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The Reality of loneliness in Satanism (you are not alone)

Libra said:
Thank you for this post. I’ve always been a loner, so the disconnect I’ve felt to people has never bothered me much. Not that I could live in a total vacuum, but most people tend to hold your progression back in some way or another. I’ve always felt better off without a group of friends.

What’s effected me more is that I’ve never been able to play into the system. It wears me down. I quit a well paying job recently because they were working me like a slave. I had no time for meditations and when I did, I felt too beat down and depressed to do them efficiently. I’d doze off as I was doing vibrations while sitting straight up. I can’t do it. It feels like no matter what I do, I’m playing into the kike culture of work, sleep, consume. But I don’t want to be a homeless bum either, now that I’m an adult. I keep thinking I just need to work smarter, not harder. I have talents, but I feel like I hold myself back too. Or maybe I’m just too sensitive to the play the parts I need to play to be successful. But I know I want something different and I don’t want to settle for a life as a slave to the enemy system.

Hello Libra i feel the same in a lot of ways,but what has helped me is the fRTR
maby it will help you too.. It balances my scales...
I agree, thanks for sharing Jack. In fact, today's society is very degenerate. The enemy has conditioned society to be a truly horrible society, where injustice reigns and people truly think that corruption is the right thing to do and that it is the greatest success they can make in life.
Henu the Great said:
Jack said:
We're already friends mein bro
That's so cool!
Aldrick said:
Everytime I find someone who wants to be my friend, it turns out to be a god damn kike.
Don't say that, I can't be a kike, dang it. I hope we meet one day.

Lol sorry. I'm trying to not to be so negative.
Aldrick said:
Blitzkreig said:
Aldrick said:
I was always alone. First after being beaten too many times in school, I brutally hurt my tormentors. Which got the Police involved. I converted to the Egyptian religion and shunned my Church and friends. I finished school in a program. As I was too violent. Then I spent years alone on a farm.

Had I never came to Satanism, that's where it would have ended. But instead I sought out other Satanists. Only to have falling outs, Suicide and jews.

Now I feel Eternally alone. No matter who I'm around. Only to have others insult that fact. I was always a caring nice person. But the only thing I had left is Malice and Hatred.

With Black Magick many others have met with unfortunate circumstances. Like having people come in and stab to death their families.

I wish there was a world where I could love others, and be accepted. Perhaps that will turn around for me here soon. But woe to the mindless idiot that pushes me to far. For I have no qualms showing them what loneliness is really like.

Well that is definitely a rough past. I hope now that you are older you are able to surround yourself with mature and helpful people. Maybe you need to move or something, if the adults in your area act like that.

I hope you have some family that you can stay in contact with. If not, just start small by asking if they want to do something for the holidays, or maybe send them a card or something. The first interaction might seem awkward, but it could lead to a fruitful relationship. Getting friends might be a little hard, time wise, unless you have work acquaintances you like. Starting with family might be a little easier, in this sense.

Otherwise, you might consider working towards getting a partner of which you can start your own family with. Dating can more quickly lead to a relationship than working on building friendships would.

The OP is about some aspects of our nature that can promote for loneliness, but it shouldn't be a situation of complete isolation from the outside world; rather it is just harder than normal. If you genuinely feel eternally alone, then you should invest a little time into building relationships. You don't need to go crazy with it, rather just enough so you feel like you care about them, and they care about you back.

Btw, who insulted you? Normies don't understand and SS should know that we all have our own problems.

Very little family I care about. 2-3 people. I actually was invited by a friend to Thanksgiving. His wife speaks Russian, Yiddish and Hebrew. Isnt that lovely.

Everytime I find someone who wants to be my friend, it turns out to be a god damn kike.

I mean really like who? The Biden supporting faggot? Perhaps the dumber then nails trump supporter? The goodie good christian? Or maybe the let's lift horns together Brotha!!! For Odins Beard!

