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Can you delete my acc?


May 3, 2018
This is the last thing I am asking you, I can't find your e-mail anymore. I want it deleted partially because of safety reasons too. If you please can do it that would be great and appreciated. I have no doubts anymore that I should have it removed from here.
Final moment anime series #gang-gang let's attention whore so difficult to find an e-mail etc etc.

"People didn't accept my shit-hole accusations so now I'll be out."

If I delete your account, will you count this as "purge"? Even if you like ask me to do it? Was I supposed to play some anime final scene here that I am not aware of? Maybe chase you down once more for a final goodbye?

Am I supposed to defend you and Shael again since you started an apeshit attack for no reason? And defending a kike that is now elsewhere attacking Satan, promoting Hitler as a xian, or Zola the jew beak that says Satan is a reptilian, like any other disinformer jew says online?

It was the last time, by the way, where I defended all this childish worthless drama you create. And all your crying and whining about how shitty you are, where you perpatuate this crappiness to every person who ever tried to help you.
There are some people who shouldn't deserve this courtesy of having their account deleted, all the things they said purged as a result. This feels like a cop out, some things which you are afraid of surfacing are now coming out in the open due to you going a step too far, and now you want out before the dirt you have created reaches back around and comes back to you in full.

I gave you too much credit before and decided not to comment any of my opinions on accusations you made or things you said, giving a general advice in an attempt to help you because I was unaware of the extend others have already tried and failed to do so many, many times.

Listen here azorm. I say this only because I care for the potential within people, even if that potential is almost invisible and impossible to grasp, I feel sympathy to those who have potential to be something but who end up ruining themselves and destroying any of the beauty and potential they could have manifested. Same as the Gods feel sympathy for gentiles and still try to help them grasp their potential, to help them crawl out of the filth they are stuck in, despite how rotten they have become.

Foolish girl.... This is the only and last advice you will get from me. Take it and grasp any future, or leave it and dissipate.

Detach from Shael and any other associates. Break contact with them now and never speak to them again. Then take time off to seriously clean yourself and deprogram your mind from all the delusions and enemy influence you have brought upon yourself, take at least a year to do this seriously and consistently. Read the Joy of Satan website again to deprogram your mind and do not let any of the filth you colluded with poison your understanding.

If you want any chance to advance at all, this is your last chance in life. What you are doing is no joke and only leads to a single outcome, and that is dissipation. The Gods do not think kindly of those who turn against them, even if the person in question is too deluded or rotten to understand they have turned against them.

Show even the smallest awareness of the endless mistakes you have made, even the smallest understanding to my words here, even the tiny glimpse that it reaches you and rings true, grasp that glimpse and drag yourself out of this sewer you dove in.

After a certain point a person cannot change anymore, they have strayed too far to find their way back, become too rotten to recover. You are still young, so some errors can be forgiven, because you are young as you are, rotten as you may have become by your own errors, there is a chance now to clean this rot and step back on the Satanic path, before it is wholly out of reach.
Why do you three surubate and solve this problem…?!

Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.

I will quote this again

Adolf Hitler said this quote
"The man who is not opposed and vilified and slandered in the Jewish Press is not a staunch German and not a true National Socialist. The best rule whereby the sincerity of his convictions, his character and strength of will, can be measured is the hostility which his name arouses among the mortal enemies of our people."

The fact is many good people are slandered for no reason and disliked for no good reason in today's clown world. It may very well be that even some SS have some programming still this is sad.

"One way of not giving into drama is if someone says your imperfect yeah your imperfect but you don't try to be perfect imperfect is ok. Someone thinks your bad. Yeah your bad in a good way. Your seen as bad in a society that is mostly degenerate and bad so that means your one of the few that's good. So be like hell yeah I am bad. No matter what someone throws at you in your inner self twist it to positive maybe don't even try to fight them on it. Cause it gives them the reaction they want and it's fun to see them dissapointed. Cause your free you don't have to be good in their standards or positive in their standards they are the one that's being bad right now so them calling you bad means your good ok.

"If you had traumatic experiences or being slandered and your realizing that unfortunately most truly good and beautiful people are. Your probably feeling a little different on this now are you not. You are supercalifragilisticexpialidociously special and awesome and amazing remember this inside and don't internalize it"
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with a head on his shoulders.
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.
No this wasn't that long paragraph guy. He recently asked in a topic to delete his account also. You'll find it strange why there's an Exodus of specific people after we started the tetragramaton.

But this Slyscorpion individual also separately accused me of cursing him which proved he didn't have any astral sense and publicly admitted to being a Rabbis informant in a literal synagogue who made a video denouncing our Gods and this organization in the past. He was also a drug addict (which makes it extremely likely his chakras and psyche are very severely damaged, and I don't remember if he was into enemy spirituality.)

Then he claimed he asked forgiveness and he was forgiven by the Gods. I don't know the specifics but I have a hard rule of loyalty tests. This guy is proven not to be trustworthy and so this is one of the least trustable individuals in this organization. And this is my personal view, others might not agree with me. But we have no way of knowing if this guy does RTRs or not, or if he's still a synagogue informant. I don't take chances with turncoats and traitors like these. Do you think this guy would be forgiven in a Battlefield or a physical war for being a double agent ? I don't think so.

