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Satanism in Rock n Roll/Popular Music


New member
Aug 6, 2021
Hello, I am a newcomer to this forum although I have been aware of it for a couple of years now. While I wouldn't describe myself as a satanist, I am attracted to this forum because it is pretty thoroughly redpilled on the JQ and related matters, I know that there are people here who know their stuff.

Here's my question, what do you all make of popular culture (and some less popular bands) that are either overtly or covertly satanic for lack of a better term? An obvious example of what I'm talking about would be AC/DC's Highway to Hell and similar rock songs with pro-satan or pro-devil imagery or lyrics. Personally I have been a big fan of the Grateful Dead and similar jam bands. One of their more popular songs was Friend of The Devil but obviously this is something not unique to them and present in many bands. Ween has an album called God Ween Satan and obviously throwing up the "devil horns" with your hand has been common at rock shows since at least the 70s. If you go to a big rock show it's not uncommon to hear people shout HAIL SATAN after an epic jam or guitar solo/song. I could go on and on and list examples from various bands but I'm sure people here get the point.

So, what do you make of this? Is this a good thing? Or just another level of control? I see a lot of the rock n roll/hippie counterculture as being total new world order mind control planning, much of directed by Freemasons. Masons have been known anti-Catholics for centuries and yet I get the sense here that many don't like them. The obvious support of National Socialism would seem counter to this given Germany's banning of Freemasonry during the 30s and 40s before they lost the war.

I'm sure most here are familiar with CIA MKULTRA experiments and popularizing LSD usage amongst the masses. So...what's your take? Is this sort of thing good or bad?

I am generally against controlling others or being controlled, and there have been times at psychedelic concerts (mainly one specific band) where I have been high on psychedelics, even a small amount, and had the sensation that something was trying to reverse/block my chakras and change fundamental aspects of my beings in what felt clearly like some sort of sinister or mind control type way. I know this makes me sound crazy, hence my username redpilledschizo, but this forum seems like the kind of place where someone might have knowledge of this.

I wanted to post this here because I myself also have mixed views on this as well as religion. On the one hand, I view all the abrahamic religions as fundamentally jewish control systems for non-jewish populations, but on the other hand it is easy to "revert" to Catholicism when one encounters what seems to be some kind of occult or satanic mind control going on. Catholicism has the exorcism rites and ways to banish demons/evil....then again you do also find this in non abrahamic religions. Anyway, I know I'm on a rant right now, but for a community of satanists who embrace national socialism and reject jewish control over society, how do you square that with what appear to be fairly obvious satanic references in popular music and culture? If you want I can get more detailed on the specific band I am referencing with my negative experiences, but I did a search for them here and didn't find anything, so I assume most members aren't familiar. But it's clear to me they are heavily involved in the occult and freemasonry for lack of a better term, and they do reference satan and hell in numerous songs. Overall just been getting creeped out lately, trying to get my life on track. I know the common explanation of a bad drug trip is that it's all in your head, you're feeling weird about life in general which leads to the bad experience, but I can't help but think that sometimes there's more going on than this.
RedpilledSchizo said:
Here's my question, what do you all make of popular culture (and some less popular bands) that are either overtly or covertly satanic for lack of a better term? An obvious example of what I'm talking about would be AC/DC's Highway to Hell and similar rock songs with pro-satan or pro-devil imagery or lyrics. Personally I have been a big fan of the Grateful Dead and similar jam bands. One of their more popular songs was Friend of The Devil but obviously this is something not unique to them and present in many bands. Ween has an album called God Ween Satan and obviously throwing up the "devil horns" with your hand has been common at rock shows since at least the 70s. If you go to a big rock show it's not uncommon to hear people shout HAIL SATAN after an epic jam or guitar solo/song. I could go on and on and list examples from various bands but I'm sure people here get the point.

So, what do you make of this? Is this a good thing? Or just another level of control? I see a lot of the rock n roll/hippie counterculture as being total new world order mind control planning, much of directed by Freemasons. Masons have been known anti-Catholics for centuries and yet I get the sense here that many don't like them. The obvious support of National Socialism would seem counter to this given Germany's banning of Freemasonry during the 30s and 40s before they lost the war.