If it's not someone involved with life on the level that i am, what's the point? Cuz a christian or something is going to stay with you, when you chant hours a day, the hebrew alphabet is dead!

I mean come the fuck on. Everything about this life is a joke. I either want shit to come the fuck on, or to be dead.

I can relate to you highly Aldrick. I have little family I really care about. It's an obstacle when they believe Jewsus. I find it disgusting and to save me grief and annoyance, I stay way away from them. I find alot of people very slow, save the open-minded elders of society. They themselves I relate to more. I understand that normies are abundant at the time and it's best to be distant. At least talking on the forums can ease it a bit.

You're not the only one who's getting impatient with this war. Rather it be done with a big nuke on Pissrael.
Ramier108666 said:
Aldrick said:
Blitzkreig said:
Well that is definitely a rough past. I hope now that you are older you are able to surround yourself with mature and helpful people. Maybe you need to move or something, if the adults in your area act like that.

I hope you have some family that you can stay in contact with. If not, just start small by asking if they want to do something for the holidays, or maybe send them a card or something. The first interaction might seem awkward, but it could lead to a fruitful relationship. Getting friends might be a little hard, time wise, unless you have work acquaintances you like. Starting with family might be a little easier, in this sense.

Otherwise, you might consider working towards getting a partner of which you can start your own family with. Dating can more quickly lead to a relationship than working on building friendships would.

The OP is about some aspects of our nature that can promote for loneliness, but it shouldn't be a situation of complete isolation from the outside world; rather it is just harder than normal. If you genuinely feel eternally alone, then you should invest a little time into building relationships. You don't need to go crazy with it, rather just enough so you feel like you care about them, and they care about you back.

Btw, who insulted you? Normies don't understand and SS should know that we all have our own problems.

Very little family I care about. 2-3 people. I actually was invited by a friend to Thanksgiving. His wife speaks Russian, Yiddish and Hebrew. Isnt that lovely.

Everytime I find someone who wants to be my friend, it turns out to be a god damn kike.

I mean really like who? The Biden supporting faggot? Perhaps the dumber then nails trump supporter? The goodie good christian? Or maybe the let's lift horns together Brotha!!! For Odins Beard!

If it's not someone involved with life on the level that i am, what's the point? Cuz a christian or something is going to stay with you, when you chant hours a day, the hebrew alphabet is dead!

I mean come the fuck on. Everything about this life is a joke. I either want shit to come the fuck on, or to be dead.

I can relate to you highly Aldrick. I have little family I really care about. It's an obstacle when they believe Jewsus. I find it disgusting and to save me grief and annoyance, I stay way away from them. I find alot of people very slow, save the open-minded elders of society. They themselves I relate to more. I understand that normies are abundant at the time and it's best to be distant. At least talking on the forums can ease it a bit.

You're not the only one who's getting impatient with this war. Rather it be done with a big nuke on Pissrael.

Things keep getting better all the time. The Final has just made us impatient, because it's like wow imagine the life we could be living right now. Instead we have to tolerate their disgusting presence a bit longer.

I'm so sick of these things. I've got to see enough of their mindset.
nema said:

Satan wouldn't tell you that, simply because it would hinder your advancement to be put in prison, as well as inflicting overly harsh punishment on someone that wronged you. I think it more likely that something was trying to play on your weaknesses (you say the idea appeals to you and you feel psychopathic) by pushing you to do something that would only hurt you.

You should start a SaTaNaMa working to heal the issues you are undergoing. Something sounds not right with your emotions, both in how you feel and how you feel others. SaTaNaMa wholly heals and balances the soul, body, and mind, and so this will fix that if you continue it long enough.

Additionally, what do you feel when you meditate? Does your mood feel better? How do you feel after inhaling 5 or 10 good breaths of energy? Your mood and feelings are related to your power level, and so increasing your power so also increase your mood.

Know that any problems you face can always be solved. Don't give up, even if you feel bad in the moment. You need to keep fighting every day. With consistent effort and application of the right tools, your situation will turn around and stabilize.