You can look at the character and sensibility of the individual with whom he associates with. And you can clearly see who this guy associates with.

Shael once tried to get HP Hoodedcobra to take his side ,and was pushing him to demonize, disavow and attack me in a totally subjective topic which didn't need such enmity or hatred. But Hoodedcobra666 didn't do it after which he attacked HP HC for not taking sides and hilariously claimed that HP HC was playing favoritism. I don't know certainly, but I don't think he was doing it all spontaneously. You know how these people communicate in the back channels, always scheming and plotting and back talking about others. The energy Vampire came later in the same topic and tried to rile me up (even though she wasn't in the conversation)after the proxy attack failed. After being unsuccessful with getting the HP to take sides, they started hating him too for petty immature reasons. Its just so exhausting.

Apparently Mageson used to do it on a HP level of which, HC has spoken. Its the same thing with all this scheming, plotting and making unofficial groups. Its the same thing with Alrick and Zola and these people. These are emotionally unbalanced ,sometimes enemies ,who do all this plotting and scheming to turn people against each other. This is prevalent in the right wing with informants creating propaganda ideology like Hitler was a Rothschild agent and other things like this.

It's a very very simple thing. If someone is trying to hide something and is afraid to publicly confront and address something,is issuing seemingly fake,contradictory statements, using paranoid behaviors, is having hate against their brothers and sisters,cannot take criticism etc. then its probably something that is internally broken or under attack from a third source,or literally an enemy. What do you have to hide before your brothers and sisters ? Why would you backstab or shitalk them behind their backs ?

It's the same thing with Shael. We used to be friends on the forums and after his involvement with the energy Vampire, I told him to cut off the links and heal himself but he was simply hooked at that point. Even others suggested the same, but he didn't listen. Do you think its normal for hating someone, just for disagreements. And you see how that's going. It's a very simple thing, again. It's an energy Vampire whose job is to act like a victim and prey upon the goodness of people. The only way to deal with it, is to not give it any attention whatsoever.

Don't address it,don't take its name (by looking at the names involved in this worthless drama, you'll know who in talking about.) Don't reply to it and don't acknowledge it. After being robbed of the energy sources, it'll revert back to being the self hating creature it is.

We'll continue with our glorious revolution without the fakes and people who aren't committed. We have enough and more than enough spiritual power. We don't need to waste time on trying to mediate and tolerate all this bullshit.

Voice of Enki made a good post about not paying attention to Dross People which applied here. We are all here to take part in our duties and advance. We don't need to pay attention to those who are petty and dross like. You guys tried helping someone once and twice and thrice and then they came back on the forums to backstab and shitalk you. What does that say about the person.

Don't let your kindness turn into weakness to be exploited. After a certain point, people deserve not to be helped if they can't help themselves.
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Sometimes I doubt my feeling that Jack is the enemy so I have been trying to be nice to him more so now. But if you read some of what he says it's not only me that doubts his intention. This is because a lot of what he writes is based on fear or ties into the attitudes and teachings promoted in the enemy programming. Hell Jack in a statement one time even went so far as to say Satan is The Lord and use the word the lord to refer to him. Then under that had some quote from the al-jilwah those who suffer for my sake I will reward in another world.

I simply pointed out that if one saw the same post in another context on ora different site you without any mention of Satan you would think you were looking at something written by a fundy xtian.

Same with some other posts though I do have to admit it has gotten better but it is possible he just realizes people know this. Not to mention his dislike of homosexuals and people who don't act like their gender or identify totally with societies ideal of it.

This really though doesn't have anything to do with Azorm though so IDK why you bought that up. I do realize maybe he wasn't cursing me at the time as it was around the Jewish holiday yom kippur when I was talking about that if I remember. But it doesn't mean I trust him fully.

I am just waiting and keeping my eyes open. I call out stuff when I see it.

But I feel I am on the side of truth. The Gods and even Satan one time have even said I was right to other SS and to listen to me a couple times. That would mean to me that I am not fully wrong all the time. Doesn't mean I am right all the time or anything but I just wanted to come here and help out someone who I think was wrongfully slandered. Yes she is a little different from most people there in lies the problem some have with her. So am I in my own way but I am not as vocal about it as she is. I think it's ok for people to be different and this is going into the Aquarius age it will only be more and more as time goes on. What I mean by programming is not that anyone believes in the enemy per say but they still believe in the social values the enemy programs teach and the same attitudes etc. If a person wants to actually be free they have to get rid of this. Though to be honest I think someone could advance quite far without getting rid of any of this but they still wouldn't be totally a "good person" or "part of the solution" Azorm is simply living out the kinds of things Maxine wrote about. I think she would defend Azorm if she were here. Of course I don't know but I think.
slyscorpion said:
so far as to say Satan is The Lord and use the word the lord to refer to him.
So? Even some prayers for rituals use "Lord" to refer to Satan, what's the problem with that?
slyscorpion said:
hen under that had some quote from the al-jilwah those who suffer for my sake I will reward in another world
So basically quoting Satan now is "not good"?
slyscorpion said:
Not to mention his dislike of homosexuals and people who don't act like their gender or identify totally with societies ideal of it.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't dislike homosexuals in general.
Saying that a Woman is better off in the house looking after her babies instead of being in an office isn't negative either.