Actually no, the Freemasons and other enemy jewish organizations (by the way, how can it be anti-catholic when many popes were freemasons? Lol) had nothing to do with Rock n Roll. The Satanic imagery was a good thing. You have to understand that the 60's and 70's were a cultural revolution, a rebellion against the enemy hoax of xianity which dominated everything until then (it doesn't mean that it didn't have its enemy side though, like cultural marxism and the hippie counterculture). So, Anton Lavey (who wasn't an atheist BTW) founded the Church of Satan in the 60's and later on in the 70's followed rock and metal bands who strongly rebeled against xianity, and I believe that many of them were actual Satanists. For example, Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven song had a beautiful Satanic message when backwards but even in itself if you listen to it it's full of Esoteric/Occult allegories that an advanced Spiritual Satanist can fully make sense of.

There were 2 different things going in that time:

1)Satanic rebellion
2)Enemy takeover

And you shouldn't conflate them. They aren't related to eachother. The Hippie counterculture is not in any way related to Rock n Roll.

A sermon on the site mentions this:

The 1970's band "Black Sabbath," paved the way for heavy metal, death/black metal. The metal scene openly blasphemes the Christian "God" and Satanic lyrics are very popular, especially among the youth. This music is an expression of pent up rage. Look around you- Satanic music, movies, books, role playing games, video games, the internet with thousands of Satanic websites, Satanic t-shirts, Baphomet jewelry, and more. Satan is becoming very popular. Satan definitely has the youth, as Satan reveals the truth. “Satan” in Sanskrit, one of the world’s most ancient languages, means “truth.” The kids are fed up with being lied to.

RedpilledSchizo said:
but on the other hand it is easy to "revert" to Catholicism when one encounters what seems to be some kind of occult or satanic mind control going on.

There's no "mind control" going on, these bands legitimately rebel against the enemy hoax of xianity. There's nothing "evil" or a specific agenda about them. They are legitimately Satanic, and as the above text from the site mentions, they express popular rage and angst against the xian hoax.

As for Freemasonry, it was originally Satanic as it's been mentioned, that's until the late 1700's/early 1800's when a jew called Adam Weishaupt infiltrated it. They were anti-catholic before the 20th century, but later many catholic popes were freemasons. Nowadays they are a completely enemy anti-Satanic organization.
Rational Satanist said:
As for Freemasonry, it was originally Satanic as it's been mentioned, that's until the late 1700's/early 1800's when a jew called Adam Weishaupt infiltrated it. They were anti-catholic before the 20th century, but later many catholic popes were freemasons. Nowadays they are a completely enemy anti-Satanic organization.

Correction: It was another jew, Mayer Amschel Bauer who infiltrated Freemasonry, not Adam Weishaupt.

For more information see this page from the 666 Black Sun website:


It totally explains that the original "New World Order" of the original freemasonry that the Founding Fathers of the United States were members of was totally different than the modern jewish world order. We have an utopian vision for a society in the Age of Satan, but it's completely different from the global communist enslavement plan of the enemy. We look to an age where humanity will become Gods/Supermen (as the National Socialists and Nietzsche called them), by spiritual/occult transformation under the guidance of Satan and the Gods. We seek to empower the common man, not enslave him, and give him the occult powers and knowledge that are now in the hands of the few.

RedpilledSchizo said:
The obvious support of National Socialism would seem counter to this given Germany's banning of Freemasonry during the 30s and 40s before they lost the war.

By that time you mention, Freemasonry was under enemy control, so of course the NSDAP banned it together with other jewish occult organizations. But they kept their own occult organization, the Thule society. So they weren't against all occult organizations, only unapproved jewish ones like Freemasonry and OTO.
Rational Satanist said:
And you shouldn't conflate them. They aren't related to eachother. The Hippie counterculture is not in any way related to Rock n Roll.
There's no "mind control" going on, these bands legitimately rebel against the enemy hoax of xianity. There's nothing "evil" or a specific agenda about them. They are legitimately Satanic, and as the above text from the site mentions, they express popular rage and angst against the xian hoax.

As for Freemasonry, it was originally Satanic as it's been mentioned, that's until the late 1700's/early 1800's when a jew called Adam Weishaupt infiltrated it. They were anti-catholic before the 20th century, but later many catholic popes were freemasons. Nowadays they are a completely enemy anti-Satanic organization.