Also, why do people call you a kike or traitor? Was it because you posted about what you think Satan told you? He would never tell you to kidnap and kill someone, which is why some people maybe got offended and thought you were trying to blaspheme him.
We are not alone in Satanism, Ever.

There can't be a soul so advanced as ours that can feel lonely. At times you hurt, but you are not lonely, you have Satan and the Gods. Frankly, sometimes I am so fully circled by people, dead, or Hell, that I'd KILL to have some moments of peace hahaha

But no, if you are here and reading this, trust me, you ain't alone. You are Loved. Trully LOVED. How many Xians or Mudslims can say that and mean it? well... I'd say 0 but it's bellow 0, these trash are a waste of space with no reason of existance. So, whoever you are and reading this, I know this is retarted like the youtube videos, like *oh you are an amazing person, no need to feel alone* , but yeah, there isn't one. Don't worry... You' ll feel strong soon!

nema said:
Can i share my experience? It's just an "outburst" so feel free to skip it or ignore it. I've been a Satanist for 6 years now, the one and only time Satan blessed me with his time was like 4 years ago, just to tell me to kidnap and eventually kill a girl who lives in my town. I think he was him simply because i actually liked the idea, guess i am just a full blown psychopath. Girl's still fine, tho :) since i did the Dedication Ritual i slowly lost any sense of moral value, but i guess they weren't there in the first place, it just open my eyes about it. Oh, since the only time i wrote here i have been told a kike, a troll and a traitor (only for writing the truth, or at least my truth), i can assure you i have done lot of Rtrs, maybe not as much as you but still hundreds of them, and i keep doing them daily,so at least i'm a useful kike, right? Awakening lead me to a PTSD that's been going on for years, and doesn't seem to get better, plus i have been severely depressed for almost my whole life. Right now, i would really like to kill myself and never come back, not in this world, nor in another. I am pretty open minded, still i never believed life could get THIS bad. I don't know, if i'm not alone everybody is surely hidden pretty fucking well. Sorry for my outburst, maybe i'm not supposed to write about those things, but sadly "those things" is ALL i've got left. My family hates me, i don't have any friend and i dont really want any, so... i guess you are the only people who i can "trust", right? Peace everybody... or War, you know what i mean ;)

The way you write at the end you're presupposing some kind of more intricate relationship with the people on the forum than there really is.

The Gods exist, and anything telling you to do strange things like kidnapping girls isn't of them as time and reality can attest. Satan as a being doesn't gain anything out of you killing some girl and it's just a shitty trite thing anyway and probably more your own mental crap; and if not that then the enemy thoughtforms putting it in your head. Look at Ghost in The Machines posts about persevering and dealing with hang ups.

I have a feeling about you, but also another of disdain. I mean I've slacked in meditations, but also studied hard in other things relevant to Satan while in said rut. If you want to be friends with people here, share things of value and individual merit. You don't just do this and expect people to accept you out of pity.
nema said:
Can i share my experience? It's just an "outburst" so feel free to skip it or ignore it. I've been a Satanist for 6 years now, the one and only time Satan blessed me with his time was like 4 years ago, just to tell me to kidnap and eventually kill a girl who lives in my town. I think he was him simply because i actually liked the idea, guess i am just a full blown psychopath. Girl's still fine, tho :) since i did the Dedication Ritual i slowly lost any sense of moral value, but i guess they weren't there in the first place, it just open my eyes about it. Oh, since the only time i wrote here i have been told a kike, a troll and a traitor (only for writing the truth, or at least my truth), i can assure you i have done lot of Rtrs, maybe not as much as you but still hundreds of them, and i keep doing them daily,so at least i'm a useful kike, right? Awakening lead me to a PTSD that's been going on for years, and doesn't seem to get better, plus i have been severely depressed for almost my whole life. Right now, i would really like to kill myself and never come back, not in this world, nor in another. I am pretty open minded, still i never believed life could get THIS bad. I don't know, if i'm not alone everybody is surely hidden pretty fucking well. Sorry for my outburst, maybe i'm not supposed to write about those things, but sadly "those things" is ALL i've got left. My family hates me, i don't have any friend and i dont really want any, so... i guess you are the only people who i can "trust", right? Peace everybody... or War, you know what i mean ;)
Dear readers. This is how untreated mental issues and delusions look like.