Your ideas and thoughts are nothing more than a way for you to defend from the harsh truth of reality.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Sometimes I doubt my feeling that Jack is the enemy so I have been trying to be nice to him more so now. But if you read some of what he says it's not only me that doubts his intention. This is because a lot of what he writes is based on fear or ties into the attitudes and teachings promoted in the enemy programming. Hell Jack in a statement one time even went so far as to say Satan is The Lord and use the word the lord to refer to him. Then under that had some quote from the al-jilwah those who suffer for my sake I will reward in another world.

I simply pointed out that if one saw the same post in another context on ora different site you without any mention of Satan you would think you were looking at something written by a fundy xtian.

Same with some other posts though I do have to admit it has gotten better but it is possible he just realizes people know this. Not to mention his dislike of homosexuals and people who don't act like their gender or identify totally with societies ideal of it.

This really though doesn't have anything to do with Azorm though so IDK why you bought that up. I do realize maybe he wasn't cursing me at the time as it was around the Jewish holiday yom kippur when I was talking about that if I remember. But it doesn't mean I trust him fully.

I am just waiting and keeping my eyes open. I call out stuff when I see it.

But I feel I am on the side of truth. The Gods and even Satan one time have even said I was right to other SS and to listen to me a couple times. That would mean to me that I am not fully wrong all the time. Doesn't mean I am right all the time or anything but I just wanted to come here and help out someone who I think was wrongfully slandered. Yes she is a little different from most people there in lies the problem some have with her. So am I in my own way but I am not as vocal about it as she is. I think it's ok for people to be different and this is going into the Aquarius age it will only be more and more as time goes on. What I mean by programming is not that anyone believes in the enemy per say but they still believe in the social values the enemy programs teach and the same attitudes etc. If a person wants to actually be free they have to get rid of this. Though to be honest I think someone could advance quite far without getting rid of any of this but they still wouldn't be totally a "good person" or "part of the solution" Azorm is simply living out the kinds of things Maxine wrote about. I think she would defend Azorm if she were here. Of course I don't know but I think.
Are you seeing the gaslighting in real time ? A literal Jew rabbi collaborator is telling you that he's on the side of the Gods and is then telling you that Maxine could have handled it better.

In essence he's subliminally trying to get people who like him to have doubt in HC's handling of the situation and sow doubt and division (because he has an agenda.) They are trying very hard to paint a very different picture than whats going on - to keep the ruse that the enemies are the real victims.

Do you see this coming full circle ? All of them hate both HP HC and me. All of them supported Mageson when he was attacking both me and HC (in a veiled pussy manner) in a discussion.

And all them worshipped Mageson and his ideas. They are now coming out of the woodwork after the HP purge and attacking the HP HC. They are then using proxies like this Slyscorpion guy to garner sympathy and make a big deal about something they themselves wanted.

All of these who now want to be deleted believe in transgenderism ,and other things Mageson pushed. And on that side note, i extensively explained my views and most homosexuals i've talked to agree that its a disorder similar to schizoprenia or alzheimers and that in an extreme way can be very dangerous to the society ,and thus must be in the Eugenics elimination list in the future. I explained in depth how Mageson used sleight of hand and deception to make totally unrelated arguments about Transgenderism having a basis in spiritual literature and also how cults all over the East do not justify this.

And its going to take real hard cognitive dissonance to justify why hes claiming im against homosexuals when most of my SS friends are homosexuals , like Stormblood whom im literally defending in that other thread because i know how these people take advantage of someones goodness.

Its all coming to light as we lit up the jews with the new ritual, convinient coincidence ?

This individual who has no understanding about Aryan cultures and believes in different "gender identities" is saying that he "believes" he is on the side of the Gods.

Our Gods have been continually worshipped and revered in massive temples and structures dedicated to them all over the world. And all our values were stolen by the Jews who created Christianity.

I call Satan Lord because, he is the LORD of this World. It seems to this person as Christian because he has no idea about Aryan culture and tradition.

Everything he understands about Satanism comes from Anton Laveys version of Satanism where they blaspheme our Gods.

These people are not committed 100% as we are. They are not the fanatical soldiers who will stick with each other through thick and thin. These are useful agents who will jump ship when things get tough. They don't believe in our struggle and our war. They have no real connection or understanding with the Gods and are pushing gross disinformation about all this.