Okay I guess I'll be more specific. I get that rock n roll existed since the 50s and as a genre was not simultaneous with hippies. However, the Grateful Dead and the 60s psychedelic revolution in San Francisco fundamentally changed rock n roll. It's because of what happened in San Francisco with The Grateful Dead, Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, that The Beatles ever decided to be more psychedelic for example. This article by Jan Irvin of Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, goes into this topic in detail. I don't agree with everything he says, but it's a good primer:

It's in the late 60s where I think the government or other groups perhaps became more involved. We know they were experimenting with LSD and that Kesey and the lyricist for the dead, Robert Hunter, first took LSD at MK ULTRA gov't sponsored trials around Stanford. All of that is fact. Also pretty insane that the dead never did any jail time despite being busted with drugs more than once.

But a better example would be the Southern California bands of The Doors and others. Jim Morrison's dad was high ranking in the navy and present when Gulf of Tonkin supposedly happened. Dave McGowan has written extensively about this, here's an interview about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2GjY8DN-7I , this is all above board stuff, not speculative theory.

I guess on a higher level though, I don't see how this music is separate from the politics all that much. Obviously some bands made a stand, but to pretend like the big rock n roll celebrities were secretly national socialist or that they were promoting good ideas/behaviors rather than degeneracy is a bit of wishful thinking imo. The one exceptions might be David Bowie and Eric Clapton, but by and large most of the rock n roll music, especially the psychedelic stuff out of San Francisco, was more about drugs and new ways of being/living, new sexuality etc

The only reason I mentioned mind control is because of the band Phish, which is the ideological/cultural heirs to the grateful dead and that entire hippie scene in American music. They rock, they shred, but I had a couple bad trips at shows where I genuinely felt like they were trying to brainwash me into being transgender. That combined with often times explicit freemason symbolism and satanic-ish lyrics is what gives me cause for concern. Even taking the more mainstream bands like AC/DC (and phish used to cover highway to hell a lot)...I just don't see how you square that music with the far right politics of this board
LaVey Satanism (most satanic rock bands) have good sides( Nietzsche, James Madole), but it is infected with jewish destruction( Ayn Rand, radical induvidualism-drugs/self destruction)
People have to realize some of the stuff that got labeled as Satanic back then is not. Korn for example. I mean I like the dark vibe of his music but it looks to me reptilian when watching the music videos. If you look at his videos you will see what I mean there is a constant theme of some one being possessed and decay and kind of in a subliminal way and they show all sorts of degenerate sounding imagery and lyrics.

This isn't really Satanism it's what the enemy wants it to be same with Marilyn Manson almost exactly as what I said above except they openly worship the xtian devil kind of thing. That isn't Satanism. But I have to admit I like the rebel vibe of some of this.

I don't go for metal that much but Slipknot seemed more legit I love the lyrics of some of his songs just not the style that much. Breaking Benjamin I believe is an actual SS talking about Satanic stuff sometimes. 30 Seconds to Mars can't say. He put out some songs that sound a lot like it then added some xtian stuff later. Disturbed is straight up Jews sometimes even using Hebrew words and promoting Messianic stuff yet some people think it is Satanic.

These were the ones I was familiar with. That were popular when I was growing up.

Angels and Airwaves despite the name is the one I liked the best that was kind of spiritual it doesn't talk about xtianity much (I gather the person is slightly in favor of it though) at all but more idealistic dreamy type stuff. It feels like the person is an older soul and wise when listening to this. I like that part of it.

The more recent group Fire From the Gods actually may be SS too but don't know. Some of his songs are really good and have a positive energy and it seems to be about exposing the enemy system. He even showed imagery of a veil type thing being lifted in one music video. This one I like mostly.

Idk just sharing what I think about a few of these people. AC/DC was before my time but I gather outside of maybe xtian values in a lot of pop music back then at least the music back then was more like music than today.
Satan and the demons have a way to inspire people. They do this with artists, politicians and other people of influence. The gods do this and it helps to take the fear away from Satan and the gods. It works. Many members have come here because they weren’t afraid of Satan from being fans of metal or rock music. So yes, many instances of Satan in pop culture where he’s portrayed in positive light come from inspiration directly from the gods.
Eric13 said:
Satan and the demons have a way to inspire people. They do this with artists, politicians and other people of influence. The gods do this and it helps to take the fear away from Satan and the gods. It works. Many members have come here because they weren’t afraid of Satan from being fans of metal or rock music. So yes, many instances of Satan in pop culture where he’s portrayed in positive light come from inspiration directly from the gods.