Satan does not "bless" with such ill intentions. You have a lot of karmic dross on your soul that need to be worked on. We have all the needed tools available on JoS meditation page. Now the question is, will you actually do something about yourself, or are you going to succumb to nothingness..?
My only real friend was the person who told me about the JoS website. I hope he's still out there. Haven't talked to him in a while.
Thanks Jack, I've been feeling very lonely lately, mostly due to high expectations from "normal" people, and then get disappointed when they obviously can't even meet half the expectations, and it's taking a toll in my mood, even bringing back depressive feelings I thought I had conquered... Thanks for putting things into perspective, I needed this.
Guess I should come to the forums more often and interact with you guys.
I know loneliness is a state of mind, but ultimately you need human interaction, physical touch, its been almost 10 years since the last time I was able to really connect with anyone....not having a partner or friends whatsoever, was really depressing for me. These days I have people I trust to some degree, and we talk about anything really that has to do with improving (otherwise I wouldn't be around them anyway) , but when the subject is religion, I always lie, because I know better this time. When the name Satan is spoken, people will either mock me, or fear me, or whatever... Even if I explain, so I'm done explaining... I just lie. Which is something I truly hate doing. So, to find a wife, is extremely hard to have that level of intimacy, I need to be my truly self, there's no other way around. Unless I want some fake relationship, which I do not.
Aldrick said:
If it's not someone involved with life on the level that i am, what's the point? Cuz a christian or something is going to stay with you, when you chant hours a day, the hebrew alphabet is dead!

I mean come the fuck on. Everything about this life is a joke. I either want shit to come the fuck on, or to be dead.

I feel u bro I’m on the exact same position, it is inevitable once you begin to see how society is composed and built up to create degenerates, lazy fucks and communists

I have contact with a lot of people in my daily life but deep inside I don’t want to be around anybody. I enjoy being alone not surrounded by brainwashed npcs

I can sense all the fakeness in the air, I can sense the collapse is inevitable (in my country)

Everything and everyone is on that drug, instagram and materialistic shit ass social game

In the past 5 years I have met only ONE person who has drawn my attention, a girl which I had and then I lost because of self stupidity. I still miss her like no other, she taught me that even a rock like me could have feelings but even then, it was too long ago

It is true one advances and literally “rises” above others. There’s no point for me to go to gatherings and now clandestine parties. I go and most of the time I feel disgusted

I enjoy and feel fulfilled after a tough training session, after a long day at work or whatever makes me feel at peace with myself and distant from npcs

My life is pretty good and if I wasn’t a satanist I would want to live like this forever, but I can’t stand the world that surrounds me. I mean, I want to fight, I want to crush the motherfuckers who did this to every gentile. I don’t care if shit gets real tomorrow as long as this fake ass system gets the reboot that it needs
It's lonely, but I tell myself I'm of Satan and the gods on his side. What a wonderful thing THIS reality is.
V12-POWER said:
Aldrick said:
If it's not someone involved with life on the level that i am, what's the point? Cuz a christian or something is going to stay with you, when you chant hours a day, the hebrew alphabet is dead!

I mean come the fuck on. Everything about this life is a joke. I either want shit to come the fuck on, or to be dead.