Its unfortunately the caveat where you have the free exchange of information. You have to be ready for little immature kids or degenerates or enemy agents or confused people posting about how they think is true to be true. But beyond a point for the real enemy agents, it turns into total siege and psychological sabotage which cannot be allowed to go further.

adjective, comparative sly·er or sli·er [slahy-er], superlative sly·est or sli·est [slahy-ist].
cunning or wily: sly as a fox.
stealthy, insidious, or secret.
playfully artful, mischievous, or roguish: sly humor.

A stealthy agent ready to stab you with disinfo in very very critical points. Like with Mageson where he said 90% correct things but critcial 10% disinfo about Vegetarianism, Transgenders and UBI,Socialaism.

Just like this guy who waited all this time and now started to attck the HP as a proxy ,as his beloved kike leader is gone.

If you want to see who the real people are, and what agendas are critical disinformation, look at what made Mageson rabid and attack real SS who were against those .
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
so far as to say Satan is The Lord and use the word the lord to refer to him.
So? Even some prayers for rituals use "Lord" to refer to Satan, what's the problem with that?
slyscorpion said:
hen under that had some quote from the al-jilwah those who suffer for my sake I will reward in another world
So basically quoting Satan now is "not good"?
slyscorpion said:
Not to mention his dislike of homosexuals and people who don't act like their gender or identify totally with societies ideal of it.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't dislike homosexuals in general.
Saying that a Woman is better off in the house looking after her babies instead of being in an office isn't negative either.

Your ideas and thoughts are nothing more than a way for you to defend from the harsh truth of reality.

Reality is supposed to be easy and warm not "harsh" this world is supposed to be a beautiful paradise free of much of the suffering that many endure in this world (Like Azorm) a woman just like a man is better off doing what is natural to them. Meaning they decide. They don't have some men telling them what to do.

Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Sometimes I doubt my feeling that Jack is the enemy so I have been trying to be nice to him more so now. But if you read some of what he says it's not only me that doubts his intention. This is because a lot of what he writes is based on fear or ties into the attitudes and teachings promoted in the enemy programming. Hell Jack in a statement one time even went so far as to say Satan is The Lord and use the word the lord to refer to him. Then under that had some quote from the al-jilwah those who suffer for my sake I will reward in another world.

I simply pointed out that if one saw the same post in another context on ora different site you without any mention of Satan you would think you were looking at something written by a fundy xtian.

Same with some other posts though I do have to admit it has gotten better but it is possible he just realizes people know this. Not to mention his dislike of homosexuals and people who don't act like their gender or identify totally with societies ideal of it.

This really though doesn't have anything to do with Azorm though so IDK why you bought that up. I do realize maybe he wasn't cursing me at the time as it was around the Jewish holiday yom kippur when I was talking about that if I remember. But it doesn't mean I trust him fully.

I am just waiting and keeping my eyes open. I call out stuff when I see it.

But I feel I am on the side of truth. The Gods and even Satan one time have even said I was right to other SS and to listen to me a couple times. That would mean to me that I am not fully wrong all the time. Doesn't mean I am right all the time or anything but I just wanted to come here and help out someone who I think was wrongfully slandered. Yes she is a little different from most people there in lies the problem some have with her. So am I in my own way but I am not as vocal about it as she is. I think it's ok for people to be different and this is going into the Aquarius age it will only be more and more as time goes on. What I mean by programming is not that anyone believes in the enemy per say but they still believe in the social values the enemy programs teach and the same attitudes etc. If a person wants to actually be free they have to get rid of this. Though to be honest I think someone could advance quite far without getting rid of any of this but they still wouldn't be totally a "good person" or "part of the solution" Azorm is simply living out the kinds of things Maxine wrote about. I think she would defend Azorm if she were here. Of course I don't know but I think.
Are you seeing the gaslighting in real time ? A literal Jew rabbi collaborator is telling you that he's on the side of the Gods and is then telling you that Maxine could have handled it better.

In essence he's subliminally trying to get people who like him to have doubt in HC's handling of the situation and sow doubt and division (because he has an agenda.) They are trying very hard to paint a very different picture than whats going on - to keep the ruse that the enemies are the real victims.

Do you see this coming full circle ? All of them hate both HP HC and me. All of them supported Mageson when he was attacking both me and HC (in a veiled pussy manner) in a discussion.

And all them worshipped Mageson and his ideas. They are now coming out of the woodwork after the HP purge and attacking the HP HC. They are then using proxies like this Slyscorpion guy to garner sympathy and make a big deal about something they themselves wanted.

All of these who now want to be deleted believe in transgenderism ,and other things Mageson pushed. And on that side note, i extensively explained my views and most homosexuals i've talked to agree that its a disorder similar to schizoprenia or alzheimers and that in an extreme way can be very dangerous to the society ,and thus must be in the Eugenics elimination list in the future. I explained in depth how Mageson used sleight of hand and deception to make totally unrelated arguments about Transgenderism having a basis in spiritual literature and also how cults all over the East do not justify this.

And its going to take real hard cognitive dissonance to justify why hes claiming im against homosexuals when most of my SS friends are homosexuals , like Stormblood whom im literally defending in that other thread because i know how these people take advantage of someones goodness.