If Jews are so against "satan" then why do so many high level jewish executives support this thing in popular music? Are they just dumb and don't get it?

I like the intellectual curiosity of this forum and the information is interesting, unfortunately it's hard to use this place for actual discussion. Do all posts always have to be manually approved or is this just for new users to prevent spam?
RedpilledSchizo said:
If Jews are so against "satan" then why do so many high level jewish executives support this thing in popular music? Are they just dumb and don't get it?

I like the intellectual curiosity of this forum and the information is interesting, unfortunately it's hard to use this place for actual discussion. Do all posts always have to be manually approved or is this just for new users to prevent spam?

We are under CONSTANT infiltration by jews. Posts are moderated until the member has proven themselves long-term to be legit and beneficial to the forum.

As for jews appearing to support Satanism, they just want shekels, and will often do or say anything to get more money.

To answer your OP, this is a copy-paste of my reply when I initially tried to reply but my internet cut out:

Hello :)

You say you're new the forum, but have you read joyofsatan.org? These forums are an extension of our website.

As for music, Spiritual Satanism is our true and original path. Satan (and His Demons) work with humanity to throw off the enemy influences of christianity etc, so that we can free our souls and advance ourselves. Music gets people up and active, feel more alive, and it helps to wake people up from being the helpless, pathetic, lame sheep that the jews want us to be.

Some musicians were definitely into the occult, Led Zepplin being one band. Some were just open to influence by Satan, some feel it in their souls from past lives and it comes out through their music, and so on.

Freemasonry has been infiltrated btw, it is controlled by the enemy.
RedpilledSchizo said:
If Jews are so against "satan" then why do so many high level jewish executives support this thing in popular music? Are they just dumb and don't get it?

They are using the negative slander against Satanism to create a xian backlash, as you said. This is called reverse psychology. If you see a jew promoting Satan as a real, positive being, let me know. I have only seen a jewish documentary promoting the Satanic Temple as the good guys, and this "Satanic Temple" is basically an atheistic SJW organization that denies Satan is real and all it does is support Commiefa(antifa) and BLM. Jews surely love that organization, because it's controlled pseudo-Satanism, that doesn't even qualify as Satanism because 99% of the time don't mention Satan or Satanism (which they don't believe they are real anyway), just SJW stuff. I have also seen lots of jews who try to pretend that they are Satanists deliberately avoid the name Satan and use Lucifer instead.

RedpilledSchizo said:
I like the intellectual curiosity of this forum and the information is interesting, unfortunately it's hard to use this place for actual discussion. Do all posts always have to be manually approved or is this just for new users to prevent spam?

Only members whose account is here for a long time (like Lydia or Henu) are off-moderation. Everyone else (including you and me) has to be approved.

There are thousands of spambots, fedposters who post illegal stuff in an effort to get us jailed as well as various enemy harassers and spammers that post porn or IP logging links and have been DDoS attacks here and enemies who (((shut down))) the forum and sites many times as well as hacked accounts of legitimate members that began posting spam or slander, so you can see why this is needed.
RedpilledSchizo said:
Eric13 said:
Satan and the demons have a way to inspire people. They do this with artists, politicians and other people of influence. The gods do this and it helps to take the fear away from Satan and the gods. It works. Many members have come here because they weren’t afraid of Satan from being fans of metal or rock music. So yes, many instances of Satan in pop culture where he’s portrayed in positive light come from inspiration directly from the gods.

If Jews are so against "satan" then why do so many high level jewish executives support this thing in popular music? Are they just dumb and don't get it?

I like the intellectual curiosity of this forum and the information is interesting, unfortunately it's hard to use this place for actual discussion. Do all posts always have to be manually approved or is this just for new users to prevent spam?
I have a buddy who just told me that in the metal community there’s a band called Behemoth, that has an album called Satanist or The Satanist and it just got awarded album of the decade. Apparently they’re very openly Satanic. Idk much about them but I thought that was nice to hear that album of the decade was literally a Satanic album. They have a HUGE audience and to think that so many people are showing up to the concerts and buying the records of a Satanic band is a huge win for us.

