning this in case anyone was confused.

For your second comment, yes apana can be increased if it is too low. Yoga and pranayama help to balance, increase whatever needs to be increased, and manage what is in excess :)

Siatris Ioholo said:
Also, you can to do this meditations, for Prana and Apana, posted by Savitar:

Thanks for posting that, is Savitar still around? He had a lot of good posts.

ak052 said:
Lydia please what about people who can't control their minds , like day dreaming , and talking with your self in the mind and all those kind of fantacy in mind , can this help or you have another remedies for this .

Yoga, with focus. Try to keep your mind still, focused on your body in each pose. It takes time, but it will happen. Void meditation, focusing on Satan's sigil, or another Demon's sigil.
I'm happy to be of help, everyone :)

CrossRoadsPedestrian said:

Thanks for the input, it is very true :)

EnkiUK55 said:
Thanks for OP too lydia not sure if i congratulated you on guardianship but here it is

Congrats :cool:

Thank you :)

BlackOnyx8 said:
Thank you.
Do you know any exercise that has the same benefits of the alternate nostril breathing? I have sinusitis and I can't do this exercise, I can't breathe properly from the nose, the right nostril is nearly blocked most of the time. I might do the surgery some day.

Ah, that sucks. Have you tried a planetary square for healing? If you do get the surgery, make sure transiting Neptune is not making any hard aspects to your natal planets, particularly your Sun or Mercury. Make sure Moon is not in Aries (rules head, including this area).

Prayer mudra balances the nadis. Focus in your ida and pingala balancing and being even.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
thank you for this amazing post. a question, is prana and apana the same as ether but with different levels and intensities? or is that just my silly assumption

Not ether, but Vril, essentially. Although everything technically comes from the ether so you're not completely wrong there.

OwltheD said:
I am one of your fans of your posts on yoga! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I have a daily routine of Kundalini Yoga kriyas that alternating between cobra pose and triangle pose. Does this help to balance the pranic and the apanic? Or is it better to do deeper forward and backward bends?

Thank you :)

Try standing and sitting forward bends for apana. Look into adding Camel pose for prana, although cobra is good too.

Lightningsnake said:
Thank you.

Maybe this is the solution to one of my problems. I'll try it.

Is only 4-4-4 good? Or is it just as effective to count 5-5-5 or 6-6-6 with breath exercises?

Other counts as well, not just 4's, I should clarify that. Personally I prefer to count in mantras, not in numbers. So for 4's, Sa-Ta-Na-Ma, and if 8, then 2 Satanama's. For 6's, I mentally state "Hail-Say-Tan" twice. As an example.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316603 time=1642436830 user_id=57]

BlackOnyx8 said:
Thank you.
Do you know any exercise that has the same benefits of the alternate nostril breathing? I have sinusitis and I can't do this exercise, I can't breathe properly from the nose, the right nostril is nearly blocked most of the time. I might do the surgery some day.

Ah, that sucks. Have you tried a planetary square for healing? If you do get the surgery, make sure transiting Neptune is not making any hard aspects to your natal planets, particularly your Sun or Mercury. Make sure Moon is not in Aries (rules head, including this area).

Prayer mudra balances the nadis. Focus in your ida and pingala balancing and being even.


Should one avoid all breathing exercises for the time being if they have this? I also have it but didnt realize it would potentially be an issue
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316603 time=1642436830 user_id=57]
Other counts as well, not just 4's, I should clarify that. Personally I prefer to count in mantras, not in numbers. So for 4's, Sa-Ta-Na-Ma, and if 8, then 2 Satanama's. For 6's, I mentally state "Hail-Say-Tan" twice. As an example.

Thanks for the Tips, this is even much better than counting, as you get some mental vibrations in as well, I‘d never think of that. :eek:

Plus it’s easier to fall in a trance for me if I vibrate mantras instead of counting.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316603 time=1642436830 user_id=57]
I will try the square first, thanks.
But also will take note of what you said in case I do decide to do the surgery later on though.

Thanks for the recommendations, I will start doing the prayer mudra during meditation.

The only issue is that it's physically impossible to perform this breathing.

But I have actually wondered if in the case we can only breathe from one nostril most of the time if it creates some sort of imbalance.

I do perform the Kumbhaka Lunar Breath everyday and I'm fine as far as I am aware.
Thank you for this wonderful post and breathing exercises dear guardian Lydia

Have you got any way to raise apana?
Is the yoga for the 6th chakra the best solution?

I have realised that pranayama helps you sustain a more into the earth and staying in the moment existence, however it still is quite hard sometimes to let go of all the worries in my stressfull life and all the ifs and buts that has happened.