I feel u bro I’m on the exact same position, it is inevitable once you begin to see how society is composed and built up to create degenerates, lazy fucks and communists

I have contact with a lot of people in my daily life but deep inside I don’t want to be around anybody. I enjoy being alone not surrounded by brainwashed npcs

I can sense all the fakeness in the air, I can sense the collapse is inevitable (in my country)

Everything and everyone is on that drug, instagram and materialistic shit ass social game

In the past 5 years I have met only ONE person who has drawn my attention, a girl which I had and then I lost because of self stupidity. I still miss her like no other, she taught me that even a rock like me could have feelings but even then, it was too long ago

It is true one advances and literally “rises” above others. There’s no point for me to go to gatherings and now clandestine parties. I go and most of the time I feel disgusted

I enjoy and feel fulfilled after a tough training session, after a long day at work or whatever makes me feel at peace with myself and distant from npcs

My life is pretty good and if I wasn’t a satanist I would want to live like this forever, but I can’t stand the world that surrounds me. I mean, I want to fight, I want to crush the motherfuckers who did this to every gentile. I don’t care if shit gets real tomorrow as long as this fake ass system gets the reboot that it needs

Same! The age of Satan Dawns before us!
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
The only true place i feel at ease at being myself is at this forum because i have like-minded and intelligent people to converse with, about things that are actually important. In real life, i can easily converse with and influence almost anyone within reasonable doubt, however in that ordeal i have to act a certain way and portray a character in order to relate to the common people, which i feel i shouldn't have to do. But to function and exist in society i have to have a certain amount of leeway to be able to atleast converse with the common people.

Definitely agree. I would go insane without a place like this to express myself and speak with others. Though recently I am finding it harder to portray myself as a “normie”.

I have no interest in talking about Goy shit like celebrities, football games, gossip, etc.

Today a guy was talking about this very thing , something about a football team, then when he finished talking he laughed, and I did too because I didn’t want to be rude. But I could tell that he could tell I didn’t give AF.

I hate fake people so I hate being fake myself. I just can’t be bothered to keep the mask up any longer. It’s not autism or social anxiety, I just cannot talk to these people or relate to them at all so 99% of the time in a social setting I absolutely keep my mouth shut and observe what others are saying, only when I was with a group of friends would I be loud and funny, which I do enjoy. But my friends have been long gone and it’s really my fault, but whatever I’m not salty about it. I had already adapted to being a lone wolf before Satanism.

I always knew I'm not sick the way my doctor described me.
What is wrong in feeling superior than most people? Nothing. Because we are not standard people at all.
Then add it I like to be lonely, and here comes the jew doctor with a bunch of pills.
Invictus2 said:
Thanks Jack, I've been feeling very lonely lately, mostly due to high expectations from "normal" people, and then get disappointed when they obviously can't even meet half the expectations, and it's taking a toll in my mood, even bringing back depressive feelings I thought I had conquered... Thanks for putting things into perspective, I needed this.
Guess I should come to the forums more often and interact with you guys.
I know loneliness is a state of mind, but ultimately you need human interaction, physical touch, its been almost 10 years since the last time I was able to really connect with anyone....not having a partner or friends whatsoever, was really depressing for me. These days I have people I trust to some degree, and we talk about anything really that has to do with improving (otherwise I wouldn't be around them anyway) , but when the subject is religion, I always lie, because I know better this time. When the name Satan is spoken, people will either mock me, or fear me, or whatever... Even if I explain, so I'm done explaining... I just lie. Which is something I truly hate doing. So, to find a wife, is extremely hard to have that level of intimacy, I need to be my truly self, there's no other way around. Unless I want some fake relationship, which I do not.

Its like you speaking out of my hart too hehe,but i still tell people why Satan is the real Creator,i have been in many fights about that with my family,i have even been sent to rehab two times and been physically assaulted but when i look back on how it was then and now,i can see i big difference.. They know im a Satanist and they just accept it and do nothing to me.. When i do something wrong yes they are quick to say you devil child hahaha but on the long term i surely have won.
Satanic Path said:
I always knew I'm not sick the way my doctor described me.
What is wrong in feeling superior than most people? Nothing. Because we are not standard people at all.
Then add it I like to be lonely, and here comes the jew doctor with a bunch of pills.