As far as why they’re able to promote this stuff in popular music and get away with it? Trust me, the jews are trying. Most bands that reference Satan in a good way, only go so far with it and even then it’s still xianized. At least back in the day. Like 70’s-80’s. Now with the modern metal scene it’s kind of out of their control as the balls already started rolling in our favor. But nonetheless, even if the references to Satan are xianized, it still helps us as it takes the fear away from Satan. When I was a teenager, I was into metal music a lot and because of that I viewed Satan differently. So when I found the JoS, it was an easy transition. I was open to it because of my rock/metal background. Many also have this same story. So it’s all good for us.
RedpilledSchizo said:
If Jews are so against "satan" then why do so many high level jewish executives support this thing in popular music? Are they just dumb and don't get it?

High level jewish executives aren't even the top brass, just another step in the pyramid below high-ranking rabbis and people whose names you'd never hear or suspect. High level jewish execs only know things partially: they do not have the full picture.

This is an addition to what others already replied to you.
RedpilledSchizo said:
I am generally against controlling others or being controlled, and there have been times at psychedelic concerts (mainly one specific band) where I have been high on psychedelics, even a small amount, and had the sensation that something was trying to reverse/block my chakras and change fundamental aspects of my beings in what felt clearly like some sort of sinister or mind control type way. I know this makes me sound crazy, hence my username redpilledschizo, but this forum seems like the kind of place where someone might have knowledge of this.

This also happens because drugs hurt your chakras, your aura and other parts of your soul. They are not beneficial in any way. They also remove control from you, the opposite of what true meditation does.

Good day everyone

This is an interesting article i saw online which I wasn't expecting a lot of these musicians to actually have an ideology (example, Lemmy , he was a huge drug fan, but see, not all drug fans end up being victims. Plus the guy was pure anti systemic)

Well, I hope people with music interests can see some mainstream musicians who were on our side, even though subliminaly, and hear some of their music in his leisure time, which is highly needed as well.

Scratch out the trash Beatles ofcourse.

Bump this a bit, where are our musicians in this forum hiding??? Hmmm???
This is why I always hated music except a band or two or a few songs at most if I listen to any music it's maybe 10-15 songs and that is it and even then I hate music and songs. But I stand clear I always hated music it was never my thing nor do I like it. I have no idea why people go through basically opium dreams going through music. It seems such a waste of time and retarded.

I guess that's what I get having older friends I saw in these people listening and wasting time with music as a huge waste of time.

I think the biggest problem is these bands aren't direct. Either your NatSoc/SS like us or your not. I'm sick and tired of all these pussies dabbling or all this christ faggotry. People are major pussies like literally afraid of a being of higher power's name. It's like people who are afraid of Satan and protect themselves from him. The question that needs to be asked "Xtian do you agree that Satan is a being of higher power with power?" IF yes then you can't protect yourself from him. If said being does inflict damage you deserve it.

Funny enough with what I know on the JoS and how brainwashed and "protected" xtians are they truly in all sense are immune from Satan. Like Egon said on the xtian group that talks about Satan and the Gods as aliens, they state reject them anyways and believe in christ. To which Egon goes "So basically they state reject Satan or else he teaches you common sense and how to not be retarded".

Everything I read from this entire forum thread is just god awful. Music pathetic bullshit it seems to me like no one wants to openly represent. Pathetic Oy vey don't hurt the chosen, oy vey christardity is okay, oy vey we can't be nazim because it hurts the poor chosen.

Fuck all that noise either represent or get the fuck out.

I think all my years since 1997 being NatSoc and 2003 being SS has shielded me from such retarded notions that these stupid druggie user bands do. It seems to me like all of you are saying the 60s/70s. Yeah we already had the sexual, cultural, and societal revolution or more evolution in the 1930s/1940s in Nazi Germany. Like the Army of Mankind website states the precursor to the sexual revolution of the 60s/70s occurred in the 30s/40s Germany.

The fact of the matter is all these people sully and use Heathenism/Paganism or the ultimate redpill name Satanism as a joke or are as merely a farcical experience. I'm guilty of being a theoretical-mental Satanists I've never proven spirituality nor had anything spiritual occur. But I believe and that is what counts. I can't be a christ-fag sucking jesus christs cock. Obviously it stands to reason even in the past some people were like me. Maybe even with the Gods around there were theoretical Humans who told the Gods directly they aren't interested in spirituality or are like it's okay but I don't want to advance but that doesn't mean I'm against you. I'm sure the Gods understand probably disappointed and replied so but non-the less the Gods realize not all Humans have the capacity for spirituality in an aspect of choice.