Its all coming to light as we lit up the jews with the new ritual, convinient coincidence ?

This individual who has no understanding about Aryan cultures and believes in different "gender identities" is saying that he "believes" he is on the side of the Gods.

Our Gods have been continually worshipped and revered in massive temples and structures dedicated to them all over the world. And all our values were stolen by the Jews who created Christianity.

I call Satan Lord because, he is the LORD of this World. It seems to this person as Christian because he has no idea about Aryan culture and tradition.

Everything he understands about Satanism comes from Anton Laveys version of Satanism where they blaspheme our Gods.

These people are not committed 100% as we are. They are not the fanatical soldiers who will stick with each other through thick and thin. These are useful agents who will jump ship when things get tough. They don't believe in our struggle and our war. They have no real connection or understanding with the Gods and are pushing gross disinformation about all this.

Its unfortunately the caveat where you have the free exchange of information. You have to be ready for little immature kids or degenerates or enemy agents or confused people posting about how they think is true to be true. But beyond a point for the real enemy agents, it turns into total siege and psychological sabotage which cannot be allowed to go further.

adjective, comparative sly·er or sli·er [slahy-er], superlative sly·est or sli·est [slahy-ist].
cunning or wily: sly as a fox.
stealthy, insidious, or secret.
playfully artful, mischievous, or roguish: sly humor.

A stealthy agent ready to stab you with disinfo in very very critical points. Like with Mageson where he said 90% correct things but critcial 10% disinfo about Vegetarianism, Transgenders and UBI,Socialaism.

Just like this guy who waited all this time and now started to attck the HP as a proxy ,as his beloved kike leader is gone.

If you want to see who the real people are, and what agendas are critical disinformation, look at what made Mageson rabid and attack real SS who were against those .

I have no real problem with Cobra I like what he does. I didn't like how he called out or dealt with Azorm but that is beside the point I think he is a good person. I read all of his sermons and enjoy them. I didn't defend magesun once btw you like most enemy agents are adding all sorts of stuff that runs contrary to what I am trying to say or do. This only solidifies my point doesn't detract from it at all. What Anton Leveys version of Satanism Defending transgenderism etc wtf I actually have written an article on how these surgeries and this confusion is bad. I simply mean gender roles which were mostly created by the enemy.

You are very wordy and good with words you write a lot. But that doesn't hide your intent. Your a smooth talker and sly in the truest form. The scorpion is watching you.
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Long paragraphs and words used in a certain way can be used to put someone in a more receptive state and connect certain people in with certain energies. Images can be used for the same thing.
He uses a lot more images than any other member ever does. This can be used in a subliminal way to confuse people and yes connect them into curses of the enemy and thoughtforms. I am being a lot more attacked by the enemy than usual. It usually only happens when I call out jack on something. Hmm makes you think doesn't it.
Jack said:
No this wasn't that long paragraph guy. He recently asked in a topic to delete his account also. You'll find it strange why there's an Exodus of specific people after we started the tetragramaton.

But this Slyscorpion individual also separately accused me of cursing him which proved he didn't have any astral sense and publicly admitted to being a Rabbis informant in a literal synagogue who made a video denouncing our Gods and this organization in the past. He was also a drug addict (which makes it extremely likely his chakras and psyche are very severely damaged, and I don't remember if he was into enemy spirituality.)

Then he claimed he asked forgiveness and he was forgiven by the Gods. I don't know the specifics but I have a hard rule of loyalty tests. This guy is proven not to be trustworthy and so this is one of the least trustable individuals in this organization. And this is my personal view, others might not agree with me. But we have no way of knowing if this guy does RTRs or not, or if he's still a synagogue informant. I don't take chances with turncoats and traitors like these. Do you think this guy would be forgiven in a Battlefield or a physical war for being a double agent ? I don't think so.

You can look at the character and sensibility of the individual with whom he associates with. And you can clearly see who this guy associates with.

Shael once tried to get HP Hoodedcobra to take his side ,and was pushing him to demonize, disavow and attack me in a totally subjective topic which didn't need such enmity or hatred. But Hoodedcobra666 didn't do it after which he attacked HP HC for not taking sides and hilariously claimed that HP HC was playing favoritism. I don't know certainly, but I don't think he was doing it all spontaneously. You know how these people communicate in the back channels, always scheming and plotting and back talking about others. The energy Vampire came later in the same topic and tried to rile me up (even though she wasn't in the conversation)after the proxy attack failed. After being unsuccessful with getting the HP to take sides, they started hating him too for petty immature reasons. Its just so exhausting.

Apparently Mageson used to do it on a HP level of which, HC has spoken. Its the same thing with all this scheming, plotting and making unofficial groups. Its the same thing with Alrick and Zola and these people. These are emotionally unbalanced ,sometimes enemies ,who do all this plotting and scheming to turn people against each other. This is prevalent in the right wing with informants creating propaganda ideology like Hitler was a Rothschild agent and other things like this.