I wouldn’t even call it superiority. It’s just that the average person so LOW that someone like me who isn’t that advanced is elevated up to a higher status by default.

I’m not Jewish so when I see all of these frankly STUPID people who believe these enemy narratives and live bad lifestyles I don’t feel happy knowing that I’m better. I have pity for these people and wish they could be sitting at the table with us being aware of reality.

Most people hate themselves and their lives and they can’t even tell you exactly why so they start projecting. This is where ideas like socialism or antinatalism come from.
Satanic Path said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
The only true place i feel at ease at being myself is at this forum because i have like-minded and intelligent people to converse with, about things that are actually important. In real life, i can easily converse with and influence almost anyone within reasonable doubt, however in that ordeal i have to act a certain way and portray a character in order to relate to the common people, which i feel i shouldn't have to do. But to function and exist in society i have to have a certain amount of leeway to be able to atleast converse with the common people.

Definitely agree. I would go insane without a place like this to express myself and speak with others. Though recently I am finding it harder to portray myself as a “normie”.

I have no interest in talking about Goy shit like celebrities, football games, gossip, etc.

Today a guy was talking about this very thing , something about a football team, then when he finished talking he laughed, and I did too because I didn’t want to be rude. But I could tell that he could tell I didn’t give AF.

I hate fake people so I hate being fake myself. I just can’t be bothered to keep the mask up any longer. It’s not autism or social anxiety, I just cannot talk to these people or relate to them at all so 99% of the time in a social setting I absolutely keep my mouth shut and observe what others are saying, only when I was with a group of friends would I be loud and funny, which I do enjoy. But my friends have been long gone and it’s really my fault, but whatever I’m not salty about it. I had already adapted to being a lone wolf before Satanism.

I always knew I'm not sick the way my doctor described me.
What is wrong in feeling superior than most people? Nothing. Because we are not standard people at all.
Then add it I like to be lonely, and here comes the jew doctor with a bunch of pills.

That makes more than two of us, it's the qi/willpower we posses and also the fact that we are very sensitive as humen beings. I m really putting a lot of effort in void meditation and alternate nostril, which cleans the soul from the weird symptoms of manic/depressive (but then again, feeling superior is not a syptmom, but ok, I am pretty sure you know what I mean by symptoms). Our only problem, us who take pills, is that this like you said jewish doctor exists. We would be mantis/shamans or whatnot in the golden age, and also in the one to come. I am pretty darn positive half of the people here would be diagnosed with bipolar by this Sigmudian way of "Psychiatry"

We are winning though.

I started again for a 5th time a healing working (Thaurisas, Ansus,Wunjo). I can't really stop the pills cause I/we are addicted (but no worries, sooner than later the gods will heal us intuitively). I think always that Thoth is by my side... You should do the same!
The more I started to guide myself towards knowledge and wisdom, the more I started distancing myself from people in life. The feeling that I have when I am alone is much more relaxing for my soul, because my mind is able to focus on things that truly matter in life. Among your everyday ignoramuses, it is hard to remain in control when you look at their low awareness and concern for meaningless things in life. Before I became drawn to JOYS I felt lot of anger directed at the problems in life that people do not care about much. My period of loneliness has been made relaxing thanks to the fact that I know that the presence of Satan and demons is around me. I am not the typical person of my generation who will just hangs around social networks posting millions of pictures or sharing the trash that is promoted by the Jews.
Wisdom_Seeker said:
I am not the typical person of my generation who will just hangs around social networks posting millions of pictures or sharing the trash that is promoted by the Jews.
You'll fit in here just fine then! :D

I think it can be said about us that we are spiritual pioneers. Building a better future one day at a time. As far as I know there is no other group that counters the jewish menace like we do. With the use of powers of the mind. Lot of (((satanists))) out there have a very warped idea about Satan, and tie into jewish trash. Imagine 5% Satan, and 95% reptilian trash. People are drawn into it like flies. And we are the "hateful group"... What a joke.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