I've never had any success with anything involved with the JoS and yes if your wondering I have gone into belief that JoS is fake or is just a front. Whatever it is I still believe in it and believe in NatSoC, as some members have stated JoS has never worked for them but in as much believe in the NatSoC aspect and understand that this is one of the few sites on the internet that speaks so openly not just on National Socialism but also theorycrafts it much like the Nazi Research Subforum thread posted recently as of the time of this post.

Either way I'm not saying JoS is fake in a disrespectful manner but in my own personal dealings with meditation, yoga, astral projection, lucid dreaming etc.etc. I've never done what anyone either on this platform or any website I've encountered. And I've been reading and studying occult things since 1999/2000 aside from video games and cheatcodes the only other thing I did with the internet back then was look at occult stuff.

Never proven it but non-the less non of these bands are anything good nor wonderful. All they do is cower and hide in some ashamed pit. It's akin to White people cucking themselves out of existence. OY VEY we can't hate niggers cause we gotta breed with them and exterminate ourselves cause rabbi shekelstein said he promised me 7 heavens. Or Whitey gotta not fight back and turn the other cheek cause we are supposed to be christ cucks and suck jesus christs cock for good luck cause rabbi shekelstein told me Whites are christian 'n' sheit.

Unfortunately not everyone is gonna do this and people are pieces of shits for disrespecting a persons views. OMFG they said they are Satanists Oy vey no more music from those ebil, debil faggots. Which is funny because the only faggot is said person having a bitch fit over the truth and their own religious-political system of 200,000 years ago.

Someone mentioned Behemoth. I have a friend that is one of the few people in the World that listens to Black Metal. Funny he told me inasmuch Death Metal which is slightly more popular. The least popular metal is black metal. Funny enough I asked him a question on rock and metal in his perspective. And he stated Black Metal is akin to House Music. You put it in the background and play, black metal can be fatiguing to some people because it's repetitive instrumental and the vocals or to be more specific stomach screams and growls are more of a instrument rather than an actual component of singing. You have to kinda "decipher" what they are saying. One of the hardest things to do with quite a catalogue of black metal is actually listen to their music and get a sound that is what they are saying. Often times as he said the very act of playing the song in the background lets you decipher the voices which is more of a factor of not paying attention.

Funny enough for Behemoth he states inasmuch except for a few songs most of Behemoth he states isn't that good. Not that he doesn't like their instrumental but he states the singer makes certain noises and growls that aren't befitting to the music. Apparently my friend's favorite song is a section where he goes "I have not seen a man who was not a God". Funny for me that is a bit extreme especially seeing some of the pathetic human garbage that exist in the World. But I can see such statement especially with people taking a judiac chosen/Am God mentality because they just aggrandize themselves for the destruction. It's almost like jews perform that memetic warfare just to destroy their opponents. They continue and carry on but they meme it on their opponents to get them to state it to make them arrogant and lose their pride. Especially if they knew Enki(Satan) already made a covenant with us 200ish,000 years ago I'm sure this pride to arrogance twisting is interesting.

Anyways my friend states he understands why people like Behemoth NS/SS stuff but he doesn't like them a lot. It's like Dimmu Borgir he states many people ignorantly believe they are black metal, no, they are symphonic black metal. And on top of that their first few albums were a lot better than their later work. So Dimmu falls inline with a lot of rock and roll artists and musicians who have good music in the beginning but later on their stuff seems less respectable. Non-the less he did say a few of the songs from their newer albums do kinda grip the old stuff.

Anyways simply if no one is representing no one is advancing. It's like humanity has been terrified into being a marxist kike cocksucking christ fag.

Seriously if no one is out there doing stuff nothing is gonna get done. Even what was recently said that the volk or people wanted to lynch the shit out of the jews but the Governments didn't have that mentality so the jews literally believe that everyone is trying to kill them. Funny enough they memed into reality a complete reversal and destruction of mankind to which it begs the question "Why the fuck did this happen in the first place how can you fucking retarded humans allow these fucking aliens to even so much as take your entire control away".

Seriously it seems like Humanity needs to wake the fuck up.

Humanity is in the judiac hamster wheel. No evolution, no progression, no movement. Just work and pray and enter into judeo-bolshevistic communism.