It's a very very simple thing. If someone is trying to hide something and is afraid to publicly confront and address something,is issuing seemingly fake,contradictory statements, using paranoid behaviors, is having hate against their brothers and sisters,cannot take criticism etc. then its probably something that is internally broken or under attack from a third source,or literally an enemy. What do you have to hide before your brothers and sisters ? Why would you backstab or shitalk them behind their backs ?

It's the same thing with Shael. We used to be friends on the forums and after his involvement with the energy Vampire, I told him to cut off the links and heal himself but he was simply hooked at that point. Even others suggested the same, but he didn't listen. Do you think its normal for hating someone, just for disagreements. And you see how that's going. It's a very simple thing, again. It's an energy Vampire whose job is to act like a victim and prey upon the goodness of people. The only way to deal with it, is to not give it any attention whatsoever.

Don't address it,don't take its name (by looking at the names involved in this worthless drama, you'll know who in talking about.) Don't reply to it and don't acknowledge it. After being robbed of the energy sources, it'll revert back to being the self hating creature it is.

We'll continue with our glorious revolution without the fakes and people who aren't committed. We have enough and more than enough spiritual power. We don't need to waste time on trying to mediate and tolerate all this bullshit.

Voice of Enki made a good post about not paying attention to Dross People which applied here. We are all here to take part in our duties and advance. We don't need to pay attention to those who are petty and dross like. You guys tried helping someone once and twice and thrice and then they came back on the forums to backstab and shitalk you. What does that say about the person.

Don't let your kindness turn into weakness to be exploited. After a certain point, people deserve not to be helped if they can't help themselves.

I don't usually agree with you on everything, but everything you stated here I'm 100% with.

Countless times we've been told by the HPs to avoid any communications with other "SS" outside the groups and forums for this exact reason, yet many idiots feel the need to make alliances and drama clubs behind the doors, and then they get surprised when half of the members of said groups and alliances are jews and most of the rest are flat out batshit crazy. But no no my dear goy, it's the HPs fault!

Just like you said, if you feel the need to hide your conversations then that's very telling of the nature of these conversations and its participants. I'm very proud of the fact that I refuse to communicate with any SS privately, all conversations can be had here, unless it's a super important message (I doubt most here would aquire such sensitive information), in which case emailing an HP is of course advisable.

Very well said, Jack.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Long paragraphs and words used in a certain way can be used to put someone in a more receptive state and connect certain people in with certain energies. Images can be used for the same thing.

He uses a lot more images than any other member ever does. This can be used in a subliminal way to confuse people and yes connect them into curses of the enemy and thoughtforms. I am being a lot more attacked by the enemy than usual. It usually only happens when I call out jack on something. Hmm makes you think doesn't it.

Please don't start this game against people because it only results in the "It was real in my mind" trolling line on which everyone will be attacked based on nothing.

If you disagree with Jack, and he disagrees with you, accept it and move on.

As about this corny stuff about attacks, it's oftentimes the enemy finds loopholes to use events to further attack people. And the Gods are not exactly pleased with infighting between Satanists.

Those who don't take it seriously tend to find out the hard way.
I won't be baited into another pointless conversation, but as I've shown here remember to look out for these people in further topics and call them out when they start division and backstabbing.
What's up with people wanting their accs deleted lately? Can't you just stop using it? It's like they have OCD or some shit that doesn't lets them stop using this forum without acc deletion. for real.
Prince of Persia said:
Mercury retrograde everyone.

This. Not solely to blame for misunderstandings, but generally, it’s a good idea to avoid arguing during it.
Coraxo said:
Jack said:
No this wasn't that long paragraph guy. He recently asked in a topic to delete his account also. You'll find it strange why there's an Exodus of specific people after we started the tetragramaton.

But this Slyscorpion individual also separately accused me of cursing him which proved he didn't have any astral sense and publicly admitted to being a Rabbis informant in a literal synagogue who made a video denouncing our Gods and this organization in the past. He was also a drug addict (which makes it extremely likely his chakras and psyche are very severely damaged, and I don't remember if he was into enemy spirituality.)

Then he claimed he asked forgiveness and he was forgiven by the Gods. I don't know the specifics but I have a hard rule of loyalty tests. This guy is proven not to be trustworthy and so this is one of the least trustable individuals in this organization. And this is my personal view, others might not agree with me. But we have no way of knowing if this guy does RTRs or not, or if he's still a synagogue informant. I don't take chances with turncoats and traitors like these. Do you think this guy would be forgiven in a Battlefield or a physical war for being a double agent ? I don't think so.

You can look at the character and sensibility of the individual with whom he associates with. And you can clearly see who this guy associates with.

Shael once tried to get HP Hoodedcobra to take his side ,and was pushing him to demonize, disavow and attack me in a totally subjective topic which didn't need such enmity or hatred. But Hoodedcobra666 didn't do it after which he attacked HP HC for not taking sides and hilariously claimed that HP HC was playing favoritism. I don't know certainly, but I don't think he was doing it all spontaneously. You know how these people communicate in the back channels, always scheming and plotting and back talking about others. The energy Vampire came later in the same topic and tried to rile me up (even though she wasn't in the conversation)after the proxy attack failed. After being unsuccessful with getting the HP to take sides, they started hating him too for petty immature reasons. Its just so exhausting.