But I always come back to yoga everytime this life reset happens for me and it makes me happy
Thank you very much! I benefited a lot from this. :)

Can you recommend some yoga books that you have read? Also I would like to ask if you know where can I find mantra songs like Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo in Kimilla's Spinal Series? I love the sound and it is so invigorating. I'm going to play them during my yoga routine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evmO1igrgyc

Here's the above mentioned book including the first edition for those who are interested:

The Power of Ashtanga Yoga: Developing a Practice That Will Bring You Strength, Flexibility, and Inner Peace--Includes the complete Primary Series


The Power of Ashtanga Yoga II

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316482 time=1642405259 user_id=57]
ChaosBringer666 said:
just for clarification Triangle breath is Prana and the square breath is Apana right?

No. All breathing increases prana, and can balance prana and apana.

jeez :roll: I think I'll take this as a memo to re read posts till it sinks in. I saw the two different breaths and honed in on that, but thank you though I greatly appreciate it.

have a wonderful day Lydia.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316241 time=1642354003 user_id=57]Many people act like they are trying to cram as much mental and/or sensory stimulation into their minds as possible. Many people are addicted to youtube videos, social media, video games, random useless information online or on TV, just for the sake of mental/sensory stimulation.

I notice this with myself in fact as far as I can remember I've always been like this. Normal to me = abnormal to other people.

I've noticed I don't use the internet or whatever for hours on end although with video games before abandoning it in 2012 early 2013, I used to play a lot in some cases standard 12-15 hour time periods. Even one time going 17 hours straight with Wolf:ET back in 2011 or 2012 or so. Had flashes of the game each time I blinked took me a good two hours to fall asleep felt like I stayed awake for like 3 days straight.

I can definitely state I walk and think A LOT for hours on end talking to myself and contemplating stuff. Been doing it pretty much for years. I got tired of all this technology and computer and whatnot. So even though I do what you stated addicted to my own retrograde personality. I will say if I was a normal person or had more technological drive I'd be on the computer for hours upon hours on end.

Funny enough I'd like to ask if I'm personally when walking and thinking. Thinking and walking and stimulating my mental/sensory. Just for the sake of living. I live like a normal person I've pretty much quit meditation. I always notice meditation pulling me back in but only out of mental stimulation i.e. learning about the meditation and just spending a while thinking and processing the information. I think therefore I am would be a good motto for me.

I do the opposite of the Asians, they have meditation statue, we have the thinker statue. I guess all this free thought and open mindset. I've ruined my ability to meditate both void and trance. I honestly never been in a meditative state nor understand meditation without thinking. How can I be alive without thinking? If I don't think or talk to myself how can I exist?

Are these the types of questions and scenarios you mean if people go off the deep end such as myself? I've pretty much quit meditating and want to avoid meditation for the year stop myself from being burnt out. Even though I hardly did much but doing yoga and meditation and mindfulness and all this stuff just bores the living the shit out of me even worse it not just burns me out but the next day I wake up like "Goddamnit now I gotta waste my time meditating again for what this serves no purpose for me?"

IF I feel this and am this way. Would this be considered a lack of life or lack of stimulation or too much over stimulation or what is the frame work of my issues whereby I avoid meditation a positive in life and focus solely on a hyper mentally intense thinking parameter. Forget computers, gadgets, youtube and other tidbits and trivial information. I've been that way with trivial information for YEARS ever since getting online back in 1999.

But is my way of existence a normal for others thinking deeply all the time overthinking overprocessing going off tangent unable to calm my body down basically hyperactive thinking.

Is my way of existing contrary towards Satanism?

I'm utterly bored meditating even doing active physical meditations which I'm hoping does something. I'd rather do physical or mantra meditation than contemplative/void/trance meditation as I'm unable to alter my state. I'm aware it takes time but every time I think gosh I do it and return back to thinking what is the point. Or like for example a 40 day meditation it's lke UGH 40 days WTF every day for 40 days I gotta waste time doing this, this, and that. It's like I think or over think something so much that I just change it from thinking. For example many times a member or one of the high priests states something and I'm like add more data to the data banks. I'm aware I learned something alright think it, process it, add it in and your golden.

For example doing a 40/90 day working for removing karma. I ask two questions WTF kind of karma do I remove I don't suffer from these issues others have and two what is the point just tell me what I need to do and it's done I erase it, I do it and do it without wasting my time doing mantra and 40/90 days. Funny people state part way through the karma starts blasting out and creating scenarios and you confront it over time. Well funny enough what is the point of that just think it or study it and your golden. It reminds me of people that have issues think about contemplate, do some research deep dive the information and just mentally rehearse it and do the action with acquired knowledge. Why do you need to do meditation to remove something when you can instantly erase it with knowledge and ability to do it.

So is my mentally an issue? Is my mental intensity a bad thing? You said pretty much though the learning of sensory information like mindfulness i.e sensory sensitizing to reduce mental chatter. In other words if you can hear your pulse and heart and sense your body your mind quiets down or reduces chatter. But how would this help someone like me? If I'm so mentally intense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