Well what can I say I guess humanity deserves it. No one is willing to stand up, no one is willing to do anything. Well then it's time to wake the fuck up cause the next thing you know the JNWO is impaling your corpse on a spear in a reverse Dracula meme.

Meme needs to be fought with meme. Like Hitler states in Dr. Dalton's Mein Kampf, you gotta fight fire with fire.
Rational Satanist said:
As for Freemasonry, it was originally Satanic as it's been mentioned, that's until the late 1700's/early 1800's when a jew called Adam Weishaupt infiltrated it. They were anti-catholic before the 20th century, but later many catholic popes were freemasons. Nowadays they are a completely enemy anti-Satanic organization.

Actually, there were some Catholic Freemasons even before Vatican II. I found some examples on a website of an Italian Protestant who mentioned JoS in some of his articles but never actually made something against us.


(((Achille Ratti))) aka Pius XI, one of the two Popes that lived in the times of the Third Reich.


Luigi Orione, a canonized Priest by John Paul II that died years before the WW2 ended. He said that the Pope will be the "Father of the entire world".

"B-but, pre-Vatican II Catholicism was based, goy!"


I don't know if this "Anti-NWO" Pastor is still relevant, but I'll add him here because he has many Catholic fans.


I'm sorry if some of you are still fans of Mel Gibson, but doing the Masonic Hand sign while claiming to be "against Jews" only makes you wonder why they harass you but still keep you around. Let's not forget that he also promotes the idea of Jews "hating Xians" and that his Braveheartwas Scottish separatist propaganda.

Extra: This is related to the logic of the average Cucktholic when it comes to pagan symbolism.
RedpilledSchizo said:
Hello, I am a newcomer to this forum although I have been aware of it for a couple of years now. While I wouldn't describe myself as a satanist, I am attracted to this forum because it is pretty thoroughly redpilled on the JQ and related matters, I know that there are people here who know their stuff.

Here's my question, what do you all make of popular culture (and some less popular bands) that are either overtly or covertly satanic for lack of a better term? An obvious example of what I'm talking about would be AC/DC's Highway to Hell and similar rock songs with pro-satan or pro-devil imagery or lyrics. Personally I have been a big fan of the Grateful Dead and similar jam bands. One of their more popular songs was Friend of The Devil but obviously this is something not unique to them and present in many bands. Ween has an album called God Ween Satan and obviously throwing up the "devil horns" with your hand has been common at rock shows since at least the 70s. If you go to a big rock show it's not uncommon to hear people shout HAIL SATAN after an epic jam or guitar solo/song. I could go on and on and list examples from various bands but I'm sure people here get the point.

So, what do you make of this? Is this a good thing? Or just another level of control? I see a lot of the rock n roll/hippie counterculture as being total new world order mind control planning, much of directed by Freemasons. Masons have been known anti-Catholics for centuries and yet I get the sense here that many don't like them. The obvious support of National Socialism would seem counter to this given Germany's banning of Freemasonry during the 30s and 40s before they lost the war.

I'm sure most here are familiar with CIA MKULTRA experiments and popularizing LSD usage amongst the masses. So...what's your take? Is this sort of thing good or bad?

I am generally against controlling others or being controlled, and there have been times at psychedelic concerts (mainly one specific band) where I have been high on psychedelics, even a small amount, and had the sensation that something was trying to reverse/block my chakras and change fundamental aspects of my beings in what felt clearly like some sort of sinister or mind control type way. I know this makes me sound crazy, hence my username redpilledschizo, but this forum seems like the kind of place where someone might have knowledge of this.

I wanted to post this here because I myself also have mixed views on this as well as religion. On the one hand, I view all the abrahamic religions as fundamentally jewish control systems for non-jewish populations, but on the other hand it is easy to "revert" to Catholicism when one encounters what seems to be some kind of occult or satanic mind control going on. Catholicism has the exorcism rites and ways to banish demons/evil....then again you do also find this in non abrahamic religions. Anyway, I know I'm on a rant right now, but for a community of satanists who embrace national socialism and reject jewish control over society, how do you square that with what appear to be fairly obvious satanic references in popular music and culture? If you want I can get more detailed on the specific band I am referencing with my negative experiences, but I did a search for them here and didn't find anything, so I assume most members aren't familiar. But it's clear to me they are heavily involved in the occult and freemasonry for lack of a better term, and they do reference satan and hell in numerous songs. Overall just been getting creeped out lately, trying to get my life on track. I know the common explanation of a bad drug trip is that it's all in your head, you're feeling weird about life in general which leads to the bad experience, but I can't help but think that sometimes there's more going on than this.