Apparently Mageson used to do it on a HP level of which, HC has spoken. Its the same thing with all this scheming, plotting and making unofficial groups. Its the same thing with Alrick and Zola and these people. These are emotionally unbalanced ,sometimes enemies ,who do all this plotting and scheming to turn people against each other. This is prevalent in the right wing with informants creating propaganda ideology like Hitler was a Rothschild agent and other things like this.

It's a very very simple thing. If someone is trying to hide something and is afraid to publicly confront and address something,is issuing seemingly fake,contradictory statements, using paranoid behaviors, is having hate against their brothers and sisters,cannot take criticism etc. then its probably something that is internally broken or under attack from a third source,or literally an enemy. What do you have to hide before your brothers and sisters ? Why would you backstab or shitalk them behind their backs ?

It's the same thing with Shael. We used to be friends on the forums and after his involvement with the energy Vampire, I told him to cut off the links and heal himself but he was simply hooked at that point. Even others suggested the same, but he didn't listen. Do you think its normal for hating someone, just for disagreements. And you see how that's going. It's a very simple thing, again. It's an energy Vampire whose job is to act like a victim and prey upon the goodness of people. The only way to deal with it, is to not give it any attention whatsoever.

Don't address it,don't take its name (by looking at the names involved in this worthless drama, you'll know who in talking about.) Don't reply to it and don't acknowledge it. After being robbed of the energy sources, it'll revert back to being the self hating creature it is.

We'll continue with our glorious revolution without the fakes and people who aren't committed. We have enough and more than enough spiritual power. We don't need to waste time on trying to mediate and tolerate all this bullshit.

Voice of Enki made a good post about not paying attention to Dross People which applied here. We are all here to take part in our duties and advance. We don't need to pay attention to those who are petty and dross like. You guys tried helping someone once and twice and thrice and then they came back on the forums to backstab and shitalk you. What does that say about the person.

Don't let your kindness turn into weakness to be exploited. After a certain point, people deserve not to be helped if they can't help themselves.

I don't usually agree with you on everything, but everything you stated here I'm 100% with.

Countless times we've been told by the HPs to avoid any communications with other "SS" outside the groups and forums for this exact reason, yet many idiots feel the need to make alliances and drama clubs behind the doors, and then they get surprised when half of the members of said groups and alliances are jews and most of the rest are flat out batshit crazy. But no no my dear goy, it's the HPs fault!

Just like you said, if you feel the need to hide your conversations then that's very telling of the nature of these conversations and its participants. I'm very proud of the fact that I refuse to communicate with any SS privately, all conversations can be had here, unless it's a super important message (I doubt most here would aquire such sensitive information), in which case emailing an HP is of course advisable.

Very well said, Jack.

I myself have made the mistake of being very naive with this simply because I genuinely wanted SS friends. I dedicated back in August 2019. Tried to convert my then partner and he wouldn't have it. I was and to this day am dedicated set on this path. I am sorry to any SS that I might have alarmed trying to genuinely befriend by sending an email to or other. To spook you was not my intent. I just genuinely wanted friends with beliefs and values that aligned with mine. I have also come to learn in general trying to make friends from here is generally more trouble than what its worth..I stupidly thought things could be different having SS friends.

But like everyone we have out pain and pasts that will clash. We are at war and there are endless rabbis and infiltrators that cruise these forums. It is not fair for me or anyone to expect to gain someone's trust right away. Please accept my apology to who ever this applies to. I will not make the mistake again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Long paragraphs and words used in a certain way can be used to put someone in a more receptive state and connect certain people in with certain energies. Images can be used for the same thing.

He uses a lot more images than any other member ever does. This can be used in a subliminal way to confuse people and yes connect them into curses of the enemy and thoughtforms. I am being a lot more attacked by the enemy than usual. It usually only happens when I call out jack on something. Hmm makes you think doesn't it.

Please don't start this game against people because it only results in the "It was real in my mind" trolling line on which everyone will be attacked based on nothing.

If you disagree with Jack, and he disagrees with you, accept it and move on.

As about this corny stuff about attacks, it's oftentimes the enemy finds loopholes to use events to further attack people. And the Gods are not exactly pleased with infighting between Satanists.

Those who don't take it seriously tend to find out the hard way.

Ok I will drop this. I do not really want to cause infighting
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Long paragraphs and words used in a certain way can be used to put someone in a more receptive state and connect certain people in with certain energies. Images can be used for the same thing.
He uses a lot more images than any other member ever does. This can be used in a subliminal way to confuse people and yes connect them into curses of the enemy and thoughtforms. I am being a lot more attacked by the enemy than usual. It usually only happens when I call out jack on something. Hmm makes you think doesn't it.
So then don't read it. Or just control yourself. If you believe your own logic and your own evidence, then how can anybody make you go against that except by showing you more evidence and more truth? A stronger truth can overpower something which is only partially true and not well supported by facts. But if a long paragraph is all nonsense, then it is still nonsense no matter how many or how few words it's written with.