The Jews ,the Illuminati, the Fake satanist and the cia’s actions are only the god of the Bible Yahweh’s actions that’s how you know yahweh aka the god of the Bible is secretly the only god of the illuminati,the Jews,Fake satanist and the cia
The Jews,the Illuminati, the Fake satanist and the cia work for yahweh the cia,the Jews,Fake satanist and the Illuminati secretly only worship yahweh aka the god of the Bible
the Illuminati,the Fake satanist,the Jews and the cia only do Yahweh’s actions aka evil actions proof is the illuminati,the Jews,Fake satanist and the cia only do Yahweh’s actions that’s how you know yahweh aka the god of the Bible is the god of the Illuminati,Fake satanist,the Jews and the cia also only the illuminati Fake satanist,the cia,the Jews do evil things that is proof yahweh aka the god of the Bible is the god of the illuminati,Fake satanist,the Jews and the cia proof is in the bible Ezekiel 5 10 yahweh aka the god of the Bible made fathers eat their sons
Aka cannibalism this is what Fake Satanist,the cia,the Illuminati and Jews do and support that is how you know yahweh is the god of the illuminati,Fake satanist,the Jews and the cia
Only Yahweh does Blood sacrifices proof is in the Bible judges 11 30 31 and judges 11 34 35 and judges 11 36
In those scriptures yahweh aka the god of the bible forces a man to blood sacrifice his own daughter
Aka blood sacrifice This is what the illuminati,Fake Satanist and the cia and the Jews do this is proof yahweh is the god of the Illuminati,Fake satanist and the cia and the Jews
Always remember only yahweh,the illuminati,Fake satanist,the Jews and the cia do evil things
Anyway we at joy of Satan are Real satanist we are NOT evil
We serve the real Satan NOT the angel.
We serve the real Satan aka all powerful God the real Satan created all of existence except the Jews because the Jews are evil
The real Satan is A beautiful Nordic Alien NOT a angel
Also to mention The real Satan the one we serve has NEVER done any evil
The demons we serve are gods NOT angels
The demons we serve have NEVER done evil either
Also to mention we real satanist at joy of Satan NEVER do evil
Also to mention the Bible says yahweh created all evil it says that in Isaiah 45 7
Anyway we real satanist at joy of Satan are against yahweh,the Illuminati,Fake satanist and the Jews because they are all evil
Bands are dynamic and always subject to change. It is important to keep in mind that most mainstream bands started out with good intentions but somewhere along the way they get bought out or become blackmailed. I'll give you a few examples

Foo Fighters - I used to like this band and their music until Dave Groehl, the lead singer, became a shill for (((vaccines)))

The Doors - I used to like them until I found out Jim Morrison's father had a hand in the Gulf of Tonkin incident which led to the US war in Vietnam. Now I question the intention of their music.

Green day - I liked their music until they became communist SJW's

Eminem - I liked his music until he became a robot cuck who shits on his own country

I also boycott any band that plays at a venue that requires a vaccine now.

And then there are also bands who go through phases or stages...like the Beatles or Led Zeppelin....they changed over time based on whatever drugs they started to take, and whatever personal relationships they started to develop whether it was with tranny communist women in case of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, or whether it was more of a (((professional))) relationship such as in the case of the Beatles and their manager, (((Brian Epstein)))

Most of these bands seem to also reach a point in their career where they are contacted by (((people who notice the amount of influence they can have on the masses))) and they choose to sell out and submit to the JWO

You can really only judge a band by the actions of its members in a particular moment in time. They almost never stay the same over their entire career. The way the music industry works from basically the 1960's up until now, it is basically a (((monopoly))). So any band that is/was promoting Satan, I question their motives because they are usually getting their (((paychecks))) from the enemy.

Bands on independent labels, ya ok then I would say they might have good intentions, but due to the nature of the enemy infiltrating everything, you have to use your gut to the best of your ability to determine whose side they are on, by examining their actions and words and by feeling the vibrations of their music.
For example, Like a Prayer hear us save us When you listen to it backwards, why do they do this?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