You seeing a picture of a happy white family (which is what most of the pictures Jack posts usually are) is not a curse and it isn't confusing. And there's nothing subliminal about it if nothing is hidden.

You don't get cursed by the enemy for arguing with Jack. You get cursed by the enemy first, then this curse is what makes you argue with Jack. Especially since Jack is correct about things most of the time. I don't think he is always right, but he has a very good record. The enemy wants to curse all of us to make us go against the truth, so that means making you go against whichever person is telling the truth.
Shadowcat said:
I myself have made the mistake of being very naive with this simply because I genuinely wanted SS friends. I dedicated back in August 2019. Tried to convert my then partner and he wouldn't have it. I was and to this day am dedicated set on this path. I am sorry to any SS that I might have alarmed trying to genuinely befriend by sending an email to or other. To spook you was not my intent. I just genuinely wanted friends with beliefs and values that aligned with mine. I have also come to learn in general trying to make friends from here is generally more trouble than what its worth..I stupidly thought things could be different having SS friends.

But like everyone we have out pain and pasts that will clash. We are at war and there are endless rabbis and infiltrators that cruise these forums. It is not fair for me or anyone to expect to gain someone's trust right away. Please accept my apology to who ever this applies to. I will not make the mistake again.

Don't be hard on yourself, we all want SS partners and friends. It's just never a good idea to befriend strangers online, especially as an SS, many people out there will gladly harm us or kill us if they had the chance, not only jews.

Again, all conversations can be had here, publicly. And if you're really lonely you can always do workings to attract SS partners or friends, a ritual to Satan is also adviced here.

And hey, if you're in Europe we might actually cross paths one day.
Coraxo said:
Shadowcat said:
I myself have made the mistake of being very naive with this simply because I genuinely wanted SS friends. I dedicated back in August 2019. Tried to convert my then partner and he wouldn't have it. I was and to this day am dedicated set on this path. I am sorry to any SS that I might have alarmed trying to genuinely befriend by sending an email to or other. To spook you was not my intent. I just genuinely wanted friends with beliefs and values that aligned with mine. I have also come to learn in general trying to make friends from here is generally more trouble than what its worth..I stupidly thought things could be different having SS friends.

But like everyone we have out pain and pasts that will clash. We are at war and there are endless rabbis and infiltrators that cruise these forums. It is not fair for me or anyone to expect to gain someone's trust right away. Please accept my apology to who ever this applies to. I will not make the mistake again.

Don't be hard on yourself, we all want SS partners and friends. It's just never a good idea to befriend strangers online, especially as an SS, many people out there will gladly harm us or kill us if they had the chance, not only jews.

Again, all conversations can be had here, publicly. And if you're really lonely you can always do workings to attract SS partners or friends, a ritual to Satan is also adviced here.

And hey, if you're in Europe we might actually cross paths one day.

I lived in NL for 6 and a half years before going back home to the states lol. True we must be careful. Thanks :)
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:

Ok I will drop this. I do not really want to cause infighting

I think you and Jack both have good input, in general. So I truly don't get it why there is so much hate.

Regardless, that's also something personal between you guys, since nobody has said something so extremely threatening to anything fundamentally Satanic. I cannot engage in this nor I ever have.

Over the years I have read Jack's posts and yes, he can be really argumentative.

In the same way, Jack or you can also throw an accusation, then you can do the same, it can go in circles.

I personally keep my sights in that everyone is a Satanist and that all of this is a waste of energy. We have the enemy to fight.

Anyone who is retarded enough to throw curses to other SS in an unwarranted fashion, leave it to Beelzebub.

I like every SS so I cannot really see this fighting. Even if it is sometimes warranted by one or both parties, it just doesn't really help anyone.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
slyscorpion said:
Azorm is a good person she is quite an advanced member. I believe firmly that the Gods are on her side.
And how would you know?
You're the one who thought Jack was cursing you because of the long paragraphs... lol
You're not exactly someone with the head on his shoulders.

Long paragraphs and words used in a certain way can be used to put someone in a more receptive state and connect certain people in with certain energies. Images can be used for the same thing.
He uses a lot more images than any other member ever does. This can be used in a subliminal way to confuse people and yes connect them into curses of the enemy and thoughtforms. I am being a lot more attacked by the enemy than usual. It usually only happens when I call out jack on something. Hmm makes you think doesn't it.

Except sometimes when I read the forums I listen to Mayhem, Nirvana and other music. I'm bopping out and jumping up and down in my chair reading sometimes lol.

Power isn't as much in writing, it's in speech and sound. Writing only is dominating and dulling to the weak minded. The real place it happens is experiential, its in the sensory experience like visualizing which you will do while you read stuff properly. If you are doing this when someone writes some bullshit you'll catch it out. It's no problem.

Just chill dudes :)

Listen to some choons https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lLZvJ_rtZO8

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
